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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real Men Don’t Cry: Examining Differences Between Externalizing Depressed Men in the Symptomatic Presentation of Depression in Psychiatric Inpatients

Ajayi, William E. 05 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Tarescavage, Anthony Michael 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.


Friedhoff, Lesley Ann 28 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Validation partielle d'une version abrégée du MMPI-2, le mini-clinique, avec une population normale

Carroll, Chantal 21 February 2021 (has links)
L'étude porte sur une validation partielle d'une version abrégée du MMPI-2 nommée Mini-Clinique. Une description des instruments a d'abord précédé. Afin d'en vérifier la validité auprès de la population, quatre-vingt quinze participants ont été retenus. Ils devaient avoir accepté de répondre aux différents instruments. Pour ce faire des corrélations ont été calculées entre les différentes échelles des deux versions longue et courte, ainsi que des tests-T entre ces mêmes échelles pour les deux versions et finalement pour le Mini-Clinique entre les hommes et les femmes pour les différentes échelles. Les résultats obtenus montrent des corrélations significatives entre les deux tests soit le MMPI-2 et le Mini-Clinique permettant de conclure à une confirmation de l'hypothèse. Les autres tests statistiques nous fournissent cependant plus d'information et amènent des pistes futures de recherche.

Perfil psicológico dos pacientes com distúrbios funcionais colorretoanais: avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa / Psychological profile of patients with colorectal funcional disorders: a quantitative and qualitative approach

Brandão, Álex Augusto Ribeiro 17 October 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Os distúrbios funcionais colorretoanais, frequentemente representados por constipação intestinal, incontinência anal e dor anorretal apresentam alta prevalência na população geral. De etiologia multifatorial onde estão envolvidas causas orgânicas, funcionais, culturais e psicológicas. Dados bibliográficos apontam que a depressão, a ansiedade e o estresse estão entre os fatores psicológicos mais presentes nesse grupo de pacientes. Representam um desafio para abordagem gerando impacto significativo na qualidade de vida. Objetivo: Este estudo prospectivo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil de psicológico de pacientes com distúrbios funcionais colorretais: constipação intestinal crônica (CIC), incontinência anal (IA) e dor anal (DA), utilizando uma versão reduzida, mais aplicáveis do MMPI, o MMPI- IRF (Minnesota Multiphafic Personality Inventory Improved Readability Form). Métodos: Um total de 90 pacientes, sendo 30 de cada grupo sintomático, CIC, AI e DA, respectivamente, e 60 indivíduos controle foram avaliados. Todos os grupos foram igualmente distribuídos por sexo. Os dados foram obtidos através de semi-dirigidas e MMPI-IRF, que consiste de 167 propostas divididas em quatro escalas de validade (\"não posso dizer \", mentira, defensividade) e 10 escalas clínicas (hipocondria, depressão, histeria, desvio- psicopático, masculinidade e feminilidade , paranóia, psicastenia, esquizofrenia, hipomania e introversão-extroversão social). O estudo estatístico incluiu o teste ANOVA, Belferroni e exato de Fisher sendo considerados significativos quando os calores de p<0,05. Resultados: A média de idade os valores foram 48, 52, 49 e 43 anos para o CIC, IA, DA e grupos de controle, respectivamente. O IA se destacou por apresentar menor escolaridade 36% nao concluíram o 1° grau. Quanto aos antecedentes psiquiátricos DA obteve maior porcentagem de pacientes que já estiveram em tratamento psiquiátrico (43%). O início da depressão precedeu o início da queixa funcionais em 36% dos pacientes do CIC, mas em apenas 20% e 23%, respectivamente, IA e pacientes DA. Os escores de depressão, hipocondria e histeria escalas foram significativamente maiores em todos os grupos de pacientes quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle. Conclusão: As elevações nas escalas hipocondria, depressão e histeria são indicativos que os sintomas funcionais colorretoanias são mecanismos de defesa que atuam protegendo os indivíduos da ansiedade e da depressão excessivos. Confirmando a importância de combinar a abordagem psicológica aos cuidados médicos convencionais desses pacientes / Introduction: The functional colorectal disorders frequently represented by constipation, anal incontinence and anorectal pain with a high prevalence in the general population. The multifactorial etiology which are involved in organic, functional, cultural and psychological. Bibliographic conclusions suggest that depression, anxiety and stress are among the psychological factors present in most of this patients. Represent a challenge to approach generating significant impact on quality of life.. Objective: This prospective study aimed to evaluate the psychological profile of patients with colorectal functional disorders: chronic idiophatic constipation (CIC), anal incontinence (AI) and chronic idiopathic rectal pain (CIRP), using a reduced version, the MMPI more applicable, the MMPI- IRF (Minnesota Multiphafic Personality Inventory-Improved Readability Form). Methods: A total of 90 patients, 30 of each symptomatic group, CIC, AI and CIRP, respectively, and 60 control subjects were evaluated. All groups were equally distributed by gender. Data were obtained through semi-directed interviews and MMPIIRF, which consists of 167 proposals divided into four scales of validity (\"I can not say,\" lie, infrequency, defensiveness) and 10 clinical scales (hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviate, masculinity- femininity, paranoia, psychaesthenia, schizophrenia, mania, and social introversion-extroversion). Statistical analysis included ANOVA, Fisher\'s exact and Belferroni were considered significant when the heats of p <0.05. Results: Mean age values were 48, 52, 49 and 43 years for the CIC, AI, CIRP and control groups, respectively. The AI was noted for 36% less education have not completed a degree. The psychiatric history\'s got higher percentage of patients who have been in psychiatric treatment (43%). The onset of depression preceded the onset of functional complaints in 36% of patients in the CIC, but in only 20% and 23%, respectively, and AI patients. The scores of depression, hypochondria and hysteria scales were significantly higher in all patient groups compared to control subjects. Conclusion: The elevations on the scales hypochondria, depression and hysteria are indicative that the colorectal functional symptoms are defense mechanisms that act to protect individuals from excessive anxiety and depression. Confirming the importance of combining a psychological approach to conventional medical care for these patients

O tratamento de dependentes de substâncias psicoativas numa comunidade terapêutica: estudo através da avaliação psicológica / Substance abusers treatment in a therapeutic community: study through psychological assessment.

Scaduto, Alessandro Antonio 25 June 2010 (has links)
Frente ao custo social dos quadros de abuso e dependência de substâncias psicoativas, diversos modelos explicativos têm sido propostos, sejam eles baseados em preceitos morais, religiosos, experiências de grupos de autoajuda ou na pesquisa científica. As Comunidades Terapêuticas (CTs) são uma modalidade de atendimento a usuários abusivos e dependentes de substâncias psicoativas que se baseiam em vários desses modelos, que se mostram bastante diversas em sua organização e nos serviços oferecidos, mas relativamente coesas em termos dos seus princípios. Diversos estudos têm tentado explicar os aspectos relacionados a esse modelo de tratamento, sugerindo sua eficácia. Apesar disso, existem poucas pesquisas compreensivas acerca das mudanças psicológicas que ocorrem nas pessoas que passam por esse tipo de instituição. No Brasil, a escassez de trabalhos acadêmicos sobre as CTs aponta para a necessidade de estudos sobre seus componentes terapêuticos, a fim de conhecer melhor os alcances e limites desse tipo de tratamento. A presente investigação visou estudar as mudanças psicológicas de pessoas que passaram por tratamento numa CT da região de Ribeirão Preto (SP), por meio de entrevistas de avaliação no início e no final de sua internação. Os participantes do estudo foram sete homens entre 21 e 35 anos de idade, nível socioeconômico médio baixo e dependentes de crack (predominantemente), cocaína e álcool. Para a realização das avaliações, foram utilizados um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado, o Inventário Multifásico Minnesota de Personalidade, Improved Readability Form (MMPI-IRF) e cartões selecionados do Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT). Os dados obtidos foram categorizados e analisados a partir de dimensões e domínios do processo de mudança na CT, conforme embasamento teórico de autores da área. O conjunto de dados foi interpretado a partir de teorias psicodinâmicas de personalidade. Os resultados mostram que o tratamento promoveu melhoras no funcionamento psicológico em graus diferentes para dois subgrupos de participantes, em todas as dimensões do processo de mudança. Os resultados são discutidos em termos das diferenças entre os subgrupos em aspectos como a estrutura e o nível de funcionamento da personalidade e qualidade da introjeção das experiências durante o tratamento. Ainda, são feitas considerações acerca do método de pesquisa adotado e dos alcances e limites do tratamento em CTs e sugestões para estudos futuros no Brasil. / Considering the high social cost of substance abuse and dependence, several models have been proposed, based on moral and/or religious principles, self-help groups experiences or scientific research. The Therapeutic Community (TC) is a treatment modality for substance abusers based in many of the models above, which shows a variety in terms of its organization and services offered, as well as a relatively cohesion of principles along these institutions. Several studies have been trying to explain the aspects related to such treatment modality, suggesting its efficacy. In spite of this, there are few comprehensive studies regarding the psychological changes people treated in the CT go through. In Brazil, the lack of academic studies on the TC suggests the need of comprehending its therapeutic components, in order to point out both flaws and successful points of such treatment modality. The present study aimed to study the psychological changes of people treated in a TC in the region of Ribeirão Preto (State of São Paulo Brazil), who were interviewed both in the beginning and the end of their stay in the institution. The participants were seven men, aged between 21 and 36 years old, average-low socioeconomic level who were predominantly crack abusers, with cocaine and alcohol dependents also included. In order to perform the assessment, the instruments used were a semi-structured interview guide, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Improved Readability Form (MMPI-IRF) and selected cards of the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). All data was categorized and analyses using the dimensions and domains of the change process in the TC, according to the theoretical frame of authors in this field. Still, the data set was analyzed from a psychodynamic theoretical frame. The results show that the treatment promoted improvements in psychological functioning in different degrees for two subgroups of participants, along all dimensions of the change process. These results are discussed in terms of the differences observed in terms of level of psychological functioning and structure of the personality, as well as the introjection quality of treatment-related experiences. Still, considerations are made regarding the research method adopted and both high points and flaws of the treatment on the TC and the status of directions for future research in Brazil.

Etude des psychoses dissociées : Approche clinique et projective comparées / Study of dissociated psychosis : clinical and projective approaches

Prudent, Cécile 22 June 2018 (has links)
La recherche que nous avons développée dans notre thèse a eu pour objectif l’étude des psychoses dissociées à travers une approche clinique et projective comparées. C’est à travers une révision de la littérature des psychoses, que nous avons, dans un premier temps, mis en évidence les diverses positions au sein de la nosographie psychiatrique dans un contexte historique, puis actuel. Nous avons croisé cette perspective à une approche issue de l’application du modèle métapsychologique, dont les jalons ont été posés par Freud (1911, 1920, 1924, 1940). En outre, nous avons mis en évidence une opposition entre Freud et Bleuler à travers leurs échanges épistolaires parus en 2016, et cela à propos de la question de l’autisme. La recherche que nous avons conduite est composée de plusieurs études. La première étude vise la comparaison statistique des indicateurs au test de Rorschach (Nina Rausch de Traubenberg, 1990) entre la population tout-venant ([n=310], (de) Tychey et al., 2012) et entre la population psychiatrique psychotique (n=81). Tous les diagnostics ont été réalisés en double aveugle au test de Rorschach et selon une double approche nosographique dans la clinique (psychanalytique et psychiatrique). La seconde étude est une analyse qualitative contrastée, constitué de 5 cas cliniques, consacrée à une investigation approfondie des psychés de cas cliniques exemplaires représentatifs des trois sous-groupes de référence de la population de l'étude. La troisième étude est longitudinale sur un cas clinique à 24 mois d’intervalles en test/re-test nous permettant de valider la fiabilité du diagnostic de paranoïa, dont nous assistons pourtant à l’évanouissement nosographique.Pour conclure, nous avons dégagé et validé l’indicateur de la représentation de soi intitulé : le degré de représentation de soi entière unitaire, qui permet notamment de discriminer les structures et les organisations entre elles. La psychose dissociée, reconnue pour représenter la faillite du narcissisme primaire est apparue comme une population adéquate au développement de ces travaux sur l’évaluation du narcissisme / It is thought a depth psychosis literature review, that we have, in a first time, highlighted various positions within the psychiatric nosography, in an historic and then, in a current context. We cross a perspective called objective to an approach more subjective, however very rewarding: the metapsychological model, whose milestones were thrown by Freud (1911, 1920, 1924, 1940). In addition, we highlighted an opposition between Freud and Bleuler thought their epistolary exchanges published in 2016 in French. This about, question of autism that Freud (1911) designated as well as a retreat of the libido on the Ego; contrarily to Bleuler (1911). To us, that epistemological and theoretical cleavages, have influenced the current nosography (DSM-5, A.P.A., 2013). The empirical research developed in this thesis, aimed at the study of dissociated psychosis through a clinical and projective compared approaches. Indeed, this research is composed by many studies: the first was aimed at the statistical comparisons of Rorschach’s indicators (Nina Rausch de Traubenberg, 1990) between non-clinical population ([n= 310], (de) Tychey et al., 2012) and clinical population, psychiatrist, and more specifically: psychosis dissociated ([in]patient [n= 81]). Within the first study, in a second time, we proceeded to the statistical comparisons between the three subgroups of the sample, constitute of: 25 subjects diagnosed with paranoia, 30 subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia and 26 diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. All diagnostics were realized in double bind et and according to a double approach (psychoanalytic and psychiatrist). The second study is a qualitative analysis contrasted, devoted to the deeply psychic investigation of exemplary clinical cases, representatively of three subgroups from the population’s study (paranoia; schizophrenia paranoid; pure schizophrenia). The sample is itself constituted of limits’ subgroups suffering from psychotic decompensations and hospitalized on a long court. In the qualitative study of clinical contrasted cases, we presented firstly, a subject from a pure paranoia structure: Catherine, an autopunitive feminine paranoia case.Secondly, we presented the analysis of a clinical picture from schizophrenic structure: Joseph, from which megalomaniac Ego and invasive delirium will surely arrested the lector; and finally, we analysed a pure schizophrenia case: Doug, which psychic desert particularly challenges us in conter-transferential’s dynamic. Then, to illustrated closer that we understand by sliding of an a-structure to a dissociated psychosis (and not to a melancholic proceed, as well as that is permitted by Bergeret [1974]), we analysed the cases of Jordan and Ali. Ali was initially inscribed in an a-structure (Bergeret, 1974), from which he decompensed secondarily in a paranoiac organisation; Jordan on other hands, decompensed secondarily in a pure schizophrenia

Vyresnių klasių mokinių asmenybės savybių, savo sveikatos vertinimo ir sveikatai žalingo elgesio sąsajos / Links between senior classes pupils personality characteristics, self-assessed health and self-harmful behavior

Einikytė, Rita 01 February 2012 (has links)
Vyresnių klasių mokinių elgesio ypatumai bei požiūris į sveikatą dažnai lemia vėlesnio gyvenimo kokybę. Didelis priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimas, savižudiško elgesio dažnėjimas tarp jaunų žmonių kelia susirūpinimą. Tokio elgesio priežastys kompleksinės: biologinės, psichologinės ir socialinės. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti vyresnių klasių mokinių asmenybės savybių, įvertintų MMPI metodika, sąsajas su savo sveikatos vertinimu ir save žalojančiu elgesiu. Tyrimas buvo atliktas Pagėgių Algimanto Mackaus, Tauragės Žalgirių, Salantų ir Šilutės Vydūno gimnazijose. Dalyvavo 725, 9-12 kl. mokiniai (41% vaikinai, 59% merginos), jų amžius svyruoja nuo 15 iki 19 metų. Tiriamųjų asmenybės savybėms įvertinti buvo naudojama MMPI metodika, savo sveikatos vertinimui - savo sveikatos vertinimo faktorius, save žalojančiam elgesiui – beprasmiškumo ir minčių apie mirtį faktoriai, priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimui – atskiri klausimai. Aukštėjant klinikinių MMPI skalių įverčiams blogėja savo sveikatos vertinimas, didėja priklausomybę sukeliančias medžiagas vartojančių mokinių skaičius, stiprėja polinkis savižudybei. Aukštėjant D, Pd, Pt, Sc, Ma skalių įverčiams, mokiniai linkę blogiau vertinti savo sveikatą. Didesnis mokinių priklausomybę sukeliančių medžiagų vartojimas siejasi su aukštesniais Pd, Pt, Sc, Ma skalių įverčiais, rūkymas daugiau skiriasi aukštesniais D, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, Ma, Si įverčiais, o alkoholio ir kitų narkotinių medžiagų vartojimas skiriasi aukštesniais Pd... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Senior classes pupils behavioral features and attitudes to health often leads to subsequent quality of life. Intense usage of addictive substances and suicidal behavior among young people is in concern. Reasons of such behaviour are complex: biological, psychological and social. Objective of the study was to determine senior classes pupils personality characteristics, valuated with MMPI questionnaire, links to self-assessed health and self-harmful behavior. The study was conducted in Pagėgiai Algimantas Mackus, Tauragė Žalgiriai, Salantai and Šilutė Vidūnas gymnasiums. 725 pupils in grades 9-12 participated (41% guys, 59% girls), from 15 to 19 years old. MMPI questionnaire was used to evaluate personality characteristics, health evaluation factor for assessment of own health, thought about death and futility factors for evaluation of self-demaging behavior, separate issues for addictive substances usage. When MMPI clinical scale ratings increase, health is assessed worse, more pupils use addictive substances, increase tendency to suicide. Pupils with higher D, Pd, Pt, Sc, Ma scale ratings tend to assess their own health worse. Higher usage of addictive substances links to higher Pd, Pt, Sc, Ma scale ratings, smoking more links to higher D, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, Ma, Si scale ratings, alcohol and other drug usage more links to higher Pd, Sc, Ma ratings. Increase of Hs, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, Ma scale ratings links to higher tendency to suicide.

Perfil psicológico dos pacientes com distúrbios funcionais colorretoanais: avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa / Psychological profile of patients with colorectal funcional disorders: a quantitative and qualitative approach

Álex Augusto Ribeiro Brandão 17 October 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Os distúrbios funcionais colorretoanais, frequentemente representados por constipação intestinal, incontinência anal e dor anorretal apresentam alta prevalência na população geral. De etiologia multifatorial onde estão envolvidas causas orgânicas, funcionais, culturais e psicológicas. Dados bibliográficos apontam que a depressão, a ansiedade e o estresse estão entre os fatores psicológicos mais presentes nesse grupo de pacientes. Representam um desafio para abordagem gerando impacto significativo na qualidade de vida. Objetivo: Este estudo prospectivo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil de psicológico de pacientes com distúrbios funcionais colorretais: constipação intestinal crônica (CIC), incontinência anal (IA) e dor anal (DA), utilizando uma versão reduzida, mais aplicáveis do MMPI, o MMPI- IRF (Minnesota Multiphafic Personality Inventory Improved Readability Form). Métodos: Um total de 90 pacientes, sendo 30 de cada grupo sintomático, CIC, AI e DA, respectivamente, e 60 indivíduos controle foram avaliados. Todos os grupos foram igualmente distribuídos por sexo. Os dados foram obtidos através de semi-dirigidas e MMPI-IRF, que consiste de 167 propostas divididas em quatro escalas de validade (\"não posso dizer \", mentira, defensividade) e 10 escalas clínicas (hipocondria, depressão, histeria, desvio- psicopático, masculinidade e feminilidade , paranóia, psicastenia, esquizofrenia, hipomania e introversão-extroversão social). O estudo estatístico incluiu o teste ANOVA, Belferroni e exato de Fisher sendo considerados significativos quando os calores de p<0,05. Resultados: A média de idade os valores foram 48, 52, 49 e 43 anos para o CIC, IA, DA e grupos de controle, respectivamente. O IA se destacou por apresentar menor escolaridade 36% nao concluíram o 1° grau. Quanto aos antecedentes psiquiátricos DA obteve maior porcentagem de pacientes que já estiveram em tratamento psiquiátrico (43%). O início da depressão precedeu o início da queixa funcionais em 36% dos pacientes do CIC, mas em apenas 20% e 23%, respectivamente, IA e pacientes DA. Os escores de depressão, hipocondria e histeria escalas foram significativamente maiores em todos os grupos de pacientes quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle. Conclusão: As elevações nas escalas hipocondria, depressão e histeria são indicativos que os sintomas funcionais colorretoanias são mecanismos de defesa que atuam protegendo os indivíduos da ansiedade e da depressão excessivos. Confirmando a importância de combinar a abordagem psicológica aos cuidados médicos convencionais desses pacientes / Introduction: The functional colorectal disorders frequently represented by constipation, anal incontinence and anorectal pain with a high prevalence in the general population. The multifactorial etiology which are involved in organic, functional, cultural and psychological. Bibliographic conclusions suggest that depression, anxiety and stress are among the psychological factors present in most of this patients. Represent a challenge to approach generating significant impact on quality of life.. Objective: This prospective study aimed to evaluate the psychological profile of patients with colorectal functional disorders: chronic idiophatic constipation (CIC), anal incontinence (AI) and chronic idiopathic rectal pain (CIRP), using a reduced version, the MMPI more applicable, the MMPI- IRF (Minnesota Multiphafic Personality Inventory-Improved Readability Form). Methods: A total of 90 patients, 30 of each symptomatic group, CIC, AI and CIRP, respectively, and 60 control subjects were evaluated. All groups were equally distributed by gender. Data were obtained through semi-directed interviews and MMPIIRF, which consists of 167 proposals divided into four scales of validity (\"I can not say,\" lie, infrequency, defensiveness) and 10 clinical scales (hypochondriasis, depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviate, masculinity- femininity, paranoia, psychaesthenia, schizophrenia, mania, and social introversion-extroversion). Statistical analysis included ANOVA, Fisher\'s exact and Belferroni were considered significant when the heats of p <0.05. Results: Mean age values were 48, 52, 49 and 43 years for the CIC, AI, CIRP and control groups, respectively. The AI was noted for 36% less education have not completed a degree. The psychiatric history\'s got higher percentage of patients who have been in psychiatric treatment (43%). The onset of depression preceded the onset of functional complaints in 36% of patients in the CIC, but in only 20% and 23%, respectively, and AI patients. The scores of depression, hypochondria and hysteria scales were significantly higher in all patient groups compared to control subjects. Conclusion: The elevations on the scales hypochondria, depression and hysteria are indicative that the colorectal functional symptoms are defense mechanisms that act to protect individuals from excessive anxiety and depression. Confirming the importance of combining a psychological approach to conventional medical care for these patients

O tratamento de dependentes de substâncias psicoativas numa comunidade terapêutica: estudo através da avaliação psicológica / Substance abusers treatment in a therapeutic community: study through psychological assessment.

Alessandro Antonio Scaduto 25 June 2010 (has links)
Frente ao custo social dos quadros de abuso e dependência de substâncias psicoativas, diversos modelos explicativos têm sido propostos, sejam eles baseados em preceitos morais, religiosos, experiências de grupos de autoajuda ou na pesquisa científica. As Comunidades Terapêuticas (CTs) são uma modalidade de atendimento a usuários abusivos e dependentes de substâncias psicoativas que se baseiam em vários desses modelos, que se mostram bastante diversas em sua organização e nos serviços oferecidos, mas relativamente coesas em termos dos seus princípios. Diversos estudos têm tentado explicar os aspectos relacionados a esse modelo de tratamento, sugerindo sua eficácia. Apesar disso, existem poucas pesquisas compreensivas acerca das mudanças psicológicas que ocorrem nas pessoas que passam por esse tipo de instituição. No Brasil, a escassez de trabalhos acadêmicos sobre as CTs aponta para a necessidade de estudos sobre seus componentes terapêuticos, a fim de conhecer melhor os alcances e limites desse tipo de tratamento. A presente investigação visou estudar as mudanças psicológicas de pessoas que passaram por tratamento numa CT da região de Ribeirão Preto (SP), por meio de entrevistas de avaliação no início e no final de sua internação. Os participantes do estudo foram sete homens entre 21 e 35 anos de idade, nível socioeconômico médio baixo e dependentes de crack (predominantemente), cocaína e álcool. Para a realização das avaliações, foram utilizados um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado, o Inventário Multifásico Minnesota de Personalidade, Improved Readability Form (MMPI-IRF) e cartões selecionados do Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT). Os dados obtidos foram categorizados e analisados a partir de dimensões e domínios do processo de mudança na CT, conforme embasamento teórico de autores da área. O conjunto de dados foi interpretado a partir de teorias psicodinâmicas de personalidade. Os resultados mostram que o tratamento promoveu melhoras no funcionamento psicológico em graus diferentes para dois subgrupos de participantes, em todas as dimensões do processo de mudança. Os resultados são discutidos em termos das diferenças entre os subgrupos em aspectos como a estrutura e o nível de funcionamento da personalidade e qualidade da introjeção das experiências durante o tratamento. Ainda, são feitas considerações acerca do método de pesquisa adotado e dos alcances e limites do tratamento em CTs e sugestões para estudos futuros no Brasil. / Considering the high social cost of substance abuse and dependence, several models have been proposed, based on moral and/or religious principles, self-help groups experiences or scientific research. The Therapeutic Community (TC) is a treatment modality for substance abusers based in many of the models above, which shows a variety in terms of its organization and services offered, as well as a relatively cohesion of principles along these institutions. Several studies have been trying to explain the aspects related to such treatment modality, suggesting its efficacy. In spite of this, there are few comprehensive studies regarding the psychological changes people treated in the CT go through. In Brazil, the lack of academic studies on the TC suggests the need of comprehending its therapeutic components, in order to point out both flaws and successful points of such treatment modality. The present study aimed to study the psychological changes of people treated in a TC in the region of Ribeirão Preto (State of São Paulo Brazil), who were interviewed both in the beginning and the end of their stay in the institution. The participants were seven men, aged between 21 and 36 years old, average-low socioeconomic level who were predominantly crack abusers, with cocaine and alcohol dependents also included. In order to perform the assessment, the instruments used were a semi-structured interview guide, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Improved Readability Form (MMPI-IRF) and selected cards of the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). All data was categorized and analyses using the dimensions and domains of the change process in the TC, according to the theoretical frame of authors in this field. Still, the data set was analyzed from a psychodynamic theoretical frame. The results show that the treatment promoted improvements in psychological functioning in different degrees for two subgroups of participants, along all dimensions of the change process. These results are discussed in terms of the differences observed in terms of level of psychological functioning and structure of the personality, as well as the introjection quality of treatment-related experiences. Still, considerations are made regarding the research method adopted and both high points and flaws of the treatment on the TC and the status of directions for future research in Brazil.

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