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Klassifikationssystem i byggsektorn : En kritisk utvärdering av CoClass / Classification systems in the construction sector : A critical evaluation of CoClassThai, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
Den svenska användningen av programvaror i byggsektorn i dagens samhälle använder inte ett gemensamt och digitalt anpassat klassifikationssystem för hanteringen av information inom BIM. Problemet har orsakat ineffektivt informationsutbyte mellan olika aktörer i byggprocessen och fortsatt över hela livscykeln. Stora mängder information förloras och missförstås, vilket har resulterat i förhöjda kostnader och tidsfördröjningar. I det här examensarbetet undersöks av den anledningen om informationsutbyte mellan olika aktörer kan förbättras. Det här har gjorts genom att undersöka det nuvarande klassifikationssystemet BSAB 96 som används i byggsektorn och ett nytt system benämnt CoClass. Målet med undersökningen har varit att identifiera bristerna med BSAB 96 och utreda om det nya systemet har förmågan att lösa dessa brister. För att sedan kunna bli ett bättre klassifikationssystem som kan används för framtiden av den svenska byggsektorn. Vidare har även svårigheter och hinder vid användning av CoClass undersökts. Insamlingen av information har genomförts med stöd av litteraturstudie och en empirisk undersökning i form av kvalitativa intervjuer. Respondenter valdes selektivt för intervjuerna för att erhålla relevant information, då studien har behövt kvalitativ information som har förbindelse med byggsektorn. Studien har visat att det förekommer tydliga brister och problem med BSAB 96 som behöver utvecklas för att bemöta de digitala behov som finns idag. BSAB-systemet anses som inte tillräckligt utbyggt längre för att klassificera effektivt och korrekt av en del aktörer i byggsektorn. Vidare har systemet inte heller någon form av gränssnitt som kan stödja kommunikationen mellan andra applikationsprogram och programvaror. Det nya klassifikationssystemet CoClass däremot är ett vältänkt och digitalt anpassat system som har visat en utökad mängd tabeller, klasser, egenskaper och många nya funktioner. CoClass har en stor potential för att lösa bristerna med BSAB 96 och samtidigt täcka de digitala behov som finns i dagens samhälle. Men det nya systemet kommer inte utan utmaningar, utan det har även uppfattats som rätt abstrakt och komplicerat av aktörer som arbetar i byggsektorn. Den nuvarande lättillgänglighet som finns för CoClass är inte optimal eftersom endast en del av systemet är gratis. För att få full tillgång till systemet behövs en prenumeration, vilket har skapat en motsatt effekt till att vilja använda det. / The swedish usage of software in the construction sector, currently does not use a mutual and digitally adapted classification system for the management of information in BIM. Problems such as inefficient exchange of information among participants occur during the construction process and continues to do so over the whole life cycle. Large amounts of information are lost and misunderstood, which causes severe cost increases and time delays. Thus, in this thesis a study has been conducted to research if the exchange of information among participants during the construction process can be improved upon. This have been accomplished by investigating the current classification system BSAB 96 that is being used, alongside the introduction of a new one entitled CoClass. The aim of this study has therefore been to identify the problems with BSAB 96. And to clarify if CoClass can resolve these problems and become a better classification system for the future of the swedish construction sector. A literature study and an empirical study in the form of qualitative research interviews have been carried out to conduct this study. In conclusion, the study has shown that there are clear signs of problems with the usage of BSAB 96 regarding the digital needs that are required in our current society. The introduction of the new classification system, CoClass, has shown impressive signs of potential to attain the requirements needed. But it does not come without challenges, among the interviewees a lot of them have interpreted the new system as very abstract and complicated, which can also be considered as deterrent.
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Från SAB till DDK på folkbiblioteken : En studie i personalupplevelser / From SAB to DDC in two Swedish public libraries : Acomparative study in organizational change from thestaff's experiencesGranström, Kalle January 2015 (has links)
In November 2008 the National Library of Swedendecided to switch classification system from SAB toDewey decimalclassification (DDC). SAB had untilthen been the main classification system in the wholeof the Swedish library field for 87 years. The decisionwas not limited to the national bibliography but alsoapplied to the research libraries of Sweden. Thisprocess developed according to the West Europeantendency to change in favor of the internationally wellspreadclassification system Dewey for more cooperationin the cataloguing process. The public libraries wassimultaneously recommended by SverigesBiblitoteksförening to switch from SAB to DDC in orderto create a uniform classification system for all Swedishlibraries. The purpose of this thesis is to examine howlibrary staff at two Swedish public libraries has beenaffected before, during and after the transition. To do so atheory on organizational change by Nadler and Tushman(1990, p. 80), have been applied. The theory is based ontwo different dichotomies divided into two dimensions;strategic versus incremental change and reactive inopposition to anticipatory change. The method used inthe study are semi qualitative interviews with four andfive informants respectively from two public libraries.Findings show that the transition to Dewey was reactive.According to my informants no larger change for theorganization took place.
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Så funkar avdelning C : en kvalitativ undersökning av användbarheten av SAB-systemets religionsavdelning i dagens svenska samhälle / The main class C (religion) of the Swedish classification system, and its usability in todays Swedish society : a qualitative surveyBlomkvist, Cecilia, Jonson, Karolina January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to find out whether the main class C (religion) in the Swedish classification system Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek is well adapted to classify materials published in or imported to Sweden, and handled by Swedish libraries today. The questions we put to ourselves were:1.How easy to understand, and how useful is the main class C religion today?2.What, in the main class C, is satisfactory?3.What, in the main class C, is inconsistent, anachronistic or incorrect?4.What, in the main class C, is in need of change or renewal?The method that was used was a number of interviews with librarians and cataloguers. We have interviewed eight librarians from six different libraries, of different types, but all with a relatively large collection of religious materials.Though all of our respondents have expressed a feeling that all the major religions deserve equal treatment in the classification system and a similar division of space, after some pondering on the subject, our respondents have agreed that a larger space for Christianity is warranted considering the composition of the current collections and publication. Our respondents have in some cases expressed that there is a lack of instructions as to how the subdivisions of the main class C (religion) is meant to be used. Several of our respondents have experienced difficulty in reasoning theoretically about classification. Our research shows that the main class C (religion), according to our respondents, is well adapted to classify materials published in or imported to Sweden, and handled by Swedish libraries today. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Klassifikation av litteratur om film och TV : En komparativ studie av Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB) och FIAF Classification scheme for literature on film and television / Classification of literature on film and television : A comparative study of Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB) and FIAF Classification scheme for literature on film and televisionJakobsson, Anna-Karin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare two different classification schemes with each other and see what the differences and similarities are when classifying literature concerning film and television. One of the schemes is of general kind, Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB) and the other is a special system, FIAF Classification scheme for literature on film and television. The focus of the examination is on comparing the structure, contents and division of firstly the main classes and secondly on comparing the notation and the auxiliary tables in the schemes. The theoretical framework of the comparison is based upon theory of classification but the conclusions drawn are though mostly of a more subjective character. In addition to the comparison itself interviews have been made with four libraries, two with experiences of SAB and two with experiences of FIAF. The results of the study showed that the special system had a better breadth overall and that the possibilities for better specificity were much greater with that system, as expected. When comparing the overall structure of the schemes and how the classes were divided, the differences were negligible. The comparison of notation showed that the notation of the universal system was generally shorter and that the elements within it could be more easily distinguished. With the help of its auxiliary tables, the universal system turned out to make use of its resources in an even better way than expected. The interviews showed that both classification schemes were suitable in each organization. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Musikklassifikation : En jämförande studie av de tre generella klassifikationssystemen DDC, SAB och UDC / Music classification : a comparative study of the three general classificationsystems DDC, SAB and UDCEriksson, Jesper, Freij, Karl-Oskar January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this Master's thesis is to determine which of the three general classification schemes, DDC, SAB, and UDC is the most appropriate for classifying music documents. This is done by analysing and classifying 60 music documents such as recordings, scores and books about music. The codes resulting from the classification are analysed according to a number of evaluation criteria based on classification theory. The criteria focus on the systems specificity, exhaustivity, exclusivity, helpful sequence, hospitality, notation and that related classes are kept together. The study showed that the systems specificity in classification was of great importance in classifying music documents because of the diversity of music genres. SAB showed the best results in this respect, but the study also showed that DDC might become the best system for music classification in the future. The reasons for this are that DDC keeps related classes together, has a hospitable and easily readable notation, good exhaustivity and a helpful sequence. UDC and SAB have some of these benefits but do not match DDC. However, DDC needs a revision and an extension of the pop- and rock music section for better specificity. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Tillämpning av CoClass i teknisk förvaltning : Kartläggning av klassifikationssystemet CoClass i teknisk förvaltning / : Mapping the classification system CoClass in technical managementWahlström, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Digital informationsmodellering i anläggningsarbeten och byggnader har blivit allt vanligare i byggbranschen. Detta till följd av branschens teknikutveckling, nya standarder och behov av att se byggnadsobjekten i ett livscykelperspektiv. Det har resulterat i att allt större krav ställs på att kunna samordna och klassificera informationen under hela bygg- och förvaltningsprocessen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka den potentiella nyttan av att använda CoClass i ett förvaltningsskede och vad som krävs för att underlätta implementering av CoClass för fastighetsförvaltare. Studiens design har utformats som en fallstudie för att uppnå studiens syfte. Som datainsamlingsmetod har semistrukturerade intervjuer gjorts där fem personer som arbetar med systemförvaltning intervjuats. Det erhållna resultatet visar att systemleverantörer av fastighetssystem är redo att tillämpa CoClass men att det saknas kunskap och kompetens vilket medför att det är svårt för förvaltare att kravställa CoClass. Studien har bidragit till djupare förståelse för hur det nya klassifikationssystemet CoClass är uppbyggt och hur det är tänkt att tillämpas. Studien har också visat att CoClass har potentialen att vara det framtida klassifikationssystemet för all bebyggd miljö i Sverige men det krävs att branschen är eniga och har kunskapen som krävs för att nyttja det.
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Övergången från SAB till Dewey i forskningsbibliotekssverige : En organisationsförändring ur de anställdas perspektiv / The Changeover from SAB to Dewey in Research Library Sweden : An Organizational Change from the Viewpoint of the EmployeesAndersson, Veronica, Nilsson, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
In November 2008 the National Library of Sweden decidedto switch classification system from SAB to Dewey decimalclassification. SAB had then been the main classificationsystem in the whole of the Swedish library field for 87 years.Included into the decision was not just the nationalbibliography but also the research libraries of Sweden. Thisdecision was in alignment with a West European tendency tochange in favor of the internationally well-spreadclassification system Dewey in order to co-operate more inthe cataloguing process. The purpose of this study takenplace in the autumn and winter of 2013 is to examine howlibrarians involved in the transition feel about what differentways the implementation has affected the research libraryorganizations. We also aim to study the librarians’ view onthe involvement of the research libraries into the decision ofthe changeover. In order to do so we apply a theory onorganizational change by Nadler and Tushman (1990, p. 80)that deals with two different dichotomies appropriate to ourstudy; strategic versus incremental change and reactive inopposition to anticipatory change. When these dimensionscome together into a typology we can describe change astuning, adaption, re-orientation or re-creation. The methodwe are using is semi qualitative interviews with fourinformants respectively from two Swedish research libraries.Our findings are that the transition to Dewey merely meantchange as tuning; an incremental and anticipatory transition.No larger organizational change took place according to ourinformants. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Ideologisk inverkan på SAB:s klassificering av arkeologiavdelning J / Ideological influence on Archaeology section J in SAB´s classification systemsGiniewska, Ewa, Albrechtson, Sophie January 2009 (has links)
The Swedish Library Classification System, known as the SAB-system, can be viewed as a product of the cultural and social norms and values in Sweden during the time in which it was created and subsequently reviewed. The main purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine the archaeology section J in the SAB-system, in order to observe if values and norms within this discipline had any impact on the Swedish Library classification system. Our intention is therefore to verify any correspondence between the choice of topics and hierarchical structure of that section, and the values and norms that ruled the Swedish society during the 20th century at large but with particular emphasis to the academic discipline of Archaeology. At the present, Archaeology is often disputed as a value-free interpretive science. Modern scientists are wondering if archaeological conclusions have ever been apolitical. This paper explores if altered attitudes and the socio-political changes through history, can be seen in the Swedish Library classification system. The imperialism, nationalism and left wing radicalization are some of the movements that are examined in this paper. The approach of this study is hermeneutical due to the importance of understanding the context. Literary studies of the history of Archaeology and Library and Information science have been used, and a comparison between all of the eight editions of the SAB-system has been conducted. The result of this study shows that even though the political and ideological changes had a great impact on the Archaeology as a science, there is little evidence that shows the dependency of the archaeology section in the SAB-system from the academic discipline itself. Regardless, the result also shows that the political and ideological changes through the 20th century greatly influenced the outlines of that particular section of the Swedish classification system.
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Klassifikation vid de nordiska alkoholmonopolen : En jämförande undersökning av fem statliga alkoholföretags hemsidor / Classification at the Nordic alcohol monopolies : A comparative study of the web pages of five state-owned alcohol companiesLilljegren, Joakim January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the goods classification of the Nordic alcoholmonopolies, viz. Alko in Finland, Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins in the FaroeIslands, Systembolaget in Sweden, Vínbúðin in Iceland, andVinmonopolet in Norway. The focus of the study is the web pages of thecompanies (as they appeared April 10th 2011) and the printed pricecatalogue of Alko, from which information on class division has beenexcerpted. The emphasis lies on the division into product groups and theinformation about origin. Within these facets, which partly overlap insome of the classification systems, the principles of division and thehierarchical relations between classes are studied. The systems havedifferent degrees of specificity and many external dissimilarities, but theyare all based on the same principles of division, which could be calledproduction method, raw material, origin, and alcohol content. In generalthe systems are hierarchically well constructed, but some deviations occur,which might affect the information retrieval negatively. The studyconcludes with suggestions on how the companies could improve theirclassification systems. These suggestions are summarised company bycompany at the end of the essay. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Den svenska bibliotekssektorns synsätt på en övergång till SAB-systemet och DDC / The Swedish library sector’s approach to a change to the SAB-system and DDCBauer, Cynthia January 2010 (has links)
The SAB-system (Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek) was created almost a hundred years ago and has often been viewed as insufficient among many academic libraries. KB (Kungliga Biblioteket) has therefore decided to change to DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) which means that the Swedish libraries are now facing a challenge that involves a change to a new classification system. This is a comparable situation that occured when the SAB-system was created. The aim of this Master’s thesis is to examine the Swedish library sector´s approach to a new classification system, first to the SAB-system and then to DDC. The Swedish library sector is demarcated into four groups. The character of the discussion, approaches and discourses within the discussions and the consequences of the approaches will be examined. Discourse analysis serves as theory and method. Laclau’s and Mouffe’s discourse theory is used together with Neumann´s three step model to analyze the research material that consists of different types of documents. The analysis shows three discourses in the material about the switch to DDC: the rational discourse, the economic discourse and the instrumental discourse. Three discourses were also found in the material about the switch to the SAB-system: quality discourse, the national discourse and the rational discourse. Five approaches are identified within these discourses: the uncritical approach, the national approach, the rational approach, the economic approach and the instrumental approach.
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