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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the Conceptualization of Government Publications on the World Wide Web: A Genre Theory Inspired Conceptual Framework

Lin, Chi-Shiou January 2006 (has links)
This is a submission to the "Interrogating the social realities of information and communications systems pre-conference workshop, ASIST AM 2006.

A plan for the establishment of a national bibliographic network for Kuwait in the light of international and local standards

Al-humood, Nahla January 1998 (has links)
This research was carried out in order to gather information on the current situation and practices of libraries in Kuwait so as to investigate the possibly of designing a model for establishment of a national bibliographic network in the State of Kuwait. As context for the research, background is provided on national bibliographic networks in developed countries and in the Arab World, together with consideration of the role of a national library in such a network. In order to gather data, three questionnaire surveys (for library administrators, cataloguers and automation specialists) were distributed to all types of libraries in Kuwait. Information was sought on the composition and training of staff, the nature and extent of library resources and databases, the degree of automation of systems and services, and the nature of co-operation and resource sharing. Opinions were also sought on the feasibility of establishing centralised cataloguing and the implementation of a national bibliographic network. Follow-up interviews were also carried out, and professionals in both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were consulted for advice on practical solutions and recommendations for an effective national bibliographic network. The findings of the questionnaire surveys indicated some deficiencies that Kuwait libraries face: the absence of a leadership role by the national library; lack of a deposit law for national publications that would ensure a collection that would provide central focal point for a national information infrastructure; coverage by the national bibliography is neither comprehensive nor adequate; there are no formal systems of co-operation for resource sharing; implementation of standards for bibliographic services has been ineffective; many libraries still lack automated systems; lack of professional staff was noted by all sectors. Nevertheless, respondents were positive in their concern for needing strong leadership, adequate financial support for the national library, and expressed a desire for co-operation, which was felt to be possible even under the current circumstances. Based on the findings of the survey and experience described in the literature, it is concluded that a national library is the most appropriate body to develop and maintain the bibliographic databases that would be the centre of national bibliographic network. A model for such a network is presented, discussing the links to different libraries in the country and the duties and responsibilities of the national and other libraries in attaining successful functioning of the network. Recommendations are made for the functioning of the proposed national bibliographic network.
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A descriptive study of staff perceptions relating to system and process ownership at an academic library in South Africa

Venter, Louw January 2014 (has links)
Psychological ownership is the state in which a person feels that the target of ownership – whether material or immaterial – is theirs (Pierce et al. 2001, p.299). In the workplace, having staff take psychological ownership of their work is desirable as they are more likely to work towards a successful outcome if they feel accountable as the owners of their work. At the North-West University (NWU) library most staff work on the library system which is adaptable to workflows and offers staff a range of customisation options; a distinction was therefore made in this study between taking ownership of the system on which staff work, and taking ownership of the work they do (the processes). The aim of this study was therefore to test whether staff perceive themselves to be the owners of not only their processes, but also of the system on which they do their work. The study population was 28 library staff members working on the library system at the Potchefstroom campus of the NWU. A questionnaire consisting of the standardised Psychological Ownership Questionnaire (Avey et al. 2007) along with questions which focus on system and process ownership which was developed for this study was administered to participants and responses were captured using Google Forms. Data analysis was done by the Statistical Consultation Services of the NWU. The following constructs were discussed based on the data analysis: preventative and promotive ownership, system and process ownership, the Information Systems (IS) section of the NWU library and their perceived role in system ownership, and the technical behaviour of staff. It was found that library staff take more promotive than preventative ownership measures in their respective departments, and that they perceive themselves to be both system and process owners. System ownership is not perceived to be the sole responsibility of the IS section, but is rather perceived to be shared between that section and the library staff. Generally, library staff report exhibiting positive technical behaviour, and rate their technical abilities above average which was found to have a positive relationship with their perceived system ownership. / Mini Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Information Science / MIT / Unrestricted
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Un ILS open source per l'automazione delle biblioteche: l'ipotesi Koha a Ca' Foscari

Giulio, Bonanome 08 March 2010 (has links)
The first part of the work is focused on the history and last trend on library automation and integrated library systems, with specific attention on the italian context. The second part evaluates some possible use of open source software in library and open source diffusion in Italy.The third part analyze Koha, an open source ILS, and its possible application at the University of Ca' Foscari Library System.

Vem är Alma? : Ett aktör-nätverksperspektiv på bibliotekens IT-system. / Who is Alma? : An actor-network approach to library IT-systems

Naischtein, Katja January 2018 (has links)
Today’s library acquisition, circulation, metadata management, cataloging and administration of all kind of resources are too laborious and cannot be performed manually. These tasks are run by or with the help of an IT-system. This master thesis aims to start an analytical discussion of the modern library's central tool, library IT-systems, a discussion much missing in Library and Infor-mation Science. The data on two library IT-systems Alma and Sierra was collected by partici-pant observations, interviews and document studies at Karolinska institute university library and Södertörns university college library.The data was analyzed through actor-network theory perspective. The study’s main questions are how the library IT-system actor-network is assembled and function, and what role does the technology play in library’s practices.The study shows that a complex actor-network emerges in order to automate and computerize library tasks. In this actor-network library IT-systems vendors, the library community, KIB’s and SHB’s practices and the technology are actors who actively impact and affect each other. They are associated with each other through negotiations, a process in ANT referred to as translation. The study also shows that as the actors are not completely in agreement with each other, the library IT-system actor-network has not yet transformed into a fully convergent actor-network which ANT compares to a black box. The study shows that nonhumans, the IT-systems, are not neutral tools. They mediate, organize and document library practices. But they are also a product of modern library knowledge.The study concludes that the fully functioning solution for libraries automated and computer-ized services is the joined production of human and nonhuman actor-network where IT technology play a mediating role.
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Uplatnění Integrovaného knihovního systému Aleph 500 v provozu vysokoškolských knihoven České republiky / Application of Integrated Library System Aleph 500 in academic libraries in Czech Republic

Jílek, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis describes and evaluates application of Integrated Library System Aleph 500 (in following text ILS Aleph) in academic libraries in Czech Republic. First chapter describes theoretical requirements at automated library systems for academic libraries. Apart of general requirements are described new technical trends as tools of Web 2.0. Second chapter brings full description of ILS Aleph with specification of each system's module. Third chapter is dedicated to implementation of ILS Aleph in Czech academic libraries. Characteristic of each institutional implementation contains three parts: characteristic of institution, describing of implementation and description of institutional OPACs. Last chapter is dedicated to empiric study of application of ILS Aleph in academic libraries in Czech Republic. ILS Aleph users are examined at three levels (library users, librarians, system administrators). Empiric study was made at group of Prague academic libraries that implemented ILS Aleph.

"En strukturerad soptunna" : samordning av digitala kataloger och system på svenska bibliotek / ”A structured trash bin” : coordination of digital catalogues and systems at Swedish libraries

Juth, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Sedan digitala bibliotekskataloger först introducerades i slutet av 60-talet och början av 70-talet har det funnits två skilda källor för metadata för bibliotek i Sverige. Å ena sidan Libris, utvecklad och använd av framför allt KB och forskningsbiblioteken, och å andra sidan Burk för folkbiblioteken. Nästan lika länge har det gjorts försök att skapa en gemensam, nationell katalog för alla svenska bibliotek, men trots alla ansträngningar, innefattande ett flertal direkt från regeringen, råder fortfarande det tvådelade systemet. Denna intervjustudie har till syfte att undersöka attityder hos anställda från olika delar av bibliotekssektorn i denna fråga. Även frågor om bibliotekssystem diskuteras. Det förefaller finnas stor enighet bland informanterna om att den bristande samordningen av katalogdata faktiskt är ett problem, men det råder delade meningar om vad som borde göras åt saken, och vem som borde göra det. Studien analyseras och sätts i ett sammanhang utifrån debatten om digital upphovsrätt i allmänhet och Tarleton Gillespies teorier i synnerhet. Slutsatser som dras är att samordning skulle underlättas om biblioteken använde sig av öppna data och öppen källkod, vilket skulle peka på Libris som källa för metadata och open source-bibliotekssystem som Koha. De bibliotek som har samordningsuppdrag, regionbiblioteken och KB, skulle behöva ta ett större ansvar för att samordning ska kunna komma till stånd. Om dessa förslag blev verklighet skulle leverantörerna behöva anpassa sina affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda data under öppna licenser. / Ever since digital library catalogues were first introduced in the late sixties and early seventies, there have been two separate metadata repositories for libraries in Sweden. On the one hand there is the Libris catalogue, developed and used mainly by the national library and the university libraries, and on the other hand there is the Burk catalogue for the local public libraries. For almost as long, attempts have been made to create a single, national catalogue for all Swedish libraries, but despite all efforts, including several government bills explicitly stating that this need to happen, the dual catalogue system prevails to this day. This interview study aims to find the opinions of people from different sectors of the library field on this matter. Views on integrated library systems are also debated. There seems to be great consensus among the interviewees that there is, in fact, a problem with lack of coordination of catalogues, but there is less agreement as to what should be done about it, and by whom. The study is analyzed and contextualized utilizing the debate on digital copyright in general and the theories of Tarleton Gillespie in particular. It is concluded that cooperation would be facilitated if libraries made use of open data and open source, which would suggest Libris as metadata repository and open source library systems such as Koha for ILS. Libraries assigned with interlibrary coordination, i.e. the regional and the national libraries, would have to take on a greater responsibility than the local libraries to implement these cooperations. Vendors serving libraries would have to adjust their business models if these proposals were to become reality to offer data under open licenses.
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Modelo conceptual para la automatización de bibliotecas en el contexto digital

Saorín Pérez, Tomás 09 March 2006 (has links)
Partiendo de un análisis de los principales aspectos de la sociedad de la información como contexto social en el que las bibliotecas actuales redefinen su función social y sus servicios, se estudia el papel de la tecnología como agente de cambio en los servicios de información de las bibliotecas públicas. Antes de estudiar la automatización y las tecnologías en las bibliotecas, se realiza un estudio terminológico sobre la biblioteca actual en este sentido (biblioteca digital, biblioteca electrónica, biblioteca virtual y biblioteca híbrida).La biblioteca híbrida se toma como marco conceptual para el desarrollo del trabajo: el ámbito de los servicios de biblioteca en el contexto digital. Posteriormente se revisa la evolución del concepto y aplicación de la automatización de bibliotecas, centrándose en la descripción de las aplicaciones de gestión integral de bibliotecas (SIGB). Se elabora un esquema común que responde al modelo clásico de automatización de bibliotecas, y de él se estudian con más detalle los elementos pertenecientes al sistema de información público, generalmente conocidos como Opac. Posteriormente se traza un panorama actual del mercado de la información y de aplicaciones para bibliotecas, atendiendo a las divergencias y desarrollos del modelo clásico. Se recoge información sobre los proyectos de bibliotecas digitales más significativos, y se ponen en relación con la gestión estratégica de las tecnologías en las bibliotecas. Se completa este apartado con el estudio de los dos contextos tecnológicos actuales que más inciden sobre las posibilidades y configuración de las aplicaciones de gestión bibliotecaria; por un lado la gestión documental corporativa (Groupware y Workflow) y por otro los portales y comunidades virtuales en internet. Antes de describir nuestra propuesta conceptual de SIGB, se estudia la arquitectura del sistema de información digital de la biblioteca, introduciendo el concepto de Biblioteca-Red, derivado del estudio de la biblioteca desde la óptica organizacional y de los factores del entorno que la moldean. / The role of information technology as a critical agent of change in public library information services, in the environment of infornation society, is studied, considering the redefinition of libraries social functions and services. First of all, it's presents a terminological survey of modern libraries trends (digital library, electronic library, virtual library, hybrid library). Hybrid library is selected as a valid conceptual framework for this work: library services in digital context. Library automation and technologies concepts and applications are reviewed, focusing in library systems, which match into a classic model of library automation. Information retrieval and public information features (Opac) are studied in-depth, in order to compare it with recent development in the information market for libraries and significant digital ibraries projects. The strategic role of information technologies management is presented as a requirement for understanding the complex interrelation between services and technologies. It's also analysed the two technological context that have a greater potential of influence in library systems: In one hand the Groupware and Workflow, and in the aher hand internet virtual communities and portals. Also is described the different points of view about digital information systems architecture, introducing the concept of Net-Library, as an organizational view of libraries in interaction inside an infomation and social environment. A new conceptual framework of library systems is defined, with extended functionalities derived of social and technological changes about information services, denominated Extended Library System. It's structured in two leve ls: application and product. The first level describes the modules of an library management and infonnation system application. The second one is dedicated to fue public information project requirements of a library portal. Finally it presents structured indicators to evaluate extended automation, as well as elements to model hybrid libraries information technologies project
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Exploratory Study on the Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of an Integrated Library System in Kyambogo University Library Service

Buwule, Robert Stalone January 2014 (has links)
The adoption of Integrated Library Systems (ILS) helps library staff to automate libraries’ routine operations. While some libraries are coping well with automation, others most especially in Sub Saharan Africa face challenges and setbacks. The purpose of the study is to explore the adoption of an open source ILS, Koha, at Kyambogo University Library Service (KyULS). The study employs a qualitative approach where data is gathered using semi-structured interviews. Collected data was analysed using content analysis. The results of the study indicate that the drivers for adopting an ILS in KyULS are: qualified staff members, Koha being an open source software, training, and library automation trends in sister university libraries. The barriers to ILS adoption on the other hand included: lack of infrastructure, internet instability, insufficient funding, bureaucracy and the ILS’s unsuitability to persons with visual impairment. This report further provides recommendations to alleviate or resolve the difficulties that are hampering KyULS specifically and potentially other libraries when adopting ILSs. They include having a well-planned process of adopting the ILS, provision of a centralised and stable campus-wide inter/intranet network, establishment of required ILS infrastructure, sourcing of external funding, carrying out wide spread sensitisation of the ILS, continuously training the library staff members in the use of the ILS and collaboration with ILS adoption champions in other academic libraries. This study may be of value to academic librarians, LIS schools and ILS vendors globally as it helps them better understand the unique challenges faced by libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa. / Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Information Science / MIT / Unrestricted
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Evaluation of the Innopac Library system in selected consortia and libraries in the southern African region : implications for the Lesotho Library consortium

Taole, Nthabiseng 08 April 2009 (has links)
Resource sharing is considered to be one of the most important pillars of library service, because no single library can meet all the needs of its users. Libraries have always cooperated to meet the increasing demands of users by sharing their resources. In the past few decades, the need to establish library consortia emerged more strongly as libraries began to take advantage of technology to improve access to information and service delivery. There has been a notable increase in the formation of library consortia on the African continent. South Africa has taken the lead both in the amount of established consortia and the number of member libraries within them. This development accompanied the implementation of common library systems in consortia, where a single system is adopted by all member libraries. In the Southern African region, the library system called INNOPAC/Millennium Pac has already been adopted by consortia and libraries in Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. The recently-established Lesotho Library Consortium (LELICO) also recognized the need for a comprehensive investigation to identify a common system that will effectively meet the needs of its member libraries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the successes and limitations of the INNOPAC library system operating in consortia and libraries in the Southern African region, in order to assess its suitability for LELICO. The study focused on two South African consortia (The Gauteng and Environs Library Consortium – GAELIC, and The Free State Library and Information Consortium - FRELICO), two university libraries (Namibia and Zimbabwe) and one agricultural college library (Botswana) in the Southern African region that use the system. A special emphasis was the criteria of assessment that would apply to a small, multi-type consortium in a developing country like Lesotho. Data was collected through a literature search, questionnaires, interviews, site visits, and analysis of policy and institutional documents. The target groups of the study were the library managers, system managers, and library professionals of selected GAELIC and FRELICO libraries, and the system managers of the three selected libraries in the region. The study found that the INNOPAC library system is performing satisfactorily in the chosen consortia and libraries, and that it has a positive impact on them. It performed to a high standard in all the key areas, and this may be attributed to keeping abreast of the latest developments in the library world, and offering a range of services that meet the needs of libraries. The study found further that the INNOPAC library system contributed towards increased productivity, improved customer services, and better decision making in the two consortia. However, direct access to members’ holdings was restricted by a decentralized server model adopted by these consortia. This and other lessons shaped a proposal for the implementation and management of the INNOPAC library system in LELICO. A proposed model recommends a central server as a more cost-effective management solution. The model also explains the mode of operation by member libraries and the coordinated structures that would implement and manage the INNOPAC library system, adapted to the specific requirements of a small, multi-type consortium in a developing country like Lesotho. Given its successful performance in consortia and libraries across Southern African countries, the study recommends further research into the advantages and challenges of INNOPAC for wider regional library cooperation. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Information Science / unrestricted
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