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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Healing at Cultural Crossroads : Comparing and Contrasting Healing in N. Scott Momaday's House Made of Dawn and Rudolfo Anaya's Bless Me Ultima

Reyer, Martina January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Autonomia privada e autocomposição extrajudicial dos litígios.

Mascarenhas, Ana Carolina Fernandes January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-11T17:41:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana.pdf: 1205612 bytes, checksum: d491ee22302243807b8b4e92545c90b4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T18:11:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana.pdf: 1205612 bytes, checksum: d491ee22302243807b8b4e92545c90b4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T18:11:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana.pdf: 1205612 bytes, checksum: d491ee22302243807b8b4e92545c90b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / O tema da presente pesquisa é a autonomia privada e autocomposição extrajudicial dos conflitos. O objetivo dessa pesquisa é demonstrar em que medida há legitimidade e abertura do ordenamento jurídico para utilização desse mecanismo extrajudicial de solução de conflitos. Para tanto a pesquisa foi dividida em três partes. Na primeira discorreu-se sobre a autonomia privada e os limites encontrados no ordenamento jurídico para esse princípio. Percebeu-se que o particular somente tem o poder de auto-regulamentação desde que atenda aos direitos fundamentais a boa-fé objetiva a lei e a ordem pública. Na segunda foi analisado o sistema de composição de litígios em especial a autocomposição demonstrando que através desse mecanismo é possível resguardar a autonomia privada na medida em que se busca estabelecer o diálogo entre as partes chegando a três resultados possíveis: renúncia submissão e a transação. Por fim no último capítulo buscou-se demonstrar que a autocomposição extrajudicial é um mecanismo alternativo idôneo e eficaz de solução de litígios porque visa atingir dois escopos: a justa composição da lide e a pacificação social bem como auxiliar na mitigação da crise do Poder Judiciário. Além disso percebeu-se que não há óbice no ordenamento jurídico para a plena implementação dessa forma autocompositiva. Ao revés o legislador pátrio atento às mudanças sociais cada vez mais busca incentivar esse meio de pacificação social. A título exemplificativo foram analisadas três leis (9.958 11.232 e 11.441) para demonstrar a importância da autocomposição extrajudicial no ordenamento jurídico pátrio. / Salvador

Domácí experiment při výuce fyziky na ZŠ / Home experiment by physics education at basic schools

ŤOUPAL, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on possible usage of home made experiment applications within physics lessons. The term home made experiment is clearly defined in this thesis as well as its corresponding involvement in educational process. Instructions and worksheets related to home made experiments are included. Below created materials were applied to verify the tasks and can be used in physics lessons at elementary school. The efficiency verification was performed by the attached and particularly analyzed didactic probes.

Logistika a řízení výroby ve vybraném podniku / Logistics and Production Management in a Selected Company

HANOUSKOVÁ, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the Master´s thesis is to analyse operations of the company dealing with the production of plastic and wooden windows and to focus on production organization and distribution and to suggest improvements measures. The Master´s thesis concentrates on production analysis and distribution of company WindowStar s.r.o which is one of the daughter companies of Austrian holding D.E.I.N. Haus. Company WindowStar s.r.o. resides in Planá nad Lužnicí and deals exclusively with the production of plastic and wooden windows. There are frequent changes of trends at purchasing windows, competition in this branch is great and therefore the company has necessarily to increase its competitiveness and financial stability. Analysing the production and distribution there were found out some places possible to be improved. Afterwards there were suggested particular measures leading to savings. I recommend the company to change buyer of plastic waste and non-congruous plastic products, further, to make a trim-to-size plan for cutting aluminium both for plastic and wooden windows. Finally, I suggest changing the supplier of glazing slats necessary for production of wooden windows and giving more effort to negotiations and cooperation with suppliers.

As sentenças judiciais e o sistema normativo recursal : desconstrução dos conceitos de juridicidade e legalidade à luz do princípio da eficiência

Carlos Jair de Oliveira Jardim 25 April 2011 (has links)
O Estado é um ente vocacionado ao controle e centralização da sociedade. Essa postura tem se perpetuado ao longo dos modelos estatais absoluto, liberal e social pela manutenção da ordem e do poder. No absolutismo houve a verdade identificou-se com a acepção da sacralidade das leis. No liberalismo a verdade foi instrumentalizada pela pura adoração à racionalidade das leis. No Estado Social, mesmo com a abertura semântica, a jurisdição e o poder mantiveram- se correlatos. No Brasil a frágil representatividade da sociedade no plano político deu azo ao monismo estatal que favoreceu a face paternalista e intervencionista. Com o desequilíbrio social e a expansão dos direitos sociais ocorreu a escalada em busca da tutela jurisdicional para a restauração da igualdade. Na mesma proporção que se deu a liberdade cognitiva do Judiciário, ocorreu o aumento da demanda recursal que deflagrou o processo de desprestígio das decisões judiciais de base. Em oposição, fica constatado, através de dados estatísticos, que nas decisões de primeira instância ocorre o momento mais propício para a concretização dos princípios da cooperação intersubjetiva e da oralidade, e portanto a conclusão do litígio pelo procedimento conciliatório. Negando tal postura, existem discursos em prol da legalidade que reforça o duplo grau de jurisdição como perfil de garantia constitucional, e portanto, inafastável, embora esse entendimento se encontre em franco desalinhamento com a interpretação normativa e com os precedentes jurisprudenciais. O resultado prático desse dissenso é que as sistemáticas incursões recursais inviabilizam o nascituro princípio da eficiência. O modelo do silogismo, ainda que aplicável em várias situações, cedeu espaço a juridicidade amplificada que rompeu a barreira do absoluto, admitindo-se o verossímil, o razoável. Instaurou-se o embate entre a legalidade que legitima a sistemática recursal e a juridicidade da eficiência e da equidade. Questões aduzidas como a ampla defesa e ampliação do debate pelas vias recursais comungam em desfavor dessas a exemplo de indagações acerca de alguns procedimentos colegiados como julgamentos em lista e, também, pelo cotejo das minirreformas processuais que alargaram os poderes do magistrado e possibilitaram a efetividade das decisões judiciais. O panorama macrossistêmico demonstra a nova projeção das Instituições Jurídicas pela sua revitalização e redimensionamento. A jurisdição deve ser célere e calcada o mais próxima possível da verdade; porém, o novo modelo de decisão justa é aquela que se apresenta mais sob a forma do desapego ao conceito do universalizante, das visões totalizantes, da unidade e das certezas absolutas. O mote é o fractal, o aberto, o plural. No mircossistema jurídico acena-se à tendência da força dos precedentes. Entretanto, parte da jurisdição, que é una, desconfortavelmente, tem sido alijada desse processo. A jurisdição de base, a rigor da forte chancela da legalidade recursal, não se incorpora como elemento de composição das soluções conflituosas, eis que suas decisões são sistematicamente rechaçadas. A juridicidade contemporânea, apanágio de um sistema de regras e critérios de ponderação diversificados, erigidos por sociedades cada vez mais plurais, aparentemente coaduna-se mais com esse intrincado processo cultural cujos debates filosóficos navegam na suposta sucessão entre a Modernidade e a Pós-modernidade / The state is being geared to the control and centralization of society. This attitude has been perpetuated over the absolute, social and liberal state models for maintaining order and power. In absolutism the truth was identified with of the sacredness of the laws. In liberalism the truth was instrumentalized by pure worship of the rationality of the laws. In the welfare state, even with the semantic expansion, the jurisdiction and power remained correlated. In Brazil, the weak representation in political society favored to monism state that favored the face paternalistic and interventionist. With the imbalance social and expansion of social rights was an escalation in the search of legal protection for the restoration of equality. In the same in proportion that cognitive freedom of the judiciary, there was increased demand that triggered the process to discredit the basis of judicial decisions. In contrast, it is found, through statistical data, that the decisions of first instance is more propitious moment for the realization of the principles of cooperative interactions and orality, and therefore the conclusion of the dispute by conciliation procedure. Denying such a stance, there are speeches in favor of legality, which reinforces the double degree of jurisdiction as a constitutional guarantee, and therefore, unremovable, although this understanding is in misalignment franc with the normative interpretation of legal precedents. The practical result of this dissent is that systematic incursions appellate become unviable the unborn principle of efficiency. The model of the syllogism, still applicable in various situations, allowed way to juridical posture amplified and broke the barrier of absolute, assuming the plausible and reasonable. Had establish the conflict between the legality that legitimizes to appellate systematics and the legality of the efficiency and the equity. Issues such as legal defense and wider debate by appellate process commune to the detriment of those, the example of some questions concerning the procedures collegiate as "judgment-list" and also by comparison of procedural small reforms which extending the powers of judge and allowed to effectiveness of judgments. The landscape scene shows the new projection of Legal Institutions for their restoration and resizing. Jurisdiction should be as quick as possible to the truth, but the new model of fair decision is one that is more in the form of detachment from the concept of universalizing, totalizing visions, of the unity and of absolute certainties. The theme is fractal, the open, the plural. From the point of view of the microsystem legal signals to the tendency of the force of precedent. However, part of the jurisdiction, which is one, uncomfortably, has been ruled out of this process. The base jurisdiction, the accuracy of the strong stamp of legality appellate, are not incorporated as an element of composition of conflicting solutions, behold, its decisions are systematically repulsed. The contemporary juridical posture, apanage of a system of rules and criteria weighting diversified, erected by increasingly plural societies, apparently is consistent in more with this intricate cultural process whose philosophical debates travels the supposed succession between Modernity and Postmodernity

La céramique non tournée en Gaule du Nord: Typo-chronologie, usages, approches économiques et culturelles (Ier s. av. n. è. - IVe s. de n. è.)

Venant, Nelly 27 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet l’étude de la céramique non tournée gallo-romaine des civitates tungrorum, nerviorum et remorum. La période prise en compte s’étend de la conquête de la Gaule par César (milieu du Ier siècle av. n. è.) au IVe siècle de n. è. Les problématiques traitées s’articulent autour des questions suivantes :qu’entendons-nous par céramique non tournée ?Quelles sont les formes constitutives du répertoire ?À quelle chronologie correspondent-elles ?Quelles sont les caractéristiques techniques de cette production ?De quel(s) processus de fabrication relève-t-elle ?Dans quel cadre cette céramique est-elle produite ?Émane-t-elle d’ateliers spécialisés ou s’agit-il d’une production dite « domestique » ?Afin de répondre à ces questions, dont les réponses sont le plus souvent intimement enchevêtrées, nous avons axé la méthodologie sur deux axes. Le premier consiste en une approche typo-chronologique :nous avons ainsi isolé près de 83 types de récipients se répartissant en pots, jattes, plats, bouteilles, cruches, coupelles et couvercles. Le second visait une tentative de reconstitution de la chaîne opératoire et posait également la question de l’applicabilité des méthodes ethnoarchéologiques au matériel gallo-romain. Cette seconde approche s’est limitée à l’étude d’une production particulière :la céramique non tournée « à dégraissant calcite », caractéristique du sud de la cité des Tongres et du nord de la cité des Rèmes. Ainsi en restant dans les limites strictes de ce que pouvait nous apprendre le matériel, nous avons pu éclairer quelques unes des étapes de la chaîne opératoire de cette production. Une analyse poussée des pâtes des récipients a permis d’éclairer la question de l’origine et de la provenance des matières premières que l’on peut situer aujourd’hui dans l’Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse (Synclinorium de Namur, Synclinorium de Dinant, Massif de Rocroi). L’examen des radiographies effectuées sur un échantillonnage d’une trentaine d’individus a permis de restituer des gestes et des séquences de gestes liés à l’ébauchage et à la mise en forme des récipients ;ces techniques et méthodes de façonnage montrent par ailleurs une certaine homogénéité. Les décors ont été répertoriés en terme d’outils et d’action de l’outil sur la surface et douze combinaisons ont ainsi été isolées. Enfin, rien n’a pu être dit au sujet de la cuisson des récipients pour deux raisons :premièrement, les études ethnoarchéologiques ont démontré que les tessons de céramique ne fournissent aucune information fiable concernant la cuisson ou les structures de cuisson ;deuxièmement, nous ne connaissons aucun atelier de production nous permettant d’aborder la question des structures de cuisson. En conclusion de cette thèse, nous insistons sur les apports potentiels d’une application systématique de l’étude de la chaîne opératoire des céramiques non tournées gallo-romaines à la connaissance de l’univers social de cette activité potière particulière. / Doctorat en Histoire, histoire de l'art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The country of origin effect on the consumer behaviour : The impact of the "Made in France" on the Swedish consumer behaviour

Gradassi, Florent, Viennot, Justine January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Srovnání podnikání v ČR a v SR / Comparison of business in the Czech rep. and Slovak rep.

Kubáň, Přemysl January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with comparison of business in the Czech and Slovak Republics, focusing on a limited company and specifically on the comparison of the possible ways and conditions of its acquisition in both states. The first chapter is devoted to the characteristics of some basic concepts, the second chapter the description of the legal forms of business in the CR and the third focuses on the general characteristics of the company. In the fourth and fifth chapter lists analyzed by a public company and limited partnership under the laws of both states. The sixth chapter focuses on the core theme of work and it is a limited liability company, a detailed analysis Ltd. under the laws of both countries and a description and comparison of ways to within Ltd. start a business. Gradually options are compared to set up Ltd. in both countries by self-help, by consulting firms and buy ready made Ltd. together with a practical comparison of prices of the services. The seventh chapter is devoted to the joint-stock company and its modification in the law of the CR and SR. The last chapter is a comparison of Czech and Slovak Republic in terms of their tax burden and agenda.

The effect of additives on the growth of benzophenone

Hutchinson, Adrian Paul January 2014 (has links)
The effect of impurities on crystal morphology is a challenging problem, since even at low concentrations they can have drastic effects on the final habit. Industrially this causes problems with downstream processes such as filtration, processability and even storage. Conversely, structurally related additive molecules may be introduced to a system in order to mimic the effect of an impurity resulting in a beneficial effect on problematic crystal morphologies. The work presented here considers the design and use of tailor made additives on a nonhydrogen bonded crystal, benzophenone. This compound is typical of many agrochemical materials in that the major intermolecular interactions are of the nondirectional van der Waals type. Using crystal packing analysis a selection of additives has been chosen with the intent of specifically hindering certain directions of crystal growth. From an initial group of nine molecules two additives, 4ABP and 4MBP were found tobe particularly effective, both strongly hindering growth. Measured kinetic data suggests that these additives bind to steps in the growth spirals, drastically slowing growth of specific crystal faces altering the crystal morphology to a needle shape. Through nucleation experiments and product analysis the additives were shown to effect only crystal growth becoming incorporated into the crystal structure. Computational modelling of the binding of additives to the crystal surfaces of benzophenone has been used in an attempt to rationalise the experimental effects. In many cases calculated binding energies were in agreement with experimental observation. However, modified attachment energies did not match well with experimental observations.

Le monde comme art. / The World as Art

Latreille, Emmanuel 02 March 2018 (has links)
L’art moderne et contemporain a quitté le régime de la Représentation pour expérimenter d’autres fonctions et proposer à un nouveau « regardeur » d’autres rapports avec la réalité vécue. Pour cela, il faut que quelque chose de fondamental ait changé dans la relation de l’artiste au monde : l’espace n’est plus quelque chose qu’il élabore au moyen de l’oeuvre, ou en elle. L’espace est, pour l’artiste moderne, une « donnée » dans laquelle il est placé d’emblée, à l’instar de tout être. Cela veut dire qu’il n’y a pas d’espace propre à l’oeuvre d’art qui ne soit l’espace du monde lui-même. L’art, c’est le monde, à travers l’engagement de tout ce qui l’occupe.C’est ce que Jean Paulhan (1884-1968), en parlant des cubistes, avait appelé « l’espace brut » ou « l’espace spontané », et qui est désigné ici comme « l’espace réel », pour le différencier de toute fiction spatiale. C’est aussi ce que Marcel Duchamp a élaboré à travers ses expérimentations sur les choses et le langage, l’ayant conduit à concevoir cette complexematrice de l’art qu’est le Ready-made en remplacement de la Perspective. Ainsi, ce qu’on nomme art contemporain est un art qui s’élabore dans le monde, impliquant les êtres et les choses, les formes et les signes, mais aussi la « lumière » des idées, toujours déjà là. Comprendre l’art, c’est, pour chacun, appréhender, sans pouvoir se dérober, comment se joue une rencontre entre ces entités contradictoires, visant une unité nouvelle et exprimant l’intuition du monde comme Tout.Cette thèse est un tel effort de compréhension qui, dans ma pratique de commissaire d’exposition et de critique d’art, a été partagé avec des artistes, au plus près des oeuvres et dans de multiples contextes, dans le cadre de ces institutions « d’aménagement du territoire » que sont les Fonds régionaux d’art contemporain / Modern and contemporary art have abandoned the system of Representation to experiment with other functions and to offer a new “beholder” different relations with a lived reality. To do this, something fundamental had to alter the artist’s relation to the world: space is no longer developed by means of the work, or within it. For modern artist, space is a “given” in which he is immediately placed, like any being. This means that there is no space peculiar to the work of art which is not the space of the world itself. Art is the world, through the involvement of everything occupying its space.This is what, in talking about the Cubists, Jean Paulhan (1884-1968) called “raw space” and “spontaneous space”, which is here described as “real space”, to differentiate it from any spatial fiction. It is also what Marcel Duchamp developed in his experiments involving things and language, leading him to devise that new matrix of art known as the Readymade,replacing Perspective. So what we call contemporary art is an art that is developed within the world, involving beings and things, forms and signs, invariably already there. For everyone, understanding art is grasping how, without being able to sidestep, the encounter between these contradictory entities is enacted, aimed at a new unity and expressing the intuition of the world as a Whole.This thesis is such an effort at comprehension, which, in my activities as an exhibition curator and art critic, has been shared with artists, at very close quarters with works and in many different contexts, within the framework of those institutions of “regional development”, the regional contemporary art collections (FRAC).

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