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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays in Financial Economics

Grillini, Stefano January 2019 (has links)
This thesis consists of three empirical essays in financial economics, with particular focus on the European Union and the Eurozone. The thesis investigates topics related to market liquidity and integration. In particular, it covers the transmission of liquidity shocks across Eurozone markets, the role of market liquidity in the repurchase programme and integration of Eurozone economies in terms of welfare gains from trade. Liquidity and integration have received considerable attention in recent years, particularly within the context of global financial and macroeconomic uncertainty over the last decade. In the first empirical essay, we investigate static and dynamic liquidity spillovers across the Eurozone stock markets. Using a generalised vector autoregressive (VAR) model, we introduce a new measure of liquidity spillovers. We find strong evidence of interconnection across countries. We also test the existence of liquidity contagion using a dynamic version of our static spillover index. Our results indicate that the transmission of shocks increases during periods of higher financial turbulence. Moreover, we find that core economies tend to be dominant transmitters of shocks, rather than absorber. The second essay investigates the role played by market liquidity in the execution of open-market share repurchases in the UK which is the most active market within the EU for this payout method. Using a unique hand collected data set from Bloomberg Professionals, we find that the execution of share repurchases does not depend on the long-term underlying motive, but it rather relies on market liquidity and other macroeconomic variables. We also provide a methodological contribution using censored quantile regression (CQR), which overcomes most of the econometric limitations of the Tobit models, widely employed previously within this literature. The third essay quantifies the welfare gains from trade for the Eurozone countries. We apply a trade model that allows us to estimate the increase in real consumption as a result of trade between countries. We estimate welfare gains using two sufficient aggregate statistics. These are the share of expenditure on domestic goods and the elasticity of exports with respect to trade cost. We offer a methodological contribution for the estimation of elasticities by applying the Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood (PPML) using a gravity model. PPML allows the estimation of gravity models in their exponential form, allowing the inclusion of zero trade flows and controlling for heteroskedasticity. Previous studies present several econometric limitations as a result of estimating gravity models in their log-linearised form. Our results indicate that joining the euro did not significantly increase trade gains for member countries. Nevertheless, differences across countries are significant and Northern economies experience a higher increase in welfare gains trade as compared to Southern economies.

Can Sentiments of Social Media Participants Reflect by Financial Market Liquidity

Saleemi, Jawad 26 July 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca en el área de investigación del Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, y se centra en la perspectiva conductual de la liquidez del mercado. La liquidez que varía en el tiempo y sus problemas relacionados son una de las preocupaciones dominantes en la literatura de microestructura del mercado. El papel crítico de la liquidez del mercado en la ejecución de transacciones o la determinación del rendimiento de la inversión genera inquietudes tanto para académicos como para aquellos que participan en el mercado. Por lo tanto, es necesario desvelar los problemas potenciales que pueden afectar la liquidez del mercado financiero. Esta tesis busca entender la liquidez del mercado y sus problemas relacionados a la luz del comportamiento de los inversores. La perspectiva conductual de la liquidez se examina utilizando información orientada a opiniones en microblogs. La creciente literatura de finanzas conductuales también incluye la autenticidad de los datos de microblogs tanto en la modelización como en la predicción de diversas preocupaciones asociadas con el funcionamiento eficiente de los mercados financieros. Sin embargo, la investigación previa en el ámbito de las finanzas conductuales podría haber pasado por alto algunas implicaciones potenciales de la información orientada a opiniones en microblogs sobre la liquidez del mercado a nivel de mercado y de empresa. Por lo tanto, la tesis pretende ser una aplicación empírica en esta área de investigación. La tesis se lleva a cabo como un compendio de artículos científicos, cuya memoria incluye varios artículos de investigación publicados en revistas indexadas. El primer artículo proporciona información sobre la relación entre el contenido de microblogs y el coste de facilitación de la liquidez. Durante los períodos de negociación, este estudio sugirió que el estado de ánimo de los inversionistas tenía menos influencia en afectar la liquidez que varía en el tiempo y su coste de facilitación. Sin embargo, la información entrante en un día dado fue más influyente para las sesiones de negociación siguientes. Los sentimientos construidos sobre una base de dos días estaban asociados con el costo de facilitación de la liquidez. El segundo articulo aborda las dimensiones de la liquidez del mercado utilizando opiniones de microblogs. Esta investigación reveló que los sentimientos de los inversores en entornos de pesimismo tenían más poder autoritario sobre las dimensiones de la liquidez, incluidos los costes de negociación, la inmediatez de la transacción, la dispersión de precios y el volumen de negociación. Finalmente, el tercer articulo de investigación explora el riesgo sistemático de sentimiento para la liquidez en relación con los datos de microblogs. Este estudio mostró que la liquidez del índice bancario estaba expuesta al riesgo sistemático de sentimiento y liquidez, pero la liquidez del índice de empresas no financieras solo estaba expuesta a un riesgo sistemático de liquidez. Los participantes del mercado impulsados por los sentimientos observados en la plataforma de microblogging pueden no solo influir en la liquidez del mercado, que varía en el tiempo y sus dimensiones, sino que también pueden exponerse al riesgo sistemático para la liquidez dentro de un mercado más amplio. Por lo tanto, se sugiere que la liquidez y sus aspectos relacionados se valoren frente a los problemas de selección adversa en el mercado. Además, la medición de la información entrante en la plataforma de microblogging puede ayudar mejor a los proveedores de liquidez en la construcción de carteras. / [CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral s'emmarca en l'àrea d'investigació del Departament d'Economia i Ciències Socials, i es centra en la perspectiva conductual de la liquiditat del mercat. La liquiditat que varia en el temps i els seus problemes relacionats són una de les preocupacions dominants en la literatura de microestructura del mercat. El paper crític de la liquiditat del mercat en l'execució de transaccions o la determinació del rendiment de la inversió genera inquietuds tant per a acadèmics com per a aquells que participen en el mercat. Per tant, és necessari desvetlar els problemes potencials que poden afectar la liquiditat del mercat financer. Aquesta tesi busca entendre la liquiditat del mercat i els seus problemes relacionats a la llum del comportament dels inversors. La perspectiva conductual de la liquiditat s'examina utilitzant informació orientada a opinions en microblogs. La creixent literatura de finances conductuals també inclou l'autenticitat de les dades de microblogs tant en la modelització com en la predicció de diverses preocupacions associades amb el funcionament eficient dels mercats financers. No obstant això, la recerca prèvia en l'àmbit de les finances conductuals podria haver passat per alt algunes implicacions potencials de la informació orientada a opinions en microblogs sobre la liquiditat del mercat a nivell de mercat i d'empresa. Per tant, la tesi pretén ser una aplicació empírica en aquesta àrea d'investigació. La tesi es duu a terme com a compendi d'articles cientifics, la memòria de la qual inclou diversos articles de recerca publicats en revistes indexades. El primer article proporciona informació sobre la relació entre el contingut de microblogs i el cost de facilitació de la liquiditat. Durant els períodes de negociació, aquest estudi va suggerir que l'estat d'ànim dels inversors tenia menys influència en afectar la liquiditat que varia en el temps i el seu cost de facilitació. No obstant això, la informació entrant en un dia donat era més influent per a les sessions de negociació següents. Els sentiments construïts sobre una base de dos dies estaven associats amb el cost de facilitació de la liquiditat. El segon article aborda les dimensions de la liquiditat del mercat utilitzant opinions de microblogs. Aquesta recerca va revelar que els sentiments dels inversors en entorns de pessimisme tenien més poder autoritari sobre les dimensions de la liquiditat, inclosos els costos de negociació, la immediatesa de la transacció, la dispersió de preus i el volum de negociació. Finalment, el tercer article de recerca explora el risc sistemàtic de sentiment per a la liquiditat en relació amb les dades de microblogs. Aquest estudi va mostrar que la liquiditat de l'índex bancari estava exposada al risc sistemàtic de sentiment i liquiditat, però la liquiditat de l'índex d'empreses no financeres només estava exposada a un risc sistemàtic de liquiditat. Els participants del mercat impulsats pels sentiments observats a la plataforma de microblogging poden no només influir en la liquiditat del mercat, que varia en el temps i les seves dimensions, sinó que també poden exposar-se al risc sistemàtic per a la liquiditat dins d'un mercat més ampli. Per tant, es suggereix que la liquiditat i els seus aspectes relacionats es valoren davant dels problemes de selecció adversa en el mercat. A més, la mesura de la informació entrant a la plataforma de microblogging pot ajudar millor els proveïdors de liquiditat en la construcció de carteres. / [EN] This doctoral dissertation falls in the research area of economic and social sciences department, and focuses on the behavioral perspective of market liquidity. The time-varying liquidity and its related issues are one of the dominant concerns in the market microstructure literature. The critical role of market liquidity in executing the transactions or determining the yield on investment is raising concerns for both academics and those who engage in the trading. There is thus need to unveil the potential issues, that may impact the financial market liquidity. This dissertation seeks to understand market liquidity and its related issues in the light of investors' behavior. The behavioral perspective of liquidity is examined using microblogging-opinionated information. The escalation of behavioral finance literature also comprises the authenticity of microblogging data in both modeling and predicting various concerns associated with the efficient functioning of financial markets. However, previous research in the behavioral finance domain might have ignored a few potential implications of microblogging-opinionated information on market liquidity at the market and firm levels. Therefore, the dissertation aims to be the first empirical attempt in this area of research. The thesis is carried out as a compendium of scientific papers, whose memory includes several research articles published in the indexed journals. The first article provides insights into relationship between microblogging content and liquidity-facilitating cost. During trading periods, this study suggested that investors' mood was less influential in affecting the time-varying liquidity and its providing cost. However, the incoming information on a given day was more influential for following trading sessions. The sentiments built on a two-day basis were associated with the liquidity-facilitating cost. The second article covers the dimensions of market liquidity using microblogging opinions. This research revealed that investor sentiments in environments of pessimism had more authoritative power on liquidity dimensions including the trading costs, transaction immediacy, price dispersion and trading volume. Finally, the third research paper explores the systematic sentiment risk for liquidity in relation to the microblogging data. This study depicted that the bank index liquidity was exposed to the systematic sentiment and liquidity risks, but non-financial firm index liquidity was only exposed to a systematic liquidity risk. The emotion-driven market participants on microblogging platform may not only influence the time-varying market liquidity and its dimensions, but they may also expose to the systematic risk for liquidity withing a broader market. Thus, liquidity and its related aspects are suggested to be priced against the adverse selection issues in the market. Additionally, the measurement of incoming information on microblogging platform may better assist the liquidity providers in the construction of portfolio. / Saleemi, J. (2024). Can Sentiments of Social Media Participants Reflect by Financial Market Liquidity [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206814 / Compendio

Liquidity spirals, commonality, corporate governance and crisis : a case of an emerging market

Junaid, Ahmad 19 May 2014 (has links)
Dans cette étude, nous essayons de combler le fossé entre deux courants de la littérature. Tout d'abord, nous menons une enquête approfondie sur les relations entre la liquidité et la baisse du marché dans un pays émergent (Brésil). Dans notre recherche, nous suivons la méthodologie utilisée par Hameed et al (2010) et Adrian et al (2011). Dans la première partie de l'étude, en utilisant la variable d'estimation de la mesure de liquidité proposée par Corwin et Schultz (2012), nous effectuons une analyse des séries temporelles pour estimer l'effet des rendements sur le marché des rentabilités individuelles, et l'impact de la crise sur la liquidité. Nous étendons en outre notre analyse à la liquidité des financements, mesurée par l'écart de la rémunération entre les "commercial papers" et le taux de base de la banque centrale, pour estimer l'effet de la baisse du marché lorsque les spéculateurs sont confrontés à une contrainte de financement. Dans la deuxième partie de notre recherche nous nous intéressons aux facteurs de la liquidité. Nous estimons l'effet de la liquidité du marché sur liquidité idiosyncrasique, et examinons si cet effet est amplifié dans le contexte de baisse importante des marchés. Dans la troisième partie de la thèse, nous répartissons les actions en trois portefeuilles equi-pondérés en fonction des pratiques de gouvernance d'entreprise différentielles. Nous effectuons l'analyse mentionnée ci-dessus pour estimer si la liquidité des entreprises ayant des pratiques de gouvernance d'entreprise différentes réagit différemment en présence de baisse importante des marchés et de spirales de liquidité. / In this study we try to bridge the gap between two strands of literature, first we conduct a thorough investigation about relation between, Market liquidity, funding liquidity and market declines in an emerging market i.e. Brazil. Then we conduct the analysis in the context of differential corporate governance practices and try to find if higher corporate governance practices have an effect on liquidity and how it affects stock liquidity in market declines. We closely follow the methodology used by Hameed et al (2010) and Adrian et al (2011). In the first part of the paper, using the High-Low spread estimator proposed by Corwin et Schultz (2012) as our liquidity proxy, we conduct a time series analysis to estimate the effect of individual returns market returns, and large market declines on liquidity. We further extend our analysis to include funding liquidity, measured by the spread between the commercial paper and the central bank rate, to estimate the effect of market declines when speculators face a funding constraint. In the second part of our analysis we move towards liquidity commonality. We estimate the effect of market wide liquidity movements on individual stock liquidity, and whether this effect is amplified in the context of large market downturns. In the third part of the paper we sort the stocks into three equally weighted portfolios based on differential corporate governance practices. We conduct the above mentioned liquidity analysis to estimate if liquidity of firms with differential corporate governance practices react differently in the times of large market downturns and liquidity spirals.

Vysokofrekvenční obchodovaní a jeho dopad na stabilitu finančního trhu / High frequency trading and its impact on the financial market stability

Haushalterová, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
The thesis analyses high frequency trading, specifically its main characteristics, which make it different from algorithmic trading. Furthermore, the thesis looks closer into major risks, which are new to market, and their impact on market quality and other investors. The next chapter is dedicated to trading strategies, which are typical for high frequency trading. In conclusion, there is discussed the impact on the market quality caused by high frequency trading, namely in terms of liquidity, volatility and price discovery.

Řízení likvidity bank a ostatních finančních institucí / Liquidity management of banks and other financial institutions

Hanzálek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on liquidity risk management of commercial banks in the Czech banking market in 2002-2015. This main goal is achieved through a comprehensive analysis within a framework that uses several different methods. A theoretical framework for bank liquidity management is drawn up for a theoretical evaluation, summary of the current literature and a summary of the regulatory framework including the newly introduced Basel III requirements and indicators is put together. The research part is focused on assessing the development and current state of liquidity of Czech banks by analyzing of liquidity ratios and regression analysis of panel data. The level of liquidity and the size of the liquid pillow is judged to be sufficient and stable from the results of the individual analyses. The net position of Czech banks on the interbank market on an international scale also reflects a good level of liquidity. The major determinants of Czech bank liquidity in the period under review were mainly capital adequacy, bank size, loan portfolio quality, growth rate of GDP and interest rates.

Studies On Some Aspects Of Liquidity Of Stocks : Limit Order Executions In The Indian Stock Market

Chatterjee, Devlina 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
We study some aspects of liquidity of stocks traded through the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. Initially we examine the multi-dimensional nature of liquidity by conducting day-wise factor analysis of eleven liquidity proxies across a cross-section of stocks, using data from two periods reflecting different market conditions. Five factors emerge consistently, interpretable as depth, spread, volume, price elasticity and relative activity. Subsequently, we study execution of limit orders in the NSE from three angles. First we consider order execution probability, using 106 stock-specific logistic models. Important predictors of order execution probability are price premium followed by volatility, relative activity, bid ask spread and order imbalance. Some differences are noted when comparing companies of different sizes and between buy and sell orders. Second, we study order execution times using survival analysis. Several diagnostic tests indicate that parametric Accelerated Failure Time models using the log-logistic distribution for the survival time S(t) are suitable for current data. 100 stock-specific models are built; results are consistent with the logistic models. Additionally depth is also found to be important. Finally we build 4 combined models across stocks for both execution probabilities as well as times. These models perform well on out of sample data, suggesting their predictive utility.

Investiční možnosti obyvatel v ČR / Investment Options Population in the Czech Republic

Federmannová, Alice January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the possibility of household investment in the money market in the Czech Republic. In the theoretical section we can find details of the cash market and its segments. Followed by financial institutions and relevant indicators influencing investor decisions. The practical part is focused on specific financial products. They are mutually compared and evaluated in terms of availability and suitability for the small investor. Return, risk and liquidity are also taken into account.

Essays on Liquidity in Finance and Real Estate Markets

Chang, Qingqing 25 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

International stock market liquidity

Stahel, Christof W. 30 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Enforcement in sovereign debt markets

Schumacher, Julian 08 December 2015 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit ökonomischen Effekten der rechtlichen Durchsetzung von Staatsschulden. Die Literatur nimmt weitgehend an, dass diese größtenteils irrelevant sind. Die Dissertation präsentiert neu erstellte Datensätze über Anlegerklagen in den USA und UK, und verbindet diese mit Finanzmarktdaten. Die zentralen Ergebnisse sind: (1) Staatsschuldenkrisen sind zunehmend begleitet von Anlegerklagen, wenn auch die Zahl gering ist. Klagen sind wahrscheinlicher wenn Regierungen hohe Verluste auf ihre Gläubiger abwälzen. Sie können zudem signifikante Kosten durch die Versperrung des Finanzmarktzugangs mit sich bringen. Insbesondere spezialisierte Investoren führen Klagen, und die vertragliche Gestaltung der Anleihen bedingt Teilnahme- und Klageraten. (2) Marktpreise spiegeln diese Entwicklungen wider. Die Marktliquidität nimmt während Schuldenkrisen signifikant ab und Staatsanleihen, die bessere rechtliche Durchsetzungsmöglichkeiten versprechen, werden zu höheren Preisen gehandelt. / This thesis studies the economic impact of legal enforcement of sovereign debt. The literature assumes that legal enforcement mechanisms are largely irrelevant. The thesis presents newly assembled datasets on lawsuits filed by private investors against governments in the US and the UK, and connects them with financial market data. The main findings are: (1) Sovereign defaults are increasingly subject to investor lawsuits, although the numbers are still small. Lawsuits are more likely if governments impose large losses on their creditors. Litigation can create significant costs by affecting governments'' financial market access. Distressed investors are especially likely to file suit, and contract design is a significant predictor of participation and litigation. (2) Sovereign bond pricing reflects these developments. Market liquidity decreases significantly during debt crises. Furthermore, sovereign bonds with stronger legal protection trade at higher prices during financial crises.

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