Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bibliothekssystem"" "subject:"bibliothekssystems""
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Att datorisera ett bibliotek : datoriseringen av skolbiblioteket på Sunnerbogymnasiet i Ljungby / To computerize a library : the process at Sunnerbogymnasiet in LjungbyMässgård, Hanna January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to describe methods to computerize a library and to compare theory with a process in a school library. The case study is based on a school library called Sunnerbogymnasiet which is situated in Ljungby. My questions are;- Which methods are parts of the process to computerize a library?- Which methods are used in the process in Sunnerbogymnasiet?- What does the practical process look like compared to the methods described in theory?In the paper I present the methods in the process according to the studied literature and compare these with a process at Sunnerbogymnasiet. The most significant result is that cooperation between the school library and the community library was the most important reason for the choice of library computer system. There are many reasons for cooperation between the libraries, among others that the books in the school library may be used more effectively. / Uppsatsnivå: C
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Migrering till Koha : En studie om bibliotekariers upplevelser av biblioteksdatasystem med öppen källkod / Migration to Koha : A study about librarians’ experiences with open source integrated library systemsLenntoft, Elin, Eriksson, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how librarians experience migration to an open source integrated library system (ILS) in order to analyze how humans and technology influence each other, in line with a socio-technical perspective. We therefore examine how the librarians’ attitudes change during the migration process, what difficulties and possibilities they see in each phase and what the significance of open source is in this context. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews with librarians in one public library and one university library that migrated to the ILS Koha on the same day. The theoretical framework is a socio-technical perspective and actor-network theory. To analyze the result, Michel Callon’s translation was applied to the empirical data. The results of this study show that the librarians interviewed had indifferent or positive attitudes towards Koha. We could also see that those who had roles with more responsibility in the library often showed a greater interest in the problems and community surrounding Koha. The public library experienced significantly more problems with the migration which resulted in a tough transition but did not alter their attitudes.
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"Almas alla vägar" : En UTAUT-analys av Bibliotekssystemet på Umeå UniversitetsbibliotekBergvall Kalén, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Library management systems (LMS) are a big part of the workday for most librarians. Everything from acquisitions, managing e-resources and circulation work is done through these kinds of systems. Umeå university library implemented a new LMS called Alma back in 2018. They moved from a local system to a more complex and advanced cloud-based system. This study has examined how the system has been received through the lens of the Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). A survey containing 23 Likert items were answered by librarians at Umeå university’s libraries. The items were grouped under four overhead categories collected from UTAUT: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. Afterwards an analysis was made that examined whether age, gender, experience with the system and most used task in Alma had any influence over certain categories. The study shows that age and gender did not influence performance expectancy, but the most common task did with circulation work as an outlier with more negative scoring. Gender did not influence effort expectancy either, but age did where younger people tended to score lower and the age group 42–49 handing out higher scores. The most used task also influenced this factor but experience with the system did not influence the factor in a major way. Facilitating conditions was influenced by age where the age group in the middle once again scored much higher than the youngest group. Experience with Alma also influenced this factor in the sense that less experienced workers scored lower. Most used task in Alma followed the same pattern as the other factors with circulation tasks scoring lower and administration tasks scoring higher. Social influence did not pass the Cronbach’s alpha that was set at 0.7 and showed overall internal low correlation, therefore it was not included in the analysis.
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Vem är Alma? : Ett aktör-nätverksperspektiv på bibliotekens IT-system. / Who is Alma? : An actor-network approach to library IT-systemsNaischtein, Katja January 2018 (has links)
Today’s library acquisition, circulation, metadata management, cataloging and administration of all kind of resources are too laborious and cannot be performed manually. These tasks are run by or with the help of an IT-system. This master thesis aims to start an analytical discussion of the modern library's central tool, library IT-systems, a discussion much missing in Library and Infor-mation Science. The data on two library IT-systems Alma and Sierra was collected by partici-pant observations, interviews and document studies at Karolinska institute university library and Södertörns university college library.The data was analyzed through actor-network theory perspective. The study’s main questions are how the library IT-system actor-network is assembled and function, and what role does the technology play in library’s practices.The study shows that a complex actor-network emerges in order to automate and computerize library tasks. In this actor-network library IT-systems vendors, the library community, KIB’s and SHB’s practices and the technology are actors who actively impact and affect each other. They are associated with each other through negotiations, a process in ANT referred to as translation. The study also shows that as the actors are not completely in agreement with each other, the library IT-system actor-network has not yet transformed into a fully convergent actor-network which ANT compares to a black box. The study shows that nonhumans, the IT-systems, are not neutral tools. They mediate, organize and document library practices. But they are also a product of modern library knowledge.The study concludes that the fully functioning solution for libraries automated and computer-ized services is the joined production of human and nonhuman actor-network where IT technology play a mediating role.
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"En strukturerad soptunna" : samordning av digitala kataloger och system på svenska bibliotek / ”A structured trash bin” : coordination of digital catalogues and systems at Swedish librariesJuth, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Sedan digitala bibliotekskataloger först introducerades i slutet av 60-talet och början av 70-talet har det funnits två skilda källor för metadata för bibliotek i Sverige. Å ena sidan Libris, utvecklad och använd av framför allt KB och forskningsbiblioteken, och å andra sidan Burk för folkbiblioteken. Nästan lika länge har det gjorts försök att skapa en gemensam, nationell katalog för alla svenska bibliotek, men trots alla ansträngningar, innefattande ett flertal direkt från regeringen, råder fortfarande det tvådelade systemet. Denna intervjustudie har till syfte att undersöka attityder hos anställda från olika delar av bibliotekssektorn i denna fråga. Även frågor om bibliotekssystem diskuteras. Det förefaller finnas stor enighet bland informanterna om att den bristande samordningen av katalogdata faktiskt är ett problem, men det råder delade meningar om vad som borde göras åt saken, och vem som borde göra det. Studien analyseras och sätts i ett sammanhang utifrån debatten om digital upphovsrätt i allmänhet och Tarleton Gillespies teorier i synnerhet. Slutsatser som dras är att samordning skulle underlättas om biblioteken använde sig av öppna data och öppen källkod, vilket skulle peka på Libris som källa för metadata och open source-bibliotekssystem som Koha. De bibliotek som har samordningsuppdrag, regionbiblioteken och KB, skulle behöva ta ett större ansvar för att samordning ska kunna komma till stånd. Om dessa förslag blev verklighet skulle leverantörerna behöva anpassa sina affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda data under öppna licenser. / Ever since digital library catalogues were first introduced in the late sixties and early seventies, there have been two separate metadata repositories for libraries in Sweden. On the one hand there is the Libris catalogue, developed and used mainly by the national library and the university libraries, and on the other hand there is the Burk catalogue for the local public libraries. For almost as long, attempts have been made to create a single, national catalogue for all Swedish libraries, but despite all efforts, including several government bills explicitly stating that this need to happen, the dual catalogue system prevails to this day. This interview study aims to find the opinions of people from different sectors of the library field on this matter. Views on integrated library systems are also debated. There seems to be great consensus among the interviewees that there is, in fact, a problem with lack of coordination of catalogues, but there is less agreement as to what should be done about it, and by whom. The study is analyzed and contextualized utilizing the debate on digital copyright in general and the theories of Tarleton Gillespie in particular. It is concluded that cooperation would be facilitated if libraries made use of open data and open source, which would suggest Libris as metadata repository and open source library systems such as Koha for ILS. Libraries assigned with interlibrary coordination, i.e. the regional and the national libraries, would have to take on a greater responsibility than the local libraries to implement these cooperations. Vendors serving libraries would have to adjust their business models if these proposals were to become reality to offer data under open licenses.
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"En strukturerad soptunna" : samordning av digitala kataloger och system på svenska bibliotek / ”A structured trash bin” : coordination of digital catalogues and systems at Swedish librariesJuth, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Sedan digitala bibliotekskataloger först introducerades i slutet av 60-talet och början av 70-talet har det funnits två skilda källor för metadata för bibliotek i Sverige. Å ena sidan Libris, utvecklad och använd av framför allt KB och forskningsbiblioteken, och å andra sidan Burk för folkbiblioteken. Nästan lika länge har det gjorts försök att skapa en gemensam, nationell katalog för alla svenska bibliotek, men trots alla ansträngningar, innefattande ett flertal direkt från regeringen, råder fortfarande det tvådelade systemet. Denna intervjustudie har till syfte att undersöka attityder hos anställda från olika delar av bibliotekssektorn i denna fråga. Även frågor om bibliotekssystem diskuteras. Det förefaller finnas stor enighet bland informanterna om att den bristande samordningen av katalogdata faktiskt är ett problem, men det råder delade meningar om vad som borde göras åt saken, och vem som borde göra det. Studien analyseras och sätts i ett sammanhang utifrån debatten om digital upphovsrätt i allmänhet och Tarleton Gillespies teorier i synnerhet. Slutsatser som dras är att samordning skulle underlättas om biblioteken använde sig av öppna data och öppen källkod, vilket skulle peka på Libris som källa för metadata och open source-bibliotekssystem som Koha. De bibliotek som har samordningsuppdrag, regionbiblioteken och KB, skulle behöva ta ett större ansvar för att samordning ska kunna komma till stånd. Om dessa förslag blev verklighet skulle leverantörerna behöva anpassa sina affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda data under öppna licenser. / Ever since digital library catalogues were first introduced in the late sixties and early seventies, there have been two separate metadata repositories for libraries in Sweden. On the one hand there is the Libris catalogue, developed and used mainly by the national library and the university libraries, and on the other hand there is the Burk catalogue for the local public libraries. For almost as long, attempts have been made to create a single, national catalogue for all Swedish libraries, but despite all efforts, including several government bills explicitly stating that this need to happen, the dual catalogue system prevails to this day. This interview study aims to find the opinions of people from different sectors of the library field on this matter. Views on integrated library systems are also debated. There seems to be great consensus among the interviewees that there is, in fact, a problem with lack of coordination of catalogues, but there is less agreement as to what should be done about it, and by whom. The study is analyzed and contextualized utilizing the debate on digital copyright in general and the theories of Tarleton Gillespie in particular. It is concluded that cooperation would be facilitated if libraries made use of open data and open source, which would suggest Libris as metadata repository and open source library systems such as Koha for ILS. Libraries assigned with interlibrary coordination, i.e. the regional and the national libraries, would have to take on a greater responsibility than the local libraries to implement these cooperations. Vendors serving libraries would have to adjust their business models if these proposals were to become reality to offer data under open licenses. / <p>QC 20230113</p>
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Från gren till gren : Trädstrukturer och direktlänkar hos internetbokhandlar och i bibliotekssystem och hur dessa påverkar tillgängligheten av HBT-litteratur / From Branch to Branch : Tree Structures and Direct Links in Online Book Shops and Library Systems and How These Affect the Availability of LGBT LiteraturePersson, Lina January 2012 (has links)
Vad denna utvärdering försökt få svar på är hur tillgängligheten för HBT-litteratur ser ut i de system som används hos privata och offentliga aktörer – internetbokhandlar och bibliotekskataloger tillgängliga via internet. Detta medförde ett antal mer praktiskta underliggande frågor om hur trädstrukturen är designad, vilket typ av språk som används och hur lätt det är att förstå, huruvida det finns särskilda kategorier för litteratur med HBT-innehåll och huruvida det finns direktlänkar mellan litteratur med HBT- innehåll. De system som testades var internetbokhandlarna Amazon (både den amerikanska versionen och det brittiska dotterbolaget), The Book Depository och Adlibris samt de klassificeringssystem som används av nationalbiblioteken i de länder där dessa bokhandlar har sitt säte (USA, Storbritannien och Sverige): Library of Congress Classification, Dewey Decimal Classification och Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek. Två av bibliotekssystemen (LC och DDC) hade inte en trädstruktur som var tillgänglig för kunderna att se och navigera igenom, medan den tredje (SAB) erbjöd en struktur med både klassifikationskoden och svenska ord, även om det inte var optimalt konstruerade kategorier och förgreningar. Ingen av dem hade gott om länkar, om ens några, till annan litteratur med liknande innehåll. Internetbokhandlarna hade välutvecklade men inte för specifika trädstrukturer med lättförstådda namn och gott om länkar till annan litteratur. Två av dem (The Book Depository och Adlibris) hade inga huvudkategorier tillägnade HBT-material vilket däremot Amazon UK och Amazon US hade. Alla bibliotekssystemen skulle behöva omarbetas för att tillgängligheten för litteratur, och i synnerhet HBT-litteratur som var fokus i denna utvärdering, ska bli god. Library of Congress och British Library skulle behöva upprätta trädstrukturer för kunderna att använda sig av och alla tre behöver se till att en kategori där all HBT- litteratur samlas finns på den högsta nivån. Internetbokhandlarna å andra sidan behöver inte göra mycket för att tillgängligheten i deras system ska bli god: Adlibris och The Book Depository behöver precis som bibliotekssystemen upprätta en HBT-kategori i trädstrukturen men i övrigt är de privata aktörerna fullt godkända. De båda Amazon- filialerna var de aktörer visade sig ha den bästa tillgängligheten av alla. / What this investigation has tried to find out is how easily availabie LGBT literature is in the systems that are used by private companies and the public sector - online book shops and library catalogues available online (OPACs). This entailed a number of more practical underlying factors regarding the design of the tree structure, what kind of language is used and how easy it is to understand, whether or not there are special categories for LGBT-related literature and whether or not there are direct links between literature with LGBT content. The systems investigated were the online book shops Amazon (both the American version and the British subsidiary), The Book Depository and Adlibris along with the classification systems used by the national libraries in the countries where these book shops reside (the US, the UK and Sweden): Library of Congress Classification (LC), Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB). Two of the library systems (LC and DDC) did not have a tree structure available for the customers to see and navigate through, while the third one (SAB) offered a structure with both the classification code and Swedish words explaining what the codes meant, even if the categories and subdivisions were not optimally constructed. None of them had very many links to other literature. Two of them (The Book Depository and Adlibris) did not have main categories specifically for LGBT content which both Amazon US and Amazon UK did. All the library systems could use a revision to ensure that literature, and particularly LGBT literature as that was the focal point of this investigation, is easily available. The Library of Congress and the British Library need to establish a tree structure their clients could use and all three need to make sure they have a category where LGBT literature is collected and available at the root. The online book shops on the other hand do not need to do much to improve the availability of their systems: like the library systems, Adlibris and The Book Shop need to create a category of LGBT literature in the tree structure but besides that the private companies pass with credit. The systems used by the Amazon branches proved to have the greatest availability of all the systems investigated.
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