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Suplementação com aminoácios de cadeia ramificada atenua em proles os efeitos mediados pela dieta materna restrita em proteína / Branched-chain amino acids supplementation attenuates in offspring the effects mediated by maternal protein-restrict diet.Gabriela Fullin Resende Teodoro 12 August 2010 (has links)
Estudos em animais mostram que a desnutrição proteica intrauterina pode acarretar redistribuição do fluxo sanguíneo intraútero, podendo promover modificações permanentes na estrutura e funcionalidade de alguns órgãos, o que ocasiona modificações no metabolismo. Além disso, a desnutrição intrauterina pode afetar a secreção de hormônios que atuam no crescimento fetal, podendo conduzir à restrição do crescimento intrauterino. Esse fenômeno pode parcialmente ser explicado pela hipótese da programação fetal, na qual é sugerido que ocorra uma adaptação metabólica e fisiológica do feto a uma condição intrauterina adversa, que pode induzir o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na vida adulta. Neste contexto, pesquisas com suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) têm verificado a capacidade desses nutrientes promoverem a síntese proteica mesmo em condições catabólicas, por meio da ativação de uma via bioquímica intracelular intercedida pela proteína quinase Alvo da Rapamicina em Mamíferos (mTOR), a qual está envolvida no estímulo à etapa de tradução proteica. Assim, o presente trabalho avaliou o efeito da suplementação de BCAA em proles submetidas à desnutrição proteica materna. Para tanto, ratas Wistar foram acasaladas com ratos adultos de mesma raça. Uma vez constatada a gravidez, as matrizes foram distribuídas em grupos de acordo com a dieta que seria fornecida no decorrer da gestação: CON (20% proteína); VAL/ISO (5% proteína + 2% VAL + 2% ISO); AAE (5% proteína + 4% AAE); e BCAA (5% proteína + 4% BCAA). O protocolo de restrição proteica materna adotado causou redução no crescimento corporal e na massa de órgãos das proles. Embora a suplementação com VAL/ISO e AAE não tenha recuperado os efeitos mediados pela deficiência de proteína, foi constatado que a suplementação com BCAA reverteu parte do déficit observado no crescimento das proles, uma vez que foi eficaz em minimizar ou mesmo em restaurar plenamente diversos parâmetros como peso de órgãos, massa de gordura da carcaça e parâmetros indicativos do estado nutricional proteico, como as concentrações de proteína e RNA hepáticas e musculares. Estes efeitos podem parcialmente ser explicados pelo estímulo induzido pela suplementação com BCAA, na via de sinalização da mTOR, considerando que foi verificado no fígado das proles de matrizes que receberam esta suplementação, aumento na fosforilação desta proteína (P < 0,05), a qual é responsável por desencadear uma cascata de eventos biomoleculares que culminam, em última instância, no acréscimo da síntese proteica. Diante disto, torna-se relevante a realização de pesquisas que avaliem em longo prazo, os efeitos da suplementação com BCAA em proles submetidas à dieta materna restrita em proteína. / Animal studies show that intrauterine malnutrition may cause redistribution of blood flow in uterus, which may promote permanent changes in structure and function of some organs, which causes changes in metabolism. Furthermore, intrauterine malnutrition can affect the secretion of hormones that act on fetal growth and may lead to intrauterine growth restriction. This phenomenon can partly be explained by the hypothesis of fetal programming, which is suggested that occur a metabolic and physiological adaptation of the fetus to an adverse intrauterine condition, which can induce the development of chronic diseases in later life. In this context, researches with supplementation of branched chain amino acids (BCAA), especially leucine, have verified the ability of these nutrients to promote protein synthesis in catabolic conditions, through the activation of an intracellular biochemical pathway interceded by protein kinase Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR), which is involved in the stimulating of protein translation stage. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of BCAA supplementation in offspring subjected to maternal protein-restrict diet. To this, Wistar rats were mated with adult rats of the same race. Once was confirmed the pregnancy, the pregnants were distributed into groups according to the diet that would be provided during pregnancy: CON (20% protein); VAL/ISO (5% protein + 2% + 2% VAL/ISO), AAE (5% protein + 4% EAA) and BCAA (5% protein + 4% BCAA). The protocol adopted maternal protein restriction caused a reduction in body growth and weight of the offspring\'s organs. Although supplementation with VAL/ISO and AAE has not recovered the effects mediated by protein deficiency, it was found that supplementation with BCAA has reversed part of the deficit observed in the growth of the offspring, since it was effective in minimizing or even fully restoring various parameters such as organ weight, carcass fat mass and parameters indicative of nutritional protein, such as the concentrations of protein and RNA in liver and muscle. These effects may be partially explained by the stimulation induced by BCAA supplementation on the mTOR signaling pathway, considering that was verified in the liver of the offspring from dams that received this supplementation augment on the phosphorylation of this protein (P < 0,05), which is responsible for triggering a cascade of molecular events that culminate, ultimately, in increased protein synthesis. Given this, it becomes relevant to conducting research to assess long-term effects of supplementation with BCAA in offspring subjected to maternal protein-restricted diet.
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Etude phénotypique des cellules endométriosiques profondes / Hyperproliferative Phenotype of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis CellsLeconte, Mahaut 07 December 2012 (has links)
L’endométriose concerne 8 à 10% des femmes en âge de procréer et est responsable de douleurs pelviennes chroniques et d’infertilité. Seule l’exérèse chirurgicale des lésions permet un traitement curatif de la maladie. Dans le cas de l’endométriose profonde avec atteinte rectale la chirurgie est extensive et associée à une morbidité significative. Les traitements médicaux reposent sur une hormonothérapie visant à bloquer la fonction ovarienne dont l’effet n’est que suspensif et transitoire. Il n’existe à ce jour aucun traitement ciblant les mécanismes à l’origine de la maladie. L’objectif de notre travail était d’explorer différents mécanismes potentiellement impliqués dans le développement de la maladie et d’identifier des molécules capables d’intervenir sur ces mécanismes. Dans un premier temps nous avons exploré le phénotype hyperprolifératif des cellules endométriosiques profondes et cherché un lien avec différentes voies métaboliques impliquées dans la prolifération cellulaire telles que le stress oxydant, la voie ERK et la voie Akt. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons exploré le recrutement des cellules endométriales au sein de la cavité péritonéale au travers de l’interaction CXCR4-CXCL12. Des cultures cellulaires ont été réalisées à partir de prélèvements humains de nodules endométriosiques profonds, d’endomètre eutopique et d’endomètre sain. Des lames histologiques ont été préparées à partir de nodules endométriosiques profonds. Des prélèvements de liquide péritonéal de femmes endométriosiques et de témoins ont été congelés. La prolifération cellulaire a été étudiée par incorporation de thymidine tritiée. La production des FRO a été évaluée par spectrofluorimétrie. La voie ERK a été évaluée par western blot, ELISA et immunohistochimie. La voie Akt été évaluée par western blot et immunohistochimie. Nous avons montré un phénotype hyperprolifératif des cellules endométriosiques profondes en rapport avec une activation de la voie ERK par le biais du stress oxydant et à une activation de la voie Akt. Nous avons montré qu’un anti-oxydant (NAC), un inhibiteur de protéines kinases (A771726), un inhibiteur de Raf (sorafenib), un inhibiteur de mTOR (temsirolimus), un agoniste des cannabinoïdes (WIN 55212-2) et un anti-métabolite (5-FU) pouvaient contôler la prolifération des cellules endométriosiques profondes in vitro et la progression de nodules endométriosiques profonds implantés dans des souris Nudes. L’interaction CXCR4-CXCL12 a été étudiée par western blot, analyse de migration, cytométrie de flux et ELISA. Nous avons montré une attraction spécifique des cellules endométriosiques profondes sur-exprimant le CXCR4 par la chimiokine CXCL12 présente en quantité accrue dans le liquide péritonéal des femmes endométriosiques. En conclusion, nous avons montré que le traitement médical de l’endométriose pouvait être non hormonal et que le stress oxydant, la voie ERK et la voie Akt constituaient de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques à évaluer dans le cadre d’essais cliniques. Nous avons également montré comment la modification constitutive des cellules de l’endomètre eutopique pouvait favoriser leur recrutement dans la cavité péritonéale. / Endometriosis, a common disease that affects approximately 8 to 10% of women of childbearing age, is responsible for chronic pelvic pain and infertility. There is currently no cure other than surgical removal of lesions. In the case of deep infiltrating endometriosis with rectal involvement, surgery is associated with a significant morbidity. Medical treatments are based on a hormone used to block ovarian function. Their effects are only transient and suspensive. There is currently no treatment targeting the mechanisms underlying the disease. The aim of our study was to explore different pathways potentially involved in the development of endometriosis and to identify molecules that act on these mechanisms. In a first step, we explored the hyperproliferative phenotype of deep infiltrating endometriosis cells and sought a link with different metabolic pathways involved in cell proliferation such as oxidative stress, ERK, and Akt pathways. In a second step, we explored the recruitment of endometrial cells in the peritoneal cavity through the CXCL12-CXCR4 interaction. Cell cultures were taken from deep infiltrating endometriosis nodules, eutopic endometrium and control endometrium. Histological slides were prepared from deep endometriotic nodules. Peritoneal fluid of women with deep infiltrating endometriosis, and of women without endometriosis were frozen. Cell proliferation was determined by [H3]thymidine incorporation. Cellular production of ROS was assessed by spectrofluorometry. ERK pathway was assessed by Western blot, ELISA assay and immunohistochemistry. The Akt pathway was assessed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. We showed a hyperproliferative phenotype of deep infiltrating endometriosis cells in line with an activation of the ERK pathway through an up-regulation of oxidative stress, and activation of the Akt pathway. We have shown that an antioxidant (NAC), an inhibitor of protein kinases (A771726), a Raf inhibitor (sorafenib), an inhibitor of mTOR (temsirolimus), a cannabinoid agonist (WIN 55212-2) and an anti-metabolite (5-FU) could control the proliferation of endometriotic cells in vitro, and the growth of endometriotic nodules grafted in Nude mice. The CXCL12-CXCR4 interaction was studied by Western blot, Transwell migration assay, flow cytometry and ELISA assay. We showed a specific attraction of deep infiltrating endometriosis cells over-expressing the CXCR4 chemokine by CXCL12 present in increased amounts in the peritoneal fluid of endometriotic women. In conclusion, we have shown that medical treatment of endometriosis could be non-hormonal and that oxidative stress, ERK and Akt were new therapeutic approaches to assess in clinical trials. We also showed how the molecular changes of eutopic endometrial cells could facilitate their recruitment into the peritoneal cavity.
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Stratégie de sensibilisation des tumeurs des voies aérodigestives supérieures aux anti-EGFR et résistance induite : induction de HIF-2 et opportunité thérapeutique / Sensitization of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma to anti-EGFR therapy and acquired resistance : HIF-2 induction and therapeutic opportunityColiat, Pierre 19 November 2015 (has links)
Les traitements des cancers des VADS reposent sur la chirurgie, la radiothérapie, et la chimiothérapie. Malgré ces traitements, la survie globale des patients à 5 ans est de l’ordre de 50%. Les causes d’échec thérapeutique sont dues au profil de résistance des tumeurs. Le ciblage de l’axe EGFR/mTOR/HIF-1 par une combinaison de rapalogues et d’anti-EGFR a montré son efficacité sur certaines tumeurs solides. L’objet de ce travail de thèse a été de caractériser l’impact d’une combinaison de drogues à faibles doses sur des lignées cellulaires des VADS au moyen d’une approche pharmacologique et moléculaires. Nos résultats montrent que la combinaison de la rapamycine (5nM) au cetuximab (2,5μg/ml) diminue la survie clonogénique des cellules et permet une inhibition du facteur de transcription HIF-1α. Cette combinaison de drogue améliore l’efficacité de la radiothérapie. En revanche, l’induction de HIF-2a induite par le traitement provoque la résistance des cellules aux traitements par, et une rechute rapide des tumeurs in vivo. L’inhibition de HIF-2 permet une inhibition de la survie cellulaire d’environ 100% dans un modèle résistant. / Management of HNSCC relies on surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Despite these treatments, the 5 years overall survival of patient is lower than 50%. Main causes of therapeutic failure are due to the profile of resistance of tumors. The efficacy of a combination rapalogues and anti-EGFR therapies in targeting the EGFR/mTOR/HIF-1 axis in solid tumors was shown previously. In this PhD work, we have evaluated the impact of a low-dose drug combination on head and neck cancer cells lines with a pharmacological and molecular approach. We show that the combination of rapamycine (5nM) and cetuximab (2,5μg/ml) efficiently inhibits the HIF-1 transcription factor and impairs cell clonogenic survival. The efficacy of radiation therapy is improved by this drug combination. However, cell resistance to the treatment is acquired via the induction of HIF-2 in our resistant model cell line. This induction is associated with more tumor relapse in tumors mice xenograft. The inhibition of HIF-2 achieves a dramatic drop of cell clonogenic survival to < 1%.
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Déterminants moléculaires de l'atrophie musculaire induite par une ischémie cérébrale chez la souris : rôle potentiel de l'inhibition de la myostatine / Molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in a mouse model of cerebral ischemia : potential role of myostatin inhibitionDesgeorges, Marine 30 March 2015 (has links)
Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) sont considérés comme la pathologie neurologique la plus sévère en termes de mortalité et d’infirmité. Ils touchent plus de 140 000 personnes chaque année. L’AVC ischémique, qui représente 80% des AVC, est causé par l’occlusion localisée d’un vaisseau conduisant à un arrêt de l’apport en oxygène et en glucose au cerveau. Il est ainsi responsable de déficits moteurs, sensitifs et cognitifs qui peuvent gravement compromettre l’autonomie et la qualité de vie des patients. Les patients qui ont subi un AVC ischémique développent notamment une atrophie musculaire qui se produit principalement dans le membre parétique, mais aussi dans une moindre mesure dans le membre non parétique. Toutefois, les mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine de cette atrophie musculaire sont méconnus. Dans une première étude, l’objectif a été d’identifier les déterminants moléculaires mis en jeu dans l’atrophie musculaire induite par une ischémie cérébrale. Pour répondre à cet objectif, les travaux ont été menés sur un modèle d'ischémie cérébrale chez la souris qui consiste en l’occlusion de l'artère cérébrale moyenne par un monofilament en nylon. Nous avons montré que l’ischémie cérébrale entraînait, 3 jours après son induction, une atrophie musculaire des muscles quadriceps, soleus et tibialis anterior du côté parétique. Cette atrophie musculaire était associée à des déficits moteurs touchant l’équilibre, la coordination, la force musculaire, la posture ou la marche. Au niveau moléculaire, nous avons reporté un déséquilibre de la balance entre la synthèse et la dégradation des protéines musculaires en faveur d’une augmentation de la dégradation dans les muscles parétique et non parétique des souris ischémiées. Nous avons notamment montré que l’expression de la myostatine, un régulateur négatif majeur de la masse musculaire, était significativement augmentée. Dans une seconde étude, l’objectif a été d’identifier une cible d’intervention thérapeutique pour préserver la masse musculaire suite à une ischémie cérébrale. Au vu des résultats obtenus dans la première étude, nous avons ciblé la myostatine. Nous avons montré que l’inhibition de la myostatine entraînait, une meilleure récupération du poids de corps et du poids de divers muscles, 15 jours après une ischémie cérébrale. De plus, l’inhibition de la myostatine tendait à améliorer le comportement moteur des souris ischémiées (équilibre, coordination, force musculaire). En revanche, nous n’avons reporté aucune variation majeure des niveaux en ARNm ou protéines d’acteurs impliqués dans les voies de signalisation Akt/mTOR, Smad2/3, ubiquitine-protéasome et autophagie-lysosome, 15 jours après une ischémie cérébrale. Ces données préliminaires suggèrent que l’inhibition pharmacologique de la myostatine pourrait représenter une stratégie thérapeutique efficace pour limiter la perte de masse musculaire suite à une ischémie cérébrale / Strokes are considered as the most severe neurological disease in terms of mortality and disability. The incidence of stroke in France is estimated at 140 000. Ischemic stroke, which represents about 80% of strokes occur as a result of an obstruction of a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. Motor, cognitive and sensory deficits are common impacts of stroke and can seriously compromise the autonomy and patient quality of life. Ischemic stroke leads to muscle atrophy, wich occurs primarily in the paretic limb, but also to a lesser extent in the nonparetic limb. However, the molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy is unknown. In a first study, the purpose was to identify the molecular determinants involved in skeletal muscle atrophy following cerebral ischemia. To meet this objective, the work was carried out on a mouse model of cerebral ischemia, which involves the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO) with a nylon monofilament. We have shown that cerebral ischemia leads to skeletal muscle atrophy of quadriceps, soleus and tibialis anterior muscles of the paretic side, 3 days after MCAO. This muscular atrophy was associated with motor deficits in the balance, coordination, muscle strength, posture and walking. From a molecular point of view, we reported an imbalance between the rates of synthesis and degradation of muscle protein, in favour of protein degradation in both paretic and nonparetic muscles. In particular, we showed that the expression of myostatin, a master negative regulator of skeletal muscle mass was significantly increased. In a second study, the purpose was to identify a target for therapeutic intervention in order to maintain muscle mass following cerebral ischemia. In view of the results obtained in the first study, we targeted the myostatin. Our results show that myostatin inhibition increases body weight and muscle mass recovery, 15 days after cerebral ischemia. In addition, myostatin inhibition tends to improve motor behavior (balance, coordination, strength). From a molecular point of view, we reported no major change in mRNA or protein level of actors involved in Akt/mTOR, Smad2/3, autophagy-lysosome and ubiquitin-proteasome pathways, involved in the control of muscle mass, 15 days after cerebral ischemia. These preliminary results strongly suggest that pharmacological inhibitors of myostatin may provide significant therapeutic benefit for muscle atrophy following cerebral ischemia
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Interaction entre le stress du réticulum endoplasmique et la voie mTOR dans les néoplasmes neuroendocrines gastro-entéro-pancréatiques : vers une nouvelle option thérapeutique ? / Endoplasmic reticulum stress and mTOR interaction, a new therapeutic option for gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms?Freis, Patricia 19 May 2017 (has links)
Les néoplasmes neuroendocrines gastro-entéro-pancréatiques (NNE GEP) représentent un groupe de tumeurs rares se développant à partir des cellules neuroendocrines de l'organisme. L'arsenal thérapeutique disponible aujourd'hui pour les NNE GEP reste faible, même s'il s'est étoffé au cours de ces dix dernières années avec l'arrivée des thérapies ciblées (inhibiteurs de mTOR et de tyrosine-kinase). Cependant, ces traitements présentent des résistances qui conditionnent leur efficacité et aucun biomarqueur permettant de sélectionner les patients répondeurs à ces traitements ou d'anticiper le développement de résistances n'est connu. Identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques et comprendre les mécanismes de résistance est donc un enjeu dans le traitement des NNE GEP. Nos travaux montrent que les cellules de NNE GEP soumises à l'hypoxie ou la déplétion en glucose activent l'Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) et que la voie PERK favorise la survie cellulaire. De plus, la modulation de la réponse UPR (via des inhibiteurs ou inducteurs de l'UPR) diminue la croissance tumorale dans un modèle murin de dissémination métastatique de NNE GEP. Nous avons également découvert qu'un inhibiteur de mTOR, la rapamycine, permet d'activer préférentiellement la voie PERK de l'UPR, favorisant la survie des cellules traitées par la rapamycine. Ces résultats montrent l'intérêt de cibler la réponse UPR dans le traitement des NNE GEP. De plus, nous suggérons la mise en place d'un mécanisme de résistance aux inhibiteurs de mTOR impliquant la voie PERK. Si ces résultats se confirment in vivo et ex vivo, l'association d'un inhibiteur de mTOR et d'un inhibiteur de PERK pourrait palier aux phénomènes de résistance rencontrés avec les inhibiteurs de mTOR dans les NNE GEP / Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (GEP NEN) are defined as rare neoplastic lesions developing from neuroendocrine cells. Therapeutic options available for GEP NEN are scarce, although targeted therapies such as mTOR or tyrosine-kinase inhibitors provide new opportunities. However, tumor cells develop resistances to these treatments, which reduce their effectiveness. To date, no biomarker is available to select patients responding to these treatments or to anticipate the development of resistances. Identifying new therapeutic targets and understanding mechanisms of resistance are therefore a relevant issue in the treatment of GEP NEN.We found that GEP NEN cells induce the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) when subjected to hypoxia or glucose depletion, and that PERK pathway promotes cell survival. Modulation of the UPR thanks to UPR inhibitors or inducers decreases tumor growth in a murine model of metastatic dissemination of GEP NEN. Moreover, the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin preferentially induces PERK arm of the UPR, thereby promoting survival of rapamycin-treated cells. These results show the interest in targeting the UPR in the treatment of NNE GEP. In addition, we here suggest a new resistance mechanism to mTOR inhibitors involving PERK pathway. If these results are confirmed in vivo and ex vivo, the combination of mTOR inhibitor and PERK inhibitor could overcome mTOR inhibitors resistances in GEP NEN
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New regulatory mechanisms in the growth of endocrine tumors : digestive neuroendocrine tumors, pitiutary adenomas / Nouveaux mécanismes de régulation de la croissance des tumeurs endocrines : tumeurs neuroendocrines digestives, adénomes hypophysairesCuny, Thomas 12 December 2016 (has links)
Bien que rares, les tumeurs endocrines développées chez l'Homme demeurent problèmatiques. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes qui régulent leur croissance constitue un objectif essentiel pour identifier des cibles thérapeutiques nouvelles.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié l'impact du microenvironnement tumoral (MeT), définit par l'ensemble des facteurs qui encerclent la niche tumorale primitive, sur la croissance des tumeurs endocrines digestives. In vitro, nous observons un effet prolifératif réciproque entre des fibroblastes, l'une des cellules pivots du MeT, et des lignées cellulaires humaines de tumeurs endocrines pancréatiques, tel qu'il est susceptible d'exister in situ. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons montré que le pegvisomant, un antagoniste du récepteur de l'hormone de croissance utilisé chez des patients atteint d'adénome hypophysaire somatotrope, n'a pas d'effet prolifératif in vitro sur les cellules somatotropes adénomateuses. / Although rare, endocrine tumors developed in Humans remain problematic, such as a better understanding of their regulatory mechanisms of growth represent a step forward to identify new therapeutical targets.In the first part of this thesis, we investigated the impact of the tumor microenvironment (TME), as defined by the factors surrounding the tumor primitive niche, on the growth of human digestive endocrine tumors. We, here, showed the occurrence of a reciprocal proliferation between human fibroblasts, a key cell within the TME, and human pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor cell lines, suggesting that human fibroblasts may constitue a new therapeutical target of interest in the TME of digestive endocrine tumors. In a second part, we showed that pegvisomant (PEG), a growth hormone receptor antagonist currently used in patients with GH-secreting pituitary adenoma, did not impact in vitro the proliferation rate of GH-secreting adenoma cells and therefore is suitable in patients with a persisting GH-secreting pituitary adenoma residue after surgery.
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Etudes des voies somatostatinergiques et Pi3Kinase-Akt-mTOR dans les tumeurs intra-crâniennes (Adénomes hypophysaires, Méningiomes, Chordomes) / Pi3Kinase-Akt-mTOR and somatostatin pathways study in intra-cranial tumors (pituitary adenomas, meningiomas, and chordomas)Graillon, Thomas 01 December 2014 (has links)
1. Adénomes hypophysaires somatotropes : Elaboration d'un modèle in vitro et in vivo d'études du récepteur SST2 et des voies de signalisation somatostatinergiques.Afin de préciser l'étude du récepteur SST2, nous avons mis en place un modèle d'étude in vitro et in vivo, en établissant une lignée polyclonale exprimant le récepteur SST2 humain à de hauts niveaux. Ce modèle nous permettra de tester de nouveaux agonistes somatostatinergiques comme le pasiréotide et d'étudier de façon approfondie les voies de signalisation.2. Méningiomes : Mise en place d'un modèle de culture primaire de méningiome in vitro et étude de l'effet de l'octréotide, du pasiréotide et de l'everolimus sur la prolifération cellulaire et les voies de signalisation intracellulaire.Etant donné la forte expression du récepteur SST2, nous avons démontré in vitro un effet anti-prolifératif de l'octréotide sur les cellules de méningiomes via une inhibition de la voie Pi3kinase-Akt-mTOR. L'octréotide a significativement amélioré l'inhibition par l'everolimus de la prolifération cellulaire.Un effet additif des 2 drogues a été observé. Ces résultats ont permis la mise en place d'une étude clinique . Par ailleurs, on observe un meilleur effet du pasiréotide comparé à celui de l'octréotide.3. Chordomes : Mise au point d'un modèle de culture primaire de cellules de chordomes in vitro et études préliminaires.Les premiers résultats avec octréotide, pasiréotide et everolimus sont concluants, mettant en évidence une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire, et nous incitent à poursuivre les investigations. / 1.Somatotroph adenomas : Development of an in vitro and in vivo model to study SST2 receptor and somatostatin pathway.To precise SST2 role in tumorigenesis, we developed an in vitro and in vivo model, using a polyclonal cell line with high and stable SST2 expression level. This model will provide to test new somatostatin agonists as pasireotide and further studies on intracellular pathway in ''somatotroph'' context.2. Meningiomas : Development of a model of meningioma primary culture in vitro with study of octreotide, pasireoide and everolimus effects on cell proliferation and intracellular pathways. Given the strong SST2 expression, we demonstrated an in vitro antiproliferative effect of octreotide on meningioma cells via an inhibition of Pi3kinase-Akt-mTOR pathway.In vitro, we observed that octreotide significantly improved everolimus induced cell proliferation inhibition. An additive effect of the 2 drugs was observed in each tested tumor. These results supported the development of a clinical trial. Pasireotide provided a better effect than octreotide, alone or in combination with everolimus on cell proliferation and intracellular pathways.3. Chordomas : Development of an in vitro model of chordoma cell primary culture with preliminary studies.We developed a model of in vitro chordoma cell culture. This model is reliable and stable, providing study of different drugs. SST2 receptor expression was lower than in meningiomas but SST2 expression remained significant in the majority of the tumors. First results with octreotide, pasireotide and everolimus are relevant, with a decrease in cell proliferation leading to further studies.
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Contribuição da via de sinalização IGF-I/Akt/mTOR na atrofia muscular desencadeada pela insuficiência cardíaca: influência do treinamento físico aeróbico / Contribution of IGF-I/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway to the muscular atrophy induced by heart failure: influence of aerobic exercise trainingAline Villa Nova Bacurau 31 October 2013 (has links)
A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) é a via final comum da maioria das cardiomiopatias e outras doenças do aparelho circulatório. Considerando a prevalência crescente e a morbimortalidade associada representa um importante problema de saúde pública. Em quadros mais avançados, além do comprometimento funcional, portadores de IC apresentam perda de massa muscular excessiva que pode culminar em caquexia cardíaca; condição que contribui para o mau prognóstico e a mortalidade aumentadas. A massa muscular é regulada pelo balanço entre estímulos anabólicos e catabólicos. A quinase Akt vêm sendo considerando uma importante quinase na regulação do crescimento muscular por controlar o anabolismo proteico. Dessa forma, ativadores da Akt (IGF-I e insulina), bem como proteínas alvo da sinalização da Akt (mTOR e GSK3) são importantes mediadores na manutenção da massa muscular e podem ser regulados por estímulos metabólicos, nutricionais e mecânicos. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a contribuição da via de sinalização IGF-I/Akt/mTOR na atrofia muscular desencadeada pela IC tanto em humanos quanto em modelo experimental, bem como o efeito do treinamento físico aeróbico (TFA). Nossos resultados demonstraram que em biópsias do vasto lateral de pacientes portadores de IC classe II houve redução na expressão de mRNA de todas as isoformas de IGF-I e na expressão das proteínas IGFBP-3, Akt1, GSK3, pGSK3Ser9, mTOR e tendência a redução na pmTORSer2448 (p=0,08) e aumento na pAMPKThr172. Esses resultados foram acompanhados pela redução no VO2 pico desses pacientes. O TFA de 12 semanas levou a um aumento não significativo na expressão de mRNA da isoforma IGF-I Ea (p=0,07) e IGF-I PAM (p=0,06). Também observou-se aumento na pAMPKThr172 e tendência a aumento na Akt1 (p=0,07) e mTOR (p=0,06). Em modelo experimental de IC, no músculo sóleo observou-se redução na expressão das proteínas IGF-I, PI3K, pAktSer473,pGSK3Ser9 e aumento da pAMPKThr172. O TFA de 8 semanas promoveu aumento na expressão do mRNA das isoformas de IGF-I Ea, Eb e IGF-I PAM, bem como na expressão das proteínas IGFI, PI3K, pAktSer473, pmTORSer2448 e redução na pAMPKThr172. O conjunto de alterações promovido pelo TFA foi associado à maior tolerância ao esforço físico e ganho no desempenho motor em Rota Rod, além de prevenir a atrofia muscular. Quando esses animais foram tratados com rapamicina, um inibidor farmacológico da mTOR, o efeito do TFA na prevenção da atrofia muscular foi abolido. Juntos, esses resultados apoiam a hipótese de que a via de sinalização IGF-I/Akt/mTOR está envolvida no reestabelecimento muscular na IC induzida pelo TFA / Heart failure (HF) is a common ultimate consequence for the most cardiomyopathies and other diseases from circulatory system. Due its growing prevalence and morbimortality is an important public-health problem. In more advanced cases, besides functional impairment, HF patients present an excessive skeletal muscle loss which can lead to cardiac cachexia; a condition associated to a poor prognostic and increased mortality. Skeletal muscle mass is regulated by the balance between anabolic and catabolic stimuli. Akt kinase, although involved with the protein synthesis pathway, is able to regulates the skeletal muscle growth via anabolism and catabolism control. An importante role in the skeletal muscle growing has been attributed to the Akt kinase due its ability to control protein synthesis. Thus, activators (IGF-I and insulin) as well as target proteins in the Akt signaling pathway (mTOR and GSK3) are important mediators in the skeletal muscle mass homeostasis being regulated by anabolic, nutritional and mechanic stimuli. Therefore, the aim of the presente study was to evaluate the contribution of IGF-I/Akt/mTOR contribution to the muscle atrophy induced by HF in humans and mice. Additionally, the effect of aerobic exercise training were evaluated. Our data demonstrated that in biopsies obtained in the vastus lateral from class II IC patients occurred a reduction in the expression of all the forms of IGF investigated and in the expression of proteins such as IGFBP-3, Akt1, GSK3, pGSK3Ser9, mTOR, and tendency to reduce pmTORSer2448 (p=0.08) and to increase pAMPKThr172. These results were accompained by the reduction of peak VO2 in these patients. Twelve weeks of aerobic exercise training promoted a non-significant increase in the expression of the IGF-I Ea (p=0.07) and IGF-I PAM (p=0.06) mRNA expression. Moreover, it was observed an increase to pAMPKThr172, and tendency of increase for Akt1 (p=0.07) and mTOR (p=0.06) mRNA expression. In a experimental model of IC, it was observed a reduction in the expression of IGF I, PI3K, pAktSer473, pGSK3Ser9 and increase of pAMPKThr172. Eight weeks of aerobic exercise training increased the mRNA of IGF-I Ea, Eb and IGF-I PAM isoforms, as well as in the expression of IGF-I, PI3K, pAktSer473, pmTORSer2448 and pAMPKThr172 reduction. The changes induced by aerobic exercise training were associated with a higher tolerance to exercise and motor performance in rota rod besides prevent muscular atrophy. When treated with a inhibitor of mTOR, rapamycin, the adaptations induced by aerobic exercise training were blunted, supporting the hypothesis that the IGF-I/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway is involved in the recovering of muscle mass induced by physical training
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Intérêt de la modulation pharmacologique des voies PI3K / Akt / mTOR et MAPK / ERK pour la sensibilisation des cancers de l'ovaire aux molécules BH3-mimétiques / Interest of pharmacological modulation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR and MAPK/ERK pathways to sensitize ovarian cancers to BH3-mimetic moleculesPétigny-Lechartier, Cécile 27 April 2017 (has links)
Bcl-xL et Mcl-1 sont deux protéines anti-apoptotiques de la famille Bcl-2 dont dépendent les cancers de l’ovaire pour leur survie, leur inhibition semble donc être une stratégie pertinente. La molécule BH3-mimétique ABT 737 (ou son analogue oral, l’ABT-263), est un puissant inhibiteur de Bcl-xL mais l’inhibition de Mcl-1 reste problématique. Les voies de signalisation PI3K/Akt/mTOR et MAPK/ERK régulent l’expression et l’activité de cette dernière protéine et de ses partenaires BH3-only (Bim, Puma, Noxa). Nous nous sommes donc intéressés à l’intérêt de leur inhibition pour sensibiliser les cellules cancéreuses ovariennes à l’ABT-737. La première étude menée avec le BEZ235, double inhibiteur PI3K/mTOR développé par le laboratoire Novartis, montre qu’il inhibe l’expression de Mcl-1 et induit celle de Puma, et qu’il sensibilise les cellules cancéreuses ovariennes à l’ABT-737 à condition que l’expression de Bim soit également induite. La deuxième étude a évalué les effets de l’AZD8055, inhibiteur du site actif de mTOR développé par le laboratoire AstraZeneca, et du trametinib, inhibiteur allostérique de MEK développé par le laboratoire GlaxoSmithKline et actuellement en clinique, sur trois lignées cancéreuses ovariennes. L’inhibition de l’expression de Mcl-1 et l’induction de celle de Puma par l’AZD8055 ne permettent pas de diminuer suffisamment le ratio [Mcl-1/protéines BH3-only] pour sensibiliser les cellules à l’ABT-737. En revanche, la forte induction de Bim sous forme active déphosphorylée par le trametinib permet de diminuer suffisamment ce ratio pour sensibiliser deux des trois lignées testées à l’ABT-737. C’est cependant la triple combinaison AZD8055/trametinib/ABT-737 qui est la plus efficace pour induire une apoptose massive dans les trois lignées. Par ailleurs, de façon intéressante, l’association de l’AZD8055 et du trametinib est cytotoxique sans ABT 737 dans une des lignées testées. Ces résultats mettent en évidence l’efficacité de différentes stratégies thérapeutiques multi-cibles et la nécessité de définir des marqueurs prédictifs de la réponse afin d’évoluer vers un traitement personnalisé pour améliorer la prise en charge des cancers de l’ovaire. / Ovarian cancers depend on Bcl-xL and Mcl-1, two anti-apoptotic protein of the Bcl-2 family, for their survival and their inhibition seems to by a relevant strategy. The BH3-mimetic molecule ABT-737 (or its oral form, ABT-263), is a strong Bcl-xL inhibitor, but Mcl-1 inhibition remains problematic. Signaling pathways PI3K/Akt/mTOR and MAPK/ERK regulate expression and activity of Mcl-1 and its BH3-only partners (Bim, Puma, Noxa). We focused on the interest of their inhibition to sensitize ovarian cancer cells to ABT-737. The first study with BEZ235, a PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitor developed by Novartis, inhibits Mcl-1 expression and induces the one of Puma, and sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to ABT-737 provided that Bim expression is induced. The second study evaluated the effects of AZD8055, mTOR active site inhibitor developed by AstraZeneca, and of trametinib, MEK allosteric inhibitor developed by GlaxoSmithKline and currently in clinic, on three ovarian cancer cell lines. Mcl-1 expression inhibition and Puma expression induction by AZD8055 does not sufficiently reduce [Mcl-1/BH3-only proteins] ratio to sensitize cells to ABT-737. On the other hand, strong Bim induction in its active dephosphorylated form by trametinib sufficiently reduce this ratio to sensitize two of the three cell lines tested to ABT-737. Nevertheless, the triple combination AZD8055/trametinib/ABT-737 is the most efficient to induce massive apoptosis in the three cell lines. Besides, interestingly, AZD8055 and trametinib association is cytotoxic without ABT-737 in one of the tested cell lines. These results highlight the efficacy of different multi-targets therapeutic strategies and the need of predictive marker definition of the response to develop personalized treatment and to improve ovarian cancer management.
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mTOR Inhibitors and Calcineurin Inhibitors Do Not Affect Adhesion Molecule Expression of Human Macro- and Microvascular Endothelial CellsLehle, Karla, Schreml, Stephan, Kunz-Schughart, Leoni A., Rupprecht, Leopold, Birnbaum, Dietrich E., Schmid, Christof, Preuner, Jürgen G. January 2008 (has links)
We examined the effect of cyclosporin A, tacrolimus, sirolimus and everolimus on the cell growth, viability, proliferation, expression of cellular adhesion molecules (CAM) and leukocyte (PBMC) binding of human macrovascular (coronary artery, saphenous vein) and microvascular endothelial cells (EC). Tacrolimus did not affect EC integrity, growth or expression of CAM. Exclusively, EC from the coronary arteries showed a reduced cellular growth (about 30%) under cyclosporin A and tacrolimus treatment. In contrast, treatment with mTOR inhibitors reduced EC proliferative activity by about 40%, independently of the EC origin. No induction of apoptosis (caspase-3/7 activity) or cytotoxicity (MTS test) was observed. Long-term treatment with high concentrations of sirolimus and everolimus did not enhance the expression of CAM. Stimulation with tumor necrosis factor significantly increased the expression of CAM, independently of the drugs used. None of the mTOR inhibitors influenced the tumor necrosis factor-induced expression of CAM, whereas adhesion of PBMC increased significantly, as described by other papers. In summary, neither calcineurin inhibitors nor mTOR inhibitors activate human micro- and macrovascular EC. Therefore, the investigated drugs are unlikely to contribute to EC activation during transplant-associated vasculopathy. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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