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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Justi?a e paz com a cria??o : a ecologia em intera??o com justi?a e paz na experi?ncia pr?tica e reflexiva do Conselho Mundial de Igrejas

Pereira, Pilato 28 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-15T12:50:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 437809.pdf: 969124 bytes, checksum: e141d8ddf1a876f281e6ee1e76d5061e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Since the globalization advent of a world of time change, we envision a climate of injustice, in which the life created by God is despised in favor of profit. In a time marked by carelessness and threat of scarcity and privatization of the natural resources, humanity and Earth feel the drama of climate changes. Therefore, it has been time of wondering about faith in God the Creator. What do the Christian Churches state and do and/or what could/should they say and do in face of environmental issues? Then, with that concern, we devoted to research the ecotheology of the World Council of Churches (WCC). This research has as argument the practical and reflexive experience of WCC about the interaction of ecology with justice and peace since the world ecumenical call of Seul in 1990. We also seek to do a counterpoint with the ecotheology by Leonardo Boff and the experience of the Ecology Pastoral of CNBB Sul 3. Moreover, following the logic of the see-judge-act method, this dissertation intends to demonstrate the transversality of ecology of the world ecumenical movement connected to WCC. This study is focused on the document of the Justice, Diakonia and Responsibility with Creation program, more specifically the Eco-Justice project of the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of WCC. Eco-Justice is the consonance of a long tradition of WCC in approaching the transversal relations among Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. WCC makes a Bible rereading and, under an ecological light, with an attentive perceiving of both Earth and poverty prophecy, has been calling churches to reassume their alliance of justice, love and peace with God the Creator and the Defender of Life. / Desde o advento da globaliza??o de um mundo em mudan?a de ?poca, persentimos um clima de injusti?as, onde a vida criada por Deus ? vilipendiada em nome do lucro. Num tempo marcado pelo descuido e amea?as de escassez e privatiza??o dos recursos naturais, a humanidade e a Terra sentem o drama das mudan?as clim?ticas. J? vem sendo, portanto, hora de se perguntar pela f? no Deus Criador. O que as igrejas crist?s dizem e fazem e/ou o que mais elas poderiam e deveriam dizer e fazer frente aos problemas ambientais? Pois, foi com esta preocupa??o que nos empenhamos em pesquisar a ecoteologia do Conselho Mundial de Igrejas (CMI). Esta pesquisa tem como argumento a experi?ncia pr?tica e reflexiva do CMI sobre ecologia em intera??o com justi?a e paz, a partir da convocat?ria ecum?nica mundial de Seul, em 1990. E, tamb?m procuramos fazer contraponto com a ecoteologia de Leonardo Boff e a experi?ncia da Pastoral da Ecologia CNBB Sul 3. E na l?gica do m?todo Ver-Julgar-Agir, esta disserta??o procura demonstrar a trasnversalidade da ecologia do movimento ecumenico mundial ligado ao CMI. A pesquisa est? focada nos documentos do programa Justi?a, Diaconia e Responsabilidade com a Cria??o , mais especificamente o projeto Ecojusti?a , da Comiss?o de Assuntos Internacionais do CMI. Ecojusti?a ? a conson?ncia de uma longa tradi??o do Conselho Mundial de Igrejas em abordar as rela??es transversais entre Justi?a, Paz e Integridade da Cria??o (JPIC). O CMI faz uma releitura da B?blia e, num olhar ecol?gico, com uma atenciosa escuta da profecia da Terra e dos pobres, vem chamando as igrejas a reassumirem sua alina?a de justi?a, amor e paz com Deus criador e defensor da Vida.

Dois ensaios sobre progresso t?cnico e meio ambiente

Santetti, M?rcio 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-05-12T11:27:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 468421 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2073125 bytes, checksum: 74330d4f983dc0be74ca94a13e513b1a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-12T11:27:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 468421 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2073125 bytes, checksum: 74330d4f983dc0be74ca94a13e513b1a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - FAPERGS / This dissertation presents two essays on the relationship between technical change and the natural environment. In the first essay, we discuss the view of technical progress to four representatives of Classical Political Economy: William Petty, Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx. This essay analyzes the form they approach the technical progress, characterized by the increasing adoption of machinery in the production process, adding up the view of each author regarding land and natural resources in the growth of nations. While the technical progress concept evolves from the first to the last author, nature?s view is distinct. Petty and Marx define the natural environment as a part of a natural law and as a part of human essence, respectively. Smith and Ricardo reduce natural environment to an input, making it the main economic growth limiter for the latter. In the second essay, we analyze the technical progress and the production of good and bad outputs in Brazilian economy in the 1970-2008 period. We adopt a study system of production and technical progress based on a classical-Marxian perspective, in which the work, capital and energy input combination generates a good output, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and a bad output, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. We divide Brazilian economic growth in four phases, according to the development strategy adopted in each period: 1970-1980, 1980-1989, 1989-2003 and 2003-2008. The predominant pattern of technical progress was Marx-biased and energy-saving. In GDP growth years, the bad output also increased. / Esta disserta??o apresenta dois ensaios sobre a rela??o entre progresso t?cnico e meio ambiente. No primeiro ensaio, discute-se a vis?o de progresso t?cnico e natureza para quatro representantes da Economia Pol?tica Cl?ssica: William Petty, Adam Smith, David Ricardo e Karl Marx. O objetivo deste ensaio ? analisar a forma como abordam o progresso t?cnico, caracterizado pela crescente ado??o de maquinaria no processo produtivo, somado ? vis?o de cada autor a respeito da terra e dos recursos naturais no crescimento das na??es. Enquanto o conceito de progresso t?cnico evoluiu do primeiro ao ?ltimo autor, a vis?o da natureza ? distinta. Petty e Marx definem o meio ambiente em uma ordem natural e como parte da ess?ncia do ser humano, respectivamente. Smith e Ricardo reduzem o meio ambiente a um insumo, tornando-se o principal limitador do crescimento para este ?ltimo. No segundo ensaio, analisa-se o progresso t?cnico e a produ??o de bons e maus produtos na economia brasileira no per?odo 1970-2008. Adota-se um sistema de estudo de produ??o e progresso t?cnico baseado em uma perspectiva cl?ssico-marxiana, em que a combina??o dos insumos trabalho, capital e energia geram um bem, o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), e um mal, as emiss?es de di?xido de carbono (CO2). Divide-se o crescimento econ?mico brasileiro em quatro fases, de acordo com a estrat?gia de desenvolvimento adotada em cada ?poca: 1970-1980, 1980-1989, 1989-2003 e 2003-2008. O padr?o de progresso t?cnico predominante foi Marx-viesado e poupador de energia. Nos anos de crescimento do PIB, o mau produto tamb?m aumentou.

Modelagem da distribui??o geogr?fica de esp?cies de Plebeia (Apidae, Meliponini) frente ?s mudan?as clim?ticas na regi?o subtropical

Hickel, Cristiano Kern 11 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-10-02T11:36:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 475454 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2586770 bytes, checksum: e04b0ca28f623230c98ff396cb2451d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-02T11:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 475454 - Texto Completo.pdf: 2586770 bytes, checksum: e04b0ca28f623230c98ff396cb2451d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The climate change in future scenarios would result changes in the geographical distribution, ecology and behavior of species. In the case of bees, such changes may have more drastic impacts, because these insects are important pollinators in natural and agricultural environments. Based on this, this study analyzed the effect of climate change on the geographic distribution of seven species of Plebeia of ecological and economic importance in the subtropical zone of South America in the current and future scenarios. For that it were identified climate variables that will most likely affect their distribution. The studied species were P. molesta, P. droryana, P. emerina, P. nigriceps, P. saiqui, P. remota and P. wittmanni. The species distribution was modeled using the variables temperature, rainfall and altitude. To describe future climate it were used bioclimatic variables for the year 2070 under the RCP4.5 scenario from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The analysis of data revealed that P. nigriceps and P. saiqui might have the largest reduction in area in the future (> 60%). On the other hand, P. emerina might have a moderate increase in the occurrence area (2.5%), whereas P. wittmanni, a significant increase (55%). Most of the studied species is strongly associated with the Atlantic Forest biome, and P. droryana and P. remota may be even more restricted to this biome. The estimated temperature change for the future scenario could affect the diapause species of Plebeia and the expected increase in rainfall may negatively influence the flight activity. If the changes in the habitat of the species are confirmed, the pollination service of native plants and crops may be affected. / Os cen?rios futuros com mudan?as clim?ticas podem levar a altera??es na distribui??o geogr?fica, ecologia e comportamento das esp?cies. No caso espec?fico das abelhas, as altera??es poder?o ter consequ?ncias mais dr?sticas, pois esses insetos s?o importantes polinizadores em ambientes naturais e agr?colas. Baseado nisso, este trabalho analisou o efeito das altera??es clim?ticas na distribui??o geogr?fica de sete esp?cies de Plebeia de import?ncia ecol?gica e econ?mica na zona subtropical da Am?rica do Sul nos cen?rios atual e futuro. Para isso foram identificadas as vari?veis clim?ticas que mais provavelmente podem afetar a sua distribui??o. As esp?cies estudadas foram P. molesta, P. droryana, P. emerina, P. nigriceps, P. saiqui, P. remota e P. wittmanni. A distribui??o das esp?cies foi modelada utilizando as vari?veis de temperatura, precipita??o e altitude. Para descrever o clima futuro foram utilizadas as vari?veis bioclim?ticas para o ano de 2070, sob o cen?rio RCP4.5 definido pelo Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). A an?lise dos dados revelou que P. nigriceps e P. saiqui poder?o ter as maiores redu??es de ?rea no futuro (>60%). Por outro lado, P. emerina poder? ter um aumento moderado na ?rea de ocorr?ncia (2,5%), enquanto que para P. wittmanni, estima-se um aumento expressivo (55%). A maioria das esp?cies estudadas tem grande rela??o com o bioma da Mata Atl?ntica, sendo que P. droryana e P. remota poder?o ficar ainda mais restritas a esse bioma. A estimativa de mudan?a da temperatura para o cen?rio futuro poder? afetar a diapausa reprodutiva das esp?cies de Plebeia e o aumento estimado da precipita??o poder? influenciar negativamente a atividade de voo. Caso as altera??es no habitat das esp?cies se confirmem, o servi?o de poliniza??o de plantas nativas e culturas agr?colas poder? ser afetado.

A auto-organiza??o do progresso t?cnico e das mudan?as clim?ticas num modelo simples de evolu??o

Oliveira, Guilherme de 26 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:26:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 438672.pdf: 3421737 bytes, checksum: 7029092d941a31889249b186ea079f0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-26 / This study examines the relationship between technical change and climate change in the micro level that has global consequences. For this purpose, we use the Bak-Sneppen model of Evolution, a model developed by Bak and Sneppen (1993) and used in biological systems. The model specifies a number N of agents on an ecosystem, each with a variable that determines the fitness adaptability on this environment. Furthermore, there behavioral rules that are repeated t times in time: 1) the agent with the lowest fitness is selected for mutation, and 2) mutations also occur in the neighboring agents with lower fitness. In this investigation has adapted to the Bak-Sneppen model for the economy, assuminga number N of firms that have two fitness variables, one that represents the technical change and another his care for the environment. To support technical change appealed to the Theory of Induced Technical Change, and climate change to the Theory of Sustainable Development in its complex aspect. From computer simulations of the highlights are three scenarios that describe the complex relationships between technical progress and climate change: the scenario has been called the most probable, and to incorporate the debate is one in which firms aim to maximize their technical and some of them can adopt clean technologies and not others, which makes both systems self-organize at a critical level approximately equal to 0.4 fitness. The adverse scenario is one in which the correlation between technical change and the environment is negative, and technical improvements are polluting and every company that wants to decrease their environmental externalities have to reduce technology. In this scenario, both systems and no changes its threshold is close to 0. Finally, the stage was called the ideal one in which the relationship between technical change and climate change is positive, it is assumed only firms adopt clean technologies. In this, both systems are evolving rapidly, reaching steady state at the threshold of 0.6. / O presente estudo analisa a rela??o entre o progresso tecnol?gico e as mudan?as clim?ticas no plano microecon?mico que apresenta consequ?ncias globais. Para tanto, utiliza-se o modelo de Bak-Sneppen, um modelo desenvolvido por Bak e Sneppen (1993) e que trata da evolu??o biol?gica. O modelo especifica um n?mero N de agentes dispostos num ecossistema, cada um com uma vari?vel fitness que determina sua capacidade de adapta??o relativa a esse meio. Ademais, existem regras comportamentais que s?o repetidas t vezes no tempo: 1) o agente com menor fitness ? selecionado para muta??o; e 2) muta??es tamb?m ocorrem nos agentes vizinhos ao de menor fitness. Nessa investiga??o adaptou-se o modelo de Bak-Sneppen para a economia, supondo um n?mero N de firmas que apresentam duas vari?veis fitness, um que representa a mudan?a t?cnica e outro o seu cuidado com o meio ambiente. Para sustentar teoricamente a mudan?a t?cnica recorreu-se a Teoria do Progresso T?cnico Induzido, e no as mudan?as clim?ticas a Teoria do Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel em seu aspecto complexo. A partir das simula??es computacionais destacaram-se tr?s cen?rios que descrevem as rela??es complexas entre progresso t?cnico e mudan?as clim?ticas: o cen?rio que se chamou de mais prov?vel, por incorporar bem o debate ? aquele em que as firmas objetivam maximizar sua t?cnica e algumas delas podem adotar tecnologias limpas e outras n?o, o que faz com que ambos os sistemas se auto-organizem num n?vel cr?tico aproximadamente igual a 0,4 de fitness. O cen?rio desfavor?vel ? aquele em que a correla??o entre a mudan?a t?cnica e o meio ambiente ? negativa, assim melhorias t?cnicas s?o poluidoras e toda firma que deseja diminuir suas externalidades ambientais tem que reduzir tecnologia. Nesse cen?rio, em ambos os sistemas n?o houve evolu??o e seu limiar fica pr?ximo a 0. Por fim, o cen?rio chamado de ideal foi aquele em que a rela??o entre mudan?a t?cnica e mudan?a clim?tica ? positiva, nele sup?e-se as firmas adotam apenas tecnologias limpas. Nesse, ambos os sistemas evoluem rapidamente, atingindo o estado estacion?rio no limiar de 0,6.

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