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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of Magnetization Switching in Coupled Magnetic Nanostructured Systems

Radu, Cosmin 19 December 2008 (has links)
A study of magnetization dynamics experiments in nanostructured materials using the rf susceptibility tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) method is presented along with a extensive theoretical analysis. An original, computer controlled experimental setup that measures the change in susceptibility with the variation in external magnetic field and sample temperature was constructed. The TDO-based experiment design and construction is explained in detail, showing all the elements of originality. This experimental technique has proven reliable for characterizing samples with uncoupled magnetic structure and various magnetic anisotropies like: CrO2 , FeCo/IrMn and Co/SiO2 thin films. The TDO was subsequently used to explore the magnetization switching in coupled magnetic systems, like synthetic antiferromagnet (SAF) structures. Magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) is an important example of devices where the use of SAF structure is essential. To support the understanding of the SAF magnetic behavior, its configuration and application are reviewed and more details are provided in an appendix. Current problems in increasing the scalability and decreasing the error rate of MRAM devices are closely connected to the switching properties of the SAF structures. Several theoretical studies that were devoted to the understanding of the concepts of SAF critical curve are reviewed. As one can notice, there was no experimental determination of SAF critical curve, due to the difficulties in characterizing a magnetic coupled structure. Depending of the coupling strength between the two ferromagnetic layers, on the SAF critical curve one distinguishes several new features, inexistent in the case of uncoupled systems. Knowing the configuration of the SAF critical curve is of great importance in order to control its switching characteristics. For the first time a method of experimentally recording the critical curve for SAF is proposed in this work. In order to overcome technological limitations, a new way of recording the critical curve by using an additional magnetic bias field was explored.

Time resolved and time average imaging of magnetic nano-structures

Burgos Parra, Erick Omar January 2018 (has links)
The ability of a ferromagnet to maintain its magnetic state in the absence of an external magnetic field has made ferromagnetic materials an important subject of study in physics since the end of the 19th century. Moreover, ferromagnetic materials are the cornerstone for data storage systems such as magnetic tapes, magnetic disk drives and magnetic random access memory. The discovery of the Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) in 1988 suggested that, since the magnetic state of the electrical conductor has an important effect upon the current flow, there may also be an inverse influence of the current upon the magnetization. In this effect, predicted in 1989 [1] by Slonczewski and called Spin Transfer Torque, angular momentum transferred by a spin polarized current can exert a torque on the magnetization of a ferromagnetic material, changing the local magnetization and stimulating the precession of the magnetic moments, generating microwave signals. This provides a new method of manipulating magnetization without applying an external field. Large polarized currents lead to spin transfer effects which are the driving force for the magnetic dynamics of devices known as Spin Transfer Oscillators (STO). In this new kind of nano-device the emission of microwaves is stimulated by a DC electrical current and measured as a change in the output voltage due the GMR effect. The specific characteristics of these devices such as working frequency and DC current ranges, microwave emission linewidth, and maximum emission power among others, are given by the design and size of the device,and the nature of the magnetic oscillations producing the emission. Among the multiple types of STO that now exist , I have focused my research upon three of them: Spin Transfer Vortex Oscillators (STVO), Single Layer Spin Transfer Oscillators (SL-STO) and Orthogonal Pseudo Spin Valves. Within STVOs and SL-STOs we can nucleate what is called a magnetic vortex. A magnetic vortex is a curling of the in-plane of a magnetic layer with its centre pointing out of the magnetization plane. The gyration of this vortex due to STT produces a microwave emission < 1GHz with a greater emission power than that produced by the precession of magnetic moments in STOs. The phase-locked synchronisation of multiple vortices is expected to exhibit enhanced microwaved power and phase stability compared to a single vortex device, providing a solution to the drawbacks of the STO in the low frequency regime. On the other hand, Orthogonal Pseudo Spin Valves promote the nucleation of magnetic dissipative solitons, also called magnetic droplets. This type of magnetic structure has an opposite out of plane magnetization to the layer that contains it. Compared to the microwave emission of magnetic vortices , magnetic droplets have a higher frequency range and emission power. However, their nucleation is subject to large external fields being applied to the sample. In this thesis, I electrically characterized these devices and applied magnetic imaging techniques in order to go further in the understanding of the spatial features and dynamic behaviour of these magnetic structures. It is not possible to acquire this knowledge by only using electrical characterization. Understanding the magnetization dynamics in these devices is crucial for the design of STO based devices while imaging studies are required to prove the existence of these magnetic structures, as in case of the magnetic droplet. In chapter 2 I will introduce the background concepts of magnetism that are relevant to this thesis. I will go from the basics principles of ferromagnetism, its quantum mechanical treatment, and the theory that explain the dynamics of the magnetisation. I will also present the state of the art in experimental research in the field of spin transfer oscillators. My aim is to give the basic background needed to understand the results presented in this thesis. In chapter 3 I will introduce the two main experimental techniques used for imaging the magnetisation of the devices presented: Holography with Extended Reference by Autocorrelation Linear Differential Operator (HERALDO) and Time Resolved Scanning Kerr Microscopy (TRSKM). I will revise the theoretical background concepts and the development of the techniques in order to demostrate the uniqueness of each technique and how they were used in this thesis. It is interesting to note that while MOKE is a well-known and widely-used technique, far fewer laboratories in the world area able to perform time resolved measurements using MOKE, with the University of Exeter being one of them. Furthermore, HERALDO is a novel technique that is used for the first time to image magnetic structures within multilayer systems in this thesis, which is a milestone in the development of the techinque. In chapter 4 I present an investigation of the magnetization dynamics of a SL-STO. Electrical transport measurements provided an initial characterization of the device. We then used HERALDO for the first time to investigate the magnetization dynamics in an intermediate layer of a multilayer stack. We present time averaged measurements of the magnetisation of a magnetic vortex formed underneath a nano contact (NC) positioned on top of the multilayer, using a combination of x-ray holography and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. In chapter 5 I present the first direct measurement at the time of a magnetic dissipative droplet, using holography with extended reference autocorrelation by linear differential operator (HERALDO). I studied the out of plane magnetisation of the free layer under a NC within an orthogonal pseudo spin salve. In chapter 6 I present and study STVO devices with pairs of NCs of 100 nm diameter and centre-to-centre separation D = 200 to 1100 nm, by a combination of electrical measurements and time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy (TRSKM). It will be shown that the dynamic behaviour of vortices and anti vortices changes when the distances between the NCs within the devices is changed.

Bio-Mag-MEMS autonomes basés sur des aimants permanents

Zanini, Luiz 18 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les micro et nano billes magnétiques sont de plus en plus utilisées en Biologie et en Médecine, pour une large gamme d'applications. Plusieurs applications utilisent le piégeage et le guidage de ces billes sous l'effet d'un champ et d'un gradient de champ magnétique.Dans la plupart des applications le champ magnétique est macroscopique, créé par un aimant ou un électro-aimant. L'intégration plus poussée est souvent envisagée, dans les articles scientifiques, par des micro bobines ou par des éléments magnétiques doux. Ceux-ci doivent alors être polarisés par un champ externe (de nouveau, un électroaimant ou un aimant). Les micro-aimants mis au point à l'Institut Néel permettent d'obtenir les mêmes inductions que les meilleurs aimants du marché et, par conséquent, de par la réduction d'échelle, des gradients de champ intenses. Ils sont, de plus, favorables à l'autonomie et àla stabilité du système. Le défi est de produire de bonnes couches magnétiques avec des dimensions de l'ordre de 1 à 100 μm et de les intégrer à des Bio-Mag-MEMS.Le dépôt physique par phase vapeur (pulvérisation cathodique triode) est utilisé pour le dépôt de ces aimants de haute qualité, en couche épaisse, et à base de terres-rares. Dans le but d'optimiser les gradients latéraux des champs magnétiques, trois techniques ont été développées:* Le topographic patterning, dans lequel une couche est structurée géométriquement,soit par dépôt sur un substrat pré-gravé, soit par gravure humide après le dépôt.* Le thermo-magnetic patterning, qui exploite la dépendance thermique de la coercivité pour réorienter localement l'aimantation de la couche.* Le micro magnetic imprinting, qui consiste à organiser des particules magnétiques à l'aide des aimants mentionnés ci-dessus et, ensuite, de les noyer dans une couche polymérique.Les micro-aimants présentent l'avantage, majeur pour un microsystème, d'être autonomes. Ils ne nécessitent pas de source externe de champ magnétique, ni d'alimentation électrique. Lors de ces travaux, nous développons des prototypes de microsystèmes fluidiques autonomes basés sur des réseaux de micro-aimants. En premier lieu, la capture par attraction et le positionnement controllé, en utilisant des particules super paramagnétiques comme modèle. Puis, l'étude de phénomènes d'endocytose à l'aide d'éléments biologiques marqués magnétiquement. Dans le but de passer à l'intégration des systèmes, des canaux microfluidiques sont développes sur les réseaux magnétiques. Des particules magnétiques etnon-magnétiques sont introduites dans les canaux et leur positionnement, guidage et tri sont réalisés. L'analyse des solutions triées indique une haute efficacité du système.Les résultats obtenus lors du développement de ces micro-sources de champ magnétiques et de leur intégration dans des microsystèmes, ainsi que la manipulation et tri de particules,démontrent le grand potentiel de ces recherches pour des applications grand public à des systèmes biologiques et médicaux. De plus, la biocompatibilité et l'autonomie de ces systèmespermettent leur utilisation dans des microsystèmes d'analyse totale (μTAS), des systèmespoint-of-care (POC) et des implants biomédicaux, potentiellement jetables et bas coût.

Structures magnétiques et micro-systèmes pour applications biologiques / Magnetic structures and micro-systems for biological applications

Zanini, Luiz 18 February 2013 (has links)
The range of applications for magnetic micro- and nano-particles is constantlyexpanding, in particular in medicine and biology. A number of applications involve particletrapping and deviation under the effect of a magnetic field and field gradient. In mostpublications, the required magnetic fields are produced either using soft magnetic elementspolarized by an external magnetic field, electromagnets or bulk permanent magnets.Micromagnets produce high fields and favor autonomy and stability while downscalingleads to an increase of field gradients. The challenge is to produce good quality, hardmagnetic films in the range of 1 to 100 μm both in thickness and lateral dimensions and tointegrate them into a Bio-Mag-MEMS.Physical vapor deposition (triode sputtering) is used to prepare high quality rare earthmagnets in thick film form. In order to obtain field gradients in the lateral directions, threetechniques have been developed:• Topographic patterning, in which the film itself is patterned either by sputtering ontopre-etched substrates or by etching the magnetic film.• Thermo-magnetic patterning, which exploits the temperature dependance of coercivityto locally reorient the magnetization.• Micro magnetic imprinting, which consists of organizing magnetic powder with the aidof the above-cited magnets, then embedding the powder into a polymeric matrix.Such micro-magnets are autonomous, having no requirements for a cumbersome externalfield source nor power supply.Here we demonstrate the potential to develop autonomous devices based on micromagnetarrays. Controlled positioning using superparamagnetic particles as a model is shown at first.Then, the magnet arrays are used to study endocytic processes using magnetically labelledbiological elements.In a step towards device integration, microfluidic channels are produced above themagnet arrays. Magnetic and non-magnetic particles are pumped through the devices andprecise positioning, as well as guiding and sorting are performed. High purity is obtained inthe sorted solutions.The good results obtained in the development of micromagnetic flux sources, integrationinto microdevices and particle/cell handling and sorting indicate the high potential of thiswork for actual biological and medical applications. Moreover, the biocompatibility andautonomy of such devices allow their use in micro-total-analysis systems, point-of-care orimplantable devices. / Les micro et nano billes magnétiques sont de plus en plus utilisées en Biologie et enMédecine, pour une large gamme d’applications. Plusieurs applications utilisent le piégeageet le guidage de ces billes sous l’effet d’un champ et d’un gradient de champ magnétique.Dans la plupart des applications le champ magnétique est macroscopique, créé par un aimantou un électro-aimant. L’intégration plus poussée est souvent envisagée, dans les articlesscientifiques, par des microbobines ou par des éléments magnétiques doux. Ceux-ci doiventalors être polarisés par un champ externe (de nouveau, un électroaimant ou un aimant).Les micro-aimants mis au point à l’Institut Néel permettent d’obtenir les mêmesinductions que les meilleurs aimants du marché et, par conséquent, de par la réductiond’échelle, des gradients de champ intenses. Ils sont, de plus, favorables à l’autonomie et àla stabilité du système. Le défi est de produire de bonnes couches magnétiques avec desdimensions de l’ordre de 1 à 100 μm et de les intégrer à des Bio-Mag-MEMS.Le dépôt physique par phase vapeur (pulvérisation cathodique triode) est utilisé pourle dépôt de ces aimants de haute qualité, en couche épaisse, et à base de terres-rares. Dansle but d’optimiser les gradients latéraux des champs magnétiques, trois techniques ont étédéveloppées:• Le topographic patterning, dans lequel une couche est structurée géométriquement,soit par dépôt sur un substrat pré-gravé, soit par gravure humide après le dépôt.• Le thermo-magnetic patterning, qui exploite la dépendance thermique de la coercivitépour réorienter localement l’aimantation de la couche.• Le micro magnetic imprinting, qui consiste à organiser des particules magnétiquesà l’aide des aimants mentionnés ci-dessus et, ensuite, de les noyer dans une couchepolymérique.Les micro-aimants présentent l’avantage, majeur pour un microsystème, d’êtreautonomes. Ils ne nécessitent pas de source externe de champ magnétique, ni d’alimentationélectrique. Lors de ces travaux, nous développons des prototypes de microsystèmes fluidiquesautonomes basés sur des réseaux de micro-aimants. En premier lieu, la capture parattraction et le positionnement controllé, en utilisant des particules superparamagnétiquescomme modèle. Puis, l’étude de phénomènes d’endocytose à l’aide d’éléments biologiquesmarqués magnétiquement. Dans le but de passer à l’intégration des systèmes, des canauxmicrofluidiques sont développes sur les réseaux magnétiques. Des particules magnétiques etnon-magnétiques sont introduites dans les canaux et leur positionnement, guidage et tri sontréalisés. L’analyse des solutions triées indique une haute efficacité du système.Les résultats obtenus lors du développement de ces micro-sources de champ magnétiqueset de leur intégration dans des microsystèmes, ainsi que la manipulation et tri de particules,démontrent le grand potentiel de ces recherches pour des applications grand public à dessystèmes biologiques et médicaux. De plus, la biocompatibilité et l’autonomie de ces systèmespermettent leur utilisation dans des microsystèmes d’analyse totale (μTAS), des systèmespoint-of-care (POC) et des implants biomédicaux, potentiellement jetables et bas coût.

Estruturas magnéticas do EuSe por difração magnética de raios-X / Magnetic structures of EuSe by magnetic X-ray diffraction

Brito, Lenilson Torres 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Granado Monteiro da Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T22:33:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Brito_LenilsonTorres_M.pdf: 1651366 bytes, checksum: b943a1a9e24d0c5a36f607cf093af90b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo das estruturas magnéticas em um filme de EuSe por difração magnética de raios-X. Usamos um filme de EuSe de 3200 Å , com uma alta qualidade cristalina e crescido por epitaxia de feixe molecular sobre um substrato de BaF2(111). A difração magnética de raios-X revelou um diagrama de fases exibindo uma forte histerese entre 1.8 K e TN ~ 4.7 K, no qual duas fases antiferromagnéticas (AFM) foram observadas. Também foi observada uma fase defeituosa e que compete com uma das fases AFM, fazendo com que essas coexistam em uma determinada região de temperatura. Investigamos a intensidade integrada, vetor de propagação k = [hhh], e largura ? h dos picos nas fases magnéticas observadas, como função da temperatura. O acoplamento magnetoelástico neste composto também foi investigado em detalhes através de pequenas anomalias no seu parâmetro de rede longitudinal. Nossos resultados completam e sistematizam estudos prévios neste material, contribuindo para o entendimento de um complexo diagrama de fases em um sistema de Heisenberg clássico com competição de interações de troca de primeiros e segundos vizinhos / Abstract: This dissertation presents a study of the magnetic structures of a EuSe film by magnetic x-ray diffraction. We used a 3200 Å thick EuSe film with high crystalline quality, grown by molecular beam epitaxy over a BaF2(111) substrate. Magnetic x-ray diffraction revealed a phase diagram with strong hysteresis between 1.8 K and TN ~ 4.7 K, where two antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases were observed. In addition, a defective phase appears, and competes with one of the AFM phases, leading to a phase coexistence in a given temperature interval. We investigated the integrated intensity, propagation vector k = [hhh], and width ? h of these peaks in the observed magnetic phases as function of temperature. The magnetoelastic coupling in this compound was also investigated in detail through small anomalies in its longitudinal lattice parameter. Our results complete and systematize previous studies in this material, contributing for the understanding of the complex phase diagram of a classical Heisenberg system with competition amongst first and second neighbor exchange interactions / Mestrado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Mestre em Física

Patterned Magnetic Structures for Micro-/Nanoparticle and Cell Manipulation

Vieira, Gregory Butler 19 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Propriedades Magnéticas de Magnetos Moleculares

Cruz, Clebson dos Santos 14 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca do Instituto de Física (bif@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-07-14T19:39:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissertaçãoClebson.pdf: 4945486 bytes, checksum: 38749676f1117adb73bf8a84b5f8989b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-14T19:39:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissertaçãoClebson.pdf: 4945486 bytes, checksum: 38749676f1117adb73bf8a84b5f8989b (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Com o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e os avanços nas técnicas de preparação de materiais, uma grande variedade de novos compostos puderam então ser sintetizados, dentre estes compostos estão os Magnetos Moleculares. Neste texto, apresentamos alguns fundamentos do magnetismo molecular, destacando o processo de construção de modelos para a descrição do comportamento magnético destes materiais através do ajuste dos dados da susceptibilidade magnética em função da temperatura. Buscamos compreender a maneira com que os diferentes parâmetros químicos e estruturais e afetam os mecanismos físicos que governam estes sistemas através do estudo de três séries de magnetos moleculares: um polímero bidimesional de Mn(II) sintetizado a partir do ácido 2,6-diclorobenzóico (C7H4Cl2O2), cujos parâmetros otimizados obtidos através do modelo sugerem que este composto possui um caráter global antiferromagnético; uma série de quatro compostos polinucleares de Cu(II) sintetizados com adenina (C5H5N5), cluster hexagonal heptanuclear ferromagnético e três cadeias antiferromagnéticas 2D dinucleares; uma série de quatro estruturas Metal-Orgânicas (Metal organic Frameworks-MOF) de Cu(II)-piperazina, onde foi feito um mapa das possíveis interações magnéticas para cada amostra. Por fim, como perspectiva para este trabalho pretendemos dar continuidade ao estudo de sistemas de magnetos moleculares dando ênfase à aplicação em informação quântica. / From the development of new technologies and advances in materials preparation techniques a wide variety of new compounds could be synthesized, among these compounds are the Molecular Magnets. In this paper, we present some fundamentals of molecular magnetism, highlighting the model-building process for the description of the magnetic behavior of these materials by fitting of the magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature. Our goal is to understand how different chemical and structural parameters can affect the physical mechanisms that govern these systems . To achieve our aim we study three series of molecular magnets: a two-dimensional polymer Mn(II) synthesized from 2,6-acid dichlorobenzoic (C7H4Cl2O2), the optimized parameters obtained from the model suggest that this compound has an antiferromagnetic global character; a series of four polynuclear compounds of Cu(II) synthesized with adenine (C5H5N5), a ferromagnetic hexagonal cluster and three antiferromagnetic 2 D chains; a series of four Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) of Cu(II) -piperazine, where a magnetic interaction map was done for each sample. Finally, the perspective we intend to emphasize the study of molecular magnets systems with applications in quantum information.

Magnetization Dynamics in Coupled Thin Film Systems

Adams, Daniel J. 23 May 2019 (has links)
A study is presented detailing experimental investigations of magnetization dynamics in nanostructured systems which are coupled magnetically. This work seeks to characterize the anisotropy of such systems through experimental techniques which probe microwave resonant absorption in the materials. A custom-built experimental setup, designed and assembled in our labs, is explained in detail. This setup allows for angular-dependent ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements in the sample plane through vector network analyzer spectroscopy and is adaptable to two different types of coplanar waveguides. This technique has proven effective for characterization of multiple types of magnetic systems, including multilayered structures as detailed here, with different types of anisotropies while allowing us to draw analogies with more common characterization techniques. The angular FMR setup has been used to study coupled systems, such as those coupled through the Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida interaction as well as exchange-biased structures. These types of coupled systems have technological impacts and are highly applied in the components of magnetoresistive random access memory. Using this new characterization technique, properties of synthetic antiferromagnets have been revealed which had not been observed before. In addition to these experiments, magnetic susceptibility and FMR in exchange biased systems have been investigated at temperatures as low as 2 K. This investigation used a new FMR spectrometer and was one of the first studies to use this instrument. For the first time a new method of identifying several types of coupling which can be present in layered nanostructures is presented and supported through comparison with known techniques, thus connecting a new characterization technique for layered structures with decades-old procedures. Many results within this work are also supported theoretically with computer simulations.

Etude du système quasi-unidimensionnel AxA'1-xNb2O6 (A et A'= Ni, Fe et Co) : préparation et caractérisation des propriétés structurales et magnétiques / Study of the system quasi-one-dimensional AxA'1-xNb2O6 (A and A '= Ni, Fe and Co) : preparation and characterization of structural and magnetic properties.

Carvalho Sarvezuk, Paulo Willian 27 October 2011 (has links)
Cette étude expérimentale est consacrée à la structure cristalline et aux propriétés magnétiques des phases orthorhombiques ANb2O6 (A = métaux magnétiques) qui ont retenues notre attention en tant que système Ising modèle quasi 1D. Ce comportement magnétique original de basse dimension résulte à la fois de la force des interactions magnétiques le long des chaînes d'atomes magnétiques quasi-unidimensionnelles, et à la faiblesse des interactions entre les chaînes qui sont de nature antiferromagnétique. Lorsque ces composés sont ordonnés l'ensemble de ces interactions inter et intra chaîne conduit à un ordre antiferromagnétique. Notre investigation s'appuie sur une caractérisation systématique de la série de composés AxA'1-xNb2O6 (A et A' = Ni, Fe et Co), par des mesures variées et complémentaires, notamment: diffraction des rayons X à température ambiante, diffraction de neutrons au dessus et en dessous de la température d'ordre magnétique, mesures magnétiques : évolution thermique de courbes d'aimantation isochamp et mesures d'aimantation isotherme. De plus, des mesures de la chaleur spécifique et de spectroscopie Mössbauer ont été réalisées sur certains échantillons sélectionnés. Nous avons mis à jour, selon la concentration, des comportement très différents dans les systèmes pseudo binaires Fe-Co, Ni-Fe ou Co-Ni qui peuvent soit présenter un état ordonné soit conserver un état paramagnétique jusqu'à de très basses températures. Nos mesures démontrent que la température d'ordre magnétique et les vecteurs de propagations diffèrent sensiblement selon la composition car ces systèmes sont caractérisés par une compétition entre les interactions magnétiques mises en jeu dans un réseau triangulaire interchaines. Cette étude montre que le désordre cationique Fe/Co induit une réduction substantielle des interactions tant inter que intra chaînes, ce qui traduit la tendance à défavoriser l'établissement d'un ordre magnétique à longue portée. De manière similaire, le système NixFe1-xNb2O6 ne présente pas d'ordre magnétique pour x=0,2 et ceci jusqu'à 400 mK au moins. / This work is dedicated to the investigation of structural and magnetic properties of these compounds with orthorhombic structure (A = magnetic metals) ANb2O6 that caught our attention as a system of quasi-1D Ising. This unique magnetic behavior is the result of low-dimensional magnetic interaction along the chains of magnetic atoms almost uni-dimensional, and also by weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the chains. When these compounds are ordered all these interactions between and within the chain leads to a global antiferromagnetic order. Our research is based on a systematic characterization of the series of compounds AxA'1-xNb2O6 (A et A' = Ni, Fe and Co) by differents types of complementary measures, such as X-ray diffraction at room temperature, neutron diffraction above and below the magnetic ordering temperature, magnetic measurements: thermal evolution of magnetization curves and isotherm magnetization variation in applied field. In addition, specific heat measurements and Mössbauer spectroscopy were performed on some selected samples. We found interesting results depending on the concentration, different behaviors on these pseudo binary systems Ni-Fe, Fe-Co, or Co-Ni, which can remain in the paramagnetic state up to very low temperatures or to order depending on the series analyzed. Our measurements show that the magnetic ordering temperature and propagation vectors differ substantially depending on the composition, for these systems are characterized by a competition between magnetic interactions that are involved in a triangular lattice intermolecular. This study shows that disorder cationic Fe / Co induced a substantial reduction in both the interactions within and between them; chains, reflecting the tendency to oppose the creation of a long-range magnetic order. Likewise, the system NixFe1-xNb2O6 dont shows magnetic ordering even at measures taken up to 400 mK for x = 0.2.

Magnetická transformace metastabilních vrstev fcc Fe/Cu(100) pomocí fokusovaného iontového svazku / Magnetic transformation of metastable fcc Fe/Cu(100) films by focused ion beam

Gloss, Jonáš January 2014 (has links)
Metastable paramagnetic face-centered cubic (fcc) Fe thin films deposited on a Cu(100) single-crystal are good candidates for focused ion-beam magnetic patterning, due to their structural and magnetic phase transformation to ferromagnetic body-centered cubic (bcc) Fe upon ion-beam irradiation. However, pure fcc Fe films undergo spontaneous transformation when their thickness exceeds 10 ML. This limit can be extended to approximately 22 ML by deposition of Fe at increased CO background pressures. We show that much thicker films can be grown by alloying with Ni, that stabilizes the fcc phase. The amount of Ni necessary to stabilize non-magnetic, metastable fcc Fe films in dependence on the residual background pressure during the deposition is determined and a phase diagram revealing the metastable region is presented. It is also shown that the stabilizing effect of CO can be removed by artificial O saturation of the surface and thus the Ni-stabilized films can be grown also in systems with lower vacuum. Finally, we present fabrication of micro- and nanostructures in 44 ML thick films of Fe alloyed with Ni on Cu(100) by focused ion beam.

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