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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hopf-Galois module structure of some tamely ramified extensions

Truman, Paul James January 2009 (has links)
We study the Hopf-Galois module structure of algebraic integers in some finite extensions of $ p $-adic fields and number fields which are at most tamely ramified. We show that if $ L/K $ is a finite unramified extension of $ p $-adic fields which is Hopf-Galois for some Hopf algebra $ H $ then the ring of algebraic integers $ \OL $ is a free module of rank one over the associated order $ \AH $. If $ H $ is a commutative Hopf algebra, we show that this conclusion remains valid in finite ramified extensions of $ p $-adic fields if $ p $ does not divide the degree of the extension. We prove analogous results for finite abelian Galois extensions of number fields, in particular showing that if $ L/K $ is a finite abelian domestic extension which is Hopf-Galois for some commutative Hopf algebra $ H $ then $ \OL $ is locally free over $ \AH $. We study in greater detail tamely ramified Galois extensions of number fields with Galois group isomorphic to $ C_{p} \times C_{p} $, where $ p $ is a prime number. Byott has enumerated and described all the Hopf-Galois structures admitted by such an extension. We apply the results above to show that $ \OL $ is locally free over $ \AH $ in all of the Hopf-Galois structures, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions for $ \OL $ to be globally free over $ \AH $ in each of the Hopf-Galois structures. In the case $ p = 2 $ we consider the implications of taking $ K = \Q $. In the case that $ p $ is an odd prime we compare the structure of $ \OL $ as a module over $ \AH $ in the various Hopf-Galois structures.

Caractérisation des sols granulaires au moyen de la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement

Challouf, Walid January 2009 (has links)
Les réponses des sols aux diverses sollicitations qu'ils subissent à l'état naturel sur site sont multiples et dépendent de nombreux facteurs tel que leur nature, le domaine de sollicitation, la présence d'eau et plusieurs autres facteurs (état de contrainte, présence de cavités, etc.). La connaissance du domaine des petites et moyennes déformations pour le dimensionnement de nombreux ouvrages sur des dépôts de sols argileux ou sableux est d'une grande importance. La détermination des propriétés mécaniques des sols dans le domaine des petites déformations est néanmoins importante dans plusieurs applications en géotechnique. Le besoin de déterminer le module de cisaillement des sols à faibles déformations a conduit au développement de différents outils d'investigation.Les outils non intrusifs basés sur la propagation des ondes de surface permettent de s'affranchir des problèmes de remaniement du sol et la détermination des paramètres fondamentaux (G[indice inférieur max]) du sol dans leur vrai état des contraintes. L'étude menée dans ce travail se résume essentiellement en deux volets. Une présentation détaillée, des différentes méthodes et techniques qui déterminent la vitesse d'onde de cisaillement V[indice inférieur s] lors de la caractérisation des sols, est faite en premier stade. On se focalise à décrire le dispositif des bilames piézo-électriques (utilités, avantages et limitations). En second volet, on se consacre sur la caractérisation des sols granulaires au moyen de V[indice inférieur s]. Des simulations numériques illustrées par des essais aux laboratoires sur un modèle simplifié de la cellule oedométrique équipée du dispositif des anneaux piézo-électriques, ont été dirigés. En considérant trois sols pulvérulents de différentes propriétés granulométriques, on a pu voir les difficultés d'interprétation des résultats suivant les méthodes directes dans le domaine temporel. Alors que, des résultats traités dans le domaine fréquentiel se sont avérés plus réalistes.

Sensitivity studies with a surface and channel runoff module coupled to a mesoscale atmospheric model

Mölders, Nicole, Rühaak, Wolfram 06 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A module to investigate ground water recharge was developed, and implemented into the mesoscale meteorological model GESIMA (Geesthacht’s simulation model of the atmosphere) as well as coupled to a soil-vegetation scheme. Important features of the ground water module are the determination of surface and channel runoff. A comparison of the results provided by GESIMA with and without consideration of surface and channel runoff shows a remarkable impact of surface runoff on the soil moisture fluxes. Substituting water meadows by willow-forests demonstrates their importance for soil moisture fluxes. / Ein Modul zur Untersuchung von Grundwasserneubildung wurde entwickelt, in das mesoskalige meteorologische Modell GESIMA (Geesthachter Simulationsmodell der Atmosphäre) integriert und an ein Boden-Vegetationsmodell gekoppelt. Wesentliche Bestandteile des Grundwassermoduls sind die Berechnung des Oberflächen- und Gerinneabflusses. Ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse von GESIMA, die mit und ohne Oberflächen- und Gerinneabfluss erstellt wurden, belegt einen deutlichen Einfluss des Oberflächenabflusses auf die berechneten Feuchteflüsse im Boden. Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Auenwäldern auf die Grundwasserneubildung belegen deren Bedeutung für die Wasserflüsse im Boden.

From Model to Module: A move towards generative choreography

Ölme, Rasmus January 2014 (has links)
The thesis engages in Choreography and Dance Technique by delineating the concepts and practices that the artistic research project MODUL has generated. A modular method of choreographing is articulated. The MODUL method of choreography starts by making a topographical movement analysis of the context that the work engages with. This analysis results in an identification of the different agencies at work within the context approached. They are considered as Choreographic Agents and as elements of the modular assemblage. The choreographic act then performed consists of a re-articulation of the relations between the different elements. The MODUL method links movement practice and art production as the topographical movement analysis is also applied to, and conceptualised through, the body. In terms of dance technique the MODUL method works with the same topographical movement analysis to explore bodily functionalities as Choreographic Agents. The technique is called Body-Self Attunement and aims at tuning the self, understood as the symbolic body, with the biological body. Body-Self Attunement does not try to unify the symbolic body and the biological body but affirms the gap as generative. The term Generative Choreography is coined in order to emphasise the performative aspect of choreography that is not defined by what it is, but what it does.

Effect of Leg Geometries, Configurations, and Dimensions on Thermo-mechanical and Power-generation Performance of Thermoelectric Devices

Erturun, Ugur 01 January 2014 (has links)
Environmental challenges, such as global warming, growing demand on energy, and diminishing oil sources have accelerated research on alternative energy conversion methods. Thermoelectric power generation is a promising method to convert wasted heat energy into useful electrical energy form. A temperature gradient imposed on a thermoelectric device produces a Seebeck potential. However, this temperature gradient causes thermal stresses due to differential thermal expansions and mismatching of the bonded components of the device. Thermal stresses are critical for thermoelectric devices since they can generate failures, including dislocations, cracks, fatigue fractures, and even breakdown of the entire device. Decreases in power-generation performance and operation lifetime are major consequences of these failures. In order to minimize thermal stresses in the legs without affecting power-generation capabilities, this study concentrates on structural solutions. Thermoelectric devices with non-segmented and segmented legs were modeled. Specifically, the possible effect of various leg geometries, configurations, and dimensions were evaluated using finite-element and statistical methods. Significant changes in the magnitudes and distributions of thermal stresses occurred. Specifically, the maximum equivalent stresses in the rectangular-prism and cylindrical legs were 49.9 MPa and 43.3 MPa, respectively for the temperature gradient of 100ºC. By using cylindrical legs with modified dimensions, decreases in the maximum stresses in legs reached 21.2% without affecting power-generation performance. Moreover, the effect of leg dimensions and coaxial-leg configurations on power generation was significant; in contrast, various leg geometries and rotated-leg configurations had very limited affect. In particular, it was possible to increase power output from 20 mW to 65 mW by simply modifying leg widths and heights within the defined range. It should be noted, however, this modification also increased stress levels. It is concluded that leg geometries, configurations, and dimensions can be redesigned for improved durability and overall performance of thermoelectric devices.

Conception et amélioration des propriétés amortissantes des composites auxétiques basés sur l'utilisation des outils de la micromécanique / Design concepts and methods for high damping/dynamic properties of auxetic reinforced multifunctional materials

Azoti, Wiyao Leleng 25 September 2012 (has links)
La conception de matériaux composites à particules, fibres ou structures sandwichs, faits de renforts auxétiques en vue de l'amélioration des propriétés amortissantes, est analysée dans cette thèse. Pour une telle analyse, le comportement auxétique décrivant un coefficient de Poisson négatif nécessite d'être compris tant d'un point de vue « effet structure » que « effet matériau ». Ce dernier point c'est-à-dire l'« effet matériau », faisant référence à la forme, aux orientations et différentes propriétés des phases constitutives du matériau, reste peu documenté dans la littérature scientifique. Ainsi partant d'un formalisme micromécanique basé sur l'équation cinématique intégrale de Dederichs et Zeller, nous explorons dans un premier temps et analytiquement le domaine de validité du matériau composite auxétique par le schéma mono-site de Mori-Tanaka. Ensuite des microstructures plus complexes, à l'instar de la microstructure du vide multi-enrobé et celle d'un cluster réentrant d'inclusions ellipsoïdales prenant en compte les interactions de ces dernières, sont étudiées et validées par des simulations Eléments Finis. Les résultats de ces analyses nous indiquent, par ailleurs dans le cas des matériaux isotropes que le comportement auxétique n'est atteint que si et seulement si une des phases du composite est initialement auxétique. Aussi, la nécessité d'introduire des liaisons ou inter-connections au niveau des inclusions ellipsoïdales est montrée comme étant la méthode conduisant à un effet auxétique au niveau de la microstructure du cluster réentrant. Outre cette analyse préliminaire sur le domaine de validité du comportement auxétique dans les composites, l'effet de l'introduction d'inclusions auxétiques dans une matrice viscoélastique en l'occurrence le PolyVinyle de Butyral (PVB) d'une part et l'utilisation de couches viscoélastiques et auxétiques dans les structures sandwichs d'autre part, ont été étudiés. Les réponses de ces matériaux en termes de propriétés amortissantes, telles que le module de stockage et le facteur de perte, sont alors déterminées et discutées par rapport aux composites à renforts non auxétiques (conventionnels) / The design of composite (particles/fibers or structures) materials, consisting of auxetic reinforcements, with enhanced damping properties is studied herein. For such analysis, the auxetic behavior describing a negative Poisson's ratio needs to be understood as "structure effect" point of view than "material effect". Indeed, the "material effect" which treats of the topological and morphological textures of the composite constituents remains poorly documented in the literature. Based on the kinematic integral equation of Dederichs and Zeller, the design space of auxetic composite materials is explored initially through an analytical one-site formulation of the Mori-Tanaka micromechanics scheme. Then, more complex microstructures are investigated from micromechanics formalism as well as Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations. One can cite the multilayered hollow-cored microstructure and the microstructure describing a cluster of re-entrant ellipsoidal inclusions in which the interaction among them (inclusions) is taken into account. The results provided by these investigations show us for instance in the case of isotropic materials that auxeticity is achieved if and only if one of the material?s constituents (inclusion or matrix) is initially auxetic. Also, it is noticed in the case of ellipsoidal inclusions describing the re-entrant cluster that auxetic behavior can be recovered by introducing joints between inclusions. Otherwise, favorable issues are only expected with auxetic components. In addition to this preliminary analysis concerning the validity domain of auxetic behavior in composites, the effect of inserting auxetic reinforcements within a viscoelastic matrix for instance PolyVinylButyral (PVB) on the one hand, and the use of auxetic and viscoelastic layers in sandwich structures on the other hand, are studied. The response of these materials in terms of damping properties, such as the storage modulus and the loss factor are then identified and discussed versus non-auxetic (conventional) composite reinforcements

Moduly s minimální množinou generátorů / Moduly s minimální množinou generátorů

Hrbek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Title: Modules with a minimal generating set Author: Michal Hrbek Department: Department of Algebra Supervisor: Mgr. Pavel Růžička, Ph.D., Department of Algebra Abstract: By a minimal generating set of a module we mean a subset which generates the module but any of its proper subsets does not. If the module is not finitely generated, an existence of a minimal generating set is not guaranteed. We say that a module is weakly based if it has a minimal generating set. In the presented thesis, we provide a characterization of weakly based modules over Dedekind domains. As an application of this, we show that the class of weakly based modules is not closed under extensions and the complement of this class is not closed under finite direct sums. Also, we show an example of an abelian group which is weakly based if and only if CH holds. Then we treat rings such that all modules are weakly based. We prove that a Baer regular ring has this property if and only if it is semisimple, and we show that any ℵ0-noetherian commutative semiartinian ring has this property. Final part of the text concerns the problem of Nashier and Nichols - does any generating set of any module over a perfect ring contain a minimal generating set? Keywords: module, minimal generating set, weak basis 1

Structural and functional studies of interactions between [beta]-1,3-glucan and the N-terminal domains of [beta]-1,3-glucan recognition proteins involved in insect innate immunity

Dai, Huaien January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biochemistry / Ramaswamy Krishnamoorthi / Insect [beta]-1,3-glucan recognition protein ([beta]GRP), a soluble receptor in the hemolymph, binds to the surfaces of bacteria and fungi and activates serine protease cascades that promote destruction of pathogens by means of melanization or expression of antimicrobial peptides. Delineation of mechanistic details of these processes may help develop strategies to control insect-borne diseases and economic losses. Multi-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques were employed to solve the solution structure of the Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella) [beta]GRP N-terminal domain (N-[beta]GRP), which is sufficient to activate the prophenoloxidase (proPO) pathway resulting in melanin formation. This is the first determined three-dimensional structure of N-[beta]GRP, which adopts an immunoglobulin fold. Addition of laminarin, a [beta]-1,3 and [beta]-1,6 link-containing glucose polysaccharide (∼6 kDa) that activates the proPO pathway, to N-[beta]GRP results in the loss of NMR cross-peaks from the backbone [subscript]1[subscript]5N-[subscript]1H groups of the protein, suggesting the formation of a large complex. Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) studies of formation of the N-[beta]GRP:laminarin complex show that ligand binding induces self-association of the protein-carbohydrate complex into a macro structure, likely containing six protein and three laminarin molecules (∼102 kDa). The macro complex is quite stable, as it does not undergo dissociation upon dilution to submicromolar concentrations. The structural model thus derived from this study for the N-[beta]GRP:laminarin complex in solution differs from the one in which a single N-[beta]GRP molecule has been proposed to bind to a triple-helical form of laminarin on the basis of a X-ray crystal structure of the N-[beta]GRP:laminarihexaose complex. AUC studies and phenoloxidase activation measurements made with designed mutants of N-[beta]GRP indicate that electrostatic interactions between the ligand-bound protein molecules contribute to the stability of the N-[beta]GRP:laminarin complex and that a decreased stability results in a reduction of proPO activation. These novel findings suggest that ligand-induced self-association of the [beta]GRP:[beta]-1,3-glucan complex may form a platform on a microbial surface for recruitment of downstream proteases, as a means of amplification of the pathogen recognition signal. In the case of the homolog of GNBPA2 from Anopheles gambiae, the malaria-causing Plasmodium carrier, multiligand specificity was characterized, suggesting a functional diversity of the immunoglobulin domain structure.

A module to couple an atmospheric and a hydrologic model

Mölders, Nicole, Beckmann, Thomas, Raabe, Armin 02 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A land-surface module to couple a meteorological and a hydrologic model is described. lt was implemented and tested in the Leipzig\'s version of GESIMA. Preliminary results of a coupling with NASMO are presented, although this article mainly focuses on the description of the module and its effect on the atmospheric water cycle. One positive impact of the module is that it allows to produce subgrid-scale evapotranspiration in more details and to heterogenize precipitation. This strongly affects soil wetness, cloudiness and the thermal regime of the atmospheric boundary layer. / Ein Bodenmodul zur Kopplung eines meteorologischen mit einem hydrologischen Modell wird vorgestellt. Er wurde implementiert und getestet in der Leipziger Version von GESIMA. Obgleich der Schwerpunkt des Artikels auf der Beschreibung des Moduls und seiner Auswirkung auf den atmosphärischen Wasserkreislauf liegt, werden auch vorläufige Ergebnisse einer Kopplung mit NASMO präsentiert. Ein positiver Effekt des Moduls ist, daß er ermöglicht, detaillierter die subskalige Evapotranspiration zu beschreiben und den Niederschlag zu heterogenisieren. Dies wirkt sich stark auf die Bodenfeuchte, die Bewölkung und das thermische Regime der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht aus.

Analýza personální práce / Possible applications of the personal module in enterprise information system

Valeš, Jaromír January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to become familiar with the personal module within the framework of enterprise information system DIALOG 3000S and subsequent suggestion of measure and procedure when implementing its functions in operation. First of all, it concerns the functions linked with the organizational structure and professions within integrated. Theoretical part is focused on general introduction of enterprise processes widely, then the issues of personal information system are analyzed, especially its integration to the enterprise information system as a whole. The practical part features introduction of the company Romotop, ltd. and information system DIALOG 3000S, firstly its integrated personal module. Then the actual situation of the module is analyzed and thus the reflections which function should be putted in operation and the way of the procedure.

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