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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LA PLÁSTICA DEL OBJETO ENCONTRADO. Técnicas e ideología en el caso del artista invisible Joan Millet

Marqués Serra, David 06 November 2017 (has links)
The present Doctorate Thesis is circumscribed be the investigation of the technique that Marcel Duchamp denominated ready-made with the objective of gaining an insightful reading that goes beyond the already copious interpretations of this expressive procedure as a straight-forward descontextualization of the found object. We choose to foreground the undercurrents that animate the objet trouvé and in this way emphasize the specific morphologies provided by the ongoing turning-points of similar creative explorations. We have purposely focused our inquiry exclusively on the work of the contemporary, creative artist Joan Millet Bonet (Gandia '58) since his work is so well suited as example by addressing the concerns that will be scrutinized by our analytical and descriptive investigations. Here we show documentation of this investigation into the narrative and conceptual field as well as into the field of technical and procedural methodologies. We are also trying to highlight the underlying relationships that unite them. In so doing, we are trying access the how and why of their final formal structure that may reveal the possible distinctive relevance in the context of contemporary artistic expression. / La presente Tesis Doctoral se circunscribe dentro del estudio de la técnica que Marcel Duchamp denominó ready-made. Con la finalidad de obtener una visión contemporánea que trascienda a la ya extendida concepción de este modo de hacer como una sencilla descontextualización del objeto encontrado, hemos decidido profundizar en las posibles relaciones subyacentes que mueven al objet trouvé a presentar una determinada morfología en las renovaciones actuales de semejantes tipos de abordajes creativos. Para ello, hemos establecido un marco de acción, concentrando nuestros esfuerzos en la obra del creador contemporáneo Joan Millet Bonet (Gandía, 1958), puesto que su producción artística reúne los requisitos necesarios para ejercer de ejemplo, así como de objeto de estudio, en nuestras investigaciones analíticas y descriptivas. En este documento quedan registradas nuestras indagaciones, realizadas tanto en el campo narrativo y conceptual como en aquel vinculado al procedimiento y a la técnica. Además, tratamos de extraer el sustrato relacional que une ambas cuestiones entre sí, con el objetivo dirigido a averiguar la razón morfológica del producto final y su posible vigencia en el contexto artístico actual. / La present Tesi Doctoral se circumscriu dins de l'estudi de la tècnica que Marcel Duchamp va denominar ready-made. Amb la finalitat d'obtindre una visió contemporània que transcendisca a la ja estesa concepció d'aquesta manera de fer com una senzilla descontextualització de l'objecte trobat, hem decidit aprofundir en les possibles relacions subjacents que mouen l'objet trouvé a presentar una determinada morfologia en les renovacions actuals de semblants tipus d'abordatges creatius. Amb eixes intencions, hem establert un marc d'acció i hem concentrat els nostres esforços en l'obra del creador contemporani Joan Millet Bonet (Gandia, 1958), atés que la seua producció artística reuneix els requisits necessaris per tal d'exercir d'exemple, així com d'objecte a estudiar, en les nostres investigacions analítiques i descriptives. En aquest document queden registrades les nostres indagacions, realitzades tant en el camp narratiu i conceptual com en aquell vinculat al procediment i a la tècnica. A més, tractem d'extraure el substrat relacional que uneix ambdós qüestions, amb l'objectiu dirigit a esbrinar la raó morfològica del producte final i la seua possible vigència en el context artístic actual. / Marqués Serra, D. (2017). LA PLÁSTICA DEL OBJETO ENCONTRADO. Técnicas e ideología en el caso del artista invisible Joan Millet [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90564

Dorothy Wordsworth's Distinctive Voice

Liebel, Caroline Jean 29 June 2021 (has links)
The following study is interested in Dorothy Wordsworth's formation of her unique authorial identity and environmental ethos. I attend to her poetry and prose, specifically her journals written at Grasmere and her Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland (1874) to demonstrate how she shaped her individual voice while navigating her occasionally conflicting roles of sister and writer. My project begins with a chapter providing a selective biographical and critical history of Dorothy Wordsworth and details how my work emerges from current trends in scholarship and continues an ongoing critical conversation about Dorothy Wordsworth's agency and originality. In my analysis of Dorothy's distinct poetic voice, I compare selections of her writing with William's to demonstrate how Dorothy expressed her perspectives regarding nature, community, and her place within her environment. In my chapter on Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland, I analyze the ways in which Dorothy's narrative embraces the tenets of the picturesque while simultaneously acknowledging the tradition's limitations. Her environmental perspective was inherently rooted in domesticity; the idea of home and her community connections influenced how she engaged with and then recorded the environments she traveled to and the people she met. My project concludes by demonstrating how Dorothy Wordsworth's environmental ethos relates to the values promoted by modern environmental writers. Dorothy was intimately connected to her home and environment and modern environmental protection and conservation efforts encourage human connection to home and place. I consider how modern environmentalist movements could benefit from embodying the empathy that Dorothy showed for the natural world in their practices today. / Master of Arts / My thesis argues that while Dorothy Wordsworth was intrinsically involved in her brother William's poetic process, she actively created a unique writerly identity that can be detected throughout her journals and poems. My project begins with a chapter detailing how my work emerges from current trends in Dorothy Wordsworth scholarship, including feminist and ecocritical studies. In my analysis of Dorothy's individual poetic voice, I suggest that through her distinctive style and her mingling of poetry and prose, Dorothy was strongly asserting herself and her perspectives even when they conflicted with William's. Dorothy's Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland exemplifies her unique environmental perspective, which was influenced by her community-centered identity; this contributes to what she chooses to recollect in her journal. My project concludes by demonstrating how Dorothy Wordsworth's environmental ethos relates to the values promoted by modern environmental writers. Dorothy was intimately connected to her home and environment and modern environmental protection and conservation efforts encourage human connection to home and place. I consider how modern environmentalist movements could benefit from embodying the empathy that Dorothy showed for the natural world in their practices today.

Färre felaktiga reservdelar av typen Made-to-design : En undersökning vid Outokumpu Avesta

Sjödin, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att skapa ett underlag för beslutstagande om åtgärder för att minska risken för stillestånd orsakade av felaktiga reservdelar. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka orsaker till problemet samt genom att presentera förslag på tillvägagångsätt för att hantera dessa orsaker. Examensarbetet har avgränsats till att bara behandla Made-to-design-reservdelar. Det är reservdelar som tillverkas enligt en ritning som Outokumpu Avesta tillhandahåller leverantören och är därför unika för det studerade företaget. Examensarbetet bestod till stor del av en nulägesanalys som inleddes med en förstudie för att identifiera de huvudsakliga orsakerna till problemet. Rotorsakerna till problemet identifierades sedan med hjälp av en rotorsaksanalys enligt metoden ”fem varför”. I examensarbetet genomfördes även en simulering för att få en uppfattning om problemets omfattning.  Resultaten från examensarbetet visade på tre huvudsakliga orsaker till att reservdelar i förrådet varit felaktiga: Ritningen som Outokumpu Avesta tillhandahåller leverantören stämmer inte överens med specifikationerna reservdelen ska ha. Reservdelen blir feltillverkad av leverantören trots att rätt ritning har tillhandahållits. Leverantörer av MTD-reservdelar utvärderas inte med avseende på kvalitet i den utsträckning de borde samt valet av leverantör sker inte med hänsyn till total ägandekostnad. En föreslagen åtgärd är att Outokumpu Avesta inför en mottagningskontroll av MTD-reservdelar, vilket bedöms kunna möjliggöra en bättre utvärdering av leverantörerna, ny leverantörsklassificering samt möjlighet att ta hänsyn till total ägandekostnad. Vidare visade resultaten från examensarbetet ett behov av att tillvarata leverantörens frågor om ritningsotydligheter. Detta kan relateras till ett förslag om framtida undersökningar; hur Outokumpu Avesta skulle kunna jobba för att i större utsträckning få leverantörer att ställa frågor vid ritningsotydligheter. En del av examensarbetet var att rangordna de lösningar som föreslogs och det gjordes bland annat med ett matrisdiagram, vilket är ett av de sju ledningsverktygen.

With Children in Mind…

D'Alessandro, Elena 29 September 2003 (has links)
Industrial design is meant to improve the design of mass produced objects and by doing so to contribute to improve the users' quality of life. The designer's challenge is to balance functionality, aesthetic appeal and ease of use to create a successful market product. This industrial design thesis presents a pediatric examination table. Within the context of the new trends for healthcare design, it looks forward to contributing to the pediatric healthcare quality with an innovative product. Thus its design criteria must respond in both physical and emotional terms, to the users' needs and especially to their dreams. The pediatric examination table must be functional, aesthetically appealing, mechanically simple, and economic. And it can't just happen to be for children it must be designed with children in mind. / Master of Science

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma nova fase para extração por sorção em barra de agitação (SBSE) / Development and application of a new phase for stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE)

Barletta, Juliana Yamashita 17 December 2010 (has links)
Uma fase polimérica inédita de polidimetilsiloxano/carvão ativado (PDMS-ACB) é proposta como fase extratora para extração por sorção em barras de agitação (SBSE). A barra de PDMS-ACB foi desenvolvida no laboratório usando um molde de teflon simples, demonstrando estabilidade e resistência aos solventes orgânicos. Utilizando uma única barra de PDMS-ACB mais de 150 extrações foram realizadas sem qualquer dano. A barra de SBSE contém aproximadamente 100 µL de revestimento polimérico, 2,36 mm de diâmetro e 2,2 cm de comprimento. A barra PDMS-ACB foi aplicada na extração de seis pesticidas (ametrina, atrazina, bifentrina, carbofurano, metribuzim e tebutiurom), com propriedades predominantemente polares, comumente aplicados em plantações de cana-de-açúcar. A barra PDMS-ACB foi utilizada na determinação de pesticidas em garapa através de cromatografia gasosa hifenada à espectrometria de massa (GC-MS). O planejamento experimental foi empregado na etapa de otimização da extração SBSE, um planejamento fatorial fracionado avaliou a influência dos principais parâmetros envolvidos. Posteriormente, o planejamento composto central (CCD) com conformação estrela foi explorado para otimizar os fatores significativos na extração. Apenas 200 µL de acetato de etila foram utilizados como solvente na dessorção líquida (LD). Para os compostos avaliados, o método apresentou limite de quantificação (LOQ) no intervalo de 0,5 - 40 µg L-1, as recuperações variaram entre 0,18 - 49,50 % e a precisão intra-dia variou de 0,072 - 8,40 %. Concluída a etapa de validação, o método foi aplicado em amostras reais de garapa disponíveis comercialmente em São Carlos-SP. / A novel polydimethylsiloxane/activated carbon (PDMS-ACB) is proposed as new polymeric phases for stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE). The PDMS-ACB was developed in lab using simple teflon\'s mold, demonstrating remarkable stability and resistance to organic solvents, over 150 extractions without any damage. SBSE bar contained 100 µL of polymeric coating, a diameter of 2.36 mm and a length of 2.2 cm. It was applied to the determination of pesticides (ametryn, atrazine, bifenthrin, carbofuran, metribuzine and tebuthiuron) having predominantly polar properties, applied in sugarcane crops. PDMS-ACB was employed in the determination of pesticides in sugarcane juice using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Experimental design was employed in the optimization step, a fractional factorial evaluated the main parameters involved in the extraction procedure. Afterwards, central composite design (CCD) was exploited to optimize the significant factors on the extraction. About 200 µL of ethyl acetate were employed as solvent in the liquid desorption (LD). The method presented limit of quantification (LOQ) from 0.5 to 40 µg L-1, recoveries varied 0.18 - 49.50% and precision intra-day 0.072 - 8.40%. Hence, the method was applied to the analysis of real sugarcane juice samples commercially available in São Carlos-SP.

BAMBUVISKOS : En hållbar fiber för framtiden? / Bamboo Viscose : a Sustainable Fibre for the Future?

Svensson, Karin, Magnusson, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Naturskyddsföreningen gav författarna uppgiften att undersöka förekommande viskosprocesser och alternativa regenereringsprocesser, detta för att identifiera hur hållbara de är ur ett miljöperspektiv och vilka processer som går att applicera på bambu. Detta för att se möjligheten att märka bambuviskos med Bra Miljöval och för att klargöra frekvent uppkommande frågor angående bambuviskos. Syftet är att se på de olika processernas kemiska innehåll samt vilka utsläpp de orsakar till luft och vatten. Ett delmål med rapporten är att den ska kunna användas som material vid vidareutveckling av kriterierna för Bra Miljöval Textil. Resultat som erhållits vid jämförelser av studerad litteratur är att de betydande faktorerna för miljöpåverkan från massaframställningen samt viskos- och lyocellprocessen beror av: använda kemikalier i processen, energianvändningen och vilken typ av energi, möjligheten till rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten samt återvinning av energi och kemikalier. Beroende på vilket råmaterial som används vid massaframställningen kan skillnader i markanvändning, användning av bekämpningsmedel och gödningsmedel samt upptagande av koldioxid skilja sig. Massa- och fiberframställning bör vara integrerade då energiförbrukning och mängd kemikalier kan minskas. Energin kan dessutom återvinnas till större utsträckning.Genom miljömärkningar från oberoende organisationer blir det lättare för konsumenter att göra miljömedvetna val och veta vad märkningarna står för. Sammanfattningsvis ska det påpekas att om regenererad bambu framställs som den görs idag är den ingen hållbar fiber, men sker framställningen i en integrerad process där kemikalier och energi återvinns samt rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten sker, kan bambuviskos bli en hållbar fiber för framtiden. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) gave the authors the task to investigative present viscose processes and alternative regeneration processes to identify how sustainable they are from an environmental perspective, and examine which processes that can be applied to bamboo. This to see the possibility to label bamboo viscose with “Bra Miljöval” (Good Environmental Choice), which is the eco-label of SSNC, and to clarify the frequently emerging issues concerning bamboo viscose. The aim is to look at the various processes, their chemical content and the emissions they cause to air and water. Another objective of the report is that it can be used as material for further development of the criteria for “Bra Miljöval”.Results obtained when comparing the studied literature is that the significant factors of the environmental impact from the pulp production, the viscose and lyocell processes depends on: chemicals used in the process, energy and energy source, the possibility of purifying emissions to air and water and recycling of energy and chemicals. Depending on the raw materials used for pulp production, differences in land use, use of pesticides and fertilizers as well as absorption of carbon dioxide differ. Pulp and fibre production should be integrated to reduce energy consumption and the amount of chemicals used. The energy can also be recycled to a greater extent.Eco-labels from independent organizations will make it easier for consumers to make environmentally conscious choices and be aware of what the labels stand for.In conclusion, it should be noted that if the regenerated bamboo is produced as it is today, it is not a sustainable fibre. If the production is done through an integrated process in which chemicals and energy recovery and purification of air and water occurs, bamboo viscose can be a sustainable fibre for the future. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Är kinesisk produktkvalitet bättre än svensk år 2025?

Sjögren, Fredrika, Vesterlind, Eva-Lotta January 2019 (has links)
Kina har genom olika   statliga initiativ startat ett kvalitetsrace med ambitionen är att ta   kinesisk produktkvalitet till helt nya nivåer till år 2025. Lyckas man kommer   svenska bolag som handlar/ konkurrerar med kinesiska bolag, eller bedriver   verksamhet inom Kina, sannolikt att påverkas. Frågan är hur? Syftet med denna   studie har varit att känna svenska bolag på pulsen; hur upplever de den   kinesiska kvalitetsutvecklingen och hur tror de att deras bolag kommer att   påverkas? Ett underliggande syfte har varit att undersöka hur de kulturella   aspekterna inverkar på den kinesiska kvalitetsutveckling. För att svara på   detta genomfördes en kvantitativ enkät riktad till svenska kvalitetschefer   samt en kvalitativ fallstudie riktad till svenska bolag med närvaro i Kina. Resultatet visar att   nivån på kinesisk produktkvalitet förväntas stiga inom många branscher samt   att konkurrens och handelsutbytet kommer att påverkas genom att kinesiska   marknadsandelar ökar på den globala marknaden. Inom vissa områden är kinesisk   produktkvalitet redan idag likvärdig med västerländsk men den är inte stabil   utan kräver kontroller från mottagarledet, tillika kunden. En trolig   bidragande orsak till den ojämna kvaliteten finner vi i den kinesiska   makrokulturen där man av tradition sätter stolthet i att utför   arbetsuppgifter enligt order och inte ifrågasätter överordnade. Detta får en   negativ effekt på kvalitetskulturen, vilket i sin tur riskerar att försvåra   kvalitetsutvecklingen och är en utmaning för Kina att hantera. Utmaningen   till trots så visar denna studie att det är möjligt att den kinesiska statens   initiativ kan lyckas, åtminstone till stora delar och såväl svenska företag   som den globala marknaden bör hålla ett vakande öga på utvecklingen. / China has through various government initiatives started a quality   race with the ambition to take Chinese product quality to higher levels until   2025. If they succeed, Swedish companies that trade/ compete with Chinese   companies, or conduct business within China, are likely to be affected. The   question is how? The purpose of this study has been to check the pulse of   Swedish companies; how do they perceive the Chinese quality development and   how do they think their company will be affected? An underlying purpose has   been to investigate how cultural aspects affect the Chinese quality   development. To answer this, a quantitative survey was conducted aimed at   Swedish quality managers and a qualitative case study aimed at Swedish   companies with a presence in China. The result shows that the level of   Chinese product quality is expected to rise in many industries, and that   competition and trade exchange will be affected by increasing Chinese market   shares in the global market. In some areas, Chinese product quality is   already equivalent to Western, but it is not stable but requires controls   from the recipient, namely the customer. A likely contributing factor to the   uneven quality is found in the Chinese macro culture where traditionally one   prides itself on performing tasks according to orders and not questioning   superiors. This has a negative effect on the quality culture, which in turn   risks making quality development more difficult and is a challenge for China   to handle. Despite this challenge, this study shows that it is possible that the   Chinese state's initiative may succeed, at least in large part, and both   Swedish companies and the global market should keep a watchful eye on   developments. / <p>2019-06-27</p>

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma nova fase para extração por sorção em barra de agitação (SBSE) / Development and application of a new phase for stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE)

Juliana Yamashita Barletta 17 December 2010 (has links)
Uma fase polimérica inédita de polidimetilsiloxano/carvão ativado (PDMS-ACB) é proposta como fase extratora para extração por sorção em barras de agitação (SBSE). A barra de PDMS-ACB foi desenvolvida no laboratório usando um molde de teflon simples, demonstrando estabilidade e resistência aos solventes orgânicos. Utilizando uma única barra de PDMS-ACB mais de 150 extrações foram realizadas sem qualquer dano. A barra de SBSE contém aproximadamente 100 &micro;L de revestimento polimérico, 2,36 mm de diâmetro e 2,2 cm de comprimento. A barra PDMS-ACB foi aplicada na extração de seis pesticidas (ametrina, atrazina, bifentrina, carbofurano, metribuzim e tebutiurom), com propriedades predominantemente polares, comumente aplicados em plantações de cana-de-açúcar. A barra PDMS-ACB foi utilizada na determinação de pesticidas em garapa através de cromatografia gasosa hifenada à espectrometria de massa (GC-MS). O planejamento experimental foi empregado na etapa de otimização da extração SBSE, um planejamento fatorial fracionado avaliou a influência dos principais parâmetros envolvidos. Posteriormente, o planejamento composto central (CCD) com conformação estrela foi explorado para otimizar os fatores significativos na extração. Apenas 200 &micro;L de acetato de etila foram utilizados como solvente na dessorção líquida (LD). Para os compostos avaliados, o método apresentou limite de quantificação (LOQ) no intervalo de 0,5 - 40 &micro;g L-1, as recuperações variaram entre 0,18 - 49,50 % e a precisão intra-dia variou de 0,072 - 8,40 %. Concluída a etapa de validação, o método foi aplicado em amostras reais de garapa disponíveis comercialmente em São Carlos-SP. / A novel polydimethylsiloxane/activated carbon (PDMS-ACB) is proposed as new polymeric phases for stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE). The PDMS-ACB was developed in lab using simple teflon\'s mold, demonstrating remarkable stability and resistance to organic solvents, over 150 extractions without any damage. SBSE bar contained 100 &micro;L of polymeric coating, a diameter of 2.36 mm and a length of 2.2 cm. It was applied to the determination of pesticides (ametryn, atrazine, bifenthrin, carbofuran, metribuzine and tebuthiuron) having predominantly polar properties, applied in sugarcane crops. PDMS-ACB was employed in the determination of pesticides in sugarcane juice using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Experimental design was employed in the optimization step, a fractional factorial evaluated the main parameters involved in the extraction procedure. Afterwards, central composite design (CCD) was exploited to optimize the significant factors on the extraction. About 200 &micro;L of ethyl acetate were employed as solvent in the liquid desorption (LD). The method presented limit of quantification (LOQ) from 0.5 to 40 &micro;g L-1, recoveries varied 0.18 - 49.50% and precision intra-day 0.072 - 8.40%. Hence, the method was applied to the analysis of real sugarcane juice samples commercially available in São Carlos-SP.

Upprepning, kombination, yta : Per Olov Enquists mogna författarskap i relation till det svenska 1960-talet / Repetition, Combination, Surface : The Mature Works of Per Olov Enquist in Relation to Swedish Avantgarde Aesthetics of the 1960s

Siwers, Carl-Wilhelm January 2021 (has links)
By conceptualizing repetition with the Swedish avantgarde aesthetics of the 1960s as a point of departure, this thesis argues that the repetition phenomena in the mature works of Per Olov Enquist (1934–2020) are indebted to the period. Hereby it brings together two major trends in the Enquist research that previously have been separate. In accordance with the main tendency of the period, the Enquistian repetitions reuse concrete constituents and are of technical and combinatory nature. According to the taxonomy introduced in the thesis, they are mainly internarrative, i.e., they transcend the limits of the individual stories. Thus, in Enquist, the superficial, anti-mimetic as well as anti-hermeneutical qualities pertaining to the period are a consequence of the specifically internarrative character of the repetitions, whereas the individual stories remain mimetically coherent. Furthermore, the thesis investigates a metapoetic discourse in the mature works; in part, it demonstrates a continuity between this discourse and the non-metapoetic notion of repetition in Enquist’s novels of the ‘60s. Altogether, the thesis proposes a way of historically situating the Enquist oeuvre as a whole; supposedly, it will contribute to further studies with similar aims.

Papper och lump : studier av kontinuitet och förändring i nordisk pappersindustri från 1600-tal till 1900-tal

Sjunnesson, Helene January 2006 (has links)
. This thesis consists of an introduction and four previously published articles. The joint empirical focus is papermaking based on textile rags as fibre raw material. Furthermore the physical environment is central in the studies. The relationship between continuity and change is a prevailing theme. The thesis also pays attention to the use of different sorts of rags and to the connection between this kind of papermaking and the textile industry. The overall purpose is to throw new light upon the paper industry based on rags – a part of early industry seldom mentioned in historical surveys of the industrialization process in Sweden. The aim is also to question the prevalent Swedish historical writing commissioned by the branch, characterized by set divisions between different phases of technical and industrial development, from simple craft to modern industry. One of these borderlines has been drawn between papermaking by hand and papermaking by machine, with the 1830s as the selected transition period. By studying and analysing changes in the traditional and seemingly static papermaking as well as the opposite: the traditional that has lingered in the new, this thesis shows that the course of events was much more complicated than that. An outcome of the studies is that the industrialization of the rag based paper industry has been a complex, uneven and prolonged process. The first main part of the thesis consists of two Swedish regional studies centred on the province of Östergötland in a long-time perspective. The focus is mainly on the long continuity of papermaking by hand, which was carried out between 1628 and 1968. The study shows that a variety of types and sizes of mills regarding ownership, forms of production, location, paper qualities and techniques can be identified. Continuity was the dominating feature but within this framework technological and industrial change also took place. The second main part of the thesis has a Nordic perspective and deals with a shorter period, mainly 1830-1870. One study examines the introduction of the paper-machine and the establishment of the first machine-made paper mills in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland with special attention given to the Swedish mill Holmen in Norrköping and the Finnish Tammerfors mill, both situated in textile mill towns. A second Nordic study surveys hand-made paper mills founded during and after the time when the paper-machine technology had been established. As the studies show, two parallel development tracks were prevalent in the paper industry in the Nordic countries during the period 1830-1870 – papermaking by machine and papermaking by hand. The first paper machines were imported from Britain to some of the oldest and largest paper mills. The introduction of the new technology led to changes in for instance the paper mill buildings and the organization of work regarding the papermaking process. In the preparatory and finishing work manual methods remained, and as before it employed mostly women. At the same time, papermaking by hand continued to change and new hand-made paper mills were founded until as late as the 1890s. The study discusses possible explanations, among them growing markets for special qualities and combinations with other branches of industry. All the studies show a connection between hand-made paper mills and wool mills on one hand, and machine-made paper mills and cotton and linen mills on the other hand. The paper industry based on rags could in fact be characterized as a kind of textile industry / <p>QC 20101129</p>

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