Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iiquid crystals"" "subject:"iiquid 3crystals""
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No description available.
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Sanidic Thermotropic Liquid CrystalsRepasky, Paul J. 29 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>This thesis consists of the structure-preserving numerical methods for PNP-NS equation and dynamic liquid crystal systems in Oseen-Frank energy. </p>
<p>In Chapter 1, we give a brief introduction of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Navier-Stokes (PNP-NS) system, and the dynamical liquid system in Oseen-Frank energy in one-constant approximation case and a special non-one-constant case. Each of those systems has a special structure and properties we want to keep at the discrete level when designing numerical methods.</p>
<p>In Chapter 2, we introduce a first-order numerical scheme for the PNP-NS system that is decoupled, positivity preserving, mass conserving, and unconditionally energy stable. The numerical scheme is designed in the context of Wasserstein gradient flow based on the form ∇ · (c∇ ln c). The mobility terms are treated explicitly, and the chemical potential terms are treated implicitly so that the solution of the numerical scheme is the minimizer of a convex functional, which is the key to the unique solvability and positivity preserving of the numer-<br>
ical scheme. Proper boundary conditions for chemical potentials are chosen to guarantee the mass-conservation property. The convection term in Poisson-Nernst-Planck(PNP) equation part is treated explicitly with an O(∆t) term introduced so that the numerical scheme is decoupled and unconditionally energy stable. Pressure correction methods are used for the Navier-Stokes(NS) equation part. And we proved the optimal convergence rate with an irregular high-order asymptotic expansion technique.</p>
<p>In Chapter 3, we propose a first-order implicit numerical method for a dynamic liquid crystal system in a one-constant-approximation case(which is also known as heat flow of harmonic maps to S2). The solution is the minimizer of a convex functional under the unit length constraint, and from this point, the weak convergence of the numerical scheme could be proved. The numerical scheme is solved in an iterative procedure. This procedure could be proved to be energy decreasing and this implies the convergence of the algorithm.</p>
<p>In Chapter 4, we study the dynamic liquid crystal system in a more generalized Oseen- Frank energy compared to Chapter 3. We are assuming K2 = K3 = −K4, the domain Ω is a rectangular region in R3, and d satisfies the periodic boundary condition on ∂Ω. And we propose a class of numerical schemes for this system that preserve the unit length constraint. The convergence of the numerical scheme has been proved under necessary assumptions. And numerical experiments are presented to validate the accuracy and demonstrate the performance of the proposed numerical scheme.</p>
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Probing influence of mesophasic transformation on performance of self-emulsifying system: effect of ionPatil, S.S., Venugopal, E., Bhat, S., Mahadik, K.R., Paradkar, Anant R January 2012 (has links)
Self-emulsifying systems are mixtures of oils and surfactants, ideally isotropic, sometimes including cosolvents, which emulsify under conditions of gentle agitation, similar to those which would be encountered in the gastrointestinal tract. The process of self-emulsification has remained the center of attraction for most researchers. Controlled hydration of self-emulsifying systems shows formation of an intermediate gel phase which upon rupture forms an emulsion. Current work was undertaken to understand and explore the microstructural properties of intermediate gel phase which are believed to influence the performance (droplet size) of the final formulation. The effect of additives on microstructural properties of intermediate gel phase has also been investigated. Microstructural elucidation of hydrated samples of intermediate regimes was done by using techniques such as small angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry and rheology. Samples from intermediate regimes showed formation of local lamellar structure which swelled with hydration. In the present work, the effect of addition of salt form of naproxen (sodium and potassium) and naproxen (base) on microstructural properties of intermediate regimes was investigated. Systems containing naproxen salts formed larger droplets whereas naproxen base formed smaller ones. Microstructural properties of intermediate lamellar structures were well correlated with performance of the final formulation. The current studies indicate that by controlling the properties of intermediate regimes optimized formulations with desired performance can be tailor-made.
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Liquid crystalline phase as a probe for crystal engineering of lactose: carrier for pulmonary drug deliveryPatil, S.S., Mahadik, K.R., Paradkar, Anant R 02 1900 (has links)
No / The current work was undertaken to assess suitability of liquid crystalline phase for engineering of lactose crystals and their utility as a carrier in dry powder inhalation formulations. Saturated lactose solution was poured in molten glyceryl monooleate which subsequently transformed into gel. The gel microstructure was analyzed by PPL microscopy and SAXS. Lactose particles recovered from gels after 48 h were analyzed for polymorphism using techniques such as FTIR, XRD, DSC and TGA. Particle size, morphology and aerosolisation properties of prepared lactose were analyzed using Anderson cascade impactor. In situ seeding followed by growth of lactose crystals took place in gels with cubic microstructure as revealed by PPL microscopy and SAXS. Elongated (size approximately 71 mum) lactose particles with smooth surface containing mixture of alpha and beta-lactose was recovered from gel, however percentage of alpha-lactose was more as compared to beta-lactose. The aerosolisation parameters such as RD, ED, %FPF and % recovery of lactose recovered from gel (LPL) were found to be comparable to Respitose(R) ML001. Thus LC phase (cubic) can be used for engineering of lactose crystals so as to obtain particles with smooth surface, high elongation ratio and further they can be used as carrier in DPI formulations.
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Hacia una economía circular: revalorización de productos de la semilla de salvia hispanica L. en el sector de los biopolímerosDomínguez Candela, Iván 17 July 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La producción masiva de plásticos ha generado graves problemas medioambientales, ya que su lenta degradación y alta persistencia en el medio ambiente causa la acumulación de residuos plásticos en los océanos y tierras. Como respuesta, se está llevando a cabo una búsqueda activa de alternativas más sostenibles, incluyendo biopolímeros, materiales compostables y biodegradables, polímeros reciclados y materiales biológicos. Se están desarrollando nuevas tecnologías para la producción de envases y productos que sean más sostenibles y reciclables, y se están promoviendo iniciativas de educación y concienciación para reducir el consumo y fomentar el reciclaje. La búsqueda de alternativas sostenibles es una prioridad urgente para abordar los impactos ambientales de los plásticos. La semilla de chía tiene un gran potencial en el campo de los biopolímeros debido a su alto contenido de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (alrededor de un 30% en peso de la semilla) y cuya harina de chía está formada por proteínas, mucílago, carbohidratos y residuos lignocelulósicos principalmente. Estos componentes pueden ser utilizados para producir biopolímeros naturales y biodegradables, que pueden ser una alternativa más sostenible a los polímeros sintéticos tradicionales. La presente tesis doctoral evalúa la capacidad de emplear la semilla de chía como recurso renovable funcional en el campo de los biopolímeros. Tras un proceso de extracción se evalúa la posibilidad de modificar químicamente los ácidos grasos poliisaturados presentes en los ácidos grasos del aceite de chía. Por tanto, uno de los primeros objetivos marcados es la optimización de un proceso como la epoxidación del aceite de chía, no realizada en la comunidad científica hasta el momento. El desarrollo de este aceite de chía epoxidado (ECO) permite su posterior testado como plastificante de origen bio en biopolímeros intrínsecamente rígidos y frágiles como el PLA. Además, este mismo aceite epoxidado puede emplearse como compatibilizante entre moléculas apolares, como son las matrices poliméricas, y las cargas lignocelulósicas, como la propia harina de chía, introducidas para mitigar el impacto ambiental y aumentar la revalorización de subproductos de la semilla de chía. El empleo de ECO como compatibilizante se ha llevado a cabo con matrices basadas en PLA y biopolietileno (Bio-HDPE), desarrollando biopolímeros biodegradables y no biodegradables para diferentes sectores.
También se ha desarrollado un aceite de chía maleinizado (MCO). La introducción de esta molécula de anhídrido maleico en el triglicérido le permite tener una elevada reactividad apta para el desarrollo de un nuevo bioplastificante, como se ha demostrado mediante la introducción en matrices de PLA, e incluso para su empleo como endurecedores de resinas de tipo epoxi. Se lleva a cabo por primera vez el desarrollo de una resina termoestable basada al 100 % en ECO como base de la resina epoxy y MCO como endurecedor bio. Finalmente, el aceite de chía también puede emplearse como materia prima para la obtención de glicolípidos con comportamiento de cristal líquido. Estos glicolípidos serán estudiados para conocer su potencial como surfactante en aplicaciones cosméticas o en aplicaciones energéticas para la conversión y almacenamiento de energía en presencia de compuestos que interaccionan con la luz solar. Por tanto, las investigaciones desarrolladas en la presente tesis doctoral han permitido explorar por primera vez el empleo de la semilla de chía como fuente de materia prima renovable para la obtención de compuestos activos aplicables al sector de los biopolímeros. Para ello se han desarrollado nuevos compatibilizantes y plastificantes mediante el desarrollo del ECO y del MCO, la revalorización de la harina de chía mediante su adición en matrices poliméricas desarrollando nuevos WPC y desarrollando, por primera vez, una resina termoestable originaria al 100% de la semilla de la chía. / [CA] La producció massiva de plàstics ha generat greus problemes mediambientals, ja que la seua lenta degradació i alta persistència en el medi ambient causa l'acumulació de residus plàstics en els oceans i terres. Com a resposta, s'està duent a terme una cerca activa d'alternatives més sostenibles, incloent-hi biopolímers, materials compostables i biodegradables, polímers reciclats i materials biològics. S'estan desenvolupant noves tecnologies per a la producció d'envasos i productes que siguen més sostenibles i reciclables, i s'estan promovent iniciatives d'educació i conscienciació per a reduir el consum i fomentar el reciclatge. La cerca d'alternatives sostenibles és una prioritat urgent per a abordar els impactes ambientals dels plàstics. La llavor de xia té un gran potencial en el camp dels biopolímers a causa del seu alt contingut d'àcids grassos poliinsaturats (al voltant d'un 30% en pes de la llavor) i la farina de xia de la qual està formada per proteïnes, mucílag, carbohidrats i residus lignocelulósics principalment. Aquests components poden ser utilitzats per a produir biopolímers naturals i biodegradables, que poden ser una alternativa més sostenible als polímers sintètics tradicionals.
La present tesi doctoral avalua la capacitat d'emprar la llavor de xia com a recurs renovable funcional en el camp dels biopolímers. Després d'un procés d'extracció s'avalua la possibilitat de modificar químicament els àcids grassos poliisaturats presents en els àcids grassos de l'oli de xia. Per tant, un dels primers objectius marcats és l'optimització d'un procés com l'epoxidació de l'oli de xia, no realitzada en la comunitat científica fins al moment. El desenvolupament d'aquest oli de xia epoxidado (ECO) permet el seu posterior testat com a plastificant d'origen bio en biopolímers intrínsecament rígids i fràgils com el PLA. A més, aquest mateix oli epoxidado pot emprar-se com compatibilizant entre molècules apolares, com són les matrius polimèriques, i les càrregues lignocelulósiques, com la pròpia farina de xia, introduïdes per a mitigar l'impacte ambiental i augmentar la revaloració de subproductes de la llavor de xia. L'ocupació d'ECO com compatibilizant s'ha dut a terme amb matrius basades en PLA i biopolietileno (Bio-HDPE), desenvolupant biopolímers biodegradables i no biodegradables per a diferents sectors. També s'ha desenvolupat un oli de xia maleinizado (MCO). La introducció d'aquesta molècula d'anhídrid maleic en el triglicèrid li permet tindre una elevada reactivitat apta per al desenvolupament d'un nou bioplastificant, com s'ha demostrat mitjançant la introducció en matrius de PLA, i fins i tot per al seu ús com a enduridors de resines de tipus epoxi. Es duu a terme per primera vegada el desenvolupament d'una resina termoestable basada al 100% en ECO com a base de la resina epoxi i MCO com a enduridor bio. Finalment, l'oli de xia també pot emprar-se com a matèria primera per a l'obtenció de glicolípids amb comportament de cristall líquid. Aquests glicolípids seran estudiats per a conéixer el seu potencial com a surfactant en aplicacions cosmètiques o en aplicacions energètiques per a la conversió i emmagatzematge d'energia en presència de compostos que interaccionen amb la llum solar. Per tant, les investigacions desenvolupades en la present tesi doctoral han permés explorar per primera vegada l'ús de la llavor de xia com a font de matèria primera renovable per a l'obtenció de compostos actius aplicables al sector dels biopolímers. Per a això s'han desenvolupat nous compatibilizants i plastificants mitjançant el desenvolupament del ECO i del MCO, la revaloració de la farina de xia mitjançant la seua addició en matrius polimèriques desenvolupant nous WPC i desenvolupant, per primera vegada, una resina termoestable originària al 100% de la llavor de la xia. / [EN] The mass production of plastics has led to serious environmental problems, as their slow degradation and high persistence in the environment causes the accumulation of plastic waste in oceans and land. In response, there is an active search for more sustainable alternatives, including biopolymers, compostable and biodegradable materials, recycled polymers and bio-based materials. New technologies are being developed for the production of packaging and products that are more sustainable and recyclable, and education and awareness initiatives are being promoted to reduce consumption and encourage recycling. The search for sustainable alternatives is an urgent priority to address the environmental impacts of plastics. Chia seed has great potential in the field of biopolymers due to its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (around 30% by weight of the seed) and chia flour is mainly composed of proteins, mucilage, carbohydrates and lignocellulosic residues. These components can be used to produce natural and biodegradable biopolymers, which can be a more sustainable alternative to traditional synthetic polymers. This doctoral thesis evaluates the capacity of using chia seed as a functional renewable resource in the field of biopolymers. After an extraction process, the possibility of chemically modifying the polyunsaturated fatty acids present in the fatty acids of chia oil is evaluated. Therefore, one of the first objectives is the optimisation of a process such as the epoxidation of chia oil, which has not been carried out in the scientific community until now. The development of this epoxidised chia oil (ECO) allows its subsequent testing as a bio-based plasticiser in intrinsically rigid and fragile biopolymers such as PLA. Furthermore, this same epoxidised oil can be used as a compatibiliser between apolar molecules, such as polymeric matrices, and lignocellulosic fillers, such as chia flour itself, introduced to mitigate the environmental impact and increase the revaluation of chia seed by-products. The use of ECO as a compatibiliser has been carried out with PLA and biopolyethylene (Bio-HDPE) based matrices, developing biodegradable and non-biodegradable biopolymers for different sectors. A maleinised chia oil (MCO) has also been developed. The introduction of this maleic anhydride molecule in the triglyceride allows it to have a high reactivity suitable for the development of a new bioplasticiser, as has been demonstrated by introducing it into PLA matrices, and even for use as hardeners in epoxy-type resis. For the first time, the development of a thermosetting resin based 100% on ECO as the base of the epoxy resin and MCO as the bio hardener is carried out. Finally, chia oil can also be used as a raw material to obtain glycolipids with liquid crystal behaviour. These glycolipids will be studied for their potential as surfactants in cosmetic applications or in energy applications for energy conversion and storage in the presence of compounds that interact with sunlight. Therefore, the research carried out in this doctoral thesis has made it possible to explore for the first time the use of chia seeds as a source of renewable raw material for obtaining active compounds applicable to the biopolymer sector. To this end, new compatibilisers and plasticisers have been developed through the development of ECO and MCO, the revaluation of chia flour by adding it to polymeric matrices, developing new WPCs and developing, for the first time, a thermosetting resin made from 100% chia seed. / This research work was funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation-”Retos de
la Sociedad”. Project reference: PID2020-119142RA-I00. I. Dominguez-Candela wants
to thank Universitat Politècnica de València for his FPI grant (PAID-2019- SP20190013)
and Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) and the European Social Found (ESF), for his FPI grant (ACIF/2020/233) and the mobility
grant (CIBEFP/2021/53). The authors from INMA greatly appreciate financial support from projects of the Spanish Government PGC2018-093761-B-C31 [MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE] and the Gobierno de Aragón/FEDER
(research group E47_20R). Thanks are given to the nuclear magnetic resonance, mass
spectrometry, and thermal analysis services of the INMA (Univ. Zaragoza-CSIC) / Domínguez Candela, I. (2023). Hacia una economía circular: revalorización de productos de la semilla de salvia hispanica L. en el sector de los biopolímeros [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195025 / Compendio
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Design and Characterization of Polymeric Materials for their Application as Electrolytes in Fuel CellsPascual José, Borja 07 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las pilas de combustible de hidrógeno o bioalcohol son una tecnología prometedora para la generación de energía limpia y eficiente en el intento actual de revertir los severos efectos causados por el cambio climático. No obstante, para lograr generalizar su uso, esta tecnología debe optimizarse. Concretamente, la membrana de intercambio de protones es un componente crucial para mejorar su rendimiento general. Esta línea de investigación, entre otras, está incluida en la mayoría de las actuales líneas estratégicas nacionales y europeas con el objetivo de implantar estos sistemas de producción de energía sostenibles en un futuro próximo. En la presente tesis doctoral se presenta un procedimiento robusto y fiable que permite el diseño de membranas de intercambio de protones mediante la caracterización y análisis de varios materiales poliméricos con la intención de predecir su comportamiento en condiciones operativas. En ese sentido, se analizan cuatro tipos diferentes de microestructuras.
En el Capítulo 4 se analizan dos series de membranas basadas en copolímeros en bloque sulfonados de estireno-etileno-butileno-estireno (SEBS). La microestructura se ha ajustado para su idoneidad en aplicaciones de pilas de combustible. Posteriormente, se aplica a las muestras un proceso de sulfonación, fotorreticulación UV e hibridación.
En el Capítulo 5 se analiza una serie de membranas de poli(alcohol vinílico) (PVA) convenientemente modificadas para su idoneidad como membranas de intercambio de protones en celdas de combustible de metanol directo (DMFC). El análisis se centra en si la reticulación y la sulfonación mediante el uso de SSA mejoran la estabilidad y aumentan la conducción de protones en la estructura de PVA tal y como se esperaba inicialmente. Además, se evalúa el efecto de la adición de óxido de grafeno (GO) en los espectros dieléctricos y la conductividad protónica.
En el Capítulo 6 se analizan dos series de membranas a base de copolímero de poli (epiclorhidrina) (PECH) y poli (epiclorhidrina-co-óxido de etileno) (PECH-co-EO). Ambas membranas están modificadas con unidades de 3,4,5-tris[4-(n-dodecan-1-iloxi)benciloxi]benzoato. El análisis se centra en la capacidad de estas membranas para formar canales, promovidos por la orientación térmica, lo que mejora los mecanismos de transferencia de carga y la conductividad de los protones.
En el Capítulo 7 se realiza el análisis de una membrana sintetizada a partir de una red adaptable covalente (CAN). La característica más importante de este tipo de polímeros es la presencia de enlaces reversibles en la estructura que les permite mostrar propiedades físicas como la autoreparación, la soldabilidad y la reciclabilidad. Estas propiedades podrían mejorar el ciclo de vida de las membranas de intercambio protónico. El análisis realizado incluye una evaluación de las dos temperaturas más importantes desde el punto de vista viscoelástico, es decir, la transición vítrea Tg y la temperatura de transición de congelación de la topología Tv, y su impacto en la conductividad protónica.
Como resultado de este estudio, se desarrolla una metodología para analizar diversas membranas poliméricas con diferentes microestructuras mediante Análisis Térmico Dieléctrico (DETA). En consecuencia, el estudio de las propiedades dieléctricas, en términos de la permitividad compleja (ε∗), junto con el análisis de la conductividad compleja (σ∗), permite obtener información sobre la dinámica molecular que favorece eficientemente los mecanismos de transferencia de carga. La conductividad protónica (σprot) se estimará a partir de los datos dieléctricos, lo que permitirá evaluar las membranas poliméricas ensayadas para su aplicación como membranas de intercambio protónico. En consecuencia, se puede optimizar el funcionamiento de las membranas de intercambio de protones, y se promueve su implementación masiva. / [CA] Les piles de combustible d'hidrogen o bioalcohol són una tecnologia prometedora per a la generació d'energia neta i eficient en l'intent actual de revertir els severs efectes causats pel canvi climàtic. No obstant això, per a aconseguir generalitzar el seu ús, aquesta tecnologia ha d'optimitzar-se. Concretament, la membrana d'intercanvi de protons és un component crucial per a millorar el seu rendiment general. Aquesta línia d'investigació, entre d'altres, està inclosa en la majoria de les actuals línies estratègiques nacionals i europees amb l'objectiu d'implantar aquests sistemes de producció d'energia sostenibles en un futur pròxim. En la present tesi doctoral es presenta un procediment robust i fiable que permet el disseny de membranes d'intercanvi de protons mitjançant la caracterització i anàlisi de diversos materials polimèrics amb la intenció de predir el seu comportament en condicions operatives. En aqueix sentit, s'analitzen quatre tipus diferents de microestructures.
En el Capítol 4 s'analitzen dues sèries de membranes basades en copolímers en bloc sulfonats d'estiré-etilé-butilé-estiré (SEBS). La microestructura s'ha ajustat per a la seua idoneïtat en aplicacions de piles de combustible. Posteriorment, s'aplica a les mostres un procés de sulfonació, fotorreticulació UV i hibridació.
En el Capítol 5 s'analitza una sèrie de membranes de poli(alcohol vinílic) (PVA) convenientment modificades per a la seua idoneïtat com a membranes d'intercanvi de protons en cel·les de combustible de metanol directe (DMFC). L'anàlisi se centra en si la reticulació i la sulfonació mitjançant l'ús de SSA milloren l'estabilitat i augmenten la conducció de protons en l'estructura de PVA tal com s'esperava inicialment. A més, s'avalua l'efecte de l'addició d'òxid de grafé (GO) en els espectres dielèctrics i la conductivitat protònica.
En el Capítol 6 s'analitzen dues sèries de membranes a base de copolímer de poli (epiclorhidrina) (PECH) i poli (epiclorhidrina-co-òxid d'etilé) (PECH-co-EO). Totes dues membranes estan modificades amb unitats de 3,4,5-tris[4-(n-dodecan-1-iloxi)benciloxi] benzoato. L'anàlisi es centra en la capacitat d'aquestes membranes per a formar canals, promoguts per l'orientació tèrmica, la qual cosa millora els mecanismes de transferència de càrrega i la conductivitat dels protons.
En el Capítol 7 es realitza l'anàlisi d'una membrana sintetitzada a partir d'una xarxa adaptable covalent (CA). La característica més important d'aquesta mena de polímers és la presència d'enllaços reversibles en l'estructura que els permet mostrar propietats físiques com l'autoreparació, la soldabilitat i la reciclabilitat. Aquestes propietats podrien millorar el cicle de vida de les membranes d'intercanvi protònic. L'anàlisi realitzada inclou una avaluació de les dues temperatures més importants des del punt de vista viscoelàstic, és a dir, la transició vítria Tg i la temperatura de transició de congelació de la topologia Tv, i el seu impacte en la conductivitat protònica.
Com a resultat d'aquest estudi, es desenvolupa una metodologia per a analitzar diverses membranes polimèriques amb diferents microestructures mitjançant Anàlisi Tèrmic Dielèctric (DETA). En conseqüència, l'estudi de les propietats dielèctriques, en termes de la permitivitat complexa (ε∗), juntament amb l'anàlisi de la conductivitat complexa (σ∗), permet obtindre informació sobre la dinàmica molecular que afavoreix eficientment els mecanismes de transferència de càrrega. La conductivitat protònica (σprot) s'estimarà a partir de les dades dielèctriques, la qual cosa permetrà avaluar les membranes polimèriques assajades per a la seua aplicació com a membranes d'intercanvi protònic. En conseqüència, es pot optimitzar el funcionament de les membranes d'intercanvi de protons, i es promou la seua implementació massiva. / [EN] Hydrogen or bioalcohol fuel cells are a promising technology for clean and efficient energy generation in the current attempt to reverse the severe effects caused by climate change. However, in order to achieve its general use, this technology must be optimized. Specifically, the proton exchange membrane is a crucial component to improve your overall performance. This line of research, among others, is included in most of the current national and European strategic lines with the aim of implementing these sustainable energy production systems in the near future. In this doctoral thesis, a robust and reliable procedure is presented that allows the design of proton exchange membranes through the characterization and analysis of various polymeric materials with the intention of predicting their behaviour under operating conditions. In this sense, four different types of microstructures are analysed.
In Chapter 4, two series of membranes based on sulfonated block copolymers of styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) are discussed. The microstructure has been adjusted for its suitability in fuel cell applications. Subsequently, a sulfonation, UV photocrosslinking, and hybridization process are applied to the samples.
In Chapter 5, a series of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) membranes suitably modified for their suitability as proton exchange membranes in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) are discussed. The analysis focuses on whether crosslinking and sulfonation using SSA improve stability and increase proton conduction in the PVA structure as initially expected. In addition, the effect of the addition of graphene oxide (GO) on the dielectric spectra, and proton conductivity is evaluated.
In Chapter 6 two series of membranes based on copolymers of poly (epichlorohydrin) (PECH) and poly (epichlorohydrin-co-ethylene oxide) (PECH-co-EO) are analysed. Both membranes are modified with 3,4,5-tris[4-(n-dodecan-1-yloxy)benzyloxy]benzoate units. The analysis focuses on the ability of these membranes to form channels, promoted by thermal orientation, which improves the charge transfer mechanisms and the proton conductivity.
In Chapter 7, the analysis of a membrane synthesized from a covalent adaptive network (CAN) is performed. The most important characteristic of this type of polymer is the presence of reversible bonds in the structure that allows them to display physical properties such as self-healing, weldability, and recyclability. These properties could improve the life cycle of proton exchange membranes. The analysis carried out includes an evaluation of the two most important temperatures from the viscoelastic point of view, that is, the glass transition Tg and the freezing transition temperature of the topology Tv, and their impact on the proton conductivity.
As a result of this study, a methodology is developed to analyse various polymeric membranes with different microstructures by means of Dielectric Thermal Analysis (DETA). Consequently, the study of the dielectric properties, in terms of the complex permittivity (σ∗), together with the analysis of the complex conductivity (ε∗), allows us to obtain information on the molecular dynamics that efficiently favour the charge transfer mechanisms. The proton conductivity (σprot) will be estimated from the dielectric data, which will allow the evaluation of the tested polymeric membranes for their application as proton exchange membranes. Consequently, the functioning of proton exchange membranes can be optimized, and their massive implementation is promoted. / Pascual José, B. (2023). Design and Characterization of Polymeric Materials for their Application as Electrolytes in Fuel Cells [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196863
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Liquid carbon dispersions for energy applicationsAlfonso, Marco Salvatore 23 November 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de développer et d’étudier une nouvelle classe de fluidesintelligents à base de dispersions colloïdales de carbone, sensibles à un stimulus externe pour desapplications de conversion et stockage d’énergie. Ces stimuli sont de différentes natures : vibrationmécanique, mouvement humain, variation de pression ou écoulement d'un solvant, et peuventaltérer les structures de tels systèmes. Ceci induit une modification de la structure locale desparticules et par conséquent des propriétés diélectriques et électriques. Habituellement, lessuspensions de matériaux carbonés sont étudiées au repos ou séchées. Toutefois, comprendre leurcomportement en flux est essentiel pour de nouvelles applications où ces matériaux sont exploitésdans des conditions dynamiques telle que le stockage d'énergie électrochimique assisté par flux(FAES). Par exemple, les matériaux à base de graphène jouent désormais un rôle important dans lesnouvelles technologies énergétiques. Ils sont utilisés comme additifs conducteurs dans lesassemblages d'électrodes, mais en raison de leur forme anisotrope spécifique, ils permettentégalement d’obtenir des fluides diélectriques sous écoulement.Les cristaux liquides d'oxyde de graphène, en tant que matériau souple électrostrictif, sont étudiéspour la récupération d'énergie mécanique, ainsi que des dispersions de noir de carbone pour lestockage d'énergie.Les propriétés diélectriques et électriques de ces dispersions fluides dans des conditions statiques etdynamiques sont mesurées et analysées. Enfin, l’effet de l’écoulement sur l’orientation et laréorganisation locale des particules et leur comportement diélectrique et électrique sont examinés. / The aim of this work is to develop and study a new class of smart fluids made of colloidalcarbon-based dispersions, which are sensitive to an external stimulus for energy storage orconversion applications. The effect of an external input, such as mechanical vibration, humanmotion, variable pressure, flowing of a solvent, can alter the structures of such systems.Consequently these changes induce modifications of the dielectric and electrical properties. Usually,the suspensions of carbon materials are investigated at rest or dried. However, their flow behavior iscritical when new technologies, which exploit these materials in dynamic conditions such as FAES(Flow-Assisted Electrochemical Energy Storage) are considered. For example, graphene-basedmaterials are now playing a significant role in energy materials. They act as conductive additives inelectrode assemblies, but due to their specific anisotropic shape they also provide a new route toachieve dielectric liquid media.In details, Graphene Oxide liquid crystals as electrostrictive soft material for mechanical energyharvesting and Carbon black dispersions as percolated flowable electrodes for capacitive energystorage are investigated.In particular, the dielectric and electrical properties of these flowable dispersions are studied understatic and dynamic conditions. The effect of the flow-rate on the local orientation and reorganizationof the particles and their related dielectric and electrical behavior are examined.
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A New AC-Radio Frequency Heating Calorimetry Technique for Complex FluidsBarjami, Saimir 28 April 2005 (has links)
We have developed a new modulation calorimetry technique using RF-Field heating. This technique eliminates temperature gradients across the sample leading to a higher precision in evaluating the heat capacity compared to the previous techniques. A frequency scan was carried out on a 8CB+aerosil sample showing a wide plateau indicating the region of frequency independent heat capacity. A temperature scan was then performed through the first-order nematic to isotropic and second order smectic-A to nematic transitions and was shown to be consistent with the previous work. The amplitude of the RF heating power applied to the sample depends on the permittivity and the loss factor of the sample. Since the permittivity of a dielectric material has a strong temperature dependence in liquid crystals, new information is obtained. The heat capacity measurements have a relative resolution of better than 0.06%, and the phase shift a resolution of 0.03%, were shown to be significant improvements over traditional heating methods. We then applied this new RF calorimetry on bulk and aerosil 8CB dispersions. For the bulk 8CB, the step-like character of smectic-A to nematic transition, and first order nematic to isotropic transitions indicated the strong dominance of the permittivity and the loss factor of the material. For the 8CB+aerosil samples at different silica density, our data were consistent with the previous work and provides clear evidence for the coupling between the smectic-A and nematic phases. We have undertaken a combined T-dependent optical and calorimetric investigation of CCN47+aerosil samples through the I-N transition over a range of silica densities displaying the double I-N transition peak. This work offers compelling evidence that the I-N transition with weak quenched random disorder proceeds via a two-step process in which random-dilution is followed by random-field interactions on cooling from the isotropic phase, a previously unrecognized phenomena.
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Spectral Simplification In Scalar And Dipolar Coupled Spins Using Multiple Quantum NMR : Developments Of Novel MethodologiesBaishya, Bikash 05 1900 (has links)
Spin selective MQ-SQ correlation has been demonstrated by either selective pulses in homo-nuclear spin systems in isotropic and weakly orienting chiral media or by nonselective pulses in hetero-nuclear spin systems in strongly aligned media. As a consequence of the spin selective correlation, the coherence transfer pathway from MQ to SQ is spin state selective. This two dimensional approach enables the utilization of the passive couplings (remote couplings) to break a complex one dimensional spectrum into many sub spectra. Each sub spectrum contains fewer transitions and hence fewer couplings (active couplings). The role of the passive couplings is to displace the sub spectra and measurement of the displacements taking into account their relative tilt provides the magnitude of the passive couplings along with relative signs. Further possibility of a spin state selective MQ-SQ resolved experiment to determine very small remote couplings otherwise buried within linewidth in one dimensional spectrum has been demonstrated. The resolution of the multiple quantum spectrum in indirect dimension has also been exploited to separate the sub spectra. The technique renders the analysis of complex spectrum in isotropic system much simpler. The potentialities of the technique have also been demonstrated for discrimination of optical enantiomers and derivation of the residual dipolar couplings from very complicated spectrum. The second order spectrum in strongly aligned media restrict selective excitation, however in hetero-nuclear spin system the nonselective pulses on protons do not interact with the hetero-nuclear spins. Thus the weakly coupled part of a strongly coupled spectrum has been exploited for simplifying the second order spectrum and thereby its analysis. Thus several methodologies derived from spin selective correlation has been demonstrated.
Enantiopure spectrum has been recorded from a mixture of R and S enantiomers by a novel pulse scheme called Double Quantum Selective Refocusing Experiment. The dipolar coupled methyl protons in weakly orienting media are utilized. The selective excitation of double quantum coherence reduces the three spin system into a two spin system and remote couplings are refocused which otherwise leads to broadening. The sum of passive couplings being different for the enantiomers resolution in the DQ dimension is enhanced and thereby their discrimination.
Finally several decoupling schemes has been compared in the indirect dimension of HSQC experiment to resolve 13C satellite spectra otherwise buried within line width for increased confidence in determining hetero-nuclear framework information.
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