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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣與新加坡招收大陸學生政策之比較研究 / Comparative Study on Taiwan and Singapore's Recruiting Policy for Mainland Chinese Students

鄭彥彬 Unknown Date (has links)
當前臺灣人口結構朝少子化及人口老化發展,已對國內社會結構、經濟發展等各方面產生重大影響,同樣也直接衝擊高等教育,近十年來高等教育迅速的擴張,大專校院數量過度膨脹且面臨生源減少,導致校系招生不足甚至可能倒閉,我國自2011年開放大陸學生來臺就讀大學學位,政策當初被期待成提昇臺灣高教水平、促進兩岸交流、甚而挽救私校的多重功能政策,惟因現行法令採取所謂的「三限六不」原則,影響陸生來臺意願,在歷經了4年的執行後,來臺陸生素質及招生人數均不如預期。 新加坡與臺灣有許多相似之處,同樣都是屬於海島型國家,國土狹小且缺乏自然資源,並且都以對外貿易做為主要經濟活動,政府非常重視教育和人力資源的開發,把發展教育和開發人力資源作為國家經濟發展戰略的一個重要組成部分,以提高勞動力的素質,維持經濟增長,保持國際競爭力,經研究發現,星國能運用便利完整留學資訊、以學費補助、提供獎學金及生活費等誘因吸引陸生,除了招攬人才條件清楚、政策明確等原因,堅強的國防實力及穩定的政治體制更提供政策執行力度及強度,讓新加坡近年來已成為陸生出國留學最佳選擇之一。 目前我國政府招收陸生政策,仍著眼於吸引優秀陸生來臺就學、提昇臺灣教育競爭力,而非在解決教育產業問題,故「限校、限量、限域」的「三限」原則在政策方向未改變之前仍有保留必要,而「六不」原則中,相關內容因有違吸引優秀陸生來臺的核心價值、嚴重影響招生成效、造成歧視感受、現實運作上的不切實際及淪為政策宣示等,應予以檢討修訂。陸生政策涉及複雜且敏感的兩岸關係,國家安全成為檢討政策開放或緊縮的關鍵因素,另我國政局紛亂動盪亦造成陸生隱憂,影響陸生來臺就學意願。 關鍵詞:陸生政策、三限六不、新加坡、臺灣 / Currently the population structure of Taiwan leads to the low birthrate and aging population. It made major impacts on all aspects of domestic social structure, economic development. It is also a direct impact on higher education. The rapid expansion of higher education over the past decades, the number of universities and colleges overinflated but the student pool reduced. It causes inadequate enrollment or even bankrupt of school. The policy that Mainland China Students Allowed to Study a university degree has begun in Taiwan since 2011. The policy is expected to enhance higher education levels in Taiwan, and promote cross-strait exchanges, even to save the multi-functional policies of private schools. However, the current law, so-called “three limits and six noes” principles detract mainland students coming to Taiwan. After four years of operation, the quality and number of students coming to Taiwan were un-assured. There are many similarities between Singapore and Taiwan. They are both island nations, small and lacking natural resources. The main economic basis is foreign trade. Their governments respect education and human resources.The development of education and human resources emphasize an important parts of the national economic development strategy.It improves the quality of the labor force, sustains economic growth and maintains international competitiveness. From the research, it offers a complete study information, tuition subsidy, scholarship and living allowance to attract Mainland China students in Singapore. In addition to clear recruitment and policy, a strong national defense and stable political system provide the enforcement and strength of the policy. It has become one of the best option to study abroad for Singapore in recent years. The policy of “Mainland China Students Allowed to Study in Taiwan” focuses on attracting outstanding mainland students to enhance the competitiveness of the education in Taiwan. It doesn’t solve the problem of the education industry.To limit school, number and domain is the "three limits" principle. It must keep before the policy change. The "six noes" principle should be revised because it couldn’t attract outstanding mainland students coming to Taiwan. It has seriously impacted the enrollment effective, resulted in discrimination, caused unreality and the declaration of a policy. The policy of Mainland China Students involves complicated and sensitive cross-strait relations. The national security has become a key factor in reviewing the policy of opening or tightening. The chaotic political situation has also caused mainland Chinese students’ worries and affected their motivation of studying. Keywords:Policy of mainland students、Three limits and six noes、Singapore、Taiwan

大陸地區交換學生來台現況暨開放陸生來台政策評析 / Mainland exchange students’ attitude towards Taiwan Open Policy in allowing mainland students study in Taiwan universities

姜齡媖, Chiang, Ling Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣內部產、官、學界對於「開放陸生來台」議題,於政治、經濟、教育層面產生諸多正反討論之際,本研究深度訪談40位大陸地區交換學生,試圖由政策實施對象瞭解大陸地區交換學生在台現況、釐清大陸地區學生來台攻讀大專院校學位之意願以及檢視開放陸生來台政策內容。 過往涉及大陸學歷認證與開放陸生來台政策的相關文獻,多將研究主題著重於探討兩岸關係,如權力、政治菁英、意識型態等影響政策制定過程的決定因素。本研究則以「全球化」、「知識經濟」與「軟實力」的概念探討「開放陸生來台」政策,本研究焦點置於全球競爭時代中,吸收一流人才提升國家競爭力的重要性。 本研究針對受訪者的人口特徵、大陸地區交換學生來台動機、大陸地區交換學生在台現況、大陸地區學生來台就學意願進行分析,從受訪者對開放陸生來台政策之相關反應,整理歸納台灣吸引大陸地區學生來台攻讀高等教育學位之主要優勢,並預測台灣可能吸收之大陸學生類型。 根據主要研究發現,本研究之具體政策建議如下:1. 以香港、新加坡招收陸生政策為借鏡,放寬相關限制。2. 政府應投注更多資金與優惠政策協助各大專院校建立良好口碑,前往大陸地區進行「針對性、目的性」宣傳。3. 政府應對大陸地區學生展開大規模調查研究,瞭解其需求以作調整改進。4. 政府機關應培養兩岸優秀談判人才。 在未來研究方向的建議部分,應針對第一波來台留學之大陸地區學生進行後續追蹤研究,向大陸高校學生進行來台攻讀學位之意願調查,並針對亞太地區的招收陸生留學政策做更詳盡的比較分析,以期對開放陸生來台政策的施行進行有效之相關配套措施規劃,提升大陸地區學生來台就學意願,達到兩岸雙贏局面。 / Under the effects of globalization, attracting talents to improve national competitiveness has become a top priority for all countries in the world. Adopting to globalization, knowledge-based economy and soft power, this research intends to answer the following questions: (1) What is the current situation of mainland exchange students in Taiwan? (2) What are the factors affecting mainland students’ willingness to gain higher education degree in Taiwan? (3) How mainland exchange students subjectively interpret the open policy in allowing mainland students study in Taiwan universities? Through in-depth interviews and analysis of relevant policy making, this research tries to deduce the motivations and willingness of mainland students moving to Taiwan for higher education. Since no registered mainland students gained academic degree in Taiwan, the author interviewed and discussed with 40 mainland exchange students to identify Taiwan’s attractiveness and advantages compared to other opponents, such as Hong Kong and Singapore in the Greater China Area. The main research findings are: (1)The aspiration to go abroad, the limited opportunity to cross border, the convenience of using the same language, the attraction of Taiwan culture and the tough restriction to access Taiwan are the five main reasons why mainland exchange students choose Taiwan to visit. (2) Different degree of competitive pressure on students makes the distinct higher education circumstances between Mainland China and Taiwan. (3) The advantageous overseas diploma, the convenience of using the same language, the lower learning cost, the higher level of academic standards and the employment opportunities after ECFA are the main factors which attract mainland students gaining higher education degree in Taiwan. Based on the research findings, the policy advices are the followings: (1) Learning the advanced experience from Hong Kong and Singapore, the government should bend the rules and consider further relaxation of the policy. (2)Inject more money into making more propaganda for Taiwan’s universities. (3) Undertake large-scale empirical investigation to gather more information about the Chinese students’ willingness to study in Taiwan. (4) Train excellent negotiator in coordinating cross-strait affairs.

陸生在台使用臉書與文化適應之研究 / A study of Mainland Students' Facebook Usage and Cultural Adaptation in Taiwan

徐宥嫺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共訪問二十位來台唸書的陸生,試圖透過深度訪談了解陸生在台灣所面臨的文化衝擊以及文化適應方法,以及臉書在陸生文化適應扮演的角色。從訪談與線上觀察了解陸生使用臉書表現,探究臉書對於陸生認識台灣與交友的影響,並歸納陸生使用臉書所採用的疑慮消除策略。 研究發現,多數陸生在台灣面臨的壓力為學業壓力、人際關係、意識型態與政策限制。由於受訪者多為碩博士學生,剛來台灣就感受到龐大的學業壓力,直接進入文化衝擊期。多數的文化衝擊,陸生都能透過自我調適或尋求人際管道、大眾媒體調整自我,融入台灣社會。另外,在使用臉書的疑慮消除策略上,多數陸生皆採取被動策略與互動策略。隨著在台時間越久,對台灣社會越熟悉,人際網絡越牢固,陸生使用臉書改採被動策略。由此可知,臉書對於陸生初進入跨文化社會時,提供一個方便觀察與認識台灣的管道。 / By conducting 20 in-depth interviews with Mainland students studying in Taiwan, this research aims to investigate the culture shock that Mainland students are confronted with and their cultural adaptation in Taiwan. Moreover, the role of “Face-book” in cross-cultural adaptation for Mainland students is also a subject of the study. Based on the interviews and online observation, this research seeks to understand the behavior of Mainland students’ using Facebook, and explore how Facebook affects Mainland students’ understanding of Taiwan and interpersonal relations with Taiwanese. Finally, the research attempts to conclude what uncertainty reduction strategies Mainland students adopt with their using Facebook. The research finds that Mainland students are most pressured by academics, interpersonal relations, ideology and policy restrictions for their study in Taiwan. The 17 interviewees are all graduate students, owing to which they experience“culture shock stage”with enormous academic stress in the early days of their living in Taiwan. Most culture shocks could be overcome and they integrate themselves into local society by self-adaptation, interpersonal communication and mass communication. Moreover, most Mainland students use passive and interactive strategies to reduce their uncertainty in Facebook using. The longer they stay in Taiwan, the deeper they understand local society and the stronger they stay in Taiwan, the deeper they understand local society and the stronger their friendship network grows, and then they turn to passive strategies in uncertainty reduction. Therefore, Facebook provides Mainland students with a channel of observing and understanding Taiwan on the initial stage of entering a new culture.

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