Spelling suggestions: "subject:"luminance"" "subject:"uminance""
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Hodnocení optických prvků pro LED / Evaluation of optical components for LEDDobiáš, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with an evaluation of optical components for LED, which is based on laboratory measurements of available LED samples and optical elements. The evaluation is done according to established standards and is focused on efficiency and adjustment of luminous flux (beam angle, luminous curve). Furthermore was made a study engaged in an optical element influence on LED color properties (color temperature, spectral characteristics). In conclusion there is an optical elements usage overview and recommended procedure for selecting appropriate combination of LED and optical element.
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Návrh měřicího pracoviště v LabView pro účely měření spektra a světelného toku / Design of measuring workspace in LabView for purpose of spectrum and luminous flux measurementSláma, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with luminance parameters measurement and ways to accomplish this using LabView software. The first part focuses on luminance parameters measurable by spectroradiometer and their meaning. Following part introduces reader to hardware equipment that is used in the measurement. Third part contains description of LabView software and explains what is required to make a communication between equipment and PC work. Next part explains how the communication with peripherals was achieved. Following up is the part where it is described how programs controlling AC and DC power supplies work. In this part the user interface is described.
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The use of silent substitution in measuring isolated cone- & rod- human electroretinograms. An electrophysiological study of human rod- and cone- photoreceptor activity derived using silent substitution paradigmKommanapalli, Deepika January 2019 (has links)
After over a decade of its discovery, the Electroretinogram (ERG) still remains the objective tool that is conventionally used in assessment of retinal function in health and disease. Although there is ongoing research in developing ERG- recording techniques, interpretation and clinical applications, there is still a limited understanding on how each photoreceptor class contribute to the ERG waveform and their role and/or susceptibilities in various retinal diseases still remains unclear. Another limitation with currently used conventional testing protocols in a clinical setting is the requirement of an adaptation period which is time-consuming. Furthermore, the ERG responses derived in this manner are recorded under different stimulus conditions, thus, making comparison of these signals difficult. To address these issues and develop a new testing method, we employed silent substitution paradigm in obtaining cone- and rod- isolating ERGs using sine- and square- wave temporal profiles. The ERGs achieved in this manner were shown to be photoreceptor-selective. Furthermore, these responses did not only provide the functional index of photoreceptors but their contributions to their successive postreceptoral pathways. We believe that the substitution stimuli used in this thesis could be a valuable tool in functional assessment of individual photoreceptor classes in normal and pathological conditions. Furthermore, we speculate that this method of cone/rod activity isolation could possibly be used in developing faster and efficient photoreceptor-selective testing protocols without the need of adaptation. / Bradford School of Optometry and Vision Sciences
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Etude photométrique de la surface de Mars à partir de la caméra HRSC à bord de la sonde Mars Express<br />Préparation aux observation orbitale multi-angulaire en exploration planétaire.Jehl, Augustin 09 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Parmi les études novatrices que l'on peut aborder depuis l'orbite martienne en utilisant les données multiangulaires de l'instrument HRSC (canaux nadir, stéréographique et photométrique) de Mars Express, figure la détermination des caractéristiques physiques de la surface, pour cartographier les variations des propriétés physiques des sols et des roches de Mars et les relier aux observations spectroscopiques et thermiques réalisées par les instruments OMEGA, TES et THEMIS. <br /> Les modèles de Minnaert et de fonction de phase à deux termes de Hapke s'accordent pour démontrer que les observations multiangulaires de HRSC acquises au cours de la mission sur le cratère Gusev et le flanc sud de Apollinaris peuvent, sous certaines limites, être assemblées pour produire une fonction de phase couvrant un grand intervalle d'angles de phase (5-95°) avec une résolution spatiale de l'ordre de 400 mètres à 1.6 kilomètres.<br /><br />Combiné à la rugosité de surface, l'effet d'opposition joue un rôle significatif, <br />suggérant que les propriétés optiques de l'état de surface au niveau de Gusev sont fortement influencées par la porosité, l'état de compaction et l'organisation de la couche superficielle du régolite. L'aspect cartographique de la présente étude photométrique est utile pour donner une meilleure signification aux variations observées. Selon les tendances générales de cette analyse, il est très probable que la variation photométrique observée, au moins pour les régions centre et Ouest du cratère Gusev, soit partiellement due aux régimes des vents dominants, ces derniers ayant une orientation Nord - Nord Ouest / Sud - Sud Est et induisant une perturbation de la couche supérieure de la surface. Les résultats de cette étude photométrique sont en accord avec des études indépendantes basées sur les données orbitales d'inertie thermique et de spectroscopie de réflectance, et également des données photométriques et d'imagerie microscopique réalisées in situ par les instrument du rover Spirit. Cela conforte l'idée de l'existence en surface d'une couche composée de poussière à grains fins qui aurait été enlevée au niveau des unités de faible albédo révélant ainsi un substrat basaltique sombre formé de matériaux à grains plus grossiers. <br /><br />Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités pour documenter les processus de surface sur les planètes.
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Estudo da resposta da melanopsina na neuropatia óptica e no distúrbio de sono através do reflexo pupilar à luz / Study of melanopsin responses in optic neuropathy and sleep disturbance by means of the pupillary light reflexDuque-Chica, Gloria Liliana 24 September 2015 (has links)
Dentre as células ganglionares da retina existe uma pequena população de células que contem melanopsina e respondem diretamente à luz. Estas são as células ganglionares intrinsecamente fotossensíveis (ipRGCs), cujas funções são principalmente não visuais. Dentre as funções não visuais das ipRGCs sua influência na resposta pupilar dependente da luz foi o objeto central desta tese. Tanto a retina interna, através das ipRGCs, quanto a retina externa, através dos bastonetes e cones, fornecem uma informação neural que regula a resposta pupilar à luz (RPL). Este estudo avaliou a integridade das ipRGCs através do RPL em pacientes com glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto (GPAA), leve, moderado e avançado, e em pacientes com síndrome da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS), moderada e grave. Também foi avaliada a discriminação cromática e a sensibilidade ao contraste espacial de luminância (SC), a perimetria visual e a espessura da retina avaliada por tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT). Foram avaliados 98 participantes: 45 pacientes com GPAA ( 27, 18; idade média = 65,84 + 10,20), 28 pacientes com SAOS ( 14, 14; idade média = 52,93 + 7,13), e 25 controles ( 17, 8; idade média = 54,27 + 8,88). Após o exame oftalmológico foram avaliadas a SC de grades e a discriminação de cores através do Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). A avaliação do RPL foi feita apresentando-se flashes de 470 e 640 nm, de 1s de duração, em 7 luminâncias desde -3 até 2.4 log cd/m2 em um Ganzfeld Q450 SC (Roland Consult). O RPL foi registrado pelo sistema de eye tracker View Point System (Arrington Research Inc.). Os testes foram realizados em ambos os olhos, de forma monocular e no escuro. Para a comparação dos dados entre os grupos, utilizou-se um modelo de equações de estimação generalizada (GEE), para correção da dependência entre os dois olhos. O RPL dos pacientes com GPAA moderado e avançado apresentou redução significativa na amplitude do pico, dependente da severidade do glaucoma, nas diferentes luminâncias tanto para 470 nm quanto para 640 nm, evidenciando redução das contribuições dos cones e bastonetes ao RPL. As contribuições das ipRGCs ao RPL (avaliadas pela amplitude da resposta sustentada entre 6-8 s) foram também significativamente menores em GPAA moderado e avançado. No estado inicial do GPAA as contribuições das ipRGCs para o RPL encontram-se preservadas. No entanto, o GPAA parece afetar o processamento espacial desde o inicio da doença. Nos pacientes com GPAA leve foi observada uma perda acentuada nas faixas baixas de frequência espacial, compatível com prejuízo seletivo das células ganglionares do tipo M. A SC de pacientes com GPAA moderado e avançado mostrou perdas nas faixas baixas e altas de frequência espacial, apontando um prejuízo nas vias parvo- e margnocelulares. Uma perda significativa da discriminação de cores no eixo azul-amarelo foi observada em todos os estágios do GPAA. O RPL nos pacientes com SAOS está parcialmente preservado, não obstante, as respostas da amplitude do pico para o flash de 470 nm diminuem conforme aumenta a severidade da SAOS. As contribuições dos fotorreceptores da retina externa ao RPL, foram significativamente menores em algumas das luminâncias. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas de SC ou discriminação de cores nos pacientes com SAOS. Em conclusão, no estágio moderado e avançado do glaucoma tanto as contribuições das ipRGCs ao RPL quanto as vias M e P, se encontram mais afetadas do que no inicio do GPAA, quando a via parvocelular e as contribuições das ipRGCs ao RPL parecem estar mais preservadas / Among the retina ganglion cells there are a small population of cells containing melanopsin and which respond directly to light. They are the intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells (ipRGCs), whose functions are mainly non-visual. Among these non-visual functions of the ipRGCs, their influence on the pupillary response as a function of light was the central subject of this thesis. Both the inner retina through the ipRGCs and the outer retina through the rods and cones, provide neural information that regulates the pupillary light response (PLR) to light. This study evaluated the integrity of ipRGCs through PLR in patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG), mild, moderate and advanced, and in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), moderate and severe. We evaluated also the color discrimination and achromatic spatial contrast sensitivity (CS), visual perimetry and retinal thickness evaluated by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). 98 participants were evaluated, 45 patients with POAG ( 27 18; mean age = 65.84 + 10.20), 28 with OSAS ( 14 14; mean age = 52.93 + 7.13) and 25 controls ( 17 8; mean age = 54.27 + 8.88). After the ophthalmological exam it was evaluated the contrast sensitivity and color discrimination measures using the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Pupil responses were elicited by Ganzfeld (Q450 SC, Roland Consult) presentation of 1-sec flashes of 470- and 640-nm at 7 luminance from -3 to 2.4 log cd/m2. PLR was measured with the eye tracker system View Point (Arrington Research Inc.). The tests were performed monocularly, on both eyes, in a darkened room. In order to compare data across groups, we used a General Estimating Equations (GEE) to adjust for within subject inter-eye correlations. Patients with moderate and advanced POAG had a significantly decreased PLR that depends on the severity of the glaucoma, for both the 470- and 640-nm stimuli, making evident the reduction of the contributions of the cones and rods to the PLR. The contributions of ipRGCs to PLR (assessed by the amplitude of the sustained response between 6 8 sec) were also significantly lower in patients with moderate and advanced POAG. In the initial and mild stages of POAG the contribution of ipRGCs to the PLR is preserved. However, POAG appears to affect spatial processing from the early stages of the disease. Mild-POAG patients showed a marked loss in the low spatial frequency bands, compatible with selective loss of magnocellular ganglion cells. The CS of patients with moderate and advanced POAG showed losses at both low and high spatial frequencies, suggesting a loss in both parvo- and margnocellular channels. A significant loss of color discrimination along the blue-yellow axis was observed in all stages of POAG. The PLR in patients with OSAS is partially preserved, however the peak amplitude responses for the 470-nm flash decreased with increased severity of OSAS. The contributions of the photoreceptors of the outer retina to the PLR were significantly lower at some of the luminance. Significant differences in CS or color discrimination were not observed in patients with OSAS. In conclusion, in moderate and advanced stages of glaucoma, both the contributions of ipRGCs to PLR as well as the M- and P channels, were found more affected than at the beginning of POAG, in contrast the parvocellular channel and the contributions of ipRGCs on the PLR would be more preserved
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Segurança, eficiência energética e conforto visual em emboques de túneis rodoviários: soluções arquitetônicas / Safety, power efficiency and visual comfort at the access zone of highway tunnels: architectural solutionsMoura, Norberto Corrêa da Silva 28 August 2007 (has links)
Para atenuar o impacto visual, que acomete o motorista ao ingressar em túneis rodoviários durante o período diurno, utiliza-se a luz artificial, com alto nível inicial e gradual diminuição para o interior do túnel. Tal solução apresenta dois inconvenientes imediatos, relacionados ao consumo de energia e à segurança. Devido à radiação solar direta, as imediações da entrada do túnel tornam-se fontes de ofuscamento de elevada intensidade e a iluminação deve estar dimensionada para permitir, ao motorista que se aproxima da entrada do túnel, a visualização de seu interior, implicando em elevado consumo de energia para uma tarefa com pouco requisito visual. Quanto à segurança, na hipótese de falta de energia aumenta-se a probabilidade de acidentes, pois o reflexo do motorista pode ser frear. As soluções arquitetônicas, objeto da pesquisa, correspondem a um Sistema para Adaptação Visual (SAV), implantado no trecho de rodovia aberta anterior à entrada do túnel, que, por um lado, atua nos elementos causadores do problema e, por outro, fornece a iluminação necessária no interior do túnel através das fontes de luz natural (Sol e céu). Para sua concepção, são propostas cinco estratégias. O desempenho do SAV, assim constituído, foi testado em uma aplicação prática nos túneis do trecho Oeste do Rodoanel Mário Covas, sem apresentar os inconvenientes identificados na solução convencional (iluminação artificial). A segurança no ponto crítico ficou garantida por característica intrínseca do sistema. Além de reduzir o consumo, a energia para o período noturno pôde ser gerada pelo próprio SAV, se incorporados módulos fotovoltaicos, e a sazonalidade característica da luz natural é acompanhada pelo sistema, favorecendo o conforto visual por diminuir a faixa em que ocorre o processo de adaptação visual. / The usual adopted solution to defuse the drivers visual impact at the highway tunnel entrance during the daytime, has been the use of electric lighting, with high initial level and gradual reduction towards the internal side of the tunnel. This brings two immediate problems, concerning energy consumption and security. Direct sunlight causes high intensity glare sources around the tunnel entrance, and the lighting level should be enough to allow the interior visibility, when the driver approaches the tunnel, entailing high energy consumption to a low accurate task. Security-wise, in case of power supply failure, collisions possibility increases, due to the drivers instinctive reaction to brake suddenly. Architectural solutions, this research object, are related to a Visual Adaptation System (VAS) positioned on the open road before the tunnel entrance, which, on the one hand, acts into the problem causes, and, on the other, provides the necessary lighting inside the tunnel by natural light sources (Sun and sky). Five strategies are proposed designing the VAS. A practical application on Metropolitan Area Ring Road Mario Covas West segment tunnels checked the so-built VAS performance, not presenting the identified deficiencies in the conventional solution (artificial lighting). The intrinsic system feature assured the critical point security. Besides the consumption reduction, the energy supply for nighttime could be generated by the VAS, if photovoltaic modules are added, and the natural light seasonal feature is followed by the system, favoring the visual comfort by decreasing the visual adaptation process range.
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Segurança, eficiência energética e conforto visual em emboques de túneis rodoviários: soluções arquitetônicas / Safety, power efficiency and visual comfort at the access zone of highway tunnels: architectural solutionsNorberto Corrêa da Silva Moura 28 August 2007 (has links)
Para atenuar o impacto visual, que acomete o motorista ao ingressar em túneis rodoviários durante o período diurno, utiliza-se a luz artificial, com alto nível inicial e gradual diminuição para o interior do túnel. Tal solução apresenta dois inconvenientes imediatos, relacionados ao consumo de energia e à segurança. Devido à radiação solar direta, as imediações da entrada do túnel tornam-se fontes de ofuscamento de elevada intensidade e a iluminação deve estar dimensionada para permitir, ao motorista que se aproxima da entrada do túnel, a visualização de seu interior, implicando em elevado consumo de energia para uma tarefa com pouco requisito visual. Quanto à segurança, na hipótese de falta de energia aumenta-se a probabilidade de acidentes, pois o reflexo do motorista pode ser frear. As soluções arquitetônicas, objeto da pesquisa, correspondem a um Sistema para Adaptação Visual (SAV), implantado no trecho de rodovia aberta anterior à entrada do túnel, que, por um lado, atua nos elementos causadores do problema e, por outro, fornece a iluminação necessária no interior do túnel através das fontes de luz natural (Sol e céu). Para sua concepção, são propostas cinco estratégias. O desempenho do SAV, assim constituído, foi testado em uma aplicação prática nos túneis do trecho Oeste do Rodoanel Mário Covas, sem apresentar os inconvenientes identificados na solução convencional (iluminação artificial). A segurança no ponto crítico ficou garantida por característica intrínseca do sistema. Além de reduzir o consumo, a energia para o período noturno pôde ser gerada pelo próprio SAV, se incorporados módulos fotovoltaicos, e a sazonalidade característica da luz natural é acompanhada pelo sistema, favorecendo o conforto visual por diminuir a faixa em que ocorre o processo de adaptação visual. / The usual adopted solution to defuse the drivers visual impact at the highway tunnel entrance during the daytime, has been the use of electric lighting, with high initial level and gradual reduction towards the internal side of the tunnel. This brings two immediate problems, concerning energy consumption and security. Direct sunlight causes high intensity glare sources around the tunnel entrance, and the lighting level should be enough to allow the interior visibility, when the driver approaches the tunnel, entailing high energy consumption to a low accurate task. Security-wise, in case of power supply failure, collisions possibility increases, due to the drivers instinctive reaction to brake suddenly. Architectural solutions, this research object, are related to a Visual Adaptation System (VAS) positioned on the open road before the tunnel entrance, which, on the one hand, acts into the problem causes, and, on the other, provides the necessary lighting inside the tunnel by natural light sources (Sun and sky). Five strategies are proposed designing the VAS. A practical application on Metropolitan Area Ring Road Mario Covas West segment tunnels checked the so-built VAS performance, not presenting the identified deficiencies in the conventional solution (artificial lighting). The intrinsic system feature assured the critical point security. Besides the consumption reduction, the energy supply for nighttime could be generated by the VAS, if photovoltaic modules are added, and the natural light seasonal feature is followed by the system, favoring the visual comfort by decreasing the visual adaptation process range.
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Estudo da resposta da melanopsina na neuropatia óptica e no distúrbio de sono através do reflexo pupilar à luz / Study of melanopsin responses in optic neuropathy and sleep disturbance by means of the pupillary light reflexGloria Liliana Duque-Chica 24 September 2015 (has links)
Dentre as células ganglionares da retina existe uma pequena população de células que contem melanopsina e respondem diretamente à luz. Estas são as células ganglionares intrinsecamente fotossensíveis (ipRGCs), cujas funções são principalmente não visuais. Dentre as funções não visuais das ipRGCs sua influência na resposta pupilar dependente da luz foi o objeto central desta tese. Tanto a retina interna, através das ipRGCs, quanto a retina externa, através dos bastonetes e cones, fornecem uma informação neural que regula a resposta pupilar à luz (RPL). Este estudo avaliou a integridade das ipRGCs através do RPL em pacientes com glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto (GPAA), leve, moderado e avançado, e em pacientes com síndrome da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS), moderada e grave. Também foi avaliada a discriminação cromática e a sensibilidade ao contraste espacial de luminância (SC), a perimetria visual e a espessura da retina avaliada por tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT). Foram avaliados 98 participantes: 45 pacientes com GPAA ( 27, 18; idade média = 65,84 + 10,20), 28 pacientes com SAOS ( 14, 14; idade média = 52,93 + 7,13), e 25 controles ( 17, 8; idade média = 54,27 + 8,88). Após o exame oftalmológico foram avaliadas a SC de grades e a discriminação de cores através do Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). A avaliação do RPL foi feita apresentando-se flashes de 470 e 640 nm, de 1s de duração, em 7 luminâncias desde -3 até 2.4 log cd/m2 em um Ganzfeld Q450 SC (Roland Consult). O RPL foi registrado pelo sistema de eye tracker View Point System (Arrington Research Inc.). Os testes foram realizados em ambos os olhos, de forma monocular e no escuro. Para a comparação dos dados entre os grupos, utilizou-se um modelo de equações de estimação generalizada (GEE), para correção da dependência entre os dois olhos. O RPL dos pacientes com GPAA moderado e avançado apresentou redução significativa na amplitude do pico, dependente da severidade do glaucoma, nas diferentes luminâncias tanto para 470 nm quanto para 640 nm, evidenciando redução das contribuições dos cones e bastonetes ao RPL. As contribuições das ipRGCs ao RPL (avaliadas pela amplitude da resposta sustentada entre 6-8 s) foram também significativamente menores em GPAA moderado e avançado. No estado inicial do GPAA as contribuições das ipRGCs para o RPL encontram-se preservadas. No entanto, o GPAA parece afetar o processamento espacial desde o inicio da doença. Nos pacientes com GPAA leve foi observada uma perda acentuada nas faixas baixas de frequência espacial, compatível com prejuízo seletivo das células ganglionares do tipo M. A SC de pacientes com GPAA moderado e avançado mostrou perdas nas faixas baixas e altas de frequência espacial, apontando um prejuízo nas vias parvo- e margnocelulares. Uma perda significativa da discriminação de cores no eixo azul-amarelo foi observada em todos os estágios do GPAA. O RPL nos pacientes com SAOS está parcialmente preservado, não obstante, as respostas da amplitude do pico para o flash de 470 nm diminuem conforme aumenta a severidade da SAOS. As contribuições dos fotorreceptores da retina externa ao RPL, foram significativamente menores em algumas das luminâncias. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas de SC ou discriminação de cores nos pacientes com SAOS. Em conclusão, no estágio moderado e avançado do glaucoma tanto as contribuições das ipRGCs ao RPL quanto as vias M e P, se encontram mais afetadas do que no inicio do GPAA, quando a via parvocelular e as contribuições das ipRGCs ao RPL parecem estar mais preservadas / Among the retina ganglion cells there are a small population of cells containing melanopsin and which respond directly to light. They are the intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells (ipRGCs), whose functions are mainly non-visual. Among these non-visual functions of the ipRGCs, their influence on the pupillary response as a function of light was the central subject of this thesis. Both the inner retina through the ipRGCs and the outer retina through the rods and cones, provide neural information that regulates the pupillary light response (PLR) to light. This study evaluated the integrity of ipRGCs through PLR in patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG), mild, moderate and advanced, and in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), moderate and severe. We evaluated also the color discrimination and achromatic spatial contrast sensitivity (CS), visual perimetry and retinal thickness evaluated by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). 98 participants were evaluated, 45 patients with POAG ( 27 18; mean age = 65.84 + 10.20), 28 with OSAS ( 14 14; mean age = 52.93 + 7.13) and 25 controls ( 17 8; mean age = 54.27 + 8.88). After the ophthalmological exam it was evaluated the contrast sensitivity and color discrimination measures using the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Pupil responses were elicited by Ganzfeld (Q450 SC, Roland Consult) presentation of 1-sec flashes of 470- and 640-nm at 7 luminance from -3 to 2.4 log cd/m2. PLR was measured with the eye tracker system View Point (Arrington Research Inc.). The tests were performed monocularly, on both eyes, in a darkened room. In order to compare data across groups, we used a General Estimating Equations (GEE) to adjust for within subject inter-eye correlations. Patients with moderate and advanced POAG had a significantly decreased PLR that depends on the severity of the glaucoma, for both the 470- and 640-nm stimuli, making evident the reduction of the contributions of the cones and rods to the PLR. The contributions of ipRGCs to PLR (assessed by the amplitude of the sustained response between 6 8 sec) were also significantly lower in patients with moderate and advanced POAG. In the initial and mild stages of POAG the contribution of ipRGCs to the PLR is preserved. However, POAG appears to affect spatial processing from the early stages of the disease. Mild-POAG patients showed a marked loss in the low spatial frequency bands, compatible with selective loss of magnocellular ganglion cells. The CS of patients with moderate and advanced POAG showed losses at both low and high spatial frequencies, suggesting a loss in both parvo- and margnocellular channels. A significant loss of color discrimination along the blue-yellow axis was observed in all stages of POAG. The PLR in patients with OSAS is partially preserved, however the peak amplitude responses for the 470-nm flash decreased with increased severity of OSAS. The contributions of the photoreceptors of the outer retina to the PLR were significantly lower at some of the luminance. Significant differences in CS or color discrimination were not observed in patients with OSAS. In conclusion, in moderate and advanced stages of glaucoma, both the contributions of ipRGCs to PLR as well as the M- and P channels, were found more affected than at the beginning of POAG, in contrast the parvocellular channel and the contributions of ipRGCs on the PLR would be more preserved
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Optimalizace světelných podmínek v budovách / Optimisation of light conditions in buildingsVajkay, František January 2013 (has links)
Building physics as a branch of architecture must ensure an indoor comfort of each user and inhabitant of a building object. This involves, acoustics, indoor thermal conditions and among others also daylighting and artificial lighting of buildings. Light as a particle and an electromagnetic wave, is required by the different aspects of the human organism. It allows the living beings to see, influences skin and bones, the biorhythms, etc. Therefore, it is necessary for the engineering community to predict the correct illuminance and luminance levels acting insides. The thesis deals with such issues. More precisely, it assesses the quality of design tools and methodologies, either against CIE reference cases described in CIE 171/2006 and against real measurements done over the working plane of an indoor space located in the attic of Building D of the Institute of Building Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, too. The tools tested throughout the solution of the dissertation did involve three computer programs: RADIANCE, WDLS v3.1 and WDLS v4.1, and one numerographical approach, namely the Daniljuk’s innovated methodology (sometimes even combined with the theories of BRS). In addition several software’s have had been created alongside the process assessment, just to mention the “RADIANCE Script”, “RADIANCE Data Evaluation Script” or “MuuLUX“. The later was written as a communication software allowing the connection of the KONICA-MINOLTA T10 illuminance meter to a computer with the aim of data collection while long term observation. The solution did also require the establishment of a measuring element for the determination of the light reflectance values of surfaces. The solutions, results and conclusions do describe how well did the design approaches deal while predicting the resulting awaited daylight factor levels in points over the working plane.
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Alternating-Current Thin-Film Electroluminescent Device Characterization / Charakterizace tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástekAhmed, Mustafa M. Abdalla January 2008 (has links)
Jádrem této disertační práce bylo studovat optické a elektrické charakteristiky tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástek řízených střídavým proudem (ACTFEL) a zejména vliv procesu stárnutí luminiforů na jejich optické a elektrické vlastnosti. Cílem této studie měl být příspěvek ke zvýšení celkové účinnosti luminoforů, vyjádřené pomocí jasu, účinnosti a stability. Vzhledem k tomu, že současnou dominantní technologií plochých obrazovek je LCD, musí se další alternativní technologie plošných displejů porovnávat s LCD. Výhodou ACTFEL displejů proti LCD je lepší rozlišení, větší teplotní rozsah činnosti, větší čtecí úhel, či možnost čtení při mnohem vyšší intenzitě pozadí. Na druhou stranu je jejich nevýhodou vyšší energetická náročnost, problém s odpovídající barevností tří základních barev a podstatně vyšší napětí nutné pro činnost displeje. K dosažení tohoto cíle jsme provedli optická, elektrická a optoelektrická měření ACTFEL struktur a ZnS:Mn luminoforů. Navíc jsme studovali vliv dotování vrstvy pomocí KCl na chování mikrostruktury a na elektroluminiscenční vlastnosti (zejména na jas a světelnou účinnost) ZnS:Mn luminoforů. Provedli jsme i některá, ne zcela obvyklá, měření ACTFEL součástek. Vypočítali jsme i rozptylový poměr nabitých barevných center a simulovali transportní charakteristiky v ACTFEL součástkách. Studovali jsme vliv stárnutí dvou typů ZnS:Mn luminoforů (s vrstvou napařenou či získanou pomocí epitaxe atomových vrstev) monitorováním závislostí svítivost-napětí (L-V), velikost vnitřního náboje - elektrické pole luminoforu (Q-Fp) a kapacitance-napětí (C-V) ve zvolených časových intervalech v průběhu stárnutí. Provedli jsme krátkodobá i dlouhodobá měření a pokusili jsme se i o vizualizaci struktury luminoforu se subvlnovým rozlišením pomocí optického rastrovacího mikroskopu pracujícího v blízkém poli (SNOM). Na praktickém případu zeleného Zn2GeO4:Mn (2% Mn) ACTFEL displeje, pracujícího při 50 Hz, jsme také studovali stabilitu svítivosti pomocí měření závislosti svítivosti na napětí (L-V) a světelné účinnosti na napětí (eta-V). Přitom byl zhodnocen význam těchto charakteristik. Nezanedbatelnou a neoddělitelnou součástí této práce je i její pedagogický aspekt. Předložený text by mohl být využit i jako učebnice pro studenty na mé univerzitě v Lybii.
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