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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adolescent Māori mothers experiences with social support during pregnancy, birth and motherhood and their participation in education

Rawiri, Casey January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the role of social support in helping adolescent Māori mothers cope with pregnancy, birth and motherhood, with a particular emphasis on its role in enabling them to continue at school. The aim of this research is to understand and make sense of these experiences and to perhaps identify gaps within an individual's social network. The analysis and methodology of the research was underpinned by a community psychology framework. Nine interviews were conducted with young Māori women who had become pregnant and continued with their pregnancy, all before the age of 20. The in depth interviews included questions focusing on the young women learning of pregnancy, the pregnancy, birth, caring for their child and their experiences with education and future plans. Negative experiences were usually those which involved unsupportive people. Positive interactions were those where support, of all types, was offered and useful to my participants and their children. Education was highlighted as the most effective way of providing a better life for adolescent mothers and their children. The research highlights the importance of social support and the continuation of education. Combining the efforts of positive social networks and social support services can improve the lives of adolescent Māori mothers and their children.

Evaluation of the influence of the Phono-Graphix™ programme on children's reading achievement : direct instruction of phonological processing skills with a small group of predominantly Māori students : research project.

Walker, Anne January 2006 (has links)
A weakness in phonological-processing skills and alphabetic understanding is theorized to be responsible for the lack of reading development with some children. This study investigated the influence of a programme designed to use a direct instruction approach to teach these skills and knowledge on reading development. Fourteen children and the teacher from one classroom in a small urban primary school participated in this study. The students ranged in age from 7 years 7 months to 9 years 9 months, and ranged in reading ability from achieving below to achieving above their comparable chronological age in reading. At the time of the study, the school roll consisted of 81% Maori, 2% Cook Island, and 17% New Zealand European. Of the 14 students involved in the study, 12 were Maori, one was a Cook Island Maori and one was New Zealand European. The study took place over nine months, and consisted of 20-minute direct instruction sessions on phonological-processing skills and alphabetic knowledge and understanding, supported by other daily practice sessions as suggested by the programme's curriculum. Children were administered a range of tests on phonological-processing skills, word attack and identification, and reading comprehension and attitude at the beginning, middle and end of the study period. Comparisons and analysis of the data revealed that there were differences with all groups; i.e., those achieving in reading at, above, or below their expected level, with all aspects tested. Because of other interventions put into place by the classroom teacher, it is not possible to fully attribute the development of skills and understanding, and acquisition of knowledge, to the implementation of the programme. Nevertheless, these results suggest that children responded favourably to the specific, explicit teaching. Although this study was small, the positive response of the Maori and Cook Island Maori participants is worthy of further or closer investigation.

He Konohi Kainukere: An Exploration into the Factors that Encourage Retention in Senior Te Reo Maori Programmes in English Medium Secondary Schools in Waitaha, Canterbury.

Clarke, Te Hurinui January 2010 (has links)
During the 1960’s Maori concerned about the state of te reo Maori lobbied the government to have te reo Maori included as a teaching subject in the New Zealand curriculum. In the early 1970’s they reaped the rewards of their hard fought efforts when te reo Maori became a taught subject in the New Zealand curriculum. However, even with te reo being taught in English medium schools, its use was still in decline creating even more anxiety about its survival. In the 1980’s Maori took the matter into their own hands and the birth of Maori medium early childhood education centres named Kohanga Reo (Language Nests) was the result. Shortly afterwards Maori medium primary schools (Kura Kaupapa Maori) emerged followed by Maori medium secondary schools (Wharekura). There was a ground swell of support for these community driven initiatives and it seemed te reo Maori would be returned from the brink of extinction. Even given the emergence of Maori medium educational facilities including Wananga (Tertiary Institutes), the majority of Maori students have remained in English medium education. After a respite of about twenty years it would seem that te reo Maori is once again on the decline. For many years kaiako reo Maori (Maori language teachers) in English medium secondary schools have grappled with the issue of high attrition rates from their senior te reo Maori programmes. This is a significant issue as 85 percent of akonga Maori (Maori students) still participate in the English medium education system. However this problem plagues not only akonga Maori but also those who are non Maori. Te reo Maori programmes in mainstream New Zealand schools are offered to akonga as optional subjects. While retention is relatively unproblematic for akonga in the junior levels of secondary schools (ages 13 to 14), it becomes a significant issue in the senior levels (ages 15 to 18) where attrition rates are considerably high. This research attempts to identify the factors that contribute to the high rates of attrition and offers some possible solutions to decreasing attrition rates amongst akonga reo Maori.

Testing Tamariki: How Suitable is the PPVT-III?

Haitana, Tracy Nicola January 2007 (has links)
In New Zealand, Māori currently experience the "poorest health status of any ethnic group" characterised by high rates of physical and mental illness, educational underachievement, unemployment, criminal incarceration, and low socioeconomic status (Durie, 1998; Ministry of Health, 1999, 2002a, p. 2). Despite attempts to reduce the disparities between Māori and other New Zealanders, Māori continue to have a lower life expectancy than non-Māori (Durie, 1998; Reid, 1999). Māori children show similar levels of disadvantage experiencing high rates of illness and preventable death (Ministry of Health, 1998). Māori children also achieve poorly in educational settings, with literacy levels and overall involvement in education found to be below that of non-Māori (Ministry of Education, 2003a). Research findings have identified that health and educational disparities may be explained in part, by a mismatch between current approaches to practice and service delivery, and the values, beliefs, and experiences of Māori (Phillips, McNaughton, & MacDonald, 2004). In line with such findings, a number of standardised psychometric tests developed outside of New Zealand, have also been found to produce culturally biased results when used with Māori (Ogden, 2003; Ogden & McFarlane-Nathan, 1997). The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-III) is one such test which is currently used in New Zealand to measure receptive vocabulary skills (Stockman, 2000). This research investigated the suitability of the PPVT-III with 46 Māori children from three different age groups. Results revealed that the PPVT-III appeared to be suitable for use with Māori, although a number of suggestions were made as to ways in which the administration and interpretation of PPVT-III test scores could be adjusted when working with Māori. Additional research is required to establish whether changes to culturally biased items may improve the validity of the PPVT-III for use with Māori.

Inequities in health care: lessons from New Zealand : A qualitative interview study about the cultural safety theory / Orättvisor i sjukvården: lärdomar från Nya Zeeland : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om teorin kulturell säkerhet

Eriksson, Cecilia, Eriksson, Linn January 2017 (has links)
BACKGROUND: According to the World Health Organisation, the indigenous Māori are reportedly the most marginalised ethnic group with the poorest health status in New Zealand. Cultural safety theory is a part of nursing programmes in New Zealand with the aim to reduce inequities within the health care system. AIM: The aim of this study is to illuminate nurses’ views about the cultural safety theory in relation to inequities within the health care system in New Zealand. METHOD: A qualitative empirical approach based on semi-structured indepth interviews was applied. Six interviews were conducted and data was analysed using Graneheim and Lundmans manifest content analysis. RESULTS: Two categories were identified and became representative as a result, Nursing Strategies and Working with Challenges. CONCLUSION: The findings in this study suggest that nurses’ have an overall positive attitude towards working with cultural safety theory and believe the theory to be an opportunity to change attitudes, and be a potential tool to reduce inequities within the health care system. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Illuminating nurses’ perspectives about cultural safety can contribute to a better understanding of working with different cultures and hopefully reduce inequities within the health care system. / BAKGRUND: Enligt Världshälsoorganisationen är ursprungsbefolkning Māori den mest marginaliserade folkgrupp med sämst hälsostatus i Nya Zeeland. Teorin kulturell säkerhet är en del av sjuksköterskeprogrammen i Nya Zeeland med syfte att reducera orättvisor inom hälso- och sjukvården. SYFTE: Syftet med denna studie är att belysa sjuksköterskors syn på teorin kulturell säkerhet i förhållande till orättvisor inom hälso- och sjukvården i Nya Zeeland. METOD: Denna studie är byggd på en kvalitativ empirisk strategi, med semistrukturerade djupintervjuer. Sex intervjuer genomfördes och data analyserades med hjälp av Graneheim och Lundmans manifest innehållsanalys. RESULTAT: Två kategorier identifierades och blev representativa som ett resultat, Omvårdnadsstrategier och Arbeta med utmaningar. SLUTSATS: Resultaten i denna studie visar att sjuksköterskor har en allmänt positiv inställning till att arbeta med teorin kulturell säkerhet och tror att teorin kan vara en möjlighet att förändra attityder samt vara ett potentiellt verktyg för att minska orättvisorna inom hälso- och sjukvården. KLINISK RELEVANS: Genom att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av teorin kulturell säkerhet är förhoppningen att bidra till en bredare förståelse av att arbeta med olika kulturer och i förlängningen reducera orättvisorna inom hälso- och sjukvården.

The Unmet Legal, Social and Cultural Needs of Māori with Disabilities

Hickey, Susan Jane January 2008 (has links)
There is little work done in the area of indigenous disability identity issues and how they are recognised in domestic and international human rights laws. The discourse of disability has always been based on social constructionism and without it, there is no identity. I discuss its relevance to indigenous (Māori) with disabilities and how the multiplicitous nature of the identity of other has a particular impact when indigenous, gender and disability are all identified from marginalised groups. I also explore the impact of westernised thinking around impairment, in particular the models of disabilities on indigenous well-being. The issues of family (whānau), whakawhanaungatanga (family relationships), interdependence (community) and collectivity identities central to indigenous thinking are largely ignored by law and policy, yet central to indigenous identity. This ignorance in policy has led to the disparities that continue to remain for indigenous persons with disabilities, particularly those from within thematic identity groups.

La création artistique au service de l’affirmation identitaire, du mana wahine et des revendications politiques : l’art contemporain des femmes māori de Nouvelle-Zélande

Pellini, Catherine January 2018 (has links)
Située au croisement de plusieurs disciplines – anthropologie, sociologie, histoire de l’art, études féministes et sur le genre – cette thèse s’intéresse aux oeuvres, aux pratiques, aux parcours et aux discours des femmes artistes māori néo-zélandaises s’inscrivant dans le champ de l’art contemporain et vivant en milieu urbain. Ces artistes sont à l’origine de revendications politiques et d’affirmations identitaires singulières du fait de leurs multiples appartenances : leurs productions recèlent des références simultanées à leurs histoires individuelles, à leur statut de membres d’une minorité autochtone et d’une tribu, à leur condition de femmes et de citoyennes au sein de la nation néo-zélandaise. L’analyse des données obtenues après avoir mené une enquête de terrain d’un an en Nouvelle-Zélande en 2012-2013, des recherches complémentaires sur Internet et des échanges avec les artistes au retour du terrain permet de montrer comment ces dernières s’inscrivent dans le mouvement actuel d’affirmation māori. En effet, suite à la colonisation britannique du XIXe siècle, les Māori luttent toujours pour affirmer leurs droits. Dans ce contexte, l’art est utilisé par certaines femmes comme un puissant moyen de contestation et de promotion d’un changement social visant à la reconnaissance du mana wahine (pouvoir, prestige féminin). Ce travail révèle également que la pratique artistique leur offre l’opportunité de réaffirmer les liens les unissant au monde māori tout en leur permettant d’accéder à une certaine autonomisation et émancipation. Elles développent des stratégies originales pour affirmer leur créativité sans transgresser des règles toujours importantes pour les Māori.

The Price of Mauri: Exploring the validity of Welfare Economics when seeking to measure Mātauranga Māori

Awatere, Shaun January 2008 (has links)
Since the 1980s New Zealand has pursued neo-classical or market-based policies with a particular fervour. Market-based options are seen by resource management decision makers as essential frameworks for efficiently allocating resources, an approach that continues to support the view of the inherent dominance of Western knowledge. This is particularly concerning, given that Māori (the indigenous people of New Zealand), have an important role to play in New Zealand resource management and perceive their own knowledge systems have been marginalised. The primary goal of this thesis is to explore the validity of welfare economics when seeking to measure quantitatively Mātauranga Māori or Māori views of the environment through the contingent valuation method. A contingent valuation study is carried out using three separate samples drawn from the general Māori population in Auckland city, a hāpu/sub-tribe indigenous to the Auckland isthmus, and drivers of motor vehicles in Auckland city. Data collection modes include a postal survey and face-to-face interviews. This thesis challenges the validity of political-legal ethnicity constructs to measure Mātauranga Māori. The search for a central tendency will lead to biased, misleading and inaccurate results. The thesis also challenges the validity of contingent valuation to produce true economic measures and to measure and identify Mātauranga Māori. Despite advances in analytical techniques, economic efficiency measures are always deficient, given the difficulty of capturing and anticipating all impacts and valuing them appropriately. Mātauranga Māori is derived from a Māori epistemology and should be considered or analysed with primary reference to this body of knowledge. Economic analysis is only one important cog in the machinery of resource management policy. Given that an economist's contribution to local and regional resource management is most valuable when focusing on the economic efficiency of the proposed resource allocation, it is appropriate that other perspectives such as Mātauranga Māori be considered.

Mana Wahine Geographies: Spiritual, Spatial and Embodied Understandings of Papatūānuku

Simmonds, Naomi Beth January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is a theoretical and empirical exploration of Māori women's knowledges and understandings of Papatūānuku in contemporary Aotearoa. The primary focus of this research is on the complexities, connections, and contradictions of Māori women's embodied relationships with the spaces of Papatūānuku - spaces that are simultaneously material, discursive, symbolic, and spiritual. In doing so, I displace the boundaries between coloniser/colonised, self/other, rational/irrational and scientific/spiritual. I demonstrate that Māori women's colonised realities produce multiple, complex and hybrid understandings of Papatūānuku. This thesis has three main strands. The first is theoretical. I offer mana wahine (Māori feminist discourses) as another perspective for geography that engages with the complex intersections of colonisation, race and gender. A mana wahine geography framework is a useful lens through which to explore the complexities of Māori women's relationships to space and place. This framework contributes to, and draws together, feminist geographies and Māori and indigenous academic scholarship. Autobiographical material is woven with joint and individual semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted with nine Māori women in the Waikato region. The second strand, woven into this thesis, is a critical examination of the colonisation of Māori women's spiritual and embodied relationships to Papatūānuku. The invisibility of Māori women's knowledges in dominant conceptualisations of mythology, tikanga and wairua discourses is not a harmless omission rather it contains a political imperative that maintains the hegemony of colonialism and patriarchy. I argue that to understand further Māori women's relationships to space and place an examination of wairua discourses is necessary. The third strand reconfigures embodied and spatial conceptualisations of Papatūānuku. Māori women's maternal bodies are intimately tied to Papatūānuku in a way that challenges the oppositional distinctions between mind/body and biology/social inscription. Māori women's maternal bodies (and the representation of them in te reo Māori) are constructed by, and in turn, construct Papatūānuku. Furthermore, women's spatial relationship to tūrangawaewae, home space and wider environmental concerns demonstrates the co-constitution of subjectivities, bodies and space/place. My hope is that this thesis will add to geographical literature by addressing previously ignored knowledges and that it will contribute to indigenous scholarship by providing a spatial perspective.

The English of Māori speakers: changes in rhythm over time and prosodic variation by topic.

Vowell, Bianca January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the rhythm and mean pitch of the English of Māori speakers. Recordings are analysed from speakers who have varying degrees of fluency and socialisation in Māori. The rhythm and mean pitch of their English language recordings are measured and analysed in order to address two questions. The first part addresses the question, ‘Has the distinctive syllable-timed rhythm of modern Māori English developed from the mora-timed rhythm of the Māori language?’ Changes in the rhythm of the English of Māori speakers are measured over time. The rhythm of these speakers is then compared with age-matched Pākehā English speakers. The results show that the distinctive syllable-timed rhythm has indeed developed from the mora-timed rhythm of the Māori language and the use of this rhythm is related to the degree of Māori identity felt by the speaker. The second part is also concerned with prosody and addresses the question, ‘Are rhythm and mean pitch influenced by topic?’ This is investigated by topic tagging the recordings and comparing the rhythm and mean pitch of each tagged section of speech. Two sets of topic tags are used; Set One has tags representing five categories (Subject, Referent, Location, Time and Attitude) and Set Two has only one tag per topic. The results suggest that mean pitch is not influenced by topic but is higher in sections of quoted speech than in regular speech. The subtle variations observed in rhythm are highly individualised and are influenced most strongly by the referent of the topic and the degree of affinity felt towards that referent.

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