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Konsultantų motyvavimo tobulinimas / Development of consultants motivationJakaitytė-Gaubienė, Neringa 24 May 2006 (has links)
Final work of the Master‘s studies, 75 pages, 13 pictures, 8 tables, 48 literature sources, 6 appendices, in Lithuanian language.
KEY WORDS: motivation of consultants, motivation tools, motivation system, model of motivation system, structure of motives, motivation level.
Research object: Lithuanian agricultural consulting services, consultants of Chamber of Agriculture of Lithuanian Republic and JSC “ETKC”.
Research subject: motivation system of consultants.
Research aim: to create the consultants’ motivation system based on the analysis of the scientific literature and the results of the researches performed.
1. To analyse and summarize the main concepts and the theories of the motivation of employees.
2. To discuss the means of employees’ motivation and the possible ways of their application.
3. To analyse the employees’ motivation system and prepare a theoretical model of the consultants’ motivation system.
4. To investigate the main factors that motivate the consultants in the enterprises analysed.
5. To create a system of the motivation of consultants based on the results of the research.
Research methods: method of a cooperative scientific research - analysis of the scientific literature, quantitative research method – survey based on questionnaires of the consultants of the organisations in question, method of comparative analysis, method of logical analysis and conclusion findings, method of graphical representation.
On the basis of theoretical part... [to full text]
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Darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos valstybės tarnyboje analizė: Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnybos Ignalinos rinktinės atvejis / The analysis of employee motivation system within the civil service: the case of State Border Guard Service Ignalina territorial unitCicėnaitė, Gintarė 05 February 2013 (has links)
Siekiant kokybiškai įgyvendinti valstybės sienos neliečiamumą, viešąją tvarką, visuomenės saugumą bei kitas VSAT vykdomas funkcijas, ypatingai svarbus yra šias funkcijas įgyvendinančio personalo motyvacijos pažinimas, palaikymas. Mokslinės literatūros gausoje pasigendama tiek teorinių žinių, tiek empirinių duomenų apie VSAT pareigūnų motyvaciją. Didelė personalo kaita, nepasitenkinimas tarnybos sąlygomis ir socialinėmis garantijomis, korupcijos pasireiškimas – problemos bylojančios apie VSAT motyvavimo sistemos neefektyvumą.
Šio magistro darbo objektas - VSAT pareigūnų motyvavimo sistemos efektyvumas.
Tikslas - Nustatyti VSAT pareigūnų motyvavimo sistemos efektyvumą.
Uždaviniai: 1) atskleisti esminius personalo motyvavimo teorinius aspektus, 2) išryškinti personalo motyvacijos valstybės tarnyboje ypatybes, 3) atskleisti pareigūnų motyvavimo VSAT specifiką, 4) ištirti kaip VSAT Ignalinos rinktinėje dirbantys pareigūnai vertina VSAT motyvavimo sistemos efektyvumą, 5) išanalizuoti tyrimo rezultatus ir pateikti siūlymus motyvavimo sistemos tobulinimui.
Hipotezė - VSAT pareigūnų motyvavimo sistema nėra visiškai efektyvi. Atlikus tyrimą, išanalizavus jo rezultatus bei jų pagrindu pateikus siūlymus, galėtų patobulėti pareigūnų motyvavimo sistema VSAT.
Darbo metodai: 1) mokslinės literatūros šaltinių metaanalizė, 2) aprašomasis metodas, 3) atvejo analizė, 4) sintezė, 5) interpretacija, 6) prognozavimas, 7) prielaidų analizė, 8) statistinė analizė, 9) anketinė apklausa 10)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In order to qualitatively implement such functions performed by the State Border Guard Service as protection of the State Border, public order and public security, the recognition and maintenance of the motivation of officials performing these functions become highly important. The abundance of scientific literature lacks both theoretical and empirical data on the motivation of officials in the State Border Guard Service. High vicissitude of employees, dissatisfaction with service conditions and social security, corruption are the problems evidencing the inefficiency of the motivation system in the State Border Guard Service.
The object of this MA thesis is the efficiency of employee motivation system in the State Border Guard Service.
The aim is to determine the efficiency of employee motivation system in the State Border Guard Service
The tasks: 1) to reveal the essential theoretical aspects of employee motivation, 2) to highlight the peculiarities of employee motivation in the civil service, 3) to introduce the specificity of employee motivation in the State Border Guard Service, 4) to investigate how the officials working in the State border Guard Service Ignalina Territorial Unit evaluate the efficiency of motivation system, 5) to examine the results of the investigation and to make proposals for the improvement of the motivation system.
Hypothesis – the employee motivation system in the State Border Guard Service is not completely effective. The investigation, its... [to full text]
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Moderní přístup k motivaci zaměstnanců a metody jejího ovlivňování / The Modern Approach to Motivation of Employees and the Methods it Could be InfluenceKavan, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "The modern approach to motivation of employees and the metohods it could be influence" analyses current motivation program in an actual company and offers suggestions for improvement. The thesis is divided into two sections. The first part is theoretical and explains basic terms related to motivation, stimulation and satisfaction, as well as connection between motivation and performance. Further, it deals with the most significant motivation theories. The second part characterizes the actual enterprise and analyses the motivation system. On the basic of empirical research used questionnaire investigation draw conclusions and propose some measures, the could contribute to improving the business motivation program. The conclusion describes suggestions to improve the motivation system as well as related costs.
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Motivační systém ve vybrané společnosti / Motivation Systems of Selected CompanyJuránková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis summarizes the theoretical knowledge about employees motivation and explains the basic terms connected with this issue. It describes the current trends of employees' requests in the field of motivation system and analyzes the current state of the selected company using a questionnaire survey. On the basis of the identified shortcomings changes are proposed in the incentive system, which should lead to better recruitment and retention of existing employees.
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Motivační systém firmy / Motivation System of CompanyMartinkovičová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Master’s thesis summarizes in global the theoretical terms, which are related to motivation. The firs part is followed by the analytical part, where is describe current condition od the selected company, current motivation system, individual parts of motivation system, reward etc. Based on quantitative research and hypothesis testing, suggestions and measures are compile. This suggestions and measures should lead to the improvement of current motivation system.
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Motivační systém ve vybrané společnosti / Motivational System in a Selected CompanyHofmanová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Thesis contains theoretical knowledge about motivation system and explains basic concepts bound with this topic. Current trends of employee requirements in field of study were gathered using a survey. Based on analysis of the current status and findings, propositions for improving motivation strategy are stated. These suggestions come with quantification of eventual costs needed to realize them and will lead to bigger satisfaction of current employees and more efficient acquisition of new workers.
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Motivační systém firmy / Motivation System of the CompanyKotasová, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on motivation system in a selected company. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on theoretical knowledge that helps to understand the topic. There is description of the motivation, employee evaluation, recognition and rewarding employees, employee benefits and work atmosphere. The second part is a brief description of the selected company and the characteristics of the current motivational system in the company. In the main part there are the results of the analysis based on a questionnaire survey and the results of hypothesis testing. The last part contains suggestions for improving the motivation system which were determined on the basis of analysis and hypotheses.
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Změny motivačního systému společnosti / Changes in the Company's Motivation SystemVejvodová, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the motivation system of a selected factory. The theoretical part deals with the basic theoretical background connected with motivation and employee reward system. The aim of the practical part is the analysis of the current motivation system; a questionnaire survey is included. The final part is devoted to the evaluation of the current motivation system and the assessment of the questionnaire survey which serves as a basis for suggestions for improvement.
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Motivační systém firmy / Motivation System of the CompanyKuklová, Klára January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a motivation system of the company. Theoretical part defines the motivation, reward of employees or their evaluation. The questionnaire survey helps to the analytical part examines the current motivation system of the employer and employee satisfaction. Based on the survey, options are proposed that can improe the motivation system, which lead to increase motivation and safisfaction of emploees.
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Sociala interaktioner i video-slots : En kvalitativ studie om intresset för sociala interaktioner i video-slots och hur det kan utformas för att skapa en bra spelupplevelse samt om det kan bidra till en sundare spelstilAhlgren, Wilmer, Johansson, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka om det finns ett intresse för sociala interaktioner i video-slots och hur det i sådana fall kan utformas för att ge användarna en bra användarupplevelse. Onlinekasinon är den spelform som har ökat mest i popularitet i Sverige senaste åren och video-slots är den speltyp som växer mest. Tidigare studier visar på att det finns en drivkraft att göra saker tillsammans och som stärker och berikar upplevelser. Studier på sociala interaktioner i online-spel visar tydligt på att njutningen är ett viktigt element för att spela. Syftet är även att undersöka om sociala interaktioner i video-slots kan leda till en sundare spelstil för de med spelmissbruk. Video-slots är ett hedoniskt motivationssystem (HMS) och används för att ge användaren nöje och glädje i ett system. Teorin som studien baserats på är HMSAM, som är en HMS specifik modell som använts för att skapa en förståelse för uppfattad användarvänlighet, uppfattad användarnytta, glädje, kontroll och nyfikenhet, som kan påverka inre motivation. Inre motivation behövs för att användare ska kunna fördjupa sig och fortsätta vilja använda ett HMS-system. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer har använts vid insamlandet av empiri. Fokus har legat på användarnas upplevelser, deras motivationer, drivkrafter, kontroll och önskemål kring sociala interaktioner vid spelande av video-slots. Intervjufrågorna grundas utifrån HMSAM men även utifrån spelifierings-ramverket Octalysis. Resultaten från datainsamlingen analyseras utifrån uppkomna kategorier och mönster. Analysen visade en stor motivation till att spela video-slots online tillsammans och att det skulle förhöja deras spelupplevelse. Även att det hade förenklat deras spelsessioner och skapat större gemenskap, då majoriteten av informanterna redan spelade video-slots tillsammans idag, med egna konstruerade metoder. Analysen visade också att informanterna spelar främst för nöjet och spänningens skull. Utifrån datan från intervjuerna togs designförslag fram, med stöd av spelifierings-ramverket. Designförslagen mynnade ut i sex grafiska gränssnittsskisser med funktioner som förhoppningsvis kan bidra till en förhöjd användarupplevelse. / The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether there is an interest in social interactions in video-slots and how that can be designed to give users a good user experience. Online casino is the form of gaming that has increased most in popularity in Sweden in recent years and the video-slots gametype are growing the most. Previous studies shows that there is a driving force to do things together and that strengthens and enriches experiences. Studies on social interactions in online games clearly shows that enjoyment is an important element for playing. The purpose is also to investigate if social interactions in video-slots can provide a healthier game for people who have gambling problems. Video-slots is a hedonic motivation system (HMS) and is used to give the user pleasure and joy in a system. The theory on which the study is based on is HMSAM, which is an HMS specific model that has been used to create an understanding of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, joy, control and curiosity, which can affect internal motivation. Internal motivation is needed for users to be able to deepen and continue to use an HMS-system. The study has a qualitative approach and qualitative semi-structured interviews have been used in the collection of empirical data. The focus has been on the users' experiences, their motivations, driving forces, control and desires regarding social interactions in the playing of video-slots.The questions in the interviews are based on HMSAM, but also on the basis of the Octalysis gamification framework. The results from the data collection were analyzed on the basis of the categories and patterns that were created. The analysis showed a great motivation to play video-slots online together and that it would enhance their gaming experience. Even though it had simplified their gaming sessions and higher community when the majority of the informants already played video-slots today together, but with their own constructed methods. The analysis also showed that the informants play primarily for the pleasure and excitement. Based on the data from the interviews, design proposals were made, in support of the gamification framework. The design proposals resulted in six graphical interface sketches with functions that were considered to create a good user experience.
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