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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utbildning på alternativa drivmedel : En studie om utbildning inom ny teknik sett från en students perspektiv / Education on alternative propellant : A study on education in new technology seen from a student's perspective

Nielsen, Andrée, Appelkvist, Ronnie January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie har kartlagt vilka drivmedel som användes av svenska handelsflottans fartyg från 2016 och hur stor andel som inte var petroleumbaserad. Fokus riktades mot Linnéuniversitetets sjöingenjörsprogram där en analys av kursplaners mål samt innehåll belyste om alternativa drivmedel fanns inkluderat i utbildningen. Respondenterna på sjöingenjörsprogrammet var delaktiga i en intervjustudie som klargjorde om framtidsutsikter för realisering av alternativa drivmedel var möjlig. Resultaten visade att det fanns tre alternativa drivmedel inom svenska sjöfarten, där inga kurser hade direkt koppling men genom ledord fanns tre kurser med relevans till alternativa drivmedel. Det fanns ett gemensamt mål inom respondenterna på Linnéuniversitetet om alternativa drivmedel men vägen till förverkligande var inte klarsynt. / A few years ago, marine diesel and heavy fuel oil were the fuels that drove shipsforward. But with new legal requirements and climate goals, other potential fuelshave seen the light of day. These alternative fuels have resulted in an increase in thesystems you need knowledge of on board. The purpose of the study is to focus onhow the education to become a marine engineer keeps up with the rapidtechnological development that is taking place today.The study was carried out in several stages where document studies were compiledand became the basis for an interview study. The first document study resulted inwhat fuel the Swedish merchant fleet's newer ships use. In addition to marine dieseland heavy oil, alternative fuels such as liquid natural gas, methanol and batteryoperation are also used. These alternative fuels are used or can be used on about athird of the surveyed ships today.The second document study was done against the marine engineering program tosee if there was any connection to alternative fuels in the education's syllabuses. Nodirect connection was found, but by using key words for alternative fuels, threecourses were found with content that could be associated with the alternative fuels.The results of the document studies formed the basis for an interview study in whichpersonnel linked to the marine engineering education at the Linnaeus Universitywere interviewed. The result of the interview study was that all respondents agreedthat education is needed in the alternative fuels that have arrived. However, therespondents did not agree on what the training should look like, as there were manydifferent education proposals. Since there were also expressions from respondentsabout time, knowledge, and resource shortages, they need to reach an agreementwith a way forward to be able to secure the educational efforts towards a commongoal.

"Välkommen med din ansökan!" : En studie av saklighet och opartiskhet i tillsättningar av universitetslektorat vid svenska universitet / "Welcome with your application!" : A study of the objectivity and impartiality in appointments of lecturers at Swedish universities

Gustavsson, Ola January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is about hiring processes in the university sector. More particularly, the focus is to identify if the employment of lecturers obeys the principle of objectivity, impartiality and meritocracy. The thesis is based on a so-called mixed method research. Partly, the extent of compliance is tested in a quantitative survey of six Swedish universities, partly each one of the 73 employment notices is analyzed in a qualitative text analysis. The source of information is public government documents from the examined universities. The survey is limited only to include employments until further notice. Therefore, all sorts of temporary employments are excluded. The focus is on the academic subjects of social science, sociology and political economy. Furthermore, the thesis only investigates employments from the years of 2011-2019. To create an understanding in what way the state institutions should handle their exercise of power, the theory Quality of Government (QoG) is being used. The theory is also used for analysis and as an inspiration for the assay scheme, which is used to assess if the employments are considered “narrower” or “more open”. The variables used in the survey are; notification time, number of applicants, the use of peer review, language of the announcement, and a type of “employment conversion”, made possible by law. The result of the thesis shows that there is an extensive amount of employments which in one way or another violates the principle of impartiality. For example: 24 percent of the employments has less than 2 applicants. 17 percent of the employments is missing impartial peer reviews. 89 percent of the employments are only given noticed in Swedish. 29 percent of the announcement texts are written in a narrow, excluding way. To sum up, we can see indications of partial employments. There are distinctive variations between the universities and among the academic subjects. The most important conclusion of this thesis is that all partial employments are a problem, with shortcomings in quality and in public trust as consequences.

Stress - nu och i framtiden : En studie om socionomstudenters stress under studietiden och deras förväntade stress inför det framtida arbete / Stress - now and in the future : A study about stress in social work students during their studies and their expectations about stress in their future work

Bogren, Jonas, Engstrand, Jim January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka socionomstudenters nuvarande stress under utbildningstiden samt den stress som de känner inför deras framtida arbete. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom en enkätundersökning där respondenterna fick beskriva sig själva genom bakgrundsfrågor samt svara på attitydfrågor om hur väl påståenden avseende stämde överens med deras situation. Den teori vi har använt är Karaseks Krav och Kontrollmodell som berör begreppet stress i förhållande till en individs krav och kontroll. Vårt resultat visar att socionomstudenter upplever en relativt hög stressnivå under studietiden. Deras stressnivå hade ett samband med kön, deras familjesituation, vilken termin de studerar på samt om de arbetar utöver studierna eller ej. Kvinnorna som svarade visade en tendens till en högre upplevd stress än de män som svarade. De som bodde hos sina föräldrar eller ensamma med barn visade en högre nivå av stress under utbildningen än de som bodde ensamma eller med partner. De som gick i första terminen hade högst medelvärde av stress utav alla terminer. Däremot hittade vi inget samband mellan socionomstudenters upplevda stress och deras ålder. Resultatet visar att socionomstudenter även känner en relativt hög nivå av förväntad stress inför arbetslivet. Denna stress har även ett samband med studenternas kön, ålder och om de jobbar utöver studierna. Kvinnor tenderar till att ha en högre förväntad stress än män. Ju äldre socionomstudenterna var desto mindre stress kände de inför arbetslivet. De som jobbade utöver studierna visade en lägre grad av förväntad stress än de som inte jobbade extra. Däremot hittade vi inget samband med studenternas förväntade stress och vilken termin de studerade samt om de hade genomfört en verksamhetsförlagd utbildning under deras studietid.  Ett samband fanns mellan den upplevda stressen under utbildningen och den förväntade stressen inför arbetslivet, ju högre stress socionomstudenterna känner under utbildningen desto högre stress känner de inför arbetslivet. Nyckelord: Socionomstudenter, Upplevd stress, Förväntad stress, Attityd, Index, Enkät, Socialt arbete, Utbildning

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