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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Localization of SIP470, a Plant Lipid Transfer Protein in Nicotiana tabacum

Andrews, Shantaya 01 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
SABP2-interacting protein 470 (SIP470), a non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLTP), was discovered in a yeast two-hybrid screening using SABP2 as bait and tobacco leaf proteins as prey. SABP2 is an important enzyme in systemic acquired resistance that converts salicylic acid to methyl salicylate. Localization studies are an important aspect to understanding the biological function of proteins. nsLTPs are generally considered apoplastic proteins and has been localized intracellularly and extracellularly. Transient expression shows highest expression of SIP470-eGFP at 2 days post infiltration into Nicotiana benthamiana. Confocal microscopy showed localization near the periphery of the cell. Subcellular localization using differential centrifugation showed that SIP470 is localized in the mitochondria. Mitochondria membranes are rich in lipids and have shown lipid exchange with the endoplasmic reticulum in mammalian systems. Co-localization of SIP470-eGFP+mCherry did not express complete co-localization in the targeted organelles. Co-localization pattern suggests possible localization in the endoplasmic reticulum.

Mécanismes du transport lipidique par les protéines ORP/Osh / Mechanisms of lipid transport by the ORP/Osh proteins

Moser von Filseck, Joachim 16 December 2014 (has links)
Une distribution lipidique hétérogène est essentielle à l’identité et fonction des organelles, mais l’échange par trafic vésiculaire tend à annuler cette distribution. Il existe donc des mécanismes qui assurent l’homéostasie des lipides. Les protéines Osh (S. cerevisiae) et les OSBP-Related Proteins (ORP, H. sapiens), sont des transporteurs de lipides. Osh4 est capable d’échanger de l’ergostérol contre le phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P), présent sur l’appareil de Golgi. Utilisant des outils fluorescents mesurant avec une précision inégalée le transport de stérol et de PI4P, nous démontrons qu’Osh4 transporte du stérol contre son gradient de concentration en utilisant l’énergie d’un gradient de PI4P. Un couplage au métabolisme du PI4P permettrait à Osh4 d’alimenter le Golgi avec du stérol, ainsi créant le gradient de stérol entre ces organelles. La protéine OSBP participe, via sa capacité à connecter la membrane du RE à celle du trans-Golgi, à la création de jonctions entre ces organelles. Nous avons montré qu’OSBP, par échange stérol/PI4P, utilise le PI4P pour transférer du cholestérol au Golgi, mais également pour autoréguler sa capacité à former les jonctions. Osh6 lie la phosphatidylsérine, nous permettant d’étudier un nouveau mécanisme d’échange. Nous avons résolu la structure cristallographique d’un complexe Osh6/PI4P et avons pu observer l’échange de ces deux ligands par Osh6 entre deux membranes. Cette étude nous permet de suggérer que l’échange de PI4P avec divers lipides, via les protéines Osh/ORP, serait un mécanisme général permettant aux cellules de maintenir le gradient lipidique entre le RE et les membranes tardives de la voie sécrétoire. / An uneven lipid distribution is essential for the function of eukaryotic organelles. However, exchange of material by vesicular trafficking has a tendency to perturb this distribution; mechanisms must though exist to ensure lipid homeostasis. Osh proteins (S. cerevisiae) and OSBP-Related Proteins (ORPs, H. sapiens), are lipid transfer proteins (LTPs). Osh4 is capable of exchanging ergosterol for phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P), found on the Golgi. Using novel fluorescent tools to measure with unprecedented precision the transport of sterol and PI4P, we find that Osh4 can transport sterol against its concentration gradient using the energy of a PI4P gradient. Coupled to phosphoinositide metabolism, this allows Osh4 to transport sterol to the trans-Golgi and create the sterol gradients observed between these organelles. OSBP participates in the creation of membrane contact sites (MCSs) via its capacity to connect ER membranes to those of the trans-Golgi. We have shown that it uses PI4P for transporting cholesterol from the ER to the trans-Golgi by sterol/PI4P counterexchange, hence also autoregulating its tethering activity. Finally, the identification of phosphatidylserine as a ligand for Osh6 allowed us to analyze the possible extrapolation of the PI4P counterexchange mechanism. We have solved the crystal structure of Osh6 in complex with PI4P and have been able to follow counterexchange of PI(4)P and PS in vitro. Concluding, our studies allow us to suggest a general mechanism for ORP/Osh-mediated counterexchange of PI4P for other lipids to maintain lipid gradients between the ER and late membranes of the secretory pathway.

Biochemical characterization and evaluation of cytotoxic and allergenic activity of transferring protein isolate lipid Morinda citrifolia L. seeds (Rubiaceae) / CaracterizaÃÃo bioquÃmica e avaliaÃÃo das atividades citotÃxica e alergÃnica de uma proteÃna transferidora de lipÃdeos isolada de sementes de Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae)

Camila Crasto Lutif 06 July 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / This work reports the biochemical characterization, cytotoxic and allergenic effects of a lipid transfer protein isolated from M. citrifolia seeds (McLTP1), with trypsin and alpha-amylase inhibition properties. McLTP1 was purified with a procedure involving trichloroacetic acid precipitation and gel filtration chromatography. This protein showed significant inhibitory activities against trypsin (767,10  8,36 TIU/mgP), chymotrypsin (25,36  0,86 IU/mgP), papain (65,419  0,152 IU/mgP) and alpha-amylase (24,40%). Atomic force microscopy displayed that McLTP1 oligomerized in tetramers showing a central channel. Fluorescence and CD assays revealed that the McLTP1 structure is highly stable, regardless of pH and temperature levels. In vitro, McLTP1 presented a selective cytotoxic effect to human ovarian cancer cells (OVCAR-8; IC50 of 16,6 μg/mL) and demonstrated hemolytic effect against fresh rabbit red blood cels. Similarly to other non-specific lipid transfer protein reported, McLTP1 showed allergenic properties in mice, being considered as a true food allergen since it was able to sensitize the animals via the gastrointestinal tract. / Morinda citrifolia L. à uma espÃcie nativa do Sudeste da Ãsia intensamente investigada em funÃÃo de suas propriedades terapÃuticas reportadas hà mais de 2.000 anos. Recentemente, uma proteÃna transferidora de lipÃdeos denominada McLTP1 (UniProt Accession Number: C0HJH5) foi isolada de sementes de noni pelo nosso grupo de pesquisa. McLTP1 à uma proteÃna termoestÃvel de massa molecular 9,4 kDa, resistente à proteÃlise e dotada de atividades moduladoras da inflamaÃÃo e da dor pela via oral, promissoras e inÃditas para esse grupo de molÃculas. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar bioquimicamente McLTP1, bem como avaliar o seu potencial alergÃnico em camundongos, como etapas bÃsicas para o seu uso racional e seguro do ponto de vista farmacolÃgico. Em adiÃÃo, as propriedades terapÃuticas de McLTP1 foram tambÃm ampliadas, atravÃs da investigaÃÃo de seu efeito citotÃxico em diferentes linhagens de cÃlulas tumorais. A proteÃna em estudo foi isolada utilizando o protocolo jà estabelecido, envolvendo as etapas de precipitaÃÃo seletiva de proteÃnas do extrato total das sementes de noni com Ãcido tricloroacÃtico 2,5% e cromatografia de exclusÃo molecular. O ensaio de alergenicidade in vivo foi conduzido apÃs prÃvia aprovaÃÃo pelo Comità de Ãtica para Uso de Animais da Universidade Federal do Cearà e utilizou fÃmeas nulÃparas com massa corporal entre 25 e 30 g. McLTP1 apresentou in vitro atividades inibitÃrias de tripsina (767,10  8,36 UIT/mgP), quimotripsina (25,36  0,86 UI/mgP), papaÃna (65,419  0,152 UI/mgP) e alfa-amilase (24,40%). A atividade inibitÃria de tripsina de McLTP1 foi reduzida significativamente em temperaturas superiores a 37 ÂC, apresentando atividade residual de apenas 5,91% quando aquecida a 100 ÂC por 30 min. Essa atividade foi tambÃm influenciada pelo pH, sendo de apenas 30,13% e 39,05% quando a proteÃna foi incubada em tampÃes de pH 3,0 e 12,0. O padrÃo de oligomerizaÃÃo de McLTP1 demonstrou a formaÃÃo de agregados dimÃricos/tetramÃricos delimitando um canal central de diÃmetro de 4,4 nm. As anÃlises espectroscÃpicas mostraram que McLTP1 apresenta espectro de CD similar Ãquele apresentado por outras proteÃnas transferidoras de lipÃdeos e caracterÃstico de proteÃnas ricas em alfa-hÃlice. Espectro de CD de McLTP1 nÃo mostrou alteraÃÃes significativas em diferentes temperaturas e pHs, corroborando com os dados de estabilidade obtidos anteriormente. Diferentemente, em condiÃÃes redutoras (DTT 1 mM) o espectro de CD mostrou alteraÃÃo na estrutura secundÃria da proteÃna e os mÃnimos e mÃximos de elipticidade molar foram tambÃm alterados na presenÃa de micelas iÃnicas de SDS (10 mM). McLTP1 apresentou atividade citotÃxica seletiva contra cÃlulas de cÃncer de ovÃrio (Ovcar-8; CI50: 16,6 μg/mL), nÃo sendo citotÃxica para as cÃlulas tumorais de cÃlon humano (HCT-116), leucemia humano (HL-60) e glioblastoma humano (SF-295) testadas. McLTP1 foi capaz de promover hemÃlise significativa em hemÃcias de coelho a partir da concentraÃÃo de 0,005 mgP/mL. McLTP1 apresentou potencial efeito alergÃnico in silico e em camundongos imunizados pela via oral, induzindo a sÃntese de anticorpos IgG e IgG1. Tal como descrito na literatura para outras LTPs, anticorpos anti-McLTP1 produzidos em coelho foram tambÃm capazes de reconhecer proteÃnas presentes em extratos de Rosaceae, Cucurbitaceae e na polpa do fruto de noni. Os dados obtidos permitiram caracterizar parcialmente a proteÃna em estudo, bem como avaliar o seu potencial imunogÃnico apÃs administraÃÃo oral. Novos testes serÃo conduzidos objetivando avaliar a importÃncia clÃnica dessas respostas, uma vez que testes de toxicidade demonstraram que McLTP1 nÃo foi capaz de promover reaÃÃes adversas em camundongos, mesmo apÃs administraÃÃo da dose de 8 mg/kg por 28 dias.

Une région intrinsèquement désordonnée dans OSBP contrôle la géometrie et la dynamique du site de contact membranaire / An intrinsically disordered region of OSBP controls membrane contact site geometry and dynamics

Jamecna, Denisa 12 December 2018 (has links)
La protéine OSBP est un transporteur de lipides qui régule la distribution cellulaire du cholestérol. OSBP comprend un domaine PH, deux séquences « coiled coil », un motif FFAT (deux phénylalanines dans un environement acide), et un domaine de liaison de lipides (ORD) à son extrémité C-terminale. Le domaine PH interagit avec le PI(4)P et la petite protéine G Arf1-GTP au niveau du Golgi, alors que le motif FFAT interagit avec la protéine VAP-A, résidente du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). En liant simultanément tous ces déterminants, OSBP stabilise des sites de contact membranaire entre RE et Golgi, permettant ainsi un contre-échange cholestérol / PI(4)P par l'ORD. OSBP contient également une longue séquence N-terminale d’environ 80 aa, intrinsèquement désordonnée, composée principalement de glycine, proline et d'alanine. Nous démontrons que la présence de ce N-terminus désordonné augmente le rayon de Stoke de OSBP tronquée du domaine ORD, et limite sa densité d’association sur la membrane portant le PI(4)P. La protéine dépourvue du N terminus favorise l'agrégation symétrique des liposomes PI(4)P (mimant la membrane du Golgi) par les deux domaines PH du dimère OSBP, alors que la présence de la séquence désordonnée empêche cette association symétrique. De même, nous observons que la distribution d’OSBP sur la membrane de vésicules unilamellaires géantes (GUV) varie selon la présence ou l'absence du N-terminus. En présence de la séquence désordonnée, la protéine est répartie de manière homogène sur toute la surface du GUV, alors que la protéine sans N-terminal a tendance à s'accumuler à l'interface entre deux GUV de type Golgi. Cette accumulation locale ralentit fortement la mobilité de la protéine à l’interface. Un effet similaire du N-terminal sur la dynamique des protéines est observé lorsque l’association de membranes de type ER et Golgi est assuré par des protéines monomériques (dépourvue du coiled coil) en présence de Vap-A. Les résultats de nos expériences in vitro ont été confirmés en cellules vivantes, où la séquence intrinsèquement désordonnée contrôle le recrutement d’OSBP sur les membranes Golgiennes, sa mobilité et sa dynamique d’activité au cours des cycles de transfert de lipides. La plupart des protéines de la famille d’OSBP contiennent des séquences N-terminales de faible complexité, suggérant un mécanisme général de régulation. / Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) is a lipid transfer protein that regulates cholesterol distribution in cell membranes. OSBP consists of a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, two coiled-coils, a “two phenylalanines in acidic tract” (FFAT) motif and a C-terminal lipid binding OSBP-Related Domain (ORD). The PH domain recognizes PI(4)P and small G protein Arf1-GTP at the Golgi, whereas the FFAT motif interacts with the ER-resident protein VAP-A. By binding all these determinants simultaneously, OSBP creates membrane contact sites between ER and Golgi, allowing the counter-transport of cholesterol and PI(4)P by the ORD. OSBP also contains an intrinsically disordered ~80 aa long N-terminal sequence, composed mostly of glycine, proline and alanine. We demonstrate that the presence of disordered N-terminus increases the Stoke’s radius of OSBP truncated proteins and limits their density and saturation level on PI(4)P-containing membrane. The N-terminus also prevents the two PH domains of OSBP dimer to symmetrically tether two PI(4)P-containing (Golgi-like) liposomes, whereas protein lacking the disordered sequence promotes symmetrical liposome aggregation. Similarly, we observe a difference in OSBP membrane distribution on tethered giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), based on the presence/absence of N-terminus. Protein with disordered sequence is homogeneously distributed all over the GUV surface, whereas protein without N-terminus tends to accumulate at the interface between two PI(4)P-containing GUVs. This protein accumulation leads to local overcrowding, which is reflected by slow in-plane diffusion. The effect of N-terminus is also manifested in monomeric OSBPderived proteins that tether ER-like and Golgi-like membranes in the presence of VAP-A. Findings from our in vitro experiments are confirmed in living cells, where N-terminus controls the recruitment of OSBP on Golgi membranes, its motility and the on-and-off dynamics during lipid transfer cycles. Most OSBP-related proteins contain low complexity N-terminal sequences, suggesting a general effect.

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