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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D visualisation of historic and environmentally significant shipwrecks : the development of occlusion objects, Locoramps and digital cinematography

Rowland, Chris January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the hypothesis that current industry standard methods used to visualise environmentally hazardous or historically significant shipwrecks can be improved by adopting a number of new, aesthetically considered, methods. The thesis describes the development of occlusion objects, locoramps and the use of digital cinematography, as methods that the author proposes to improve the 3D visualisation of point cloud data from multibeam sonar. Case studies were selected as the basis for experimentation; they include HMS Royal Oak in Orkney and SS Richard Montgomery in the Thames Estuary. The author collaborated with a multi-disciplinary team of forensic maritime archaeologists, marine surveyors and salvage experts to gain access to unique shipwreck sites and the high resolution sonar data gathered from them. Through experimentation with the data, occlusion objects, locally oriented colour ramps (locoramps) and improved depth cueing through digital cinematography were developed and applied in 3D visualisations of the case study wrecks. A real-time application WreckSight was created to exploit the new methods. The resulting 3D visualisations of the wrecks were evaluated by a number of target audience groups by means of an interactive questionnaire that allows a direct comparison of data presented using the new methods with traditional display methods. Analysis of the resulting data shows a statistical significance that supports the hypothesis. The author proposes that the new methods constitute new knowledge in the 3D visualisation of multibeam sonar data of shipwrecks.

Avaliação da viabilidade financeira de um novo porto de contêineres, à luz das diretrizes do Decreto 6.620. / Evaluation of the financial feasibility of a new container port, in light of the guidelines in Decrete 6,620.

Gallardo, Alfonso Pires 26 January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho avalia a viabilidade financeira da concessão de um novo Porto Organizado hipotético, focado exclusivamente nas operações de contêineres, respeitando os condicionantes impostos pela nova legislação portuária brasileira. Parte-se da compreensão dos fundamentos da regulação, contextualiza-se a institucionalização do novo modelo de concessão de portos no Brasil e detalham-se as etapas a serem percorridas e as entidades envolvidas em cada processo. A concepção do novo porto garante representatividade da realidade brasileira para operações de contêineres. Os racionais de dimensionamento foram definidos de acordo com as características dos principais terminais do país, considerando ajustes necessários, em consequência do aumento de comprimento das embarcações que deverão passar a frequentar os portos nacionais. A ferramenta financeira foi estruturada e parametrizada em consonância com a norma para arrendamentos de instalações portuárias, e avalia o valor presente líquido dos fluxos de caixa livres. O trabalho conclui que a concessão de um novo porto de contêineres com escala compatível com os volumes brasileiros é inviável financeiramente, quando se considera 100% dos investimentos em infra e superestrutura. O projeto torna-se viável nos casos em que o poder público realiza parte significativa dos investimentos ou em regiões onde os volumes sejam suficientes para permitir um terminal de seis berços. / This study evaluates the financial feasibility of the concession of a conceptual public port dedicated exclusively to the handling of containers, developed under the recently published Brazilian port industry legislation. The study begins with a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles of the current legislation, followed by a contextualization of the creation of the concession model for public port development by private enterprise. The steps and institutions involved in the concession process are then detailed. The features of the port designed in this study are similar to those of most container terminals in Brazil. The dimensioning rationales were defined in accordance to the characteristics of the main Brazilian container terminals, taking also into account the necessary adaptations associated with the increasing length of the ships that will be servicing the national ports in the next years. A financial model, which evaluates the net present value of the free cash flows, was built and parameterized in compliance with the norm regulating the leasing of public port facilities. The study concludes that the development of a new public port under concession, considering a demand level similar to that of most Brazilian container terminals and 100% of investments in infrastructure and superstructure carried out by the concessionaire, is not financially feasible. The venture becomes financially feasible if the government undertakes a significant portion of the capital expenditures or if the port is set in a region where the demand justifies the construction of 6 berths.

Maritime Cross-Border Insolvency Under The UNCITRAL Model Law Regime

January 2018 (has links)
acase@tulane.edu / Cross-border cases involving admiralty and bankruptcy law are troublesome because of the fundamentally different natures of the policy objectives of these two private avenues. The current declining shipping market shows the urgent need to address these issues at both a theoretical and practical level. The basic problem considered in this dissertation is what should happen when a ship owner files an insolvency proceeding in one country, while at the same time facing an in rem action against its vessel in another country? In other words, should the in rem action arising in one country be stayed or dismissed because of the existence of insolvency proceedings in another country? This dissertation also discusses the relevant issues regarding the determination of the “center of main interest” of an offshore shipping company and the scope of a debtor’s assets. The author uses a comparative law analysis, selecting four leading shipping countries—Australia, the U.K., the U.S., and Singapore—and examining their approaches to the treatment of maritime claimants. The author also proposes a solution to help eliminate the ambiguity occurred in maritime cross-border insolvency cases under the UNCITRAL Model Law regime, with an eye to enhancing the development of the shipping industry. / 1 / Jingchen Xu

The "Hamburg Rules" : articles 1 to 5.1

Coens, Benoit. January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

A study of the impact of new technology and teaching methodologies on global maritime education and training into the 21st century

Muirhead, Peter Maxwell Pilley January 2002 (has links)
Global maritime education and training (MET) is currently subject to great change brought about by new international legislation, a dynamic shipping environment, the growing impact of technology, and the challenges maritime institutions face to survive in an uncertain market place.The aim of the research is to determine to what extent global MET institutions can enhance and enrich traditional practices through access to new technology and the use of innovative teaching and assessment methods' within a sustainable and achievable framework.The first Chapters of the study investigate the impact of change on the global MET scene by examining how international maritime legislation influences activities of maritime institutions. Ninety institutions from fifty-three countries responded to a survey that examines their intentions regarding the use of satellite communications, Information Technology, computing, multimedia, simulation and distance learning delivery methods. Shipboard operations that impact upon future training needs are also put under the spotlight.The study analyses the potential use of the Internet, e-mail, simulation and distance education services to determine how these elements can be used to advantage for the education and training of seafarers. An evaluation is made of the use of computers and marine simulators as assessment tools, in the light of international concerns about standards of competence.The study concludes that maritime institutions can benefit from the use of new technology, but only through rational planning and sustainable staged growth. A series of continua of technical development are provided to assist institutions, from to the largest, to plan for technical development and growth in a rational way.

Cost-benefit of Ergonomics in Shipping

Österman, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Specialists in ergonomics believe that what is good ergonomics is also goodeconomics for many industrial settings. This relationship between ergonomicsand economics is supported by research on several industrial settings. Thisstudy turns to investigate this relationship within the maritime domain.Shipping naturally faces the same work environment problems as commonlyseen on work places ashore. Additionally, there is however a social and culturaldimension to the work environment in what might be the most globalisedindustry of all.This study is performed as a pilot study to a larger project within theeconomics of maritime ergonomics. The aim of this thesis is to review themajor issues in the research of maritime ergonomics and how cost-benefit ofergonomics is calculated in other domains. Furthermore, the thesis also aims atinvestigate which ergonomic factors that are considered the most important bythe shipping industry itself and if the economics of ergonomics is calculated inthe Swedish shipping industry.The review of scientific literature on maritime ergonomics is divided into threeareas of interest: organisation and management, occupational health and safetyand psychosocial work environment. No studies were found on cost-benefitcalculations within shipping. There are however several methods for evaluationand calculation from other domains. The result of the nine qualitativeinterviews shows a predominant occupation in the area of organisation.Important factors mentioned in the interviews that are believed to affect safety,productivity and well-being include leadership and social skills,communication between and within the shorebased organisation and the vessel,as well as knowledge on several levels. A survey among ten Swedish shippingowners shows that beyond the costs of sick-leave, the shipowners do not on aregular basis calculate the costs and benefits of ergonomics.Further research includes a stakeholder analysis; defining the operativemeasurements of productivity, quality and effectiveness for a maritime setting;an accident analysis and the compilation of Best Practise within shipping.</p> / <p>Specialister inom arbetsmiljöområdet är övertygade om att en bra arbetsmiljöockså är bra för ett företags ekonomi. Detta förhållande mellan arbetsmiljö ochekonomi har påvisats i flera studier inom olika branscher. Den här studienundersöker sambandet mellan en god arbetsmiljö och god ekonomi inomsjöfarten. Inom sjöfarten återfinns naturligtvis samma arbetsmiljöproblem somhos andra branscher men i det som kanske är den mest globaliserade branschenav alla finns det också en framträdande social och kulturell dimension iarbetsmiljön.Den här uppsatsen är utförd som en pilotstudie till ett större forskningsprojektinom sjöfart och arbetsmiljöekonomi. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersökainom vilka områden det forskas på inom sjöfartens arbetsmiljö samt attundersöka hur kostnadsnytta av arbetsmiljö beräknas. Dessutom ämnaruppsatsen undersöka vilka arbetsmiljöfaktorer som de olika sjöfartsaktörernasjälva anser vara de viktigaste och om branschen själv räknar på arbetsmiljönidag.Granskningen av den vetenskapliga litteraturen om sjöfartens arbetsmiljö äruppdelad i tre områden: organisation och ledarskap, hälsa och säkerhet, samtden psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Inga studier återfanns som berördearbetsmiljöekonomi inom sjöfarten. Det finns däremot ett flertal metoder ochmodeller för ekonomisk utvärdering och beräkning av arbetsmiljöåtgärder frånandra branscher. Resultatet av nio kvalitativa intervjuer visar fokus påorganisatoriska arbetsmiljöfaktorer. Viktiga faktorer som informanterna anserhar inverkan på säkerhet, arbetsmiljö och produktivitet inkluderar ledarskap;kommunikation ombord och mellan fartyg och landorganisation; och kunskappå olika nivåer. En undersökning hos tio svenska rederier visar att utöverkostnader för sjukfrånvaro räknar företagen inte regelbundet på kostnader ochvinster för arbetsmiljön.Förslag till framtida forskning inkluderar en intressentanalys, att definiera ochbeskriva de operativa rationalitetsmåtten produktivitet, kvalitet och effektivitetför sjöfarten, olycksfallsanalys och sammanställandet av exempel av ”BestPractise” inom sjöfarten.</p>

Cabotage / Maritime Cabotage

Hägg, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
I studien ställs frågan hur den historiska förordningen ”produktplakatet” från 1700-talet ska tolkas i ett modernt juridiskt perspektiv. Produktplakatet reglerar än idag ett förbud för utländska redare att bedriva sjöfart på svenska vatten. En sådan aktivitet kallas för cabotage, vilket är franska och betyder ’kustfart’. Produktplakatets lydelse och den praktiska tillämpningen av förordningen genom behörig myndighet skiljer sig åt på olika sätt. Den största skillnaden är att produktplakatet, enligt ordalydelsen, endast förbjöd främmande att transportera varor mellan svenska orter. Tillämpningen idag har kommit att innebära ett förbud för utlandsflaggade fartyg att bedriva kommersiell sjöfart över huvud, så länge som det sker mellan två punkter inom Sveriges territorialvatten. I studien görs först en tolkning av vad produktplakatet, och den svenska regleringen av cabotage, innebär. I studien framkommer att produktplakatet sannolikt har tolkats alltför brett. Vid beaktande av vad produktplakatets skyddssyfte var, och vad den faktiska lydelsen var i förordningen, tar jag ställning för att de tjänster som borde avses i förordningen endast utgör transporter av gods. I förlängningen, med tanke på sjöfartens utveckling till att alltmer omfatta transporter av människor, anser jag dock att en utvidgning från lydelsen är rimlig och nödvändig med anledning av skyddssyftet. Vidare anser jag att det är en alltför långtgående tolkning att produktplakatet ska anses omfatta alla resor som företas inom svenskt territorialvatten, enär ordalydelsen är att resorna ska företas mellan två olika orter. Orter bör, enligt min mening, tolkas som ’hamnar’ eller liknande fasta uppbyggnader där ett fartyg kan lägga till. Tolkningarna innebär vissa avsteg från behörig myndighets tolkning av förordningen. Inom EU-rätten finns en motsvarande reglering av cabotage, som har syftet att öppna upp den inre marknaden. Således har den nationella bestämmelsen och den gemenskapsrättsliga bestämmelsen olika utgångspunkter. Det EU-rättsliga begreppet cabotage har också vållat stora tillämpningsproblem, men med hjälp av praxis kan några slutsatser dras med viss säkerhet. Det EU-rättsliga begreppet tar sikte på sjötransporttjänster, som i huvudsak består av transporter av människor eller gods inom ett EU-land. De tjänster som inte har huvuddrag gemensamt med sådana transporter är sannolikt inte cabotagetjänster enligt EU-rätten.  Vid en komparation mellan det EU-rättsliga begreppet och det nationella begreppet framkommer ett antal skillnader. De största skillnaderna finns mellan svensk myndighetspraxis och EU-domstolens praxis. Det faktum att det finns skillnader i definitionerna, strider inte i sig mot gemenskapsrätten. Det kan ändock finnas skäl till att tolka den nationella rätten i ljuset av EU-rätten, speciellt i ett så säreget fall som med produktplakatet. En sådan tolkning skulle främst innebära att sjötransporttjänster, vars huvudsakliga syfte inte är att transportera människor eller personer, troligen inte skulle anses vara cabotagetjänster. Vidare skulle det med största sannolikhet finnas en begränsning i den resa som är föremål för cabotage; resan måste gå mellan hamnar och/eller en fastare konstruktion inom landets territorialvatten och/eller på landets kontinentalsockel.

Lake Ontario Maritime Cultural Landscape

Ford, Benjamin L. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The goal of the Lake Ontario Maritime Cultural Landscape project was to investigate the nature and distribution of archaeological sites along the northeast shoreline of Lake Ontario while examining the environmental, political, and cultural factors that influenced the position of these sites. The primary method of investigation was a combined archaeological and historical survey of the shoreline within seven 1-km square areas. The archaeological component of the survey covered both the terrestrial and submerged portions of the shore through marine remote sensing (side-scan sonar and magnetometer), diving surveys, pedestrian surveys, and informant interviews. A total of 39 sites and 51 isolated finds were identified or further analyzed as a result of this project. These sites ranged from the Middle Archaic period (ca. 5500-2500 B.C.) through the 19th century and included habitation, military, transportation, and recreational sites. Analysis of these findings was conducted at two scales: the individual survey area and Lake Ontario as a whole. By treating each survey area as a distinct landscape, it was possible to discuss how various cultures and groups used each space and to identify instances of both dynamism and continuity in the landscapes. Results of these analyses included the continuous occupation of several locations from pre-Contact times to the present, varying uses of the same environment in response to political and economic shifts, the formation of communities around transportation nodes, and recurring settlement patterns. The survey data was also combined to explore regional-scale trends that manifest themselves in the historical Lake Ontario littoral landscape including ephemeral landscapes, permeable boundaries, danger in the lake, and factors of change.

The Study of the Chinese Seapower Development--by Constructivism

Wu, Fang-Hao 21 August 2006 (has links)
Abstract: In the definition of Mahan`s theory of Seapower, the material conditions and military power are essential for the countries to strengthen national power and develop the Seapower. And the Seapower also becomes one of the methods to strengthen national interests and power. It didn`t be explained that how do the countries find the way to seek for power and interests and what does the Seapower mean to other countries? In my article, I try to explain that after 1949, the process of PRC that seek for Seapower and the meanings to other countries by Constructivism.

Le quasi-contrat dʹassistance : essai sur le droit maritime comme source de droit /

Montas, Arnaud. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Zugl.: Nantes, 2005.

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