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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Assessment of soil erosion hazard around the abandoned mine in formerly Mutale Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Bvindi, Abidence 18 May 2019 (has links)
MENVSC (Geography) / Department of Geography and Geo-Information Sciences / Environmental degradation is a quite familiar factor of the mining industry that has been associated with South African mining industry from the beginning. The decommissioning of abandoned mines before the environment legislation, The National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 and the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act 23 of 2002, was introduced is of great concern as the abandonment of mines without appropriate remediation and pollution monitoring was the result. Soil erosion has been recognised as an environmental hazard that emanates from abandoned mines. This study seeks to assess the soil erosion hazard around Nyala abandoned mine. The modified method of Soil Loss Estimation Model for Southern Africa (SLEMSA), for assessing soil erosion hazard, was used to estimate the spatial variation of erosion to achieve the goal of the study. Parameters that were considered for the model include relief (Slope steepness, S & slope length, L), soil erodibility (Fb), vegetation cover (C) and rainfall erosivity (E). Soil samples were collected from the field and; sieve and hydrometer analysis was conducted to determine the erodibility factor value of the study area. The model was run in a GIS environment (ArcGIS) and the parameters were multiplied to generate a soil erosion hazard map for the abandoned Nyala mine area. Results from the study indicated that 74.3 % of the watershed experiences low to moderate erosion hazard, with an estimated annual soil loss of 2.76 tons/ha/yr. The low rates of soil erosion in most parts of the watershed are associated with the low topographic ratio and low rainfall erosivity. The research demonstrated that the modified SLEMSA model used within GIS is a very useful tool as it enhances the capacity to assess and model the spatial variation of soil erosion hazard in a timeously and affordable manner. / NRF

Challenges militating against community participation on the Integrated Development Plan Process in Thulamela Local Municipality

Ndou, Rendani 18 April 2019 (has links)
MAdmin / Department of Public and Development Administration / The study focusses on the challenges militating against community participation on the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) process in Thulamela Local Municipality (TLM) and to find strategies to be used to enhance community participation on Integrated Development Plan. The study is based on matters of community participation and IDP in order to find out how community participation in the municipalities can influence the planning process in an integrated manner. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996) mandates local government to encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in the matters of local government. IDP is the rightful platform to fulfil the aforementioned mandate in the local government. In this study, the researcher made use of a mixed research method where both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. The research is qualitative in nature, but the quantitative method is also used in data interpretation, because data collected was based on the views and opinions of a large number of respondents and the analysis of results based on statistical significance. The researcher used the non-probability sampling and its subtype purposive sampling method to select the participants in this study. Questionnaires, interviews as well as literature were used to gather data in this research. Two types of data analysis were used when analysing the data. For data collected through interview, the researcher used thematic analysis (Narrative form) and for data collected through questionnaire, the researcher used International Business Machinery (IBM)- Statistical Product in Service Solutions (SPSS) Statistics V25. The researcher followed research ethics before conducting the study. The major findings of the study are: • The study found out that 38 (76%) of the respondents agreed that community members actively participate in IDP process. This is an indication that community members of Thulamela Local Municipality actively participate in IDP process. • The researcher found out that the majority of the respondents at 45 which constitutes 90% agreed that active community participation in IDP process plays an important role in the improvement of the basic service delivery. • The researcher found out that majority of the respondents at 35 which constitutes 70% of the respondents in the study agreed that community members are well informed about different types of participation in IDP process. • The researcher found out that majority of the respondents at 38 which constitutes 76% of the respondents in the study disagreed that there are enough resources to capacitate community members in order to participate actively in IDP process. v The main recommendations are: • The researcher recommends that community members should take a share of responsibility to actively participate in IDP process. Thus, the community members should consider it necessary that they strive to make community participation on IDP process fashionable. • The researcher recommends that there should be active community participation in IDP process because it plays an important role in the improvement of basic service delivery. Community participation in IDP process needs to be active for the basic service delivery to be improved. • The researcher recommends that community members should be well informed about different types of participation on IDP process. It is the responsibility of the municipality to inform community members about different types of community participation that they can use to participate in IDP process. • The researcher recommends that the municipality should make enough resources to capacitate community members in order to participate actively in IDP process available. The municipality should embark on a journey to raise funds either from other government sectors and/or private sectors. / NRF

Professional nurses' and student nurses' perceptions of clinical supervision in training hospitals of Limpopo Province: South Africa

Mathevula, Rirhandzu Friddah 20 September 2019 (has links)
PhDH / Department of Advanced Nursing Science / Introduction and background Professional nurses are responsible to supervise student nurses in the clinical areas in order to assist them in achieving the learning outcomes, develop clinical skills and competence; however, this role is overlooked as pinned to different factors influencing clinical supervision, including the related challenges regarding supervision. This study aimed to explore and describe professional nurses’ and student nurses’ perceptions of clinical supervision in training hospitals of Limpopo Province, South Africa. Research methodology The study used convergent parallel mixed methods design. The population in this study was professional nurses and student nurses working in seven training hospitals of Mopani and Vhembe district of Limpopo Province. Purposive sampling was used to sample districts, hospitals and student nurses whereas, convenience sampling was used to sample professional nurses. Self-administered questionnaires and focus group interviews were used in data collection. Quantitative data was v analysed using Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS), version 22.0 and Tesch’s’ method was used to analyse qualitative data. Findings Perceptions of professional nurses and student nurses revealed several factors influencing supervision and challenges such as staff shortages, high number of student nurses allocated in clinical areas, heavy workload, inadequate material resources, poor communication and inadequate support. The findings were used in formulation of clinical supervision guidelines. Recommendations The recommendations of this study were based on the study findings. Intervention on the challenges of clinical supervision is recommended by utilisation of the formulated guidelines. This will assist in closing the existing gap regarding clinical supervision. / NRF

Nutrition knowledge of educators in primary schools in Makhuthamaga Municipality in Limpopo Province

Magoai, Matlou Martina 20 September 2019 (has links)
MSCPNT / Department of Nutrition / Introduction: Nutrition education is the change process whereby beliefs, attitudes, environmental influences, and understanding about food lead to nutrition practices that are scientifically sound, practical, and consistent with individual needs and available resources Design and Methods: The purpose of this study was to assess the nutrition knowledge of educators in Makhuduthamaga municipality, Limpopo Province. Quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory research was conducted to determine the factors that influence the nutrition knowledge of educators and explore the relationship between factors and nutrition knowledge. The simple random sampling technique was employed to select 200 educators in grades 4, 5, and 6. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. The data was analysed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS), version 21. Results and Discussion: Of the educators who participated in the study, 66.5% were female, and 33.5% were males. Almost all (94%) of the educators were trained at a college and had teaching experience of between 21-30 years. Most of the educators (60.5%) had a diploma, while 0.5% had a master’s degree. Almost one third of educators indicated that children should eat three (3) times during the day, and 32% identified the important meals as breakfast, lunch, and supper. Most (36.5%) failed to give reasons why children should not skip meals. In terms of basic food and nutrition, majority of the educators (75%, 67%, 56%, and 55.5%) responded correctly on the importance of carbohydrates, fat, vegetables, and fruits, respectively. Only a quarter (26%) knew the importance of protein, while 75.5% knew that protein forms part of a balanced diet. Most of the educators knew the rich sources of vitamin A and fibre but did not know the rich sources of iron, iodine, and vitamin C. There was no significant difference between the level of education and nutrition knowledge (p= 0.129), and between training institution and nutrition knowledge (p= 0.534). Conclusion: The need to train educators on nutrition was one of the main recommendations that emanated from many research projects. Most educators mentioned that training and level of education were of the factors that affected their nutrition knowledge. Nutrition knowledge is becoming increasingly important in food choices and in this study educators acknowledged that training affected their nutrition knowledge. / NRF

Management of safety concerns in rural primary schools of Maleboho West Circuit in Limpopo Province

Mapaya, Mabotseke Dina 20 September 2019 (has links)
MEd (Educational Management) / Department of Educational Management / The aim of the study was to investigate management of safety concerns in rural primary schools of Maleboho West circuit in Capricorn District. In rural areas, management of safety at primary school level is not adequate. Safety issues such as the carrying of sharp objects to classrooms, lack of scholar patrols and security guards, vandalizing of school property, poor condition of school buildings do not receive special attention in order to secure quality teaching and learning. To achieve the above aim, the study employed the interpretive paradigm to understand safety concerns from participants’ perspectives. The study was guided by a comprehensive approach theory to school safety. The study population comprised principals, teachers, governance official, chairpersons of School Governing Bodies and security personnel in Maleboho West circuit. In line with the interpretive research paradigm, purposive sampling was used to choose 11 participants that formed the study sample. Data was collected through interviews and document analysis. Data was analysed thematically. The results show that poor management of safety concerns is real and compromises the quality of teaching and learning. Amongst other measures, the study recommends enforcing discipline amongst learners and teachers; abolishment of pit toilets; availability of scholar patrols and security guards and ensuring the general monitoring of the safety of learners and school property. / NRF

An evaluation of health-care service delivery in rural areas with specific reference to Ndengeza Township

Masingi, Nkateko Tracey 16 September 2019 (has links)
MPM / Department of Public Health / The dawn of democracy in 1994 saw huge strides in the adjustment of various statutory instruments that aimed at opening the systems to all South Africans particularly the previously excluded groups. Health care system was one of the ear marked areas by the South African government for post-apartheid transformation. Resultantly, access to health care was declared a right and incorporated into the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996. Numerous legislative and practical steps towards achieving access to health care for all have been made with notable results. However, due the apartheid spatial planning which persuaded separate development left some sections of the community remote and with no infrastructure to support health care delivery. As a result, this has made the realization of the health care for all dreams elusive. Reportedly, the most affected communities were mainly homelands which were largely rural and townships. Despite notable improvements in the delivery of health care services across the Republic, there are still major challenges faced in this sector mainly in the rural areas and townships. Therefore, the study was set to investigate and evaluate the state of health care service delivery in rural Ndengeza Township. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative method following a descriptive design (cross-sectional) and data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire and interview questions. The results revealed that transport, staff-patient relationship, unavailability of medication and medical staff were the major challenges of health care service delivery in rural areas. The respondents alluded that to improve health service delivery in the area, there is need to make available basic medication and trained medical personnel. It is believed, by the participants, that adding the number of staff will go a long way in changing the negative perceptions such as long queues, unavailability of critical services and unprincipled professionals that the public have of the local health care centers / NRF

Assessment of community knowledge and prevention practices of malaria in Mutale Municipality, Vhembe District

Munyai, Livhuwani 20 September 2019 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / Background: Malaria is a public health issue killing more than 435 000 people in Sub Saharan Africa. In South Africa, malaria is endemic in 3 provinces namely: Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Kwazulu Natal. Limpopo Province contributes more cases than the other provinces in the country. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess community knowledge and prevention practices of malaria at Masisi village, in Mutale Municipality, Vhembe District. The study was conducted at Mutale municipality, Vhembe District. Methodology: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive approach was used. Data was collected using a questionnaire with open and close ended questions. The targeted population was made up of males and females between the ages of 18 to 75. Validity and reliability have been ensured in the study and the results for reliability were 0.85. Pretesting was done in 5 household at Sanari village which is near Masisi village as they share the same characteristics. A sample of 152 participants was selected from the target population by means of systematic sampling and then select them randomly. Questionnaires were used to collect data. There after Data were analyzed using SPSS version 24.0. The analyzed data were presented in tables, graphs, and in percentages. Results: The findings revealed that majority of the participants 103(67.8%) have secondary education, and most of them, 103(67.8%) are unemployed. The study revealed that about 77% have knowledge regarding malaria transmission. About 130(85.5%) indicated that malaria is caused by a mosquito bite. About 57(38.51%) indicated that they use mosquito coils and nets in their household. Conclusion: Malaria still poses a threat to the lives of people living in malaria endemic areas. Community members at Masisi village have better insight regarding malaria transmission, causes and signs and symptoms. Although the community shows a better understanding of the prevention method they still has to put this into practice in order to eliminate malaria in the area. Health workers are doing a great job in educating the community regarding malaria related issues. / NRF

The choice of English as a language of learning and teaching (LOLT) in selected public primary schools of Vhembe District

Mudau, Angeline Thikhathali 20 September 2019 (has links)
MA (Linguistics) / Department of Communication and Applied Language Studies / The study investigates why English is chosen as a language of learning and teaching by School Governing Bodies in selected public primary schools in Vhembe District. Historically, only English and Afrikaans were regarded as official languages that could be used as media of instruction in schools. The advent of democracy in 1994 saw nine most spoken languages in South Africa, besides English and Afrikaans, being elevated to the level of official languages. These languages included Tshivenda, Sepedi, Xitsonga, Sesotho, Seswati, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Setswana and isiNdebele, Since the South African constitution guarantees equal status to all the eleven major languages that are spoken in South Africa, one would expect to find schools choosing other languages, besides English, as a language of learning and teaching. The Language-in-Education Policy Act of 1997 stipulates that, for the first three years of schooling, learners should be taught in home language. The South African Schools Act number 84 of 1996, gives the mandate to determine the language of learning and teaching to School Governing Bodies (SGB). Amidst this freedom of choice, English remains the language of choice in public primary schools of Vhembe District. Studies have indicated that learners cannot cope with the sudden switch from home language to English, and that they end up failing or even dropping out of school. This study aimed to find out why English remains the language of choice for learning and teaching despite the fact that SGBs have the power to choose indigenous languages. The study was undertaken in the following municipalities: Collins Chabane and Makhado. A collective case study was used as a research design. Twelve respondents, from six selected schools, namely; six SGB chairpersons and six school Principals participated in the study. Respondents were purposively selected because they were the ones responsible for school governance matters. Three data collection methods were used, namely; observations, interviews and document anlysis. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed that SGBs lack capacity to execute their duties as school governors, and that English remains the language of choice because of the status it has in the economic and academic world. The study also found that SGBs cannot choose African languages because they are not developed as languages of science and technology. Conclusions drawn from this study are that SGBs do not participate in the v drafting of the language policy because most members are illiterate and are not aware of the power vested in them by SASA to determine the language policy of their schools. The study also concluded that home languages are not chosen as media of instruction because there are no learning and teaching materials in those languages, and also that home languages are not used as media of instruction in secondary schools and tertiary institutions that admit learners from these primary schools. A major recommendation of the study is that indigenous languages should be developed into languages of science and technology if they are to be used as languages of teaching and learning, and that there should be a programme designed to assist grade 4 learners with the transition from using home language as medium of instruction, to using English as medium of instruction. / NRF

Clients knowledge of renal donation at a specific urban health care facility in the Limpopo Province

Mojapelo, Makhutsisa Rosina 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the knowledge of clients regarding renal donation at a specific urban health care facility in the Limpopo province. A quantitative, explorative, descriptive and cross-sectional design was used. Data was collected using a structured pre-tested questionnaire. Out of 317 questionnaires, 300 were valid and considered for the study. Analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software version 25. Data was presented using tables, graphs and charts. The study revealed that 32% (n=95) were males and 68% (n=205) were females. The results showed that there are a significant correlations between the attitudes, knowledge and actions of clients with regards to renal donation. The study revealed inadequate knowledge on the majority 74,7% (n=224) of the respondents on renal donation. A recommendation was that awareness campaigns on renal donation to be planned on world kidney days. Furthermore, the recommendations of the study will be presented to the Limpopo Department of health to take effective measures to educate people with relevant information on renal donation. A policy regarding awareness programme of renal donation should be developed. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Sub-national governments and foreign policy : the case of the Limpopo Province in South Africa

Matshili, Vhulenda Edna 09 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse and describe the role of sub-national governments (SNG’s) in foreign policy and how the conduct of diplomacy has developed in the South African context, and to assess why and how provinces engage in this phenomenon. The theoretical approach to this study is embedded in neo-functionalism. In order to illustrate this, the South African province, the Limpopo Province is used as an illustrative case study. In particular, the study will analyse the role of the International Relations Unit (IRU) within the Office of the Premier (OtP) in the Limpopo Province as a case study. Limpopo is the main focus of this study because it, inter alia, borders on three sovereign states (Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe) which place the province in a good position to engage in international relations, mutual intentions and friendly relations with its neighbouring and other distant countries. The results of this study is that provinces have become important foreign policy and international relations actors in the area of low politics; however the national government remains as the main actor in the international relations and foreign policy making process. The results also indicate that Limpopo is being proactive in facilitating and accelerating the realisation of the foreign policy objectives since provinces engage with international activities that run in parallel with the objectives and principles of the national foreign policy. The study contributes to the literature on SNG’s diplomacy in South Africa. It also lays the foundation for further research in other SNG’s diplomacy especially in Africa by employing other theories that have been ignored including African theories. / Political Sciences / M.A. (Politics)

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