Spelling suggestions: "subject:"managementplan"" "subject:"managementplans""
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Consciência, participação e negociação: uma leitura psicopolítica do processo de produção do Plano de Manejo da APA Várzea do Rio Tietê / Consciousness, participation and negotiation: a psychopolitical reading of the production process of the Management Plan APA Várzea do Rio Tietê.Guilherme Borges da Costa 08 August 2012 (has links)
Estudar os processos de participação relacionados à produção de uma política pública pode ser um elemento chave para a compreensão do modelo de gestão que se pretende implementar no Brasil, em especial em áreas de proteção ambiental a partir das exigências legais instituídas pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação da Natureza (SNUC). A consolidação de uma cultura democrática na gestão de políticas ambientais em unidades de conservação de uso sustentável passa pela compreensão das dinâmicas comunitárias e governamentais em processos de tomada de decisão, como o da elaboração de um plano de manejo. O presente trabalho se propõe a compreender como se dão tais processos de construção coletiva de um instrumento de gestão pública e consolidação de uma cultura política participativa a partir da produção do Plano de Manejo (PM) da Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Várzea do Rio Tietê, território que abrange 12 municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo (SP). Para atender este propósito foi utilizada a metodologia da observação participante para a coleta de dados em atividades públicas realizadas pela equipe gestora do PM da APA Várzea do Rio Tietê, bem como a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores envolvidos na elaboração do referido documento. A análise dos dados se deu a partir de base teórica centrada nas discussões sobre consciência, participação e negociação políticas, em um enfoque psicopolítico, e nas discussões acerca da gestão participativa de políticas ambientais no Brasil. A pesquisa identificou que apesar da existência de espaços formais de participação e tomada de decisão de atores governamentais e não governamentais no processo de produção do PM da APA Várzea do Rio Tietê conforme exigido pela legislação vigente , as estratégias adotadas por alguns participantes, bem como a noção de participação e gestão colegiada por eles destacadas entre outros elementos , apontam para desafios a serem superados para se assegurar a efetiva democratização das decisões e consolidação de uma cultura política participativa na gestão das políticas ambientais. O presente trabalho destacou também as contribuições da Psicologia Política para a análise e compreensão de processos participativos democráticos. / Study participation processes related to the production of a public policy can be a key to understanding the management model that intends to implement in Brazil, especially in environmental protection areas from the legal requirements imposed by the National System of Units Nature Conservation (SNUC). The consolidation of a democratic culture in the management of environmental policies involves the understanding of community dynamics and governmental decision-making processes, such as the development of a management plan. This study aims to understand how such processes take place for the collective construction of an instrument of public management and consolidating a participatory political culture from the production of the Management Plan (MP) of the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Várzea do Rio Tietê, a territory that covers 12 countries in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (SP). To meet this purpose we used the methodology of participant observation to collect data for public activities undertaken by the team manager of the APA Várzea do Rio Tietê, as well as the realization of semi-structured interviews with actors involved in the preparation of this document. Data analysis was performed based on the basic theoretical discussions focused on political consciousness, participation and negotiation, with a psychopolitical focus, and in discussions of participatory management of environmental policies in Brazil. This work showed that despite the existence of formal spaces for participation in decision-making for governmental and non-governmental actors in the production process of the PM APA Várzea do Rio Tietê - as required by law - the strategies adopted by some participants as well how the notion of participation and collegiate management highlighted by them - among other things - point to challenges to be overcome to ensure the effective democratization of decision making and consolidating a participatory political culture in the management of environmental policies. This study also highlighted the contributions of Political Psychology to policy analysis and understanding of participatory democratic processes.
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Avaliação ambiental estratégica e o plano de manejo nas áreas de proteção ambiental (APAs) / Strategic environmental assessment and the management plan of environmental protected areasEsteves, Aline de Oliveira 20 September 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa foi realizada com o intuito de identificar as contribuições da AAE para a elaboração dos planos de manejo das Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA) relacionados à conservação da biodiversidade e áreas protegidas. Para atingir este objetivo a pesquisa foi divida em três etapas. Na primeira, as questões relacionadas à biodiversidade e às áreas protegidas foram identificadas nos procedimentos metodológicos da AAE. Assim, na segunda etapa estas questões foram relacionadas com os benefícios da AAE. Com base nesta relação foi possível elaborar um quadro para comparar e analisar os estudos de caso (Plano local do Parque Nacional Cairngorms na Escócia e o Projeto de expansão do Parque Nacional Elefante Addo na África do Sul) com o roteiro metodológico para elaboração de planos de manejo de APAs quanto aos benefícios da AAE (terceira etapa). Desta maneira, verificou-se que os benefícios que a AAE proporciona aos PPPs não podem ser verificados em sua totalidade no roteiro metodológico para os planos de manejo de APA. Entretanto, há um potencial para que estes sejam alcançados, mas para isso seria necessário um instrumento, como a AAE, para auxiliar e avaliar o processo de elaboração dos planos de manejo de APAs. / The present work identified the contribution of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the development of management plan of Environmental Protected Area (EPA) related to biodiversity conservation and protected areas. The research was divided into three stages. First, the issues related to biodiversity and protected areas were identified in the methodological framework of the SEA; in the second stage, they were related to the benefits of the SEA. Based on these previous stages, a framework was elaborated to compare and analyse the case studies (Cairngorms National Park local Plan and the Greater Addo Elephant National Park Project) with a methodological guide for the management plans of EPA, taking into consideration the SEA benefits. It was possible to conclude that the benefits of the SEA cannot be identified in their entirety in methodological guide. However, there they can be achieved by the development of SEA to assist and evaluate the process of preparing management plans for EPA.
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Consciência, participação e negociação: uma leitura psicopolítica do processo de produção do Plano de Manejo da APA Várzea do Rio Tietê / Consciousness, participation and negotiation: a psychopolitical reading of the production process of the Management Plan APA Várzea do Rio Tietê.Costa, Guilherme Borges da 08 August 2012 (has links)
Estudar os processos de participação relacionados à produção de uma política pública pode ser um elemento chave para a compreensão do modelo de gestão que se pretende implementar no Brasil, em especial em áreas de proteção ambiental a partir das exigências legais instituídas pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação da Natureza (SNUC). A consolidação de uma cultura democrática na gestão de políticas ambientais em unidades de conservação de uso sustentável passa pela compreensão das dinâmicas comunitárias e governamentais em processos de tomada de decisão, como o da elaboração de um plano de manejo. O presente trabalho se propõe a compreender como se dão tais processos de construção coletiva de um instrumento de gestão pública e consolidação de uma cultura política participativa a partir da produção do Plano de Manejo (PM) da Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Várzea do Rio Tietê, território que abrange 12 municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo (SP). Para atender este propósito foi utilizada a metodologia da observação participante para a coleta de dados em atividades públicas realizadas pela equipe gestora do PM da APA Várzea do Rio Tietê, bem como a realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores envolvidos na elaboração do referido documento. A análise dos dados se deu a partir de base teórica centrada nas discussões sobre consciência, participação e negociação políticas, em um enfoque psicopolítico, e nas discussões acerca da gestão participativa de políticas ambientais no Brasil. A pesquisa identificou que apesar da existência de espaços formais de participação e tomada de decisão de atores governamentais e não governamentais no processo de produção do PM da APA Várzea do Rio Tietê conforme exigido pela legislação vigente , as estratégias adotadas por alguns participantes, bem como a noção de participação e gestão colegiada por eles destacadas entre outros elementos , apontam para desafios a serem superados para se assegurar a efetiva democratização das decisões e consolidação de uma cultura política participativa na gestão das políticas ambientais. O presente trabalho destacou também as contribuições da Psicologia Política para a análise e compreensão de processos participativos democráticos. / Study participation processes related to the production of a public policy can be a key to understanding the management model that intends to implement in Brazil, especially in environmental protection areas from the legal requirements imposed by the National System of Units Nature Conservation (SNUC). The consolidation of a democratic culture in the management of environmental policies involves the understanding of community dynamics and governmental decision-making processes, such as the development of a management plan. This study aims to understand how such processes take place for the collective construction of an instrument of public management and consolidating a participatory political culture from the production of the Management Plan (MP) of the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Várzea do Rio Tietê, a territory that covers 12 countries in the metropolitan region of São Paulo (SP). To meet this purpose we used the methodology of participant observation to collect data for public activities undertaken by the team manager of the APA Várzea do Rio Tietê, as well as the realization of semi-structured interviews with actors involved in the preparation of this document. Data analysis was performed based on the basic theoretical discussions focused on political consciousness, participation and negotiation, with a psychopolitical focus, and in discussions of participatory management of environmental policies in Brazil. This work showed that despite the existence of formal spaces for participation in decision-making for governmental and non-governmental actors in the production process of the PM APA Várzea do Rio Tietê - as required by law - the strategies adopted by some participants as well how the notion of participation and collegiate management highlighted by them - among other things - point to challenges to be overcome to ensure the effective democratization of decision making and consolidating a participatory political culture in the management of environmental policies. This study also highlighted the contributions of Political Psychology to policy analysis and understanding of participatory democratic processes.
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Ekosystemtjänsterkopplade till vildsvin : Enfallstudie över hur begreppet ekosystemtjänster kan integreras i en nationell förvaltningsplanStigblom, Erica January 2017 (has links)
Innebörden av begreppet ekosystemtjänster och värdet av dessa behöver spridas och förankras i samhället i större utsträckning än vad som görs idag. Det har bland annat uppmärksammas i ett av etappmålen inom de nationella miljökvalitetsmålen. Med anledning av detta har Naturvårdsverket fått i uppdrag av regeringen att genomföra en kommunikationssatsning om ekosystemtjänster, där det övergripande målet är att öka förståelsen för den biologiska mångfaldens och ekosystemtjänsternas värden samt deras betydelse i samhället. Naturvårdsverket har inom ramen för detta regeringsuppdrag tagit fram en vägledning för att integrera ekosystemtjänster i myndigheters verksamhet. Vägledningen, som presenterades i november 2016, är indelad i fem steg och vänder sig främst till centrala och regionala myndigheter men även till kommuner. Med anledning av att vägledningen är ny så finns det få exempel på hur vägledningens 5-stegsmetod kan tillämpas i praktiken. Denna fallstudie är ett första exempel på hur den föreslagna 5-stegsmetoden kan användas inom en nationell myndighet vilket gör fallstudien unik i sitt slag. Fallstudien omfattar vildsvinsförvaltning och tar sin utgångspunkt i Naturvårdsverkets förvaltningsplan för vildsvin. I enlighet med vägledningens metod hölls en workshop på Naturvårdsverket där personer från tre olika enheter medverkade. Under workshopen identifierades och diskuterades möjliga kopplingar mellan vildsvin och ekosystemtjänster, både i form av direkta ekosystemtjänster som vildsvinen tillhandahåller, men även i form av de miljöeffekter som vildsvinen har på ekosystemtjänster av både positiv och negativ karaktär. Vidare diskuterades även förslag på hur detta skulle kunna integreras i en uppdaterad version av nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplan för vildsvin. Workshopen resulterade i en bruttolista på relevanta kopplingar som i ett nästa steg bör verifieras genom att stämma av resultatet med aktuell forskning, något som gjorts i begränsad utsträckning i denna fallstudie på grund av tidsmässiga skäl. Däremot jämfördes den bruttolista med relevanta kopplingar som identifierats i nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin. Resultatet visade att 5-stegsmetoden hjälpte till att identifiera tio nya kopplingar mellan vildsvin och ekosystemtjänster, främst inom kategorin kulturella ekosystemtjänster. Dessutom bidrog resultatet till fler infallsvinklar samt en mer nyanserad bild av de kopplingar som redan berörs i den nuvarande nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin. Sammanfattningsvis erbjöd vägledningen ett användbart verktyg för att systematiskt identifiera relevanta ekosystemtjänster samt belysa påverkan på dessa. Det har ett värde inom viltförvaltningsarbetet, både i enlighet med den nationella förvaltningsplanen för vildsvin som är ämnad att revideras i takt med att ny kunskap genereras och nya erfarenheter, och i enlighet med Naturvårdsverkets Strategi för Svensk Viltförvaltning som förespråkar att viltförvaltningen ska vara adaptiv och hela tiden utvecklas genom ny kunskap. Att identifiera relevanta ekosystemtjänster bidrar dessutom till att uppnå ett av etappmålen inom de svenska miljömålen som säger att ”senast år 2018 ska betydelsen av biologisk mångfald och värdet av ekosystemtjänster vara allmänt kända och integreras i ekonomiska ställningstaganden, politiska avväganden och andra beslut i samhället där så är relevant och skäligt”. / The meaning of the concept ecosystem services and their values needs to be disseminated and established to a greater extent than it is today which, for instance, are acknowledged in one of the milestone targets among the Swedish Environmental Objectives. With that in mind, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has been given a mandate from the Government which comprises communication efforts regarding ecosystem services where the overall objective is to increase the understanding of biodiversity and the values of ecosystem services, including their importance to society. As a result, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has developed guidance in order to integrate ecosystem services in authorities’ activities. The guidance, which was presented in November 2016, is divided into five steps and is primarily to be used by central authorities, as well as county administrative boards or municipalities. However, there are currently few examples available regarding how to practically apply this 5-step method. Thus, the purpose of this case study is to present the first example of how the 5-step method can be used within a central authority, which makes this case study unique of its kind. The case study focuses on wild boar management and Sweden’s national management plan for wild boar. A workshop was held at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the 5-step method and people from three different units participated. Possible connections between wild boar and ecosystem services were identified and discussed during the workshop, both in terms of direct ecosystem services provided by wild boar, but also in terms of the positive or negative impacts that wild boar has on ecosystem services. Possible ways to integrate these findings into an updated version of the national management plan for wild boar were also discussed. The workshop resulted in a “gross list” of relevant connections, which, as a next step, needs to be verified by adding findings from current research. This has only been done to a smaller extent in this case study due to a limited timeframe. However, the gross list was compared to relevant connections that could be identified in the current national management plan for wild boar. The results showed that the 5-step method helped to identify ten new connections between wild boar and ecosystem services, primarily within the category of cultural ecosystem services. The discussions during the workshop also contributed to a deeper understanding of the connections that had already been identified in the current national management plan for wild boar. In summary, the guidance provided a useful tool to systematically identify relevant ecosystem services and to address the impacts on these services. The identified connections has a value for wildlife management work, both in accordance with the national management plan for wild boar which is intended to be updated when new knowledge and new experiences are generated, but also in accordance to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Strategy for Swedish Wildlife Management which also says that wildlife management should be adaptive and constantly developed through new knowledge. To identify relevant ecosystem services also contributes towards achieving one of the milestone target within the Swedish Environmental Objectives, which says that “the importance of biodiversity and the value of ecosystem services are to be generally known and integrated into economic positions, political considerations and other decisions in society where it is relevant and reasonable to do so”. / <p>2018-07-17</p>
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Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta modelo para planos de gereciamento de resíduos sólidos em instituições de ensino superior e sua avaliação : casos de unidades acadêmicas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulCampani, Darci Barnech January 2017 (has links)
No mundo inteiro a discussão, ocorrida nas duas últimas décadas, sobre a gestão de resíduos sólidos, em congressos técnicos, em ambientes parlamentares e mesmo junto a população, tem sido dominada pela necessidade da humanidade fazer algo que realmente mude a realidade hoje vivida. As tecnologias existentes são suficientes para tratar de maneira eficiente a maioria dos resíduos que são gerados, mas o que falta à nossa sociedade é a capacidade de prever ações dentro de sistemas de planejamento estruturados, que originem políticas públicas coerentes. No ambiente acadêmico não tem sido diferente, muito se pesquisa, muito se ensina, mas no dia a dia as ferramentas de gestão que são ensinadas em aula, mas não são aplicadas. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se, dentro do ambiente acadêmico, uma ferramenta de gestão que fornece uma estrutura para a elaboração de Planos de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos e que permite avaliar o seu grau de implantação. Para isto foi montado um modelo, baseado numa planilha, foram realizadas amostragem de resíduos em várias Unidades da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, sendo apresentados os dados quantitativos, os procedimentos e os planos para a melhoria da gestão. Aplicando a ferramenta de avaliação, que permitia a nota máxima de 100 pontos, as Unidades avaliadas obtiveram resultados que se adequavam à realidade encontrada, com 41 pontos para a que tinha o Plano iniciado a menos tempo. Aplicada em mais de um ciclo a ferramenta conseguiu também avaliar os avanços obtidos no processo de gestão, com a variação de 67 para 84 pontos na Unidade com mais tempo de implantação. Também apresentou entre os itens avaliados (liderança, estratégias, usuários, sociedade, pessoal e resultados), quais os que representavam maior risco e deveriam receber mais atenção no ciclo de melhoria seguinte especificamente sempre o de Estratégias. / Throughout the last two decades, in the whole word, the debate about solid waste management, in technical congresses, parliamentary spaces and even with the population has been dominated by humanity's need to do something that really changes the reality we are experiencing today. Existing technologies are sufficient to efficiently treat most of the waste that is generated, but what is lacking in our society is the ability to predict actions within structured planning systems that yield consistent public policies. In the academic space has not been different, much if research, much is taught, but in the day to day management tools that are taught in class, but are not implemented. In this work, a management tool was developed within the Academia, that provides a framework for the elaboration of Solid Waste Management Plans and allows evaluating their degree of implementation. For this purpose, a model based on a spreadsheet was set up. Samples were collected at various units of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Quantitative data, procedures and plans for improving management were presented. Applying the evaluation tool, which allowed a maximum score of 100 points, the Academics Units evaluated had results that were adequate to the reality found, with 41 points for which the plan was started in less time. Applied in more than one cycle, the tool was also able to evaluate the progress made in the management process, with the change from 67 to 84 points in the Unit with more implementation time. It also presented among the evaluated items (leadership, strategies, users, society, personnel and results), which represented the highest risk and should receive more attention in the following improvement cycle specifically always the Strategy.
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Abordagem geográfica e análise do patrimônio geomorfológico em unidades de conservação da natureza : aplicação na estação ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins e área de entorno - estados do Tocantis e Bahia / Geographical approach and analysis geomorphologic heritage in protected areas of nature: ecological station application in Serra Geral do Tocantins and the surrounding area – Tocantins state and BahiaCristo, Sandro Sidnei Vargas de January 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa consiste na analise geográfica com ênfase ao Patrimônio Geomorfológico da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins e entorno localizada entre a porção leste do Estado do Tocantins e a porção oeste do Estado da Bahia, região conhecida como Jalapão. Além da analise geográfica, a pesquisa tem como objetivo principal verificar a importância do seu “Patrimônio Geomorfológico” na gestão e preservação desta Unidade de Conservação da Natureza bem como subsidiar a elaboração de seu Plano de Manejo. Para atingir o objetivo proposto adotou-se como procedimento metodológico o uso do Geoprocessamento com a organização de um banco de dados via Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) utilizando o software Sistema de Processamento de Informações Georreferenciadas (SPRING) e as imagens de satélites (Cbers e Landsat) e de radar Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), além de cartas topográficas, mapas e arquivos digitais. Também foram realizados diversos trabalhos de campo apoiados pelo uso de receptores do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS). O estudo apresenta informações e organização de mapas temáticos sobre aspectos do clima, relevo, hidrografia, geologia, solos, geomorfologia e uso e ocupação da terra, além de uma descrição detalhada das feições geomorfológicas da área de pesquisa, com ênfase nos seus aspectos morfogenéticos, morfoestruturais e morfométricos. Os resultados demonstram que a abordagem geográfica e o Patrimônio Geomorfológico da área de pesquisa são de suma importância para o melhor entendimento do valor ecológicoambiental dos aspectos abióticos, e devem ser considerados na gestão e conservação ambiental da Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins, bem como no fornecimento de subsídios a elaboração do seu Plano de Manejo. / This research consists of the geographic analysis emphasizing the Geomorphologic Heritage of the Ecological Station Serra Geral do Tocantins and surroundings, located between the eastern portion of Tocantins State and western portion of Bahia State, region that is known as Jalapão. Besides the geografic analysis, the main objective of the research is to chek the importance of its "Geomorphologic Heritage" in the management and preservation of Nature Conservation Unit as well as the elaboration of its Management Plan. To achieve the proposed objective a methodological procedure was adopted by using GIS with the organization of a database via Geographic Information System (GIS) using the System Georeferenced Information Processing software (SPRING) and the images of satellites (CBERS and Landsat) and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), besides topographic letters, maps and digital files. Many field works have also been performed by the use of receptors Global Positioning System (GPS). The study presents information and organization of thematic maps on climate aspects, topography, hydrology, geology, soils, geomorphology and the use and occupation of land, plus a detailed description of the geomorphological features of the area of research, emphasizing their morphogenetic aspects, morphostructural and morphometric. The results demonstrate that the geographical approach and the Geomorphological Heritage area of the research is very importance for a better understanding of the ecological and environmental aspects abiotic value, and should be considered in the management and conservation of the Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins in addition to provide information to prepare its Management Plan.
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The impact of the whole school evaluation on school management plan towards physical science learner performance at Sekhukhune, Limpopo, South Africa :The case of Malegale Circuit of EducationMphahlele, Thokgela Millington January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2018. / School Improvement Plan is introduced to improve learner performance in South
Africa. This plan is integrated within the whole School Evaluation so as to enhance
the quality of education in the country. Malegale Circuit of Education in Limpopo
Province is central to the investigation. In terms of the Whole School Evaluation
(WSE) schools are required to annually develop and implement a School
Improvement Plan (SIP). As part of a SIP, a school should plan to monitor and
examines at regular intervals, whether its practices and learner achievement are
undergoing changes.SIP maps out the actions needed to bring about improvement.
It is compiled annually after School Self-Evaluation (SSE).
The focus areas used by school management teams to draw their School
Improvement Plan (SIP) are: basic functionality of the school; leadership,
management and communication; governance and relationships; quality of teaching
and educators development; curriculum provision and resources; learner
achievement; school safety, security and discipline; school infrastructure; and
parents and community.
It outlines the school’s strategies for improvement and sets clear targets of action. All
the schools are obliged to draw their School Improvement Plan (SIP) in the
curriculum of every subject. The programme helps in assisting towards improving
performance in terms of quality of teaching and learning, educator development,
curriculum provision and resources, learner achievement and school infrastructure.
The study provides insight into the research design, qualitative case study which
includes Semi-structured interviews, Document review, Field notes and Observation
and quantitative in the form of questionnaires research paradigms, purposeful
sampling, site selection, the participants, and data analysis. The members of the
school management teams should be encouraged to implement School
Improvement Plan in an effective and professional manner. The members of the
school management team should be encouraged to appoint qualified physical
science teachers to enhance the impact of whole school evaluation on school
improvement plan. Government officials should be encouraged to monitor and
evaluate the implementation of the whole school evaluation and school improvement
plan, so as to enhance the teaching of Physical Science.
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Protecting Biscayne: An Analysis of Strategies for the Protection of Biscayne National ParkHarvey, Janell M 04 November 2004 (has links)
Biscayne National Park is located off the southeast coast of Florida and attracts approximately half a million visitors annually. Managers of Biscayne National Park are proposing a new General Management Plan (GMP) in order to update the recreational and commercial use of resources in the park. A Fishery Management Plan (FMP) is also being drafted simultaneously in conjunction with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in order to address concerns associated with management of fish stocks within the park.
The proposed plan alternatives of the GMP and the recommendations of the FMP were developed in response to the negative impacts on the park's marine ecosystem due to exponential population growth of the adjacent Miami metropolitan area. Problems associated with decreasing water quality, habitat degradation, and species exploitation contribute to the diminishing integrity of resources in the park and surrounding area. Currently commercial and recreational fishing are allowed in most of Biscayne National Park.
The National Park Service's proposed alternatives are highly complex in order to make an attempt at appeasing stakeholder interests. In addition the recommendations of the FMP join the GMP alternatives in omitting marine reserves, a management practice that is widely thought by the scientific community to be an important step in marine resource rehabilitation.
At present, there is a noticeable absence of scientific information and lack of participation of scientists in management decisions. Biscayne National Park would ultimately benefit by incorporating marine reserves into the park, and adjusting them based on scientific studies conducted by an appointed Scientific Advisory Board. Partnerships with state, federal, and international agencies could promote the idea of being a part of a marine reserve network for optimal resource protection in the Caribbean. An increase in revenue from a permit system and entrance fees would also promote enforcement and protection of park resources. Simple but strong regulation in the park could also help alleviate enforcement problems. In addition education of park resource users should be expanded inside and outside the park.
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A computational model for the assessment and prediction of salinisation in irrigated areasXu, Peng, School of Mathematics, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of a computational study on salt transport and accumulation in crop root zone. The main objective of this study is to examine the impacts of past land use on the environment and to examine the effect of irrigation water on the rising of groundwater level and the subsequent salinity problem in rice growing area under given climatic conditions. A special focus has been such impacts in the Wakool irrigation area, NSW, Australia. To this end, a computational model for the assessment and prediction of salinisation in agricultural areas has been developed. This modelling system consists of a land surface scheme (ALSIS) for simulating unsaturated soil moisture and moisture flux, a groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) for estimating the spatial and temporal variations of groundwatertable, a surface flow model (DAFLOW) for calculating water flow in river networks, a module for calculating solute transport at unsaturated zone and a 3-D model (MOC3D) for simulating solute transport in groundwater as well as a module for calculating the spatial and temporal distributions of overland flow depth during wet seasons. The modelling system uses a finite difference linked technique to form a quasi three dimensional model. The land surface scheme is coupled with the groundwater flow model to account for the interactions between the saturated and unsaturated zones. On the land surface, the modelling system incorporates a surface runoff model and detailed treatments of surface energy balance, which is important in es-timating the evapotranspiration, a crucial quantity in calculating the moisture and moisture fluxes in the root zone. Vertical heterogeneity of soil hydraulic properties in the soil profile has been considered. The modelling system has the flexibility of using either Clapp and Hornberger (1978), Broadbridge and White (1988), van Genuchten (1980) or Brooks and Corey (1966) soil water retention models. Deep in the soil, the impact of groundwater table fluctuation on soil moisture and salinity in the unsaturated soil is also included. The calibration and validation for the system have been partially performed with observed groundwater levels in the Wakool irrigation area. The applications of the model to theWakool region are made in two steps. Firstly, a one-dimensional simulation to a selected site in the Wakool irrigation area is carried out to study the possible impact of ponded irrigation on salinisation and the general features of salt movement. Secondly, a more realistic three-dimensional simulation for the entire Wakool region is performed to study the spatial and temporal variations of root zone soil salinity under the influence of past land use from 1975 to 1994. To allow the assessment and prediction of the effects of ponded rice irrigation water (which contains salt) on soil salinity in the area, several hypothetical scenarios using different qualities of water for rice irrigation are tested. To facilitate comparative analysis of different scenarios, a base case is defined, for which irrigation water is assumed to be free of salt. The simulated results show that irrigation increases overall recharge to groundwater in the Wakool irrigation area. The use of ponded irrigation for rice growing has a substantial effect on salt accumulation in the root zone and the rising of groundwater level, indicating that irrigation at rice bay is a major budget item for controlling soil salinity problem in the local area.
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Investigation of Project Management Planning Practices for Renovation of Historical Buildings in Urban Contexts Located in TexasEscamilla, Edelmiro 2011 May 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the relationship between Project Management Planning (PMP) practices and project success for preservation projects of historical significance located in an urban context. The planning for these projects was also emphasized because these historic buildings are recognized by the National Register of Historic Places. Yet, when analyzing the performance metrics of these historically significant renovation projects that included budget and time after the project has been completed denote problems in the management and delivery of these projects.
The project team members' perceptions of PMP practices and how these practices affect project success were the focus of this research. To ascertain the importance of these questions, the study incorporated three major bodies of knowledge. The first body of literature focused on project management practices associated with project success. The second concentrated on historic preservation with a focus on historic significance and project planning. The third body centered on facility management as it relates to project management issues in the delivery of a construction project. Combining these bodies of knowledge into one literature review contributed to the development of a conceptual model to illustrate how the research variables and hypotheses were established. To test the research questions and its hypothesis, three statistical tools were used: analysis of variance (ANOVA), descriptive data analysis, and ordinary least square regression. The conclusions from these tests indicated that differences in perceptions of success criteria existed between the project team members. The findings also indicated a significant disconnect between the perceptions of project success and actual performance of project delivery. Furthermore, the findings indicated that only a few project management practices tested were perceived to have significant correlation with project success. The project team members felt that the success criteria of performance and the success factors associated with performance -- site analysis, site layout and staging, and a quality assurance plan -- were more important to the success of the renovation project than many of the management practices in this study.
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