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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie om ett bibliotekssamarbetes gemensamma arbete kring resurser : HelGe-bibliotekens resursfördelning / A study of a library collaborations joint work round resources : the "HelGe-libraries" resource sharing

Pekkala, Regina January 2015 (has links)
This bachelor thesis explores the library collaboration "HelGe-libraries" goals, guidelines and strategies for their resource sharing of library books and digital resources. The questions asked were: What does the resource sharing look like when it comes to media and services? What goals and guidelines do they have for the resource sharing? What common strategies do they have for the resource sharing? What challenges have they encountered with resource sharing and how have they dealt with them? The theoretical framework consists of Jennifer Rowleys theory of innovation strategies for libraries and Rosabeth Moss Kanters theory on the art of alliances. The method used to collect material was interviews and document analysis. Four informants were interviewed. My study concludes that the "HelGe-libraries" has formulated goals for their resource sharing and that the resource sharing is connected to their goals. The end result show that the main goal is to offer users a library service of high quality by offering a broad supply of media and information. The study also showed that the collaboration is working along various guidelines and that common strategies, formal and informal, has been developed to achieve their goals and to improve service.

Götabiblioteken ett steg mot framtidens bibliotek? / The Göta Libraries : A step towards the library of the future?

Skagerlid, Torbjörn January 2016 (has links)
More and more libraries nowadays interact more closely within their regions. Therefore, it is interesting to examine how a collaboration between libraries can contribute to development of the libraries. This study is about The Göta Libraries, a partnership consisting of public libraries in 14 municipalities, the thirteen municipalities in Östergötland and Tranås, and the county library in Östergötland. The study has examined the types of innovation the library collaboration can contribute to the libraries, the challenges that faces the Göta Libraries and what factors are important for the cooperation to work in a rewarding way. To find out this four interviews were conducted with library staff. Jennifer Rowleys theory on collaborative innovation has been applied to the study. The study results show that there has been different types of innovations for the libraries as a result of the Göta Libraries development. The main benefits are that libraries aquired much more reources in their collections when they coordinated their catalogues, which entails that they can give a better service to their users. The challenges that libraries were faced with was that it can take time to develop common rules and that too much bureaucracy can prevent people from trying out new things. As for the factors for a collaboration to be successful and rewarding it is of major importance that everyone contributes to the collaboration and that everyone follows the common rules.

V8-bibliotekens innovativa kollaboration : – En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland bibliotekarier i Västerbottens inland / The V8-libraries innovative collaboration : – A qualitative interview study among librarians in Västerbotten

Edlund, Angelica January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor thesis explores the work among the ”V8-libraries”, with focus on the librarians that works within the collaboration to see how it’s perceived. The questions asked are: How does the communication between the libraries work? How does the leadership look like? What benefits and what challenges does the collaboration come with? For the theoretical framework, Jennifer Rowleys theory of innovation collaboration strategies for libraries has been used. The method has been qualitative interviews with three informants that works within the collaboration. The study’s conclusion is that the V8-libraries have great communication and a leadership that serves the needs of the collaboration. The two biggest benefit is for the users of the libraries since they receive a greater range of books and other media, and also for the librarians since the collaboration makes bigger staff with bigger competence. The big challenge in the collaboration is the great distances between the libraries since the librarians wish to visit each other more often to discuss greater innovations between them.

En enda röra? : Låneströmmar mellan Umeåregionens bibliotek

Larsson, Josefina January 2011 (has links)
Jag har utvärderat Umeåregionens bibliotekssamarbete. Samarbetet innebär att biblioteken i kommunerna Bjurholm, Nordmaling, Robertsfors, Umeå, Vindeln och Vännäs har en gemensam bibliotekskatalog och att låntagare har ett lånekort som gäller för hela regionen. Låntagare kan låna och lämna tillbaka media på samtliga bibliotek i regionen.                                                                                           Syftet med utvärderingen är att kartlägga låneflödena mellan biblioteken i regionen för att få kunskap för att utveckla medieförsörjningsstrategier och –metoder på biblioteken. Utvärderingen innehåller en översiktlig kartläggning av låneströmmarna i hela regionen samt en mer detaljerad kartläggning av låneströmmarna mellan Umeå stadsbibliotek och Ålidhemsbiblioteket (Umeå kommun). Jag har tittat på låneströmmarna så som de såg ut under 2009. Mina resultat visar att samarbetet verkar fungera på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Samarbetet har lett till ett stort medieutbyte mellan biblioteken. Det verkar inte som att något bibliotek eller någon kommun har förlorat på samarbetet. Umeå stadsbibliotek fungerar som ett nav för resten av biblioteken i regionen. Vad gäller lånen från ett bibliotek till ett annat lånas media i första hand in från den egna kommunen, i andra hand från ett annat huvudbibliotek och i tredje hand från en annan kommuns filial eller kommundelsbibliotek. Vinsterna som samarbetet innebär verkar vara större än dess kostnader. Jag har bland annat kunnat konstatera att det skickas mycket facklitteratur från Umeå stadsbibliotek till Ålidhemsbiblioteket, något som kan bero på att studenter boende kring Ålidhemsbiblioteket lånar mycket kurslitteratur.

Resursfördelningen inom Bibliotek Norrbotten : En studie om det gemensamma arbetet gällande resurser inom ett bibliotekssamarbete / Resource distribution within Library Norrbotten : A study of the joint work on resources within a library collaboration

Eriksson, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
This bachelor thesis analyze a library collaboration called Bibliotek Norrbotten’s strategy, goals and guidelines for their resourse sharing of digital resources and library materials. The questions that were asked was; What kind of guidelines and goals is there for their resource sharing? And how does it look in connection to services and media? What kind of strategy is there that apply to all libraries in the collaboration? Which challenges, if they have occured, have been encountered and how did they work through them? The theoretical framework consist of Kaufman, P(2012) theory about how a successful collaboration is built up, Kanter, R. M(1994) theory on how a rewarding collaboration is similar to human relationship and Rowley, J(2011) theory about innovative strategies within libraries. The method that was used to collect material was in the form of interviews and supportive dokuments. Five informants were interviewed. This study concludes that the libraries within Bibliotek Norrbotten have created common goals when it comes to their resourse sharing and that their resourse sharing is linked to these goals. The goal is to have the users in focus, which can be seen in the end result, and to offer a higher library service. This study also shows that for the collaboration to achieve their goals and to improve the library service, the collaboration has developed common strategies and guidelines.

Bibliotekariers arbete med kognitiv tillgänglighet i marknadsföring och kommunikation : En intervjustudie / Librarians’ work with cognitive accessibility in marketing and communication : An interview study.

Bergström, Catrin January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to gather knowledge about how public libraries work with cognitive accessibility in marketing and communication activities and to investigate opportunities for knowledge sharing. Users with disabilities are a priority group for public libraries, but research on working methods is lacking. The result therefore carries both scientific and societal relevance. The research questions are: How do librarians describe the abilities they have and the conditions they need to communicate in an accessible way? How do librarians view the possibilities of making their work useful in a broader context, for other librarians? The study is based on four interviews with staff from four public libraries with a work in progress to improve accessibility in their communication. The result was analysed through the theoretical framework of relationship marketing (Gummesson) and access to information (Buckland). The result shows that important priorities for management are to provide time and resources for knowledge acquisition. Internal as well as external collaborations have been initiated, but the librarians want primarily to develop cooperation with people in the target group, which has not been done sufficiently so far. The participants attest that the library field is well suited for exchange and collaboration. For further development they suggest national and regional networks, publications and informal groups on social media. The acquired knowledge within the organization combined with already established working methods and relationships can provide continued development.

Resursfördelningen inom Bibliotek Norrbotten : En studie om det gemensamma arbetet gällande resurser inom ett bibliotekssamarbete / Bibliotek Norrbotten's resource sharing : A study about resource sharing within a library collaboration

Eriksson Bylund, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
The focus of this bachelor’s thesis are the strategies, goals, and guidelines for the sharing of digital resources and library materials of the collaborating libraries “Bibliotek Norrbotten”. The questions asked were; What goals do Bibliotek Norrbotten want to achieve with their resource sharing? How can resource sharing look in connection to services and media? What kind of strategies are there that apply to all libraries in the collaboration? Which challenges, if any, have been encountered and how did they work through them? The theoretical framework consist of Kaufman, P(2012) theory about how a successful collaboration is built up, Kanter, R. M(1994) theory on how a rewarding collaboration is similar to human relationship and Rowley, J(2011) theory about innovative strategies within libraries. The method that was used to collect material was in the form of interviews and supportive documents. Five informants were interviewed. This study concludes that it is not easy to create a collaboration with resource sharing, but Bibliotek Norrbotten is a god example of a successful collaboration. Libraries within Bibliotek Norrbotten have created common goals when it comes to their resource sharing and that their resource sharing is linked to these goals. The goal is to have the users in focus and to offer an improved library service. This study also shows that for collaborations to achieve their goals and to improve the library service, the collaboration must develop common strategies and guidelines.

"En strukturerad soptunna" : samordning av digitala kataloger och system på svenska bibliotek / ”A structured trash bin” : coordination of digital catalogues and systems at Swedish libraries

Juth, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Sedan digitala bibliotekskataloger först introducerades i slutet av 60-talet och början av 70-talet har det funnits två skilda källor för metadata för bibliotek i Sverige. Å ena sidan Libris, utvecklad och använd av framför allt KB och forskningsbiblioteken, och å andra sidan Burk för folkbiblioteken. Nästan lika länge har det gjorts försök att skapa en gemensam, nationell katalog för alla svenska bibliotek, men trots alla ansträngningar, innefattande ett flertal direkt från regeringen, råder fortfarande det tvådelade systemet. Denna intervjustudie har till syfte att undersöka attityder hos anställda från olika delar av bibliotekssektorn i denna fråga. Även frågor om bibliotekssystem diskuteras. Det förefaller finnas stor enighet bland informanterna om att den bristande samordningen av katalogdata faktiskt är ett problem, men det råder delade meningar om vad som borde göras åt saken, och vem som borde göra det. Studien analyseras och sätts i ett sammanhang utifrån debatten om digital upphovsrätt i allmänhet och Tarleton Gillespies teorier i synnerhet. Slutsatser som dras är att samordning skulle underlättas om biblioteken använde sig av öppna data och öppen källkod, vilket skulle peka på Libris som källa för metadata och open source-bibliotekssystem som Koha. De bibliotek som har samordningsuppdrag, regionbiblioteken och KB, skulle behöva ta ett större ansvar för att samordning ska kunna komma till stånd. Om dessa förslag blev verklighet skulle leverantörerna behöva anpassa sina affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda data under öppna licenser. / Ever since digital library catalogues were first introduced in the late sixties and early seventies, there have been two separate metadata repositories for libraries in Sweden. On the one hand there is the Libris catalogue, developed and used mainly by the national library and the university libraries, and on the other hand there is the Burk catalogue for the local public libraries. For almost as long, attempts have been made to create a single, national catalogue for all Swedish libraries, but despite all efforts, including several government bills explicitly stating that this need to happen, the dual catalogue system prevails to this day. This interview study aims to find the opinions of people from different sectors of the library field on this matter. Views on integrated library systems are also debated. There seems to be great consensus among the interviewees that there is, in fact, a problem with lack of coordination of catalogues, but there is less agreement as to what should be done about it, and by whom. The study is analyzed and contextualized utilizing the debate on digital copyright in general and the theories of Tarleton Gillespie in particular. It is concluded that cooperation would be facilitated if libraries made use of open data and open source, which would suggest Libris as metadata repository and open source library systems such as Koha for ILS. Libraries assigned with interlibrary coordination, i.e. the regional and the national libraries, would have to take on a greater responsibility than the local libraries to implement these cooperations. Vendors serving libraries would have to adjust their business models if these proposals were to become reality to offer data under open licenses.

Priskuranten - en resa i tiden: Priskuranter i Kungl. biblioteket, Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och Nordiska museets bibliotek

Furtenbach, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my master’s thesis has been to examine the situation of the price lists in the National Library of Sweden, in Uppsala University Library and in the Nordiska Museet Library. The starting point was that the institutes have been operating within different institutional practices. These operational differences between the institutes have affected the collecting, the organizing and the accessibility to the information of the price lists. My master‘s thesis is based on Birger Hjørlands theories of domains and knowledge organization. The main sources of the information in the thesis are interviews conducted with informants within these three institutes. The findings of the study show that the main differences in how the institutes have been organizing the price lists, results from the different assignments the institutes have in collecting the material. Based upon the facts that have emerged in the interviews, some general and some specific problem areas have been highlighted. These problem areas have been discussed in the thesis and possible solutions in how to proceed have been presented.

"En strukturerad soptunna" : samordning av digitala kataloger och system på svenska bibliotek / ”A structured trash bin” : coordination of digital catalogues and systems at Swedish libraries

Juth, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Sedan digitala bibliotekskataloger först introducerades i slutet av 60-talet och början av 70-talet har det funnits två skilda källor för metadata för bibliotek i Sverige. Å ena sidan Libris, utvecklad och använd av framför allt KB och forskningsbiblioteken, och å andra sidan Burk för folkbiblioteken. Nästan lika länge har det gjorts försök att skapa en gemensam, nationell katalog för alla svenska bibliotek, men trots alla ansträngningar, innefattande ett flertal direkt från regeringen, råder fortfarande det tvådelade systemet. Denna intervjustudie har till syfte att undersöka attityder hos anställda från olika delar av bibliotekssektorn i denna fråga. Även frågor om bibliotekssystem diskuteras. Det förefaller finnas stor enighet bland informanterna om att den bristande samordningen av katalogdata faktiskt är ett problem, men det råder delade meningar om vad som borde göras åt saken, och vem som borde göra det. Studien analyseras och sätts i ett sammanhang utifrån debatten om digital upphovsrätt i allmänhet och Tarleton Gillespies teorier i synnerhet. Slutsatser som dras är att samordning skulle underlättas om biblioteken använde sig av öppna data och öppen källkod, vilket skulle peka på Libris som källa för metadata och open source-bibliotekssystem som Koha. De bibliotek som har samordningsuppdrag, regionbiblioteken och KB, skulle behöva ta ett större ansvar för att samordning ska kunna komma till stånd. Om dessa förslag blev verklighet skulle leverantörerna behöva anpassa sina affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda data under öppna licenser. / Ever since digital library catalogues were first introduced in the late sixties and early seventies, there have been two separate metadata repositories for libraries in Sweden. On the one hand there is the Libris catalogue, developed and used mainly by the national library and the university libraries, and on the other hand there is the Burk catalogue for the local public libraries. For almost as long, attempts have been made to create a single, national catalogue for all Swedish libraries, but despite all efforts, including several government bills explicitly stating that this need to happen, the dual catalogue system prevails to this day. This interview study aims to find the opinions of people from different sectors of the library field on this matter. Views on integrated library systems are also debated. There seems to be great consensus among the interviewees that there is, in fact, a problem with lack of coordination of catalogues, but there is less agreement as to what should be done about it, and by whom. The study is analyzed and contextualized utilizing the debate on digital copyright in general and the theories of Tarleton Gillespie in particular. It is concluded that cooperation would be facilitated if libraries made use of open data and open source, which would suggest Libris as metadata repository and open source library systems such as Koha for ILS. Libraries assigned with interlibrary coordination, i.e. the regional and the national libraries, would have to take on a greater responsibility than the local libraries to implement these cooperations. Vendors serving libraries would have to adjust their business models if these proposals were to become reality to offer data under open licenses. / <p>QC 20230113</p>

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