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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les phases anciennes du Paléolithique moyen dans le Sud-Est et le Sud-Ouest de la France : étude des systèmes techniques lithiques / The early Middle Palaeolithic in Southeastern and Southwestern France : A study of lithic systems

Mathias, Cyrielle 18 September 2018 (has links)
Les premières manifestations du Paléolithique moyen apparaissent en mosaïque en Europe au cours du Pléistocène moyen final. Elles sont associées à l’apparition de concepts de taille dits standardisés et à la disparition progressive du façonnage bifacial. Les industries sont ainsi rattachées à l’Acheuléen final ou au Paléolithique moyen ancien, selon les proportions de bifaces et du débitage Levallois. Notre étude se concentre sur deux zones géographiques du Sud de la France, toutes deux riches silex. Dans le Sud-Est, plusieurs niveaux du site d’Orgnac 3 ont été étudiés (MIS 9-8). Ces séries nous permettent d’appréhender la transition Paléolithique inférieur-moyen dans un contexte invariant. A l’inverse, dans le Sud-Ouest, un niveau a été sélectionné au sein de plusieurs sites des MIS 10 à 6, permettant d’appréhender les marges anciennes et récentes de la période en faisant varier le type d’occupation (grotte ou plein-air). Les niveaux étudiés sont la couche L2/3 de la Micoque (MIS 10), le niv. 2 de Petit-Bost (MIS 9/8), la 7 du Pech de l’Azé II (MIS 7/6) et le niv. VIIa de Combe Brune 2 (MIS 7/6). L’application d’une méthode technologique et techno-morpho-fonctionnelle nous a permis de faire ressortir les caractéristiques des séries. Plusieurs concepts de débitage (Levallois, S.S.D.A., Quina, Discoïde etc.) ou de façonnage (bifacial, galets aménagés) ont été identifiés. Les modalités d’émergence du débitage Levallois à l’échelle du Sud de la France sont ainsi discutées. En outre, la ramification des chaînes opératoires et les matrices combinées (bifaciales, trifaciales ou pièces à encoches), apparaissent comme caractéristiques de ces séries du Paléolithique moyen ancien. / The first evidence of Middle Palaeolithic behaviour occurred in a mosaic pattern during the late Middle Pleistocene in Europe. They are traditionally associated with the emergence of standardised flaking concepts and the disappearance of bifacial shaping. Lithic assemblages are attributed to the final Acheuean or early Middle Palaeolithic depending on the proportion of bifaces and Levallois concept. Our study focuses on two geographical areas in Southern France, both rich in flint deposits. In Southeastern France, several layers from Orgnac 3 were studied (MIS9-8). Those lithic assemblages permit us to perceive the Lower to Middle Palaeolithic transition in a same context. At the contrary, single layers from several sites were selected in Southwestern France between MIS 10 and 6. This selection allows us to consider ancient and recent margins from the transitional period, considering open-air sites and cave occupations. Layers studied are the L2/3 from la Micoque (MIS 10), layer 2 from Petit-Bost (MIS 9/8), layer7 from the Pech de l’Azé II (MIS 7/6) and the layer VIIa from Combe Brune 2 (MIS 7/6). The use of a technological and techno-morpho-functional approach cleared the main characteristic of these sites. Several flaking (Levallois, S.S.D.A., Quina, Discoïd etc.) and shaping concepts (bifaces, pebble tools) have been identified. On the basis of these data, the modalities of emergence of the Levallois concept in Southern France are discussed. Besides this concept, the presence of algorithmic methods, the ramification of reduction processes and the combined matrices (bifacial, trifacial and notches) appear as main characters of these early Middle Palaeolithic series.

Introducción: ¿por qué estudiar el Periodo Arcaico en el Perú?

Kaulicke, Peter, Dillehay, Tom D. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Introduction: Why to study the Archaic Period in Perú?This introductory paper provides the historical background for studies on the Archaic Period in the Central Andes, its internal problems concerning chronology and theory building as well as an outline of the basic arguments for the necessity and justification for further investigations in order to reveal the reasons of the advent of intensive agriculture, pastoralism and civilization. / Esta introducción presenta el transfondo histórico de los estudios acerca del Periodo Arcaico en el Perú, sus problemas internos relacionados con la cronología y la formación de hipótesis correspondientes así como una visión general de la necesidad de investigaciones futuras con el fin de comprender las razones de la llegada de agricultura intensiva, pastoralismo y civilización.

Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Occupations of the North Coast Of Perú / Las ocupaciones humanas del Pleistoceno Final y el Holoceno Temprano en la costa norte del Perú

Maggard, Greg J. 10 April 2018 (has links)
On Perú’s North Coast, the earliest documented lithic traditions are collectively known as the El Palto Phase (~14,200-9600cal BP). This phase, which spans the Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene, contains evidence for several contemporary or overlapping traditions, including early unifacial assemblages, and the Fishtail and Paiján complexes. Recent study of El Palto phasesites in the lower Jequetepeque Valley focused on evaluating the relationships between these assemblages and the populations who manufactured them. The results of this study indicate a greater degree of intratype diversity among point types than previously recognized and call into question the descendant relationships between Fishtail and Paiján. The results from several long-term regional studies are combined with these analyses to provide new insight regarding early settlement and technological change in this region of the Central Andes. / En la costa norte del Perú, las tradiciones líticas más tempranas documentadas se conocen, en conjunto, como la fase El Palto (~14.200-9600 cal AP). Esta fase, que abarca desde el Pleistoceno Final hasta el Holoceno Temprano, contiene evidencias de varias tradiciones contemporáneas o que coinciden parcialmente en el tiempo, lo que incluye conjuntos unifaciales tempranos y los complejos Cola de Pescado y Paiján. Un reciente estudio de los sitios de la fase El Palto en el valle bajo de Jequetepeque se enfocó enla evaluación de los vínculos entre estos conjuntos y las poblaciones que los produjeron. Los resultados obtenidos indican un grado mayor de diversidad tipológica entre los tipos de puntas que lo que previamente se había reconocido y cuestionan las relaciones tecnológicas entre las tradiciones líticas Paiján y Cola de Pescado. Asimismo, los resultados de varios estudios regionales de largoplazo se combinan con estos análisis con el objeto de proporcionar una nueva comprensión acerca del asentamiento temprano y el cambio tecnológico en esta región de los Andes Centrales.

A Revision Of The Pikimachay, Ayacucho’ Evidences, A Terminal Pleistocene Occupation In The Central Andes / Revisión de las evidencias de Pikimachay, Ayacucho, ocupación del Pleistoceno Final en los Andes Centrales

Yataco, Juan José 10 April 2018 (has links)
The earliest strata from Pikimachay Cave, the Pacaicasa and Ayacucho complexes has been one of the more controversial occupations of Terminal Pleistocene in the Central Andes. Due to the inconsistent presentation of findings, assumptions regarding the lithic and bone assemblages have been questioned. Therefore, a new review of these remains is required to assess the evidence in detail, because it is probably the earliest in the Central Andes. Preliminary results of these assemblages document lithic technologies and bones of the Ayacucho Complex, with probable anthropogenic cut marks, dated by radiocarbon correction between 15,781 to 14,886 cal BC. / Los estratos denominados complejos Pacaicasa y Ayacucho de la cueva de Pikimachay constituyen las ocupaciones más controversiales del Pleistoceno Final por contener, supuestamente, los restos de actividad humana más antiguos de los Andes Centrales. Debido a la pobre presentación de las evidencias en las escasas publicaciones que trataron del hallazgo, se puso en tela de juicio las presuntas herramientas líticas y óseas reportadas. Por consiguiente, se impuso una revisión de los restos con el objeto de evaluarlosen detalle. De manera específica, se pudieron examinar los restos guardados en el Museo de Arqueología y Antropología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y los resultados preliminares documentaron tecnologías líticas e, incluso, huesos conprobables huellas de corte antropogénico. La corrección radiocarbónica del fechado procedente del complejo Ayacucho arrojó un lapso entre 15.781 y 14.886 cal AC.

O artesanato da pedra lascada no sítio Cajueiro, Correntina-BA : tecnologia lítica

Ramalho, Juliana Betarello 28 August 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The site lithic Cajueiro (BA-RC-19) is located on the banks of the stream in Cajueiro Tree its confluence with the River Correntina, whose area is situated 50 km from the city of Correntina-BA, cerrado in western Bahia. The main purpose of this research is to present a look around the set of lithic material Site Cajueiro (BA-RC-19) in order to understand the cultural choices work with the flint, thus contributing to studies on Prehistory of the Planalto Central. Therefore, we are starting from a technological point of view that you use to discuss the concept of Chaîne-Opératoire, and thus expose the schemes of production and operation of lithic materials analyzed. Understanding the stages of an operational chain having your main goal in mind, the tools, and thus, we believe that for its production several other stigmata of chipping are involved. This process is a mental image of the craftsman who only has meaning within their culture. Our analysis methodologies were able to reconstruct the memory and technical know-how body. So the concept of Chaîne-Opératoire and technofunctional analysis was the chosen path. / O sítio lítico Cajueiro (BA-RC-19) está localizado às margens do córrego Cajueiro em sua confluência com o Rio Correntina, cuja área está situada a 50 km da cidade de Correntina-BA, cerrado do oeste baiano. O principal propósito dessa pesquisa é apresentar um olhar a cerca do conjunto de material lítico do Sítio Cajueiro (BA-RC-19) com a finalidade de entender as escolhas culturais do trabalho com a pedra lascada, contribuindo assim com estudos sobre Pré-História do Planalto Central. Para tanto, estamos partindo de um ponto de vista tecnológico que utiliza para discussão o conceito de cadeia operatória, e assim expor esquemas de produção e perceber potenciais de funcionamento dos materiais líticos analisados. Entendemos as etapas de uma cadeia operatória tendo seu objetivo principal em mente, os instrumentos, e assim, consideramos que para sua produção várias etapas e estigmas de lascamento estão envolvidos. Esse processo é uma imagem mental do artesão que só tem significado dentro de sua cultura. Nossas metodologias de analise foram capazes de reconstituir a memória técnica e o saberfazer corporal. Por isso o conceito de cadeia operatória e a analise tecno-funcional foram o caminho escolhido.

"Sistemas de assentamento e estilo tecnológico: uma proposta interpretativa para a ocupação pré-colonial do Alto Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul" / "Settlement systems and technological style: an interpretive porposal to Sinos River Valley precolonial settlement, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)"

Adriana Schmidt Dias 08 September 2003 (has links)
O estilo tecnológico é resultado de escolhas culturalmente determinadas, que se refletem na seleção das matérias primas, nas técnicas e seqüências de produção e nos resultados materiais destas escolhas. A comparação entre estilos tecnológicos de distintas indústrias líticas de uma mesma região permite, portanto, antever a possibilidade de distinção entre identidades sociais ou culturais no registro arqueológico. Buscando testar a validade desta premissa teórica para o estudo da variabilidade artefatual das indústrias líticas do sul do Brasil, analisamos de forma comparativa os conjuntos líticos da região do Alto rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul, relacionados a grupos de caçadores coletores, associados à Tradição Umbu, e a dois distintos grupos de horticultores, das Tradições Guarani e Taquara. / Technological style can be defined as the result of cultural choices reflected in different strategies of raw materials selections and debidage techniques related to the production of lithic artifacts. Therefore, it can be used to identify cultural or social identity in the archaeological record through the analysis of lithic assemblages. This concept was used to interpret the artefactual variability of lithic assemblages related to three different prehistoric settlement systems that occupied the Sinos River Valley (Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil), between 8.800 and 440 BP: the hunter-gatherers of Umbu Tradition and the horticulturalists of Taquara and Guarani Traditions.

Entre as pedras: as ocupações pré-históricas recentes e os grafismos rupestres da região de Diamantina, Minas Gerais / Among the rocks: the later prehistoric human occupations and the rock art of Diamantina, Minas Gerais

Andrei Isnardis Horta 04 March 2009 (has links)
A região de Diamantina, em Minas Gerais, guarda um amplo acervo de grafismos rupestres e ricos conjuntos artefatuais e estruturas atribuíveis aos últimos 1.500 anos de ocupação humana. Esta pesquisa investiga os dois conjuntos de registros arqueológicos: o horizonte recente e as pinturas rupestres. Numa análise que procura congregar estudos intra e intersítios, os dois conjuntos são explorados, em busca de identificar sistemas de ocupação e construção da paisagem. Nas ocupações recentes, vêem-se coleções líticas bastante variadas, em sítios de atributos diferentes, que se pretende conectar por meio do emprego das noções de organização tecnológica e cadeia operatória. No que tange aos grafismos rupestres, esta pesquisa investe na identificação de estilos e no reconhecimento das relações cronológicas entre esses. São analisadas também as formas de interação diacrônica entre figuras e as formas de sua composição gráfica. / The region of Diamantina, in Minas Gerais, has a large rock paintings assemblage and rich artefactual assemblages, and structures from the last 1.500 years of human occupation. This research explores the both archaeological features: the occupations of the later pre-colonial period and the rock art. Trying to put together intra and inter-site studies, we intent to identify systems of landscape building. In the later human occupation, there are many lithic artifacts, in different kinds of sites, that are studied here with the use of two basic concepts: technological organization and chaine operatoir. The rock art is explored through stylistic and chronological approaches. We also explore the ways of diachronical interactions and graphic construction among the paintings.

Cognição e cultura no mundo material: os Itaparicas, os Umbus e os \"Lagoassantenses\" / Cognition and culture in the material world: the Itaparicas, the Umbus and the \"Lagoassantenses\"

João Carlos Moreno de Sousa 09 May 2014 (has links)
A partir de uma abordagem que considera as ciências cognitivas como um caminho eficaz para buscar compreender o homem e a cultura através de vestígios materiais, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo central entender os processos cognitivos da relação \"homem x paisagem\", de grupos que ocuparam o Brasil durante o Holoceno Inicial, através da análise de algumas indústrias líticas. O método de análise proposto não privilegia apenas os artefatos formais destas indústrias, mas todos os vestígios líticos provenientes da vida de um artefato. As indústrias líticas em questão tratam-se das indústrias classificadas pelo Programa Nacional de Pesquisas Arqueológicas (PRONAPA), nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, como pertencentes às culturas arqueológicas \"Tradição Itaparica\" e \"Tradição Umbu\", e uma indústria proveniente da região de Lagoa-Santa, Minas Gerais. Esta análise proporcionará dados que posteriormente servirão como base para compreender as razões da distinção entre estas indústrias que surgiram no Brasil entre 12.000 - 9.000 AP, além de contribuir na construção de modelos de construção de conhecimento humano em diferentes sociedades pré-históricas. / From an approach that considers the cognitive sciences as an effective way to try to understand man and culture through material remains, this research project has as main objective to understand the cognitive processes of the \"human x environment\" relationship, from groups that occupied the Brazilian territory during the Initial Holocene, trough the analysis of some lithic industries. The proposed analysis method focuses not only the formal artifacts of these industries, but all traces of life from the lithic artifact. The referenced lithic industries are the industries classified by the National Program of Archaeological Research (PRONAPA) in the 1960s and 1970s, as belonging to the archaeological cultures \"Tradition Itaparica\" and \" Tradition Umbu\", and also an industry from the region of Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais. This analysis will provide data that allows having a basis for understanding the reasons for the distinction between those industries that emerged in Brazil between 12,000 BP and 9,000 BP, and contribute in the formulation of building human knowledge models in different prehistoric societies.

Les industries lithiques pré-européennes de Polynésie centrale : savoir-faire et dynamiques techno-économiques / Lithic industries of Central Polynesia : know-how and techno-economic dynamics

Hermann, Aymeric 12 December 2013 (has links)
En raison de leur ubiquité dans les assemblages archéologiques et les collections ethnographiques, les lames d’herminette en pierre ont longtemps été utilisées comme « fossiles-directeurs » afin de mettre en évidence des corrélations typo-chronologiques en Océanie. Néanmoins, les critères d’observations formels utilisés dans cette approche typologique ne permettaient pas de rendre compte de la complexité des processus techniques de fabrication. Après avoir rappelé les autres études expérimentales réalisées précédemment dans la région, nous proposons un premier référentiel des stigmates de taille sur roches basaltiques qui nous permet d’identifier différentes techniques de percussion utilisées dans la confection des lames d’herminette en pierre. La restitution des activités techniques qui ont abouti à la production de ces outils a été réalisée à travers l’analyse technologique d’assemblages archéologiques (produits finis ou semi-finis et déchets de taille) récoltés dans différentes sites de la côte Nord de l’île de Tubuai (Archipel des Australes, Polynésie Française). La caractérisation géochimique des gîtes géologiques et des artefacts taillés découverts en contexte archéologique a permis de restituer la répartition spatiale des différentes séquences de production au sein d’une même communauté ainsi que les transferts d’objets produits dans d’autres archipels. Parmi les différents réseaux d’approvisionnement identifiés dans l’île, j’ai choisi de suivre les activités techniques présentes au sein de deux sites : le premier est un complexe spécialisé dans la production des outils en pierre associant carrière d’extraction et ateliers de transformation, et l’autre un site d’habitat côtier.A travers la restitution des dynamiques de production, d’entretien et d’échange des lames d’herminettes en pierre, nous proposons un nouveau regard sur l’économie traditionnelle des chefferies de Polynésie centrale. Dans les assemblages étudiés, la confection de lames d’herminette a été essentiellement réalisée à travers la production d’éclats utilisés comme supports et transformés par façonnage. Cette combinaison des processus de débitage et de façonnage semble correspondre à une tradition technique qui prend son origine en Polynésie occidentale et qui est identifiée dans tous les archipels de Polynésie orientale. A partir des collections étudiées à Tubuai, il est possible de distinguer une production très standardisée de grandes lames au sein des ateliers spécialisés, et une production très peu standardisée de petites lames au sein des habitats côtiers. Grâce à la restitution des processus de production existant au sein d’une même communauté et des échanges intercommunautaires effectués à longue distance, nous discutons le rôle économique des herminettes à lame de pierre dans les chefferies polynésiennes. / The ubiquity of stone adze blades in archaeological sites and museum collections resulted in their use as “cultural fossils” to draw cultural evolutionary changes in the Polynesian islands. The typological approach proves useful for understanding the archaeological diversity in Oceania. Yet, it lacks efficiency when it comes to shedding light on the technical and economic choices involved in the production processes.After a discussion of previous knapping experimentations performed in Polynesia, I propose a panel of diagnostic criteria for identifying the use of hard and soft hammerstone in the manufacture of adze blades. Then, I focus on the production of blades from assemblages collected on the North coast of Tubuai Island (Austral Archipelago, French Polynesia). Along with the need to consider the whole manufacturing process and the post-production exchange networks comes the necessity to connect different archaeological assemblages. Geochemical characterisation of the geological sources and artefacts discovered within archaeological contexts were used to settle the favoured framework for understanding the series of production sequences and for identifying the transfer of tools produced within and outside the island. Among the different supply networks identified on the island, I chose to investigate the operational sequences located within two sites: a quarry complex involving several workshops and a coastal dwelling site.Through the investigation of manufacture, maintenance and exchange processes regarding stone adze blades, I propose a new insight on the economic system in the chiefdoms of central Polynesia. The technical tradition documented on Tubuai is related to the production and transformation of flakes used as blanks for adze blades manufacture. This association of flaking and shaping processes originated in Western Polynesia but was also spread over Eastern Polynesia. The size and the form of these adzes were directly linked to one’s capacity for producing standard-sized blanks and for shaping specific blades forms. Based on the Tubuai collections, I identified a highly standardised production related to specialist knappers’ workshops, as well as a production of heterogeneous forms of small adze blades within a non-specialised dwelling context. Thanks to the analysis of the production processes within the community and the long-distance intercommunity exchanges, I finally discuss the economic role of stone adzes in ancient Polynesian chiefdoms.

Originalité et développement du Paléolithique inférieur à l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie : le Colombanien de Menez-Dregan (Plouhinec, Finistère) / Originality and development of the Lower Palaeolithic at the westernmost tip of Eurasia : the “Colombanian” of Menez-Dregan (Plouhinec, Finistère)

Ravon, Anne-Lyse 04 July 2017 (has links)
La variabilité des assemblages du Paléolithique inférieur dans l'ouest de l'Europe nourrit les débats actuels quant à leur relation avec les flux de populations, dans le contexte des changements environnementaux et paléogéographiques. Le faciès technique du Colombanien, localisé sur la façade atlantique bretonne, illustre cette variabilité. Selon la littérature, il diffère de l'Acheuléen, dominant dans les régions voisines, notamment par l'absence de bifaces. L'industrie du site de Menez-Dregan I (Plouhinec, Finistère) en constitue l'exemple dont le contexte géologique et paléoclimatique est le mieux documenté. Ce site a livré des traces de foyer qui sont parmi les plus anciennes d'Europe, ainsi qu'un abondant matériel, qui, dans les niveaux supérieurs, offre les prémices de la transition du Paléolithique inférieur vers le Paléolithique moyen. L'analyse des caractères techniques et typologiques des assemblages lithiques issus des couches 9 à 4 permettra de retracer l'évolution des stratégies d'approvisionnement et des comportements techniques et de replacer ce site dans le contexte régional et européen. La contemporanéité d’assemblages sans pièces bifaciales et à pièces bifaciales est attestée en Europe dès 700 ka. Si la plupart des sites européens présentent des assemblages à pièces bifaciales, les gisements à niveaux sans bifaces sont également assez nombreux. L’interstratification des niveaux à et sans pièces bifaciales sur certains sites est parfois interprétée comme le témoignage d’occupations liées à des activités spécialisées différentes, des matières premières différentes, ou des groupes humains aux traditions culturelles ou techniques différentes. De récentes publications de synthèse font état de la question : l’hypothèse de la coexistence de groupes humains aux traditions techniques différentes y est discutée, sur la base de modalités de débitage communes et d’utilisations similaires des territoires. Ainsi, seule la présence ou l’absence de bifaces tend à différencier ces occupations. Le travail engagé ici s’inscrit dans la lignée des études antérieures, mais a été entrepris dans le but de définir les systèmes techniques mis en œuvre au Paléolithique ancien dans l’ouest armoricain. Il permet ainsi de présenter des données nouvelles afin de caractériser les industries lithiques des sites dits « colombaniens ». Il ressort de notre étude que si le contexte paléogéographique et géologique ainsi que le type de gisement explique une certaine variabilité dans la composition des assemblages, cela n’explique pas les traditions techniques, et notamment la présence ou l’absence de pièces bifaciales ou de large cutting tools (LCTs). Si le type d’activité peut alors être mis en cause pour expliquer cette variabilité, une fréquentation répétée sur un même site, dans un contexte paléoenvironnemental globalement similaire, comme c’est le cas à Menez Dregan I indiquerait une visite régulière de groupes humains aux traditions techniques différentes, comme cela est aussi le cas sur d’autres gisements. Nous aboutissons ainsi à une révision du faciès Colombanien, qui s’avère être une variante régionale de l’Acheuléen. Ces résultats confrontés aux données paléoclimatiques et paléogéographiques contribuent à mieux comprendre la dynamique de peuplement de ce Finistère eurasiatique au Pléistocène moyen. / The variability in the Palaeolithic assemblages of western Europe feeds current debates about their relationship with population flows in a context of environmental and palaeogeographic changes. The technical Colombanian facies, located in the South Atlantic coast of Brittany, illustrates this variability. This facies differs from the Acheulean that is dominant in neighboring regions, especially in its lack of bifaces. The industry at the site of Menez-Dregan is an example where the geological and paleoclimatic context is the best documented in the region. Specifically, this site has yielded evidence of fireplaces that are among the oldest in Europe, and an abundance of lithic material, which, in the upper levels, evidences the beginning of the transition from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Middle Paleolithic. As for the analysis, the technical, typological and morpho-functional features of the lithic assemblages from layers 9 to 4 will trace the development of procurement strategies, techniques and behaviors to put this site into a regional and European context. The contemporaneity of assemblages with bifacial pieces and without bifacial pieces is attested in Europe from 700 ky. While most of the European sites display assemblages with handaxes, deposits without any bifacial components are quite numerous as well. On some sites, the interstratification of levels with bifacial pieces and without bifacial pieces is sometimes interpreted as a testimony of either specialized activities, different raw materials, or human groups with different cultural or technical traditions. Recent publications state the question: the hypothesis of a coexistence of human groups with different technical traditions is discussed, on the basis of similar modalities of debitage and similar use of landscape. Therefore, only the presence or absence of handaxes is left to differenciate these occupations. The work realised here joins in the lineage of the previous studies, but was undertaken with the aim of defining the technical systems operating during the Lower Palaeolithic in the western Armorican Massif. Therefore, it enables the presentation of new data in order to characterize the “Colombanian” lithic industries. It emerges from this study that if the palaeogeographical and geological context as well as the type of deposit explain a certain variability in the composition of the assemblages, it does not explain the technical traditions, especially the presence or absence of handaxes or large cutting tools. If the variability cannot be explained by activity alone then the repeated visits to a single site, given a globally similar palaeoenvironmental context as evidenced at Menez-Dregan I, likely indicates a regular occupancy by human groups with differing technical traditions. Therefore, we end up in a revision of the Colombanian facies, which turns out to be a regional variant of the European Acheulean. These results, when compared to paleoclimatic and palaeogeographic data, help develop a better understanding of the settlement dynamics of this region during Middle Pleistocene.

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