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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle de qualidade em dispositivos de exibição de imagens utilizados em radiodiagnóstico empregando o padrão GSDF e JND

Mesquita, Bruno Ribeiro de 17 February 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work, a study has been done about the procedures for evaluating the quality of image display devices (monitors) used in radio-anomaly, based on the analysis of the luminance characteristic curve versus the lowest just noticiable difference (JND), taking into account the time use of such equipment. The evaluated devices were of different of manufactures, models, series and had different resolutions. The evaluation of the quality of monitors exerts a strong influence on the image quality. For this evaluation of quality control, in addition to methods and instruments traditionally employed, an alternative method was used to measure luminance using electric and photometric quantities, which was validated by comparison with data obtained using a photometer, which is a standard meter of luminance. The quality control tests for evaluation of diffuse reflection, specular reflection, internal reflection or blurring, resolution, noise, luminance and contrast response and luminance uniformity were performed on devices with standard TG18 test images in DICOM GSDF format, with several shades of gray. These images are made available by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM). The results were analyzed based on the limits established for primary and secondary monitors established in quality control protocols for radiodiagnostics, including one from the AAPM and others from Europe. In the analyzes, the illuminance of the environments in which the monitors were taken into account. The qualitative and quantitative results were correlated with the time of use of the display devices. The software used to view the test images were Radiant DICOM, Micro DICOM and Isyte Radiology. The results demonstrate the relevance of monitoring the use time of these devices, classified as primary (diagnostic use) and secondary (visualization only). It was verified among the monitored monitors, used in general radiology, that those with resolution between 2 and 5 megapixels can be classified as primary until a certain time of use; Among the analyzed devices with more than 50,000 hours of use, some demonstrate a behavior equivalent to that of secondary monitors. Monitoring the temporal evolution of the use of a device in radiodiagnosis is important so that errors in medical diagnosis are avoided. Not only are the higher resolution devices suitable for diagnostic reports but also those with lower resolution since their image display parameters comply with quality control recommendations. / Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo sobre procedimentos de avalia¸c˜ao da qualidade de dispositivos de exibi¸c˜ao de imagem (monitores) utilizados em radiodiagn´ostico, a partir da an´alise da curva caracter´ıstica de luminˆancia versus a menor diferen¸ca detect´avel de contraste (JND), levando em conta o tempo de uso desses equipamentos. Os dispositivos avaliados foram de diferentes marcas de fabrica¸c˜ao, modelos, s´eries e possu´ıam resolu¸c˜oes distintas. A avalia¸c˜ao da qualidade de monitores exerce forte influˆencia na qualidade de imagem. Para essa avalia¸c˜ao de controle de qualidade, al´em dos m´etodos e instrumentos tradicionalmente empregados, foi empregado um m´etodo alternativo para medi¸c˜ao de luminˆancia utilizando grandezas el´etricas e fotom´etricas, que foram validadas por compara¸c˜ao aos dados obtidos utilizando-se um fotˆometro, que ´e medidor padr˜ao de luminˆancia. Os testes de controle de qualidade para avalia¸c˜ao de reflex˜ao difusa, reflex ˜ao especular, reflex˜ao interna ou velamento, resolu¸c˜ao, ru´ıdo, resposta de luminˆancia e contraste e uniformidade de luminˆancia foram realizados nos dispositivos com imagens padr˜ao teste TG18 em formato DICOM GSDF, com v´arios tons de cinza. Essas imagens s˜ao disponibilizadas pela Associa¸c˜ao Americana dos F´ısicos em Medicina (AAPM). Os resultados foram analisados com base nos limites estabelecidos para monitores prim´arios e secund´arios estabelecidos em protocolos de controle de qualidade para radiodiagn´ostico, incluindo um da AAPM e outros da Europa. Nas an´alises, levou-se em considera¸c˜ao a ilumin ˆancia dos ambientes em que se encontravam os monitores. Os resultados qualitativos e quantitativos foram correlacionados ao tempo de uso dos dispositivos de exibi¸c˜ao. Os softwares utilizados para visualiza¸c˜ao das imagens testes foram o Radiant DICOM, Micro DICOM e o Isyte Radio-logy. Os resultados demonstram a relevˆancia do acompanhamento do tempo de uso desses dispositivos, que podem ser classificados como prim´arios (uso em diagn´ostico) e secund´arios (visualiza¸c˜ao apenas). Foi verificado entre os monitores aferidos, utilizados em radiologia geral, que aqueles com resolu¸c˜ao entre 2 e 5 megapixels podem ser classificados como prim´arios at´e certo tempo de uso; entre os dispositivos analisados com mais de 50.000 horas de uso, alguns demonstram um comportamento equivalente ao de monitores secund´arios. O acompanhamento da evolu¸c˜ao temporal do uso de um dispositivo no radiodiagn´ostico ´e importante, para que se evite erros no diagn´ostico m´edico. N˜ao s´o os dispositivos de maior resolu¸c˜ao s˜ao adequados para laudos em radiodiagn ´ostico, mas tamb´em aqueles com menor resolu¸c˜ao, desde que seus parˆametros de exibi¸c˜ao de imagem estejam de acordo com as recomenda¸c˜oes de controle de qualidade

Temporal coherency in video tone mapping / Influence de la cohérence temporelle dans les techniques de Vidéo Tone Mapping

Boitard, Ronan 16 October 2014 (has links)
L'un des buts principaux de l'imagerie numérique est d'une part la capture et d'autre part la reproduction de scènes réelles ou synthétiques sur des dispositifs d'affichage aux capacités restreintes. Les techniques d'imagerie traditionnelles sont limitées par la gamme de luminance qu'elles peuvent capturer et afficher. L'imagerie à grande gamme de luminance (High Dynamic Range – HDR) vise à dépasser cette limitation en capturant, représentant et affichant les quantités physique de la lumière présente dans une scène. Cependant, les technologies d'affichage existantes ne vont pas disparaitre instantanément, la compatibilité entre ces nouveaux contenus HDR et les contenus classiques est donc requise. Cette compatibilité est assurée par une opération de réduction des gammes de luminance (tone mapping) qui adapte les contenus HDR aux capacités restreintes des écrans. Bien que de nombreux opérateurs de tone mapping existent, ceux-ci se focalisent principalement sur les images fixes. Les verrous scientifiques associés au tone mapping de vidéo HDR sont plus complexes du fait de la dimension temporelle. Les travaux recherche menés dans la thèse se sont focalisés sur la préservation de la cohérence temporelle du vidéo tone mapping. Deux principaux axes de recherche ont été traités : la qualité subjective de contenus tone mappés et l'efficacité de la compression des vidéos HDR. En effet, tone mapper individuellement chaque image d'une séquence vidéo HDR engendre des artefacts temporels. Ces artefacts affectent la qualité visuelle de la vidéo tone mappée et il est donc nécessaire de les minimiser. Au travers de tests effectués sur des vidéos HDR avec différents opérateurs de tone mapping, nous avons proposé une classification des artefacts temporels en six catégories. Après avoir testé les opérateurs de tone mapping vidéo existants sur les différents types d'artefacts temporels, nous avons observé que seulement trois des six types d'artefacts étaient résolus. Nous avons donc créé une technique de post-traitement qui permet de réduire les 3 types d'artefacts non-considérés. Le deuxième aspect considéré dans la thèse concerne les relations entre compression et tone mapping. Jusque là, les travaux effectués sur le tone mapping et la vidéo compression se focalisaient sur l'optimisation du tone mapping de manière à atteindre des taux de compression élevés. Ces techniques modifient fortement le rendu, c'est à dire l'aspect de la vidéo, modifiant ainsi l'intention artistique initiale en amont dans la chaine de distribution (avant la compression). Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposé une technique qui permet de réduire l'entropie d'une vidéo tone mappée sans en modifier son rendu. Notre méthode adapte la quantification afin d'accroitre les corrélations entre images successives d'une vidéo. / One of the main goals of digital imagery is to improve the capture and the reproduction of real or synthetic scenes on display devices with restricted capabilities. Standard imagery techniques are limited with respect to the dynamic range that they can capture and reproduce. High Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery aims at overcoming these limitations by capturing, representing and displaying the physical value of light measured in a scene. However, current commercial displays will not vanish instantly hence backward compatibility between HDR content and those displays is required. This compatibility is ensured through an operation called tone mapping that retargets the dynamic range of HDR content to the restricted dynamic range of a display device. Although many tone mapping operators exist, they focus mostly on still images. The challenges of tone mapping HDR videos are more complex than those of still images since the temporal dimensions is added. In this work, the focus was on the preservation of temporal coherency when performing video tone mapping. Two main research avenues are investigated: the subjective quality of tone mapped video content and their compression efficiency. Indeed, tone mapping independently each frame of a video sequence leads to temporal artifacts. Those artifacts impair the visual quality of the tone mapped video sequence and need to be reduced. Through experimentations with HDR videos and Tone Mapping Operators (TMOs), we categorized temporal artifacts into six categories. We tested video tone mapping operators (techniques that take into account more than a single frame) on the different types of temporal artifact and we observed that they could handle only three out of the six types. Consequently, we designed a post-processing technique that adapts to any tone mapping operator and reduces the three types of artifact not dealt with. A subjective evaluation reported that our technique always preserves or increases the subjective quality of tone mapped content for the sequences and TMOs tested. The second topic investigated was the compression of tone mapped video content. So far, work on tone mapping and video compression focused on optimizing a tone map curve to achieve high compression ratio. These techniques changed the rendering of the video to reduce its entropy hence removing any artistic intent or constraint on the final results. That is why, we proposed a technique that reduces the entropy of a tone mapped video without altering its rendering.

Oslnění od svítidel s neuniformní vyzařovací plochou / Discomfort glare of non-uniform luminaires

Šťastný, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
In the field of lighting technology, glare evaluation is one of the basic parameters of determining the quality of lighting systems. Disturbing glare is most often evaluated by UGR in internal systems. The UGR method is well described and verified for uniform glare sources. With the development of LED, non-uniform sources of glare become involved in the lighting system. Thus verification of UGR suitability for non-uniform sources is necessary and possibly modification of the method or replacement it by another more appropriate method is required. This diploma thesis focuses on evaluation methods of disturbing glare from luminaires with non-uniform radiation surface. For this purpose, the thesis includes glare analysis, methods of glare calculation and glare evaluation. Furthermore, the UGR analysis and modification for the calculation of disturbing glare from non-uniform glare sources are included. The practical part is concentrated on measurement of glare from uniform and non-uniform glare sources. For the purpose of evaluating the suitability of the measurement method, the subjective evaluation of glare from a statically significant sample is included in the thesis.

Laboratorní pracoviště pro měření věrnosti barev ve videotechnice / Laboratory site for color measurement in video technology

Melo, Jan January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dividend into four parts. The first part describes basic terms in video technology (luminance, hue, diagrams CIE). The second part includes types of colour spaces RGB, HSV, CMY(K), YUV, YCbCr, YIQ. In the third and fourth part, these theoretical findings are used to propound laboratory observations. The laboratory observation processes the colour rendition of the colours in video technology. In the Matlab software, a user system environment was developed for operations with measured values. The software is capable of recalculating chromaticity coordinates between different colour spaces, to screen colours into diagrams CIE and to show the vectors of colours. The device used for measuring was Chromametr Konica Minolta CS-100A. A manual for the device was created. The laboratory observation was measured and processed in the form of a laboratory protocol.

Hodnocení kvality osvětlení s využitím moderních softwarových prostředků / Evaluation of Lighting Quality Using Modern Software Tools

Fazekas, Tibor January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the quality of lighting with the usage of the latest software products used nowadays. The first part of the work is about indoor lighting, the basic requirements invested in lighting, and the basic concepts of indoor lighting. The second part includes complete search for today's computer implements for projecting, simulating, calculation and analysis of light, their functions and characteristics, including luminance analyzers based on CCD sensors and their software equipment. The last part of the work has the task to model a computer room using softwares which can be found within the territory of VUT Brno, and the task was to assess its lighting. Following this, with the help of luminance analyzer, the task is to capture the scene under different lighting conditions and to evaluate the measured data.

Caractérisation thermique et lumineuse de diodes électroluminescentes en charge par méthodes locales non intrusives : influence du luminophore / Thermal and luminous characterization of charged light emitting diodes (LED) by local non-intrusive methods : effect of phosphor

Lacourarie, Fiona 17 July 2015 (has links)
Le marché des diodes électroluminescentes (LEDs) de puissance est en perpétuelle croissance depuis une vingtaine d’années. Le marché de l’éclairage évolue car les besoins ont changé : nous souhaitons, par exemple, aujourd’hui réduire la consommation électrique, ou avoir des éclairages plus flexibles (couleur, cycle d’allumage, encombrement, …). Les LEDs de puissance permettent d’apporter des solutions où les autres éclairages font défauts. Une étude comparative est menée entre les LEDs et les autres sources d’éclairages. Une LED de puissance émettant une lumière blanche est constituée d’une puce semi-conductrice, d’un substrat, d’un PAD et d’une optique primaire. Différentes méthodes permettent d’obtenir de la lumière blanche avec des LEDs : plusieurs puces, une puce avec un ou des luminophores, ou la méthode PRS-LED. Le luminophore a un rôle optique important et un rôle thermique non négligeable. Après avoir été excité par la lumière émise de la puce, il réémet de la lumière dans une longueur d’onde supérieure. L’efficacité de ce processus dépend de nombreux paramètres, comme la mise en oeuvre du luminophore ou le type de luminophore utilisé. L’étude et la caractérisation des propriétés optiques et thermiques sont faites pour des LEDs commerciales, composées d’une même puce émettant de la lumière bleue, avec et sans luminophore jaune. Afin de maitriser le maximum de facteurs, nous avons mené une étude et un dimensionnement du circuit imprimé (PCB) sur lequel va être implanté nos LEDs. Dans le but d’évaluer les matériaux constituant les LEDs, des analyses au microscope à balayage électronique et par microsonde ont été menées. Ces travaux ont permis de révéler, notamment, la position de la jonction p-n dans la puce et la composition de la couche de luminophore par deux types différents. De plus, afin d’améliorer notre compréhension, une étude comparative a été menée sur trois luminophores jaunes. Ensuite, les deux types de LEDs, puce nue et puce avec luminophore, ont été testés dans le but d’obtenir le flux lumineux et le rendement des LEDs. La caractérisation optique nous a amené à créer un banc pour obtenir la luminance énergétique spectrale sur une partie minime de la puce. D’autre part, nous nous intéressons à la température de jonction de la puce nue, que nous mesurons par différentes méthodes, dont la thermographie infrarouge. Pour cela, l’émissivité a été estimée pour la puce nue et la puce avec luminophore. Puis nous comparons aussi ces différentes méthodes pour le calcul de la résistance thermique Rth j-PAD entre la jonction et le PAD. Le maillage de fils conducteurs implanté sur la surface de la puce est modélisé électriquement. Cette étude, qui est composée de niveaux progressifs de modélisation, permet de comprendre la répartition du courant électrique qui traverse la jonction, et ainsi d’appréhender la répartition du flux lumineux et de la température au niveau de la surface de la puce. Après, un modèle thermo-optique décrit les phénomènes présents au niveau de la jonction d’une puce nue : la conversion de la puissance électrique en lumière bleue et en chaleur, et les transferts de chaleur. Nous complétons ce premier modèle pour obtenir un modèle d’une puce avec le luminophore. Ce dernier modèle prend en compte la photo-conversion du luminophore avec le calcul de flux lumineux à la sortie du luminophore et le calcul de la chaleur due à la photo-conversion. La résolution de ce modèle nous permet d’obtenir la température de jonction d’une puce avec luminophore. La conservation d’énergie du modèle est aussi vérifiée. Le modèle thermo-optique est appliqué à une cartographie de température de surface afin d’obtenir une cartographie de la température de jonction. Ces cartographies sont regroupées avec les clichés de thermographie infrarouge et de luminance énergétique. / The high brightness LED market is constantly growing last twenty years. The lighting market is changing as needs have changed: we would like, for example, reduce power consumption, or have more flexible lighting (color, lighting cycle, dimensions ...). High brightness LEDs help provide solutions where others are lighting defects. A comparative study is conducted between the LEDs and other lighting sources.The operation of a high brightness LED emitting white light is explained with the description of each element: chip, substrate, the PAD and optics. Then the different methods of obtaining white light with LEDs are compared: several chips, a chip with one or more phosphors, or PRS-LED method. The phosphor has a significant optical role and an important thermal role. After being excited by the light emitted from the chip, it re-emits light in a greater wavelength. The effectiveness of this process depends on many parameters, such as the implementation of the phosphor, or the type of phosphor used. The study and characterization of optical and thermal properties are made for commercial LEDs, composed of a single chip emitting blue light with and without yellow phosphor. To master the maximum factors, we conducted a study and design of the printed circuit board (PCB) on which will be implanted our LEDs. In order to evaluate the materials constituting the LEDs, analyzes made at scanning electron microscope, and by microprobe were conducted. This work has revealed in particular the position of the p-n junction in the chip, and the composition of the phosphor layer of two different types. Moreover, to improve our understanding, a comparative study will be conducted on three yellow phosphors. Then the two types of LEDs, bare chip and chip with phosphor, were tested in order to obtain the luminous flux and efficiency of LEDs. The optical characterization has led us to create a bench for spectral radiance over a small portion of the chip. Furthermore, we are interested in the junction temperature of the bare chip, which we measure by various methods, including infrared thermography. For this, the emissivity was estimated for the bare chip and the chip with phosphor. Then we also compare these different methods to calculate the thermal resistance Rth j-PAD between the junction and the PAD. The mesh of conductive wires, implanted on the surface of the chip, is electrically modeled. The study, which is composed of three progressive levels of modeling, provides an understanding of distribution of the electric current through the junction, and thus to understand the distribution of the light flow and temperature at the surface of the chip. Afterwards, an optical-thermal model describes the phenomena present at the junction of a bare chip: converting electrical power into blue light and heat, and heat transfer. We complete this first model for a model of a chip with the phosphor. This model takes into account the photo-conversion of the phosphor with the calculation of the luminous flux at the output of the phosphor and the calculation of the heat due to the photo-conversion. The resolution of this model allows us to obtain the junction temperature of a chip with phosphor. The model of energy conservation is also verified. The optical-thermal model is applied to a surface temperature mapping in order to obtain a mapping of the junction temperature. These maps are combined with pictures of infrared thermography and radiance.

Att Ljussätta Ett Rum : En ljusstudie och ljussättning av en sjukgymnastikavdelning / To Illuminate a Room : A light study and light planning of a physiotherapy practice

Larsson, Klara, Lindeskog Markus, Sarah January 2015 (has links)
Ljus påverkar människan psykiskologiskt och fysiskt, trots detta är de krav som idag finns på belysningen inte tillräckliga för att beakta de miljöegenskaper ljuset bidrar med. Ett visst ljus i kombination med en viss färg och material påverkar människan på olika sätt. De krav som ställs tar bara hänsyn till de tekniska aspekterna. Hur ljus estetiskt påverkar ett rum är en faktor detta arbete tar hänsyn till, då det påverkar människans välmående. Detta projekt behandlar två olika rum, ett rum för träning och behandling samt ett väntrum på en sjukgymnastikavdelning tillhörande Södersjukhuset i Stockholm. Dessa två rum har genomgått en ljusstudie och ljusplanering med syfte att skapa en ljussättning som är anpassad för sitt ändamål och som upplevs trivsam och behaglig. Vissa skillnader mellan projektets framtagna förslag och ett verkligt projekterat förslag har även jämförts. För att genomföra ljusstudien och ljusplaneringen har beräkningar utförts i belysningsprogrammet RELUX. På grund av att ljus inte enbart kan simuleras med hjälp av datorprogram har även fysiska modeller byggts för att analysera valet av färgtemperatur. Studiebesök på sjukgymnastpraktiker och träningsanläggningar har gjorts för att få inspiration. Även intervjuer med sjukgymnaster har gjorts för att få förståelse för vilka faktorer som måste tas hänsyn till vid en ljusplanering för denna typ av verksamhet. Litteraturstudier har gjorts för att få en djupare kunskap i hur ljus agerar i olika miljöer. Ljusplaneringen har resulterat i en jämn och god belysning i de två rummen. Kraven för belysning enligt SS-EN 12464–1:2011, har uppfyllts. Ljuskällornas färgtemperaturer har fastställts med hänsyn till färgerna i rummen, varmvit i väntrummet och neutral i tränings-/behandlingsrummet. Armaturer med uppljus och nedljus har valts i syfte att minska bländning och luminansskillnader. Downlights har valts för att belysa väggar och föremål. För att skapa en upplivande atmosfär i rummen har även dekorbelysning använts. Slutsatsen av detta arbete har visat att det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till en jämn belysning, anpassa belysningen och ljuskällans färgtemperatur efter färgsättning och material samt att anpassa belysningen efter alla synuppgifter som kan komma att krävas av personen som skall utföra arbetsuppgifter i rummet. / Light affects humans psychologically and physically, despite this the lighting requirements does not pay regard to the environmental characteristics that light contributes with. A specific light in combination with a specific color and material affects the human being in different ways. The lighting requirements only takes the technical aspects into account. In this project consideration will be given to how the light aesthetic affects the well-being. In this project two rooms will be processed, a waiting room as well as a room meant for rehabilitation. The rooms are placed in a building that includes physiotherapy at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm. The rooms have participated in a light study to create a light environment that is adjusted to its purpose as well as it is pleasantly perceived. Some differences between this lighting project and an actual lighting project have been compared. To perform this light study, various calculations have been done in the lighting planning software RELUX. Light can not solely be simulated with computer software, therefore physical models have been built to analyze the choice of color temperature. Visits to physiotherapy practices and training facilities have been done for inspirational purposes. Interviews with physiotherapists have also been done to reach a better understanding of what factors are needed to be taken under consideration while planning the lighting. Literature studies have been made to get a deeper knowledge in how light reacts in different environments. The lighting planning has resulted in an even lighting in both rooms. The requirements for lighting according to SS-EN 12464-1:2011 have been fulfilled. The different color temperatures of the light sources have been determined regarding the colors of the rooms, warm white in the waiting room and neutral in the rehabilitation room. Armatures with up and down lights have been chosen with the purpose of decreasing glare luminary differences. Downlights have been chosen to lighten up the walls and various objects. To create an uplifting atmosphere in the room, decor lighting have also been used. The conclusion of this work has shown that it is important to take luminance uniformity, adapt the light and color temperature to the room and its colors and materials into account. It is also important to adapt the light to all the different visual works that can take place in the room.

Characterization and Correction of Spatial Misalignment in Head-Mounted Displays

Bauer, Mitchell D. 20 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Low-level and high-level modulations of fixational saccades and high frequency oscillatory brain activity in a visual object classification task

Kosilo, Maciej, Würger, Sophie M., Craddock, Matt, Jennings, Ben J., Hunt, Amelia R., Martinovic, Jasna 01 August 2022 (has links)
Until recently induced gamma-band activity (GBA) was considered a neural marker of cortical object representation. However, induced GBA in the electroencephalogram (EEG) is susceptible to artifacts caused by miniature fixational saccades. Recent studies have demonstrated that fixational saccades also reflect high-level representational processes. Do high-level as opposed to low-level factors influence fixational saccades? What is the effect of these factors on artifact-free GBA? To investigate this, we conducted separate eye tracking and EEG experiments using identical designs. Participants classified line drawings as objects or non-objects. To introduce low-level differences, contours were defined along different directions in cardinal color space: S-cone-isolating, intermediate isoluminant, or a full-color stimulus, the latter containing an additional achromatic component. Prior to the classification task, object discrimination thresholds were measured and stimuli were scaled to matching suprathreshold levels for each participant. In both experiments, behavioral performance was best for full-color stimuli and worst for S-cone isolating stimuli. Saccade rates 200–700 ms after stimulus onset were modulated independently by low and high-level factors, being higher for full-color stimuli than for S-cone isolating stimuli and higher for objects. Low-amplitude evoked GBA and total GBA were observed in very few conditions, showing that paradigms with isoluminant stimuli may not be ideal for eliciting such responses. We conclude that cortical loops involved in the processing of objects are preferentially excited by stimuli that contain achromatic information. Their activation can lead to relatively early exploratory eye movements even for foveally-presented stimuli.

The relationship between early and intermediate level spatial vision during typical development and in autism spectrum disorder

Perreault, Audrey 01 1900 (has links)
Certaines recherches ont investigué le traitement visuel de bas et de plus hauts niveaux chez des personnes neurotypiques et chez des personnes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Cependant, l’interaction développementale entre chacun de ces niveaux du traitement visuel n’est toujours pas bien comprise. La présente thèse a donc deux objectifs principaux. Le premier objectif (Étude 1) est d’évaluer l’interaction développementale entre l’analyse visuelle de bas niveaux et de niveaux intermédiaires à travers différentes périodes développementales (âge scolaire, adolescence et âge adulte). Le second objectif (Étude 2) est d’évaluer la relation fonctionnelle entre le traitement visuel de bas niveaux et de niveaux intermédiaires chez des adolescents et des adultes ayant un TSA. Ces deux objectifs ont été évalué en utilisant les mêmes stimuli et procédures. Plus précisément, la sensibilité de formes circulaires complexes (Formes de Fréquences Radiales ou FFR), définies par de la luminance ou par de la texture, a été mesurée avec une procédure à choix forcés à deux alternatives. Les résultats de la première étude ont illustré que l’information locale des FFR sous-jacents aux processus visuels de niveaux intermédiaires, affecte différemment la sensibilité à travers des périodes développementales distinctes. Plus précisément, lorsque le contour est défini par de la luminance, la performance des enfants est plus faible comparativement à celle des adolescents et des adultes pour les FFR sollicitant la perception globale. Lorsque les FFR sont définies par la texture, la sensibilité des enfants est plus faible comparativement à celle des adolescents et des adultes pour les conditions locales et globales. Par conséquent, le type d’information locale, qui définit les éléments locaux de la forme globale, influence la période à laquelle la sensibilité visuelle atteint un niveau développemental similaire à celle identifiée chez les adultes. Il est possible qu’une faible intégration visuelle entre les mécanismes de bas et de niveaux intermédiaires explique la sensibilité réduite des FFR chez les enfants. Ceci peut être attribué à des connexions descendantes et horizontales immatures ainsi qu’au sous-développement de certaines aires cérébrales du système visuel. Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont démontré que la sensibilité visuelle en autisme est influencée par la manipulation de l’information locale. Plus précisément, en présence de luminance, la sensibilité est seulement affectée pour les conditions sollicitant un traitement local chez les personnes avec un TSA. Cependant, en présence de texture, la sensibilité est réduite pour le traitement visuel global et local. Ces résultats suggèrent que la perception de formes en autisme est reliée à l’efficacité à laquelle les éléments locaux (luminance versus texture) sont traités. Les connexions latérales et ascendantes / descendantes des aires visuelles primaires sont possiblement tributaires d’un déséquilibre entre les signaux excitateurs et inhibiteurs, influençant ainsi l’efficacité à laquelle l’information visuelle de luminance et de texture est traitée en autisme. Ces résultats supportent l’hypothèse selon laquelle les altérations de la perception visuelle de bas niveaux (local) sont à l’origine des atypies de plus hauts niveaux chez les personnes avec un TSA. / Most studies investigating visual perception in typically developing populations and in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have assessed lower- (local) and higher-levels (global) of processing in isolation. However, much less is known about the developmental interactions between mechanisms mediating early- and intermediate-level vision in both typically developing populations and in ASD. Based on such premise, the present thesis had two main objectives. The first objective (Study 1) was to evaluate the developmental interplay between low- and intermediate-levels of visual analysis at different periods of typical development (school-age, adolescence and adulthood). The second objective (Study 2) was to evaluate the functional relationship between low- and intermediate-levels of visual analysis in adolescents and adults diagnosed with ASD. Common methodologies were used to assess both objectives. Specifically, sensitivity to slightly curved circles (Radial Frequency Patterns or RFP), defined by luminance or texture information, was measured using a two alternative temporal forced choice procedure. Results obtained in Study 1 demonstrated that local information defining a RFP (mediated by intermediate visual mechanisms) differentially affected sensitivity at different periods of development. Specifically, when the contour was luminance-defined, children performed worse when compared to adolescents and adults only when RFPs targeted a global processing style (few deformations along the RFP’s contour). When RFPs were texture-defined, children’s sensitivity was worse compared to that of adolescents and adults for both local and global conditions. Therefore, timing of adult-like sensitivity to RFPs is dependent on the type of local physical elements defining its global shape. Poor visual integration between low and intermediate visual mechanisms, which could be attributed to immature feedback and horizontal connections as well as under-developed visual cortical areas, may account for such reduced sensitivity in children. Results obtained from Study 2 demonstrated that manipulating the local physical elements of RFPs impacts visual sensitivity in ASD. Specifically, sensitivity to RFPs is unaffected in ASD only when visual analysis is dependent on local deformations of luminance-defined contours. However, sensitivity is reduced for both local and global visual analysis when shapes are texture-defined. Such results suggest that intermediate-level, shape perception in ASD is functionally related to the efficacy with which local physical elements (luminance versus texture) are processed. It is possible that abnormal lateral or feed-forward / feedback connectivity within primary visual areas in ASD, which possibly arise from excitatory / inhibitory signalling imbalance, accounts for differential efficacy with which luminance and texture information is processed in ASD. These results support the hypothesis that atypical higher-level perception in ASD, when present, may have early (local) visual origins.

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