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Métastases hépatiques de tumeurs endocrines digestives : développement de modèles animaux pour l’étude des mécanismes biologiques et l’évaluation préclinique des thérapeutiques / Liver metastasis of digestive endocrine tumors : development of animal models for the study of biological mechanisms and the preclinical evaluation of the therapeuticWalter, Thomas 10 November 2010 (has links)
Les métastases hépatiques de tumeurs endocrines digestives sont hypervasculaires et hétérogènes. Les mécanismes de développement de ces métastases hépatiques, en particulier le rôle de l’angiogenèse tumorale associée à ces tumeurs, sont complexes. Ceci explique la difficulté de prédire le profil évolutif de ces tumeurs et de trouver des facteurs prédictifs de réponses aux traitements médicaux utilisés. L’objectif de notre travail a été de mieux comprendre : le rôle de l’angiogenèse dans le développement des métastases hépatiques de tumeurs endocrines digestives ; les mécanismes d’actions et en particulier leur activité anti-angiogénique, de deux types de molécules (analogue de la somatostatine et inhibiteur de mTOR). Nos résultats nous ont permis à travers une double approche expérimentale, in vitro et in vivo de : (a) montrer la complexité de la régulation de la synthèse et de la sécrétion du VEGF par les cellules endocrines néoplasiques ; (b) confirmer expérimentalement la dissociation entre expression du VEGF et capacités angiogéniques d’une part, propriétés invasives et métastatiques d’autre part, dans les tumeurs endocrines digestives ; (c) montrer expérimentalement que l’inhibition de l’angiogenèse peut contribuer à l’effet anti-tumoral de substances d’intérêt thérapeutique dans les tumeurs endocrines digestives / Liver metastases of digestive endocrine tumors are hypervascular and heterogeneous. The mechanisms of development of these metastases, especially the role of angiogenesis, are complex. This explains the difficulty to predict the natural history of these tumors and to find predictive factors of response to medical treatments. Our aim was to evaluate: the role of angiogenesis in the development of liver metastasis from digestive endocrine tumors; mechanisms of action, especially antiangiogenic activity, of two drugs (somatostatin analogues and mTOR inhibitor). We were able to demonstrate through an in vitro and in vivo experimental approach that: (a) the regulation of VEGF synthesis and secretion is complex, with different roles according to the cell studied; (b) there is a dissociation between VEGF expression and angiogenic capacities, on one hand, and invasive and metastatic properties, on the other hand; (c) the inhibition of angiogenesis may contribute to the anti-tumoral effect of several drugs of therapeutic interest in digestive endocrine tumors
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Inibidores de mTOR são potencial terapia com alvo em células tronco tumorais para o carcinoma mucoepidermóide / Targeting cancer stem cells by mTOR inhibition in human mucoepidermoid carcinomaAndrade, Nathália Paiva de 09 June 2017 (has links)
O carcinoma mucoepidermóide (CME) é o tumor mais comum entre as neoplasias malignas de glândula salivar. Recentemente, uma rara população de células com características de multipotência, autorrenovação e potencial tumorigênico, denominadas como células tronco tumorais (CTT), foi descrita no CME. As CTT são resistentes as terapias atuais, e têm sido consideradas responsáveis pela recorrência e metástase, levando a um pior prognóstico para o paciente. A descoberta de que as CTT do CME superexpressam componentes da via de sinalização mTOR, levantou a hipótese que os pacientes poderiam ser beneficiados com o uso inibidores de mTOR como terapia para eliminação das CTT. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o potencial uso de inibidores de mTOR como terapia para o CME com foco em CTT, assim como, investigar o funcionamento da via de sinalização mTOR e os efeitos moleculares do tratamento com inibidores dessa via nas CTT do CME. Foi realizada imuno-histoquímica para p-mTOR e p-S6K-1 em casos de pacientes diagnosticados com CME, os resultados foram correlacionados com os dados clínicos dos pacientes e também foi realizada dupla marcação por imunofluorescência para ALDH/p-mTOR. Estudos in vitro foram realizados em 3 linhagens de CME (UM-HMC-1, -3A, -3B) e com inibidores da via de sinalização mTOR. Após exposição aos inibidores, realizou-se ensaios de western blot (proteínas da via mTOR e BMI-1), citometria de fluxo para ALDH/CD44; salisfera; e apoptose, esse último comparando com quimioterápicos utilizados atualmente. Adicionalmente, foi utilizado o silenciamento genético de mTOR para confirmar os resultados obtidos com inibidores químicos. Por fim, foram realizados ensaios in vivo com as células silenciadas e com o inibidor de mTOR tensirolimo. Os resultados evidenciaram que a via de sinalização mTOR está ativa no CME, é correlacionada com pior prognóstico clínico e está superexpressa nas CTT. O tratamento com inibidores da via mTOR levaram a diminuição da fração de CTT, devido a perda de autorrenovação e apoptose das CTT. A apoptose, junto a diminuição de p-AKT revelada por western blot, sugeriram que esteja ocorrendo inibição de mTORC2 nas CTT, um importante componente na eficácia do tratamento com inibição de mTOR no câncer. Além disso, também houve redução de vasos sanguíneos, nichos das CTT, e diminuição do crescimento tumoral com uso de inibidores ou silenciando mTOR in vivo. Coletivamente, os resultados mostraram que a inibição de mTOR foi capaz de agir nas CTT por mecanismos diretos (indução de apoptose e diminuição da autorrenovação) e indiretamente através da redução de angiogênese, sugerindo que o uso de inibidores de mTOR no tratamento do CME é uma estratégia molecular eficiente para a redução de CTT, e uma potencial terapia adjuvante. / Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is the most common tumor among malignant salivary gland neoplasms. Recently, a rare population of multipotent, self-renewing, and tumorigenic cells, termed cancer stem cells (CSC), was described in MEC. CSC are resistant to current therapies, and have been considered responsible for recurrence and metastasis, leading to worse patient prognosis. The discovery that CSC from MEC overexpressed the mTOR signaling pathway raised the hypothesis that use of mTOR inhibitors as therapy for CSC elimination could benefit patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential use of mTOR inhibitors as a therapy for MEC targeting CTT, as well to investigate the functioning of mTOR signaling pathway and the molecular effects of treatment with mTOR inhibitors in MEC CSC. Immunohistochemistry was performed for p-mTOR and p-S6K-1 in paraffin samples from patients diagnosed with MEC and results were correlated with clinical data, in addition, co-immunoflorescence was performed for ALDH/p-mTOR. In vitro studies were performed with 3 MEC cell lines (UM-HMC-1, -3A, -3B) and with inhibitors of the mTOR signaling pathway. After exposure to inhibitors the following assays were performed: western blot (mTOR signaling pathway proteins and BMI-1), flow cytometry for ALDH/CD44, salispheres, and apoptosis, the latter comparing with currently chemotherapeutic agents used as treatment for cancer patients. In addition, mTOR genetically silent was used to confirm results with chemical inhibitors. Finally, in vivo assays were performed with knockdown cells and with mTOR inhibitor temsirolimus treatment. Results showed that mTOR signaling pathway is active in MEC, it is correlated with worse clinical prognosis and it is overexpressed in CSC. Treatment with inhibitors of mTOR signaling pathway led to a decrease in CSC fraction, caused by loss of self-renewal and apoptosis. Apoptosis, together with the decrease in p-AKT revealed by western blot, suggest that inhibition of mTORC2, an important compound in the efficacy of mTOR inhibition for cancer treatment, is occurring. In addition, there was reduction of blood vessels, CSC niches, and decreased tumor growth using mTOR inhibitors or silencing mTOR. Collectively, results showed that inhibition of mTOR was able to act in CSC by direct mechanisms (induction of apoptosis, decreased self-renewal) and indirectly through reduction of angiogenesis, suggesting that the use of mTOR inhibitors in treatment of MEC is an efficient molecular strategy to reduce fraction of CSC, and a potential therapy.
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Suplementação com aminoácios de cadeia ramificada atenua em proles os efeitos mediados pela dieta materna restrita em proteína / Branched-chain amino acids supplementation attenuates in offspring the effects mediated by maternal protein-restrict diet.Teodoro, Gabriela Fullin Resende 12 August 2010 (has links)
Estudos em animais mostram que a desnutrição proteica intrauterina pode acarretar redistribuição do fluxo sanguíneo intraútero, podendo promover modificações permanentes na estrutura e funcionalidade de alguns órgãos, o que ocasiona modificações no metabolismo. Além disso, a desnutrição intrauterina pode afetar a secreção de hormônios que atuam no crescimento fetal, podendo conduzir à restrição do crescimento intrauterino. Esse fenômeno pode parcialmente ser explicado pela hipótese da programação fetal, na qual é sugerido que ocorra uma adaptação metabólica e fisiológica do feto a uma condição intrauterina adversa, que pode induzir o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na vida adulta. Neste contexto, pesquisas com suplementação de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) têm verificado a capacidade desses nutrientes promoverem a síntese proteica mesmo em condições catabólicas, por meio da ativação de uma via bioquímica intracelular intercedida pela proteína quinase Alvo da Rapamicina em Mamíferos (mTOR), a qual está envolvida no estímulo à etapa de tradução proteica. Assim, o presente trabalho avaliou o efeito da suplementação de BCAA em proles submetidas à desnutrição proteica materna. Para tanto, ratas Wistar foram acasaladas com ratos adultos de mesma raça. Uma vez constatada a gravidez, as matrizes foram distribuídas em grupos de acordo com a dieta que seria fornecida no decorrer da gestação: CON (20% proteína); VAL/ISO (5% proteína + 2% VAL + 2% ISO); AAE (5% proteína + 4% AAE); e BCAA (5% proteína + 4% BCAA). O protocolo de restrição proteica materna adotado causou redução no crescimento corporal e na massa de órgãos das proles. Embora a suplementação com VAL/ISO e AAE não tenha recuperado os efeitos mediados pela deficiência de proteína, foi constatado que a suplementação com BCAA reverteu parte do déficit observado no crescimento das proles, uma vez que foi eficaz em minimizar ou mesmo em restaurar plenamente diversos parâmetros como peso de órgãos, massa de gordura da carcaça e parâmetros indicativos do estado nutricional proteico, como as concentrações de proteína e RNA hepáticas e musculares. Estes efeitos podem parcialmente ser explicados pelo estímulo induzido pela suplementação com BCAA, na via de sinalização da mTOR, considerando que foi verificado no fígado das proles de matrizes que receberam esta suplementação, aumento na fosforilação desta proteína (P < 0,05), a qual é responsável por desencadear uma cascata de eventos biomoleculares que culminam, em última instância, no acréscimo da síntese proteica. Diante disto, torna-se relevante a realização de pesquisas que avaliem em longo prazo, os efeitos da suplementação com BCAA em proles submetidas à dieta materna restrita em proteína. / Animal studies show that intrauterine malnutrition may cause redistribution of blood flow in uterus, which may promote permanent changes in structure and function of some organs, which causes changes in metabolism. Furthermore, intrauterine malnutrition can affect the secretion of hormones that act on fetal growth and may lead to intrauterine growth restriction. This phenomenon can partly be explained by the hypothesis of fetal programming, which is suggested that occur a metabolic and physiological adaptation of the fetus to an adverse intrauterine condition, which can induce the development of chronic diseases in later life. In this context, researches with supplementation of branched chain amino acids (BCAA), especially leucine, have verified the ability of these nutrients to promote protein synthesis in catabolic conditions, through the activation of an intracellular biochemical pathway interceded by protein kinase Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR), which is involved in the stimulating of protein translation stage. Thus, this study evaluated the effect of BCAA supplementation in offspring subjected to maternal protein-restrict diet. To this, Wistar rats were mated with adult rats of the same race. Once was confirmed the pregnancy, the pregnants were distributed into groups according to the diet that would be provided during pregnancy: CON (20% protein); VAL/ISO (5% protein + 2% + 2% VAL/ISO), AAE (5% protein + 4% EAA) and BCAA (5% protein + 4% BCAA). The protocol adopted maternal protein restriction caused a reduction in body growth and weight of the offspring\'s organs. Although supplementation with VAL/ISO and AAE has not recovered the effects mediated by protein deficiency, it was found that supplementation with BCAA has reversed part of the deficit observed in the growth of the offspring, since it was effective in minimizing or even fully restoring various parameters such as organ weight, carcass fat mass and parameters indicative of nutritional protein, such as the concentrations of protein and RNA in liver and muscle. These effects may be partially explained by the stimulation induced by BCAA supplementation on the mTOR signaling pathway, considering that was verified in the liver of the offspring from dams that received this supplementation augment on the phosphorylation of this protein (P < 0,05), which is responsible for triggering a cascade of molecular events that culminate, ultimately, in increased protein synthesis. Given this, it becomes relevant to conducting research to assess long-term effects of supplementation with BCAA in offspring subjected to maternal protein-restricted diet.
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O papel da via mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) no desenvolvimento da cardiomiopatia séptica induzida por ligadura e perfuração do ceco / The role of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in the development of septic cardiomyopathy induced by cecal ligation and punctureFreitas, Ana Caroline Silva de 05 April 2018 (has links)
A disfunção cardíaca, decorrente de um prejuízo na contratilidade miocárdica, tem sido reconhecida como um fator importante que contribui para as altas taxas de mortalidade na sepse. Outro fato importante aponta para o envolvimento das calpaínas na inibição da via de sinalização PI3K/mTOR levando a uma diminuição potencial das taxas globais de síntese proteica através da redução da maquinaria de tradução disponível, o que reforça o envolvimento destes elementos na progressão da disfunção cardíaca na sepse. Metodologia: Foram utilizados camundongos da linhagem C57/BL6 para indução de sepse através da técnica de ligadura e perfuração do ceco separados em quatro grupos: controle com e sem tratamento e sepse moderada com e sem tratamento, o tratamento foi realizado 2 horas antes da cirurgia com inibidor da via mTOR, rapamicina. Foi realizada análise histopatológica em metacrilato e coloração picrosirius para colágeno, western blotting para quantificação da expressão proteica e real-time PCR para quantificação da expressão gênica, por fim realizamos análise funcional através da ecocardiografia. Resultados: Foi encontrado aumento das lesões teciduais e depósito de colágeno no grupo séptico tratado com rapamicina. A análise por western blotting e real-time PCR demonstrou redução das proteínas envolvidas na via mTOR nos grupos sépticos com e sem tratamento com ênfase no grupo tratado e por fim a avaliação funcional mostrou redução dos parâmetros débito cardíaco e fração de ejeção nos grupos sépticos com e sem tratamento. Conclusão: Nossos resultados demonstram que a via mTOR é de extrema importância na estrutura e função cardíacas, visto que sua inibição ocasionou o aumento de lesões e deposição de colágeno juntamente com alterações funcionais, podendo se transformar em um possível alvo terapêutico para futuras pesquisas clínicas em animais e humanos. / Cardiac dysfunction, due to impairment in myocardial contractility, has been recognized as an important factor contributing to the high mortality rates in sepsis. Another important fact is the involvement of the calpain in the inhibition of the PI3K / mTOR signaling pathway leading to a potential decrease in the overall rates of protein synthesis through the reduction of available translation machinery, which reinforces the involvement of these elements in the progression of cardiac dysfunction in sepsis. Methods: C57 / BL6 mice were used for induction of sepsis through the technique of ligation and perforation of the cecum separated into four groups: control with and without treatment and moderate sepsis with and without treatment, treatment was performed 2 hours before surgery with mTOR pathway inhibitor, rapamycin. Histopathological analysis was performed on methacrylate and picrosirius staining for collagen, western blotting for quantification of protein expression and real-time PCR for quantification of gene expression. Finally we performed functional analysis through echocardiography. Results: Increased tissue lesions and collagen deposition were found in the septic group treated with rapamycin. Western blotting and real-time PCR analysis showed reduction of the proteins involved in the mTOR pathway in the septic groups with and without treatment with emphasis in the treated group and finally the functional evaluation showed a reduction of the parameters cardiac output and ejection fraction in the septic groups with and without treatment. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that the mTOR pathway is extremely important in cardiac structure and function, since its inhibition has resulted in increased lesions and collagen deposition along with functional alterations, and may become a possible therapeutic target for future clinical research in animals and humans.
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Análise da expressão e mecanismos de ação das proteínas Akt, Hsp90, mTOR e ciclina D1 em cultura de células de carcinoma epidermoide humano e células displásicas após irradiação com laser em baixa intensidade / The expression and action mechanisms of Akt, Hsp90, mTOR and cyclin D1 proteins in cultured cells of squamous cell carcinoma and dysplastic cells after being irradiated with low level laser therapySperandio, Felipe Fornias 06 December 2012 (has links)
O carcinoma de cabeça e pescoço é uma neoplasia maligna de origem epitelial que resulta em aproximadamente 500.000 novos casos por ano ao redor do mundo. Diversos estudos têm sido conduzidos de maneira a elucidar os mecanismos de proliferação e invasão desta doença, sendo a via de sinalização Akt/mTOR e proteínas relacionadas, apontada como uma das principais vias envolvidas em sua progressão. Sabe-se que células neoplásicas, bem como células de diferentes tecidos, podem ter seu comportamento modificado após terem sido irradiadas com laser em baixa intensidade (LLLT). Porém, os mecanismos de atuação da luz laser de baixa potência sobre estas células permanecem ainda não completamente esclarecidos. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi o de analisar a viabilidade celular e expressão das proteínas Akt, pAkt, Hsp90, S6, pS6 e Ciclina D1 em duas linhagens celulares de carcinoma de boca (SCC9 e SCC25), bem como em uma linhagem de queratinócitos orais humanos com displasia (DOK) após irradiação com laser em baixa intensidade. O laser utilizado foi um diodo semicondutor de arseneto de Gálio e Alumínio (GaAlAs) operando nos comprimentos de onda vermelho (660nm) e infravermelho (780nm), com potência fixa em 40mW e três densidades de energia para cada comprimento de onda disponível: 2.05J/cm², 3.07J/cm² e 6.15J/cm². A análise de apoptose foi realizada por meio do teste de TUNEL e a expressão proteica foi obtida com imunofluorescência e western blotting. Após análise estatística por meio do método ANOVA dois critérios e testes de Tukey ou teste T de estudante, todos com nível de significância de 5%, pôde-se concluir que a LLLT induziu comportamentos distintos em cada uma das linhagens celulares utilizadas. Foi notado aumento, bem como diminuição da viabilidade celular, dependendo do comprimento de onda utilizado e das células irradiadas. A densidade de energia de 2.05J/cm² foi a que produziu efeitos mais significativos em SCC9. Para a linhagem celular SCC25, a dose mais relevante foi a de 3.07J/cm², enquanto que para a linhagem DOK, a dose de 6.15J/cm² causou efeitos mais proeminentes. Estas respectivas doses foram escolhidas para cada uma das linhagens para dar continuidade aos experimentos de Western Blotting e Imunofluorescência. Dentre os resultados mais relevantes obtidos com estas técnicas, pode-se citar a variação dos níveis de pS6 e Ciclina D1 para a linhagem DOK em determinados períodos. Já a linhagem SCC9 apresentou variação dos níveis de pAkt e Ciclina D1 nos períodos estudados. A linhagem SCC25 também teve as expressões de pAkt, pS6 e Ciclina D1 modificadas por LLLT. De maneira interessante, o aparecimento ou manutenção de uma isoforma de Hsp90 foi encontrado em SCC9 e SCC25 após irradiação laser. Por fim, a indução de apoptose foi detectada na linhagem SCC25. Em conclusão, pode-se dizer que a LLLT, como empregada neste estudo, foi capaz de aumentar a expressão de proteínas relacionadas à progressão e invasão em todas as linhagens estudadas. Além disso, a irradiação laser foi única, apesar de ter causado efeitos prolongados, algumas vezes até o último período estudado. / Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is an epithelial malignant neoplasm that accounts for approximately 500.000 new cases yearly around the world. Several studies have been conducted to elucidate the mechanisms of proliferation and invasion of this lesion, whereas the Akt/mTOR signaling pathway with its related proteins is being pointed out as one of the main pathways involved in HNSCC`s progression. Neoplastic cells, as well as cells that originate from different tissues may have their behavior modified by low level laser therapy (LLLT); however, the mechanisms through which the low level laser light interacts with these cells remain poorly understood. Thus, this study sought to evaluate the cell viability and the expression levels of Akt, pAkt, Hsp90, S6, pS6 and Cyclin D1 proteins in two oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lineages (SCC9 and SCC25) and in one oral dysplastic human keratinocyte cell line (DOK) after they had been treated with LLLT. The laser device was a semiconductor diode of Gallium and Aluminum Arsenate (GaAlAs), operating with wavelengths of 660nm (red) and 780nm (infrared), with a fixed power of 40mW and giving three different energy densities: 2.05J/cm², 3.07J/cm² and 6.15J/cm². Apoptosis was analyzed through TUNEL test and the protein expression was accessed with Immunofluorescence and Western blotting. After statistical analysis through two-way ANOVA and Tukey or Student`s T test, all of them with a level of significance of 5%, it was concluded that LLLT induced distinct behaviors to each of the studied cell lines. Increases and inhibitions in cell viabilities were detected depending on the wavelength and also on the irradiated cell line. The energy density of 2.05J/cm² produced the most significant findings over SCC9. On the other hand, in SCC25 the most relevant results were detected with 3.07J/cm², while the most prominent findings were seen with 6.15J/cm² when the cell line DOK was evaluated. In that way, these respective doses were chosen for each cell line to continue with Western blotting and Immunofluorescence. Among the most relevant findings, the variation of pS6 and Cyclin D1 levels can be cited for DOK in some evaluated periods. SCC9 presented both pAkt and Cyclin D1 variations in the studied periods. Besides that, SCC25 also had pAkt, pS6 and Cyclin D1 levels modified by LLLT. Interestingly, the appearance and maintenance of an Hsp90 isoform was found in SCC9 and SCC25 after laser irradiation. Moreover, the induction of apoptosis was detected for the SCC25 cell line. Finally, the LLLT employed herein was able to enhance the expression of proteins related to progression and invasion in all of the studied cell lines. In addition, there was a single laser irradiation, although it caused prolonged effects, sometimes through the latest evaluated period.
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Remodelamento da matriz extracelular da medula óssea em desnutrição protéica: possível relação da via de AKT com a expressão de fibronectina e metaloproteinases de matriz / Extracellular matriz remodeling of the bone marrow in protein malnutrition: possible relationship of AKT pathway with expression of fibronectin and matriz metalloproteínases.Silva, Graziela Batista da 26 April 2016 (has links)
A desnutrição proteica (DP) pode ocasionar alterações na matriz extracelular (MEC) de diferentes órgãos e tecidos, inclusive o hematopoético, com comprometimento funcional. Estudos do nosso laboratório demonstraram, em modelo murino de DP, aumento da expressão proteica de fibronectina (FN) no estroma medular ósseo in vivo, principalmente na região subendosteal (local de fixação da célula tronco progenitora hemopoética). Já in vitro, no estroma medular ósseo, observou-se tanto o aumento quanto a diminuição de FN e a presença de suas isoformas. Essas alterações de FN parecem estar envolvidas com a hipoplasia da medula óssea (MO) em camundongos desnutridos. As modificações quantitativas de FN podem ser devidas: (i) à ação das metaloproteinases de matriz (MMP) responsáveis pela degradação das proteínas da MEC; (ii) aos inibidores de metaloproteinases (TIMP) que regulam a degradação da MEC; (iii) às alterações transcricionais, reguladas pela via de AKT/mTOR, que controla os splicing alternativos na FN, resultando em isoformas dessa proteína; (iv) a processos pós-transcricionais modulados por LC3, que aumenta a tradução do RNAm de FN. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi elucidar os mecanismos que alteram o turnover de FN no estroma medular ósseo em modelo murino de DP. Utilizamos camundongos, C57BL/6J machos, adultos, separados em dois grupos: controle e desnutrido, alimentados, ad libitum, com ração contendo 12% e 2% de proteína, respectivamente. Após cinco semanas de indução à desnutrição os camundongos foram eutanasiados, e coletado o material biológico. Avaliamos: o estado nutricional, o hematológico, a histologia da MO femoral bem como a determinação imunohistoquímica da FN, MMP-2 e MMP-9, determinação da expressão de FN e suas isoformas em células totais da MO, o estabelecimento do estroma medular ósseo in vitro, por 28 e 35 dias de cultivo. A partir das culturas foram avaliadas a expressão de RNAm de FN e suas isoformas, MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, AKT, mTOR e LC3α e β, quantificação de MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2,TNFα, TGFβ e IL-1β e determinação de LC3β e proteínas da via de AKT/mTOR. Não observamos alterações na expressão do RNAm de FN e suas isoformas ex vivo e in vitro, mas um aumento da deposição de FN na MO.Também não observamos modificações na imunolocalização de MMP-2 e MMP-9 na MO e na atividade dessas proteínas no sobrenadante de culturas de células estromais in vitro, mas houve aumento da expressão do RNAm de MMP-9 em 28 dias de cultivo. Não detectamos alterações na expressão de RNAm e na concentração de TIMP-1 e TIMP-2 no sobrenadante das culturas. Houve redução significativa de TNFα e TGFβ no sobrenadante das culturas de 28 dias. Observamos aumento da expressão do RNAm de mTOR em culturas de 28 dias e LC3α e LC3β em 35 dias de células estromais. Encontramos menor fosforilação de PI3K, AKT, PTEN, mTOR e mTOR total e aumento de LC3β em culturas de 28 dias, mas redução de LC3β em 35 dias. Em função dos dados inferimos que a DP conduz a alterações da FN que não estão relacionadas à ação de MMPs e TIMPs e sim a modificações de LC3β e da via de AKT/mTOR. / Protein malnutrition (PM) can lead changes in extracellular matrix (ECM) from several organs and tissues, including hematopoietic, with functional impairments. Research from our laboratory demonstrated, in a murine model of protein malnutrition, increase in proteic expression of fibronectin (FN) in vivo bone marrow stroma, principally in subendosteal region (attachment site of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell - HSPC). It was observed as both an increase and a decrease in the presence of FN and its isoforms in vitro bone marrow stroma. These FN changes seem to be related to bone marrow (BM) hypoplasia in malnourished mice. Quantitative FN changes may be due to: (i) action of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) responsible for ECM proteins degradation; (ii) tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) that regulate ECM degradation; (iii) transicional changes regulated by AKT/mTOR pathway, which controls alternative splicing in FN, resulting in isoforms from this protein; (iv) post-transcriptional processes modulated by LC3 that increases FN mRNA translation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidade the mechanisms that changes the FN turnover in bone marrow stroma in a murine model of PM. C57BL/6J, adult and male mice were used and divided into two groups: control and malnourished, fed ad libitum with ration containing 12% and 2% of protein, respectively. After five weeks of induction malnutrition, mice were euthanized and the biological material was collected. We evaluated: nutritional and hematologic status, the femoral BM histology, immunohistochemistry determination of FN, MMP-2 and MMP-9, the FN and its isoforms expression determination in total BM cells, establishment of in vitro bone marrow stroma for 28 and 35 days of culture. From the cultures were evaluated FN mRNA expressions and its isoforms, MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, AKT, mTOR, LC3α and β, quantification of MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2,TNFα, TGFβ and IL-1β and determination of LC3β and AKT/mTOR proteins. No changes were observed, ex vivo and in vitro, in the expression of FN mRNA and its isoforms, but there was a FN deposition increase in BM. We did not observe modifications in MMP-2 e MMP-9 immunolocalization in BM and in these proteins activity in the supernatant of in vitro stromal cell culture, but there was an increase in MMP-9 mRNA expression after 28 days of culture. We did not detect changes in mRNA and in TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 expressions in the supernatant of cultures. There was significant reduction of TNFα and TGFβ in the cultures supernatant of 28 days. We observed an increase of mTOR RNAm in 28 days cultures and also LC3α and LC3β in stromal cells with 35 days. We found lower phosphorylation of PI3K, AKT, PTEN, mTOR e total mTOR and an LC3β increase in 28 days cultures, yet an LC3β reduction in 35 days. According to the data we conclude that PM leads to FN changes that are not related to MMPs and TIMPs actions, but the LC3β and AKT/mTOR pathway modifications.
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Contrôle de la masse et du phénotype musculaires en hypoxie : leçons tirées de modèles de croissance du muscle squelettique chez le rongeur / Control of muscle mass and phenotype in hypoxia : lessons drawn from muscle growth models in rodentChaillou, Thomas 08 December 2011 (has links)
Le muscle squelettique s'adapte en réponse à diverses influences en modulant sa masse et ses propriétés contractiles et métaboliques. Il est ainsi rapporté que l'hypoxie sévère a un effet délétère sur la masse et les capacités oxydatives du muscle, et pourrait ralentir la maturation du phénotype contractile au cours du développement post-natal. Cependant, les mécanismes de contrôle de cette plasticité musculaire ne sont pas clairement identifiés. Le but de ce travail était de déterminer le rôle de l'hypoxie environnementale sur le contrôle de la masse et l'adaptation du phénotype du muscle en croissance (hypertrophie de surcharge du plantaris après ablation de ses muscles agonistes et régénération du soléaire après lésions étendues induites par la notexine). L'exposition hypoxique limite transitoirement l'hypertrophie induite par la surcharge fonctionnelle, tandis qu'elle accentue la fonte musculaire en réprimant la formation et la croissance des néo-fibres au cours des étapes précoces de la régénération. Ces résultats seraient en partie expliqués par la désactivation partielle de la principale voie de protéosynthèse, la voie mTOR, par un mécanisme indépendant d'Akt. Parmi les inhibiteurs endogènes de mTOR étudiés (REDD1, BNIP-3 et l'AMPK), nous montrons que l'activation prononcée de l'AMPK en hypoxie pourrait réprimer l'activité de mTOR au cours de la régénération, alors que le mécanisme responsable de l'inhibition de mTOR n'a pas pu être identifié dans le modèle de surcharge. Le système protéolytique ubiquitine/protéasome-dépendant, évalué à partir de l'expression des atrogènes MURF1 et MAFbx, pourrait également expliquer en partie l'altération de l'hypertrophie de surcharge en hypoxie. Nos résultats soulignent par ailleurs que l'activité des cellules satellites serait réprimée au cours des premiers jours de régénération musculaire, conduisant à réduire la formation et la croissance des myotubes. Malgré cette perturbation précoce de la croissance musculaire, l'exposition prolongée en hypoxie ne limite pas l'hypertrophie de surcharge et la récupération de la masse du muscle lésé. Ceci démontre que les signaux anaboliques induits dans ces deux situations de croissance musculaire l'emportent très largement sur les signaux cataboliques de l'hypoxie. L'analyse des propriétés métaboliques et contractiles met en évidence que l'hypoxie altère les capacités oxydatives du muscle en croissance, mais les mécanismes impliqués dans cette réponse adaptative restent à identifier. Par ailleurs, l'hypoxie ne constitue pas un stimulus métabolique suffisant pour altérer la transition du phénotype contractile du muscle en surcharge et la récupération complète du phénotype contractile du muscle lésé. Elle contribue uniquement à ralentir très modérément et transitoirement l'adaptation phénotypique du muscle en surcharge, et à modifier le profil contractile du muscle durant la phase de dégénérescence musculaire. / Skeletal muscle adapts to various influences, by modulating both its mass and contractile and metabolic properties. It was reported that severe hypoxia impairs muscle mass and oxidative capacities and could reduce the fast-to-slow fiber transition during post-natal development. However, mechanisms involved in muscle plasticity during hypoxia exposure are not clearly identified. This work aimed to determine the role played by ambient hypoxia on the control of muscle mass and muscle phenotype during muscle growth (functional overload-induced hypertrophy of plantaris after removal of its synergist muscles and regeneration of soleus after extensive injury induced by notexin injection). Hypoxia exposure transiently minimizes the overload-induced hypertrophy, while it enhances the muscle-mass loss by repressing the formation and growth of nascent fibers during the early steps of regeneration. These results could be partly due to an impairment of the mTOR signaling activation, the main pathway involved in protein synthesis, independently of Akt. Among the endogenous repressors of mTOR studied (REDD1, BNIP-3 and AMPK), we show that the marked activation of AMPK in hypoxia could repress mTOR activity during regeneration, whereas the mechanism involved in mTOR inhibition remains unknown in the overload model. The ubiquitin/proteasome-dependant system, assessed from expression of the two atrogenes MURF1 and MAFbx, could also partly explain the hypoxia-induced alteration of muscle hypertrophy. Nevertheless, our findings show that activity of satellite cells could be repressed during the first days of regeneration, leading to reduce formation and growth of myotubes. Although muscle growth is early impaired, prolonged hypoxia exposure does not limit the overload-induced hypertrophy and the muscle mass recovery of injured muscle. This demonstrates that anabolic signals induced in these models of drastic muscle growth widely prevail on hypoxia-induced catabolic signals. The analysis of metabolic and contractile properties shows that hypoxia alters oxidative capacities in growing muscle, but mechanisms involved in this adaptive response remain to be elucidated. Moreover, hypoxia is not a sufficient metabolic stimulus to impair the fast-to-slow fiber transition in overloaded muscle, and the complete recovery of the contractile phenotype in injured muscle. It only contributes to transiently and modestly slow down the fast-to-slow fiber shift in overloaded muscle, and to modify the contractile profile of muscle during the degeneration phase.
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Contribuição da via de sinalização IGF-I/Akt/mTOR na atrofia muscular desencadeada pela insuficiência cardíaca: influência do treinamento físico aeróbico / Contribution of IGF-I/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway to the muscular atrophy induced by heart failure: influence of aerobic exercise trainingBacurau, Aline Villa Nova 31 October 2013 (has links)
A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) é a via final comum da maioria das cardiomiopatias e outras doenças do aparelho circulatório. Considerando a prevalência crescente e a morbimortalidade associada representa um importante problema de saúde pública. Em quadros mais avançados, além do comprometimento funcional, portadores de IC apresentam perda de massa muscular excessiva que pode culminar em caquexia cardíaca; condição que contribui para o mau prognóstico e a mortalidade aumentadas. A massa muscular é regulada pelo balanço entre estímulos anabólicos e catabólicos. A quinase Akt vêm sendo considerando uma importante quinase na regulação do crescimento muscular por controlar o anabolismo proteico. Dessa forma, ativadores da Akt (IGF-I e insulina), bem como proteínas alvo da sinalização da Akt (mTOR e GSK3) são importantes mediadores na manutenção da massa muscular e podem ser regulados por estímulos metabólicos, nutricionais e mecânicos. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a contribuição da via de sinalização IGF-I/Akt/mTOR na atrofia muscular desencadeada pela IC tanto em humanos quanto em modelo experimental, bem como o efeito do treinamento físico aeróbico (TFA). Nossos resultados demonstraram que em biópsias do vasto lateral de pacientes portadores de IC classe II houve redução na expressão de mRNA de todas as isoformas de IGF-I e na expressão das proteínas IGFBP-3, Akt1, GSK3, pGSK3Ser9, mTOR e tendência a redução na pmTORSer2448 (p=0,08) e aumento na pAMPKThr172. Esses resultados foram acompanhados pela redução no VO2 pico desses pacientes. O TFA de 12 semanas levou a um aumento não significativo na expressão de mRNA da isoforma IGF-I Ea (p=0,07) e IGF-I PAM (p=0,06). Também observou-se aumento na pAMPKThr172 e tendência a aumento na Akt1 (p=0,07) e mTOR (p=0,06). Em modelo experimental de IC, no músculo sóleo observou-se redução na expressão das proteínas IGF-I, PI3K, pAktSer473,pGSK3Ser9 e aumento da pAMPKThr172. O TFA de 8 semanas promoveu aumento na expressão do mRNA das isoformas de IGF-I Ea, Eb e IGF-I PAM, bem como na expressão das proteínas IGFI, PI3K, pAktSer473, pmTORSer2448 e redução na pAMPKThr172. O conjunto de alterações promovido pelo TFA foi associado à maior tolerância ao esforço físico e ganho no desempenho motor em Rota Rod, além de prevenir a atrofia muscular. Quando esses animais foram tratados com rapamicina, um inibidor farmacológico da mTOR, o efeito do TFA na prevenção da atrofia muscular foi abolido. Juntos, esses resultados apoiam a hipótese de que a via de sinalização IGF-I/Akt/mTOR está envolvida no reestabelecimento muscular na IC induzida pelo TFA / Heart failure (HF) is a common ultimate consequence for the most cardiomyopathies and other diseases from circulatory system. Due its growing prevalence and morbimortality is an important public-health problem. In more advanced cases, besides functional impairment, HF patients present an excessive skeletal muscle loss which can lead to cardiac cachexia; a condition associated to a poor prognostic and increased mortality. Skeletal muscle mass is regulated by the balance between anabolic and catabolic stimuli. Akt kinase, although involved with the protein synthesis pathway, is able to regulates the skeletal muscle growth via anabolism and catabolism control. An importante role in the skeletal muscle growing has been attributed to the Akt kinase due its ability to control protein synthesis. Thus, activators (IGF-I and insulin) as well as target proteins in the Akt signaling pathway (mTOR and GSK3) are important mediators in the skeletal muscle mass homeostasis being regulated by anabolic, nutritional and mechanic stimuli. Therefore, the aim of the presente study was to evaluate the contribution of IGF-I/Akt/mTOR contribution to the muscle atrophy induced by HF in humans and mice. Additionally, the effect of aerobic exercise training were evaluated. Our data demonstrated that in biopsies obtained in the vastus lateral from class II IC patients occurred a reduction in the expression of all the forms of IGF investigated and in the expression of proteins such as IGFBP-3, Akt1, GSK3, pGSK3Ser9, mTOR, and tendency to reduce pmTORSer2448 (p=0.08) and to increase pAMPKThr172. These results were accompained by the reduction of peak VO2 in these patients. Twelve weeks of aerobic exercise training promoted a non-significant increase in the expression of the IGF-I Ea (p=0.07) and IGF-I PAM (p=0.06) mRNA expression. Moreover, it was observed an increase to pAMPKThr172, and tendency of increase for Akt1 (p=0.07) and mTOR (p=0.06) mRNA expression. In a experimental model of IC, it was observed a reduction in the expression of IGF I, PI3K, pAktSer473, pGSK3Ser9 and increase of pAMPKThr172. Eight weeks of aerobic exercise training increased the mRNA of IGF-I Ea, Eb and IGF-I PAM isoforms, as well as in the expression of IGF-I, PI3K, pAktSer473, pmTORSer2448 and pAMPKThr172 reduction. The changes induced by aerobic exercise training were associated with a higher tolerance to exercise and motor performance in rota rod besides prevent muscular atrophy. When treated with a inhibitor of mTOR, rapamycin, the adaptations induced by aerobic exercise training were blunted, supporting the hypothesis that the IGF-I/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway is involved in the recovering of muscle mass induced by physical training
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Implication des céramides dans l'atrophie musculaire / Involvement of ceramides in muscle atrophyLarichaudy, Joffrey de 04 April 2012 (has links)
Le muscle squelettique fait preuve d'une remarquable plasticité en réponse aux changements physiologiques, comme l’activité physique, et aux situations pathologiques. Il subit notamment une atrophie sévère lors de la cachexie qui accompagne diverses pathologies chroniques comme le cancer, le SIDA, etc. L’atrophie musculaire est aussi une composante de la sarcopénie qui survient lors du vieillissement normal, et se caractérise par un déclin de la force et de la masse musculaire. L'atrophie musculaire, qui entraîne une augmentation de la mortalité et diminue l’efficacité des traitements, constitue donc un problème de santé majeur.La fonte musculaire se caractérise par une altération de l’équilibre entre synthèse et dégradation protéiques dans les fibres adultes. Des taux particulièrement élevés de cytokines circulantes, dont le TNFα, qui affectent l’homéostasie du muscle via différentes voies de signalisation, semblent être à l’origine de l'atrophie. Les mécanismes de la réponse atrophique musculaire à ces taux circulants élevés sont cependant mal définis. Le TNFα a des effets complexes. Il peut activer de multiples voies de signalisation, parmi lesquelles l'induction de la synthèse de sphingolipides, et plus particulièrement de céramides, par la voie de novo et par l'activation des sphingomyélinases. Au niveau musculaire, les céramides sont connus pour leurs effets sur la signalisation de l'insuline, sur l'apoptose et sur la différenciation myogénique. Par contre, leur implication dans le cadre de l'atrophie n'avait jamais été prise en compte. L’objectif de ce travail a été dans un premier temps de démontrer le rôle des céramides dans l’atrophie. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons caractérisé la voie de signalisation par laquelle l’augmentation intramusculaire de céramide induite par le TNFα aboutit à une chute de la synthèse protéique, couplée à une augmentation de la protéolyse. Dans ce but, nous avons mis au point des modèles in vitro d'atrophie, impliquant des myotubes traités par des concentrations physiologiques de TNF. Nous avons en parallèle étudié un modèle in vivo de cachexie induite chez la souris par l'implantation d’un adénocarcinome C26. L’analyse des sphingolipides nous a permis de montrer l’augmentation des taux de céramides concomitante à l’atrophie générée in vitro et in vivo. Le rôle des céramides dans l’atrophie a été démontré par l’effet protecteur des inhibiteurs de leur synthèse, dans les modèles in vitro et in vivo. Nous montrons de plus dans un modèle in vitro que les effets atrophiques des céramides sont dus à l’inhibition de la voie de signalisation Phospholipase D/mTOR/Akt. Nos résultats nous ont permis de prouver le rôle des sphingolipides dans le contrôle de l’homéostasie protéique du muscle. La modulation du métabolisme des sphingolipides apparaît donc comme une nouvelle cible thérapeutique prometteuse dans le traitement de la perte musculaire associée à diverses pathologies. / Skeletal muscle demonstrated a remarkable plasticity in response to physiological changes, such as physical activity, and pathological situations. He suffered such severe atrophy during cachexia that accompanies various pathologies such as cancer, AIDS, etc.. Muscle atrophy is also a component of sarcopenia that occurs during normal aging, and is characterized by a decline in strength and muscle mass. Muscle atrophy, which leads to increased mortality and decreased treatment efficacy, thus constitutes a health problem majeur.La muscle wasting is characterized by an impaired balance between protein synthesis and degradation in adult fibers. Particularly high levels of circulating cytokines, including TNF, which affect muscle homeostasis via different signaling pathways appear to be the cause of atrophy. Mechanisms of muscle atrophy response to these elevated circulating levels are however unclear. TNFa has complex effects. It may activate multiple signaling pathways, including the induction of the synthesis of sphingolipids, especially ceramides, for the de novo pathway and the activation of sphingomyelinases. In muscle, ceramides are known for their effects on insulin signaling on apoptosis and myogenic differentiation. By cons, their involvement in the context of atrophy was never taken into account. The objective of this work was firstly to demonstrate the role of ceramides in atrophy. In a second step, we characterized the signaling pathway by which increased intramuscular ceramide induced by TNF leads to a fall in protein synthesis, coupled with an increase in proteolysis. For this purpose, we have developed in vitro models of atrophy involving myotubes treated with physiological concentrations of TNF . We studied in parallel an in vivo model of cachexia induced in mice by implantation of adenocarcinoma C26. Analysis of sphingolipids we showed increased levels of ceramide concomitant atrophy generated in vitro and in vivo. The role of ceramide in atrophy has been demonstrated by the protective effect of inhibitors of their synthesis in the in vitro and in vivo. We show further in an in vitro model that atrophic effects of ceramides are due to inhibition of phospholipase D signaling pathway / mTOR / Akt. Our results allowed us to prove the role of sphingolipids in the homeostatic control of muscle protein. Modulation of sphingolipid metabolism appears to be a promising new therapeutic target in the treatment of muscle wasting associated with various pathologies.
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Implication of immune system in chondrosarcoma progression and therapeutic response : Could immunotherapy play a role in chondrosarcoma treatment ? / L’implication du système immunitaire dans la progression et la réponse thérapeutique du chondrosarcome : Est-ce que l’immunothérapie peut jouer un rôle dans le traitement du chondrosarcome ?Simard, François 14 June 2016 (has links)
Le chondrosarcome (CHS) est caractérisé par une grande chimio et radiorésistance ; il y a un besoin urgent de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour cette tumeur. Parmi celles-ci, certaines approches d'immunothérapie pourraient être d'un grand intérêt. Nous étudions actuellement l'implication du système immunitaire dans la progression du CHS et la réponse thérapeutique à la fois sur des échantillons humains et dans le modèle de chondrosarcome de rat (SRC).Dans le CHS humain et de rat, des infiltrats immunitaires composés de lymphocytes et macrophages ont été identifiés dans la zone péritumorale. L’infiltration immunitaire est en corrélation avec l’évolution de la tumeur (grade, envahissement et taille). L'expression de PD1 et PDL1 ont été détectée dans les infiltrats immunitaires et cellules tumorales du CHS chez l’homme et le rat. Le niveau d'expression PD-L1 en corrélation avec la survie des patients et le taux de rechute. Dans le model SRC, la déplétion sélective de lymphocytes T a entrainé une accélération de la progression tumorale, tandis que la déplétion de macrophages l’a ralenti. Les splénocytes isolés de rats porteurs de CHS ont montré une cytotoxicité spécifique dirigée contre les cellules de chondrosarcome (27%), qui a diminué de manière significative avec des rats appauvrie en CD3 (11%). La voie de signalisation PI3K/mTOR ne peut pas être associée à une immunothérapie car elle induit une action immunosuppressive in vivo.L'environnement immunitaire contribue à la progression du CHS à la fois chez l’homme et chez le rat, ce qui suggère que une approche immunomodulatrice avec des anticorps bloquant PDL1 pourrait être testée pour le CHS / Chondrosarcoma is highly resistant to chemotherapy and radiation and there is an urgent need in developing new therapeutic strategies for this malignancy; among these, some immunotherapy approaches could be of great interest. We are currently investigating the immune system implication in chondrosarcoma progression and therapeutic response both on human samples and in rat chondrosarcoma model (SRC). In human and rat chondrosarcoma, immune infiltrates composed of lymphocytes and macrophages were identified in the peritumoral area. Immune infiltrates composition was found correlated with tumors characteristics and evolution (grade, invasiveness and size). Expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 was detected in CHS immune infiltrates, both in human and rat (and on tumor cells). PD-L1 expression level correlated with patients survival and relapse rate. In SRC, T lymphocytes depletion resulted in an accelerated tumor progression, while CD163+ macrophages depletion slowed down tumor progression. Splenocytes isolated from CHS bearing SRC showed a specific cytotoxicity directed against chondrosarcoma cells (27%), which significantly decreased in CD3 depleted SRC (11%). The immune environment contributes to CHS progression in both human and animal models, this associated with expression of immune checkpoint PD1/PDL1 suggest that immunomodulatory approaches with PD-L1 blocking antibody could be applied in CHS; this approach is currently being tested in SRC
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