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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Population dynamics and its impact on land use/ cover in Ethiopia: the case of Manduara Disctrict of Metekel Zone, Benshangul- Gumuz Regional State

Emiru, Tegegne Sishaw January 2014 (has links)
It is evident that Ethiopia is one of the countries of Africa that is experiencing significant population growth as well as land use/cover dynamics. Land use/cover induced degradation of natural resources is a major challenge to the country’s development. The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact population dynamics has had on land use/cover in Mandura district. Data on population over time were taken from the CSA during the 1984, 1994 and 2007 national census results. A total of 210 farm households from three kebeles: 105 from the local people and 105 from migrants were surveyed in May 2011 to acquire data on socioeconomic, land use, resource use and management. Aerial photographs of 1957, 1982 and SPOT-5 image of the 2006/07 were used to generate data on land use/cover changes. The results indicate that population has substantially increased, more than fourfold between 1957-2006/07, mainly due to migration from the surrounding areas, government sponsored resettlements, and flourishing of new urban centers. No less important is mortality has decreased due to immunization and the birth rate has been increasing due to improved maternal and child care as compared to the situation prior to the 1990s. The change on land use/cover show that from the total land use/cover conversions, which totals 58,403 ha of land, farm land constitutes 90.1 %. The study finds natural population increase, migration, urbanization, agricultural extensification, institutional weakness, land tenure insecurity, famine and drought, and poverty as root causes. The study further identifies existence of all weather road, resettlement, Tana-Beles project, expansion of agriculture, land colonization, wood extraction for fuel, and soil fertility decline as direct causes of land use/cover changes. As a result of change of customary land tenure system, the local population has been forced to engage in extractive economic activities that have never been practiced in the past. Therefore, the study calls for coordinated efforts for resources use and management at different levels, land use policy formulation, devising alternative sources of livelihoods and fuel, regulating migration and involvement of the wider community in policy formulation and implementations. / Geography / D. LITT. et. Phil. (Geography)

Desafios para o planejamento no espa?o periurbano de Valinhos e Campinas: bairros reforma agr?ria

Salles, Mary M?rcia Garbelini 18 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mary Mercia Garbelini Salles 1-75.pdf: 23208230 bytes, checksum: 00e6b3bf3506a82eb5de79b5e6ce69dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-18 / The present research examines the interference occurred in the surroundings of the neighboring areas between the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas - RMC, in the state of S?o Paulo, which have been and are still in a process of major modification. The theretical framework of this study relies on authors specialized on urbanism, tourism and the other disciplines of the social sciences. This work deals with the contemporany realy in a rural area under the perspective of the periurban phenomenon, which occurs in the RMC. For better understanting of this plenomenon, a particular location in the city of Valinhos and Campinas was selected. The area concerned, considered sui generis, is divided into lots, which were formed in the 1960's during what is considered to be the first implantation of agrarian reform in the State of S?o Paulo, called "Bairro Reforma Agr?ria". The approach favored the periurban phenomenon and the possibilities of implementing rural tourism in a way that it benefits the development and preservation of the available rural areas. It evaluates whether there's a promising prospect of implantation of tourism as an important alternative economic tool for the rural producer and whether it promotes the conservation of cultural and evironmental patrimony. The majority of the producers showed lack of interest in the development of any tourist activity. It was found that the public policies for the transformation of the rural areas and its surroundings are, at the time, the greatest concerns of farmers, requiring of them new forms of social-territorial organization. / Na pesquisa analisaram-se as interfer?ncias ocorridas no entorno das ?reas lim?trofes entre os munic?pios da Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas - RMC, no estado de S?o Paulo, que se transformaram e que ainda est?o em processo de grandes transforma??es. O referencial te?rico apoiou-se em autores de Urbanismo, Turismo e outras disciplinas da ?rea de Ci?ncias Sociais. o presente trabalho aborda a realidade contempor?nea em ?rea rural sob a perspectiva do fen?meno periurbano que ocorre na RMC. Para melhor compreens?o deste fen?meno, selecionou-se uma localidade espec?fica na cidade de Valinhos e Campinas. A ?rea em quest?o, considerada su? generis, ? de um loteamento formado a partir de revis?o agr?ria em 1960, sendo popularmente considerada a primeira implanta??o de reforma agr?ria no Estado de S?o Paulo e denominada de Bairros "Reforma Agr?ria". A abordagem privilegiou o fen?meno periurbano e as possibilidades de implantar o turismo rural como beneficiador do desenvolvimento para a preserva??o das ?reas rurais existentes. Avaliou-se tamb?m se h? perspectiva promissora de implanta??o do turismo como importante ferramenta de alternativa econ?mica para o produtor rural para promover a conserva??o do patrim?nio ambiental e cultural. A maioria dos produtores apresentou desinteresse em desenvolver qualquer atividade tur?stica. Constatou-se ainda que pol?ticas p?blicas para transforma??o das ?reas no e do entorno rural s?o no momento as maiores preocupa??es dos produtores rurais, exigindo deles novas formas de organiza??o s?cio territorial

Population dynamics and its impact on land use/ cover in Ethiopia : the case of Mandura District of Metekel Zone, Benshangul-Gumuz Regional State

Tegegne Sishaw Emiru January 2014 (has links)
It is evident that Ethiopia is one of the countries of Africa that is experiencing significant population growth as well as land use/cover dynamics. Land use/cover induced degradation of natural resources is a major challenge to the country’s development. The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact population dynamics has had on land use/cover in Mandura district. Data on population over time were taken from the CSA during the 1984, 1994 and 2007 national census results. A total of 210 farm households from three kebeles: 105 from the local people and 105 from migrants were surveyed in May 2011 to acquire data on socioeconomic, land use, resource use and management. Aerial photographs of 1957, 1982 and SPOT-5 image of the 2006/07 were used to generate data on land use/cover changes. The results indicate that population has substantially increased, more than fourfold between 1957-2006/07, mainly due to migration from the surrounding areas, government sponsored resettlements, and flourishing of new urban centers. No less important is mortality has decreased due to immunization and the birth rate has been increasing due to improved maternal and child care as compared to the situation prior to the 1990s. The change on land use/cover show that from the total land use/cover conversions, which totals 58,403 ha of land, farm land constitutes 90.1 %. The study finds natural population increase, migration, urbanization, agricultural extensification, institutional weakness, land tenure insecurity, famine and drought, and poverty as root causes. The study further identifies existence of all weather road, resettlement, Tana-Beles project, expansion of agriculture, land colonization, wood extraction for fuel, and soil fertility decline as direct causes of land use/cover changes. As a result of change of customary land tenure system, the local population has been forced to engage in extractive economic activities that have never been practiced in the past. Therefore, the study calls for coordinated efforts for resources use and management at different levels, land use policy formulation, devising alternative sources of livelihoods and fuel, regulating migration and involvement of the wider community in policy formulation and implementations. / Geography / Ph. D. (Geography)

Analýza enviromentálního konfliktu - názory hlavních skupin obyvatel rybničních oblastí ve vztahu k výskytu kormoránů (rybáři a místní obyvatelé) a analýza médií / Analysis environment conflict - views of main group inhabitants of pond areas to relation the appearance of the kormorans (fishermen and local population) and analysis media

ROUDNICKÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with environmental conflict between local population and the protection of cormorants. In the introduction, I deal with biology, bionomics and taxonomy of cormorants. The literature retrieval is worked out in other part of the thesis. On the basis confrontation of current report made by international program COST, project MSMT Czech Republic and the evaluation of the information from the local survey the plan is suggested in terms of interdisciplinary access to the problem. I also worked out European analysis of media.

Санација и заштита великог Бачког канала као услов одрживог коришћења његових развојних потенцијала / Sanacija i zaštita velikog Bačkog kanala kao uslov održivog korišćenja njegovih razvojnih potencijala / Remediation and protection of Veliki backi canal as a prerequisite for sustainable use of its development potential

Pantelić Milana 22 June 2012 (has links)
<p>Тема докторске дисертације је анализа квалитета воде Великог бачког канала, могућности санације и одрживо коришћење његових развојних потенцијала на каналској мрежи и њеном непосредном приобаљу. На основу расположивих података за десетогодишњи период (2000-2009) указало се на проблеме изазване одређеним загађивачима на целој дужини тока и анализиран је утицај најзначајнијих загађивача у насељима која се налазе у непосредној близини канала. Подаци који указују на квалитативну анализу воде помогли су да се направи корелација између квалитета каналске воде и ставова локалног становништва у погледу коришћења Великог бачког канала у привредне сврхе. Циљ дисертације је да дефинише квалитет каналске воде коришћењем хидролошких и статистичких метода који се тренутно широко примењују у многим истраживањима, као и да укаже који од метода дају најбоље резултате. У циљу добијања неопходних резултата, коришћено је више метода, као што су: Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI), применa hi-квадрат теста, дескриптивна статистичка анализа, t-тест за независне узорке, једнофакторска анализа варијансе АNOVA и израчунавања коефицијента корелације. На основу статистичке обраде података видимо да на читавом току Великог бачког канала, који је дуг свега 123 km постоје деонице (профили I, II и III) које су чисте и у потпуности погодне за експлоатацију и одрживо коришћење свих његових функција, и деоница (профил IV) која је у потпуности деградирана и неупотребљива. На каналу је карактеристично органско загађење. Најзначајнији индустријски објекти лоцирани су у централном делу Великог бачког канала, где је и евидентирано највеће загађење, у општини Врбас. Фарма свиња &bdquo;Farmakoop&ldquo;, фабрика уља &bdquo;Витал&ldquo;, и кланица &bdquo;Carnex&ldquo;, су вруће тачке које су углавном одговорне за лошу еколошку ситуацију у каналу. На простору око Великог бачког канала мали је број фабрика које примењују еколошке стандарде, а само неке од њих имају примарна или секундарна постројења за претходну обраду отпадних вода пре испуштања у реципијент. Резултати SWQI анализе показали су да су деонице на профилима I, II, III и V у потпуности погодне за привредни развој (SWQI&gt;70) а да је деоница на профилу IV (SWQI&lt;37) у потпуности деградирана. Као идеално решење за смањење загађења Великог бачког канала наводи се изградња и употреба централног постројења за прераду отпадних вода, као и коришћење отпадних индустријских и комуналних вода у пољопривреди. На основу резултата анкетног истраживања видимо да локално становништво сматра да Велики бачки канал може да поврати већи део својих ранијих функција (наводњавање, одводњавање, пловидба, узгој рибе...). Да би се то и десило неопходно је контролисати места улива отпадних вода у Канал, а саме отпадне воде третирати и довести у стање у ком неће угрозити његов квалитет воде. Одговори испитаника се разликују у зависности од њиховог места становања, где се посебно истичу становници Врбаса са изузетно негативним ставовима, што је и за очекивати с обзиром на резултате квалитета воде на овом делу Канала.[</p> / <p>Tema doktorske disertacije je analiza kvaliteta vode Velikog bačkog kanala, mogućnosti sanacije i održivo korišćenje njegovih razvojnih potencijala na kanalskoj mreži i njenom neposrednom priobalju. Na osnovu raspoloživih podataka za desetogodišnji period (2000-2009) ukazalo se na probleme izazvane određenim zagađivačima na celoj dužini toka i analiziran je uticaj najznačajnijih zagađivača u naseljima koja se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini kanala. Podaci koji ukazuju na kvalitativnu analizu vode pomogli su da se napravi korelacija između kvaliteta kanalske vode i stavova lokalnog stanovništva u pogledu korišćenja Velikog bačkog kanala u privredne svrhe. Cilj disertacije je da definiše kvalitet kanalske vode korišćenjem hidroloških i statističkih metoda koji se trenutno široko primenjuju u mnogim istraživanjima, kao i da ukaže koji od metoda daju najbolje rezultate. U cilju dobijanja neophodnih rezultata, korišćeno je više metoda, kao što su: Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI), primena hi-kvadrat testa, deskriptivna statistička analiza, t-test za nezavisne uzorke, jednofaktorska analiza varijanse ANOVA i izračunavanja koeficijenta korelacije. Na osnovu statističke obrade podataka vidimo da na čitavom toku Velikog bačkog kanala, koji je dug svega 123 km postoje deonice (profili I, II i III) koje su čiste i u potpunosti pogodne za eksploataciju i održivo korišćenje svih njegovih funkcija, i deonica (profil IV) koja je u potpunosti degradirana i neupotrebljiva. Na kanalu je karakteristično organsko zagađenje. Najznačajniji industrijski objekti locirani su u centralnom delu Velikog bačkog kanala, gde je i evidentirano najveće zagađenje, u opštini Vrbas. Farma svinja &bdquo;Farmakoop&ldquo;, fabrika ulja &bdquo;Vital&ldquo;, i klanica &bdquo;Carnex&ldquo;, su vruće tačke koje su uglavnom odgovorne za lošu ekološku situaciju u kanalu. Na prostoru oko Velikog bačkog kanala mali je broj fabrika koje primenjuju ekološke standarde, a samo neke od njih imaju primarna ili sekundarna postrojenja za prethodnu obradu otpadnih voda pre ispuštanja u recipijent. Rezultati SWQI analize pokazali su da su deonice na profilima I, II, III i V u potpunosti pogodne za privredni razvoj (SWQI&gt;70) a da je deonica na profilu IV (SWQI&lt;37) u potpunosti degradirana. Kao idealno rešenje za smanjenje zagađenja Velikog bačkog kanala navodi se izgradnja i upotreba centralnog postrojenja za preradu otpadnih voda, kao i korišćenje otpadnih industrijskih i komunalnih voda u poljoprivredi. Na osnovu rezultata anketnog istraživanja vidimo da lokalno stanovništvo smatra da Veliki bački kanal može da povrati veći deo svojih ranijih funkcija (navodnjavanje, odvodnjavanje, plovidba, uzgoj ribe...). Da bi se to i desilo neophodno je kontrolisati mesta uliva otpadnih voda u Kanal, a same otpadne vode tretirati i dovesti u stanje u kom neće ugroziti njegov kvalitet vode. Odgovori ispitanika se razlikuju u zavisnosti od njihovog mesta stanovanja, gde se posebno ističu stanovnici Vrbasa sa izuzetno negativnim stavovima, što je i za očekivati s obzirom na rezultate kvaliteta vode na ovom delu Kanala.[</p> / <p>The topic of this PhD thesis is the quality analysis of the Veliki Backi Canal water, possible recovery and sustainable use of its development potential over the canal network and its immediate banks area. Based on the relevant data for a ten-year period (2000-2009) certain problems surfaced caused by various polluters throughout the entire canal and the impact of the most significant polluters on populated areas in the vicinity of the canal has been analysed. Data gathered with qualitative analyses of water helped in establishing the correlation between the quality of canal water and local population attitude towards the use of the Veliki Backi Canal for commercial purposes. The purpose of this thesis is to define the quality of canal water using hydrologic and statistic methods, currently widely used in numerous researches, as well as to pinpoint which method provides the best results. In order to obtain the necessary data various methods were used: Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI), application of hi-square test, descriptive statistic analysis, t-test for independent samples, one-factor analyses of variance АNOVA and the correlation coefficient measurement. Based on statistical data it can be observed that there are different sections of the entire Veliki Backi Canal, only 123 km in length. There are sections (profiles I, II and III) which are clean and fully appropriate for exploitation and sustainable use of all its functions. However, there is also a section (profile IV) which is completely degraded and unusable. Another characteristic of the Canal is organic pollution. The biggest industrial facilities are based in the central part of the Veliki Backi Canal with highest pollution in the municiplaity Vrbas. There are hot spots, such as a pig farm &bdquo;Farmakoop&ldquo;,oil factory &ldquo;Vital&rdquo; and slaughterhouse &bdquo;Carnex&ldquo;, mainly responsible for poor ecological state of the Canal. An insignificant number of factories in the area of the Veliki Backi Canal apply ecology standards and only few have primary or secondary facilities for pre-treatment of waste water before discharge into the recipient. SWQI analyses results show that the Canal sections with profiles I, II, III and V are entirely appropriate for economic development (SWQI&gt;70) whereas the section with profile IV (SWQI&lt;37) is completely degraded. In order to decrease pollution of the Veliki Backi Canal, as the ideal solution is suggested to construct the central facility for pre-treatment of wastewater as well as to use industrial and utility wastewater in agriculture. According to the survey results the locals believe that the Veliki Backi Canal could recover most of its previous functions (irrigation, drainage, sailing, fish farming....). In order to ensure something like that it would be necessary to control wastewater flow spots and to treat the wastewater so that it does not endanger the water quality of the Canal. The survey responses differ according to the area of living with particularly negative attitudes of people from Vrbas and that was to be expected if we bear in mind the worst water quality results in this part of the Canal.</p>

Hora Žalý na harrachovském panství v Krkonoších jako místa paměti. Turismus: nový způsob šlechtické reprezentace v Čechách 19. století / Mountain Žalý on Harrach's estate in the Giant Mountains as a place of memory. Tourism: a new way of noble representation in Bohemia in the 19th century.

Korbel, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The intention of this work is to monitor changes significant natural place - the Giant Mountains Heidelberg / Zaly in the 19th century, when the topographical point in the country without national or sacred past, becoming a symbolic place of memory, based on an analysis of available sources to determine which social "entities "the creation of this symbolic" construct "involved. The culmination of this symbolic metamorphosis in the place of memory was the construction of the observation tower atop Czech tourists in the nineties, who within the nationalist "rivalry" between the Czech and German tourist organizations of "dominating the hill" reluctant to use toponomastic arguments interpreting the origin of the Czech name of the mountain, that, however, not based on the real facts, but only on certain notions of local "culture of remembrance". These ideas survived and were kept for centuries in memories as a myth a symbolic level the collective memory of the local ethnic (Czech) population during the 19th century, and spread thanks to a first layer of civil servants-topographers and later mainly due to expansion of tourist clubs. To form Heidelberg / Žalý as a place of memory also contributed to the domain owner - provincial and local patriot - Count Harrach, who supported these efforts financially...

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