Spelling suggestions: "subject:"made"" "subject:"hade""
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Ověřování kvality potravinKošková, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zaměřuje na značky kvality potravin, které dokládají, že kvality byla ověřena třetí (nezávislou) stranou. Konkrétně jsou zmiňovány značky Klasa, Czech made, Tesco, Metro Quality a Bio-Produkt ekologického zemědělství. V teoretické části jsou příslušné značky charakterizovány (jsou uvedeny podmínky jejich udělení, grafická podoba, apod.). Praktická část práce vychází z dotazníkového šetření mezi spotřebiteli různých demografických charakteristik a ukazuje, jaká je znalost značek kvality potravin a vůbec vnímání kvality.
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Measuring Low Fault Strain Rate with Synthetic Aperture Radar: Application to the Pacific-North America Plate BoundaryGourmelen, Noel 28 October 2009 (has links)
I use Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) to study the present deformation in the Western Basin and Range and Basin and Range - Sierra Nevada transition. I process 350 SAR data over 190·103 km2 for the period 1992 to 2002. Both stacking and time series processing were applied to produce precise (mm/yr) and high-resolution velocity map for the area. Two new processing techniques have been developed. The first technique solves for the long wavelength ambiguities of the InSAR derived velocity map that arise due to uncertainty in the orbital parameter of the satellite. The technique assimilates continuous GPS data into the InSAR time-series processing. The second technique extracts the horizontal and vertical components of the deformation field from two adjacent radar tracks. I applied stacking to study the transient deformation across the Central Nevada Seismic Belt and interseismic strain accumulation across the Eastern California Shear Zone. I show that the current deformation across the Central Nevada Seismic Belt can be explained by a combination of inter-seismic, post-seismic and anthropogenic deformation. The Post-Seismic deformation is associated with visco-elastic relaxation of the Earth's mantle in response to a centennial earthquake sequence of five ~M7 earthquakes along the Central Nevada Seismic Belt. The anthropogenic deformation is a response of the bedrock to water withdrawal in support of mining activity. A more evolved time-series approach that solves for orbital errors is applied across the Eastern California Shear Zone. The study shows that the Hunter Mountain - Panamint Valley fault system accommodates ~5 mm/yr, a faster rate than geological averages. The region of strain accumulation is a narrow band of ~10 km centered on the Hunter mountain fault, and indicates a very shallow locking depth in agreement with an active low angle normal fault system.
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Att anpassa ett småhus till prefab / To adjust a house into prefabricateKennie, Svensson January 2008 (has links)
Prefabricering eller platsbyggt hus? Många ställer sig den frågan. Vad finns det för fördelar respektive nackdelar med prefab gentemot platsbyggt hus? Vilka ritningar behövs och hur går man tillväga? Detta examensarbete är en framtagning på hur man anpassar ett småhus till prefabricering. Platsbyggt hus är ett hus som byggs på plats. Material fraktas dit, förvaras och kapas. Den vanligaste byggmetoden för byggande av hus. Prefabricering av hus är däremot ett hus som byggs i en fabrik eller industri. Huset byggs i färdiga block som kan innehålla fönster, dörrar, el och vattenledningar etc. På arbetsplatsen lyfts blocken på plats och monteras ihop. / Prefabricate or on-site made house ? Many ask that question. What are the advantage and disadvantage with prefabricate towards on-site made house ? Which drawings need to be done and how do you draw them? This diplomawork deal with how you adjust a house into prefabricate. On-site made house is a house that is build on place. Materials freights there, stores and bucks. The most common construction method. Prefabricated house is however a house that are built in a factory or in a industry. The house build in complete blocks and can include things like windows, doors, electricity and pipelines etcetera. At the workplace they lift the blocks in place and assembles together.
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Tailor-made : En studie om skräddarsydda produkter på internetHolgersson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how companies offering tailor made products on the internet, can work with their marketing and their customer relationships. The study will answer the purpose from a service management perspective and there will also be presented theories from an Electronic Commerce perspective. The starting point for this study was the qualitative method. The essay builds its empirical material from interviews with knowledgeable persons in the subject and the owner of the company whose products are tailor made and sold on the internet. It was conducted seven interviews, four of which were face-to-face, two conducted by mail and finally there was made a telephone interview. Conclusions have been drawn based on the empirical material and theory. The study has been able to identify three concepts that are central to this type of product: Site-building, customer involvement and promotion & relationship management.
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Att anpassa ett småhus till prefab / To adjust a house into prefabricateKennie, Svensson January 2008 (has links)
<p>Prefabricering eller platsbyggt hus? Många ställer sig den frågan. Vad finns det för fördelar respektive nackdelar med prefab</p><p>gentemot platsbyggt hus? Vilka ritningar behövs och hur går man tillväga?</p><p>Detta examensarbete är en framtagning på hur man anpassar ett småhus till prefabricering.</p><p>Platsbyggt hus är ett hus som byggs på plats. Material fraktas dit, förvaras och kapas.</p><p>Den vanligaste byggmetoden för byggande av hus.</p><p>Prefabricering av hus är däremot ett hus som byggs i en fabrik eller industri. Huset byggs i färdiga block som kan innehålla</p><p>fönster, dörrar, el och vattenledningar etc.</p><p>På arbetsplatsen lyfts blocken på plats och monteras ihop.</p> / <p>Prefabricate or on-site made house ? Many ask that question. What are the advantage and disadvantage with prefabricate</p><p>towards on-site made house ? Which drawings need to be done and how do you draw them?</p><p>This diplomawork deal with how you adjust a house into prefabricate.</p><p>On-site made house is a house that is build on place. Materials freights there, stores and bucks. The most common</p><p>construction method.</p><p>Prefabricated house is however a house that are built in a factory or in a industry. The house build in complete blocks and</p><p>can include things like windows, doors, electricity and pipelines etcetera.</p><p>At the workplace they lift the blocks in place and assembles together.</p>
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Nya t-shirts av gamla jeans : Textila egenskaper hos en cellulosabaserad konstfiber tillverkadav dissolvingmassa framställd från bomull av textilt avfall / New t-shirts made out of old jeansAronsson, Julia, Björquist, Stina January 2015 (has links)
Idag produceras 70 miljoner årston textilfibrer. Denna siffra kommer fram tills år 2050 att mer än tredubblas i takt med att jordens befolkning och medelinkomsten per person ökar. År 2013 förbrukade svenskarna så mycket som 12,5 kilo textil per person varav 8 kilo slängdes i hushållssoporna. Textilindustrin ställs inför stora utmaningar, dels att tillgodose ett större behov av fibrer samt att hantera ett växande avfallsberg. Det behövs därför återvinningsmetoder för att ta tillvara på textiler både från industrier och konsumenter. Företaget Re:newcell finansierar forskning på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH, i Stockholm. Denna forskning undersöker möjligheten att återvinna cellulosabaserat textilavfall till en dissolvingmassa. Massan kan användas för att spinna nya cellulosabaserade konstfibrer. I detta examensarbete undersöks egenskaperna hos lyocellfibrer framställda av dissolvingmassa från Re:newcell. Dissolvingmassan för dessa fibrer har producerats av secondhandjeans. Fibrerna jämförs genom projektet med konventionellt framställda lyocellfibrer, Tencel®. På Textilhögskolan har ett ringspunnet garn producerats av respektive fiber. Garnernas linjära densitet har kontrollerats för att uppnå samma grovlek som ett kommersiellt producerat Tencel®garn. Dragprovning av samtliga tre garner har utförts för att bestämma tenacitet samt brottstöjning. En slätstickad trikåkvalitet har sedan tillverkats av respektive garn. På dessa tre trikåkvaliteter har ett antal tester utförts för att kunna bestämma kvadratmetervikt, dimensionsändring efter tvätt, fuktlednings-, absorptions- och färgupptagningsförmåga, anfärgning till andra material, färghärdighet efter konsumentvätt, nöthärdighet samt matrialens tendens att noppra. Syftet med arbetet är att kunna dra slutsatser om huruvida Re:newcellfibern kan komplettera konventionellt producerade cellulosabaserade konstfibrer för tillverkning av nya klädesplagg. Slutsatsen är att Re:newcellfibrerna kan spinnas till ett garn med samma linjära densitet som ett kommersiellt framställt Tencel®garn. Re:newcellgarnet har en god styrka och töjs i liten utstäckning i både torrt och vått tillstånd. Av garnet är det möjligt att tillverka en rundstickad vara av slätstickad kvalitet. Efter testerna kan det konstateras att detta material krymper accepterbart vid konsumenttvätt. Det kan bäras nära kroppen eftersom absorptions- och fuktledningsförmågan är god. Färgupptagningsförmågan är god för reaktivfärg av antrakinon typ. En del av färgen tvättas av men materialet anfärgar inte andra material märkbart. Re:newcelltrikån står emot förhållandevis hög nötning mot en standardiserad ullväv. Materialet noppras i stor utsträckning rätsida mot rätsida men nopprorna slits av efter hand. Testerna som har utförts på materialen visar att Re:newcellfibern har utmärkta egenskaper för att kunna användas i ett plagg som till exempel en t-shirt. Därmed har dissolvingmassan från Re:newcell en stor potential att vara en ny råvara i produktionen av cellulosabaserade konstfibrer. Dissolvingmassan kan bidra till att textilindustrin kan ta tillvara sitt avfall och även tillgodose en del av det växande behovet av textilfibrer i framtiden. / The population of the earth, as well as the average income, are both on the increase. Therefore the already high consumption of textiles in the world is expected to be even greater in the future. At present, 70 million tonnes of textile fibres are being produced yearly. This figure could rise to as much as 240 million within the next 35 years. In Sweden alone, the people were consuming around 12.5 kilos of textiles per person in 2010. About 8 of these kilos were discarded as garbage. The textile industry is facing big challenges, both in finding new resources for production of fibres as well as dealing with the issue of large amounts of textile waste from consumers and companies. Re:newcell is a Swedish company financing research at Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm. Their researchers are investigating the possibility to recycle cotton and other cellulosic textile materials in order to produce dissolved pulp. Thereafter cellulosic man-made fibres are being produced from the pulp. The properties of lyocell fibres produced from the dissolved pulp from Re:newcell is being investigated in this Bachelor thesis. The dissolved pulp has been produced from jeans bought in second-hand shops. These fibres are being compared to the conventionally produced lyocell fibres, Tencel®. A ring spun yarn of each fibre type has been produced at the Swedish School of Textiles. The linear density of the yarns have been determined in order to achieve the same thickness of the yarn as a commercially spun yarn also made from Tencel® fibres. A test of tensile strength and elongation has been carried out on each of the three yarns. Thereafter the yarns have been used to manufacture a knitted fabric on a circular knitting machine. Each of the knitted fabrics have gone through a series of tests regarding weight of fabric per square meter, dimensional change after washing, wicking and absorbency properties, dye exhaustion, colour staining to other materials during laundering and colour change after laundering, abrasion resistance and tendency to create fuzzing and pills. The purpose of the study is to make conclusions about whether this fibre has the potential to complement other cellulosic man-made fibres. The conclusion is that Re:newcell fibres can be used to spin a yarn with the linear density of 25 tex. This yarn can be utilized to produce a circular knitted fabric light enough to make T-shirts. After the testing it is concluded that the shrinking percentage after consumer’s washing is acceptable. In addition, the material could be worn close to the body because of the good absorbency and wicking properties. The exhaustion of dyestuff of antrakinon type from the dyeing liquor is equally very good. Although some of the dyestuff is being washed in laundering, the Re:newcell tricot is not staining other materials noticeably. The Re:newcell material can also withstand high abrasion against a woven wool material. The tendency to form fuzzing and pills is great but the pills are being torn of eventually. It may be concluded that the fibres, made by the dissolved pulp of Re:newcell in the lyocell process, can be used to manufacture a yarn with better strength than two investigated yarns of Tencel®. The tests carried out on the fabrics produced in the project show that the Re:newcell fibre has excellent properties in order to function as a material in a garment, for example a T-shirt. Therefore the dissolved pulp of Re:newcell has the possibility to be a new raw material in the production of man-made cellulosic fibres. This enables the textile industry to deal with their excess waste, and to meet the increasing demand for fibres in the world.
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Kernavės viduramžių keramika / Medieval pottery from kernavėBaltramiejūnaitė, Dovilė 01 July 2014 (has links)
Keramikos studijos – informatyvus šaltinis archeologiniams paminklams pažinti. Pasirinkta šio darbo tema apima Kernavės viduramžių apžiestą keramiką. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pasekti Kernavės keramikos raidą viduramžių Kernavės miesto ir vėliau čia egzistavusio miestelio chronologinėse ribose. Didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas XIII-XIV a. puodininkystės raidos tendencijoms stebėti, tuo tarpu miestelio keramika naudojama daugiau kaip lyginamoji medžiaga pokyčių stebėjimui ir išryškinimui. Tikslo įgyvendinimui tyrinėti technologiniai, morfologiniai, puošybiniai keramikos požymiai, stebėtas jų stabilumas ar kaita laike ir erdvėje, įvertinta šių požymių reikšmė. Didžiąją dalį nagrinėjamos Kernavės keramikos sudaro įvairių dydžių puodai, kurie sąlygiškai suskirstyti į funkcines grupes: mažus puodelius, puodus, puodynes, galėjusius atlikti maisto gamybos, pernešimo, saugojimo funkcijas. Specializuotų apžiestos keramikos indų sutinkama retai - dauguma jų priklauso miestelio laikotarpiui Technologinių gamybos požymių kaita aptariamu laikotarpiu nėra žymi. XIII-XIV a. pokyčiai dažniau pastebima ne diachroninėje, o erdvinėje plotmėje. Molio liesinimui dažniausiai naudotas grūstas granitas, sienelės formuotos iš volelių, o XIV a. ir iš juostų, apžiedžiant puodui buvo suteikiama forma ir/ar nulyginamas paviršius. XIV a. II p. keramikoje pastebima kiek spartesnė gamybinių požymių kaita – smulkėja priemaišos, puodai apžiedžiami intensyviau, sienelių storis tolygesnis, jos kruopščiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this study is medieval wheel-turned pottery of Kernavė. The main goal of this work is to observe the development of pottery of medieval town and later settlement of Kernavė. Particular attention is paid to the pottery making traditions in 13th-14th centuries. Pottery from the later settlement meanwhile is used mainly as the comparative material in order to observe some changes through time. Technological, morphological and ornamental properties of pottery were identified for the study of their significance and evolution through time and space. The majority of pottery under consideration can be attributed to the pots of different sizes. These pots were differentiated into several functional groups: small pots, pots and jars. All these groups could be used for a variety of purposes such as cooking, transportation or storage. The amount of single-purpose vessels is very small and even these few belong to the settlement which was established in the 15th century in the place of earlier town. The evolution of technological attributes of Kernavė’s pottery in the Middle-ages is quite gradual. It is especially characteristic to the pottery of the 13th-14th centuries when most of discrepancies in pottery are influenced mainly by the individual peculiarities of every potter but not by the chronological differences. Crushed granite is typically used as a temper, the intensity of turning varies from the subtle surface smoothing to the partial forming of vessel. However... [to full text]
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Rechtersregelingen in het burgerlijk (proces)recht /Teuben, Karlijn, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universiteit Leiden, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [363]-382) and index.
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Tailor-made : En studie om skräddarsydda produkter på internetHolgersson, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how companies offering tailor made products on the internet, can work with their marketing and their customer relationships. The study will answer the purpose from a service management perspective and there will also be presented theories from an Electronic Commerce perspective.</p><p>The starting point for this study was the qualitative method. The essay builds its empirical material from interviews with knowledgeable persons in the subject and the owner of the company whose products are tailor made and sold on the internet. It was conducted seven interviews, four of which were face-to-face, two conducted by mail and finally there was made a telephone interview.</p><p>Conclusions have been drawn based on the empirical material and theory. The study has been able to identify three concepts that are central to this type of product: Site-building, customer involvement and promotion & relationship management.</p>
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Optimisation et pilotage du processus d’innovation de medicalex : application aux implants orthopédiques sur mesure / Optimization and control of medicalex innovation proces : application to custom-made orthopaedic implantsRamirez serrano, Oscar 19 December 2016 (has links)
Pour la plupart des entreprises, l’innovation est devenue un élément indispensable, garant de la pérennité de l’entreprise.Cependant, durant les phases de développement des produits, le concepteur est confronté lors des principaux jalons du processus à faire des choix de conception. Ces prises de décisions ont par la suite un fort impact sur l’acceptabilité ou non des produits par le marché. Le monde de la conception des implants orthopédiques n’y échappe pas.Le but de ce travail de thèse est de montrer qu’il est possible d’intégrer dans les phases amonts du processus de développement d’implants orthopédiques, un outil d’aide à la décision pour le choix de concepts intégrant des critères techniques, médicaux, chirurgicaux et économiques permettant de réduire les risques pour le patient mais aussi les risques d’un possible échec commercial.La première partie de ce document s’intéresse à l’analyse du contexte de cette étude et en particulier aux dispositifs médicaux. Ensuite, l’état de l’art étudie les différents processus d’innovation et plus spécifiquement les processus de conception dans le secteur médical des implants orthopédiques. Ces travaux nous ont amené à nous questionner et à analyser les méthodes d’évaluation du potentiel d’innovation disponibles au sein de la littérature scientifique, et de leur intégration au sein du secteur des implants.De cette analyse a émergé une question se situant au cœur de nos travaux de recherche : comment concevoir des implants innovants avec un niveau de risques faibles (risque clinique, risque de défaillance, risque d’utilisation) ?La réponse à cette question s’est traduite par la proposition d’un nouvel outil d’aide à la décision (hypothèse1) intégré aux phases amont d’un processus de conception adapté (hypothèse2) au développement d’implants. Celles-ci ont ensuite été vérifiées et validées lors de 3 expérimentations qui ont aboutis à la réalisation d’implants orthopédiques posés sur des patients. / For a majority of companies, innovation has become an essential element of corporate sustainability.However, during the product development phase the designer is forced to make decisions on design. These decisions subsequently have a strong impact on the acceptability of the products by the market. Orthopaedics implants design is no exception.The aim of this thesis is to show that it is possible to integrate, in the early phases of the orthopaedic implant development process, a tool for decision-making; in choosing concepts that incorporate technical, medical, surgical and economic criteria. The goal is to reduce the risk for the patient but also reduce the risk of commercial failure.The first part of this document focuses on analysing the context of this study, particularly for medical devices. Following this, the state of the art studies the various innovation processes and more specifically, the design process of medical orthopaedic implants. This work forced us to question and analyse evaluation methods for potential innovations available in the scientific literature, and integrate them into the implant sector.From this analysis, a question emerged lying at the heart of our research: how to design innovative implants with a low level of risk (clinical risk, default risk, risk of use)?The answer to this question has resulted in the proposal of a new tool for decision-making (Hypothesis 1) integrated within upstream phases of a suitable decision process (Hypothesis 2) for developing implants. These were then checked and validated in three experiments that resulted in the development of orthopaedic implants that were successfully inserted into patients.
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