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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Error-robust coding and transformation of compressed hybered hybrid video streams for packet-switched wireless networks

Halbach, Till January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation considers packet-switched wireless networks for transmission of variable-rate layered hybrid video streams. Target applications are video streaming and broadcasting services. The work can be divided into two main parts. In the first part, a novel quality-scalable scheme based on coefficient refinement and encoder quality constraints is developed as a possible extension to the video coding standard H.264. After a technical introduction to the coding tools of H.264 with the main focus on error resilience features, various quality scalability schemes in previous research are reviewed. Based on this discussion, an encoder decoder framework is designed for an arbitrary number of quality layers, hereby also enabling region-of-interest coding. After that, the performance of the new system is exhaustively tested, showing that the bit rate increase typically encountered with scalable hybrid coding schemes is, for certain coding parameters, only small to moderate. The double- and triple-layer constellations of the framework are shown to perform superior to other systems. The second part considers layered code streams as generated by the scheme of the first part. Various error propagation issues in hybrid streams are discussed, which leads to the definition of a decoder quality constraint and a segmentation of the code stream to transmit. A packetization scheme based on successive source rate consumption is drafted, followed by the formulation of the channel code rate optimization problem for an optimum assignment of available codes to the channel packets. Proper MSE-based error metrics are derived, incorporating the properties of the source signal, a terminate-on-error decoding strategy, error concealment, inter-packet dependencies, and the channel conditions. The Viterbi algorithm is presented as a low-complexity solution to the optimization problem, showing a great adaptivity of the joint source channel coding scheme to the channel conditions. An almost constant image qualiity is achieved, also in mismatch situations, while the overall channel code rate decreases only as little as necessary as the channel quality deteriorates. It is further shown that the variance of code distributions is only small, and that the codes are assigned irregularly to all channel packets. A double-layer constellation of the framework clearly outperforms other schemes with a substantial margin. Keywords — Digital lossy video compression, visual communication, variable bit rate (VBR), SNR scalability, layered image processing, quality layer, hybrid code stream, predictive coding, progressive bit stream, joint source channel coding, fidelity constraint, channel error robustness, resilience, concealment, packet-switched, mobile and wireless ATM, noisy transmission, packet loss, binary symmetric channel, streaming, broadcasting, satellite and radio links, H.264, MPEG-4 AVC, Viterbi, trellis, unequal error protection

Games and Probabilistic Infinite-State Systems

Sandberg, Sven January 2007 (has links)
Computer programs keep finding their ways into new safety-critical applications, while at the same time growing more complex. This calls for new and better methods to verify the correctness of software. We focus on one approach to verifying systems, namely that of model checking. At first, we investigate two categories of problems related to model checking: games and stochastic infinite-state systems. In the end, we join these two lines of research, by studying stochastic infinite-state games. Game theory has been used in verification for a long time. We focus on finite-state 2-player parity and limit-average (mean payoff) games. These problems have applications in model checking for the μ-calculus, one of the most expressive logics for programs. We give a simplified proof of memoryless determinacy. The proof applies both to parity and limit-average games. Moreover, we suggest a strategy improvement algorithm for limit-average games. The algorithm is discrete and strongly subexponential. We also consider probabilistic infinite-state systems (Markov chains) induced by three types of models. Lossy channel systems (LCS) have been used to model processes that communicate over an unreliable medium. Petri nets model systems with unboundedly many parallel processes. Noisy Turing machines can model computers where the memory may be corrupted in a stochastic manner. We introduce the notion of eagerness and prove that all these systems are eager. We give a scheme to approximate the value of a reward function defined on paths. Eagerness allows us to prove that the scheme terminates. For probabilistic LCS, we also give an algorithm that approximates the limit-average reward. This quantity describes the long-run behavior of the system. Finally, we investigate Büchi games on probabilistic LCS. Such games can be used to model a malicious cracker trying to break a network protocol. We give an algorithm to solve these games.


GUILHERME SIMON DA ROSA 23 October 2018 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho são analisadas junções entre guias coaxiais não homogêneos com perdas. A expansão modal dos campos eletromagnéticos em um guia coaxial com duas camadas radiais é detalhadamente deduzida, e posteriormente a formulação é generalizada para guias com multicamadas radiais. As constantes de propagação para guias com perdas são determinadas pelo método do winding number, garantindo que todos os autovalores possam ser encontrados. O método do casamento de modos é aplicado na análise e projeto de estruturas coaxiais. A formulação é aplicada na otimização de estruturas de acoplamento e cornetas radiantes com carregamento dielétrico não homogêneo. O preenchimento não homogêneo é empregado nas estruturas radiantes a fim de minimizar a perda de retorno, e principalmente controlar e melhorar o formato do diagrama de radiação para operação em banda larga. Adicionalmente, a formulação é utilizada para analisar a propagação eletromagnética em sistemas de telemetria sem fio para poços de petróleo. / [en] In this work, we analyzed junctions between coaxial waveguides heterogeneously filled with lossy dielectrics. The modal expansion of the electromagnetic fields in a coaxial waveguide with two radial layers is derived in detail, and afterward the formulation is generalized for a multilayer waveguide. The propagation constants for lossy waveguides are determined through the method of winding number, ensuring that all eigenvalues can be found. The mode matching technique is applied in the analysis and design of coaxial structures. The formulation is applied in the optimization of coupling structures and radiating horns with heterogeneous dielectric loading. The heterogeneous filling is used in radiating structures in order to reduce the return loss, and especially to control and improve the shape of the radiation pattern for broadband operation. Additionally, the formulation is used to analyze the electromagnetic propagation in wireless telemetry systems for oil wells.

Coverability and expressiveness properties of well-structured transition systems

Geeraerts, Gilles 20 April 2007 (has links)
Ces cinquante dernières annéees, les ordinateurs ont occupé une place toujours plus importante dans notre vie quotidienne. On les retrouve aujourd’hui présents dans de nombreuses applications, sous forme de systèmes enfouis. Ces applications sont parfois critiques, dans la mesure où toute défaillance du système informatique peut avoir des conséquences catastrophiques, tant sur le plan humain que sur le plan économique. <p>Nous pensons par exemple aux systèmes informatiques qui contrôlent les appareils médicaux ou certains systèmes vitaux (comme les freins) des véhicules automobiles. <p>Afin d’assurer la correction de ces systèmes informatiques, différentes techniques de vérification Assistée par Ordinateur ont été proposées, durant les trois dernières <p>décennies principalement. Ces techniques reposent sur un principe commun: donner une description formelle tant du système que de la propriété qu’il doit respecter, et appliquer une méthode automatique pour prouver que le système respecte la propriété. <p>Parmi les principaux modèles aptes à décrire formellement des systèmes informatiques, la classe des systèmes de transition bien structurés [ACJT96, FS01] occupe une place importante, et ce, pour deux raisons essentielles. Tout d’abord, cette classe généralise plusieurs autres classes bien étudiées et utiles de modèles à espace <p>d’états infini, comme les réseaux de Petri [Pet62](et leurs extensions monotones [Cia94, FGRVB06]) ou les systèmes communiquant par canaux FIFO avec pertes [AJ93]. Ensuite, des problèmes intéressants peuvent être résolus algorithmiquement sur cette classe. Parmi ces problèmes, on trouve le probléme de couverture, auquel certaines propriétés intéressantes de sûreté peuvent être réduites. <p>Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au problème de couverture. Jusqu’à présent, le seul algorithme général (c’est-à-dire applicable à n’importe quel système bien structuré) pour résoudre ce problème était un algorithme dit en arrière [ACJT96] car il calcule itérativement tous les états potentiellement non-sûrs et vérifie si l’état initial du système en fait partie. Nous proposons Expand, Enlarge and Check, le premier algorithme en avant pour résoudre le problème de couverture, qui calcule les états potentiellement accessibles du système et vérifie si certains d’entre eux sont non-sûrs. Cette approche est plus efficace en pratique, comme le montrent nos expériences. Nous présentons également des techniques permettant d’accroître l’efficacité de notre méthode dans le cas où nous analysons des réseaux de Petri (ou <p>une de leurs extensions monotones), ou bien des systèmes communiquant par canaux FIFO avec pertes. Enfin, nous nous intéressons au calcul de l’ensemble de couverture pour les réseaux de Petri, un objet mathématique permettant notamment de résoudre le problème de couverture. Nous étudions l’algorithme de Karp & Miller [KM69], une solution classique pour calculer cet ensemble. Nous montrons qu’une optimisation de cet algorithme présenté dans [Fin91] est fausse, et nous proposons une autre solution totalement neuve, et plus efficace que la solution de Karp & Miller. <p>Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous nous intéressons aux pouvoirs d’expression des systèmes bien structurés, tant en terme de mots infinis que de mots finis. Le pouvoir d’expression d’une classe de systèmes est, en quelque sorte, une mesure de la diversité des comportements que les modèles de cette classe peuvent représenter. En ce qui concerne les mots infinis, nous étudions les pouvoirs d’expression des réseaux de Petri et de deux de leurs extensions (les réseaux de Petri avec arcs non-bloquants et les réseaux de Petri avec arcs de transfert). Nous montrons qu’il existe une hiérarchie stricte entre ces différents pouvoirs d’expression. Nous obtenons également des résultats partiels concernant le pouvoir d’expression des réseaux de Petri avec arcs de réinitialisation. En ce qui concerne les mots finis, nous introduisons la classe des langages bien structurés, qui sont des langages acceptés par des systèmes de transition bien structurés étiquettés, où l’ensemble des états accepteurs est clos par le haut. Nous prouvons trois lemmes de pompage concernant ces langages. Ceux-ci nous permettent de réobtenir facilement des résultats classiques de la littérature, ainsi que plusieurs nouveaux résultats. En particulier, nous prouvons, comme dans le cas des mots infinis, qu’il existe une hiérarchie stricte entre les pouvoirs d’expression des extensions des réseaux de Petri considérées. / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation Informatique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Komprese dat / Data compression

Krejčí, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with lossless and losing methods of data compressions and their possible applications in the measurement engineering. In the first part of the thesis there is a theoretical elaboration which informs the reader about the basic terminology, the reasons of data compression, the usage of data compression in standard practice and the division of compression algorithms. The practical part of thesis deals with the realization of the compress algorithms in Matlab and LabWindows/CVI.

Komprese obrazu pomocí vlnkové transformace / Image Compression Using the Wavelet Transform

Urbánek, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on subject of image compression using wavelet transform. The first part of this document provides reader with information about image compression, presents well known contemporary algorithms and looks into details of wavelet compression and following encoding schemes. Both JPEG and JPEG 2000 standards are introduced. Second part of this document analyzes and describes implementation of image compression tool including inovations and optimalizations. The third part is dedicated to comparison and evaluation of achievements.

Microwave Filters in Planar and Hybrid Technologies with Advanced Responses

Marín Martínez, Sandra 31 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como principal objetivo el estudio, diseño, desarrollo y fabricación de nuevos dispositivos pasivos de microondas, tales como filtros y multiplexores con respuestas avanzadas para aplicaciones de alto valor añadido (i.e. comerciales, militares, espacio); orientados a distintos servicios, actuales y futuros, en sistemas inalámbricos de comunicación. Además, esta investigación se centrará en el desarrollo de filtros encapsulados de montaje superficial y con un elevado grado de miniaturización. Para ello, se propone investigar distintas técnicas que consigan respuestas muy selectivas o con unas características exigentes en rechazo (mediante la flexible introducción de ceros de transmisión), así como una excelente planaridad en banda (aplicando técnicas tales como la mejora del Q o el diseño de filtros con pérdidas, lossy filters), obteniendo de este modo respuestas mejoradas, con respecto a soluciones conocidas, en los componentes de microondas desarrollados. De forma general, la metodología seguida se iniciará con una búsqueda y conocimiento del estado del arte sobre cada uno de los temas que se acometerán en esta tesis. Tras ello, se establecerá un procedimiento de síntesis que permitirá acometer de forma teórica los objetivos y especificaciones a conseguir en cada caso. Con ello, se establecerán las bases para iniciar el proceso de diseño, incluyendo co-simulación circuital/electromagnética y optimización que permitirán, en última instancia, implementar la solución planteada en cada caso de aplicación concreto. Finalmente, la demostración y validez de todas las investigaciones realizadas se llevará a cabo mediante la fabricación y caracterización experimental de distintos prototipos. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a principal objectiu l'estudi, disseny, desenvolupament I fabricació de nous dispositius passius de microones, com ara filtres i multiplexors amb respostes avançades per a aplicacions d'alt valor afegit, (comercials, militars, espai); orientats a oferir diferents serveis, actuals i futurs, en els diferents sistemes sense fils de comunicació. A més, aquesta investigació es centrarà en el desenvolupament de filtres encapsulats de muntatge superficial i amb un elevat grau de miniaturització. Per a això, es proposa investigar diferents tècniques que aconsegueixin respostes molt selectives o amb unes característiques exigents en rebuig (mitjançant la flexible introducció de zeros de transmissió), així com una excel·lent planaritat en banda (aplicant tècniques com ara la millora de l'Q o el disseny de filtres amb perdues, lossy filters), obtenint d'aquesta manera respostes millorades, respecte solucions conegudes, en els components de micrones desenvolupats. De forma general, la metodologia seguida s'iniciarà amb una recerca i coneixement de l'estat de l'art sobre cadascun dels temes que s'escometran en aquesta tesi. Després d'això, s'establirà un procediment de síntesi que permetrà escometre de forma teòrica els objectiusi especificacions a aconseguir en cada cas. Amb això, s'establiran les bases per iniciar el procés de disseny, amb co-simulació circuital / electromagnètica i optimització que permetran, en última instància, implementar la solució plantejada en cada cas d'aplicació concret. Finalment, la demostració i validesa de totes les investigacions realitzades es durà a terme mitjançant la fabricació i caracterització experimental de diferents prototips. / [EN] The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the study, design, development and manufacture of new passive microwave components, such as filters and multiplexers with advanced responses for commercials, military and space applications; oriented to other different services, in current and future wireless communication systems. In addition, this research will focus on the development of surface-mounted encapsulated filters with a high degree of miniaturization. With this purpose, it is proposed to investigate different techniques that achieve highly selective responses or with demanding characteristics in rejection (through the flexible introduction of transmission zeros), as well as an excellent in-band planarity (applying techniques such as the Q enhancement or lossy filters), thus obtaining improved responses, with respect to known solutions, in the developed microwave components. In general, the followed methodology will begin with a search and knowledge of the state of the art on each of the topics addressed in this thesis. After that, a synthesis procedure will be established, which will allow the achievement of the objectives and specifications in a theoretical way, for each case. With this, the bases will be established to start the design process, with circuital and electromagnetic co-simulations and optimizations that will allow, ultimately, to implement the proposed solution, in every application case, specifically. Finally, the demonstration and validity of all the investigations will be carried out through the manufacture and experimental characterization of different prototypes. / Marín Martínez, S. (2022). Microwave Filters in Planar and Hybrid Technologies with Advanced Responses [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188943

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