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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legalita vojenského zásahu během občanské války v Libyi / Legality of the intervention during Libyan Civil War

Hambálek, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
LEGALITY OF THE INTERVENTION DURING LIBYAN CIVIL WAR Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to answer the questuion, if the NATO intervention in Libya during Libyan civil war in 2011 was in accordance with the international law. To achieve this purpose, the paper is divided into three parts. The first one, represented by chapters 1-5, describes self-defence and armed actions of the Security Council under the chap. VII of the UN Charter, which are legal and quite controversial concept of the humanitarian intervention and R2P concept. The role of regional arrangements in peacekeeping is also mentioned. The second part, represented by chap. 6, contains a case study whose object is the Libyan civil war in 2011 between col. Gaddafi's forces and the rebels supported by the NATO. The chapter 6 contains a detailed summary of various demonstrations, battles and campaigns, including the operation Unified Protector. The third part, chap. 7, is pointed on the question of legality of the NATO intervention. Albeit authorisation by the Resolution 1973, the legality of the intervention is questionable. The first air strikes, of 19 March, aimed on Libyan armed forces attacking Benghazi, can be classified as protection of civilians mentioned by the Resolution 1973. Following NATO air strikes supported the rebels in a...

Zásada legality a její uplatnění v trestním řízení / Principle of legality and its application in criminal proceedings

Doušová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Principle of legality and its application in criminal proceedings Abstract This diploma thesis focuses on the principle of legality and its application in criminal proceedings. Based on this principle, the prosecuting attorney is obliged to prosecute all crimes about which s/he learns unless the law or declared international treaties stipulate otherwise. It is one of the basic principles on which criminal proceedings in the Czech Republic are based. The introduction deals with the definition of the term "criminal proceedings" and its basic principles and their importance from the point of view of professionals in the field of criminal law. Next part of the thesis is devoted to the concept of the principle of legality in criminal codes valid on our territory from the year 1918 until today. It mainly concerns the changes in criminal proceedings and the motion of the principle of legality including the exceptions which were gradually introduced. The following chapter deals with the comparison of the principle of legality and the principle of opportunity and with other related principles on which the criminal proceedings are based. Special attention is paid to the application of the principle of legality in preliminary proceedings and breaching this principle in favour of the opportunity principle. Based on...

Andrej Vyšinskij - právní teoretik období stalinismu / Andrej Vysinskij - a legal scholar of the Stalin era

Kraft, Valeria January 2014 (has links)
Andrey Vishinsky - a legal scholar of the Stalin era Abstract The aim of the thesis is to examine the basic categories of the Marxism-Leninism theory of law from the point of view of Andrey Januaryevich Vishinsky. The thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter One (named "Marxism, Russian revolution and Law") is based on the idea that it is not possible to understand the Soviet law without analysis of the relationship between Marxism and legal theory. Subchapter 1.1 gives a brief overview of Marx's school of thought. At the same time it points out the absence of the self-contained concept of law in writings of Marx and Engels. Chapter Two is devoted to the life of Andrey Vishinsky, his academic and scientific career. The following subchapters are subsequently mapping the individual stages of his life. It contradicts some of the untruths and myths surrounding Vishinsky. Chapter Three (named "Vishinsky's contribution to the basic categories of the Marxism-Leninism legal theory") is concentrating on the four fundamental concepts of legal thinking: Law, State, Legality and Justice. It points out that Vishinsky's approach to these categories was only purpose-built and dogmatic. Chapter Four deals with criticism which Andrey Vishinsky targeted against the theorists of "withering away of law and the state":...

O princípio da ofensividade como complemento necessário à regra da legalidade penal no Estado Democrático de Direito / The harm principle as a necessary complement to the legality principle in the democratic rule-of-law state

Santos, Thiago Pedro Pagliuca dos 09 April 2015 (has links)
As ideias políticas e filosóficas que influenciaram a criação da regra da legalidade penal e do princípio da ofensividade têm origem no Iluminismo. Principalmente durante a Idade Média e o Antigo Regime, confundia-se crime com pecado e as pessoas podiam ser punidas por mero capricho do soberano, sem que existisse lei. As arbitrariedades eram gritantes. A finalidade de ambas as teorias surgidas no período da Ilustração, portanto ao pregarem que era necessária a existência de lei prévia para que alguém fosse punido (regra da legalidade) e que o crime pressupunha uma lesão a direito ou bem jurídico de terceiro (princípio da ofensividade) , era a mesma: limitar o poder punitivo. No entanto, a regra da legalidade penal foi muito mais absorvida pelo discurso dogmático-jurídico do que o princípio da ofensividade, sendo oportuno, pois, analisar as razões pelas quais isso ocorreu. Algumas delas serão analisadas neste estudo como, por exemplo, a ausência de previsão explícita desse princípio nas Constituições, a suposta incompatibilidade desse princípio com a separação de poderes e com a própria regra da legalidade penal e a insegurança jurídica que a aplicação de princípios poderia gerar. Além disso, há um fator político de destaque: a consolidação da burguesia exigia a imposição de limites formais ao poder estatal, mas não limites materiais. Outro fator importante foi o advento do positivismo criminológico, no final do século XIX, que, ao confundir crime com doença, retornou ao paradigma do direito penal do autor que havia vigorado na Idade Média. Finalmente, para demonstrar o que impediu a consolidação do princípio da ofensividade especificamente no Brasil, será analisada a influência da doutrina europeia na dogmática nacional. / The political and philosophical ideas that influenced the creation of the principle of legality and the harm principle came from the Age of Enlightenment. Mainly during the Middle Age and the Old Regime, there was a confusion between crime and sin and people could be punished simply because of the whim of the sovereign, with no law. The arbitrariness were enormous. The reason for both theories that were born at the Age of Reason which required that the legal rules would have to be declared beforehand (principle of legality) and that the crime presupposed a harm or injury to other individuals (harm principle) were the same: to limit the power of punishment. However, it can be seen that the rule of the legality has been taken by the dogmatic and legal speech much more deeper than the harm principle, being opportune then, to analyze the reasons it happened. Some of them will be analyzed in this research, for instance, the absence of this explicit principle in the Constitutions, the alleged incompatibility of this principle with the separation of powers and the legality rule itself and the legal uncertainty that the application of principles could trigger. Furthermore, there is a major political factor: the consolidation of the bourgeoisie demanded the imposition of formal limits to the power of the state, but not material limits. Another important factor was the advent of positivist criminology, in the late nineteenth century, which, by confusing crime with illness, brought the paradigm of criminal law of the author, which was applied in the Middle Ages, back. At last, to show what stopped the consolidation of the harm principle specifically in Brazil, there will be an analysis of the influence of European doctrine in the Brazilian dogmatic.

O princípio da ofensividade como complemento necessário à regra da legalidade penal no Estado Democrático de Direito / The harm principle as a necessary complement to the legality principle in the democratic rule-of-law state

Thiago Pedro Pagliuca dos Santos 09 April 2015 (has links)
As ideias políticas e filosóficas que influenciaram a criação da regra da legalidade penal e do princípio da ofensividade têm origem no Iluminismo. Principalmente durante a Idade Média e o Antigo Regime, confundia-se crime com pecado e as pessoas podiam ser punidas por mero capricho do soberano, sem que existisse lei. As arbitrariedades eram gritantes. A finalidade de ambas as teorias surgidas no período da Ilustração, portanto ao pregarem que era necessária a existência de lei prévia para que alguém fosse punido (regra da legalidade) e que o crime pressupunha uma lesão a direito ou bem jurídico de terceiro (princípio da ofensividade) , era a mesma: limitar o poder punitivo. No entanto, a regra da legalidade penal foi muito mais absorvida pelo discurso dogmático-jurídico do que o princípio da ofensividade, sendo oportuno, pois, analisar as razões pelas quais isso ocorreu. Algumas delas serão analisadas neste estudo como, por exemplo, a ausência de previsão explícita desse princípio nas Constituições, a suposta incompatibilidade desse princípio com a separação de poderes e com a própria regra da legalidade penal e a insegurança jurídica que a aplicação de princípios poderia gerar. Além disso, há um fator político de destaque: a consolidação da burguesia exigia a imposição de limites formais ao poder estatal, mas não limites materiais. Outro fator importante foi o advento do positivismo criminológico, no final do século XIX, que, ao confundir crime com doença, retornou ao paradigma do direito penal do autor que havia vigorado na Idade Média. Finalmente, para demonstrar o que impediu a consolidação do princípio da ofensividade especificamente no Brasil, será analisada a influência da doutrina europeia na dogmática nacional. / The political and philosophical ideas that influenced the creation of the principle of legality and the harm principle came from the Age of Enlightenment. Mainly during the Middle Age and the Old Regime, there was a confusion between crime and sin and people could be punished simply because of the whim of the sovereign, with no law. The arbitrariness were enormous. The reason for both theories that were born at the Age of Reason which required that the legal rules would have to be declared beforehand (principle of legality) and that the crime presupposed a harm or injury to other individuals (harm principle) were the same: to limit the power of punishment. However, it can be seen that the rule of the legality has been taken by the dogmatic and legal speech much more deeper than the harm principle, being opportune then, to analyze the reasons it happened. Some of them will be analyzed in this research, for instance, the absence of this explicit principle in the Constitutions, the alleged incompatibility of this principle with the separation of powers and the legality rule itself and the legal uncertainty that the application of principles could trigger. Furthermore, there is a major political factor: the consolidation of the bourgeoisie demanded the imposition of formal limits to the power of the state, but not material limits. Another important factor was the advent of positivist criminology, in the late nineteenth century, which, by confusing crime with illness, brought the paradigm of criminal law of the author, which was applied in the Middle Ages, back. At last, to show what stopped the consolidation of the harm principle specifically in Brazil, there will be an analysis of the influence of European doctrine in the Brazilian dogmatic.

Essai sur l'équité en droit pénal / Essay on Fairness in Criminal Law

André, Amélie 09 December 2015 (has links)
À première vue, l’équité apparaît comme un phénomène absent du droit pénal. Il faut dire que l’idée de l’équité a été victime d’une histoire mouvementée autorisant les plus grandes confusions à son égard, lesquelles se sont cristallisées sous la période révolutionnaire. L’absence de référence explicite à la notion et l’anathème dont elle fait l’objet, dans une matière qui ne tolère aucun facteur déstabilisant, ne sauraient pourtant signifier que l’équité ait été totalement évincée du droit pénal. En réalité, elle est un phénomène occulte, dont il faut révéler les manifestations latentes, pour finalement convenir d’une utilisation implicite de la notion par le juge et le législateur. La rigidité inspirée par la légalité criminelle n’étant qu’apparente, l’équité jouit en effet d’une importante marge d’expression. D’une part, flexible, l’équité permet de réaliser une égalité concrète. Elle se trouve en conséquence implicitement tolérée dans la matière pénale en tant qu’outil d’harmonisation du droit. L’équité joue alors un rôle de complément à la loi pénale, en assurant le passage du général – la loi – vers le cas particulier. D’autre part, l’équité peut être mobilisée par le juge pénal, sans qu’il en ait nécessairement conscience, lorsque, confronté à un cas particulier, il décide de contourner l’application de la loi pénale qui risquerait de produire des effets iniques. Au service d’un jugement individuel subjectif, en référence à des valeurs issues du fond culturel dont il procède, l’équité s’exprime hors du cadre de la loi pénale. Elle se place alors en élément perturbateur venant concurrencer l’échelle des valeurs fixées par le législateur. Qu’elle vienne compléter ou concurrencer la loi, l’équité constitue toujours un moyen d’interroger les objectifs de la matière pénale dans la mesure où elle est souvent à l’origine d’évolutions législatives. En définitive, l’étude démontre que l’équité, sans être un principe autonome, est au coeur du droit pénal. / The lack of clear reference to fairness and the fact that it’s rejected in criminal law which does not tolerate any destabilizing factor does not mean that fairness is totally excluded from it. Actually it is a hidden phenomenon. Judges and legislators use the notion tacitly. As the rigidity of the principle of legality seems to be only apparent, fairness has in fact quite some room to express itself in criminal law.On the one hand, the flexibility it allows, and the underlying goal to carry out concrete equality both explain it be tolerated in some respects as a tool to standardize law. The need for flexibility is inherent to each legal system. Fairness has a complementary role for criminal law. It enables to guarantee the transition from generality – that is law – to particular cases. On the other hand, fairness can beimplemented by judges in order to circumvent the application of criminal law when it induces iniquitous consequences. As the expression of subjective individual judgment which refers to judges’ values, fairness is expressed beyond law itself. Ultimately, our study shows that fairness, without being an independent principle, is at the heart of criminal law, because at last, expressed as a complement or as an adversary to criminal law, looking for fairness often leads to legislative evolutions.

Konstitucinio Teismo jurisdikcijos ribos / The limits of the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court

Virbickaitė, Lina 15 March 2006 (has links)
The doctrine formed by the Constitutional Court of Lithuanian Republic has opened new aspects of jurisdiction directly not approved neither by the Constitutional Court, nor by the Constitution, nor by the law on the Constitutional Court. Therefore in this final candidate work is widely analyzed what powers the Constitutional Court has, checking conformity of legal certificates to the Constitution.

Utilização de isótopos estáveis de 13C e 15N na identificação de bacalhau Gadus e outras espécies de peixes salgados secos

Lima, Emanuel Joaquim Victória Monteiro Oliveira [UNESP] 05 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:40:29Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 lima_ejvmo_dr_jabo.pdf: 605696 bytes, checksum: dd1b3217c5fab1a94988eca52c3ee9e7 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O Brasil é dos países líderes na importação de peixes salgados e secos. Em 2008, importou da Noruega cerca de 30 mil toneladas destes produtos, a um custo de aproximadamente 190 milhões de dólares. O bacalhau é um produto salgado e seco bastante apreciado no país, mas espécies afins, de menor valor comercial, são também utilizadas na fabricação de peixes salgados secos e muitas vezes comercializadas como o bacalhau do Atlântico (Gadus morhua). A variação da razão de isótopos estáveis de carbono (13C/12C) e de nitrogênio (15N/14N) é medida com alta precisão por espectrômetro de massa de razão isotópica (IRMS) e nos últimos 20 anos tem aumentado significativamente a aplicação desta tecnologia na avaliação de fraudes e adulterações dos alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar isótopos estáveis de 15N e 13C na identificação de bacalhau e espécies afins. Utilizando a análise isotópica, em músculos e ossos, foi possível diferenciar o bacalhau (do Atlântico e do Pacífico) de Ling, Zarbo e Saithe (p < 0,01), que são três produtos salgados e secos de menor valor comercial. Com a pele não foi possível tal distinção entre bacalhau do Pacífico e Ling (p > 0,05). A combinação de análises de valores de 15N de diferentes tecidos – músculo, pele e ossos – possibilitou a separação das espécies. A comparação gráfica de valores de 15N de músculo vs. pele, músculo vs. ossos e pele vs. ossos permite estabelecer três regiões de confiança: uma com bacalhau do Atlântico e bacalhau do Pacífico; outra com Ling e Zarbo; e finalmente, uma terceira região com o Saithe isolada de todos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a metodologia é viável para a distinção entre bacalhau e outros peixes salgados secos. No entanto, conclusões mais seguras serão obtidas com uma base de dados, para que, isotopicamente, se faça um histórico da origem desses peixes / Brazil is the leading country in the importation of salted dried fish. In 2008, Brazil imported from Norway about 30 thousand tones of this products, at a cost of approximately US$ 190 million. The cod is one of the most popular salted dry product in this country, but related species of lower commercial value, are also used in the manufacture of salted dried fish and often commercialized as the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). The variation of the stable isotopes ratio of carbon (13C/12C) and nitrogen (15N/14N) is measured with high precision mass spectrometry isotope ratio (IRMS), and in the last 20 years there was a significant increase of this technology, applied in the evaluation of frauds and food adulterations. The aim of this work was to utilize stable isotope of 15N and 13C in identification of codfish and related species. Utilizing the isotopic analysis in muscles and bones, it was possible to differentiate cod (Atlantic and Pacific) from Ling, Zarbo and Saithe (p < 0.01), which are three salted dried products of lower commercial value. Through the skin it was not possible to distinguish between Pacific cod and Ling (p > 0.05). The combination of analysis 15N values of different tissues – muscle, skin and bones – enable the separation of species. The graphic comparison of the 15N values of muscle vs. skin, muscle vs. bones and skin vs. bones allow to establish three regions of confidence: one with Atlantic cod and Pacific cod; another with Ling and Zarbo; and finally, one third region with Saithe isolated of all. The results obtained demonstrate that the methodology is feasible to distinguish between cod and other salted dried fish. Nevertheless, a more secure conclusions will be obtained with a database, to do a historic of isotopic origin of these fishes

Teoria normativa da democracia / Normative theory of democracy

André Luiz Agostinho da Silveira Reis 15 December 2009 (has links)
Estudo sobre os direitos materiais constitutivos da democracia enquanto norma constitucional. Partimos de uma análise das origens históricas do constitucionalismo moderno, onde traçamos a aproximação entre o movimento teórico que embasou o constitucionalismo e o princípio democrático. A soberania é objeto de estudo a partir de suas origens, demonstrando a influência de sua formação teórica absolutista nas posteriores concepções de soberania do povo, correntemente associadas à democracia. A democracia é objeto de estudo específico na terceira parte, especialmente a idéia de democracia direta como essência da democracia, o princípio representativo, a democracia como forma de governo, democracia e república, igualdade democrática formal e substancial, bem como sua relação com o Estado social e o Estado de Direito. Desta relação surge a democracia como norma constitucional dotada de um conteúdo jurídico-material, cogente, que lhe é constitutivo, e que legitima democraticamente a atuação contramajoritária do Judiciário / Study on the rights of the constituent materials democracy as a constitutional rule. We start from an analysis of the historical origins of modern constitutionalism, where do we draw the connection between the theoretical movement that based constitutionalism and democratic principle. Sovereignty is an object of study from its origins, demonstrating the influence of his theoretical training in new concepts of absolute sovereignty of the people, commonly associated with democracy. Democracy is the object of special study in the third part, especially the idea of direct democracy as the essence of democracy, the principle of representative democracy as a form of government, democracy and republic, democratic equality, formal and substantial, and their relation with the State social and rule of law. This relationship appears to democracy as a constitutional rule endowed with a legal content-material, cogent, it is constitutive, and that democratically legitimized the role of the judiciary.

Distanásia e ortotanásia: ética e legalidade na prática da anestesiologia / Dysthanasia and orthothanasia: ethic and legality in anesthesiology practice

Cavalcante, Rodney Segura 02 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rodney Segura Cavalcante (rradvogados@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-17T20:39:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese para repositório unesp.pdf: 15700362 bytes, checksum: 57616ec29aa2414021ed7ce3fc11e3b4 (MD5) / Rejected by Luciana Pizzani null (luciana@btu.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: Necessário fazer a seguinte correção no arquivo submetido: problema 1: o arquivo submetido não contém capa padrão, item obrigatório de acordo com as normas do seu programa. Assim que tiver efetuado as correções submeta o arquivo em PDF novamente. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-04-19T12:35:20Z (GMT) / Submitted by Rodney Segura Cavalcante (rradvogados@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-20T13:17:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese para repositório 2.pdf: 17057802 bytes, checksum: 4a168eba94637a7b14ba81ed61d6a65e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Pizzani null (luciana@btu.unesp.br) on 2018-04-20T14:24:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 cavalcante_rs_dr_bot.pdf: 17057802 bytes, checksum: 4a168eba94637a7b14ba81ed61d6a65e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-20T14:24:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cavalcante_rs_dr_bot.pdf: 17057802 bytes, checksum: 4a168eba94637a7b14ba81ed61d6a65e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-02 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Introdução.Os avanços tecno-científicos do último século prestigiam a tecnologia e as ciências experimentais, resultando em desequilíbrio de valores e desumanização dos profissionais de saúde, dentre os quais, os anestesiologistas. Nesse universo, observam-se hospitais e enfermarias, depositários de sofrimentos humanos em nome da luta obstinada pela vida, ainda investindo na prática de distanásia, quando a conduta mais digna seria a ortotanásia. Objetivos. Avaliar se os anestesiologistas brasileiros conhecem os institutos da distanásia e ortotanásia; investigar a preferência dos anestesiologistas entre as práticas da distanásia e ortotanásia, diante da terminalidade de paciente com doença incurável; investigar se a distanásia ainda é praticada e, por fim, investigar como o ensino da graduação médica contribuiu para a abordagem teórica e prática de questões relacionadas a morte. Métodos. A pesquisa consistiu na aplicação de um questionário online, elaborado pelos pesquisadores, ainda não validado. O convite à participação se fez por correio eletrônico a todos os anestesiologistas filiados à Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia (SBA), explicando a natureza e a finalidade da pesquisa e direcionando os interessados, por meio de um link, ao Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE) e ao questionário. Foram incluídos na pesquisa os 30 primeiros questionários respondidos na integralidade, de cada uma das cinco regiões politico-administrativas do Brasil, conforme determinação do método estatístico. Resultados. Os anestesiologistas brasileiros, embora afirmem conhecer os institutos de distanásia e ortotanásia, em sua maioria adquiriram este conhecimento fora da graduação acadêmica. Dentre aquelas práticas, diante da terminalidade do próprio entrevistado, do paciente ou do ente querido, preferem a ortotanásia; que o enfermo terminal morra no lar, priorizando a dignidade. No entanto, afirmam que já aderiram à prática da distanásia, mesmo quando a ortotanásia era a melhor conduta, ainda que tenham discordado, o que gerou frustração e indignação. Quase a integralidade dos entrevistados afirmou não ter tido, durante o curso de graduação, treinamento prático de como lidar com a terminalidade e nem conteúdo satisfatório de Ética e Direito, embora se sinta capaz de diagnosticar paciente acometido de doença incurável, com prognóstico reservado, e orientar com familiaridade condutas paliativas. A maioria não conhece o conteúdo da Resolução do Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM)1.805/06 que torna ética a ortotanásia. Conclusões: Os anestesiologistas brasileiros afirmam ter conhecimento sobre as práticas da distanásia e ortotanásia. Os anestesiologistas preferem a prática da ortotanásia à da distanásia, diante da terminalidade. Os anestesiologistas afirmam ainda conviver com a prática da distanásia. O ensino da graduação médica pouco contribuiu para a abordagem teórico- prática das questões relacionadas à morte. / Background. The technological and scientific advances of the last century have honored technology and experimental sciences, resulting in imbalance between society values and dehumanization of health professionals, where anesthetists are included. In that universe, we can observe that the hospitals are used as deposits of human suffering in the name of the obstinate struggle for life and dysthanasia is still practiced, when the most dignified conduct would be orthothanasia. The objectives of this study are: evaluate whether Brazilian anesthesiologists know the institutes of dysthanasia and orthothanasia; investigate the preference of the anesthesiologists between dysthanasia and orthothanasia practices, considering the terminally ill patients with incurable disease; investigate whether dysthanasia is still practiced, and finally to investigate how medical education, during graduation in Medical schools have been contributing to theoretical and practical approach to issues related to death. Methods. This research consists in the application of an online questionnaire, prepared by the researchers, not validated yet. The invitation to participate was sent by e-mail to all anesthesiologists affiliated with the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA), which has explained the nature and purpose of the research and directed the interested parties, through a link, to the Informed Consent Form (TCLE) followed by the questionnaire. The first 30 completed questionnaires from each of the five political-administrative regions of Brazil were included in the study, according to the determination of the statistical method. Results. Brazilian anesthesiologists, although claiming to know the institutes of dysthanasia and orthothanasia, they acquired that knowledge mostly outside academic graduation. Between those practices, when terminality of the interviewee, the patient or the loved one, is faced, they preferred orthothanasia; as well die at home, prioritizing the dignity. However, they affirm that they have already adhered dysthanasia even when orthothanasia was the best to be practiced, even though they disagreed, which generated frustration and indignation. Almost all of the interviewees affirmed that they had not had practical training in how to deal with terminality and satisfactory contents of Ethic and Law, during graduation, even though they feel capable of diagnosing a patient suffering from an incurable disease and a reserved prognosis and familiarity to guide comfort. Most do not know the content of Resolution of Brazilian Federal Medical Council 1.805 / 06. Conclusions. Brazilian anesthesiologists claim to have knowledge about the practices of dysthanasia and orthothanasia. Anesthesiologists prefer to practice orthothanasia than dysthanasia, when terminality is faced. Anesthesiologists also claim that dysthanasia is still practiced. The teaching of medical graduation does little to contribute to the theorical/practical approach to issues related to death.

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