Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1igand binding"" "subject:"bigand binding""
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Protein crystallography of triosephosphate isomerases: functional and protein engineering studiesAlahuhta, M. (Markus) 06 May 2008 (has links)
The aim of this PhD-study was to better understand the structure-function relationship of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) and to use this expertise to change its substrate specificity. TIM is an important enzyme of the glycolytic pathway which catalyzes the interconversion of D-glyceraldehyde phosphate (D-GAP) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP). Two main subjects are discussed: the engineering of monomeric TIM to create new substrate specificity and the structure-function relationship studies of the catalytically important mobile loop6.
The starting point for the protein engineering project was the monomeric ml8bTIM, with an extended binding pocket between loop7 and loop8. Rational protein engineering efforts have resulted in a new variant called A-TIM that can competently bind wild type transition state analogues. A-TIM was also able to bind citrate, a compound that the wild type TIM does not bind. This A-TIM citrate complex structure is a good starting point for future protein engineering efforts.
Based on the assumption that it would be beneficial for the monomeric forms of TIM to have loop6 closed permanently to increase the population of competent active sites, two point mutation variants, A178L and P168A were generated and characterized. The A178L-mutation was made to favor the closed conformation of loop6 through steric clashes in the open conformation. The P168A variant was made to stabilize the closed conformation of loop6 by removing strain. The A178L mutation induced some features of the closed conformation, but did not result in a closed conformation in the absence of ligands. Our structural studies also show that the P168A mutation does not favor the closed conformation either. However, the structures of the unliganded and liganded P168A variant, together with other known TIM structures show that the substrate binding first induces closure of loop7.
This conformational switch subsequently forces loop6 to adopt its closed conformation.
The protein engineering project was successful, but the efforts to find variants with a permanently closed loop6 did not fully succeed. In the context of this thesis a monomeric variant of TIM, with new binding properties, was created. Nevertheless, A-TIM still competently binds the inhibitors and transition state analogues of wild type TIM. Also, when combined, results discussed in the context of this thesis indicate that in wild type TIM the closure of loop7 after ligand binding is the initial step in the series of conformational changes that lead to the formation of the competent active site. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli oppia paremmin ymmärtämään trioosifosfaatti-isomeraasin (TIM) toimintamekanismeja sen rakenteen perusteella ja käyttää tätä tietämystä samaisen proteiinin muokkaamiseen uusiin tarkoituksiin. TIM on keskeinen entsyymi solun energian tuotannossa ja sen toiminta on välttämätöntä kaikille eliöille. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää oppia ymmärtämään miten se saavuttaa tehokkaan reaktionopeutensa ja miksi se katalysoi vain D-glyseraldehydi-3-fosfaattia (D-GAP) ja dihydroksiasetonifosfaattia (DHAP).
TIM:n toiminta mekanismien ymmärtämiseksi sen aminohapposekvenssiä muokattiin kahdesta kohtaa (P168A ja A178L) ja seuraukset todettiin mittaamalla tuotettujen proteiinien stabiilisuutta optisesti eri lämpötiloissa ja selvittämällä niiden kolmiulotteinen rakenne käyttäen röntgensädekristallografiaa. Mutaatioita tehtiin dimeeriseen villityypin TIM:in (wtTIM) ja jo aikaisemmin muokattuun monomeeriseen TIM:in (ml1TIM). Näiden mutaatioiden tarkoituksena oli suosia entsyymin aktiivista konformaatiota, jossa reaktion kannalta välttämätön vapaasti liikkuva peptidisilmukka numero 6 on suljetussa konformaatiossa. Monomeerisissä TIM:ssa peptidisilmukka numero 6:n ei ole välttämätöntä aueta.
Tulokset mutaatiokokeista olivat osittain lupaavia. P168A-mutaatio lisäsi D-GAP:in sitoutumista, mutta rikkoi tärkeän mekanismin suljetussa, ligandia sitovassa, konformaatiossa. A178L-mutaatio aiheutti muutoksia avoimeen konformaatioon ja teki siitä suljettua konformaatiota muistuttavan jopa ilman ligandia, mutta samalla koko proteiini muuttui epävakaammaksi. Näistä kahdesta mutaatiosta A178L voisi olla hyödyllinen muokattujen TIM-versioiden ominaisuuksien parantamiseksi. Lisäksi yhdessä jo aikaisemmin julkaistujen yksityiskohtien kanssa nämä tulokset tekevät mahdolliseksi esittää tarkennusta siihen miten TIM toimii kun ligandi saapuu sen lähettyville. Tämän väitöskirjatyön yksi tavoite oli myös muokata edelleen monomeeristä TIM versiota (ml8bTIM), joka on suunniteltu siten, että se voi mahdollisesti sitoa uudenlaisia ligandeja. Tämä projekti vaati onnistuakseen 20 eri versiota ml8bTIM:n sekvenssistä ja noin 30 rakennetta. Uusia ligandeja sitova muoto (A-TIM) sitoi onnistuneesti sitraattia ja villityypin TIM:n inhibiittoreita. Erityisen lupaavaa oli, että A-TIM sitoi myös bromohydroksiasetonifosfaattia (BHAP), joka sitoutuu ainoastaan toimivaan aktiiviseen kohtaan. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että A-TIM kykenee tarvittaessa katalysoimaan isomerisaatio reaktion uudenlaisille molekyyleille. Esimerkiksi katalysoimaan isomerisointireaktiota sokerianalogien tuotannossa.
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Využití anotací primární struktury pro strukturní predikci protein-ligand aktivních míst / Use of residue-level annotations for structural prediction of protein-ligand binding sitesBřicháčková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The number of experimentally resolved protein structures in the Protein Data Bank has been growing fast in the last 20 years, which motivates the develop- ment of many computational tools for protein-ligand binding sites prediction. Binding sites prediction from protein 3D structure has many important applica- tions; it is an essential step in the complex process of rational drug design, it helps to infer the side-effects of drugs, it provides insight into proteins biological functions and it is helpful in many other fields, such as protein-ligand docking and molecular dynamics. As far as we know, there has not been a study that would systematically investigate general properties of known ligand binding sites on a large scale. In this thesis, we examine these properties using existing experimen- tal and predicted residue-level annotations of protein sequence and structure. We present an automated pipeline for statistical analysis of these annotations, based on hypothesis testing and effect size estimation. It is implemented in Python and it is easily extensible by user-defined annotations. The usage is demonstrated on 33 existing annotations and 4 different datasets. The practical significance of the results is tested with P2Rank prediction method. We hope that the results as well as the pipeline...
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Identification of Novel Ligands and Structural Requirements for Heterodimerization of the Liver X Receptor AlphaBedi, Shimpi 31 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Reading the Epigenetic State of Chromatin Alters its AccessibilityGibson, Matthew D. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Rational Optimization of Small Molecules for Alzheimer’s Disease Premortem DiagnosisCisek, Katryna 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Making sense of smell : classifications and model thinking in olfaction theoryBarwich, Ann-Sophie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses key issues of scientific realism in the philosophy of biology and chemistry through investigation of an underexplored research domain: olfaction theory, or the science of smell. It also provides the first systematic overview of the development of olfactory practices and research into the molecular basis of odours across the 19th and 20th century. Historical and contemporary explanations and modelling techniques for understanding the material basis of odours are analysed with a specific focus on the entrenchment of technological process, research tradition and the definitions of materiality for understanding scientific advancement. The thesis seeks to make sense of the explanatory and problem solving strategies, different ways of reasoning and the construction of facts by drawing attention to the role and application of scientific representations in olfactory practices. Scientific representations such as models, classifications, maps, diagrams, lists etc. serve a variety of purposes that range from the stipulation of relevant properties and correlations of the research materials and the systematic formation of research questions, to the design of experiments that explore or test particular hypotheses. By examining a variety of modelling strategies in olfactory research, I elaborate on how I understand the relation between representations and the world and why this relation requires a pluralist perspective on scientific models, methods and practices. Through this work I will show how a plurality of representations does not pose a problem for realism about scientific entities and their theoretical contexts but, on the contrary, that this plurality serves as the most reliable grounding for a realistic interpretation of scientific representations of the world and the entities it contains. The thesis concludes that scientific judgement has to be understood through its disciplinary trajectory, and that scientific pluralism is a direct consequence of the historicity of scientific development.
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Análisis de los dominios funcionales del receptor de progesterona en líneas celulares estables de cáncer de mamaQuiles Lara, Ignacio 07 September 2007 (has links)
Esta tesis se interesa por distinguir entre los efectos directos de los receptores nucleares y aquellos mediados por las rutas de transducción de señales en la transcripción de genes en respuesta a hormona y proliferación celular. Para esto, nosotros hemos expresado establemente en una línea celular T47Dy desprovista de PR, formas variantes marcadas de la isoforma B del PR en regiones involucradas bien en la unión al DNA(PRB-DBD), en su habilidad para interaccionar con ER y activar la cascada c-Src/Erk (PRB-ERID), o la incapacidad de reclutar coactivadores. La expresión génica en respuesta a progesterona en líneas celulares expresando los PRB salvaje y mutantes ha sido estudiada un microarray con 750 genes de cáncer de mama. Los resultados definen conjuntos de genes regulados en respuesta a hormona por los diferentes modos de acción del PRB, también genes dónde las rutas nucleares y no genómicas cooperan. Por último, se ha centrado la atención en la participación del gen Ciclina D1 (CCND1) en proliferación celular por hormona, el modo de acción del PR en su activación y el análisis de las regiones promotoras dónde PR se une. / This these is interested on distinguishing between direct effects of nuclear receptors and those mediated by signal transduction pathways on transcription of hormone-responsive genes and cell proliferation. For this, it stablies expressed in the PR-negative T47Dy breast cancer cell line, tagged forms of the PRB mutated at regions involved either in DNA binding, in its ability to interact with ER and activate the c-Src/Erk cascade, or the recruitment of coactivators. Gene expression in response to progestins in cell lines expressing wild type or mutant PRB has been studied by a 750 genes-containing breast cancer customized cDNA microarray. Our results define the subsets of hormoneresponsive genes regulated by the different modes of action of PRB, as well as genes where the nuclear and nongenomic pathways of PRB cooperate. Finally, it has focused the attention on the involvement of Cyclin D1 gene (CCND1) activation by hormone on cell proliferation, the mode of action of PR on its activation and the analysis of promoter regions where PR binds.
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Structure-Function Correlations In Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases Through The Dynamics Of Structure NetworkGhosh, Amit 07 1900 (has links)
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are at the center of the question of the origin of life and are essential proteins found in all living organisms. AARSs arose early in evolution to interpret genetic code and are believed to be a group of ancient proteins. They constitute a family of enzymes integrating the two levels of cellular organization: nucleic acids and proteins. These enzymes ensure the fidelity of transfer of genetic information from the DNA to the protein. They are responsible for attaching amino acid residues to their cognate tRNA molecules by virtue of matching the nucleotide triplet, which is the first step in the protein synthesis.
The translation of genetic code into protein sequence is mediated by tRNA, which accurately picks up the cognate amino acids. The attachment of the cognate amino acid to tRNA is catalyzed by aaRSs, which have binding sites for the anticodon region of tRNA and for the amino acid to be attached. The two binding sites are separated by ≈ 76 Å and experiments have shown that the communication does not go through tRNA (Gale et al., 1996). The problem addressed here is how the information of binding of tRNA anticodon near the anticodon binding site is communicated to the active site through the protein structure. These enzymes are modular with distinct domains on which extensive kinetic and mutational experiments and supported by structural data are available, highlighting the role of inter-domain communication (Alexander and Schimmel, 2001). Hence these proteins present themselves as excellent systems for in-silico studies.
Various methods involved for the construction of protein structure networks are well established and analyzed in a variety of ways to gain insights into different aspects of protein structure, stability and function (Kannan and Vishveshwara, 1999; Brinda and Vishveshwara, 2005). In the present study, we have incorporated network parameters for the analysis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data, representing the global dynamic behavior of protein in a more elegant way. MD simulations have been performed on the available (and modeled) structures of aaRSs bound to a variety of ligands, and the protein structure networks (PSN) of non-covalent interactions have been characterized in dynamical equilibrium. The changes in the structure networks are used to understand the mode of communication, and the paths between the two sites of interest identified by the analysis of the shortest path. The allosteric concept has played a key role in understanding the biological functions of aaRSs. The rigidity/plasticity and the conformational population are the two important ideas invoked in explaining the allosteric effect. We have explored the conformational changes in the complexes of aaRSs through novel parameters such as cliques and communities (Palla et al., 2005), which identify the rigid regions in the protein structure networks (PSNs) constructed from the non-covalent interactions of amino acid side chains.
The thesis consists of 7 chapters. The first chapter constitutes the survey of the literature and also provides suitable background for this study. The aims of the thesis are presented in this chapter. Chapter 2 describes various techniques employed and the new techniques developed for the analysis of PSNs. It includes a brief description of well -known methods of molecular dynamics simulations, essential dynamics, and cross correlation maps. The method used for the construction of graphs and networks is also described in detail. The incorporation of network parameters for the analysis of MD simulation data are done for the first time and has been applied on a well studied protein lysozyme, as described in chapter 3.
Chapter 3 focuses on the dynamical behavior of protein structure networks, examined by considering the example of T4-lysozyme. The equilibrium dynamics and the process of unfolding are followed by simulating the protein with explicit water molecules at 300K and at higher temperatures (400K, 500K) respectively. Three simulations of 10ns duration have been performed at 500K to ensure the validity of the results. The snapshots of the protein structure from the simulations are represented as Protein Structure Networks (PSN) of non-covalent interactions. The strength of the non-covalent interaction is evaluated and used as an important criterion in the construction of edges. The profiles of the network parameters such as the degree distribution and the size of the largest cluster (giant component) have been examined as a function of interaction strength (Ghosh et al., 2007). We observe a critical strength of interaction (Icritical) at which there is a transition in the size of the largest cluster. Although the transition profiles at all temperatures show behavior similar to those found in the crystal structures, the 500K simulations show that the non-native structures have lower Icritical values. Based on the interactions evaluated at Icritical value, the folding/unfolding transition region has been identified from the 500K simulation trajectories. Furthermore, the residues in the largest cluster obtained at interaction strength higher than Icritical have been identified to be important for folding. Thus, the compositions of the top largest clusters in the 500K simulations have been monitored to understand the dynamical processes such as folding/unfolding and domain formation/disruption. The results correlate well with experimental findings. In addition, the highly connected residues in the network have been identified from the 300K and 400K simulations and have been correlated with the protein stability as determined from mutation experiments. Based on these analyses, certain residues, on which experimental data is not available, have been predicted to be important for the folding and the stability of the protein. The method can also be employed as a valuable tool in the analysis of MD simulation data, since it captures the details at a global level, which may elude conventional pair-wise interaction analysis.
After standardizing the concept of dynamical network analysis using Lysozyme, it was applied to our system of interest, the aaRSs. The investigations carried out on Methionyl-tRNA synthetases (MetRS) are presented in chapter 4. This chapter is divided into three parts:
Chapter 4A deals with the introduction to aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (aaRS). Classification and functional insights of aaRSs obtained through various studies are presented.
Chapter 4B is again divided into parts: BI and BII. Chapter 4BI elucidates a new technique developed for finding communication pathways essential for proper functioning of aaRS. The enzymes of the family of tRNA synthetases perform their functions with high precision, by synchronously recognizing the anticodon region and the amino acylation region, which is separated by about 70Å in space. This precision in function is brought about by establishing good communication paths between the two regions. We have modelled the structure of E.coli Methionyl tRNA synthetase, which is complexed with tRNA and activated methionine. Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on the modeled structure to obtain the equilibrated structure of the complex and the cross correlations between the residues in MetRS. Furthermore, the network analysis on these structures has been carried out to elucidate the paths of communication between the aminoacyl activation site and the anticodon recognition site (Ghosh and Vishveshwara, 2007). This study has provided the detailed paths of communication, which are consistent with experimental results. A similar study on the (MetRS + activated methionine) and (MetRS+tRNA) complexes along with ligand free-native enzyme has also been carried out. A comparison of the paths derived from the four simulations has clearly shown that the communication path is strongly correlated and unique to the enzyme complex, which is bound to both the tRNA and the activated methionine. The method developed here could also be utilized to investigate any protein system where the function takes place through long distance communication. The details of the method of our investigation and the biological implications of the results are presented in this chapter.
In chapter 4BII, we have explored the conformational changes in the complexes of E.coli Methionyl tRNA synthetase (MetRS) through novel parameters such as cliques and communities, which identify the rigid regions in the protein structure networks (PSNs). The rigidity/plasticity and the conformational population are the two important ideas invoked in explaining the allosteric effect. MetRS belongs to the aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases (aaRSs) family that play a crucial role in initiating the protein synthesis process. The network parameters evaluated here on the conformational ensembles of MetRS complexes, generated from molecular dynamics simulations, have enabled us to understand the inter-domain communication in detail. Additionally, the characterization of conformational changes in terms of cliques/communities has also become possible, which had eluded conventional analyses. Furthermore, we find that most of the residues participating in clique/communities are strikingly different from those that take part in long-range communication. The cliques/communities evaluated here for the first time on PSNs have beautifully captured the local geometries in their detail within the framework of global topology. Here the allosteric effect is revealed at the residue level by identifying the important residues specific for structural rigidity and functional flexibility in MetRS.
Chapter 4C focuses on MD simulations of Methionyl tRNA synthetase (AmetRS) from a thermophilic bacterium, Aquifex aeolicus. As describe in Chapter 4B, we have explored the communication pathways between the anticodon binding region and the aminoacylation site, and the conformational changes in the complexes through cliques and communities. The two MetRSs from E.coli and Aquifex aeolicus are structurally and sequentially very close to each other. But the communication pathways between anticodon binding region and the aminoacylation site from A. aeolicus have differed significantly with the communication paths obtained from E.coli. The residue composition and cliques/communities structure participating in communication are not similar in the MetRSs of both these organisms. Furthermore the formation of cliques/communities and hubs in the communication paths are more in A. aeolicus compared to E.coli. The participation of structurally homologous linker peptide, essential for orienting the two domains for efficient communication is same in both the organisms although, the residues composition near domain interface regions including the linker peptide is different. Thus, the diversity in the functioning of two different MetRS has been brought out, by comparing the E.coli and Aquifex aeolicus systems.
Protein Structure network analysis of MD simulated trajectories of various ligand bound complexes of Escherichia coli Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (CysRS) have been discussed in Chapter 5. The modeling of the complex is done by docking the ligand CysAMP into the tRNA bound structure of E.coli Cysteinyl tRNA synthetase. Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on the modeled structure and the paths of communications were evaluated using a similar method as used in finding communication paths for MetRS enzymes. Compared to MetRS the evaluation of communication paths in CysRS is complicated due to presence of both direct and indirect readouts. The direct and indirect readouts (DR/IR) involve interaction of protein residues with base-specific functional group and sugar-phosphate backbone of nucleic acids respectively. Two paths of communication between the anticodon region and the activation site has been identified by combining the cross correlation information with the protein structure network constructed on the basis of non-covalent interaction. The complete paths include DR/IR interactions with tRNA. Cliques/communities of non-covalently interacting residues imparting structural rigidity are present along the paths. The reduction of cooperative fluctuation due to the presence of community is compensated by IR/DR interaction and thus plays a crucial role in communication of CysRS.
Chapter 6 focuses on free energy calculations of aminoacyl tRNA synthetases with various ligands. The free energy contributions to the binding of the substrates are calculated using a method called MM-PBSA (Massova and Kollman, 2000). The binding free energies were calculated as the difference between the free energy of the enzyme-ligand complex, and the free ligand and protein. The ligand unbinding energy values obtained from the umbrella sampling MD correlates well with the ligand
binding energies obtained from MM-PBSA method. Furthermore the essential dynamics was captured from MD simulations trajectories performed on E.coli MetRS,
A. aeolius MetRS and E.coli CysRS in terms of the eigenvalues. The top two modes account for more than 50% of the motion in essential space for systems E.coli MetRS,
A. aeolius MetRS and E.coli CysRS. Population distribution of protein conformation states are looked at the essential plane defined by the two principal components with highest eigenvalues. This shows how aaRSs existed as a population of conformational states and the variation with the addition of ligands. The population of conformational states is converted into Free energy contour surface. From free energy surfaces, it is evident that the E.coli tRNAMet bound MetRS conformational fluctuations are more, which attributes to less rigidity in the complex. Whereas E.coli tRNACys bound CysRS conformational fluctuations are less and this is reflected in the increase in rigidity of the complex as confirmed by its entropic contribution.
Future directions have been discussed in the final chapter (Chapter 7). Specifically, it deals with the ab-initio QM/MM study of the enzymatic reaction involved in the active site of E.coli Methionyl tRNA synthetase. To achieve this, two softwares are integrated: the Quantum Mechanics (QM) part includes small ligands and the Molecular Mechanics (MM) part as protein MetRS are handled using CPMD and Gromacs respectively. The inputs for two reactions pathways are prepared. First reaction involves cyclization reaction of homocysteine in the active site of MetRS and the second reaction deals with charging of methionine in the presence of ATP and magnesium ion. These simulations require very high power computing systems and also time of computation is also very large. With the available computational power we could simulate up to 10ps and it is insufficient for analysis. The future direction will involve the simulations of these systems for longer time, followed by the analysis for reaction pathways.
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Unfolding the Mechanism of Notch1 Receptor Activation : Implications in Cancer Stem Cell TargetingSharma, Ankur January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Notch receptors and ligands are single-pass transmembrane proteins which play important roles in cell-cell communication. Notch in ‘harmony’ with other signaling pathways regulate the entire diversity of metazoan life (Artavanis-Tsakonas & Muskavitch, 2010). These signaling pathways also play key roles in regulatingseveral developmental processes. Given the importance of Notch signaling in various developmental decisions, it is not surprising that aberrant gain or loss-of-function of Notch pathway leads to several human diseases including cancer (Ranganathan et al, 2011). Notch signaling has also been implicated in various human cancers, most notably in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) (Weng et al, 2004). In view of the importance of Notch signaling in cancers, therapeutic molecules targeting this pathway are making their way into clinical trials (Rizzo et al, 2008). This underscores the importance of understanding the mechanism of Notch receptor activation in normal and patho-physiological conditions. In this thesis, antibodies against different domains of human Notch1 receptor have been used as tools to understand the mechanism of receptor activation. This work has provided insights into the role of Notch1 extracellular domain in ligand-dependent receptor activation. Further, the mechanism of ligand-independent receptor activation in T-ALL associated mutant Notch1 has also been investigated. This understanding of ligand-dependent and independent receptor activation facilitated development of mechanistic inhibitors of Notch signaling for therapeutic targeting of the cancer stem cells (CSCs) across the pectrum of cancers.
The thesis is divived into two parts. Part-I focuses on understanding the role of Notch1 extracellular domain in receptor-ligand interactions using antibodies as a tool. In part-II, implications of these antibodies in therapeutic targeting of CSCs has been investigated.
Part-I Unfolding the Mechanism of Notch1 Receptor Activation
The extracellular domain of Notch1 receptor consists of 36 EGF-like repeats that contribute to ligand binding (Kopan & Ilagan, 2009). Despite extensive studies on the downstream consequences of Notch signaling, the initial events of ligandreceptor interactions have not been clearly elucidated. In the absence of structural insights into the receptor-ligand interactions, it was important to decipher the roles of various receptor domains in ligand-binding and consequent signaling. In this study, antibodies have been employed as tools for in-depth analyses of Notch receptorligand, interactions. Studies in Drosophila Notch receptor suggest that EGF-like repeats 11-12 are necessary and sufficient for ligand binding (Rebay et al, 1991).
However, the role of these repeats in human Notch1 receptor-ligand interaction(s) was not clearly elucidated. Antibodies were generated against Notch1 EGF-like repeats 11-15. Further, these antibodies were characterized for their specificity for Notch1 receptor in various ligand-binding and signaling assays. The results suggest that the monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against EGF-like repeats 11-12 were more potent inhibitors of ligand-binding compared to the antibodies against EGF-like repeats 13-15. As a part of these investigations, the Notch ligands Jagged1 and
Jagged2, Delta-like1 and Delta-like4 were purified and characterized in various assays. Ability of these ligands to interact with Notch1 EGF-like repeat 11-15 was determined using Surface Plasmon Resonance. The Jagged family of ligands demonstrated higher affinity for this recept or fragment when compared to the Delta family of ligands. The relatively low affinities (μM) of all the ligands suggested possibile involvement of other EGF-like repeats in ligand-binding. This was further investigated using antibodies against other EGF-like repeats of Notch1.
In Drosophila Notch EGF-like repeats 24-29 have been implicated in the ligand-dependent gain-of-function phenotype, suggesting a plausible involvement of this region in receptor activation (Pei & Baker, 2008). Therefore, role of human Notch1 EGF-like repeats 21-30 in ligand-binding and signaling was investigated.
These EGF-like repeats demonstrated specific interaction with the ligand-binding domain (EGF-like repeats 11-15). This suggested that in the absence of the ligand, these inter-domain interactions keep the receptor in an auto-inhibited conformation. Further, ligand binding to EGF-like repeats 11-15 dissociated pre-formed interdomain interactions. These results suggested that, the binding of ligand to EGF-like repeat 11-12 overcomes the negative constraint imposed by the intra-domain interactions which might lead to receptor activation. Next, to understand the role of
EGF-like repeats 21-30 in ligand binding, polyclonal antibodies were generated against the same and extensively characterized in various solid-phase and cell-based assays.
These antibodies demonstrated partial inhibition of ligand-binding. Further, using immunoaffinity purified antibodies it was demonstrated that antibodies against EGF-like repeats 25-26 were most potent inhibitors of ligand-binding compared to antibodies against EGF-like repeats 21-24 and 27-30. These results provided novel insights into Notch1 receptor activation. The model proposed on the basis of these results suggested that ligand-binding to EGF-like repeats 11-12 competes with the inter-domain interaction, in turn dissociating EGF-like repeats 21-30 from the ligandbinding domain. It emerged that this altered conformation of the receptor creates a secondary ligand-binding site at EFG-like repeats 25-26. Overall these results provided novel insight into the mechanism of Notch receptor-ligand interaction(s).
Part-II Implication in Cancer Stem Cell Targeting
Recent studies have suggested existence of the CSC population in various cancers (Clevers, 2011). Notch signaling plays an important role in maintenance of these CSCs (Pannuti et al, 2010). Thus, targeting Notch signaling may provide a potential therapeutic tool for CSC targeting. Several studies have indicated that Notch1 receptor and ligands are overexpressed in breast cancer cells compared to the normal breast epithelium (Mittal et al, 2009; Reedijk et al, 2005; Reedijk et al, 2008).
Moreover, it has been suggested that Notch1 signaling plays a key role in breast carcinogenesis (Stylianou et al, 2006). Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were used as mechanistic inhibitors of aberrant Notch1 signaling for therapeutic targeting of CSCs. One such antibody, MAb 602.101, against Notch1 ligand-binding domain (EGF-like repeat 11-12) inhibited proliferation and depleted breast CSCs. This MAb also modulated genes associated with stemness and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Furthermore, MAb 602.101 irreversibly inhibited the sphere-forming potential of breast cancer cells by modulating long-term self renewing capacity of
breast CSCs. Inhibition of Notch1 signaling by the MAb also depleted the chemoresistant
CD44Hi/CD24Low sub-population in breast cancer cells. Interestingly, antibody treatment led to elevated expression of genes associated with myoepithelial lineage, which suggested that inhibition of Notch1 signaling might induce a differentiation program leading to reduction in the CSC population. This study demonstrated the importance of Notch1 signaling in CSCs and effectiveness of antibodies as a tool for specific targeting of individual Notch receptors in cancer
therapeutics. While aberrant expression of receptors and ligands leads to breast cancer (Reedijk et al, 2005), gain-of-function mutations are associated with 40-50% of TALL\ patients (Weng et al, 2004). These mutations lead to ligand-independent receptor
activation (Malecki et al, 2006). Despite several attempts of successful antibodymediated therapeutic targeting of Notch1 (Aste-Amézaga et al, 2010; Wu et al, 2010), specific antibodies recognizing T-ALL associated mutant Notch1 remains elusive. Using homology modeling, the mutation induced conformational change in T-ALL associated mutant Notch1 was predicted. These results suggested that mutation led to conformational changes in the Notch1 negative regulatory region (NRR)
This conformation change might result in the constitutive activation of Notch1 signaling
leading to pathogenesis. Next, MAbs were generated against the wild-type Notch1 NRR and characterized in flow-cytometry based assays for identification of conformation specific antibodies. These antibodies were classified as either wild-type specific, mutant specific or unbiased to receptor conformations. One such mutant specific MAb 604.107 demonstrated higher binding to mutant Notch1 in flowcytometer and SPR based experiments. This MAb also demonstrated specific inhibition of T-ALL associated mutant Notch1 signaling without affecting the wildtype signaling. Moreover, antibody treatment also inhibited proliferation and depleted
leukemia initiating sub-population in patient derived T-ALL cells. Taken together, this study provides a novel tool for specific targeting of mutant Notch1 receptors in TALL. CSCs are inherently chemo-resistant and lead to tumor relapse (Chen et al, 2012). Recent studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between Notch1 signaling in lung CSCs and chemotherapy resistance (Hassan et al, 2013). In this study, Notch1 heterogeneity in solid tumors viz. breast and colon cancers was investigated. Using the antibodies generated previously in this study, Notch1High and Notch1Low sub-populations from MDA-MB-231 (breast cancer) and HCT-116 (colon cancer) cell lines were flow-sorted. It was demonstrated that the Notch1High subpopulation represented the sphere-forming CSCs in breast and colon cancer. The Notch1High sub-population also demonstrated chemo-resistant properties and expressed higher level of EMT and stemness markers. These results suggested explicit involvement of Notch1 signaling in EMT and maintenance of CSCs subpopulation in these cancers. The anti-Notch1 MAb also inhibited proliferation of the chemo-resistant Notch1High sub-population. Further, treatment with MAb inhibited expression of ABCC1 transporters in these drug-resistant cells leading to augmentation of chemotherapeutic response. Using mouse xenograft assays, it was demonstrated that Notch1 signaling plays an important role in the maintenacne of tumor-initiating sub-population in breast and colon cancer cells. Prior exposure of breast and colon cancer cells to MAb inhibited the tumor forming potential of these cells in xenotransplantation assays. Treatment with MAb alone or in combination with chemotherapy led to regression of pre-formed tumors in breast and colon
xenograft models. These results demonstrated existence of Notch1 heterogeneity in breast and colon cancer cells and emphasised the importance of targeting Notch1 signaling to overcome drug-resistance in these cancers.
The results described above have provided important insights into Notch1 receptor activation and this understanding was translated into therapeutic targeting of CSCs. This “proof-of-principle” demonstration has significant mechanistic and applied implications in Notch and cancer biology.
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