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Simulace pohybu zdroje zvuku pro vícekanálovou reproduktorovou topologii / Simulation of sound source motion for multichannel speaker topologyDvořák, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This paper describes the simulation of the motion of a sound source in space with several speakers. It deals mainly with the study and subsequent implementation of events necessary for simulating the motion of the virtual sound source. The theoretical part is therefore concerned with finding these phenomena and with their description. Mainly that means description of panning of the sound and of the Doppler effect. In the following practical part of the work, the previously described phenomena are applied into Matlab. In the created interface , it is then possible to select the parameters of the simulation, such as the trajectory of the motion of the virtual sound source, the number of the points of the trajectory, etc. Analyses of the generated signal are then made of the selected referential parameters of the simulation.
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Člověk v prostoru, prostor v člověku. Procházka městem jako manifestace prostorovo-pobytového celku, chápaného za pomoci principu dějinného vědomí / Human in Urban Space, Urban Space in HumanČerná, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This Thesis will be focused on relationship of human and space, formed by moment of their encounter. The main aim of work is to express relation between human and space in existential dimension of their mutual formation. This process is continuous and it is embodied in hermeneutical spiral. Result of this Work is the attempt to erase subject-object therminology in the context of relationship of human and space by applying principle of historical consciousness. Concept of lived space is manifested on example of Prague city walk, in which there are human and space mutually formed as a continuously changing complex, not the separate units. Key words human, hermeneutic circle, objectivism, move, principle of historical consciousness, walk, space, subjectivism, memory, relationship
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Distance Learning and Attribute Importance Analysis by Linear Regression on Idealized Distance FunctionsSingh, Rupesh Kumar 31 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Semiconductor Threat, a Securitizing Move Made by the EU? A Qualitative Content Analysis on EU Speech Acts Concerning SemiconductorsFreyschuss, Edvin January 2024 (has links)
Semiconductors (commonly referred to as “chips”) are small electronic components that are essential in all digital devices such as smartphones, computers, and even cars. The European Union has labeled semiconductors as a security threat due to the EU’s dependency on foreign producers to get access to advanced semiconductors. The thesis examines if the securitization theory can identify a securitizing move made from speech acts released by the EU regarding semiconductors and describe the characteristics of the said move. This securitizing move is identified by examining four criteria; referent object, referent subject, existential threat, and extraordinary measures which are based on the criteria outlined by the securitization theory. This is done through a qualitative content analysis of 17 speech acts from the European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Council, and European Parliament covering a time period from 01-01-2021 to 31-12-2023. The results show findings in each of the criteria and a securitizing move can therefore be identified. The move can be described as multifaceted, covering several different areas but the primary theme of the move is based on a presented threat to the economic sector of the EU. The results provide evidence of the possibility of securitizing high-technological multipurpose products like semiconductors. Further research is encouraged to determine whether the targeted audience has accepted or rejected the securitizing move which would conclude if semiconductors can be viewed as securitized.
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Etude des mécanismes sous-jacents aux phénomènes collectifs chez un primate non humain (Cebus capucinus): de l'expérimentation à la modélisation/Decision-making processes involved in collective phenomena in semi-free ranging non human primates (Cebus capucinus): from experimental approach to mathematical modellingMeunier, Hélène 26 March 2007 (has links)
Ce doctorat trouve son origine dans la compréhension des prises de décision et des comportements collectifs des animaux. Comment ces derniers parviennent-ils à effectuer des choix collectivement ? Comment les membres d’un groupe procèdent-ils pour synchroniser leurs comportements spatialement et temporellement ? Mon principal objectif a été de dégager, lors des déplacements collectifs et du fur rubbing chez le capucin moine, les évènements décisionnels dépendants de processus anonymes de ceux dépendants de processus liés à l’identité des individus et à leur réseau de relations sociales au sein du groupe. Dans les prises de décision collective relatives aux déplacements, les membres du groupe sont influencés dans leurs choix par leur identité sociale mais aussi par des mécanismes anonymes, de type mimétique. Le fur rubbing est également un comportement collectif dont les mécanismes sous-jacents incluent une dépendance interindividuelle de type mimétique. Des mécanismes similaires mettant en jeu des interactions entre individus basées sur des règles comportementales simples se retrouvent dans chacun des phénomènes collectifs étudiés. Ces résultats sont les premiers à démontrer l’émergence de prises de décision collective à partir de telles interactions anonymes dans un groupe de primates non humains. Ils permettent de faire le lien entre choix individuels et comportement collectif et de mieux concevoir comment un groupe de primates peut se coordonner, maintenir sa cohésion spatiale et synchroniser ses activités./How do animals reach collective consensus? How do group members spatially and temporally synchronise their behaviour? My main purpose was to demonstrate the respective roles of anonymous processes (contagion, mimetism) and individual-dependent processes (hierarchical rank, age, sex, kin, social relationships) in collective decision-making. During decision-making relating to collective movements, group members’ decisions depend on their social identity (individual-dependent mechanism) as well as anonymous processes. Fur rubbing is also a collective behaviour involving interindividual dependence with mimetic underlying mechanisms. We found similar mechanisms, involving interindividual interactions according to simple behavioural rules, in both collective phenomenon studied. These results are the first to demonstrate the emergence of collective decision-making based on anonymous interactions in a group of non human primates. They help to understand the link between individual choices and collective behaviour and to appreciate how a social group of primates maintain its spatial cohesion and synchronize its activities.
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Topicalization and Left Dislocation in English and Serbian / (Tematizacija i leva dislokacija u engleskom i srpskom jeziku)Miškeljin Ivana 06 September 2016 (has links)
<p>The aim of the dissertation entitled Topicalization and<br />Left Dislocation in English and Serbian is to describe<br />and offer a generative account of the syntactic and<br />information-structural properties of topicalization and<br />left dislocation in the languages in question, two<br />superficially similar preposing structures which<br />express the same propositions, but are not felicitous in<br />the same context. The analysis is not contrastive in the<br />sense that we are looking for English-Serbian<br />counterparts or vice versa, but the tertium<br />comparationis are the phenomena of topicalization<br />and left dislocation. The fundamental diagnostics of<br />differentiating between the two variants of left<br />dislocation identified in Serbian is laid out, viz.<br />Hanging Topic Left Dislocation and Contrastive Left<br />Dislocation. The dissertation also explores how<br />informational structuring of an utterance determines<br />contextual choices. The lexicon provides the input to<br />the computational system which by means of features<br />builds structure via phases and also gives rise to<br />displacement. The data related to information structure<br />come from the numeration. The results of the research<br />indicate that the notion of a topic should be<br />deconstructed in a combination of the features [+/-<br />a(nchored), +/-c(ontrastive)], similarly to López<br />(2009), anchored in the sense of Birner & Ward<br />(1998), and contrastive in the pragmatic sense of Titov<br />(2013), whereby [+/-c] is parasitic on [+a].<br />Topicalization in both English and Serbian, and<br />Contrastive Left Dislocation in Serbian mark topics<br />vii<br />[+a, +c], whereas Hanging Topic Left Dislocation<br />HTLD in both English and Serbian marks topic [+a, -<br />c]. It is argued that adding pragmatic features in<br />addition to formal ones relevant to the derivation by<br />the operation which forms the numeration does not<br />offend the Inclusiveness Condition either. The<br />interpretation of an element marked as a topic is the<br />result of its featural content and its syntactic position,<br />reflecting the interaction of syntax, prosody and<br />pragmatics. Pragmatic features are valued but<br />uninterpretable in the numeration rendering the<br />syntactic object containing it active for syntactic<br />operations. Probe (pragmatic) features trigger<br />Agree(ment), but not displacement. It is an edge<br />feature that drives movement or Internal Merge. It is<br />argued that topicalization in both English and Serbian<br />is generated by movement. The edge feature on C<br />(Force) licenses the TopP if it is required for the<br />interpretation and if it is structurally possible, as<br />observed by Jiménez-Fernández & Miyagawa (2014).<br />Unlike in English, the non-phase head T in Serbian<br />can inherit an edge feature from C and license the<br />TopP in the Spec,TP in those structures which are said<br />to be incompatible with topicalization in English. The<br />head licensing the left-dislocated element is realized<br />as comma intonation, as argued by Emonds (2004). It<br />is argued that Hanging Topic Left Dislocation in both<br />English and Serbian is derived by base-generation of<br />the left-dislocated constituent in its surface position<br />(adjoined to a CP), whereas Contrastive Left<br />Dislocation in Serbian by movement (also to a<br />position attached to a CP). What moves is the<br />resumptive pronoun, and then co-reference is<br />established upon adjoining of the left-dislocated<br />element via the operation Match or Match+Agree of<br />Boeckx (2003), which is the only way not to violate<br />the Inclusiveness Condition. Although both<br />Topicalization and Contrastive Left Dislocation mark<br />contrastive topics, they have different discourse<br />distributions, as confirmed by our corpus, thus this<br />adjoining of a left-dislocated element is justified. In<br />the case of Hanging Topic Left Dislocation, coreference<br />between the left-dislocated element and the<br />resumptive pronoun is established via the operation<br />Match of Boeckx (2003). If the resumptive pronoun is<br />a clitic, it moves to the second position in its intonational phrase triggered by the phonological requirement. Hanging Topic Left Dislocation in both English and Serbian marks referential topics and it is</p><p>also a topic-promoting device in Serbian, as argued on<br />relying on our corpus.</p> / <p>Cilj doktorske disertacije pod nazivom Tematizacija i<br />leva dislokacija u engleskom i srpskom jeziku je da<br />opiše i ponudi generativni prikaz sintaksiĉkih i<br />informacijsko strukturnih osobina tematizacije i leve<br />dislokacije u pomenutim jezicima, dveju naizgled<br />sliĉnih struktura za pomeranje reĉeniĉnog elementa u<br />prednje polje koje izraţavaju iste propozicije, ali ne<br />odgovaraju istom kontekstu. Analiza nije kontrastivna<br />u smislu da traţimo englesko srpske ekvivalente ili<br />obratno, već je tertium comparationis pojava<br />tematizacije i leve dislokacije. PonuĊeni su i osnovni<br />dijagnostiĉki testovi za razlikovanje dva oblika leve<br />dislokacije identifikovana u srpskom, naime leve<br />dislokacije odvojene teme i kontrastne leve<br />dislokacije. Disertacija takoĊe istraţuje kako<br />informacijsko strukturiranje iskaza odreĊuje<br />kontekstualne izbore. Leksikon obezbeĊuje ulaznu<br />informaciju sistemu sintaksiĉkih operacija koji putem<br />obeleţja gradi strukturu u fazama i takoĊe dovodi do<br />pomeranja. Podaci vezani za informacijsku strukturu<br />su dati u numeraciji. Rezultati istraţivanja ukazuju na<br />potrebu da se pojam teme rašĉlani na kombinaciju<br />obeleţja [+/-a, +/-c], sliĉno Lópezu (2009), anaforiĉno<br />u smislu Birnera & Warda (1998), i kontrastno u<br />pragmatiĉkom smislu Titove (2013) pri ĉemu je [+/-c]<br />zavisno od [+a]. Tematizacija i u engleskom i u<br />srpskom jeziku i kontrastna leva dislokacija u srpskom<br />obeleţavaju teme kao [+a, +c], dok leva dislokacija<br />odvojene teme i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku<br />obeleţava teme kao [+a, -c]. U radu se dokazuje da ni dodeljivanje pragmatiĉkih obeleţja pored formalnih obeleţja relevantnih za derivaciju putem operacije koja formira numeraciju ne narušava uslov ukljuĉenosti. Interpretacija elementa obeleţenog kao tema je rezultat njegove kombinacije obeleţja i njegove sintaksiĉke pozicije, što odraţava interakciju sintakse, prozodije i pragmatike. Pragmatiĉka obeleţja su vrednovana, ali netumaĉiva u numeraciji ĉineći sintaksiĉki objekat koji ih sadrţi aktivnim za sintaksiĉke operacije. Upravna (pragmatiĉka) obeleţja uzrokuju slaganje, ali ne i pomeranje. Obeleţje ivice je ono što pokreće pomeranje ili interno spajanje. Argumentujemo da je tematizacija i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku generisana pomeranjem. Obeleţje ivice na upravnom elementu C (Force) dozvoljava TopP ako je to neophodno za interpretaciju i ako je strukturno moguće, kao što su formulisali Jiménez-Fernández & Miyagawa (2014). Za razliku od engleskog, nefazni upravni element T (upravni element obeleţja vremena) u srpskom jeziku moţe da preuzme obeleţje ivice od C i dozvoli TopP u Spec,TP u onim strukturama za koje se smatra da nisu kompatibilne sa tematizacijom u engleskom jeziku. Upravni element koji dozvoljava levu dislokaciju se realizuje kao intonacijska pauza, kao što predlaţe Emonds (2004). Argumetujemo da je leva dislokacija odvojene teme i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku nastala generisanjem levo dislociranog konstituenta u mestu realizacije (pridruţenom CP projekciji), dok je kontrastna leva dislokacija u srpskom nastala pomeranjem (takoĊe u poziciju pridruţenu CP projekciji). Ono što se zapravo pomera je rezumptivna zamenica i onda se po pridruţivanju levo dislociranog elementa uspostavlja koreferentnost putem operacije uskladi ili uskladi+sloţi Boeckxa (2003), što predstavlja jedini naĉin da se ne naruši uslov ukljuĉenosti. Iako i tematizacija i kontrastna leva dislokacija obeleţavaju kontrastne teme, one imaju razliĉite diskursne distribucije, što je potvrdio naš korpus, stoga je ovo pridruţivanje levo dislociranog elementa opravdano. U sluĉaju leve dislokacije odvojene teme, koreferentnost izmeĊu levo dislociranog elementa i rezumptivne zamenice se uspostavlja putem operacije uskladi (Boeckx 2003). Ako je rezumptivna zamenica klitika, ona se pomera u drugu poziciju u svojoj intonacijskoj frazi, što je uzrokovano fonološkim zahtevom. Leva dislokacija odvojene teme i u englesko i u srpskom jeziku obeleţava referencijske teme i takoĊe je sredstvo unapreĊivanja teme u srpskom, kao što se argumentuje na osnovu našeg korpusa.</p>
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Power infrastructure requirements for road transport electrificationNicolaides, Doros January 2018 (has links)
Deep decarbonisation of road transportation is challenging. One of the most potentially beneficial approaches is electrification which is the subject of this PhD thesis. A widespread penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) across a large proportion of road transport demand is needed to realise the benefits of an electrified transport sector. However, this is dependent on overcoming significant barriers. This study performs a systematic analysis of how proven power charging technologies could be used to unlock the barriers to widespread electrification of road transportation. Various road transport sectors and type of journeys are explored including aspects of autonomous operations and novel wireless power transfer technologies. For each operation, a framework is proposed that allows the exploitation of current and potential future electrification technologies to enable shifting towards EVs. Based on that, simulation tools and methods are developed to calculate the power requirements of EVs and determine a suitable charging infrastructure. The additional power demand, electric load and the implications for the electricity supply network are explored. The total expenditure needed and the CO2 emission savings are also calculated for each investigated operation. Transitional strategies include the electrification of bus routes, refuse collection functions, home deliveries and aspects of autonomous operations for public transportation within the boundaries of the cities. In the long-term, focus is given on passenger cars and freight vehicles for both urban and inter-urban journeys. A nationwide adoption of all electrification strategies proposed in this thesis would increase the peak power demand of Great Britain by approximately 38 GW (72% of the current peak) and the electricity consumption by 180 TWh per year (45% of current consumption). The total capital cost required is calculated at £225 billion which is similar to the cost of other large infrastructure projects of the country. The impact would be a significant aggregate saving of approximately 2,000 MtCO2 between the numbers calculated for today's norms (2018) and those calculated for 2050.
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La presencia del Movimiento Obrero Católico español en Europa: la HOAC en los organismos internacionales católicos bajo el Franquismo, 1946-1975López García, Basilisa 23 February 2005 (has links)
La tesis doctoral que a continuación presentamos plantea uno de los problemas actualmente desconocidos para la historiografia sobre el Franquismo: la presencia y la proyección del Movimiento Obrero Católico español en los organismos eclesiales de ámbito internacional, desde la inmediata postguerra hasta la transición democrática. En este quehacer internacional destacan de una manera especial y permanente la JOC (Juventud Obrera Cristiana) y la HOAC (Hermandad Obrera de Acción Católica); la primera por su vinculación desde 1956 a la JOC Internacional, la segunda por su presencia activa en la FIMOC (Federación Internacional de Movimientos Obreros Cristianos) y en el MMTC (Movimiento Mundial de Trabajadores Cristianos). Este trabajo, ampliamente reconocido en Europa, fue duramente reprimido por el régimen de Franco y por la propia Iglesia en España. / The present doctoral thesis raises one of the problems currently unknown for the historiographyon the regime of Franco: the presence and the projection of the Spanish Christian Workers movement in the ecclesial organisms of international scope, from the irnmediate postwar period to the democratic transition. There are two movements that stand out very especially and permanently doing this international task: the JOC (Young Christian Workers), because of its connections with the International JOC since 1956, and the HOAC (Workers Christian Action), due to its active presence in the FIMOC (International Federation of Christian Workers Movements) as well as in the MMTC (World Movement of Christian Workers). This work, which was widely recognized in Europe, was however harshly repressed by the regime of Franco and by the own Church in Spain.
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Rethinking downtown highwaysLaRoche, Lealan Dorothy Marie 21 December 2010 (has links)
Freeways have had a strong influence not only on the urban transportation but also on downtown areas both physically and socially. Certainly, they have extended the commuting limits of the city and made lower land costs more accessible. However, many of the mid-century freeways, once championed by planners as tools for urban renewal, have created swaths of blight through city neighborhoods. Their negative impacts on the larger urban framework requires new ideas for healthier alternatives to aid in preserving and building sustainable cities.
Removal of any downtown highway requires careful thought— even more consideration than when it was built. Quick solutions are what resulted in the problems that downtown highways of the Interstate-Era have today. If it is the simple interactions between people and place are that make up the positive aspects an urban environment, then what are the possibilities and strategies for removing urban highway, which are one of the primary impediments separating people in place in contemporary cities? This question is the focus of this thesis.
At its core, the removal of freeways represents a trade-off between mobility objectives and economic development objectives. Evidence from other cities’ decisions to redesign or remove their downtown highways suggests multiple benefits. Making design changes, such as to replace a downtown highway with a well-designed surface boulevard, can stimulate economic activities without necessarily causing traffic chaos.
Solutions come in different shapes and sizes. The selected case studies in this thesis reflect a diversity of approaches – suggesting no single strategy exists for addressing downtown highway issues. This reflects the fact that multiple alternatives must be considered in every situation because each approach varies in costs and opportunities. A typology of highway alternations derived from the case studies includes seven different techniques: burying, demolishing, taming, capping or bridging, elevating, retaining, and relocating. The final chapter applies the conclusions from the case studies to the Downtown Connector– Interstate 75/85– in Downtown Atlanta, Georgia.
Urban design and transportation planning has an emerging new set of values. Transportation planning is seeking to promote alternate modes of transportation to the private vehicle, like transit, by foot, or by bicycle. We now understand that connectivity is not served only by highways but also by urban street networks that invite modes other than just automobiles. An important role for urban design will be to shape the way these interactions are made to benefit the citizens, its urban spaces, and the economy.
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Irrigação por aspersão em arroz em função da tensão de água no solo / Sprinkler irrigation in rice as a function of soil water tensionPinto, Marília Alves Brito 09 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-09-28T13:10:22Z
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Tese Marília Alves Brito Pinto.pdf: 1580274 bytes, checksum: f49c34622d89738c2e2971942684bec8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-09-28T18:46:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese Marília Alves Brito Pinto.pdf: 1580274 bytes, checksum: f49c34622d89738c2e2971942684bec8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-28T18:46:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese Marília Alves Brito Pinto.pdf: 1580274 bytes, checksum: f49c34622d89738c2e2971942684bec8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-04-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / O arroz é o alimento base para mais de metade da população mundial. As lavouras
orizícolas são quase que na totalidade irrigadas por inundação, um sistema com
elevada demanda hídrica. No intuito de diminuir o uso da água na lavoura de arroz
produtores começaram a utilizar a irrigação por aspersão. No entanto, pouco se
sabe a respeito da adaptação da cultura do arroz às condições aeróbicas, sobretudo
sobre as necessidades hídricas reais da cultura, uma vez que no sistema de
irrigação por inundação essa informação não é necessária. O objetivo deste estudo
foi determinar a relação entre a produtividade do arroz e a disponibilidade hídrica no
solo bem como o efeito de diferentes tensões de água no solo sobre o desempenho
agronômico da cultura do arroz. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Clima
Temperado, Estação Experimental de Terras Baixas (ETB) situado no município do
Capão do Leão-RS. Nas safras 2011/2012, 2012/2013 e 2013/ 2014 em uma área
irrigada por aspersão foram avaliados os seguintes manejos de irrigação: 10kPaIrrigação com média da tensão de água no solo de 10 kPa, em todo o ciclo da
cultura; 20kPa- Irrigação com média da tensão de água no solo de 20kPa, em todo o
ciclo da cultura; 40kPa - Irrigação com a média da tensão de 40kPa, em todo o ciclo
da cultura; 40/20kPa - Irrigação com a média da tensão de 40kPa, no período
vegetativo, e 20kPa no período reprodutivo e 40/10kPa - Irrigação com a média da
tensão de 40kPa, no período vegetativo, e 10 kPa no período reprodutivo. Para
monitoramento da tensão de água no solo, em cada tratamento foram instalados
sensores Watermark, na profundidade de 10cm. O ponto de instalação dos sensores
corresponde ao centro de uma unidade experimental com área de 4m2. Em cada
unidade experimental foram determinados: a tensão de água no solo, atributos
químicos e físicos do solo e as variáveis agronômicas e de rendimento da cultura do
arroz. Os resultados indicam que o aumento da tensão de água no solo diminui a
produtividade do arroz irrigado, por aspersão. A tensão de água no solo de 10kPa,
que por sua vez corresponde a capacidade de campo deste solo, é o valor
adequado para o manejo da irrigação por aspersão na cultura do arroz variedade
BRS Pampa, sobretudo no período reprodutivo. A variabilidade espacial da tensão
de água no solo tem efeito na distribuição espacial da produtividade do arroz irrigado
por aspersão. Quanto mais próximo de 40kPa for a tensão de água no solo menor a
estatura das plantas e o número de grãos cheios por panícula. No entanto, esse
efeito não foi verificado sobre o número de colmos por metro, sobre a massa de mil
grãos, e sobre a esterilidade de espiguetas. A produtividade do arroz apresentou
relação positiva com as variáveis microporosidade, fósforo e potássio disponível no
solo; relação contrária foi verificada para a macroporosidade e a saturação por
alumínio. A relação conjunta da tensão de água e de atributos físicos e químicos do
solo determina a variabilidade na produtividade de arroz irrigado por aspersão em
terras baixas no Rio Grande do Sul. / Rice is a basic food for more than half of world population. Rice crops are almost
totally irrigated by flood, a system with high water demand. In order to decrease
water use in rice crops, farmers start to adopt the sprinkler irrigation. However, there
is little knowledge concerning the adaptation of rice crop to aerobic conditions, mainly
about rice water needs, since this information wasn’t necessary in flood irrigation.
This work aimed to determine the relationship between rice yield and soil available
water and the effect of different soil water tensions on rice crop agronomic
performance. A field experiment was conducted at Embrapa Clima Temperado,
Estação Experimental Terras Baixas (ETB) located in the municipality of Capão do
Leão-RS. In the agricultural harvests 2011/2012, 2012/2013 e 2013/2014 in a
sprinkler irrigated area, these irrigation management were evaluated: 10kPaIrrigation when the average of the soil water tension was 10kPa, during all crop cycle;
20kPa- Irrigation when the average of the soil water tension was 20kPa, during all
crop cycle; 40kPa - Irrigation when the average of the soil water tension was 40kPa,
during all crop cycle; 40/20kPa - Irrigation in the vegetative stage, when the average
of the soil water tension was 40kPa, and irrigation in the reproductive stage when the
average of the soil water tension was 20kPa and 40/10kPa Irrigation in the vegetative
stage, when the average of the soil water tension was 40kPa, and irrigation in the
reproductive stage when the average of the soil water tension was 10kPa. For each
treatment Watermark sensors were installed at a depth of 10cm to monitor the soil
water tension. The sensor installation point corresponds to the center of an
experimental unit whose area was 4m2. In each experimental unit, soil water tension,
chemical and physical soil attributes and the rice crop agronomic performance and
yield were determined. The results showed that increasing soil water tension
decreases sprinkler irrigated rice yield. Soil water tension of 10kPa, which
corresponds to this soil field capacity, is the appropriate value for sprinkler irrigation
management to rice crop, BRS Pampa variety, mainly in the reproductive period. The
spatial variability of soil water tension has an effect on spatial distribution of the
sprinkler irrigated rice yield. The closer to 40 kPa is the soil water tension smaller the
plant height and the number of filled grains per panicle. However, no effect was
observed on the number of stems per meter, 1000 grains weight, and spikelet
sterility. The rice yield showed a positive relation with the variables microporosity,
phosphorus and potassium available in the soil; an opposite behavior was found for
macroporosity and aluminum saturation variables. The relationship between soil
water tension and physico-chemical soil attributes is crucial to determine the
variability of the rice yield irrigated by sprinkler in lowland areas in the Rio Grande do
Sul state.
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