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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moving Children Toward a Better Life: Hispanic Mothers' Vision for Leisure Activity

Anderson, Sue A. January 2011 (has links)
Background: Childhood obesity is epidemic, and Hispanic children bear a particularly high health burden because of it. Evidence suggests that obesity prevention is a better option than intervention. Because schools have decreased the amount of time spent in physical education classes, leisure time has become the time to engage in physical activity, which may prevent obesity. Social ecology theory posits that a person’s interaction with the environment has a strong influence on health promoting behavior. Further, this theory suggests that cultural values also play a role. The extant literature points to the sedentary nature of Hispanic children. However, it does not provide a description of the activities that children engage in during their leisure time, or how they are influenced by their family, culture, and community’s environment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe and provide an understanding of how leisure time is viewed by Hispanic families, and how family and culture influences Hispanic children’s participation in leisure time activity. Two broad research questions were addressed: 1) How do Hispanic families describe leisure time activities? and 2) How do culture, family and the community environment influence a Hispanic child’s participation in leisure time activities? Methods: This ethnographic study incorporated photographs taken by English-speaking Hispanic mothers of children between 6 and 10 years old (n=10) as they engaged in leisure activities for one week. The participants engaged in photo-elicited interviews, describing the children’s activities and performed initial data analysis by sorting the photos in the categories of activities. Findings: Girls were more sedentary, engaging in intellectually stimulating and creative play activities inside, with family members or alone. Boys were more active, engaging in unstructured play activities outside with family members or friends. The children engaged in these activities to promote their health, prepare for their adult lives, and for fun. Cultural tensions experienced by the children’s parents had a profound influence on their leisure time choices and decisions. Activities were used to prepare the children for a better life, and to teach them to balance work and fun. Ultimately, the participants wanted their children to live a balanced life; one that is happy, healthy, and successful. Relevance: The children engaged in purposefully planned leisure activities aimed to ensure their health, happiness, and success in the U.S. The participants acknowledged that to achieve a better life, the children must become expert multicultural navigators. While many of the activities were sedentary, they had important implications for the children’s future. Health care providers must consider how patients view leisure time, and enlist their ideas in order to make children’s activities more physically active.

The Repression-Sensitization Dimension and Leisure Preferences

Wilcox, Gary A. (Gary Alden) 05 1900 (has links)
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of the repression-sensitization dimension and leisure preferences, specifically threatening versus nonthreatening physical activity and television program preferences. The hypotheses were that sensitizers would prefer threatening (violent) television programs and threatening (competitive) physical activities to a significantly greater degree than repressors. Sixty college undergraduates were designated repressors, sensitizers, or middle group by their scores on Byrne's Repression-Sensitization Scale. Preference sheets determined subjects' preferences for threatening and nonthreatening television programs and physical activities. Simple analyses of variance revealed no significant differences in repressors', sensitizers', or middle group's preferences for threatening television programs or physical activities, and thus the hypotheses were rejected. Non-significant tendencies in the data, in hypothesized directions, suggest further research.

The Development of a Leisure Knowledge Test

Forsyth, Patty S. (Patty Sue) 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to develop an instrument to measure knowledge of leisure opportunities, and determine the reliability of the instrument. Subjects included 292 orthopedically impaired, nine to fourteen year old children. A multiple-choice format is used. The content is based on four domains. These are entertainment, games, sports, and arts and crafts. The domains are subcategorized into who, where, what, when, and cost of activities. The Kuder-Richardson formula 20 showed a reliability coefficient of .81. The Pearson, point biserial correlation was used to determine item-test correlations. Correlations below .20 were revised. Items with a difficulty level of 70 percent and above were also revised. The results indicated that the instrument had been successfully developed.

Methods and Procedures in Determining a Recreation Program for the City of Denton, Texas

Bales, Marguerite 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent the existing Recreation Program of Denton, Texas provides for the leisure time needs of the citizens of Denton. After the existing program was surveyed, the results were compared with the standards set up by the National Recreation Association for a city the size of Denton. From a comparison of the present program and the standards, an effort was made to formulate a program that would meet the leisure time needs of the citizenship of Denton.

A Study of the Participation and Interests in Leisure Time Activities of the Women of Dallas, Texas

Wade, Irma E. 07 1900 (has links)
"It is the purpose of this investigation to discover and report how the women of Dallas, Texas, spend their time when not engaged in their daily occupation. ... it attempts to disclose the trend of interest of various groups according to age, salary, and occupation; the influence of previous training; the reasons for non-participation in the activities in which they desire to take part. It is a further purpose to formulate various plans which are to evaluate academically or non-academically the activities that should be included in the program for the modern girl in the secondary school."-- leaf 1.

A Survey of the Activities of the High School Students and Adults in the Community Bounded by the School District of Springtown, Texas, to Determine the Economic, Physical, Religious, and Social Standards of the Community

Zeretzke, Albert 08 1900 (has links)
"...This interest developed into a four-fold problem: (1) to discover and report the history of the Springtown Independent School District, (2) to show the growth of this school district (3) to discover and report the activities in which the adults and high school students of this community participate and those in which they would like to take part; and (4) to determine the religious, social, and economic standards of the community."

Využití projektu v práci s mentálně handicapovanými dospělými / Use of a project in the work with mentally handicapped adults

Donevová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: This thesis deals with the possibilities of using the project to work with adults with learning and mental handicap. In the theoretical part of the work the basic concepts related to mental disability is characterized. Furthermore, it comprises the conditions and possibilities of contemporary care for adults with mental disabilities. The practical part describes the preparation, implementation and evaluation of a specific project of leisure activities for clients of SPMP Modrý klíč School (Blue Key School) named "history windows open".

Atividade física de lazer nos parques urbanos públicos na cidade de São Paulo / Physical leisure activity in public urban parks in the city of São Paulo

Rodrigues, Rosangela Martins de Araujo 04 April 2019 (has links)
O presente estudo, de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo identificar os fatores motivacionais de adultos para a aderência à prática de atividade física no tempo de lazer em parques urbanos públicos da cidade de São Paulo. Pesquisas acadêmicas e movimentos sociais apresentam a relevância que os parques públicos urbanos têm para que as pessoas usufruam do seu direito à cidade. Estes espaços são cenários para ações e práticas voluntárias de atividade física, bem como para outras práticas de lazer que contribuem para a qualidade de vida da população. É ponto de concordância entre os autores que tratam da gestão do lazer que, conhecer o perfil de público e criar estratégias de aproximação com a população num processo participativo, é primeira condição para o planejamento efetivo e competente de estruturas e espaços de lazer na cidade, especialmente na política pública. Desta forma, este estudo se justificou por sistematizar e fundamentar uma prática de lazer que tem impactos significativos na oferta de atividades físicas à população no âmbito público. Também é relevante por contribuir com a tomada de decisão dos diversos agentes públicos e atores sociais na formulação de políticas públicas e projetos, principalmente para as áreas da saúde, educação, esportes, lazer e cultura. A pesquisa teve finalidade exploratória, com pesquisa bibliográfica onde foram investigadas produções acerca do lazer, da atividade física e dos parques urbanos, bem como temas correlatos, para melhor elucidar o diálogo entre estas áreas. O enfoque documental teve como objeto a documentação oficial da gestão pública, especificamente a legislação da Secretaria do Verde e do Meio do Ambiente SVMA, sua estrutura gestora, com atenção aos parques públicos urbanos e aos projetos intersetoriais. A pesquisa de campo compreendeu entrevista não estruturada com Gestores/administradores de quatro parques públicos, sendo um parque urbano em cada macrorregião da cidade de São Paulo definidas pela SVMA, com principal enfoque na gestão participativa da animação sociocultural. Incluiu também a aplicação de questionários, acerca das motivações para a prática de atividades físicas e de lazer aos frequentadores dos parques públicos urbanos e a observação participante nos mesmos equipamentos. Desta forma, produziu parâmetros conceituais que orientam o planejamento de atividades físicas e de promoção do lazer nos parques públicos por meio da animação sociocultural. A gestão participativa dos Conselhos Gestores foi considerada importante estratégia para o desenvolvimento de programação permanente, coerente com o perfil, com os valores e com as expectativas da população. Tanto os parâmetros conceituais quanto a gestão participativa foram considerados prerrogativas para a efetividade de projetos e políticas públicas para a consolidação do direito ao lazer, representado principalmente pelo uso público de parques urbanos da cidade de São Paulo / The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify adult motivational factors for adhesion to physical activity during leisure time in public urban parks in the city of São Paulo. Academic researches and social movements present the relevance that urban public parks have for people on the enjoyment their city rights. These spaces are scenarios for actions and voluntary practices of physical activity, as well as for other leisure practices that contribute to population life quality. It is a point of agreement among the authors who deal with leisure management, that knowing the profile of the public and creating strategies of approximation with the community in a participatory process, is the first condition for effective and competent planning of structures and leisure areas in the city, especially in public policy. Thus, this study was justified by systematizing and substantiating a leisure practice that has significant impacts on the offer of physical activities to the population in the public sphere. It is also relevant because it contributes to the decision-making of several public agents and social actors on the formulation of public policies and projects, especially in the areas of health, education, sports, leisure and culture. The research had an exploratory purpose, with a bibliographical survey in which were investigated productions concerning leisure, physical activity and urban parks, as well as related themes, to better elucidate the dialogue between these areas. The documentary focus had as its aim the official documentation of public management, specifically the legislation of the Secretaria do Verde e do Meio Ambiente (SVMA), its management structure, with attention to urban public parks and intersectoral projects. The field research consisted of an unstructured interview with managers / administrators of four public parks, being one urban park in each macro-region of the city of São Paulo defined by SVMA, with a main focus on participatory management of socio-cultural animation. It also included the application of questionnaires, about the motivations for the practice of physical and leisure activities to the public of the urban public parks and the participant observation in the same equipments. In this way, it produced conceptual parameters that guide the planning of physical activities and the promotion of leisure in public parks through socio-cultural animation. The participative management of the Conselhos Gestores was considered an important strategy for the development of permanent programming, consistent with the profile, values and expectations of the population. Both, conceptual parameters and participatory management were considered prerogatives for the effectiveness of projects and public policies for the consolidation of the right of leisure, mainly represented by the public use of urban parks in the city of São Paulo

O Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC) e a promoção do lazer: um estudo de caso no Centro Esportivo do Jardim Lavínia no município de São Bernardo do Campo / The City Sports and Leisure Program (PELC) and the promotion of leisure: a case study at the Jardim Lavinia Sports Center in the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo

Secco, Evandro Brandão 08 April 2019 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo geral analisar o desenvolvimento de uma política pública de lazer e esporte recreativo de abrangência nacional, o Programa Esporte e Lazer da Cidade (PELC), promovido pelo então Ministério do Esporte, atual Secretaria Especial do Esporte, em parceria com o município de São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, no Centro Esportivo do Jardim Lavínia. Tal pesquisa se justificou mediante a necessidade de se estudar e compreender o desenvolvimento dessa política pública enquanto e sua relação com a promoção do lazer e do esporte recreativo enquanto direitos sociais. A escolha do espaço se deu pelo fato do mesmo ter recebido três edições do programa, inclusive com a realização de uma dessas edições, acontecendo concomitantemente ao desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Os objetivos específicos da pesquisa compreenderam a análise das diretrizes e princípios do programa, relacionando-os com a execução das atividades em um núcleo de atividades previamente escolhido. Buscou, ainda, verificar a aplicabilidade desses princípios e diretrizes, assim como, identificar possíveis impactos promovidos pelas ações do programa na percepção dos beneficiários e gestores envolvidos com a sua execução. Em relação à metodologia, foi um estudo qualitativo, realizado mediante a combinação das pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e empírica. Com o propósito de investigar os princípios e o desenvolvimento do PELC, realizei uma pesquisa documental sobre os documentos que fundamentam o programa, assim como o levantamento bibliográfico dos estudos relacionados ao campo do lazer e das políticas públicas. Em relação à pesquisa de campo, optei pelo estudo de caso, utilizando a observação participante como instrumento principal de coleta de informações, devidamente complementadas por entrevistas centradas com os gestores do programa e semiestruturadas com os beneficiados. Entre os principais resultados que podem ser apontados na pesquisa de campo são que muitos dos princípios e diretrizes previstos nos documentos que fundamentam o programa se efetivam na prática junto à comunidade. Depoimentos dos beneficiados salientam que eles percebem as diferenças do PELC em relação a outros programas e iniciativas semelhantes, assim como associam a frequência nas oficinas e eventos promovidos pelo programa a momentos de prazer e satisfação pessoal. Também observei a prevalência dos interesses físico-desportivos do lazer na estruturação e oferta das oficinas, no entanto, bem como o atendimento aos princípios da valorização da cultura corporal local, intergeracionalidade, autonomia e gestão participativa nas ações do programa. Percebi, ainda, o alinhamento dos gestores e agentes sociais com os objetivos e diretrizes do programa, assim como uma boa relação entre o PELC e os demais projetos promovidos no equipamento esportivo. Entretanto, ainda existe possibilidade de ampliação dos conteúdos do lazer a serem desenvolvidos, além da apropriação do espaço pela comunidade nos finais de semana e a possibilidade da oferta de oficinas e eventos que contemplem a faixa etária de crianças e adolescentes / The objective of this study was to analyze the development of a public policy of leisure and recreational sports of national scope, the City Sports and Leisure Program (PELC), promoted by the then Ministry of Sports, the current Special Secretariat of Sport, in partnership with the municipality of São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, at the Lavinia Garden Sports Center. Such research was justified by the need to study and understand the development of this public policy while and its relation to the promotion of leisure and recreational sports as social rights. The field for space was due to the fact that it received three editions of the program, including the accomplishment of one of these editions, concomitantly to the development of this research. The specific objectives of the research included the analysis of program guidelines and principles, relating them to the execution of activities in a previously chosen core of activities. It also sought to verify the applicability of these principles and guidelines, as well as to identify possible impacts promoted by the actions of the program in the perception of the beneficiaries and managers involved in its execution. Regarding methodology, it was a qualitative study, carried out through a combination of bibliographical, documentary and empirical research. With the purpose of investigating the principles and the development of the PELC, I carried out a documentary research on the documents that underlie the program, as well as the bibliographical survey of the studies related to the field of leisure and public policies. In relation to the field research, I chose the case study, using participant observation as the main instrument of information collection, duly complemented by interviews focused with the program managers and semi-structured with the beneficiaries. Among the main results that can be pointed out in the field research are that many of the principles and guidelines provided in the documents that underlie the program are effective in practice with the community. Testimonials from the beneficiaries point out that they perceive the differences of the PELC in relation to other similar programs and initiatives, as well as associate the frequency in the workshops and events promoted by the program to moments of pleasure and personal satisfaction. I also observed the prevalence of physical and sporting interests of leisure in the structuring and supply of workshops, however, as well as compliance with the principles of valorization of local body culture, intergenerationality, autonomy and participatory management in the actions of the program. I also saw the alignment of managers and social agents with the objectives and guidelines of the program, as well as a good relationship between the PELC and other projects promoted in sports equipment. However, there is still scope for expanding the content of leisure to be developed, as well as the appropriation of space by the community on weekends and the possibility of offering workshops and events that contemplate the age range of children and adolescents

Mulheres Chicano em festa: análise das relações socioculturais de lazer na Festa do Pau na Colônia Chicano em Santa Bárbara do Pará / Chicano Women in Celebration: analysis of the socio-cultural relations of leisure in the Feast of Pau Chicano Colony, in Santa Bárbara do Pará

Ferreira Junior, Jose Ribamar Carvalho 12 February 2019 (has links)
As festividades são muito mais do que encontros para divertimento e distração da rotina. Elas constituem uma forma de atuação social que possibilita o encontro de indivíduos, bem como a formação de grupos sociais, fortalecendo, direta e indiretamente, a identidade e a cultura daqueles que participam delas e da comunidade que as acolhe. Dentro da área de estudos do Turismo, o lazer representa um campo de investigação que abrange muito mais do que o senso comum denomina como tempo livre, descanso e/ou divertimento. O lazer, nessa perspectiva, faz parte do desenvolvimento pessoal e social, podendo até ser considerado uma reivindicação da cidadania de um povo. Desse modo, as festividades, entendidas a partir desse campo de estudo, podem ser examinadas como um espaço-tempo de interação social, em que laços culturais são (re)criados, bem como transformados. Por isso, o Turismo, concebido como prática social e não como ação apenas mercadológica, pode contribuir para entender as festividades em suas potencialidades socioculturais. Partindo desses pressupostos, este estudo teve, como objetivo, investigar a relação do lazer e do turismo na Festividade de São Raimundo Nonato, conhecida popularmente como Festa do Pau, realizada no segundo final de semana de setembro de todos anos desde 1952, na Colônia Chicano, situada na região metropolitana de Belém do Pará, dentro do município de Santa Bárbara. Essa festividade foi escolhida dadas as suas particularidades socioculturais, como: (a) ela é realizada prioritariamente por mulheres residentes da Colônia Chicano, mas aceita a participação de mulheres externas a essa comunidade; (b) tem caráter religioso (em prol de uma promessa cristã), mas utiliza instrumentos profanos para a sua execução (elementos fálicos; bebidas alcóolicas; músicas populares; dentre outros); (c) é tradicional, isto é, os costumes do festejo são passados de mãe para filha, mas todo ano tem variações em execução. Como se nota, é uma festividade que rompe com paradigmas patriarcais ao colocar o gênero feminino à frente em sua realização, bem como prevê a comunhão entre elementos do sagrado e do profano, entendidos estes como ações e instrumentos mundanos e aqueles como atos e símbolos religiosos. Essas características são observadas pelo viés teórico do Lazer e do Turismo neste estudo a partir das pesquisas de diferentes autores relacionados às duas áreas. Para tanto, partiu-se de uma metodologia que utilizou o método qualitativo, com a combinação da pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e empírica. O método utilizado foi o estudo de caso, e as principais técnicas a utilizadas foram a observação participante e a análise de conteúdo, a partir da coleta de dados in loco, entrevistas e relatos. Os principais resultados que podem ser apontados em relação à Festividade de São Raimundo Nonato são que se trata de um evento comunitário que reúne diversos nichos sociais, transformando as relações entre os indivíduos para além e aquém do mero divertimento, sendo, inclusive, um tipo de afirmação social, em especial do público feminino. Isso também permite visualizar que o lazer pode ser um indutor da cidadania que não se restringe ao poder público, nem precisa necessariamente dele para se consolidar / Festivities are more than just fun and distracting encounters. They constitute a form of social action that enables the encounter of individuals, as well as the formation of social groups, directly and indirectly strengthening the identity and culture of those who participate in them and the community that welcomes them. Within the area of tourism studies, leisure represents a field of research that encompasses much more than what common sense calls free time, rest and/or fun. Leisure, in this perspective, is part of personal and social development, and may even be considered a claim of citizenship of a people. In this way, festivals, understood from this field of study, can be examined as a space-time of social interaction, in which cultural bonds are (re)created as well as transformed. For this reason, tourism, conceived as social practice and not as market-only action, can contribute to understand the festivities in their socio-cultural potentialities. Based on these assumptions, this study aims to investigate the relationship between leisure and tourism in the Festival of São Raimundo Nonato, popularly known as \"Stick Party, held in the second weekend of September of all years since 1952, in Chicano Colony, located in the metropolitan area of Belém do Pará, within the municipality of Santa Bárbara. This festivity was chosen due to its socio-cultural particularities as: (a) it is carried out primarily by women residents of the Chicano Colony, but accepts the participation of women external to this community; (b) it has a religious character (in favor of a Christian promise), but uses profane instruments for its execution (phallic elements, alcoholic drinks, popular music, among others); (c) is traditional, that is, the customs of the celebration are passed from mother to daughter, but every year there are variations running. As we can see, it is a festivity that breaks with the patriarch\'s paradigms by placing the feminine gender ahead in its realization, as well as foresees the communion between elements of the sacred and the profane, understood as mundane actions and instruments and those, as acts and symbols religious. These characteristics are observed by the theoretical bias of Leisure and Tourism in this study from the researches of different authors related to the two areas. For this, it is based on a methodology that uses the qualitative method, with the combination of bibliographical, documentary and empirical research. The method used will be a case study and the main techniques to be used are participant observation and data collection in loco, through photographs, interviews and reports. The research has relevance in the area of leisure and tourism because the Festival of São Raimundo Nonato is an event that brings together various social niches, transforming relations between individuals beyond, mere fun, and is even a kind of social affirmation, in particular the female audience. This also exposes that leisure can be an inducer of citizenship that is not restricted to the Public Power, nor does it necessarily need to consolidate it

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