Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oog book"" "subject:"gog book""
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Att våga gå utanför sin comfort zone : En självstudie i improvisation / To Dare and Go Beyond Their Comfort Zone : A Self-Study in ImprovisationSeger, Olivia January 2016 (has links)
Improviserad musik är något jag länge fascinerats av men inte utövat själv speciellt mycket. Med mina musikaliska rötter i den klassiska musiken vill jag utforska något främmande och utvecklas som musiker. I studien utforskas min livsvärld och hur den förändras när jag tar mig utanför min comfort zone och lär mig improvisera. Syftet är att utforska fenomenet improvisation genom att studera den egna lärandeprocessen vid lärandet av en jazzblues på altsaxofon. Den metod jag använt mig av i studien är loggboksskrivning där jag antecknat efter varje övningspass. Studien gjordes utifrån ett livsvärldsperspektiv som tillhör den fenomenologiska rörelsen. Analysen av denna instuderingsprocess har fokus på mina egna reflektioner och slutsatser när jag övar improvisation utifrån min livsvärld. Resultatet visar olika aspekter kring positiv och negativ utvärdering i studien samt tänkbara slutsatser kring detta. I resultatet visas också vad jag valt att öva på i studien, likheter i progression av olika övningar samt skillnader i de övningsstrategier som visas. Min egen nyfikenhet och fantasi utforskas då jag tar mig utanför min comfort zone, går på främmande mark och övar på att improvisera. Avslutningsvis diskuterar jag resultatet i förhållande till litteratur och tidigare forskning inom området och tar upp egna reflektioner kring studien och min fortsatta forskning inom området improvisation. / I have been fascinated by improvised music for a long time, despite my lack of experience in this area. With my roots firmly set in classical music, I would like to expand and develop myself as a musician. The study examines my life-world and how it is affected when I am outside my comfort zone and studying the phenomenon of improvisation. The purpose of this study is to ascertain which practice strategies I use when learning a jazz blues on the alto saxophone. The method applied is the log book, in which I record my observations after each practice session. The study was based on a life-world perspective that belongs to the phenomenological movement. The analysis of the rehearsal process focuses on my own reflections and conclusions when practicing improvisation based on my life-world. The results show different aspects of positive and negative evaluation in the study as well as possible conclusions from this. The result further indicates what I have chosen to practice in the study, similarities in the progression of various exercises as well as the differences in the practice strategies that are listed. My own curiosity and imagination are explored when I am taken outside my comfort zone, explore uncharted ground, and practice improvisation. Finally, I discuss the results in relation to literature and previous research in the field and consider my own reflections on the study and my continued research in the field of improvisation.
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"Vadå skribent? Jag är ingen skribent, jag gör bara uppgiften!" : En studie om en grupp gymnasielevers reflektioner kring sitt skrivandeBabaoglu, Serife January 2017 (has links)
This study is founded on my personal interest in Swedish as a language as well as a subject in the Swedish school system. The development of pupils in terms of the Swedish language has always interested me, in particular the writing development and what motivates pupils to write texts. During my time as a teacher, I have observed several key factors that contributes to the development of pupils’ writing skills; for example, the pursuit of a grade, demands from the teacher, or the interest in a specific genre. However, there are certainly an exceeding number of factors that affects pupils’ writing development. In addition, as a teacher I have encountered several difficulties present in pupils writing ability as well as their self-perception as writers. For example, during a writing exercise in Swedish 1, a course in upper secondary school, the pupils were learning how to paraphrase. The pupils were asked by me “What makes you into a good writer?”, with a surprised look the pupil said “Writer? I am not a writer? I am just doing the task”. Subsequently, it became clear to me that these pupils do not view themselves as writers. They might not feel that the texts are their own in which their personalities and experiences are present. Thus, I chose to conduct a writing project in the school which I work. The present study will analyse upper secondary school pupils’ self-reflections about their writing. This will be conducted by asking upper secondary school pupils at a school with a vehicular profile to read and write short stories as well as writing reading logs. The idea is that as the pupils were writing their short stories and writings their reading logs I would simultaneously collect and analyse their logs. In conclusion, the study will be based on the pupils’ reading logs. The purpose is to investigate the self-perception of pupils’ writing as they are writing and reflecting over their written production.
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Miljömedveten produktvalsprocess med hjälp av BIM / Eco-friendly material selection with BIMMagnryd, Anton, Kádár, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Det föreligger svårigheter att undvika byggprodukter som innehåller farliga ämnen då användningen av dessa varor i vissa projekt är oundviklig spelar dokumentering en nyckelroll. Detta då spårbarhet förutsätter ett gott dokumenteringsunderlag. Genom att vidare kontrollera produkter som byggs in säkerställs det att nödvändig information finns tillgänglig för beslutsfattning och problemlösning. Detta för att möjliggöra hantering av eventuella lagstiftningsförändringar under ombyggnationer eller vid ändring av kemiska ämnens klassificering. Produktval har som ord blivit en vanligare förekomst i byggbranschen efter att Produktvalsprincipen presenterades i Miljöbalkens 2 kapitel 6 §. Produktvalsprincipen uppmanar till att produktval i så stor utsträckning som möjligt ska undvika produkter med fara för människa och miljö om de kan ersättas med mindre farliga. Syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga hur en förvaltarbyggherre inom den offentliga sektorn arbetar med produktval och undersöka vilka problem som kan uppstå kopplat till arbetet samt undersöka hur BIM kan effektivisera processen. Metod: För att upprätta arbetets teoretiska ramverk har en litteraturstudie genomförts. I arbetets fallstudie har empirin som insamlats bestått av dokumentanalys samt intervjuer med projektaktörer. Resultat: Arbetet har kartlagt förvaltarbyggherrens produktvalsprocess samt vidare hur denne ställer krav kopplat till det utförda arbetet, entreprenören genomför sedermera produktval utifrån krav samt rekommendationer i miljöprogram, administrativa föreskrifter samt rambeskrivningar och dokumenterar dessa i projektets loggbok. Problem studien funnit är att produkter ej i full utsträckning registreras utifrån satta krav. Författarna har vidare lokaliserat att i takt med att BIM-utvecklingen fortskrider kommer detta med tid möjliggöra för beställare att tillsammans med färdigställt projekt erhålla en specifik BIM-modell berikad med aktuell produktinformation (en Asset- Information-Model). Då projekterad information och inköpsinformation lagras i en BIM-modell kan en effektivare informationshantering säkerställas med hjälp av leveransspecifikationer vid överföringen av information mellan system. BIM- teknologin möjliggör vidare en effektivare uppföljning av ställda krav samt på sikt en effektivisering av processen som den genomförs idag. Konsekvenser: Rapporten ligger till grund för att tydliggöra upprättning av krav och problem relaterat till produktval under projektering och byggskede. För att produktvalsprocessen ska förlöpa på ett kvalitetsmässigt sätt bör satta krav efterföljas samt ansvariga för registrering genomgå utbildning. Rapporten föreslår att beställare genom ekonomiska incitament kopplar inköpsutbetalningar mot färdig produktdokumentering. En BIM-modell kan när mognadsgrad uppnås med fördel användas som dokumenteringsunderlag. Begränsningar: Rapportens resultat begränsas då undersökningen utförs från tidig design till och med första efterbesiktning samt att endast ett projekt har granskats. / Purpose: There are difficulties in avoiding construction products containing hazardous substances considering that the use of these products are inevitable in some projects. Documentation regarding product selection plays a key role as traceability requires thorough documentation. By adding further control of built-in-products it is ensured that necessary information is available for decision making and problem solving. This will allow the managing of possible legislative changes, during reconstruction or when chemical substances get their classification status changed. Product selection has become a more common occurrence in the construction industry since the release of Miljöbalkens second chapter 6 §, The Product selection principle (Produktvalsprincipen). This legislation has called for product selection to avoid hazardous products where they can be replaced with products less dangerous. The propose with this bachelor thesis is to map how a property developer/facility manager in the public sector transacts the work regarding product selection, map the problems related to the procedure and find a solution to the problem with the help of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Method: To create the theoretical framework of the report a literature study has been conducted. The empirical collection has been made in the form of a case study with empirical collection through interviews and document analysis. Findings: The thesis has mapped how the property developer/facility manager conducts product selection and how the property developer/facility manager sets the requirements connected to product selection. The entrepreneur documents the selected products with an outlook in set requirements in a log book. Problems the study has found are that all utilized products are not documented. The authors have further found that as BIM technology progresses it will eventually enable clients to procure specific BIM models enriched with specific product information. When information is stored in the BIM model it is possible to ensure more efficient information management with the help of information delivery specifications when transferring information in between systems. BIM technology also enables a more efficient follow up of requirements and in the long term a less labour intensive product selection process. Implications: The thesis bases the clarification of requirements and problems that the product selection consists of during the construction planning and construction stage. For the product selection to proceed with quality in mind, set requirements should be followed and the ones responsible for documenting products should undergo adequate training. The thesis proposes clients to connect economic incentives to purchase payments when product documentation is complete. A BIM-model can when maturity level is achieved compile of- and be utilized as product documentation. Limitations: The thesis result is limited in the sense that the investigations that has been conducted has examined the construction phase from early design to final inspection and has studied one project alone.
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Digital multimodal loggbok som bro mellan lärare och studenter på yrkeslärarutbildningen / Digital Multimodal Log Book as a Bridge between Teacher and Students in Vocational Teacher EducationÅdefors, Annica January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken potential en digital multimodal loggbok kan ha som digital bro mellan studenter och lärarutbildare under den verksamhetsförlagda delen av utbildningen (VFU) för att stötta studenterna i deras profession- och kunskapsutveckling, med hjälp av sociosemiotiska resurser, såsom digitala verktyg. Jag har undersökt hur en grupp yrkeslärarstudenter använder de sociosemiotiska resurser som erbjuds i den multimodala loggboken under deras VFU, för att kommunicera kunskaps- och professionsutveckling via en digital bro till lärosätet. Genom textanalys, inspirerad av hermeneutiken – och i termer av ett vidgat textbegrepp – undersöks studenternas arbete i de digitala, multimodala loggböckerna. Resultatet redovisas och diskuteras med fokus på studenternas användning av sociosemiotiska resurser och multimodaliter. Valet av textanalys som metod föregicks av en önskan att identifiera de faktorer som påverkade kommunikationen via digitala broar i en digital multimodal loggbok. Undersökningen omfattade 13 loggböcker som har analyserats från helhet till del vid fem tillfällen. Resultatet visar att de studenter som hade digitala förkunskaper kunde kommunicera sina förväntningar och sitt lärande i loggböckerna med hjälp av de erbjudna sociosemiotiska resurserna. De studenter som hade begränsade digitala förkunskaper har inte använt de resurser som erbjöds vilket resulterade i att det åsyftade meningsskapandet gick förlorat i denna kontext. / The purpose of this study is to investigate what potential a digital multimodal logbook can have as a digital bridge between students and teacher educator during the practice-based part of the education, to support students in their professional development as well as in their development of knowledge. Socio-semiotic resources, such as digital tools, were used for this purpose. I have studied how a group of student teachers use the semiotic resources offered in the digital multimodal logbook during the practice-based part of their education, aiming to communicate their professional development and their knowledge development by a digital bridge to the university. By using text analysis, influenced by a hermeneutic model, I have studied what can facilitate, but also prevent students' work in the logbooks and the result are discussed in relation to the concept of semiotic resources and multimodality. Through a text analysis, influenced by a hermeneutic modell – in terms of an expanded text concept – are the students work in the digital multimodal log books investigated. The results are reported and discussed with a focus on the students’ use of socio-semiotic resources and multimodalities. The reason for using text analysis as a method was a desire to identify factors that could influence communication through digital bridges in a digital multimodal logbook. The study contained 13 logbooks who have been analysed from whole to parts at four occasions. The results show that students with digital knowledge could communicate their expectations and their learning by using the socio-semiotic resources that were offered. Students with limited basic digital knowledge did not use the resources they were offered which resulted in the fact that they lost the opportunity to create meaning in this context by using the offered resources.
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Inventaire Futile: experiência, autoria e linguagens entrelaçadas no ensino-aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira na escola / Inventaire futile: experience, authorship and intertwined languages on teaching and learning French as a foreign language at schoolNishimura, Sahsha Kiyoko Watanabe Dellatorre 26 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo suscitar reflexões sobre experiência, autoria e linguagens entrelaçadas no ensino-aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira em contexto escolar por meio da análise e da discussão de problematizações e temas apresentados no formato de um inventaire futile, exercício de escrita realizado, entre outros, por Roland Barthes (1975) e Jean-Pierre Jeunet (1989) e que tem por base a enumeração e as listas (Eco, 2009). Todos os temas do inventário foram desencadeados por interações vividas nas aulas da disciplina Francês, ministrada no Ensino Médio da Escola de Aplicação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (EA-FEUSP) desde 2010, mas especialmente no período de 2014 a 2018, e por relatos dos(as) alunos(as) em seu journal de bord uma proposta trimestral de atividade extra-classe. As pesquisas em educação (Meirieu, 2005; Freire, 2015; Masschelein & Simons, 2015), principalmente as pós-críticas (Silva, 2008; Larrosa, 2002, 2008, 2011; Corazza, 2013) e as pesquisas sobre o pós-método no ensino de línguas estrangeiras (Kumaravadivelu, 1994, 2003, 2006) constituíram a fundamentação teórica para o estudo e a análise de tais interações e permitiu-nos conhecer, por meio do confronto do que foi proposto para o ensino com o que foi relatado pelos(as) estudantes, as perspectivas de quem ensina e as de quem aprende uma língua estrangeira. / This research had the objective of encouraging reflections on experience, authorship and intertwined languages on teaching and learning French as a foreign language in a school context through analysis and discussion of problematizations and themes presented in the format of an Inventaire Futile, a writing exercise performed by Roland Barthes (1975) and Jean-Pierre Jeunet (1989), among others, and which is based on enumeration and lists (Eco, 2009). Every inventory theme has emerged from interactions within French classes taught at the Secondary School of the School of Application of the School of Education at the University of São Paulo (EA-FEUSP) since 2010, but specially in the period from 2014 to 2018. It also emerged from students\' accounts on their journal de bord - a quarterly proposal for extra-class activity. Researches on education (Meirieu, 2005; Freire, 2015; Masschelein & Simons, 2015), mainly post-criticism ones (Silva, 2008; Larrosa, 2002, 2008, 2011; Corazza, 2013), and researches on postmethod for teaching foreign languages (Kumaravadivelu, 1994, 2003, 2006) provided the theoretical foundation for us to study and analyze such interactions. It allowed us to learn the perspectives of those who teach and of those who learn a foreign language by confronting what was proposed for teaching with what was reported by the students.
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Inventaire Futile: experiência, autoria e linguagens entrelaçadas no ensino-aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira na escola / Inventaire futile: experience, authorship and intertwined languages on teaching and learning French as a foreign language at schoolSahsha Kiyoko Watanabe Dellatorre Nishimura 26 October 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo suscitar reflexões sobre experiência, autoria e linguagens entrelaçadas no ensino-aprendizagem de francês língua estrangeira em contexto escolar por meio da análise e da discussão de problematizações e temas apresentados no formato de um inventaire futile, exercício de escrita realizado, entre outros, por Roland Barthes (1975) e Jean-Pierre Jeunet (1989) e que tem por base a enumeração e as listas (Eco, 2009). Todos os temas do inventário foram desencadeados por interações vividas nas aulas da disciplina Francês, ministrada no Ensino Médio da Escola de Aplicação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (EA-FEUSP) desde 2010, mas especialmente no período de 2014 a 2018, e por relatos dos(as) alunos(as) em seu journal de bord uma proposta trimestral de atividade extra-classe. As pesquisas em educação (Meirieu, 2005; Freire, 2015; Masschelein & Simons, 2015), principalmente as pós-críticas (Silva, 2008; Larrosa, 2002, 2008, 2011; Corazza, 2013) e as pesquisas sobre o pós-método no ensino de línguas estrangeiras (Kumaravadivelu, 1994, 2003, 2006) constituíram a fundamentação teórica para o estudo e a análise de tais interações e permitiu-nos conhecer, por meio do confronto do que foi proposto para o ensino com o que foi relatado pelos(as) estudantes, as perspectivas de quem ensina e as de quem aprende uma língua estrangeira. / This research had the objective of encouraging reflections on experience, authorship and intertwined languages on teaching and learning French as a foreign language in a school context through analysis and discussion of problematizations and themes presented in the format of an Inventaire Futile, a writing exercise performed by Roland Barthes (1975) and Jean-Pierre Jeunet (1989), among others, and which is based on enumeration and lists (Eco, 2009). Every inventory theme has emerged from interactions within French classes taught at the Secondary School of the School of Application of the School of Education at the University of São Paulo (EA-FEUSP) since 2010, but specially in the period from 2014 to 2018. It also emerged from students\' accounts on their journal de bord - a quarterly proposal for extra-class activity. Researches on education (Meirieu, 2005; Freire, 2015; Masschelein & Simons, 2015), mainly post-criticism ones (Silva, 2008; Larrosa, 2002, 2008, 2011; Corazza, 2013), and researches on postmethod for teaching foreign languages (Kumaravadivelu, 1994, 2003, 2006) provided the theoretical foundation for us to study and analyze such interactions. It allowed us to learn the perspectives of those who teach and of those who learn a foreign language by confronting what was proposed for teaching with what was reported by the students.
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Aplikace pro extrakci a analýzu jízdních dat z OBD-II na iOS / iOS Application for Driving Data Extraction and Analysis via OBD-IIPihrt, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
This project aims to create a mobile application for iOS devices that provide valuable information about user's car rides. Needed data are obtained by ELM327 located in OBD-II scanner which can communicate with the car. Obtained data are analyzed using table of limits. The application informs riders about their driving mistakes and giving them tips how to fix them. Trips can be saved and exported in the form of logbook. In addition application includes diagnostic functions that can be found in every other diagnostic application.
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