Spelling suggestions: "subject:"maldi tof"" "subject:"baldi tof""
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Detektion av hydrolyserad β-laktamantibiotika i plasma med Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry och Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass Spectrometry / Detection of hydrolyzed β-lactam antibiotics in plasma by Matrix-Assisted Desorption Laser Ionization – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography tandem Mass SpectrometryThenstedt, Niklas January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion Antibiotikaresistens är ett globalt växande problem. Till gruppen β-laktamantibiotika hör piperacillin-tazobaktam och cefotaxim som båda verkar genom att försvaga cellväggen med kovalenta bindningar till peptidoglykanlagret som lyserar cellen. E. coli och K. pneumoniae tillhör gruppen Enterobacteriaceae, som är en del av den humana tarmfloran och ofta förekommande vid urinvägsinfektion och sepsis. Utvidgat Spektrum β-Laktamas (ESBL) är ett enzym som finns hos Enterobacteriaceae och som hydrolyserar β-laktamantibiotika. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) är en kvalitativ analysteknik för detektion av kemiska föreningar i avseende på massa och laddning. Kännedom om antibiotikametaboliters molekylvikt vid hydrolys möjliggör detektion. Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) är en högsensitiv kvantifieringsmetod som separerar molekyler i avseende på polaritet för vidare detektion i avseende på massa och laddning. Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att vidareutveckla en snabb och effektiv metod för att påvisa nedbrytning av piperacillin-tazobaktam och cefotaxim i blodplasma med LC-MS/MS. Material och Metod Tiofaldigt sjunkande koncentrationer av piperacillin-tazobaktam från 2000 till 2 µg/ml, och cefotaxim med koncentrationerna 500 till 0,5 µg/ml analyserades med MALDI-TOF MS, dels intakt men även med bakterierna E. coli och K. pneumoniae med uttryck av olika resistensmekanismer. Vid optimerade koncentrationer spikades plasmaprover med nedbrutet antibiotika som sedan kvantifierades med LC-MS/MS. Resultat Lägsta detektionsgräns med MALDI-TOF MS för intakt och hydrolyserat piperacillin-tazobaktam var 20/2,5 µg/ml. För cefotaxim var lägsta gränsen 5 µg/ml. Med kliniskt relevanta blodkoncentrationer gick hydrolys inte att detektera för. Med tre bakteriekolonier/50 µl kunde dock hydrolys detekteras och kvantifieras med LC-MS/MS. Slutsats Detektion av β-laktamantibiotika är möjligt med både MALDI-TOF MS och LC-MS/MS. För att påvisa hydrolys krävdes större mängder bakterier än förväntat med LC-MS/MS. / Introduction Antibiotic resistance is a global growing problem. Piperacillin-tazobactam and cefotaxime are parts of the group β-lactam antibiotics. The common feature is to inhibit the cell wall synthesis by covalent bindings to the peptidoglycan layer and thereby causing lysis of the bacterial cell. E. coli and K. pneumoniae are members of the Enterobacteriaceae which is a part of the human normal flora but also are commonly associated with urinary tract infections which sometimes develops into to sepsis. Extended Spectrum β-Lactamases (ESBLs) are enzymes with hydrolytic abilities acting on β-lactam antibiotics, expressed by Enterobacteriaceae. The qualitative, Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) can be used to detect chemical compounds in the ratio of mass to charge in accordance to their molecular weight. Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is a highly sensitive two-step method of quantification which first separate molecules by their polarity attraction force and then by the ratio of mass to charge. Aim The aim of this study was to develop a fast and efficient method to determine degradation of piperacillin-tazobactam and cefotaxime in blood plasma by LC-MS/MS. Method Tenfold dilution of piperacillin-tazobactam in concentrations of 2000 to 2 µg/ml, and cefotaxime in concentrations of 500 to 0,5 µg/ml where analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS, intact and also with the bacteria E. coli and K. pneumoniae with different expression of antibiotic resistance. Optimized concentrations where fixed in blood plasma and then quantified by LC-MS/MS. Result The detection limit by using MALDI TOF MS of hydrolyzed as well as non-hydrolyzed piperacillin-tazobactam was 20/2,5 µg/ml. The detection limit in cefotaxime was 5 µg/ml. Hydrolysis could not be detected in clinically fixed blood concentrations. Detection and quantification of hydrolysis by LC-MS/MS was possible in a concentration of three bacteria colonies/50 µl. Conclusion It is possible to detect hydrolysis in both MALDI TOF MS and LC-MS/MS. A larger amount of bacteria than expected was needed to demonstrate hydrolysis In LC-MS/MS.
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Reifungsbedingte Membranveränderungen an Eberspermien und deren Bedeutung für die Kältesensitivität der SpermienJakop, Ulrike Sandra 26 November 2013 (has links)
Wie in anderen Zellen sind auch bei Säugerspermien spezifische Lipide und Proteine der Zellmembran aufgrund ihrer heterogenen lateralen Verteilung in speziellen Domänen angereichert, die in unterschiedlichen räumlichen und zeitlichen Dimensionen existieren und der Zelle funktionale Variabilität ermöglichen. Aufgrund der fehlenden aktiven Proteinbiosynthese bietet dies den Spermien eine Möglichkeit, auf unterschiedliche Anforderungen zu reagieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden daher sogenannte detergenzresistente Membrandomänen (DRMs) aus Eberspermien unterschiedlicher Reifestadien präpariert und untersucht. Dabei stieg bereits in den Dichtegradienten mit zunehmender Reife die Dichte, bei der die opaleszenten Banden auftraten. Eine Analyse dieser mittels 31P-NMR zeigte mit zunehmender Reife eine Anreicherung an Glycerophosphatidylethanolamin und Phosphatidylinositol bei den Glycerophospholipiden, der Gehalt an Sphingomyelin hingegen nahm während der Nebenhodenreifung und auch nach der Ejakulation ab. Diese Veränderungen könnten auf eine Destabilisierung von Membrandomänen hindeuten, um eine Zusammenlagerung zu größeren Domänenclustern zu erleichtern, möglicherweise in Vorbereitung auf Kapazitation und Akrosomenreaktion. Zunächst werden die destabilisierten Membrandomänen jedoch durch die Anlagerung von Seminalplasmaproteinen geschützt, was vermutlich für das verringerte Lipid- zu Proteinverhältnis der DRMs bei Ejakulatspermien sorgt. Aufgrund der generellen Kälteempfindlichkeit von Eberspermien findet ihre Lagerung üblicherweise bei 16°C statt. Dies ist aus mikrobiologischer Sicht nachteilig gegenüber einer kälteren Lagerungstemperatur. Eine Untersuchung der Spermien von 64 Ebern zeigte jedoch bei 10% der Ejakulate eine individuum-spezifische Resistenz gegenüber der Lagerung bei 4°C. Die DRMs der kälteresistenten Spermien hatten einen erhöhten Anteil an langkettigen, mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren, wie 31P-NMR und MALDI-TOF MS Analysen zeigten. / The lateral distribution of lipids and proteins in the plasma membrane is heterogeneous. Therefore specific lipids and proteins in membranes of mammalian spermatozoa are enriched in special domains of varying size and different time scales enabling the cell’s membrane functional variability. Being transcriptional inactive this is especially relevant for spermatozoa in responding to multiple challenges on their way to fertilization. Therefore so called detergent resistant membrane domains (DRMs) from boar spermatozoa of different developmental stages were investigated. Already in the sucrose density gradients differences were visible, so the opalescent bands of more maturated sperm had a higher density. An analysis of these bands by 31P-NMR showed an enrichment of glycerophosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol during maturation and a decrease of sphingomyelin during maturation in the epididymis and even after ejaculation. This suggests destabilization of DRMs and hence of putative membrane domains. This could enable clustering to bigger membrane domain platforms in preparation for capacitation and acrosome reaction. First, however, seminal fluid proteins cover the spermatozoa protecting the membrane with the destabilized membrane domains. This could have led to the detected decrease of the lipid to protein ratio in DRMs of ejaculated sperm. Boar spermatozoa are sensitive to storage at cold temperatures and are therefore usually stored at 16°C, which is especially disadvantageous with regard to growing of bacteria. A screening of sperm from 64 boars showed a ratio of 10% individuals with cold resistant sperm which could be stored at 4°C without quality loss. The DRMs of cold resistant sperm had a higher proportion of longchained, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as shown by analysis with 31P-NMR und MALDI-TOF MS.
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Exploitation of host cellular pathways by Chlamydia trachomatisBanhart, Sebastian 11 January 2012 (has links)
Wie auch andere bakterielle Pathogene überträgt C. trachomatis Effektorproteine in die Wirtszelle, um deren Funktionen zu manipulieren. Das während der Invasion sekretierte Effektorprotein Tarp besitzt N-terminale SH2-Bindungsstellen und eine C-terminale SH3-Bindungsstelle für die Interaktion mit Wirtszellproteinen. Zur Bestimmung dieser Interaktionen wurden Protein-Microarrays mit nahezu alle humanen SH2- und SH3-Domänen verwendet. Zahlreiche neue Interaktionen wurden detektiert, wobei das Adaptorprotein SHC1 eine der stärksten SH2-abhängigen Interaktionen mit Tarp zeigte. Mittels Transkriptionsanalyse SHC1-abhängiger Genregulation während der Infektion konnten Gene identifiziert werden, welche an der Apoptose- und Zellwachstumskontrolle beteiligt sind. Infizierte Wirtszellen mit SHC1-Knockdown wiesen eine erhöhte Apoptoserate nach Stimulation mit TNF-alpha auf. Diese Ergebnisse offenbaren eine wichtige Rolle von SHC1 im Kontext des frühen, Chlamydien-induzierten Wirtszellüberlebens und deuten darauf hin, dass Tarp als vielseitige Signaltransduktionsplattform dient. Um Wirtszelllipide aufzunehmen, nutzt C. trachomatis Transportrouten der Wirtszelle und modifiziert Lipide bei der Aufnahme. Zur Bestimmung der Lipidzusammensetzung der Wirtszelle wurde diese mittels MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie analysiert. Dabei hatte die Infektion den stärksten Einfluss auf Phosphatidylinoslitol (PI)- und Cardiolipin (CL)-Spezies. Des Weiteren konnten im Infektionsverlauf PI- und CL-Spezies mit einem Massenunterschied von 14 Da detektiert werden, was auf verzweigtkettige Fettsäurereste chlamydialen Ursprungs und eine Beteiligung der cytosolischen Phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) hindeutet. Entsprechend zeigten infizierte Zellen mit einem Knockdown von cPLA2 oder der Cardiolipinsynthase 1 eine signifikant reduzierte Bildung infektiöser Bakterien. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung von CL und einer funktionellen Nährstoffversorgung für die erfolgreiche Vermehrung von C. trachomatis. / Like many bacterial pathogens, C. trachomatis translocates effector proteins into the host cell to manipulate host cell functions. The early phase effector protein Tarp harbors N-terminal SH2 binding sites and a C-terminal SH3 binding site for the interaction with host cell proteins. To assess these interactions, protein microarrays comprising virtually all human SH2 and SH3 domains were used. Numerous novel interactions were discovered, while the adaptor protein SHC1 was among Tarp’s strongest SH2-dependent interaction partners. Transcriptome analysis of SHC1-dependent gene regulation during infection indicated that SHC1 regulates apoptosis- and growth-related genes. SHC1 knockdown sensitized infected host cells to TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. These findings reveal a critical role for SHC1 in early Chlamydia-induced cell survival and suggest that Tarp functions as an important multivalent signaling hub. To acquire host-derived lipids, C. trachomatis hijacks cellular trafficking pathways and modifies lipids during the acquisition. To assess infection-dependent changes of the host cell lipid composition, cells were analyzed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Phosphatidylinositol (PI) and cardiolipin (CL) levels were most prominently influenced by C. trachomatis infection. Furthermore, PI and CL species with a 14 Da mass difference were detected during the course of infection, indicating the presence of Chlamydia-derived branched chain fatty acids and a role of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) in this process. Accordingly, infection of cPLA2 or cardiolipin synthase 1 knockdown cells resulted in a significantly reduced formation of infectious particles. These data demonstrate the importance of cardiolipin and a functional nutrient supply for the successful propagation of C. trachomatis.
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Establishment of a two-dimensional electrophoresis map of human mitochondrial proteinsXie, Jing 15 December 2003 (has links)
Mitochondriopathien sind Multisystemerkrankungen die durch verschiedene Defekte in den Energie (ATP) produzierenden Stoffwechselwegen der Mitochondrien verursacht sind. Will man Mitochondriopathien auf molekularer Ebene diagnostizieren, stößt man auf folgende Schwierigkeiten: (A) Ungefähr 1000 Gene sind an der Biogenese des Mitochondriums beteiligt. Die Dysfunktion jedes einzelnen dieser Gene kann potentiell zur Mitochondriopathie führen. (B) Mitochondriale Proteine werden durch zwei Genome, durch die mitochondriale und durch die nukleäre DNA kodiert. (C) Die klinischen Symptome der Patienten weisen selten auf die molekulare Diagnose, da der Phänotyp oft nur auf einem sekundären Energiemangel beruht. In der Regel besteht keine sichere Genotyp-Phänotyp-Relation. Mit den gegenwärtig zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden lassen sich bei nur 20% der Patienten Mutationen finden. Wir wollten daher eine neue Screening-Methode entwickeln, mit deren Hilfe wir hoffen, die Aufspürungsrate für mitochondriale Mutationen zu erhöhen. Die Gesamtheit der Proteine einer Organelle oder einer ganzen Zelle (ihr "Proteom") stellt das Verbindungsglied zwischen Geno- und Phänotyp dar. Aus diesem Grunde wollten wir das mitochondriale Proteom von gesunden Kontrollpersonen und von Patienten mit Mitochondriopathien untersuchen. Protein-Muster, die zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen abweichen, könnten die Aufmerksamkeit auf Gene und Proteine richten, die an der Entstehung des Krankheits-Phänotyps beteiligt sind. Um solch eine vergleichende Studie durchzuführen, muß zunächst eine Referenzkarte des normalen mitochondrialen Proteoms erstellt werden. In meinem Dissertationsprojekt habe ich diese grundlegende Arbeit durchgeführt und zahlreiche Proteine auf der Proteomkarte menschlicher Mitochondrien identifiziert, die aus Epstein-Barr-Virus-transformierten lymphoblastoiden Zellen gewonnen worden waren. Ich wählte diese Zellsorte als Untersuchungsmaterial, da sie nicht nur einfach von Patienten gewonnen werden, sondern auch potentiell permanent wachsen kann. Dies erlaubt die Züchtung einer hohen Zellzahl ohne übermäßigen Aufwand. Ich optimierte ein Protokoll zur Zentrifugation in einem hybriden Gradienten, mit dem genug gereinigte Mitochondrien aus 108 Zellen gewonnen werden konnten. Für die Referenzkarte benutzte ich die lymphoblastoide Zellline einer gesunden Kontrollperson. Die Methode der Wahl zur Proteinidentifikation in Proteom-Projekten ist die zweidimensionale Proteinelektrophorese gekoppelt mit der MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie. Ich entdeckte mehr als 400 Punkte in meinem silbergefärbten zweidimensionalen Gel und analysierte die 141 stärksten Punkte nach in-gel Trypsin-Verdau und anschließender MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie in einem Verfahren, das als "Peptide Mass Fingerprinting" (Peptidmassen-Fingerabdruck) bezeichnet wird. Mit Hilfe entsprechender Datenbanken konnte ich schließlich 115 verschiedene Proteinpunkte (entsprechen 95 verschiedenen Proteinen) identifizieren. 90 dieser Punkte (entsprechend 74 verschiedenen Proteinen) waren sicher mitochondrialer Herkunft und sind Komponenten aller wesentlichen im Mitochondrium lokalisierten Stoffwechselwege. 16 der 74 identifizierten mitochondrialen Proteine gehören zur Atmungskette. Obwohl 18 mitochondriale Proteine in der Datenbank SWISS-PROT als "Membran-assoziiert" annotiert sind, identifizierte ich nur vier Proteine mit sicheren Transmembrandomänen. Ich entdeckte keine der 13 durch die mitochondriale DNA kodierten Proteine, die alle stark hydrophobe Membranproteine sind. Andere Forscher sind bei dem Versuch diese Proteine zu identifizieren, auf die gleichen Schwierigkeiten gestoßen. Mit meiner Dissertationsarbeit habe ich unsere eigene Datenbank und Referenzkarte des mitochondrialen Proteoms lyphoblastoider Zellen erstellt. Diese Daten ermöglichen nun die Analyse des mitochondrialen Proteoms von Patienten. Meine weiteren Untersuchungen auf diesem Gebiet werden sich nun auf die genetische Variabilität des Proteoms gesunder Kontrollpersonen und auf das Proteom der Patienten mit Mitochondriopathien beziehen. / Mitochondrial disorders are multisystem diseases that can be caused by any defect in the energy (ATP) generating pathways in the mitochondria. The difficulty in diagnosing mitochondrial diseases on the molecular level arises from several obstacles: (A) About 1000 genes are involved in the biogenesis of mitochondria. The dysfunction of each of them may potentially cause mitochondriopathy. (B) The mitochondrial proteins are encoded by two genomes: the mitochondrial DNA and the nuclear DNA. (C) The clinical symptoms of the patients rarely suggest a molecular diagnosis since in most cases, the phenotype is a secondary phenomenon to energy depletion. Generally there is no genotype-phenotype relation. Based on current diagnostic methods in only 20% of the patients a mutation can be found. We therefore wanted to develop a new screening method by which we hope to increase the identification rate. Since the numerous proteins of an organelle or of a whole cell (its "proteome") connect the genotype with the phenotype, we set out to study the proteome of the mitochondrion in healthy individuals and in patients with mitochondrial diseases. Deviating protein patterns between the two individuals could direct the attention to disease-specific proteins and genes, which might be involved in the expression of a disease-phenotype. In order to perform such a comparison I first had to establish a normal reference map. In my dissertation project I performed this basic task and identified numerous mitochondrial proteins on the proteome-map of human mitochondria, which had been extracted from lymphoblastoid cells. I selected Epstein-Barr-Virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cells as samples not only because they are easily obtained from patients, but also due to their potential permanent growth. This approach allows the cultivation of high cell numbers without excessive expenditure of work and cost. I optimized a protocol for hybrid gradient centrifugation, by which enough mitochondria can be purified from 108 cells. I used a cultured lymphoblastoid cell line from a normal control patient and isolated mitochondria from it by using hybrid gradient centrifugation. In proteomics the combination of the high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis and matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) is currently the method of choice for protein identification. I detected more than 400 spots in a silver-stained two-dimensional gel. I analyzed the 141 strongest spots of it by trypsin in gel digestion and subsequent MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in a process termed "peptide mass fingerprinting". After database search, I finally identified 115 protein spots (corresponding to 95 different proteins), 90 of which (corresponding to 74 different proteins) are of confirmed mitochondrial origin. These identified proteins are components of the main biological pathways located in the mitochondrion. 16 of the 74 identified mitochondrial proteins belong to the respiratory chain. Despite the fact that 18 mitochondrial proteins are annotated in the SWISS-PROT-database as "membrane associated proteins", only four of them have clear transmembrane domains. None of the proteins encoded by the mitochondrial DNA could be detected. All of them are hydrophobic membrane proteins. A similar difficulty in resolving these proteins was encountered by other research groups. With my dissertation I established our own database and reference map of the mitochondrial proteome of lymphoblastoid cells. These data will facilitate the analysis of the mitochondrial proteome in patients. My future research based on this dissertation will mainly focus on the genetic variation of the proteome of healthy individuals and on patients with mitochondrial diseases.
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Synthèse et caractérisation de poly(lactide)s optiquement purs : étude cinétique et transestérification intermoléculaireJalabert, Matthieu January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Cell Wall/Surface Proteome of Candida albicans: its Application in Rapid Identification of Yeast Species by Mass Signature and Characterization by in vitro and in vivo Chemical LabelingsQian, Jiang 14 May 2010 (has links)
Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that may cause mucutaneous infection and/or disseminated candidasis if the host defense system is impaired (such as those in HIV patients). Cell surface of C. albicans is the frontier where initial interplay between host-pathogen takes place and therefore is of great importance in understanding the mechanism of hostpathogen interaction. MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of intact fungal cells yielded mass signatures for rapid species differentiation, strain grouping and yeast morphogenesis monitoring. Cell surface biotinylations at low temperature (4°C), enzymatic digestion of the intact fungal cell surface proteins ("whole cell shaving"), biotin-avidin affinity enrichment of biotinylated peptides, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based proteomic approach were employed for unambiguous identification of cell wall/cell wall associated proteins and the exposed peptide segments of these proteins. SILAC (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell Culture) based CWP quantification analyses were performed to monitor CWP accumulation level change in response to hyphae induction. Information on surface exposed peptide segments and regulation of cell wall/surface protein during morphogenesis provided new candidates to the pool of potential peptide targets for protective vaccine development. A New type of "fluorous" (fluorinated alkane) affinity gained popularity due to its low level nonspecific protein/peptide binding. Fluorous labeling reagents that target primary amine groups in proteins/peptides were synthesized and characterized. The acid labile linker in the labeling reagents allows cleavage of the bulky fluorous tag moiety and the long oligo ethylene glycol (OEG) spacer after fluorous affinity purification. Upon collision induced decomposition, the labeled peptide ion yielded a characteristic fragment that could be retrieved from the residual portion of fluorous affinity tag, and serve as a marker to indicate that the relevant peptide had been successfully labeled. Results showed that both the protein/peptide labeling and affinity enrichment/separation process were highly efficient.
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Identificação de patógenos causadores de mastite subclínica por espectrometria de massas / Identification of subclinical mastitis pathogens causing by mass spectrometryBarreiro, Juliana Regina 19 January 2011 (has links)
O diagnóstico rápido e eficiente da mastite subclínica é importante para reduzir a persistência da doença e os prejuízos decorrentes. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a técnica de espectrometria de massas (MS) por ionização e dessorção a laser assistida por matriz - tempo-de-vôo (MALDI-TOF) para identificação de bactérias causadoras de mastite subclínica bovina por dois métodos: 1) a partir de bactérias isoladas por cultivo icrobiológico; 2) a partir da recuperação de bactérias diretamente do leite, visando eliminar completamente a necessidade de cultivo microbiológico para identificação dos patógenos. O estudo foi composto por dois experimentos (1 e 2), no experimento 1 foram utilizadas 33 amostras de leite provenientes de animais das raças Gir e Holandesa de quatro fazendas leiteiras para a identificação icrobiológica e MALDI-TOF MS. As amostras com resultados conflitantes foram confirmadas por sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA. Os resultados de cultura microbiológica foram Staphylococcus aureus (n = 13), Streptococcus agalactiae (n = 10) e Estafilococos coagulase negativo (ECN) (n = 10). Para todas as amostras de Streptococcus agalactiae, resultados similares foram observados para a identificação microbiológica e por MALDI-TOF MS. De 13 isolados de Staphylococcus aureus, 11 foram igualmente identificados por MALDITOF, 1 isolado foi identificado como Staphylococcus haemolyticus por sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, e o outro isolado isolado com resultado conflitante foi caracterizado como cultura mista de Staphylococcus aureus e Enterococcus faecalis. Em relação às amostras de ECN, todas as amostras do grupo foram identificadas por MALDI-TOF em nível de gênero (S. simulans, S. epidermidis, S. Haemolyticus, S. Chromogens e S. aureus coagulase negativa). No experimento 2 foi avaliado o método de recuperação de bactérias presentes em leite e sua identificação por MALDI-TOF MS utilizando o método de contaminação experimental de leite com Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis e Staphylococcus aureus. A identificação de patógenos recuperados diretamente do leite foi possível quando a concentração de E. faecalis e S. aureus foi de 106 ufc/mL, e de 107 ufc/mL para E.coli. Concluímos que o uso de MALDI-TOF MS pode acelerar a identificação de patógenos causadores de mastite subclínica bovina podendo contribuir para a adoção de medidas de controle e tratamento mais adequado. / Rapid and efficient diagnosis of subclinical mastitis is important to reduce the persistence of the disease and its losses. This study aimed to evaluate the technique of mass spectrometry (MS) and desorption ionization by matrix assisted laser time-offlight (MALDI-TOF) for identification of bacteria causing bovine subclinical mastitis by two methods: 1) from bacteria isolated by microbiological culture, 2) from bacteria recovered directly from milk, to eliminate completely the need for microbiological culture for identification of pathogens. The study consisted of two experiments (1 and 2).In experiment 1, 33 milk samples from Gir and Holstein animals collected in four dairy farms were used for microbiological identification and MALDI-TOF MS. The samples with different results were confirmed by sequencing the 16S rRNA. These samples were identified by microbiological culture as Staphylococcus aureus (n = 13), Streptococcus agalactiae (n = 10) and Staphylococcus coagulase negative (SCN) (n = 10). For all strains of Streptococcus agalactiae, similar results were observed for microbiological identification and MALDI-TOF MS. From 13 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, 11 were also identified by MALDI-TOF, one isolate was identified as Staphylococcus haemolyticus by 16S rRNA sequencing , and the other discrepant sample was charactezided a mixed culture of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. Regarding the SCN samples, all samples of this group were identified by MALDI-TOF at gender level (S. simulans, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, S. Chromogens and S. aureus coagulase negative). In experiment 2, we evaluated the method of recovery of bacteria present in milk and their identification by MALDI-TOF MS using experimental method of contamination of milk with Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus. The identification of pathogens recovered directly from milk was possible when the concentration of E. faecalis and S. aureus was 106 ufc/mL and 107 ufc/mL for E.coli. We conclude that the use of MALDI-TOF MS can accelerate the identification of pathogens causing bovine subclinical mastitis may contribute to the adoption of control measures and appropriate treatment.
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Electric-Field Effects and Interactions of Dye–Polymer SystemsHilker, Brent 20 October 2010 (has links)
Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization–Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectroscopy is used in the characterization of synthetic polymers. MALDI allows for determination of: modal, most probable peak (M P), molecular number average (MN), molecular weight average (MW), polydispersity (PD), and polymer spread (PSP). We evaluate a new sample preparation method using Induction Based Fluidics (IBF) to kinetically launch and direct nanoliter volumes to a target without contact. IBF offers signal improvement via field enhanced crystallization. This is the first study to discuss filed enhanced crystallization in MALDI sample preparation. IBF can increase signal/noise (S/N) and signal intensity for polystyrene (PS), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) across a mass range of 2,500 to 92,000 Da showing more accurate PSP. Increases in S/N range up to: 279% for PS, 140% for PMMA, and 660% for PEG. Signal intensities increased up to: 438% for PS, 115% for PMMA, and 166% for PEG. Cross-polarization microscopy indicates dramatic morphology differences between IBF and micropipette. Finally, we speculate as to why IBF nanoliter depositions afford higher S/N values in experiments conducted in different instrumental configurations even without optimization.
Next we sought to investigate whether nanoliter volumes of concentrated polar liquids and organic monomers launched to targets using IBF can be verified through the real time charge measurements. We show that using a nanoliter IBF dispensing device and nanocoulomb meter, charge measurements made on nanoliter drops in real time are correlated with the droplets surface area following Gauss’s Law. We infer the "induction only" formation of the double layer showing the ability to determine nanoliter volumes, nearly instantaneously, in real time. Implications are presented from these IBF measurement observations on improving/monitoring MALDI quantitation and its quality control.
Polymer-dye interactions were further investigated using PMMA composites made from a polar metalloporphyrin [5-(4',4',5',5'-tetramethyl[1',3',2']dioxaborolan-2'-yl)-10,20-diphenylporphyrinato]zinc(II) (Zn(II)Bpin-DPP) in select weight %s (wt%s). Fluorescence spectroscopy has revealed that the porphyrin was well dispersed within the composite. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that porphyrin acted as an antiplasticizer raising the glass transition (Tg) from 105 °C to 123 °C. Dielectric Analysis (DEA) was performed in the frequency range of 0.3 Hz to 100 kHz between -150 to 270 ⁰C. Permittivity (ε’), loss factor (ε’’) and dielectric response of beta (β), alpha beta (αβ), and conductivity relaxations were studied. Previous DEA data was limited to 190 ⁰C. This study brings analysis to 270 ⁰C which is start point for the first part of PMMA degradation. Thus forwarding DEA can be used to evaluate PMMA degradation. The electric modulus formalism is used to reveal the β and conductivity relaxations. The apparent activation energies (Ea) for the molecular relaxations are presented. AC (ζAC) and DC (ζDC) conductivity are also evaluated. Tan delta (δ), dissipation factor, evaluated between 1 Hz to 100 kHz was shown to increase with porphyrin loading although locally affected by free volume restriction. Havriliak-Negami (H-N) equation was fit using the complex electric modulus (M*) modified form and was performed on the conductivity region 160 to 190 ⁰C and degradation region 190 to 270 °C. Relaxations above the Tg were proven to be conductivity relaxations using four proofs. This is the first study to investigate PMMA degradation DEA with the complex electric modulus, M*, revealing a unique occurrence of increasing central relaxation times (s-1) and reducing electric loss modulus (M") frequency maxima (Hz) after the degradation temperature of 220 ⁰C was reached supporting current literature of the first of a two part degradation process that proceeds via end chain scission.
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First Reference Map For Phanerochaete Chrysosporium ProteomeYildirim, Volkan 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the soluble protein fraction of P. chrysosporium grown under standard conditions was analyzed by using 2D-PAGE approach and a 2-D reference map was constructed. 910 spots could be separated and detected on Coomassie-stained 2-D gels by the help of Delta2D image analysis software. 720 spots could be cut from the master gel and were subjected to MALDI-TOF MS analysis followed by MASCOT search. A total of 517 spots out of 720 were assigned to specific accession numbers from the P. chrysosporium genome database. Further analysis of the data revealed 314 different gene products (distinct ORFs).
The theoretical pI and MW values were plotted against the experimental migration distances. Results indicated the existence of 124 protein spots whose horizontal migration differed significantly from the expected migration according to the calculated pI values and 52 spots with an apparent molecular weight that is significantly different from their theoretical molecular weight. While protein modification could be predicted by these analyses, the main support was the presence of multiple spots of the same gene product. As much as 118 ORFs yielded multiple spots on the master gel, corresponding to 37.5% of the all distinct ORFs identified in this work.
The relative abundance of each of the 517 identified polypeptides was calculated in terms of spot intensity. The majority of the most abundant proteins were found to be housekeeping ones. When the relative distribution of the proteins into four main functional categories was taken into consideration, &ldquo / Metabolism&rdquo / appeared the most important category with a share of 50.6% among identified proteins. However, among the functional classes, &ldquo / Posttranslational modifications, protein turnover, chaperones&rdquo / which is listed under the main category &ldquo / Cellular Processing and Signalling&rdquo / was represented by the highest number (104) of the identified proteins. Only 6 of the proteins listed in this study were assigned to hypothetical proteins.
Out of the 314 identified gene products shown in P. chrysosporium, 29 were predicted to have a signal peptide sequence according to the SignalP algorithm. By making a WoLF PSORT search, subcellular localization of the proteins was predicted. Accordingly, 147 of the proteins were predicted to be located in cytoplasm. The phosphorylated proteins of P. chrysosporium were detected by ProQ phosphoprotein staining of the 2-D gel. 380 out of 910 distinct protein spots (40%) were found to be phosphorylated in exponentially growing cells of P. chrysosporium. Of these spots, 96 could be matched to the identified proteins.
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Identificação de proteínas ligantes de calmodulina no cérebro de abelhas operárias campeira e nutridora Apis mellifera LCalábria, Luciana Karen 28 February 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The calmodulin is a Ca+2-binding protein, important in a wide variety of cellular
functions. The complex Ca+2/calmodulin interacts and regulates several enzymes
and target-proteins, known as calmodulina-binding proteins (CaMBPs). This study
identified comparatively the composition of CaMBPs in the brain of the workers
honeybees Apis mellifera, aiming to relate the their behavior in the colony. For
that, the CaMBPS from the foragers workers and nurses brain were purified by
affinity chromatography, separated in gel 1D, digested and analysed to peptide
mass fingerprinting (PMF) for identification. In PMF, 21 proteins were identified,
being 2 just in foragers workers and 13 in nurses, considered specific-behavior
protein. All proteins were classified according to their function and cellular location,
it was observed a bigger intensity of CaMBPs related to metabolism, for both
workers. Besides, the sequences were analyzed as for that the presence of IQ
motif. The results here presented indicate that behavior change in the colony
changes the CaMBPs composition and, possibly, in the protein function in the Apis
melilifera workers brain. / A calmodulina é uma proteína ligante de Ca+2, importante em uma variedade de
funções celulares. O complexo Ca+2/calmodulina interage e regula várias enzimas
e proteínas-alvo, conhecidas como proteínas ligantes de calmodulina (CaMBPs).
Neste estudo, identificou-se de forma comparativa a composição de CaMBPs no
cérebro de abelhas operárias Apis mellifera, visando relacioná-la com o
comportamento destas abelhas na colônia. Para isto, as CaMBPs do cérebro de
operárias campeira e nutridora foram purificadas através de cromatografia de
afinidade, separadas em gel 1D, digeridas e submetidas à análise por peptide
mass fingerprinting (PMF) para identificação. Em análise PMF, 21 proteínas
diferentes foram identificadas, sendo duas somente em operária campeira e 13
em nutridora, consideradas proteínas comportamento-específicas. Todas as
proteínas foram classificadas quanto a sua função e localização celular, em que
se observou maior expressão de CaMBPs relacionadas ao metabolismo, para
ambas operárias. Além disso, as seqüências foram analisadas quanto a presença
do sítio ligante de calmodulina. Os resultados apresentados aqui indicam que a
mudança de comportamento na colônia leva a uma alteração na composição de
CaMBPs e, possivelmente, na função destas proteínas no cérebro das abelhas
operárias Apis mellifera. / Mestre em Genética e Bioquímica
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