Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anufacturing 3methods"" "subject:"anufacturing 4methods""
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Thermomechanical analysis of polymeric fibres : instrument development and preliminary resultsSikorski, Mathew E. January 1986 (has links)
No description available.
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Glasfiberram : Design av en glasfiberprodukt utgående från en StålproduktOlsson, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
I denna rapport kommer en processen av hur en glasfiberprodukt kan designas med utgångspunkt av en likvärdig produkt gjord i stål genomföras. Arbetet är gjort från uppdrag utav Roxtec international AB och handlar om designarbetet för en glasfiberram.Arbetet har gjorts med samarbete med Roxtec och utgår ifrån deras idéer om att designa en ny produkt för att hjälpa dem att få in sin produkt i fler marknader. I detta fall handlar det om att ha en glasfiberram gjord med långa fibrer för att kunna installera Roxtecs produkter i glasfiberskepp och båtar utan att bryta vissa certifikationer. Ramen används för att hålla tätningsmoduler på plats. Dessa tätningsmoduler pressas ihop vilket ger ett stort tryck på ramen.En stor del av arbetet handlar också om att ta reda på vilka olika tillverkningsmetoder som finns för glasfiber och hur de funkar med de koncepten som slutligen tas fram.I de första delarna av rapporten finns bakgrundsinformation om Roxtec och sedan information om de olika tillverkningsmetoderna som finns. Sedan går det vidare med information om de olika metoderna som används för att ta fram resultatet. Efter det fortsätter rapporten genom att visa ett antal koncept som sedan dimensioneras mot kraven som sätts på produkten.I den sista delen av rapporten ges sedan en rekommendation utifrån resultaten till Roxtec om vilken tillverkningsmetod som är lämplig och även en slutgiltig design på en glasfiberram. / In this report, a process of how a fiberglass product can be designed on the basis of an equivalent product made of steel be performed. The work is done through an assignment from Roxtec International AB and is about the design work for a fiberglass frame.The work has been done with cooperation with Roxtec and assumes their ideas about designing a new product in order to help them to get their product into more markets. In this case it is about a fiberglass frame made with long fibers in order to install Roxtec's products in fiberglass ships and boats without breaking certain certifications. The frame is used to hold the sealing modules in place. The sealing modules are then compressed which puts a heavy pressure on the frame.A large part of the work is also about finding out what different manufacturing methods there are for fiberglass and how they work with the concepts that will be developed.The first parts of the report provides background information about Roxtec and then information on the different manufacturing methods available. Then it provides information on the various methods used to produce the result. The report continues by displaying a number of concepts which are then designed to the requirements set on the product.In the last part of the report is a recommendation is given based on the results to Roxtec about which manufacturing method is appropriate and also a final design on a fiberglass frame. Read more
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Direct-Write of Melt-Castable Energetic and Mock materialsPatrick D Bowers (10732050) 30 April 2021 (has links)
<p>Explosives and rocket fuel are
just two prime examples of energetic materials, compounds that contain a
combustible fuel and oxidizer within the same substance. Recent advances have enabled the construction
of energetic materials through multiple variations of additive manufacturing,
principally inkjet, direct-write, fused filament fabrication, electrospray
deposition, and stereolithography. Many
of the methods used for creating multiple layered objects (three-dimensional)
from energetic materials involve the use of highly viscid materials.</p>
<p>The focus of this work was to
design a process capable of additively manufacturing three-dimensional objects
from melt-castable energetic materials, which are known for their low viscosity. An in-depth printer design and fabrication
procedure details the process requirements discovered through previous works,
and the adaptations available and used to construct an additive manufacturing
device capable of printing both energetic and non-energetic (also referred to
as inert) melt-castable materials.
Initial characterization of three proposed inert materials confirmed
their relative similarity in rheological properties to melt-castable energetic
materials and were used to test the printer’s performance.</p>
<p>Preliminary tests show the
constructed device is capable of additively manufacturing melt-castable
materials reproducibly in individual layers, with some initial successful prints
in three-dimensions, up to three layers.
An initial characterization of the printer’s deposition characteristics
additionally matches literature predictions.
With the ability to print three-dimensional objects from melt-castable
materials confirmed, future work will focus on the reproducibility of
multi-layered objects and the refined formulation of melt-castable energetic
materials.</p> Read more
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Additive manufacturing and its impacts on manufacturing industries in the future concerning the sustainability of AMGhazizadeh, Ali, Lakshminarasimhaiah, Suraj January 2021 (has links)
With the emergence of modern technologies in manufacturing processes, companies need to adapt themselves to these technologies to stay competitive. Additive Manufacturing is one of the upcoming technologies which will bring major changes to the manufacturing process. AM (Additive Manufacturing) offers flexibility in design, production size, customization, etc., Even though there are numerous advantages from the implementation of AM technologies less than 2% of the manufacturing industries use them for production. The purpose of the thesis was to study the impact of AM on manufacturing industries in 5-10 years and the barriers it is facing for widespread diffusion. Additionally, its impact on Sustainability aspects is also studied. A literature review was conducted to understand the current AM processes, their applications in different manufacturing sectors, their impact on business strategies, operations, and Product Life cycle. From the study, it was concluded that AM technologies are still in their maturing state and has a lot of uncertainties that it must overcome. The most notable barriers being implementation costs, limited materials, and protection of Intellectual property. The thesis also presents the projection for AM in 2030. AM is advantageous for Environmental and Economic sustainability with very little research on Societal sustainability. Read more
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Additive Manufacturing Methods for Electroactive Polymer ProductsTrevor J Mamer (6620213) 15 May 2019 (has links)
Electroactive polymers are a class of materials capable of reallocating their shape in response to an electric field while also having the ability to harvest electrical energy when the materials are mechanically deformed. Electroactive polymers can therefore be used as sensors, actuators, and energy harvesters. The parameters for manufacturing flexible electroactive polymers are complex and rate limiting due to number of steps, their necessity, and time intensity of each step. Successful additive manufacturing processes for electroactive polymers will allow for scalability and flexibility beyond current limitations, advancing the field, opening additional manufacturing possibilities, and increasing output. The goal for this research was to use additive manufacturing techniques to print conductive and dielectric substrates for building flexible circuits and sensors. Printing flexible conductive layers and substrates together allows for added creativity in design and application.
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SPP 1542: Leicht Bauen mit Beton: Grundlagen für das Bauen der Zukunft mit bionischen und mathematischen Entwurfsprinzipien (Abschlussbericht)Scheerer, Silke, Curbach, Manfred 14 June 2022 (has links)
Bewehrter Beton ist das heutzutage am meisten verwendete Baumaterial. Es ist universell und preiswert nahezu überall auf der Welt herstellbar. Damit einhergehen allerdings ein hoher CO2-Ausstoß und ein beträchtlicher Verbrauch an natürlichen Ressourcen. Im DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1542 wurden deshalb verschiedenste Ansätze erforscht, wie das Material effizienter eingesetzt und damit der Betonbau zukunftsfähig gemacht werden kann. Im vorliegenden Abschlussbericht zum SPP 1542 „Leicht Bauen mit Beton“ (gefördert von 2011 bis 2022) werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse vorgestellt.:S. Scheerer, M. Curbach:
Vorwort | Preface
Teil 1: SPP-Projekte | Part 1: SPP projects
A. M. Bauer, M. Breitenberger, K.-U. Bletzinger:
Nichtlineare Optimierung geometrisch definierter Fugen von räumlich gekrümmten Betonfertigteilen mit isogeometrischen Verfahren | Non-linear optimization of geometrically defined joints of spatially curved prefabricated concrete elements with isogeometric analysis
L. Ledderose, S. Lehmberg, F. Wirth, H. Kloft, H. Budelmann:
Entwicklung neuartiger Verbindungen für komplexe Stab-, Flächen- und Raumtragelemente aus UHPFRC | Development of novel jointing systems for complex beam surface and spatial elements made of UHPFRC
S. 50
J. D. van der Woerd, J. Hegger, R. Chudoba:
Entwurf und Herstellung von dünnwandigen Faltwerken aus zementbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen | Design and construction of folded plate structures made of novel cementitious composites
S. 90
A. Schmidt, M. Curbach:
Querschnittsadaption für stabförmige Druckbauteile | Cross sectional adaption for rod-shaped elements in compression
S. 118
M. Frenzel, K. Farwig, M. Curbach:
Leichte Deckentragwerke aus geschichteten Hochleistungsbetonen | Lightweight ceiling structures made of layered high-performance concrete
S. 144
S. Baron, J. Mainka, H. W. Hoffmeister, K. Dröder, H. Kloft:
Non-Waste-Wachsschalungen: Neuartige Präzisions-Schalungen aus 100 % recycelbaren Industrie-Wachsen zur Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen Beton-Bauteilen | Non-Waste-Wax-Formwork: Novel precise formwork-technology on basis of 100% recyclable industrial wax for the fabrication of geometrically complex concrete elements
S. 170
D. Busse, M. Empelmann:
Ultraleichte, dünnwandige stabförmige Betonhohlbauteile | Ultra-light, thin-walled hollow concrete members
S. 196
M. Henke, O. Fischer:
Formoptimierte filigrane Stäbe aus UHPC und korrosionsfreier CFK-Bewehrung für variable räumliche Stabtragwerke | Shape optimized filigree rods made of UHPC and non-corrosive CFRP reinforcement for variable three-dimensional trusses
S. 226
D. Schmeer, M. Wörner, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek:
Effiziente automatisierte Herstellung multifunktional gradierter Bauteile mit mineralischen Hohlkörpern | Efficient automated production of multifunctional graded components with mineral hollow bodies
S. 250
S. Illguth, D. Lowke, T. Kränkel, C. Gehlen:
Schalentragwerke mit funktionaler Gradierung | Shell structures with functional grading
S. 284
D. Weger, D. Talke, D. Lowke, K. Henke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter:
Additive Fertigung frei geformter Betonbauteile durch selektives Binden mit calciumsilikatbasierten Zementen | Additive manufacturing of free formed concrete elements by selective binding with calcium silicate based cements
S. 300
C.-A. Graubner, U. Knaack, T. Proske, B. Freund, M. Michel, S. Hickert:
Grundlagen zur Entwicklung adaptiver Schalungssysteme für frei geformte Betonbauteile | Fundamental research towards an adaptive formwork system development for freeform concrete building components
S. 328
A. Stark, J. Hegger:
Sandwichbauteile mit gefalteten und gekrümmten Betondeckschichten | Sandwich panels with folded plate and curved concrete facings
W. Jäger:
Untersuchungen zu Trageigenschaften von plattenförmigen Betonleichtbauelementen in Kreuz-Kanal-Technologie | Investigations into the load-bearing properties of slab-shaped lightweight concrete elements in CC technology
M. Schneider, H. Andrä, C. Kohlmeyer, S. Oster:
Konstruktion und Optimierung von Klebeverbindungen für Platten- und Scheibenbauteile aus hochfestem Beton | Construction and optimization of adhesive joints for plate and shell construction elements composed of high performance concrete
H. Funke, A. Ehrlich, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen mit stabilisierten Abstandsgewirken | Flexible GFRP-formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements with stabilized spacer fabrics
H. Funke, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Gekrümmte Beton-Leichtbauelemente mit bionisch inspirierten Krafteinleitungssystemen durch Einsatz flexibler GFK-Schalungen | Curved lightweight concrete structures with bionic inspired force transmission elements by the use of flexible GFRP-formworks
L. Lohaus, J. Markowski:
Wickelverstärkte Hybridrohre | Wrapping-reinforced hybrid tubes
M. Schlaich, A. Goldack, J. P. Osman-Letelier, D. Lordick, K. Noack, M. Friedrich Eichenauer, R. Päßler, M. Pott:
Methoden und Werkzeuge für Entwurf und Herstellung schalenartiger und dünnwandiger Betonbauteile mit Regelflächengeometrie | Methods and tools for the design and construction of thin-walled concrete structures with ruled surface geometry
D. Lordick, D. Klawitter, M. Hagemann:
Liniengeometrie für den Leichtbau | Line geometry for lightweight structures
C. Kämper, T. Stallmann, P. Forman, J. Schnell, P. Mark:
Leichte verformungsoptimierte Schalentragwerke aus mikrobewehrtem UHPC am Beispiel von Parabolrinnen solarthermischer Kraftwerke | Light-weight shape-optimised shell structures made from high-performance concrete for collector modules of parabolic trough power plants
L. Zhou, J. Simon, S. Reese:
Modellreduktion und Substrukturtechnik am Beispiel von modularen Schalentragwerken aus ultrahochfestem Beton | Model order reduction and substructures – application to modular shell structures made of ultra-high performance concrete
M. Schnellenbach-Held, J.-E. Habersaat:
Leichte Platten aus Beton mit biaxialem Lastabtrag als bionische Strukturen
O. Gericke, D. Kovaleva, W. Haase, W. Sobek:
Abfallfreie Herstellung von Betonbauteilen durch die Verwendung einer gefrorenen Sandschalung | Waste-free production of concrete components by means of a frozen sand formwork
M. Wörner, D. Schmeer, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek:
Optimalstrukturen aus funktional gradierten Betonbauteilen – Entwurf, Berechnung und automatisierte Herstellung | Optimal structures made of functional graded concrete – design, dimensioning and automated production
Teil 2: Demonstratoren und Anschlussprojekte | Part 2: Demonstrators and follow-up projects
D. Busse, L. Ledderose: uni-con² – universal concrete construction
C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Carbonbeton-Schalendemonstrator | Shell demonstrator out of carbon reinforced concrete
M. Koschemann, S. Scheerer:
CarboLight Bridge – eine ultraleichte Konstruktion aus kohlefaserverstärktem und infraleichtem Beton | CarboLight Bridge – an ultra-lightweight construction made of carbon reinforced and infra-lightweight concrete for the German Museum in Munich
S. Scheerer, B. Beckmann, J. Bielak, S. Bosbach, C. Schmidt, J. Hegger, M. Curbach:
Konstruktionsstrategien für materialminimierte Carbonbetonstrukturen – Grundlagen für eine neue Art zu bauen | CRC/Transregio 280: Design strategies for material-minimised carbon reinforced concrete structures – principles of a new approach to construction
D. Talke, D. Weger, K. Henke, T. Kränkel, D. Lowke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter:
Industrieller 3D-Betondruck durch selektive Zementaktivierung – Verfahren, Material, Anwendungen | Industrial 3D concrete printing by selective cement activation – process, material, applications
D. Schönfelder, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Automatisierte Herstellungstechnologie zur Fertigung von dünnwandigen 3D-geformten Verbundelementen für nachhaltige energie-effiziente Fassadenlösungen – „GreenFACE“ | Automated manufacturing technology for the production of thin-walled 3D-shaped composite elements for sustainable, energy-efficient facade solutions – “GreenFACE“
A.-C. von der Heid, N. Will, J. Hegger:
Weitspannende Sandwichelemente mit vorgespannten Deckschichten aus Carbonbeton | Wide-span sandwich elements with prestressed facings made of carbon reinforced concrete
L. Ledderose, H. Kloft:
Magnetische Ausrichtung von Mikro-Stahldrahtfasern in UHPFRC | Magnetic alignment of microsteel fibers in UHPFRC
C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Wiederverwendbare flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen | Re-usable and flexible GFRP formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements
L. Lohaus, J. Markowski, R. Rolfes, F. F. Tritschel:
UHFB-Drucktragglieder (basierend auf wickelverstärkten Hybridrohren) in voll digital datengestützter Fließfertigung als Basis für eine modulare Betonbauweise | UHPC compression rods (based on wrapped hybrid tubes) in fully digitally data-supported flow production as the basis for a modular concrete construction method
P. Forman, T. Stallmann, P. Mark, J. Schnell:
Auslegung von Parabolrinnen für Solarkraftwerke im Originalmaßstab
P. Forman, S. Penkert, P. Mark, J. Schnell:
Punktfokussierende Heliostaten aus Hochleistungsbeton | Point-focusing heliostats made from high-performance concretes S. 754
D. Kovaleva, O. Gericke, W. Sobek:
Herstellung von biomimetischen und biologisch inspirierten (modularen) Strukturen | Fabrication of biomimetic and biologically inspired (modular) structures
O. Gericke, W. Haase, W. Sobek:
Sandschalung zur Herstellung von dünnwandigen Sandwiches aus Carbonbeton | Sand formwork for the production of thin-walled sandwiches made from carbon concrete
D. Nigl, D. Schmeer, W. Haase, B. Schönemann, K. Lenz, S. Steier, O. Sawodny, P. Leistner, L. Blandini, W. Sobek:
Integrale Planung und Herstellung von ressourceneffizienten Betonbauteilen aus mineralischer Faserverbundbewehrung und gradiertem Beton | Design and production of resource-efficient concrete components made of mineral fibre composite reinforcement and graded concrete
Teil 3: Koordination | Part 3: Coordination
S. Scheerer, M. Curbach:
Koordination des SPP 1542 | Coordination of SPP 1542
S.774 / Reinforced concrete is the most widely used building material today. It can be produced universally and cheaply almost anywhere in the world. However, this is accompanied by high CO2 emissions and considerable consumption of natural resources. In the DFG Priority Programme 1542, a wide variety of approaches were therefore investigated to find out how the material can be used more efficiently and thus how concrete construction can be made fit for the future. This final report on SPP 1542 “Concrete Light“ (funded from 2011 to 2022) presents the most important results.:S. Scheerer, M. Curbach:
Vorwort | Preface
Teil 1: SPP-Projekte | Part 1: SPP projects
A. M. Bauer, M. Breitenberger, K.-U. Bletzinger:
Nichtlineare Optimierung geometrisch definierter Fugen von räumlich gekrümmten Betonfertigteilen mit isogeometrischen Verfahren | Non-linear optimization of geometrically defined joints of spatially curved prefabricated concrete elements with isogeometric analysis
L. Ledderose, S. Lehmberg, F. Wirth, H. Kloft, H. Budelmann:
Entwicklung neuartiger Verbindungen für komplexe Stab-, Flächen- und Raumtragelemente aus UHPFRC | Development of novel jointing systems for complex beam surface and spatial elements made of UHPFRC
S. 50
J. D. van der Woerd, J. Hegger, R. Chudoba:
Entwurf und Herstellung von dünnwandigen Faltwerken aus zementbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen | Design and construction of folded plate structures made of novel cementitious composites
S. 90
A. Schmidt, M. Curbach:
Querschnittsadaption für stabförmige Druckbauteile | Cross sectional adaption for rod-shaped elements in compression
S. 118
M. Frenzel, K. Farwig, M. Curbach:
Leichte Deckentragwerke aus geschichteten Hochleistungsbetonen | Lightweight ceiling structures made of layered high-performance concrete
S. 144
S. Baron, J. Mainka, H. W. Hoffmeister, K. Dröder, H. Kloft:
Non-Waste-Wachsschalungen: Neuartige Präzisions-Schalungen aus 100 % recycelbaren Industrie-Wachsen zur Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen Beton-Bauteilen | Non-Waste-Wax-Formwork: Novel precise formwork-technology on basis of 100% recyclable industrial wax for the fabrication of geometrically complex concrete elements
S. 170
D. Busse, M. Empelmann:
Ultraleichte, dünnwandige stabförmige Betonhohlbauteile | Ultra-light, thin-walled hollow concrete members
S. 196
M. Henke, O. Fischer:
Formoptimierte filigrane Stäbe aus UHPC und korrosionsfreier CFK-Bewehrung für variable räumliche Stabtragwerke | Shape optimized filigree rods made of UHPC and non-corrosive CFRP reinforcement for variable three-dimensional trusses
S. 226
D. Schmeer, M. Wörner, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek:
Effiziente automatisierte Herstellung multifunktional gradierter Bauteile mit mineralischen Hohlkörpern | Efficient automated production of multifunctional graded components with mineral hollow bodies
S. 250
S. Illguth, D. Lowke, T. Kränkel, C. Gehlen:
Schalentragwerke mit funktionaler Gradierung | Shell structures with functional grading
S. 284
D. Weger, D. Talke, D. Lowke, K. Henke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter:
Additive Fertigung frei geformter Betonbauteile durch selektives Binden mit calciumsilikatbasierten Zementen | Additive manufacturing of free formed concrete elements by selective binding with calcium silicate based cements
S. 300
C.-A. Graubner, U. Knaack, T. Proske, B. Freund, M. Michel, S. Hickert:
Grundlagen zur Entwicklung adaptiver Schalungssysteme für frei geformte Betonbauteile | Fundamental research towards an adaptive formwork system development for freeform concrete building components
S. 328
A. Stark, J. Hegger:
Sandwichbauteile mit gefalteten und gekrümmten Betondeckschichten | Sandwich panels with folded plate and curved concrete facings
W. Jäger:
Untersuchungen zu Trageigenschaften von plattenförmigen Betonleichtbauelementen in Kreuz-Kanal-Technologie | Investigations into the load-bearing properties of slab-shaped lightweight concrete elements in CC technology
M. Schneider, H. Andrä, C. Kohlmeyer, S. Oster:
Konstruktion und Optimierung von Klebeverbindungen für Platten- und Scheibenbauteile aus hochfestem Beton | Construction and optimization of adhesive joints for plate and shell construction elements composed of high performance concrete
H. Funke, A. Ehrlich, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen mit stabilisierten Abstandsgewirken | Flexible GFRP-formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements with stabilized spacer fabrics
H. Funke, L. Ulke-Winter, C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Gekrümmte Beton-Leichtbauelemente mit bionisch inspirierten Krafteinleitungssystemen durch Einsatz flexibler GFK-Schalungen | Curved lightweight concrete structures with bionic inspired force transmission elements by the use of flexible GFRP-formworks
L. Lohaus, J. Markowski:
Wickelverstärkte Hybridrohre | Wrapping-reinforced hybrid tubes
M. Schlaich, A. Goldack, J. P. Osman-Letelier, D. Lordick, K. Noack, M. Friedrich Eichenauer, R. Päßler, M. Pott:
Methoden und Werkzeuge für Entwurf und Herstellung schalenartiger und dünnwandiger Betonbauteile mit Regelflächengeometrie | Methods and tools for the design and construction of thin-walled concrete structures with ruled surface geometry
D. Lordick, D. Klawitter, M. Hagemann:
Liniengeometrie für den Leichtbau | Line geometry for lightweight structures
C. Kämper, T. Stallmann, P. Forman, J. Schnell, P. Mark:
Leichte verformungsoptimierte Schalentragwerke aus mikrobewehrtem UHPC am Beispiel von Parabolrinnen solarthermischer Kraftwerke | Light-weight shape-optimised shell structures made from high-performance concrete for collector modules of parabolic trough power plants
L. Zhou, J. Simon, S. Reese:
Modellreduktion und Substrukturtechnik am Beispiel von modularen Schalentragwerken aus ultrahochfestem Beton | Model order reduction and substructures – application to modular shell structures made of ultra-high performance concrete
M. Schnellenbach-Held, J.-E. Habersaat:
Leichte Platten aus Beton mit biaxialem Lastabtrag als bionische Strukturen
O. Gericke, D. Kovaleva, W. Haase, W. Sobek:
Abfallfreie Herstellung von Betonbauteilen durch die Verwendung einer gefrorenen Sandschalung | Waste-free production of concrete components by means of a frozen sand formwork
M. Wörner, D. Schmeer, H. Garrecht, O. Sawodny, W. Sobek:
Optimalstrukturen aus funktional gradierten Betonbauteilen – Entwurf, Berechnung und automatisierte Herstellung | Optimal structures made of functional graded concrete – design, dimensioning and automated production
Teil 2: Demonstratoren und Anschlussprojekte | Part 2: Demonstrators and follow-up projects
D. Busse, L. Ledderose: uni-con² – universal concrete construction
C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll: Carbonbeton-Schalendemonstrator | Shell demonstrator out of carbon reinforced concrete
M. Koschemann, S. Scheerer:
CarboLight Bridge – eine ultraleichte Konstruktion aus kohlefaserverstärktem und infraleichtem Beton | CarboLight Bridge – an ultra-lightweight construction made of carbon reinforced and infra-lightweight concrete for the German Museum in Munich
S. Scheerer, B. Beckmann, J. Bielak, S. Bosbach, C. Schmidt, J. Hegger, M. Curbach:
Konstruktionsstrategien für materialminimierte Carbonbetonstrukturen – Grundlagen für eine neue Art zu bauen | CRC/Transregio 280: Design strategies for material-minimised carbon reinforced concrete structures – principles of a new approach to construction
D. Talke, D. Weger, K. Henke, T. Kränkel, D. Lowke, C. Gehlen, S. Winter:
Industrieller 3D-Betondruck durch selektive Zementaktivierung – Verfahren, Material, Anwendungen | Industrial 3D concrete printing by selective cement activation – process, material, applications
D. Schönfelder, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Automatisierte Herstellungstechnologie zur Fertigung von dünnwandigen 3D-geformten Verbundelementen für nachhaltige energie-effiziente Fassadenlösungen – „GreenFACE“ | Automated manufacturing technology for the production of thin-walled 3D-shaped composite elements for sustainable, energy-efficient facade solutions – “GreenFACE“
A.-C. von der Heid, N. Will, J. Hegger:
Weitspannende Sandwichelemente mit vorgespannten Deckschichten aus Carbonbeton | Wide-span sandwich elements with prestressed facings made of carbon reinforced concrete
L. Ledderose, H. Kloft:
Magnetische Ausrichtung von Mikro-Stahldrahtfasern in UHPFRC | Magnetic alignment of microsteel fibers in UHPFRC
C. Petzoldt, C. Müller, H. Funke, S. Gelbrich, L. Kroll:
Wiederverwendbare flexible GFK-Schalungen zur Herstellung von doppelt gekrümmten Beton-Leichtbauelementen | Re-usable and flexible GFRP formwork for the production of double curved concrete lightweight elements
L. Lohaus, J. Markowski, R. Rolfes, F. F. Tritschel:
UHFB-Drucktragglieder (basierend auf wickelverstärkten Hybridrohren) in voll digital datengestützter Fließfertigung als Basis für eine modulare Betonbauweise | UHPC compression rods (based on wrapped hybrid tubes) in fully digitally data-supported flow production as the basis for a modular concrete construction method
P. Forman, T. Stallmann, P. Mark, J. Schnell:
Auslegung von Parabolrinnen für Solarkraftwerke im Originalmaßstab
P. Forman, S. Penkert, P. Mark, J. Schnell:
Punktfokussierende Heliostaten aus Hochleistungsbeton | Point-focusing heliostats made from high-performance concretes S. 754
D. Kovaleva, O. Gericke, W. Sobek:
Herstellung von biomimetischen und biologisch inspirierten (modularen) Strukturen | Fabrication of biomimetic and biologically inspired (modular) structures
O. Gericke, W. Haase, W. Sobek:
Sandschalung zur Herstellung von dünnwandigen Sandwiches aus Carbonbeton | Sand formwork for the production of thin-walled sandwiches made from carbon concrete
D. Nigl, D. Schmeer, W. Haase, B. Schönemann, K. Lenz, S. Steier, O. Sawodny, P. Leistner, L. Blandini, W. Sobek:
Integrale Planung und Herstellung von ressourceneffizienten Betonbauteilen aus mineralischer Faserverbundbewehrung und gradiertem Beton | Design and production of resource-efficient concrete components made of mineral fibre composite reinforcement and graded concrete
Teil 3: Koordination | Part 3: Coordination
S. Scheerer, M. Curbach:
Koordination des SPP 1542 | Coordination of SPP 1542
S.774 Read more
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Kostandsoptimering av montageverktyg / Cost optimization of assembly toolHagsjö Renberg, Ellinor, Waligorski, Tom January 2023 (has links)
Varje gång en ny byggnad inreds eller renoveras behöver stora, tunga och otympliga föremål som skåp, diskhoar, handfat, fläktar med mera installeras i kök och badrum. Det finns olika system för att montera dessa men det kan ofta vara en komplicerad process. 2Xarm är ett verktyg som gör kök- och badrumsinstallationer säkert och smidigt. Skåp, hyllor och annat lyfts med verktyget för att sedan justeras och hållas på plats där de ska monteras. I nuläget är verktyget för dyrt att tillverka för att kunna säljas med tillräckligt god marginal. Därför var syftet med detta arbete att minska verktygets tillverkningskostnad utan att förändra dess patenterade design och funktion. Arbetet har utförts med hjälp av datorstödd modellering och via informationssökning. En fysisk prototyp lånades och modellerades av. Sedan har tillverkningsmetoder och materialval undersökts varpå tre alternativa konstruktionslösningar togs fram. Dessa anses dock inte ha minskat tillverknigskostnaden nämnvärt. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att verktygets tillverkningskostnad inte gick att minska nämnvärt utan att förändra dess funktionalitet och patenterad design. Alternativt hade även en större produktionsvolym varit en effektiv metod att minska enhetskostnaden. / The 2Xarm tool simplifies kitchen and bathroom installations by securely lifting and installing heavy objects like cabinets and sinks. However, its current manufacturing cost is too high to sell the tool at sufficient profit margains. This report aimed to identify cost-saving measures while preserving the tool’s patented design and functionality. Using computer-aided modeling and research, we analyzed a physical prototype, explored different manufacturing methods, and evaluated material choices. These efforts resulted in three alternative design solutions that aimed to simplify the manufacturing and assembly process. However, these changes ultimately did not significantly reduce the manufacturing cost. In conclusion, achieving substantial cost reduction for the tool without compromising its design and functionality proved difficult. Alternatively, increasing production volume could be an effective approach to lower the unit cost. Read more
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Further development of manufacturing method for polyurethane shoe press / Vidareutveckling av tillverkningsmetod för skopress i polyuretanBerg, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
The press-section of a paper machine holds several different types of press rolls. One of the many press roll variants is the Valmet produced press roll, ViscoNip. This press roll utilizes an extended nip in order to increase the amount of water removed. The extended press nip in ViscoNip is special since it is controllable by a pressurized polyurethane press shoe. The press shoe runs through the body of the press roll. Due to the limits of the current production process, new manufacturing methods and construction solutions are needed. In cooperation with another thesis, the current design and manufacturing process was reviewed and a plan intended to improve the current solution was formulated. The plan was to, by working together in a project, perform a product development process intended to create concepts able to utilize new methods of manufacturing. By using established methods of concept generation, such as Brainwriting 6-3-5, 11 concepts were created. Some of these concepts involved a redesign of the press shoe, leading to a need for construction and performance analysis. The other thesis focusing on the structural and mechanical performance evaluation of the new concepts. The work of this thesis focusing on researching new possible and available manufacturing solutions. The new concepts were analyzed with new and possible manufacturing methods to fulfill all the requirements. With all data, a document was created and market research was made to get feedback from more knowledgeable in the subject. Moreover, sequence analysis between the concepts with the current and those new manufacturing methods was made to further explain which manufacturing method that could solve the main problem. All in all, one different redesigned concept was deemed as having potential for further development. The current solution was also deemed as having potential for future development but only when new manufacturing methods or techniques were considered. Read more
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Integration of Cost Simulation Tools in Product Development and Target Costing Processes : A Case Study at Scania / Integrering av kostnadssimuleringsverktyg i produktutvecklings- och målkostnadsprocessen : En fallstudie på ScaniaKoller, Melanie, Svensson, Karin January 2022 (has links)
With a more global market, manufacturing companies have to increase their focus on cost management to stay competitive. With new technologies available, new methods of evaluating concepts and ideas arise. Among these are simulation tools. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate how simulation tools can be integrated into the product development process to improve target costing. To achieve this purpose, a case study was conducted at a large manufacturing company, where a simulation tool was used. It was found that cost and manufacturing simulation tools can be used for target costing, negotiation with suppliers, as well as a helpful tool for design methods such as design for manufacturing and design to cost. Furthermore, cross-functional teams and good collaboration are a postulate for successful implementation and utilization of simulation tools in the product development process. The proposition is therefore that large manufacturing companies with advantage should implement cost and manufacturing simulation tools into their product development process to improve target costing. / Med en mer global marknad måste tillverkningsföretag öka sitt fokus på kostnadshantering för att förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Med ny teknik tillgänglig uppstår nya metoder för att utvärdera koncept och idéer. Bland dessa finns simuleringsverktyg. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka hur simuleringsverktyg kan integreras i produktutvecklingsprocessen för att förbättra arbetet med målkostnader. För att uppnå detta syfte genomfördes en fallstudie på ett stort tillverkningsföretag där ett simuleringsverktyg användes. Det upptäcktes att kostnads- och tillverkningssimuleringsverktyg kan användas för målkostnadsberäkning, förhandlingar med leverantörer, samt att det kan vara ett användbart verktyg för designmetoder såsom design for manufacturing och design to cost. Vidare är tvärfunktionella team och gott samarbete en förutsättning för en framgångsrik implementering och användning av simuleringsverktyg i produktutvecklingsprocessen. Därför bör stora tillverkningsföretag med fördel implementera kostnads- och tillverkningssimuleringsverktyg i sin produktutvecklingsprocess för att förbättraarbetet med målkostnader. Read more
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Comparative pilot study of 3D Manufactured and Conventional Manufactured Custom Made Foot Orthotics when looking at Plantar Pressure Distribution and Comfort in adultsMågård-Hansen, Alexander, Sejersen, Camilla Louise January 2024 (has links)
Background 3D manufacturing is a newer technology that shows potential and has gained interest in the world of medical devices. It has been used to produce custom made foot orthotics (CFO)s, but little evidence on the biomechanical effects is available. The literature suggests that the 3D manufactured CFOs (3DMCFO) have comparable outcomes as conventional manufactured CFOs (CMCFO). Purpose The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate biomechanics and comfort in the 3D manufacturing method, because of the lack of biomechanical evidence in literature, and because comfortable orthotics are a prerequisite for an optimal foot orthosis. Methods This pilot project uses a randomized crossover study design to test if there is a difference in plantar pressure distribution and comfort between 3DMCFOs and CMCFOs on two participants (n=2). To investigate the plantar pressure distribution the F-scan® in-shoe sensors was used to measure peak plantar pressures. To evaluate comfort the Orthosis Comfort Score (OCS) was used. Result For both participants similar results of mean peak pressures could be seen in some areas in the two CFOs, where in other areas contradictory results were seen. The comfort in the two CFOs was similar. Conclusion Similarities was seen in plantar pressure distribution and comfort in the two CFOs in both participants. However, the validity and reliability are low because of the low number of participants. / Baggrund 3D print er en nyere produktionsmetode som viser potentiale og har vækket interesse inden for medicinske hjælpemidler. 3D printning er blevet brugt til at producere specialfremstillede fod ortoser (SFO), men der er lav evidens for dens biomekaniske effekt. Litteraturen viser at 3D printede SFOer har sammenlignelige resultater som konventionel produceret SFOer. Formål Formålet med dette projekt var at undersøge biomekanik og komfort for 3D- produktionsmetoden. Dette blev undersøgt fordi der er lidt evidens inden for området, og fordi komfort er en forudsætning for en optimal fod ortose. Metode Dette pilotstudie bruger et randomiseret kontrolleret studie design for at teste om der er en forskel imellem 3D produktionsmetoden og den konventionelle produktionsmetode når der kigges på trykfordeling og komfort i to deltagere (n=2). For at undersøge trykfordeling under foden bruges F- scan® indlæg-sensor, for komfort bruges The Orthosis Comfort Score. Resultat For begge deltagere var der overensstemmelser i de gennemsnitlige høje tryk og i komfort for begge SFOer, hvor der i nogen områder var uoverensstemmelser. Konklusion For de to SFOer, overensstemmelser kunne ses i trykfordelingen under foden og i komfort. Validiteten og pålideligheden for dette projekt er dog ikke højt på grund af det lave deltagerantal. Read more
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