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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conception de récepteurs solaires à lit fluidisé sous flux radiatif concentré / Design of fluidized bed solar receivers under concentrated radiative flux

Baud, Germain 08 November 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer le positionnement et le potentiel des récepteurs à lit fluidisé à changement de section par rapport aux autres méthodes de chauffage de gaz à haute température par voie solaire. A cette fin, une connaissance approfondie des phénomènes thermiques et hydrodynamiques du récepteur est nécessaire. Pour acquérir cette connaissance, nous avons modélisé les transferts thermiques dans le récepteur en portant une attention particulière sur les transferts radiatifs en prenant en compte les diffusions multiples de la lumière dans le milieu particulaire, les effets de parois sur les transferts radiatifs et la directionnalité du rayonnement solaire concentré. La détermination précise de la distribution de particules dans le ciel du lit fluidisé s'est avérée un paramètre critique pour le calcul des transferts thermiques. Ces modèles, plus tard affinés par une confrontation avec des références expérimentales, nous ont permis d'explorer l'effet de la géométrie sur les transferts thermiques dans le récepteur. Il ont permis entre autres de mettre en évidence l'intérêt d'utiliser une colonne de fluidisation à changement de section et l'importance de l'optimisation du couple concentrateur solaire / récepteur afin d'éviter d'éventuelles surchauffes au niveau des parois du récepteur. De même, il semble que l'homogénéisation de la température dans le lit fluidisé contenu dans le récepteur soit favorable à son rendement. / The aim of this work is to evaluate the position and the potential of solar fluidized bed receivers compared to other methods for the solar heating of gases at high temperature. To this end, a thorough knowledge of the heat transfer and hydrodynamic of the receiver is necessary. To acquire this knowledge, we modeled the heat transfer in the receiver with a focus on the radiative transfer by taking into account the multiple scattering of light in the particle medium, the effect of walls on radiative heat transfer and the directionality of the concentrated solar radiation. The accurate determination of the distribution of particles within the fluidized bed has been a critical parameter for the calculation of heat transfer. With these models, later refined by a confrontation with experimental references, we have studied the effect of geometry on heat transfer in the receiver. This study highlighted the necessity to use a switching section fluidization column and the importance to optimize the pair : solar concentrator / receiver to avoid any overheating at the walls of the receiver. Moreover, it appears that the homogenization of the temperature in the fluidized bed of the receiver increase its performance.

Estimation de la vitesse des courants marins à partir de séquences d'images satellitaires / Oceanic currents estimation from satellite image sequences

Beyou, Sébastien 12 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie des méthodes d'assimilation de données par filtrage particulaire à l'estimation d'écoulements fluides observés au travers de séquences d'images. Nous nous appuyons sur un filtre particulaire spécifique dont la distribution de proposition est donnée par un filtre de Kalman d'ensemble, nommé filtre de Kalman d'ensemble pondéré. Deux variations à celui-ci sont introduites et étudiées. La première consiste à utiliser un bruit dynamique (permettant de modéliser l'incertitude du modèle et de séparer les particules entre elles) dont la forme spatiale suit une loi de puissance, cohérente avec la théorie phénoménologique de la turbulence. La deuxième variation repose sur un schéma d'assimilation multi-échelles introduisant un mécanisme de raffinements successifs à partir d'observations à des échelles de plus en plus petites. Ces deux méthodes ont été testées sur des séquences synthétiques et expérimentales d'écoulements 2D incompressibles. Ces résultats montrent un gain important sur l'erreur quadratique moyenne. Elles ont ensuite été testées sur des séquences d'images satellite réelles. Sur les images réelles, une bonne cohérence temporelle est observée, ainsi qu'un bon suivi des structures de vortex. L'assimilation multi-échelles montre un gain visible sur le nombre d'échelles reconstruites. Quelques variations additionnelles sont aussi présentées et testées afin de s'affranchir de problèmes importants rencontrés dans un contexte satellitaire réel. Il s'agit notamment de la prise en compte de données manquantes sur les images de température de surface de l'océan. En dernier lieu, une expérience d'un filtre de Kalman d'ensemble pondéré avec un modèle océanique complet est présentée pour une assimilation de champs de courants de surface en mer d'Iroise, à l'embouchure de la Manche. Quelques autres pistes d'amélioration sont également esquissées et testées. / This thesis studies fluid flows estimation with particle filtering-based assimilation methods imaged using digital cameras. We rely on a specific particle filter, of which the proposal distribution is given by an Ensemble Kalman Filter, namely the Weighted Ensemble Kalman Filter. Two variations of this method are introduced and tested. The first consists in using a dynamical noise (which modelizes the model uncertainty and separates the particles from each others); its spatial form obeys to a power law stemming from the phenomenological theory of the turbulence. The second variation relies on a multiscale assimilation scheme introduicing successive refinements from observations at smaller and smaller scales. These two methods are tested on synthetic and experimental sequences of 2D incompressible flows. Results show an important gain on the Root Mean Square Error. They are then tested on real satellite images. A good temporal coherence and a good tracking of vortex structures are observed on the real images. The multiscale assimilation shows a visible gain on the number of reconstructed scales. Some additional variations are also presented and tested in order to take into account important problems in a real satellite context. The main contribution is the management of missing data areas in the Sea Surface Temperature sequence. Lastly an experiment involving a Weighted Ensemble Kalman Filter with a complete oceanic model is presented for a surface currents fields assimilation in Iroise Sea near the English Channel mouth. Some other improvements are also drawn and tested.

Theoretical and computational considerations of Quasi-Free (p; 2p) reactions using the distorted-wave impulse approximation and Monte Carlo simulations in Geant4

Lisa, Nyameko 09 1900 (has links)
Under current investigation is the re-implementation of the Distorted-Wave Impulse Approximation (DWIA), originally formulated in FORTRAN by N.S. Chant and P.G. Roos, with the intention of developing it in a portable Python environment. This will be complimented by developing a GEANT4 detector simulation application. These two techniques will be used to model the (p,2p) proton knock-out reaction 40Ca(p; 2p)39K (2.52 MeV)1 2 + first excited state, at intermediate incident energies of 150 MeV. This study is a test-bed that lays the foundation and platform from which one may develop an interactive workbench and toolkit in GEANT4 which: (i.) accurately models an accelerator-detector experimental set-up, such as those found at iThemba Labs, and (ii.) incorporates the DWIA formalism as a built-in physics process within the framework of GEANT4. Furthermore the Python modules developed for the specific proton knock-out reaction studied here, can be generalized for an arbitrary set of nuclear scattering reactions and packaged as a suite of scientific Python codes. / Theoretical and Computational Nuclear Physics / M. Sc. (Theoretical and Computational Nuclear Physics)

Métodos de Monte Carlo Hamiltoniano na inferência Bayesiana não-paramétrica de valores extremos / Monte Carlo Hamiltonian methods in non-parametric Bayesian inference of extreme values

Hartmann, Marcelo 09 March 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho propomos uma abordagem Bayesiana não-paramétrica para a modelagem de dados com comportamento extremo. Tratamos o parâmetro de locação μ da distribuição generalizada de valor extremo como uma função aleatória e assumimos um processo Gaussiano para tal função (Rasmussem & Williams 2006). Esta situação leva à intratabilidade analítica da distribuição a posteriori de alta dimensão. Para lidar com este problema fazemos uso do método Hamiltoniano de Monte Carlo em variedade Riemanniana que permite a simulação de valores da distribuição a posteriori com forma complexa e estrutura de correlação incomum (Calderhead & Girolami 2011). Além disso, propomos um modelo de série temporal autoregressivo de ordem p, assumindo a distribuição generalizada de valor extremo para o ruído e determinamos a respectiva matriz de informação de Fisher. No decorrer de todo o trabalho, estudamos a qualidade do algoritmo em suas variantes através de simulações computacionais e apresentamos vários exemplos com dados reais e simulados. / In this work we propose a Bayesian nonparametric approach for modeling extreme value data. We treat the location parameter μ of the generalized extreme value distribution as a random function following a Gaussian process model (Rasmussem & Williams 2006). This configuration leads to no closed-form expressions for the highdimensional posterior distribution. To tackle this problem we use the Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm which allows samples from the posterior distribution with complex form and non-usual correlation structure (Calderhead & Girolami 2011). Moreover, we propose an autoregressive time series model assuming the generalized extreme value distribution for the noise and obtained its Fisher information matrix. Throughout this work we employ some computational simulation studies to assess the performance of the algorithm in its variants and show many examples with simulated and real data-sets.

Projeto e análise de aplicações de circuladores ativos para a operação em frequências de ultrassom Doppler de ondas contínuas / Design and application analysis of active circulators for operation in frequencies of continuous-wave Doppler ultrasound

Santini, Tales Roberto de Souza 11 July 2014 (has links)
Os circuladores tradicionais são amplamente utilizados em telecomunicações e defesa militar para o simultâneo envio e recepção de sinais por um único meio. Esses circuitos passivos, fabricados a partir de materiais ferromagnéticos, possuem a desvantagem do aumento de dimensões, peso e custos de fabricação com a diminuição da frequência de operação definida no projeto destes dispositivos, inviabilizando sua aplicação em frequências abaixo de 500 MHz. O circulador ativo surgiu como uma alternativa aos tradicionais, tendo aplicações em frequências desde o nível DC até a ordem de dezenas de gigahertz. As suas maiores aplicações ocorrem quando são necessários dispositivos compactos, de baixo custo e de baixa potência. Os primeiros circuitos propostos possuíam uma grande limitação em termos de frequência de operação e de potência entregue à carga. Entretanto, com os avanços tecnológicos na eletrônica, tais problemas podem ser amenizados atualmente. Neste trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um circuito circulador ativo para a utilização em instrumentação eletrônica, em particular para a operação em frequências na ordem das utilizadas em equipamentos de ultrassom Doppler de ondas contínuas, na faixa de 2 MHz a 10 MHz. As possíveis vantagens da implementação de circuladores em sistemas de ultrassom estão relacionadas ao incremento da relação sinal-ruído, aumento da área de recepção do transdutor, simplificação da construção do transdutor, simplificação do circuito de demodulação/ processamento, e maior isolação entre os circuitos de transmissão e recepção de sinais. Na fase inicial, o circulador ativo proposto é modelado por equacionamento, utilizando-se tanto o modelo ideal dos amplificadores operacionais como o seu modelo de resposta em frequência. Simulações computacionais foram executadas para confirmar a validade do equacionamento. Um circuito montado em placa de prototipagem rápida foi apresentado, e testes de prova de conceito em baixas frequências foram realizados, mostrando uma grande semelhança entre o teórico, o simulado e o experimental. A segunda parte contou com o projeto do circuito circulador para a operação em maiores frequências. O circuito proposto é composto por três amplificadores operacionais de realimentação por corrente e vários componentes passivos. Uma análise de sensibilidade utilizando os métodos de Monte-Carlo e análise do pior caso foi aplicada, resultando em um perfil de comportamento frente às variações dos componentes do circuito e às variações da impedância de carga. Uma placa de circuito impressa foi projetada, utilizando-se de boas práticas de leiaute para a operação em altas frequências. Neste circuito montado, foram realizados os seguintes testes e medições: comportamento no domínio do tempo, faixa dinâmica, nível de isolação em relação à amplitude do sinal, largura de banda, levantamento dos parâmetros de espalhamento, e envio e recepção de sinais por transdutor de ultrassom Doppler de ondas contínuas. Os resultados dos testes de desempenho foram satisfatórios, apresentando uma banda de transmissão de sinais para frequências de 100 MHz, isolação entre portas não consecutivas de 39 dB na frequência de interesse para ultrassom Doppler e isolação maior que 20 dB para frequências de até 35 MHz. A faixa dinâmica excedeu a tensão de 5 Vpp, e o circuito teve bom comportamento no envio e na recepção simultânea de sinais pelo transdutor de ultrassom. / Traditional circulators are widely used in both telecommunications and military defense for sending and receiving signals simultaneously through a single medium. These passive circuits which are manufactured from ferromagnetic materials, have the disadvantages of having suffered an increase in dimensions, weight, and manufacturing costs along with the decrease in the operation frequency established in the designs of such devices, thus preventing their useful employment in frequencies below 500 MHz. The active circulator emerged as an alternative to the traditional ones, and has applications on frequencies ranging from a DC level to levels involving dozens of gigahertz. It is applicable when compact devices are made necessary, at a low cost, and for low frequencies. The first circuits to be introduced had a major limitation in terms of operating frequency and power delivered to the load. However, due to technological advances in electronics, problems such as the aforementioned can now be minimized. This research work presents the development of an active circulator circuit to be used in electronic instrumentation, particularly for operation at frequencies such as those used in continuous wave Doppler ultrasound equipment, ranging from 2 MHz to 10 MHz. The advantages made possible by implementing ultrasound systems with circulators are related to an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio, an increase in the transducers reception area, a simplified construction of the transducer, simplification of the demodulation/processing circuit, and a greater isolation between the transmission circuits and signal reception. In the initial phase, the proposed active circulator was modeled by means of an equating method, using both the ideal model of operational amplifiers and the model of frequency response. Computer simulations were carried out in order to confirm the validity of the equating method. A circuit mounted upon a breadboard was introduced and proof of concept assessments were performed at low frequencies, showing a great similarity among the theoretical, simulated and experimented data. The second phase is when the circulator circuits design was developed in order make its operation at higher frequencies possible. The proposed circuit is comprised of three currentfeedback operational amplifiers and several passive components. A sensitivity analysis was carried out using Monte-Carlo methods and worst-case analyses, resulting in a certain behavioral profile influenced by variations in circuit components and variations in load impedance. A printed circuit board was designed, employing good practice layout standards so that operation at high frequencies would be achieved. The following evaluations and measurements were performed on the circuit that was assembled: time domain behavior, dynamic range, isolation level relative to signal amplitude, bandwidth, survey of the scattering parameters, and transmission and reception of signals by a continuous wave Doppler ultrasound transducer. The results of the performance tests were satisfactory, presenting a 100 MHz signal transmission band, isolation between non-consecutive ports of 39 dB at the frequency of interest to the Doppler ultrasound, and an isolation greater than 20 dB for frequencies of up to 35 MHz. The dynamic range exceeded the 5Vpp and the circuit performed satisfactorily in the simultaneous transmission and reception of signals through the ultrasound\'s transducer.

Influence des fautes transitoires sur la fiabilité d'un système contrôlé en réseau / Impact of transient faults on the reliability evaluation of a networked control system

Ghostine, Rony 12 June 2008 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'évaluation de la sûreté de fonctionnement des systèmes commandés en réseau (SCR). La capacité des systèmes de commandes à compenser les effets de certaines défaillances de composants amène à redéfinir le concept de défaillances du système. La conséquence est que l'évaluation de la fiabilité prévisionnelle du système est dépendante de l'évaluation fonctionnelle et devient impossible avec les méthodes traditionnelles de la sûreté de fonctionnement. Pour surmonter ces difficultés, une approche basée sur la modélisation en vue de la simulation est proposée. Nous avons choisi les Réseaux d'activités stochastiques (SAN) largement connus dans la modélisation des protocoles de communication ainsi que dans les études de la sûreté de fonctionnement. Dans un premier temps, nous avons cherché à identifier l'incidence de deux types de défaillances fugitives : la perte d'un échantillon d'une part et le retard d'un échantillon dans la boucle de régulation d'autre part. Après, nous simulons le comportement en présence des deux types de perturbations simultanément, mettant en évidence des effets cumulatifs. Si on tient compte maintenant du fait que l'origine des pertes ou retards est due à la présence du réseau, il faut l'introduire dans le modèle. On introduit alors dans le modèle global du système la représentation SAN d'un réseau CAN et l'injection des défaillances dans celui-ci. La méthode de Monte Carlo est utilisée pour estimer les indicateurs de sûreté de fonctionnement et on montre l'influence de certains facteurs comme la charge du réseau par exemple. Nous avons proposé une méthode et les outils associés pour approcher cette évaluation par simulation et ainsi apporter une aide à la conception des systèmes satisfaisant à des exigences critiques sur certains paramètres de performance / Achieved work in this thesis deals with dependability evaluation of networked controlled system (NCS). The ability of control system to offset the effects of some components’ failure leads to redefine the concept of system failure. Consequently the reliability evaluation is dependent on functional parameters and becomes impossible with traditional dependability methods. This work aims at bringing a contribution relative to this aspect. To overcome these difficulties, an approach based on both modelling and simulation is proposed. We choose to work with stochastic activity network (SAN) widely used in modelling communication protocols as well as in dependability studies. First we sought to identify the incidence of two types of transient faults: loss of samples and delay within the control loop. Next we simulate the behaviour in the presence of two types of disturbances at the same time highlighting the cumulative effects. In fact the origin of the loss or delay information inside the control loop is due to the presence of the network, this aspect must be taken into account, that is why we introduce a new model representing the Controller Area Network (CAN) and injection of possible perturbations. Monte-Carlo method is used to estimate dependability parameters showing the influence of some factors such as network load for example. We have proposed a method and associated tools to approach this evaluation by simulation and thus provide assistance in designing systems to meet requirements on certain performance parameters

Radiative properties computational modeling of porous cellular materials / Modélisation informatique de matières cellulaires poreuses

Cunsolo, Salvatore 23 January 2018 (has links)
Les transferts thermiques par rayonnement dans des mousses sont modélisés à partir de la morphologie du matériau et des propriétés de sa phase solide. Dans ce travail de thèse, une attention particulière est portée sur les modèles radiatifs de Monte Carlo. Les différentes approches d’homogénéisation telles que « Homogeneous Phase » (HPA) and « Multi Phase » (MPA) sont discutées et comparées. Des développements novateurs sont proposés pour améliorer la précision des résultats. Nos avancées permettent de générer numériquement trois types de mousses périodiques couvrant un large domaine de matériaux cellulaires: mousse à pores fermés à haute porosité, mousse à cellules ouvertes à basse et haute porosité. Pour ces dernières, des comparaisons morphologiques avec des données expérimentales tomographiques, montrent des résultats satisfaisants et tendent à valider nos modèles de génération. Des mousses dont la phase solide est opaque ont tout d’abord été étudiées. Nos simulations ont permis de trouver de nouvelles lois analytiques précises permettant d’estimer les propriétés radiatives de ces matériaux à partir de données morphologiques. Ensuite, nous avons considéré des mousses, dont la phase solide est semi transparente. La modélisation du transfert radiatif au sein de ces milieux cellulaires est plus complexe. Les méthodes de modélisation des propriétés radiatives de la littérature, HPA et MPA, sont testées. Des simulations de Monte carlo directes dans les matériaux ont permis de mettre en exergue les limites de ces modèles. Des modèles novateurs ont été proposés afin d’ améliorer la précision des simulations. Ils sont basés sur une méthode hybride directe-inverse et une modification de l’équation de transfert radiatif classique. Ces nouveaux modèles (HPA+ et MPA+) ont été testés sur un ensemble varié de morphologies générées numériquement. Les modèles améliorés sont systématiquement plus précis que les modèles existants / Cellular media such as plastic, ceramic and metal foams present specific characteristics that make them interesting for a number of applications related to thermal engineering. Their ability to minimize natural convection makes them ideal candidates for insulation applications, while the high specific surface and permeability to fluid of open cell foams makes them interesting heat transfer enhancers. In addition, their permeability to light makes them an ideal candidate for thermal radiation based applications, such as porous burners or solar energy collectors. In many of these application, thermal radiation heat transfer can have a significant influence on the heat transfer process. Both accurate radiation models and accurate morphological models of the structure of the foam are required. This work provides an original contribution on both these accounts. A discussion of the literature on numerical methods for radiation heat transfer in cellular media is presented, with focus on Monte Carlo methods. Homogeneous Phase (HPA) and Multi Phase (MPA) methods are discussed. Further efforts are required to accurately model and digitally replicate of foam morphologies. Our goal is to digitally generate three commonly occurring types of foam structures, covering a large range of real materials: high-porosity open cell foams, high-porosity closed cell foams, low-porosity open-cell structures. For high-porosity open cell foams, the automated parametric digital generation technique was validated against a dataset consisting of raw morphological data obtained by tomographic analysis. The generation capabilities were then applied to parametrically investigate the influence of morphological parameters on the radiative properties (namely, the extinction coefficient) of an opaque open-cell foam. Highly accurate analytical relationships were subsequently deduced and validated by comparison with results obtained from tomography samples. Modeling radiation in foams with a semi-transparent solid phase is substantially more complex. A Direct Monte-Carlo Homogenization reference technique is proposed, that allows to simulate radiation within arbitrary cavities and calculate macroscopic radiative quantities based on a Representative Elementary Volume (REV) of cellular material. The technique is validated against full scale Monte Carlo simulations. Improvements of the existing Homogeneous Phase and Multi Phase approach are proposed, through extensive use of inverse methods and the addition of one equation to take into account specific phenomena taking place in the semi-transparent solid phase. The resulting Improved Homogenized Approaches are extensively tested by comparing them with Direct Monte Carlo Homogenization simulations and existing homogenized models, on a varied set of morphologies making full use of the previously developed digital generation techniques. The improved models consistently outperform existing homogenized models.

From few-body atomic physics to many-body statistical physics : the unitary Bose gas and the three-body hard-core model / De la physique atomique à peu de corps à la physique statistique à N-corps : le gaz de Bose unitaire et le modèle de cœur dur à trois corps

Comparin, Tommaso 06 December 2016 (has links)
Les gaz d'atomes ultrafroids offrent des possibilités sans précédent pour la réalisation et la manipulation des systèmes quantiques. Le contrôle exercé sur les interactions entre particules permet d'atteindre le régime de fortes interactions, pour des espèces d'atomes à la fois fermioniques et bosoniques. Dans la limite unitaire, où la force d'interaction est à son maximum, des propriétés universelles émergent. Pour les atomes bosoniques, celles-ci comprennent l'effet Efimov, l'existance surprenante d'une séquence infinie d'états liés à trois corps. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudiés un système de bosons unitaires. Partant des cas à deux et à trois corps, nous avons montrés que le modèle choisi capturait correctement les caractéristiques universelles de l'effet Efimov. Pour le modèle à N-corps, nous avons développé un algorithme de Monte Carlo quantique capable de réaliser les différentes phases thermodynamiques du système : gaz normal à haute-température, condensat de Bose-Einstein, et liquide d'Efimov. Un unique composant de notre modèle resterait pertinent à la limite de température infinie, à savoir la répulsion corps dur à trois corps, qui constitue une généralisation du potentiel classique entre sphères dures. Pour ce modèle, nous avons proposé une solution au problème d'empilement compact en deux et trois dimensions, fondée sur une Ansatz analytique et sur la technique de recuit simulé. En étendant ces résultats à une situation de pression finie, nous avons montré que le système présente une transition de fusion discontinue, que nous avons identifié à travers la méthode de Monte Carlo. / Ultracold atomic gases offer unprecedented possibilities to realize and manipulate quantum systems. The control on interparticle interactions allows to reach the strongly-interacting regime, with both fermionic and bosonic atomic species. In the unitary limit, where the interaction strength is at its maximum, universal properties emerge. For bosonic atoms, these include the Efimov effect, the surprising existence of an infinite sequence of three-body bound states. In this thesis, we have studied a system of unitary bosons. Starting from the two- and three-body cases, we have shown that the chosen model correctly captures the universal features of the Efimov effect. For the corresponding many-body problem, we have developed a quantum Monte Carlo algorithm capable of realizing the different thermodynamic phases in which the system may exist: The high-temperature normal gas, Bose-Einstein condensate, and Efimov liquid. A single ingredient of our model would remain relevant in the infinite-temperature limit, namely the three-body hard-core repulsion, which constitutes a generalization of the classical hard-sphere potential. For this model, we have proposed a solution to the two- and three-dimensional packing problem, based on an analytical ansatz and on the simulated-annealing technique. Extending these results to finite pressure showed that the system has a discontinuous melting transition, which we identified through the Monte Carlo method.

Modélisation du transfert thermique couplé conductif et radiatif au sein de milieux fibreux portés à haute température / Modeling of the coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer within fibrous media at high temperature

Dauvois, Yann 14 December 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail, les propriétés thermiques effectives du milieu fibreux sont déterminées en tenant compte du couplage conduction et rayonnement. Un échantillon numérique fibreux statistiquement homogène composé de deux phases a été généré en empilant des cylindres finis absorbant dans le vide. Ces cylindres sont dispersés selon des fonctions de distribution de la position de leur centre et de leur orientation. L'interpénétration des cylindres est permis. L'extinction, l'absorption et la diffusion sont caractérisées par des fonctions statistiques radiatives qui permettent de savoir si le milieu est Beerien (ou non). Elles sont déterminées précisément à l'aide d'une méthode de Monte Carlo. On montre que la phase gazeuse a un comportement Beerien et que le phase fibreuse a un comportement fortement non Beerien. Le champ de puissance radiative déposée dans le milieu fibreux est calculé en résolvant un modèle qui couple une Équation du Transfert Radiatif Généralisée (ETRG) et une Équation du Transfert radiatif Classique (ETR). Le modèle de conduction thermique est basé sur une méthode de marche aléatoire ne nécessitant aucun maillage. La simulation du mouvement Brownien de marcheurs dans les fibres permet de résoudre l'équation de l'énergie. L'idée de la méthode est de caractériser la température d'un volume élémentaire par une densité de marcheurs, qui peuvent parcourir le milieu. Le problème est gouverné par les conditions aux limites ; Une concentration constante de marcheurs (ou un flux constant) est associée à une température imposée (ou un flux). / In the present work, the effective heat transfer properties of fibrous medium are determined by taking into account a coupling of heat conduction and radiation. A virtual, statistically homogeneous, two-phase fibrous sample has been built by stacking finite absorbing cylinders in vaccum. These cylinders are dispersed according to prescribed distribution functions defining the cylinder positions and orientations. Cylinder overlappings are allowed. Extinction, absorption and scattering are characterised by radiative statistical functions which allow the Beerian behaviour of a medium to be assessed (or not). They are accurately determined with a Monte Carlo method. Whereas the gaseous phase exhibits a Beerian behaviour, the fibre phase is strongly non Beerian. The radiative power field deposited within the fibrous material is calculated by resolving a model which couples a Generalized Radiative Transfer Equation (GRTE) and a classic Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE). The model of conduction transfer is based on a random walk method without meshing. The simulation of Brownian motion of walkers in fibres allows the energy equation to be solved. The idea of the method is to characterize the temperature in an elementary volume by the density of walkers, which roam the medium. The problem is governed by boundary conditions ; A constant concentration of walkers (or a constant flux) is associated with a fixed temperature (or flux).

Metodologia de aquisição de dados e análise por software, para sistemas de coincidências 4πβ-γ e sua aplicação na padronização de radionuclídeos, com ênfase em transições metaestáveis / Data acquisition with software analysis methodology for 4πβ-γ coincidence systems and application in radionuclide standardization, with emphasis on metastable transitions

Brancaccio, Franco 06 August 2013 (has links)
O Laboratório de Metrologia Nuclear (LMN) do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) desenvolveu recentemente o Sistema de Coincidência por Software (SCS), para a digitalização e registro dos sinais de seus sistemas de coincidências 4πβ-γ utilizados na padronização de radionuclídeos. O sistema SCS possui quatro entradas analógicas independentes que possibilitam o registro simultâneo dos sinais de até quatro detectores (vias β e γ). A análise dos dados é realizada a posteriori, por software, incluindo discriminação de amplitudes, simulação do tempo-morto da medida e definição do tempo de resolução de coincidências. O software então instalado junto ao SCS estabeleceu a metodologia básica de análise, aplicável a radionuclídeos com decaimento simples, como o 60Co. O presente trabalho amplia a metodologia de análise de dados obtidos com o SCS, de modo a possibilitar o uso de detectores com alta resolução em energia (HPGe), para padronização de radionuclídeos com decaimentos mais complexos, com diferentes ramos de decaimento ou com transições metaestáveis. A expansão metodológica tem suporte na elaboração do programa de análise denominado Coincidence Analyzing Task (CAT). A seção de aplicação inclui as padronizações do 152Eu (diferentes ramos de decaimento) e do 67Ga (nível metaestável). A padronização do 152Eu utilizou uma amostra de uma comparação internacional promovida pelo BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures), podendo-se comparar a atividade obtida com o valores de laboratórios mundialmente reconhecidos, de modo a avaliar e validar a metodologia desenvolvida. Para o 67Ga, foram obtidas: a meia-vida do nível metaestável de 93 keV, por três diferentes técnicas de análise do conjunto de dados (βpronto-γatrasado-HPGe, βpronto-γatrasado-NaI e βpronto- βatrasado); as atividades de cinco amostras, normalizadas por Monte Carlo e as probabilidades de emissão gama por decaimento, para nove transições. / The Nuclear Metrology Laboratory (LMN) at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN São Paulo, Brazil) has recently developed the Software Coincidence System (SCS), for the digitalization and recording of signals from its 4πβγ detection systems. SCS features up four independent analog inputs, enabling the simultaneous recording of up four detectors (β and γ). The analysis task is performed a posteriori, by means of specialized software, including the setting up of energy discrimination levels, dead-time and coincidence resolution time. The software initially installed was able to perform a basic analysis, for the standardization of simple decay radionuclides, such as 60Co. The present work improves the SCS analysis methodology, in order to enable the use of high resolution detectors (HPGe), for standardization of complex decay radionuclides, including metastable transitions or different decay branches. A program called Coincidence Analyzing Task (CAT) was implemented for the data processing. The work also includes an application section, where the standardization results of 152Eu (different decay branches) and 67Ga (with a metastable level) are presented. The 152Eu standardization was considered for the methodology validation, since it was accomplished by the measurement of a sample previously standardized in an international comparison sponsored by the BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures). The activity value obtained in this work, as well as its accuracy, could be compared to those obtained by important laboratories in the world. The 67Ga standardization includes the measurement of five samples, with activity values normalized by Monte Carlo simulation. The 93 keV metastable level half-life and the gamma emission probabilities per decay for nine transition of 67Ga are also presented. The metastable half-life was obtained by three different methods: βprompt-γdelayed-HPGe, βprompt-γdelayed-NaI and βprompt-βdelayed.

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