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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychická kondice u učitelů v pedagogické praxi / Teachers´ mental condition at their pedagogical practise

VITEJČKOVÁ, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation deals with mental condition of teachers. Theoretical part of the dissertation aims to define basic terms related to the main topic, delimit terms to mental condition of the teachers and to its revitalization. Special attention is dedicated to burnout syndrome, because teachers are considerably threatened group. Practical part is made by qualitative research. Via semi-structured interviews are investigated causes of teachers´s stress and strategies, which are used to maintaining mental and professional condition.

Ingresso na agenda governamental do novo arranjo institucional da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre : atores, suas convicções, interações e estratégias

Koch, Eleandra Raquel da Silva January 2012 (has links)
A investigação teve por objetivo analisar a entrada da questão metropolitana da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA), na agenda (agenda setting) do novo Governo do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para tanto, foi analisada a formação de uma Coalizão de Defesa (advocacy coalition) em prol da inserção da questão metropolitana da RMPA. Essa Coalizão de Defesa existiu ao longo do tempo, de forma difusa, desde a década de 1980. Contudo, em 2010 ela foi reorganizada e potencializada, sob a liderança da Associação dos Municípios da Grande Porto Alegre - Granpal. Os dirigentes dessa entidade (os prefeitos) se aliaram aos especialistas e aos militantes do tema metropolitano. Nas eleições de 2010, o candidato a governador do Partido dos Trabalhadores Tarso Genro, que venceu as eleições, se comprometeu com a discussão de uma proposta de solução do tema. Nesse sentido, as eleições de 2010 representaram uma janela de oportunidades (policy windows) para inserção da questão da RMPA na agenda governamental do novo governo do RS. A proposta da GRANPAL sistematizou um diagnóstico sobre a desestruturação da gestão metropolitana da RMPA, e diante disso propôs uma solução. O novo governador do Rio Grande do Sul encaminhou a questão para o debate do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul (CDES-RS), que era composto por diversos setores sociais que possuíam relação ou interesse no tema metropolitano: especialistas acadêmicos, militantes, empresários e prefeitos. O resultado foi a definição consensual de uma de solução para o novo arranjo de gestão da RMPA, e que culminou na aprovação de uma Lei aprovada pela Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul (ALERGS) em 2011. Na análise da ação estratégica dos diferentes atores, em busca da consecução de seus objetivos, constatou-se que diferentes crenças políticas foram operacionalizadas pelos principais atores da Coalizão de Defesa. / The research aimed to analyze the issue of entry metropolitan the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre (RMPA), in agenda (agenda setting) of the new Government of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). For both, it was analyzed the formation of a Coalition of Defense (advocacy coalition), in favor of the insertion of the issue of metropolitan MRPA. This Coalition of Defense existed along the time, diffuse form, since the decade of 1980. However, in 2010 it was reorganized and potentized, under the leadership of the Association the Municipalities of Porto Alegre - Granpal. The leaders of that entity (mayors) have joined forces with the experts and to the militants of the metropolitan theme. In the elections of 2010, the candidate for governor of the Workers' Party Tarso Genro, who won the elections, if committed with the discussion of a proposal for a solution of the issue. In this respect, the 2010 elections represented a window of opportunity (policy windows) for insertion of the issue of the RMPA in governmental agenda of the new government RS. The proposal of GRANPAL systematically a diagnosis on the deconstruction of the RMPA metropolitan management, and before addition proposed a solution. The new governor of Rio Grande do Sul has forwarded the matter to the Council's discussion of Economic and Social Development of Rio Grande do Sul (CDES-RS), which was composed by various social sectors who had relationship or interest in the theme: metropolitan academic experts, activists, entrepreneurs and prefects. The result was the consensual definition of a solution to the new arrangement for the management of the MRPA, and which culminated in the adoption of a Law passed by the Legislative Assembly of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (ALERGS) in 2011. In the analysis of strategic action of the different actors, in search of the achievement of its objectives, it has been found that different political beliefs were enacting by the main actors of the Ruling Coalition of Defense.

Ingresso na agenda governamental do novo arranjo institucional da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre : atores, suas convicções, interações e estratégias

Koch, Eleandra Raquel da Silva January 2012 (has links)
A investigação teve por objetivo analisar a entrada da questão metropolitana da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA), na agenda (agenda setting) do novo Governo do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para tanto, foi analisada a formação de uma Coalizão de Defesa (advocacy coalition) em prol da inserção da questão metropolitana da RMPA. Essa Coalizão de Defesa existiu ao longo do tempo, de forma difusa, desde a década de 1980. Contudo, em 2010 ela foi reorganizada e potencializada, sob a liderança da Associação dos Municípios da Grande Porto Alegre - Granpal. Os dirigentes dessa entidade (os prefeitos) se aliaram aos especialistas e aos militantes do tema metropolitano. Nas eleições de 2010, o candidato a governador do Partido dos Trabalhadores Tarso Genro, que venceu as eleições, se comprometeu com a discussão de uma proposta de solução do tema. Nesse sentido, as eleições de 2010 representaram uma janela de oportunidades (policy windows) para inserção da questão da RMPA na agenda governamental do novo governo do RS. A proposta da GRANPAL sistematizou um diagnóstico sobre a desestruturação da gestão metropolitana da RMPA, e diante disso propôs uma solução. O novo governador do Rio Grande do Sul encaminhou a questão para o debate do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul (CDES-RS), que era composto por diversos setores sociais que possuíam relação ou interesse no tema metropolitano: especialistas acadêmicos, militantes, empresários e prefeitos. O resultado foi a definição consensual de uma de solução para o novo arranjo de gestão da RMPA, e que culminou na aprovação de uma Lei aprovada pela Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul (ALERGS) em 2011. Na análise da ação estratégica dos diferentes atores, em busca da consecução de seus objetivos, constatou-se que diferentes crenças políticas foram operacionalizadas pelos principais atores da Coalizão de Defesa. / The research aimed to analyze the issue of entry metropolitan the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre (RMPA), in agenda (agenda setting) of the new Government of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). For both, it was analyzed the formation of a Coalition of Defense (advocacy coalition), in favor of the insertion of the issue of metropolitan MRPA. This Coalition of Defense existed along the time, diffuse form, since the decade of 1980. However, in 2010 it was reorganized and potentized, under the leadership of the Association the Municipalities of Porto Alegre - Granpal. The leaders of that entity (mayors) have joined forces with the experts and to the militants of the metropolitan theme. In the elections of 2010, the candidate for governor of the Workers' Party Tarso Genro, who won the elections, if committed with the discussion of a proposal for a solution of the issue. In this respect, the 2010 elections represented a window of opportunity (policy windows) for insertion of the issue of the RMPA in governmental agenda of the new government RS. The proposal of GRANPAL systematically a diagnosis on the deconstruction of the RMPA metropolitan management, and before addition proposed a solution. The new governor of Rio Grande do Sul has forwarded the matter to the Council's discussion of Economic and Social Development of Rio Grande do Sul (CDES-RS), which was composed by various social sectors who had relationship or interest in the theme: metropolitan academic experts, activists, entrepreneurs and prefects. The result was the consensual definition of a solution to the new arrangement for the management of the MRPA, and which culminated in the adoption of a Law passed by the Legislative Assembly of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (ALERGS) in 2011. In the analysis of strategic action of the different actors, in search of the achievement of its objectives, it has been found that different political beliefs were enacting by the main actors of the Ruling Coalition of Defense.

Atividade microbiana do solo e a interação de diazotróficos endofíticos e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares na cultura do trigo. / Root colonization of wheat genotypes by diazotrophic bacteria under nitrogen fertilizer addition.

Valéria Marino Rodrigues Sala 23 April 2002 (has links)
A pesquisa sobre bactérias diazotróficas associadas à cultura do trigo tem demonstrado a necessidade de associar bactérias eficientes a genótipos responsivos ao nitrogênio, os quais mais se beneficiariam dessa associação. Em um experimento com parcelas subdivididas instalado em condições de campo, em Mococa (SP), empregando os tratamentos: 3 doses de N (0, 60 e 120 kg ha -1 ) x 3 genótipos de trigo (IAC-24, ITD-19 e IAC-355), foi avaliada a ocorrência de microrganismos diazotróficos endofíticos em raízes desinfestadas superficialmente, utilizando-se 3 meios de cultivo distintos, NFb, semi-específico para Azospirillum spp, JNFb, semi-específico para Herbaspirillum spp., e LGI-P, semi-específico Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus. O genótipo IAC-355 apresentou a menor quantidade de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas. Além disso, para este genótipo, houve um ajuste linear ascendente da quantidade de bactérias diazotróficas com o aumento na quantidade de N adicionada, o que comprova a influência do genótipo da planta na associação com essas bactérias. Nenhuma bactéria pertencente aos gêneros Azospirillum ou Herbaspirillum foi isolada do genótipo IAC-355. Nas condições estudadas, não foi identificado nenhum isolado de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus nas raízes do trigo. Foram obtidos 8 isolados do gênero Azospirillum e 12 do gênero Herbaspirillum. Esses isolados foram testados "in vitro", no genótipo do qual foram originalmente isolados. Todos os isolados testados no genótipo ITD-19 causaram maior crescimento radicular que a testemunha e apenas 1 isolado de Herbaspirillum sp. propiciou aumento significativo do teor de N na parte aérea. A colonização micorrízica no genótipo IAC-355 foi maior que nos demais genótipos independente da dose de N, comprovando a influência do genótipo na colonização. A colonização micorrízica se correlacionou com a massa da matéria seca, e com o teor e a quantidade acumulada de P e N na parte aérea, assim como com a produtividade. A atividade da biomassa microbiana foi alterada na ausência de N, obtendo-se correlação entre o qCO2 e a relação Cmic:Corg, indicando que na ausência de N, houve perdas de C no solo cultivado com o genótipo IAC-24, enquanto que na presença do IAC-355, houve maior eficiência na utilização do C do solo pelos microrganismos. Na contagem de bactérias nitrificadoras obteve-se um ajuste linear ascendente em relação à quantidade de N adicionada, provavelmente devido à maior disponibilidade de substrato. A quantidade de microrganismos nitrificadores se correlacionou com a massa da matéria seca, e com o teor e a quantidade acumulada de N na parte aérea, assim como com a produtividade. A interação FMA-bactéria diazotrófica não propiciou benefícios para cultura do trigo. A interação FMA-bactéria diazotrófica demonstrou ser bastante especifica. As plantas associadas a Glomus, quando em presença dos isolados bacterianos apresentaram maior crescimento, acúmulo e aproveitamento dos nutrientes. Confirmou-se que o fungo micorrízico realmente é um agente transmissor de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas, sendo que Acaullospora causou maior colonização radicular. As plantas dos tratamentos em que somente a bactéria foi inoculada apresentaram o dobro da produção de matéria seca, da quantidade acumulada e do índice de eficiência de utilização de N e P na parte aérea em relação à testemunha. A especificidade da interação planta-bactéria diazotrófica associativa indica que é possível obter benefícios desta associação, explorando bactérias e cultivares locais. / The research on diazotrophic bacteria associated to wheat has demonstrated the need to associate efficient bacteria to N-responsive genotypes, which would be more benefited from this association. A field experiment was carried out in Mococa, state of São Paulo-Brazil, with 3 genotypes of wheat (IAC-24, ITD-19 and IAC-355) under 3 nitrogen doses (0, 60 e 120 kg ha -1 ). The occurrence of diazotrophic bacteria was evaluated in three media, namely, NFb semi-specific for Azospirillum spp., JNFb semi-specific for Herbaspirillum spp., and LGI-P semi-specific for Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, using surface-sterilized roots. Regardless the nitrogen dose, the population of diazotrophic bacteria established poorly in the genotype IAC-355, but the infection increased with the addition of nitrogen for the same genotype, proving the influence of the host genotype for its association with these bacteria. Azospirillum spp. or Herbaspirillum spp. could not be isolated from the surface-sterilized roots of IAC-355. In the field experiment G. diazotrophicus was not found in any of the wheat-genotype roots. It was obtained 12 Herbaspirillum spp. isolates and 8 Azospirillum spp isolates. These strains were tested under gnotobiotic conditions, using the genotype from which they had been originally isolated. Inoculated ITD-19 plants showed an increase in root length, even though, only one strain showed a significant increase on shoot N accumulation. In the genotype IAC-355 mycorrhizal colonization was higher, proving the influence of the plant genotype. Mycorrhizal colonization showed significant correlation to shoot dry matter, shoot N and shoot P concentration and accumulation, as well as to the grain yield. In the absence of added N, the activity of microbial biomass was affected. The correlation between the qCO2 and biomass C-to-N ratio, showed that in absence of N, soil-C loss under IAC-24 cultivation, but a greater efficiency in the use of the soil-C by the microorganisms under IAC-355 cultivation. The populations of nitrifying bacteria increased with N addition, probably due to the N-rich substrate availability. The nitrifying bacteria showed significant correlation to shoot dry matter, shoot N concentration and accumulation, as well as to grain yield. There was no benefit from the AMF-diazotrophic bacteria co-inoculation on wheat plants. The specificity of AMF-diazotrophic bacteria interaction was demonstrated, it was confirmed that AMF indeed is a transmitting agent of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria, Acaullospora caused higher endophytic-bacteria root colonization. Plants inoculated with single strain doubled shoot dry matter, shoot N and P concentration and accumulation as compared to the control. Plant-bacteria interaction specificity demonstrates the possibility of getting benefits from this association by exploring both bacterial strains and plant genotypes from the same location.

Ingresso na agenda governamental do novo arranjo institucional da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre : atores, suas convicções, interações e estratégias

Koch, Eleandra Raquel da Silva January 2012 (has links)
A investigação teve por objetivo analisar a entrada da questão metropolitana da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA), na agenda (agenda setting) do novo Governo do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Para tanto, foi analisada a formação de uma Coalizão de Defesa (advocacy coalition) em prol da inserção da questão metropolitana da RMPA. Essa Coalizão de Defesa existiu ao longo do tempo, de forma difusa, desde a década de 1980. Contudo, em 2010 ela foi reorganizada e potencializada, sob a liderança da Associação dos Municípios da Grande Porto Alegre - Granpal. Os dirigentes dessa entidade (os prefeitos) se aliaram aos especialistas e aos militantes do tema metropolitano. Nas eleições de 2010, o candidato a governador do Partido dos Trabalhadores Tarso Genro, que venceu as eleições, se comprometeu com a discussão de uma proposta de solução do tema. Nesse sentido, as eleições de 2010 representaram uma janela de oportunidades (policy windows) para inserção da questão da RMPA na agenda governamental do novo governo do RS. A proposta da GRANPAL sistematizou um diagnóstico sobre a desestruturação da gestão metropolitana da RMPA, e diante disso propôs uma solução. O novo governador do Rio Grande do Sul encaminhou a questão para o debate do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul (CDES-RS), que era composto por diversos setores sociais que possuíam relação ou interesse no tema metropolitano: especialistas acadêmicos, militantes, empresários e prefeitos. O resultado foi a definição consensual de uma de solução para o novo arranjo de gestão da RMPA, e que culminou na aprovação de uma Lei aprovada pela Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul (ALERGS) em 2011. Na análise da ação estratégica dos diferentes atores, em busca da consecução de seus objetivos, constatou-se que diferentes crenças políticas foram operacionalizadas pelos principais atores da Coalizão de Defesa. / The research aimed to analyze the issue of entry metropolitan the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre (RMPA), in agenda (agenda setting) of the new Government of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). For both, it was analyzed the formation of a Coalition of Defense (advocacy coalition), in favor of the insertion of the issue of metropolitan MRPA. This Coalition of Defense existed along the time, diffuse form, since the decade of 1980. However, in 2010 it was reorganized and potentized, under the leadership of the Association the Municipalities of Porto Alegre - Granpal. The leaders of that entity (mayors) have joined forces with the experts and to the militants of the metropolitan theme. In the elections of 2010, the candidate for governor of the Workers' Party Tarso Genro, who won the elections, if committed with the discussion of a proposal for a solution of the issue. In this respect, the 2010 elections represented a window of opportunity (policy windows) for insertion of the issue of the RMPA in governmental agenda of the new government RS. The proposal of GRANPAL systematically a diagnosis on the deconstruction of the RMPA metropolitan management, and before addition proposed a solution. The new governor of Rio Grande do Sul has forwarded the matter to the Council's discussion of Economic and Social Development of Rio Grande do Sul (CDES-RS), which was composed by various social sectors who had relationship or interest in the theme: metropolitan academic experts, activists, entrepreneurs and prefects. The result was the consensual definition of a solution to the new arrangement for the management of the MRPA, and which culminated in the adoption of a Law passed by the Legislative Assembly of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (ALERGS) in 2011. In the analysis of strategic action of the different actors, in search of the achievement of its objectives, it has been found that different political beliefs were enacting by the main actors of the Ruling Coalition of Defense.

A comparative study on Innovation management processes in the context of developing and developed countries

Islam, Nishat Jahan, Basar, Mohammad Shafiul January 2022 (has links)
Aim: Innovation gets to be the pivotal factor for surviving and sustaining a business in the long term. The scenario of innovation management could be performed in a very particular way among developed, developing, and under-developed countries. We have found a gap, that no comparative research has been done among different geographical areas, especially in hotel industry innovation sectors yet. The main aim of this thesis is to identify how two different countries from different regions are practicing their innovation management process. Method: An explanatory sequential mixed method had been used to develop our study where both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through surveys and interviews. To analyse the data a deductive technique was approached by using an established innovation management process framework; named ‘SPOTS' model, developed by Tidd (2001).  Results & Conclusions: There exist noticeable differences between Sweden and Bangladesh in terms of time management, budget, strategy, communication and others which also showcase why Sweden is the leading country in the matter of innovation. In the meantime, in spite of having enough human resources and materials Bangladesh is fighting to implement successful innovations due to the lack of guidance, strategy, and budget. Contribution of the thesis: We have conducted comparative research in the hotel industry in Bangladesh and Sweden, which represents the innovation management scenario in developed and developing countries. It also addresses the point of improvements for the respective countries. Our thesis will be helpful for future researchers who will conduct further studies in the hospitality industry of different economical background nations. Suggestions for future research: This thesis is limited to two countries, two hotels, and managerial views of the organization in innovation management. The future researcher could utilize the scope to work with a large sample size in different hotels in different nations. Moreover, further studies could be done to discuss and test all the five elements of the SPOTS model, developed by (Tidd, 2001) in the hotel industry.

Att navigera förändring : En studie om förändringens framfart iden svenska skolan och samhällskunskapslärarens vardag / Navigating change. : A study on the progress of change in the Swedish school and the everyday life of the social studies teacher.

Olofsson, Mattias January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how social studies teachers deal with the changing everydaylife that school offers. What does social studies teachers believe has changed in theirprofession and how has it gone when changes have been implemented. What do the teachersthink is needed to be able to deal with the change within the school and the subject of socialscience which is always facing changes? First of all, the study will examine how the teaching profession constantly undergoes changes.But also, more specifically, how today's society has shaped the new demands placed onteachers today. In order to be able to answer this, a theory has been developed which aims tosee how the change affects the individuals within different organizations. Partly from anindividual perspective but also as a collective. Then the theory focuses more specifically onhow teachers in the school experience the change but also how work to facilitate change hasbeen carried out. The approach that the study has taken is a qualitative study, where an interview study hasbeen used. Which has targeted active teachers in social studies to take part in their experiencesand opinions about how the change has affected their professional role. And how it went toimplement the new requirements and challenges that the teachers have experienced. Theresults have been presented according to a thematic analysis, which has identified differentthemes that have emerged from the interviews. To then be analyzed using the theory. The results showed, just as the research underlines, that teachers today face great challengesin handling the constantly new demands placed on teachers. The school has a lot of work todo to help the teachers through this process. Clear measures have been identified that theteachers believe can facilitate their situation. Social studies as a subject has also had to adapt,where new adaptations have had to be made among all teachers to meet the demands made bydigitization in today's society. But also an increased pedagogical sensibility that takes moreand more space, which means that the teachers' professional role has been expanded.

The Effectiveness of the Hybrid Graphical Representation Method in Visually Combining and Communicating Logical and Spatial Relationships between Scheduled Activities

Nageeb, Meena 2012 May 1900 (has links)
This research endeavor investigated the possibility to combine the visual advantages of both graphical schedule visualization methods, the Linked Gantt Charts (LGC) and Flowline graphs (FLG), derived from the activity-based and location-based scheduling systems, to help resolve some of their shortcomings by capitalizing on their combined strengths. In order to accomplish the goal of the research, a graphical representation system that combines these two scheduling visualization methods, LGC and FLG, is developed. Afterwards, the research attempted to empirically validate the ability of the proposed tool to visually communicate and combine logical and spatial relationships between scheduled activities. This is compared to comprehending the same information by looking at a stand-alone LGC or FLG. The accuracy and time, of deciphering various details of a sample project schedule, are used as parameters to evaluate the proposed scheduling visualization tool, and compare it to the existing LGC and FLG systems. The Hybrid Graphical Representation (HGR) is the tool developed by this research to combine Linked Gantt Chart bars from the activity-based scheduling approach, and flow-lines from the location-based scheduling approach. The HGR concept is founded on the basic idea that both LGC and FLG share a common X-axis, Time. The only difference is in a LGC the Activities are listed on the Y-axis, while the FLG shows Locations on the Y-axis. This research proposed adding a third dimension to the FLG, listing the project Activities on a Z-axis. Viewing the HGR 3D graph from the top, the user will observe the Gantt bars with Time on the X-axis and the Activities listed on the Z-axis. Observing the schedule from the front view, the user will see the flow-lines developed from the location-based scheduling approach with Locations on the Y-axis and Time on the X-axis. After conducting a series of online surveys measuring the time and accuracy of using a prototype HGR schedule, it was found that the users were able to reap the benefits of both scheduling approaches (LGC and FLG), and visually link and communicate information concerning the activities' logical relationships and spatial relationships. However, it took the participants a relatively longer time to achieve that higher accuracy utilizing the HGR tool.

Using Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Management : A Case Study of Swedish Housing Cooperatives' Knowledge Promoting Activities / Using Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Management : En Fallstudie av Svenska Bostadsrättsföreningars Kunskapsfrämjande Aktiviteter

Vespo, Roberto January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis analyses the housing cooperative´s capability to manageknowledge in order to improve its performances and create innovation. It is based on the analysis of elite interviews concerning the latest ten years of two Swedish housing cooperatives (bostadsrättsförenigar), which are Brf Grantorpand Brf Kullen that, because of their almost identical properties, made acomparison possible. Absorptive Capacity, which refers to the organization´s ability to identify, assimilate and apply knowledge in its specific context and Knowledge Management, which refers to the organization´s knowledge management activities, provided the basis for the theoretical framework. The empirical data show that, within the organizations, the main sources of knowledge are the Board members: when internal expertise knowledge is present then innovation takes place. Lack of policies in recruiting Board members means that innovation coming from within the organizations is always fortuitous, and depends on the individuals´ previous expertise knowledge. Even if the two years mandate constitutes a constrain in investing in knowledge development, it has been revealed that providing the Board members with a general knowledge in the housing cooperatives´ all-day activities constitutes a solid precondition to capture new opportunities: Brf Kullen acts in a more proactive way and actively identifies opportunities in the environment. Whilst Brf Grantorp does suffer the lack of basic knowledge and acts in a more passive way, waiting for someone else bringing in from the outside. However, both the organizations suffer the lack of explicit knowledge management policies. This is very noticeable when it comes to codification and storage: what is provided is essentially of tacit nature, and blanks out over and over again because it still remains in the members´ heads and it leaves when they leave the Board. Hence, both the organizations´ ability to exploit and transfer knowledge suffers lack of efficiency. Furthermore, even if they offer both formal and informal manners in order to share ideas between Board members, the activities are subject to each Board member´s commitment and time.

Domänanalys av Kart- och bildenheten vid Uppsala universitetsbibliotek : dess verksamhet, samling och kunskapsorganisation / Domain analysis of Section for Maps and Pictures at Uppsala University Library : business, collection and knowledge organization

Gustafsson, Kazuko January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to carry out a domain analysis of Section for Maps and Pictures at Uppsala University’s Library and investigate its business, collection and knowledge organization. Birger Hjørland’s socio-epistemological domain analytic paradigm is applied. As methods, Hjørland suggests eleven approaches, and from them he emphasizes especially the importance of the historical and epistemological approaches. In this paper three questions are analysed. The first one concerns how the business at this section is managed; the second concerns the collection’s material types and its historical background; the third one concerns metadata used for cataloguing in the picture database and the reason for the delay to establish such a database. To answer these questions, notes from interviews, observations, study trips and documents about the section were used as primary sources. Observation, comparative method, interview, analysis of document and domain analytic method were used as methods to collect sources and perform the analysis. The analysis is focused on library and information scientific aspects. The study proves that Section for Maps and Pictures’ knowledge paradigm origins in library tradition, its perspective and principles, and is furthermore influenced by international and national decisions, outlines and needs. It states that cataloguing and digitalizing of collections at this section follows the international standards. As one of Sweden’s leading institutions for cultural heritage, Section for Maps and Pictures contains a large amount of unique and various cultural property. Section for Maps and Pictures is currently making progress to make their valuable collection accessible by Internet. This step is considered as a significant contribution to stimulate user-friendliness, education, preservation of materials and even democracy. This paper is published as a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science at Uppsala University in Sweden.

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