Spelling suggestions: "subject:"modi"" "subject:"codi""
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Reading and arithmetic differences between boys and girls in grades four, five, and six in the Lodi Elementary School DistrictAbatangle, Ernest Jerome 01 January 1959 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted for the purpose of determining whether there is a significant difference in the reading and arithmetic achievement of boys and girls in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in the Lodi Elementary School District. To put the purpose in question form: Is there a significant difference in the reading and arithmetic achievement of boys and girls in grades four, five, and six in the Lodi Elementary Schools? In formulating plans for the study, similar studies were examined. Literature concerning reading and arithmetic differences between boys and girls was read.
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It's a jungle out there : zoo public relations and marketingSwank, Tonja M. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study was investigated the public relations and marketing strategy and tactics used by Micke Grove Zoo in the last five years. A case study methodology was used to answer the three research questions. The research analyzed the Zoo's past and current marketing and public relations strategy and efforts. What was collected fell into six categories: Special Exhibits, Programs, Promotional Material and Publications, Volunteer Opportunities, Events and Miscellaneous. It showed that MGZ has stopped some of the programs, events and publications, but has not implemented new ones. What they are doing has remained relatively the same for the last five years. Also, MGZ has not and does not have a public relations or marketing strategy, is not using social media and does not have regular contact with the media through press releases. The data categorized was then compared with the information collected from five experts in the field of public relations, marketing and zoos.
The five professionals interviewed agreed that a zoo needs to have a marketing and public relations plan, be using social networking and updating their website, -constantly search for new audiences and stay in constant contact with the media.
From the data collected a series of tactics were developed. It is suggested that MGZ try to incorporate as many of these tactics into a marketing and public relations strategy. They include, developing a marketing and public relations plan based upon the zoos mission and goals, using social media, regaining accreditation and creating and maintaining a relationship with the media.
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Civil defense and disaster program for Lodi Elementary and Union High School DistrictsBoriack, Theodore Walter 01 January 1961 (has links) (PDF)
This study was concerned with the following problem: What plan or procedures should the Lodi Elementary and Lodi Union High School Districts develop for civil defense and disaster preparedness in coordination with city, county, and state agencies?
The specific purposes of this study were as follows: (1) To determine the need for a civil defense plan for the Lodi school districts.; (2) To determine the scope of civil defense plans for the Lodi school districts.; (3) To analyze various civil defense and disaster plans of other school districts.; (4) To investigate what civil defense and disaster plans have been formulated as the national and state levels.; (5) To develop a proposed plan for Lodi schools which will be in harmony with all other civil defense and disaster agencies, especially those within San Joaquin County.; and (6) To formulate a long range civil defense and disaster plan which can be adopted by the Lodi school districts.
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A study of junior sportsman clubs throughout the United States with special reference to the Lodi Junior SportsmenWilson, Joseph Allen 01 January 1951 (has links)
This study will trace the history and development of a new idea in recreation, that of the Junior Sportsmen’s Club. This program was first worked out by the writer ar Lodi, California, while he was employed by the Lodi Recreation Department, and has in a few short years spread throughout the United States. The writer feels the inasmuch as the project has been an actual field experiment, his study should be of value to other communities or to other leaders in recreation. This provides the reason as well as the justification for this study.
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Gli effetti di giudicato delle sentenze straniere e dei lodi / THE RES JUDICATA EFFECTS OF FOREIGN JUDGMENTS AND AWARDSPONZANO, FLAVIO 19 December 2018 (has links)
Benché ampiamente studiata con riferimento al contenzioso interno, la res judicata ha ricevuto minore attenzione nella sua “dimensione internazionale”. Il presente lavoro si propone di esplorare i profili incerti degli effetti di giudicato delle “decisioni non domestiche”, intese come decisioni non provenienti dalle corti del foro, e in particolare delle sentenze straniere e dei lodi arbitrali internazionali. Nel tentativo di superare almeno parte delle incertezze e dei problemi della prassi attuale, in relazione alle sentenze straniere si sostiene che i relativi effetti di giudicato vengano determinati sulla base della teoria dell’estensione assoluta degli effetti, la quale assicura certezza giuridica transnazionale ed è consona alla moderna evoluzione liberale delle norme sul riconoscimento. Quanto ai lodi arbitrali, si propone che le istituzioni arbitrali adottino, nei propri regolamenti, ampie regole preclusive che riflettano la natura e gli obiettivi del procedimento arbitrale. Le soluzioni proposte condividono l’idea che gli effetti di giudicato di una “decisione non domestica” dovrebbero essere determinati in linea di principio dal “sistema” a cui la decisione appartiene, sebbene l’adozione di un approccio unitario risulti problematica quando questioni di giudicato sorgono tra corti statali e tribunali arbitrali in maniera da compromettere l’autonomia dell’arbitrato internazionale. / Although extensively studied in domestic litigation, res judicata has received less attention in its “international dimension”. This work seeks to navigate the uncharted waters of the res judicata effects of “non-domestic decisions”, understood as decisions that are not rendered by the courts of the forum, and in particular of foreign judgments and international arbitral awards. In an attempt to overcome at least part of the uncertainties and problems of the current practice, as regards foreign judgments it is proposed that their res judicata effects be determined based on the theory of the absolute extension of effects, which ensures cross-border legal certainty and accords with the modern liberal evolution of recognition rules. As regards arbitral awards, it is suggested that arbitral institutions adopt, in their regulations, broad preclusive rules that reflect the nature and objectives of the arbitral process. The proposed solutions share the idea that the res judicata effects of a “non-domestic decision” should be in principle determined according to the “system” to which the decision belongs, although the adoption of a unitary approach is challenged when res judicata issues arise between state courts and arbitral tribunals so to jeopardize the autonomy of international arbitration.
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Autonomní RC model lodi / Autonomous RC ship modelJevická, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with working on development kit, which is used for RC ship model. The basis are programmable Nucleo STM32 microcontrollers, to which other used modules are connected. The goal is to test each component and create system for navigation of the ship and wireless communication between controller and ship. GPS module and compass are used to navigate and determine the direction of the ship. Controller and ship can communicate through bidirectional wireless modules with antenna. The RC ship model can be switched between manual and autonomous modes. The main result of this thesis is autonomous movement of the ship on to a predetermined GPS coordinates and parallel communication with the user.
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La scultura trecentesca in marmo nella Lombardia orientale. Una ricognizione nelle province di Brescia, Mantova e CremonaGorio, Gigliola 26 January 2022 (has links)
The project aims to develop a corpus of the 14th century marble sculptures in Brescia, Mantua and Cremona.
After mapping the materials localized in these territories, which was made possible thanks to the inventories of the respective Superintendencies and Dioceses, as well as the bibliography, it was possible to collect a large number of testimonies. The resulting archival investigation allowed to refine the research on the history of the pieces, to update and correct the data already reported in bibliography and to investigate unpublished works. From a methodological point of view it was considered appropriate to proceed with the stylistic analysis of the sculptures in parallel with the identification of contexts, origins, authors, models and influences. This made it possible to identify and deepen a critical chapter, the history of Gothic sculpture in this part of Lombardy, which until a few decades ago was rather neglected by studies.
The development of a catalog, divided into territorial sections, aims to be an easy reference tool for scholars of Italian sculpture.
Several unpublished works have emerged in Brescia and in its province. Some hypotheses have been advanced about the path of the sculptor Delaido da Lodi, active in 1301 in Gargnano, and about the artworks in and from Brescia realized by the Master of Sant’Anastasia.
The Mantua area, which returned the most significant results, was analyzed from the beginning of the fourteenth century to the eve of the dalle Masegne season. During this period of time, various artists, mainly from Venice, were active in the city. Among them, the sculptor Andrea da San Felice, the anonymous artist baptized here with the name of "Maestro di Piero Maser" and Antonio da Mestre. Some of the sculptures collected can be related to Lombard artists such as the "Maestro di Viboldone", to whom a new sculpture is attributed, and Guido Frisoni, an artist mentioned in some documents preserved in the State Archive of Mantua, to whom it is now possible to trace the "Madonna with Child" in Grazie di Curtatone, thanks to the interpretation of the epigraph placed at the base.
The Cremona area closes the catalogue, which stands out for the quality of the surviving works, at the expense of quantity. The famous reliefs preserved in the church of San Bassiano in Pizzighettone are exemplary of the formal refinement of the survivals of this territory. / Il progetto si è posto l'obiettivo di elaborare un corpus delle sculture del XIV secolo in marmo conservate nelle province di Brescia, Mantova e Cremona.
Grazie all’iniziale mappatura dei materiali nei singoli territori, realizzata passando in rassegna gli inventari delle rispettive Soprintendenze e Diocesi, oltre alla bibliografia, è stato possibile raccogliere un cospicuo numero di testimonianze. La conseguente indagine archivistica ha consentito di perfezionare le ricerche sulla storia conservativa dei singoli pezzi, di aggiornare e correggere i dati già segnalati in bibliografia e di indagare sugli inediti. A ciò si è aggiunta l’analisi stilistica delle sculture, che è avvenuta parallelamente all’individuazione di contesti, provenienze, autori, modelli ed influenze.
Ciò ha permesso di individuare e fare il punto su un capitolo critico, la storia della scultura gotica in questi territori della Lombardia, che fino a pochi decenni fa era poco frequentato dagli studi. Numerosi sono, inoltre, gli spunti di ricerca emersi per il futuro. Per questo motivo è stato elaborato un catalogo, che ha l’obiettivo di essere uno strumento di agile consultazione per gli studiosi di scultura italiana.
Sono emerse diverse opere inedite nel bresciano, su cui si è cercato di far luce. Alcune ipotesi sono state avanzate circa il percorso dello scultore Delaido da Lodi, attivo nel 1301 a Gargnano, e riguardo alle testimonianze bresciane del Maestro di Sant’Anastasia.
Il territorio mantovano, che ha restituito i risultati più significativi, è stato analizzato dagli esordi del Trecento fino alla vigilia della stagione dei dalle Masegne. Durante questo lasso di tempo furono attivi in città diversi artisti, principalmente provenienti da Venezia, su cui ora è possibile ragionare. Tra essi emergono lo scultore Andrea da San Felice, l'anonimo artista battezzato in questa sede con il nome di "Maestro di Piero Maser" e Antonio da Mestre. Di origine lombarda furono invece il Maestro delle sculture di Viboldone, a cui in questa sede è attribuita una nuova opera, e Guido Frisoni da Como, artista citato in alcuni documenti conservati a Mantova, in Archivio di Stato, a cui è ora possibile ricondurre la 'Madonna con Bambino' di Grazie di Curtatone grazie all'interpretazione dell'epigrafe posta alla base dell'opera.
Chiude il lavoro il territorio di Cremona, che si distingue per la qualità delle opere superstiti, a discapito della quantità. Esemplificativi della ricercatezza formale delle sopravvivenze di questo territorio sono i celebri rilievi che si conservano nella chiesa di San Bassiano a Pizzighettone.
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Antonio Campi (1523-1587). Mezi manýrou a barokem. / Antonio Campi (1523-1587). Between Mannerism and Baroque.Hlušičková, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation evaluated the formal, stylistic and contextual analysis of the painting oeuvre of the Cremonese native Antonio Campi. Monographic elaboration of Campi's oeuvre complement to the existing range of syntheses a number of information that has been in the literature so far omitted. The work assessed Antonio's oeuvre on the revision of archival material preserved in Milanese and Cremonese state and church archives, as well as by the means of thorough study of the secondary literature. Chronology of Campi's production was based on the stylistic and formal analysis and at the same time it has been enriched by a number of comparisons of the Lombardy-Ligurian region. Perspective at Antonio's oeuvre was accompanied by drawings and panel paintings that have emerged in the art market in recent years. With this thorough analysis, it became clear that the simple definition of an older Italian scientific literature that had Antonio Campi understood as a painter, who by his work formed the basis of Caravaggio chiaroscuro approach in the last decades of the 16th century and in the early years of the 17th age, proved to be inaccurate. It became clear that with this view we can not identify ourselves any more. Constant changes in mood, surprise, unpredictability, restlessness and individuality, the...
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