Spelling suggestions: "subject:"limites"" "subject:"imites""
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Evolução da filosofia do sistema de limitação de dose e a questão das substituições \"superseded\" / Philosophy evolution of the dose limitation system and the issue of replacements in the \'superseded\' publicationsCorrea, Felipe Ramos 07 July 2016 (has links)
Em 1958 a Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (CIPR) propôs a primeira filosofia do sistema de limitação de dose, introduzindo os Limites Anuais Máximos Permissíveis (LAMP). O grande avanço da era nuclear nas últimas décadas impôs novos paradigmas e a necessidade de atualização da filosofia em questão. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma análise da evolução da filosofia do sistema de limitação de dose, desde a década de 50 até os dias atuais. A primeira mudança de paradigma se deu com a criação dos Limites Anuais Máximos Admissíveis (LAMA), ainda vigentes. Por meio de um cuidadoso estudo das publicações do Organismo Internacional de Energia Atômica (OIEA) e das recomendações da CIPR, foi possível evidenciar e detalhar o processo de evolução dos LAMA ao longo das últimas décadas. A pesquisa aborda momentos-chaves que impulsionaram mudanças na filosofia do sistema de limitações de dose como, por exemplo, a crise internacional do petróleo e suas implicações no desenvolvimento da área nuclear. A comparação entre as diversas publicações das duas entidades (OIEA e CIPR) permitiu um estudo aprofundado desde o surgimento dessas filosofias até suas últimas publicações. Os resultados deste estudo apontam importantes informações que constam em publicações da CIPR, hoje consideradas \"superseded\", que não são encontradas nas publicações atuais. O OIEA, que elabora suas recomendações baseado na filosofia da CIPR, também não aborda as referidas informações. Por meio da presente pesquisa, foi possível evidenciar e detalhar valiosas informações que se perderam durante o processo de atualização das publicações e edição de recomendações de ambas as entidades. Este trabalho se propõe a apresentar essas informações, que foram estudadas em profundidade, discutindo seu real valor, propondo à comunidade internacional novas reflexões sobre a importância e a possibilidade de reintroduzir as informações perdidas em futuras publicações. / In 1958 the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) first proposed the philosophy of the dose limitation system by introducing the Permissible Maximum Annual Limits (PMAL). The breakthrough of the nuclear age in recent decades has imposed new paradigms and the need to update the philosophy in question. This work aims to present an analysis about the philosophy evolution of the dose limitation system, from the 50\'s to the present day. The first paradigm shift occurred with the creation of Allowable Maximum Annual Limits (AMAL), still in force. Through a careful study of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) publications and the ICRP recommendations, it was possible to highlight and detail the process of evolution of AMAL over the past decades. The research addresses key moments that have driven change in the philosophy of the dose limitation system, for example, the international oil crisis and its implications in the development of nuclear area. The comparison of the various publications of the two entities (IAEA and ICRP) allowed a thorough study since the emergence of these philosophies to their latest publications. The results of this study indicate important information contained in ICRP publications, now considered \"superseded\", which are not found in current publications. The IAEA, which prepares its recommendations based on the philosophy of the ICRP, also does not address such information. Through this research, it was possible clear and detail valuable information that was lost during the process of updating publications and editing recommendations of both entities. This study aims to present this information, which were studied in depth, discussing their real value, proposing to the new international community reflections on the importance and the possibility of reintroducing the lost information in future publications.
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Os bairros como instância territorial local - contribuição metodológica para o caso de São Paulo.Cazzolato, José Donizete 25 November 2005 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como tema central os bairros das grandes cidades, tomando como caso o Município de São Paulo, onde, apesar de existirem como espaço das relações cotidianas, locais, os bairros não são reconhecidos nem delimitados como unidades operativas pelo poder público. Uma nova metodologia é apresentada com vistas à sua adequada delimitação e sua oficialização como unidades da divisão territorial do município, esperando-se, assim, que os bairros possam operar como instrumentos de apreensão da realidade, de gestão territorial e de exercício da cidadania. Embasada no conceito geográfico que define território como a porção espacial denominada, apropriada e delimitada, a proposta considera o Município de São Paulo sob três enfoques: o substrato físico-urbano, as estruturas territoriais e de lugares e a visão do cidadão. Elabora um padrão de bairro - que se constitui no pilar central da metodologia - e sugere as etapas seguintes, onde o inventário toponímico tem grande destaque. Como ensaio de aplicação, a proposta é testada em dois distritos: Lajeado e Lapa.
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Anorexia e bulimia na clínica psicanalítica: uym estudo a partir da obra de Didier Anzieu / Anorexia and bulimia in psychoanalytic clinic: a study based on Didier Anzieu´s worksGarcia, Maria Carolina Cerqueira Cesar 28 August 2015 (has links)
Esta tese tem como perspectiva a hipótese segundo a qual os conceitos de Eu-Pele e de Envelopes Psíquicos, desenvolvidos pelo psicanalista Didier Anzieu, permitem um viés importante na compreensão da questão da constituição dos limites e fronteiras psíquicos, nas patologias da anorexia e da bulimia na clínica psicanalítica. Tomando como eixo principal na abordagem desses quadros patológicos o tema dos limites - eu/outro, dentro/fora, corpo/psique, são discutidas as concepções dos autores Brusset, Jeammet e McDougall, referentes às condições necessárias para o estabelecimento dos limites nessas patologias alimentares. É realizado um percurso pela obra de Didier Anzieu de tal forma a permitir, a partir dos conceitos de eu-pele e envelopes psíquicos, a compreensão da teorização do autor acerca dos limites e fronteiras, que serão, posteriormente, articulados a sua presença na anorexia e na bulimia. Por fim, é possível afirmar que falhas nas funções e constituição do eu-pele e dos envelopes psíquicos, acarretam um sério comprometimento na constituição dos limites do psiquismo nas patologias alimentares da anorexia e da bulimia / This thesis is based on the perspective that the concepts of skin-ego and psychic envelope, developed by the psychoanalyst Didier Anzieu, bring an important contribution for the comprehension of the problematic of the constitution of psychic limits and boundaries in the disorders of anorexia and bulimia in the psychoanalytic clinic. Taking this as the main theoretical framework for the understanding of these pathological frames, the question of the limits - I/other, inside/outside, body/psyche - is discussed based on contributions from Brusset, Jeammet and McDougall, concerning the necessary conditions for the establishment of the limits within these pathologies. It is undertaken, therefore, a reading of the work of Didier Anzieu, in a way to allow, from the concepts of skin-ego and psychic envelope, the comprehension of the proposition of the author on the limits and boundaries for the articulation with anorexia and bulimia. Finally, we argue that the lack in the function and constitution of the skin-ego and psychic envelope, brings serious consequences to the constitution of the psychic limits in the eating disorders of anorexia and bulimia
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Análise da segurança no projeto de estruturas: método dos estados limites / Safety in the structural design: limit states designCastro, Leila Aparecida de 18 June 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a introdução da segurança baseada em métodos probabilísticos, aplicados nos cálculos em estados limites, apresentando informações com o objetivo de esclarecer o meio técnico em geral a respeito dos fundamentos teóricos e das vantagens que tal método apresenta frente ao tradicional método das tensões admissíveis. Apresenta-se ainda alguns exemplos de cálculo, mostrando a determinação do índice de confiabilidade e dos coeficientes adotados no método dos estados limites, os quais são calibrados em relação aos tradicionais coeficientes de segurança do método das tensões admissíveis. / This work is about structural safety based in the probabilistic methods, applied in the structural design at limit states. Informations about theoretical background and advantages that this method shows related to traditional allowable stress design method are presented. In addition, some examples are presented, showing the determination of the reliability index and limit states factors, which are adjusted to original safety factors of the allowable stress design method.
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Filosofia da educação na formação do pedagogo: discurso de autonomia e fabricação de heteronomia / Philosophy of Education: discourse of autonomy and fabrication of heteronomy.Vieira, Marilene de Melo 23 March 2010 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivos analisar a possibilidade de a disciplina Filosofia da Educação contribuir para que os educandos construam sua autonomia e propor diretrizes para seu projeto. Teoricamente, a investigação apoia-se no processo de autocriação da sociedade e da fabricação de seus indivíduos, nas dimensões imaginárias e conjuntistaidentitária. Para melhor compreensão da disciplina, buscaram-se a sua instituição na formação dos educadores, com análise do monopólio legislativo do Estado na educação; a institucionalização da formação dos professores e a tentativa de cientismo da educação. Elegeram-se como material empírico da proposta, as disciplinas de Filosofia da Educação do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, que guardavam, em geral, identificação/semelhança com seus congêneres em outras instituições, bem como entrevistas com dirigentes acadêmicos e professores que as ministravam. Em virtude de a organização, estrutura e conteúdo dessas disciplinas não potencializarem a interrogação e nem a possibilidade de construção de sua autonomia pelos educandos, consistindo tão-somente em discurso de autonomia e fabricação da heteronomia, este trabalho fundamentou-se no pensamento de que a única Filosofia da Educação que pode contribuir para a construção do sujeito reflexivo e deliberante, e do espaço democrático, é a que se interroga incessantemente. Propuseram-se, então, para tal disciplina, entre outras, as diretrizes referentes à instalação de uma crise das verdades e das certezas dos educadores, dos educandos e a aspiração de autonomia/cidadania/democracia. / This thesis aims to analyze if the Philosophy of Education course can help students build their autonomy proposing guidelines for their projects. Theoretically, the investigation is based on the societys process of self-creation and fabrication of its individuals, in imaginary and conjunctionist-identitary dimensions. For further comprehension of the course, its institution was sought in the education of the teachers, analyzing the State Law monopoly in education. The empiric material chosen for this proposal were the Philosophy of Education courses for the Major in Education at the Federal University of Viçosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil), keeping, in general, identity/similarity with its similar courses in other institutions, as well as interviews with the academic directors and professors who teach it. Since the organization, structure and syllabus of these courses do not leverage questioning nor enable students to build their autonomy, consisting merely of the discourse of autonomy and fabrication of heteronomy, this research was based on the reckoning that the only Philosophy of Education that can contribute to the construction of the reflexive and deliberant subject and of the democratic space is that which questions itself incessantly. Then, among other ones, the guideless proposed for this course referred to the placing of a crisis of truths and certainties of both the teachers and the students, as well as the desire for autonomy/citizenship/democracy.
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Construction et analyse de conditions aux limites artificielles pour des équations de Schrödinger avec potentiels et non linéarités / Construction and analysis of artificial boundary conditions for Schrödinger equations with potentials or nonlinearitiesKlein, Pauline 03 November 2010 (has links)
L'équation de Schrödinger est une équation fondamentale de la physique, qui fait intervenir une fonction appelée potentiel, linéaire ou non linéaire, pouvant prendre différentes expressions selon le contexte physique. Pour résoudre numériquement cette équation, il faut se restreindre à un domaine borné en espace, en précisant sur la frontière de ce domaine de calcul des conditions aux limites artificielles (CLA) appropriées. En dimension un et pour un potentiel nul, la condition aux limites exacte est connue. L'objectif de cette thèse est de généraliser ces résultats en construisant des CLA approchées dans le cas d'un potentiel, linéaire ou non linéaire. A cette fin, nous proposons une recherche détaillée de méthodes permettant de tenir compte du potentiel, sans distinction selon ses propriétés mathématiques. Cette construction repose sur l'analyse microlocale et les règles du calcul symbolique associé aux opérateurs pseudodifférentiels. Les CLA obtenues se prêtent alors à une discrétisation et une implémentation numérique effective à l'aide d'un schéma de Crank-Nicolson suivi d'une méthode éléments finis linéaires. Dans ce travail, nous avons élaboré des familles de CLA pour l'équation en dimension un ou deux d'espace avec un potentiel linéaire ou non linéaire, ainsi que pour le problème stationnaire en dimension un. Dans chaque cas, de nombreuses simulations numériques ont été effectuées afin de comparer l'efficacité des conditions aux limites proposées par rapport aux autres méthodes existantes, ainsi que pour comparer entre elles les différentes familles de conditions aux limites construites suivant différentes stratégies / The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation involved in many physical domains. It deals with a linear or nonlinear function called potential, which can appear under various different expressions depending on the physical context. In order to solve the equation numerically, one has to restrict to a bounded spatial domain, and to add appropriate artificial boundary conditions (ABC) on the boundary of the computational domain. For the free-potential equation in one dimension, the exact boundary condition is known. The aim of this thesis is to generalize these results thanks to the construction of approximate ABC in the case of a linear or nonlinear potential. To this end, we propose a detailed research of methods taking the potential into account in the artifical boundary condition, without considering the mathematical properties of the considered potential. The construction of these CLA relies on microlocal analysis and the rules of symbolic calculus associated to pseudodifferential operators. These approximate boundary conditions can then be discretized and numerically computed, using a Crank-Nicolson scheme and a linear finite element method. In this work, we have derived families of ABCs for the Schrödinger equation in dimension one and two, with a linear or nonlinear potential, and for the stationary one-dimensional problem. In each case, many numerical simulations have been implemented in order to compare the efficiency of the new boundary conditions with respect to existing methods, and also in order to compare with one another the different families of boundary conditions developed following different strategies
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Analyse et contrôle de quelques problèmes d'interaction fluide-structures / Analysis and Control of Some Problems of Fluid-Structures InteractionLiu, Yuning 14 November 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse au caractère bien posé et à la contrôlabilité de quelques systèmes d'interaction fluide-structure. Plus précisément, on considère le système constitué de structures déformables ou indéformables et d'un fluide visqueux incompressible. On suppose que le fluide satisfait les équations non linéaires de Navier-Stokes en dimension 2 ou 3 et de Burgers visqueux en dimension 1. Les équations du mouvement des structures sont obtenues en minimisant une énergie du système (principe de D'Alembert) ou en appliquant le principe fondamental de la dynamique (lois de Newton). Les principaux résultats de cette thèse concernent l?existence des solutions (faibles ou fortes) dans le cas déformable, et la contrôlabilité à zéro dans le cas indéformable / In this thesis, we consider the well-posedness and controllability of some systems of fluid-structure interaction. More precisely, we consider the system consisted of deformable or non-deformable structure and of a viscous incompressible fluid. We suppose that the fluid satisfy the Navier-Stokes equation in 2 or 3 dimensions and the viscous Burger equation in 1-d. The equations for the structures are obtained by minimizing certain energy of the system (D?Alembert principle) or by applying the fundamental principle of dynamics (Newton?s laws). The principal results of this thesis are: the existence of solutions (strong or weak) in the deformable case and the null-controllability in the non-deformable case
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Structures territoriales et formation de la communauté : aspects institutionnels et historiographiques dans la Rome républicaine / Territorial structures and formation of the community : institutional and historiographic aspects in the Roman republicQuerol, Lola 14 December 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est d'analyser les structures territoriales que nous identifierons et de mettre en évidence leurs liens avec la formation de la communauté. Dans cette perspective, il s'agira dans un premier temps d'identifier les éléments phares de l’organisation territoriale de la ville et de la construction identitaire romaine, éléments indispensables pour comprendre la territorialité de la communauté romaine. Nous nous pencherons ensuite sur les implications du franchissement des limites sacrées urbaines afin de déterminer le poids des espaces et celui des limites dans la définition des pouvoirs et des normes juridico-religieuses. L'immense territoire qui constitue l'empire de Rome est d'une extraordinaire complexité juridico-sacrée. Les anciens avaient déjà conscience de cet état de fait, lié à des normes politiques et religieuses que les érudits de l'époque impériale (Ier – Vème siècle de notre ère) ne maîtrisaient sans doute plus complètement. L'analyse détaillée, à la fois de la complexité territoriale, conceptuelle et fonctionnelle, ainsi que celle des rituels qui permettent de définir les statuts, contribuera à donner son sens à un état de fait qui ne peut pas s'expliquer uniquement par un « conservatisme religieux » romain, mais repose aussi sur une fonctionnalité réelle. / The objective of this study is to analyze the territorial structures which we shall identify and to bring out their connections with the formation of the community. In this perspective, it will be a question at first of identifying the key elements of the territorial organization of the city and the roman identity construction, essential elements to understand the territoriality of the roman community. We will then examine the implications of crossing the sacred urban boundaries to determine the weight of spaces and the limits in the definition of powers and legal-religious norms. The vastness of the Roman empire has an extraordinary juridical-sacred complexity. The ancients romans were already conscious of this established fact, connected to political and religious norms which the savant of imperial period (Ist - 5th century AD) no longer mastered completely.The detailed analysis, both the territorial complexity, conceptual and functional, as well as that of the rites which allow to define the statutes, will contribute to give its sense to an established fact which cannot give some explanation only by a « religious roman conservatism », but also by a real feature.
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Modèles dispersifs de propagation de vagues : problèmes numériques et modélisation / Dispersive models of ocean waves propagation : numerical issues and modellingKasakova, Maria 28 September 2018 (has links)
La propagation des vagues est un phénomène complexe. La simulation directe de ce phénomène à l'aide des équations d'Euler ou de Navier Stokes à surface libre sont complexes et très coûteuses numériquement. Si certains phénomènes aux grandes échelles sont bien décrits par des modèles réduits plus simples à simuler numériquement, des modèles plus avancés sont nécessaires pour décrire des échelles plus fines. La première partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux modèles prenant en compte les effets de vorticité. Deux modèles moyennés sur la profondeur sont dérivés sous l'hypothèse d'eau peu profonde. Le premier concerne la propagation des ondes de surface et des ondes internes dans le cadre d'un système de deux fluides non miscibles. Le deuxième est un modèle de propagation des ondes côtières. Les effets turbulents sont pris en compte à travers l'équation de vorticité. Un algorithme numérique est construit pour la validation du second modèle et des comparaisons avec des résultats expérimentaux sont proposées. Dans la deuxième partie on s'intéresse à l'étude des conditions aux limites. Les problèmes initialement posés dans l'espace infini demandent des conditions aux limites spéciales pour le traitement numérique. On s'intéresse ici au cas des équations de Green-Naghdi. Dans un premier temps, des conditions aux limites transparentes sont dérivées, et des validations numériques sont proposées. Les tests montrent que des conditions aux limites similaires peuvent s'appliquer pour des ondes rentrantes. Dans un deuxième temps, on considère une technique de relaxation pour un système Green-Naghdi mis sous forme d'un système hyperbolique. En particulier, ce formalisme nous permet d'appliquer la technique de Perfect Mached Layers (PML) pour traiter les ondes sortantes et rentrantes. / Water waves propagation is a complex physical process. The direct numerical simulation using Navier-Stokes/Euler equations is a time-consuming and mathematically complicated solution. A good description of large-scale phenomena can be obtained by using relatively simple approximate models. However, if we are interested in a precise description of wave profiles, advanced modelling approaches are required. Once the model is derived, it needs to be solved numerically, and one faces another kind of challenges related to numerical simulations. The first part of the present thesis is devoted to the modelling of surface and internal ocean waves propagation, including dispersive effect and dynamics of the vorticity. In the framework of shallow water hypothesis, two models are derived. Both models involve additional equations for the vorticity evolution. To include the internal waves propagation, first, we consider a system of two immiscible fluids with constant densities. It represents a simple model of the ocean where the upper layer corresponds to the (thin) layer of fluid above the thermocline whereas the lower layer is under the thermocline. The second model includes a surf zone phenomenon. Shearing and turbulence effects in breaking waves are taken into account by a vorticity generation. Both models are governed by dispersive systems and reduce to a classical Green-Naghdi model in the case of vanishing vorticity. Additionally, an algorithm for the numerical resolution of the second model is proposed, and the validation by experimental results is performed. When dispersive/non-hydrostatic effects are taken into account, this usually leads to more accurate models of wave propagation like Green-Naghdi equations, or the two models derived in the first part, for example. The counterpart is that such a type of models requires advanced numerical techniques. In particular, one of the main issues is to define boundary conditions allowing the simulation of wave propagation in infinite physical space but on bounded numerical domains. In the second part of the present research, we focus on a definition of such boundary conditions for the Green-Naghdi equations. Artificial boundary conditions are first proposed for the linearised system. Then we address a hyperbolic system recently proposed to approximate the Green-Naghdi equations. A relatively simple structure of this new hyperbolic system allows for successful applications of Perfect Matched Layer (PML) techniques in order to deal with artificial numerical boundaries. Numerical tests are performed to validate the proposed approaches. In result, we have a correct description of numerical boundaries for non-linear cases. We have shown that the PML equations can be applied to the nonlinear system. Both approaches are then reformulated to solve the problem of injecting propagating waves in a computational domain.
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A tutela jur?dica da liberdade acad?mica no Brasil : a liberdade de ensinar e seus limitesTravincas, Amanda Costa Thom? 28 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-05-08T19:50:07Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The purpose of this thesis is to address the following issue: what limits and
restrictions on freedom of teaching are legitimate in the Brazilian context? There is a
set of assumptions invisiblized in the composition of this issue, and about it fits some
notes. First of all, it is understood that there is a necessary overlap between freedom
of teaching and democracy, which makes that first one worthy of juridical
constitutional protection. For this reason, it is taken as the theoretical framework of
this study, called "for the common good" school, thesis developed in The North
American constitutional law, according to which freedom of teaching has the ability to
instrumentalize the preparation of citizens to participate competently and responsibly
in public debate. For more than that - and already under the Brazilian right - it is
understood that the freedom of teaching is an autonomous right and materially
fundamental, finding apparatus, especially, in Article 206, item II of the Federal
Constitution of 1988. For this reason, it is submitted to the legal system of
fundamental rights mentioned in the paragraphs of Article 5 of the Constitutional text
and developed in the field of the dogmatic of the fundamental rights. To the
formulated thesis problem, it raises the hypothesis - to the end confirmed - that the
teacher?s freedom of teaching may suffer limitations and restrictions relating to the
content being taught and the methodology being used whenever it is deemed
necessary for the preservation of the characterizing core of the institutional
pedagogical project - not being the case, affectations to freedom of teaching will be
considered unconstitutional. To achieve the overall objective of this thesis, which is
analysing that limits and restrictions on freedom of teaching are legitimate in Brazil,
the text is divided into three chapters, each corresponding to one of the specific
objectives of the research. The first chapter is dedicated to the development and
characterization of the theoretical framework of the study. It is drawn the conclusion
that the freedom of teaching composes one of the dimensions of the denominated
academic freedom, and that it corresponds to the right of the teacher to make
decisions regarding the management of the classroom, always with a view in order to
prepare citizens with democratic competence. In the second chapter, it is taken care
of evaluating the legal treatment given to the freedom of teaching in Brazil. Among
the main consequences of this step is the fact that freedom of teaching corresponds to a complex law, which refers to a set of positive and negative duties within public
and private education institutions. The discussion of the limits and restrictions on
freedom of teaching is matter contained in the third chapter. On that occasion, the
research hypothesis raised is supported and developed in conclusive terms. With
regards to methodological bias issues, it was emphasized on the use of the juridical
dogmatic theoretical source and deductive reasoning. In the procedural field, the
thesis is worth, especially, from direct literature or cross-cutting themes, as well as
legislative data and national case law. / O prop?sito desta tese ? enfrentar o seguinte problema: que limites e restri??es ?
liberdade de ensinar s?o leg?timos no contexto brasileiro? H? um conjunto de
pressupostos invisibilizado na composi??o dessa quest?o, e sobre ele cabem
algumas notas. Em primeiro lugar, entende-se que h? uma imbrica??o necess?ria
entre liberdade de ensinar e democracia, que torna aquela primeira digna de tutela
jur?dico-constitucional. Por essa raz?o, toma-se como marco te?rico deste estudo a
denominada ?for the common good? school, tese desenvolvida no direito
constitucional norte-americano, conforme a qual a liberdade de ensinar tem o
cond?o de instrumentalizar a forma??o de cidad?os para que participem de forma
competente e respons?vel do debate p?blico. Para mais que isso ? e j? no ?mbito do
direito p?trio -, compreende-se que a liberdade de ensinar ? um direito aut?nomo e
materialmente fundamental, encontrando amparo, especialmente, no artigo 206,
inciso II, da Constitui??o Federal de 1988. Por essa raz?o, submete-se ao regime
jur?dico dos direitos fundamentais contido nos par?grafos do artigo 5? do texto
constitucional e desenvolvido no terreno da dogm?tica dos direitos fundamentais. Ao
problema de tese formulado, levanta-se a hip?tese ? ao final confirmada - de que
liberdade de ensinar do professor pode sofrer limites e restri??es atinentes a
conte?do a ser ensinado e ? metodologia a ser utilizada sempre que isso se mostrar
necess?rio para a preserva??o do n?cleo caracterizador do projeto pedag?gico
institucional - n?o sendo esse o caso, afeta??es ? liberdade de ensinar h?o que ser
consideradas inconstitucionais. Para a consecu??o do objetivo geral desta tese, qual
seja analisar que limites e restri??es ? liberdade de ensinar s?o leg?timos no Brasil, o
texto ? dividido em tr?s cap?tulos, cada um correspondendo a um dos objetivos
espec?ficos da pesquisa. O primeiro cap?tulo ? reservado para o desenvolvimento e
caracteriza??o do marco te?rico do estudo. Dele ? retirada a conclus?o de que a
liberdade de ensinar comp?e uma das dimens?es da denominada liberdade
acad?mica, e que ela corresponde ao direito do professor de tomar decis?es no
tocante ? gest?o da sala de aula, sempre tendo em vista o fim de formar cidad?os
com compet?ncia democr?tica. No segundo cap?tulo, cuida-se de avaliar o
tratamento jur?dico conferido ? liberdade de ensinar no Brasil. Entre os principais
desdobramentos dessa etapa est? o fato de que a liberdade de ensinar corresponde a um direito complexo, que remete a um conjunto de deveres positivos e negativos
no ?mbito de Institui??es de Ensino p?blicas e privadas. O trato dos limites e
restri??es ? liberdade de ensinar ? mat?ria contida no terceiro cap?tulo. Nessa
mesma ocasi?o, a hip?tese de pesquisa levantada ? corroborada e desenvolvida em
termos conclusivos. No tocante ?s quest?es de vi?s metodol?gico, ressaltam-se o
uso da vertente te?rica jur?dico-dogm?tica e do racioc?nio dedutivo. No campo
procedimental, a tese se vale, especialmente, de literatura direta ou transversal ?
tem?tica, bem como de dados legislativos e jurisprud?ncia nacional.
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