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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IT Product Realization Process towards Marketing Consultancy Automation – Case Study: Customer Value Sweden AB

Paralykidis, Georgios January 2015 (has links)
Management consulting is a growing field [1] that is of great importance for organisations to optimise their performance and develop plans for future improvements. In the recent years, many companies use experienced consultants in order to create a strong competitive advantage to withstand the competition and to easily find solutions suitable to different problems. Customer Value Sweden AB is a - start-up - consultancy firm that have been operating the last years in the Swedish market and offers customer database analyses to the e-commerce market. They become valuable tools for the retailers, by improving marketing activities directed toward present customers. By adopting a segmented marketing strategy, companies can target customers in a different way, thus enchanting their business [2]. This Master thesis work tries to introduce a new efficient and automated way for the company to increase its capacity and quality of the provided services. It is done by deploying an IT product realisation process that conceptualizes, designs and implements a new online web service that aims to automate the report generation process, which was carried out manually until now. This system will try to solve complexity, availability, and performance problems that occur in the current system and also open up now possibilities for future development and expansion. The key benefits of the new solution in contrast to the old one will be highlighted, as well as the process that was followed to realise it.

群眾募資平台之策略行銷分析:以Kickstarter、flyingV為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Crowdfunding Platforms: The Cases of Kickstarter and flyingV

梁育馨, Liang,Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路普及率日益升高的現今,各式各樣以網路作為媒介的商業模式快速興起,而平台的概念更顛覆了過往的使用習慣,藉由將使用者群聚在同一虛擬環境中,使他們之間產生互動與交流,許多商業價值便從中應運而生。透過同邊與跨邊網路效應的發酵,不斷累積用戶數、建構使用平台的慣性,久而久之便加深了用戶的黏著度,也增加了移轉成本。 本研究便著重於近年來平台商業模式的新概念:群眾募資,探討其如何跨越過往繁複的籌資手續,創造出一個可供擁有創意專案的提案者及擁有資金的贊助者媒合的場域。先分別對全球群眾募資產業和台灣群眾募資產業概況做出簡單的分析,知曉目前的大環境趨勢及台灣的市場發展潛力,並以美國的Kickstarter和台灣的flyingV兩間群眾募資平台作為個案研究對象。在了解兩個案的發展現況、營運模式後,再以策略行銷4C架構剖析兩者建立出平台機制以處理用戶的四項交易成本。 而研究結果發現,雖然兩者在政經環境及市場規模上的差異造成經營成效上的落差,但除去外在的先天因素後,Kickstarter相較於flyingV,建構出的4C循環更加完善,也使其自創立以來一直穩居全球群眾募資界的龍頭地位。而flyingV雖然在台灣擁有最高的市佔率,但在平台本身的4C架構上仍有許多成長空間,因此本研究最終以Kickstarter為範本,對flyingV在現行環境下的營運模式以4C架構做出建議,期許flyingV未來能持續發展,成為亞洲群眾募資平台的領導品牌。

Marketing vzdělávací instituce / Marketing of an Educational Institution

Šijan, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The main subject of this thesis is the area of marketing for educational institutions. First part is focused on general theoretical aspects of marketing of services, specificity of marketing for educational institutions and marketing communication. The operative part attends to a selection of an educational institution, an execution of an analysis of internal and external environment of the school, an implementation of a marketing research recognizing image of the school and based on that designing the concrete marketing communication strategy.

以策略行銷分析架構探討中國嬰幼兒營養食品業之銷售模式-以味全生技食品公司為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Sales In China Baby Food

陳皇璁, Chen, Huang Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸目前為全世界人口數最多的國家,總人口數高達十三億五千萬人,根據中國國家統計局統計結果,中國出生率近十年來平均為1.21%,而零到六歲人口則約有九千萬人。此外,中國實施一胎化的政策之下,孩童一出生後,家長便開始針對孩童的成長所需,購買各種營養品。在這樣的人口以及政策條件下,中國孩童營養品市場非常蓬勃興盛,於全年中國婴幼兒奶粉市場報告(2012)中顯示,在婴幼兒奶粉2012全年銷售額部分,高達人民幣三百八十五億元。因此,本研究透過個案研究法,探討一家台資企業如何在中國這蓬勃的嬰幼兒食品市場進行銷售,研究該食品加工業的銷售方法與過程,並輔以策略行銷架構分析此個案公司在交易中產生的各項成本,而針對此食品加工業給予銷售管理上的探討與建議。 本研究在內容上,主要架構在於以八大銷售步驟為主軸,探討此食品加工業在針對個人(B2C)銷售,以及企業對企業(B2B)銷售方法上,分別會有哪些做法。同時,本論文加入邱志聖(2010)的策略行銷觀點,讓實務上的銷售技巧能有理論架構的支持,歸納出不同銷售模式下,所產生的四大交易成本的共通及相異之處。最後再次以策略行銷架構,在目前的公司條件以及產業現況下,給予個案公司在每個成本管理上,應該如何管理的策略建議。 研究結果發現,企業在針對B2C銷售上,於每一個銷售步驟中都會注意到與本身的品牌是否契合,包括:銷售商家的挑選、品牌代言人的建立、品牌活動的舉辦等,因此如何降低買者的搜尋成本及道德危機成本將是B2C的銷售關鍵。相對地,B2B的銷售來說,如何建立第一筆交易,進一步讓商家來轉介其他商家來與我們合作,將有效降低道德危機成本,將會是B2B銷售的關鍵。

業務發展與通路管理之策略行銷分析—以消費性電子產業A公司在馬來西亞為例 / Strategic marketing analysis of business development and channel management: a case study of consumer electronic company A in Malaysia

張文馨, Chang, Wen Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在全球電子產業具舉足輕重之地位,全球化浪潮下,台灣品牌之筆記型電腦擴張至全球世界各地,全靠海外業務到海外市場、設立通路、銷售並提高品牌市場佔有率。本研究分享消費性電子產業個案A公司進入馬來西亞且成功建立銷售渠道之個案,並以邱志聖(2010)策略行銷分析4C架構分析實際做法,討論個案公司如何利用與上下游不同個體之交易關係,牽制其他交易對象並且提高自己的議價力,以提供業務人員在面對新興市場時之業務發展與通路管理之思考架構。 不同市佔率情況下所進行之資源分配有所不同。個案公司初入馬來西亞市場時,選擇三大代理商協助處理銷售之金流、物流、資訊流,以降低各交易成本。但為避免被代理商專屬陷入,業務發展至一定程度後開始向下管理至下游經銷商,利用挑選銷售額高的經銷商成為重點經銷商,進行重點式的通路管理,使經銷商反要求代理商進貨個案公司筆記型電腦,加強個案公司對代理商之議價力,向上游制衡代理商。當市佔率漸提高時,開始有預算更向下游之一般消費者溝通,並且建議利用過去累積之客戶關係管理工具,發展「積點制度」,提高品牌商對消費者之資產專屬性。 / Globalization has led Taiwanese manufacturers to expand their brands globally, especially in consumer electronic industry. This raises important topics including the role of overseas salesperson, establishing overseas sales channel and introducing products overseas. This research discusses how company A sells notebook in Malaysia using 4C strategic marketing theory, with the purpose to provide oversea salesperson an insight and overview of how to establish and sell when first enter a foreign market, as well as how to increase bargaining power using incentive mechanisms and how to allocate resources to different oversea entities with scenarios of different market share. When Company A first entered Malaysia, it chose to have its distributors to handle cash, and provide it with logistics and information system to lower costs. Later on, company A started to have KDP (Key Dealer Program) for better relationship management with its dealers. In this case, company A leveraged the relationship with dealers to increase its bargaining power toward distributors. When the company obtained sufficient market shares, it then start to do marketing campaigns to increase its bargaining power with its dealers and distributors.

Optimalizace firemních procesů v prostředí integrovaného informačního systému a eshopu / Business processes reengineering in an integrated information system and the e-commerce application

Penkala, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Master thesis called "Business processes reengineering in an integrated information system and the e-commerce application" proves the hypothesis that the key to successful internet business is to have correctly set the process management of a company, which, through an automated connection, displayed externally for customers through the presentation layer of the e-commerce application. The results are useful for owners of eshops, for their conception of setting up the operations of their companies and especially for the company, where the analysis was performed. According to selected company Penny Ltd., this analysis sets for its eshop Elektro-partner.cz twenty elementary processes, whose implementation will lead to saving staff time, maximum use of the information system including the possibility of implementing new modules, setting up workflow processes and possibility to make a profit and higher customer satisfaction. In the theoretical part are marketing tools 4P for eshops enhanced by services and competitiors. There is also a specially adapted Porter's value chain for eshops and is used a model of e-commerce trust. On this basis it is created the current marketing strategy of eshop including the SWOT analysis and definition of strategic objectives. Identified processes were divided into elementary, key and support groups and relationships between them were made. For the optimization process is used Hammer and Champy methodology and feasibility and success of the thesis is evaluated according to best practises reengineering projects. Reengineered processes are defined with specification, exploited documents, information system and eshop application modules, illustrated by using EPC model and they are defined metrics and specifically listed areas of improvement.

Business Intelligence řešení pro síť čerpacích stanic / Business Intelligence solution for petrol stations' network

Ouhel, Radek January 2013 (has links)
The main idea of this thesis is to find an optimal Business Intelligence solution for monitoring and analysis of petrol stations, which would be provided as a complementary product to the current production system, and would aim to contribute both to the business of the customer, and provider of this software. Main goal is to design the solution, as well as to develop consequent marketing strategy, all the while taking many factors into consideration. These factors are e.g. status of current production system, competitive environment, customer requirements and many others. In order to fulfill the goal, extensive research of relevant literature and academic publications has been performed. Main areas of interest in this research were marketing strategy development methodologies, licensing and pricing policies, IT project management methodologies and Business Intelligence theory. Thesis also uses a lot of company's internal information, such as the data structure and quality of the database, or prevailing needs and requests of current customers. Contribution is the sole demonstration of combining various internal and external factors, taking into account whilst designing the solution. The thesis demonstrates, that Business Intelligence in its broader definition, may for certain groups of customers result in an original and non-conventional solution. Non-conventional both from the perspective of features and components, as well as the tools and development environments used to implement it. Thesis begins by researching given sources. The research is followed by the theoretical part, describing general Business Intelligence principles relevant to the topic. Fourth chapter foreshadows the current status-quo, informing about features and architecture of current production system, data sources and also about a current business strategy of the company providing Europos software. Current status-quo in relation to the external environment is described in the next chapter, where competitive and market analyses are conducted. The sixth chapter sums up the facts from previous chapters, and transforms them into concrete customer requirements regarding the form and content of future solution. Based on those requirements, conceptual design of the solution is made in chapter seven, which also includes the solution's increment delimitation. Chapter eight describes selected tools for the solution, and refines the design by more specific physical data model diagrams. Final solution is depicted and described in chapter nine. Finally, the thesis ends with chapter eleven, where all categories of marketing mix are designed, therefore there is a clear vision of how, and for how much would the product be offered and sold to the customer.

Založení podniku (na příkladu rybí restaurace) / Establisning of business for example Fish restaurant

Kykalová, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to elaborate a business plan for establishing a fish restaurant. In my Master's thesis I will try to describe theoretical knowledges which will help me to draw thepractical part up. The theoretical part presents general business goings and set up the business plan, it will befocused on specifice of catering business with anemphasis on legislativ erequirements for Small and Medium Business, care of employees in companies. The partical part contains business planof the fish restaurant which is focused on modern healthy style of nourishment. Establishment of the company and choice of legal form, marketing analysis and mapping the competitive environment and identify in group potential customers. And at the end of my study there is the financial plan and the evaluation of there sults. At the end of he study the evaluation of there sults was done as well. For successful market entry there will be done financial budgets with the marketing analysis and specifications of goods and services which we plan to offer.

Podnikatelský plán / Business Plan

Kučerová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with creating a business plan for starting a new company whose business is to organize courses of physical activities, exercise and simultaneously to operate restaurant in the spirit of a healthy lifestyle. The thesis includes 5 basic sections - introduction, theoretical and methodological issues, a description of the analyzed company, practical-application part and conclusion. The theorethical part defines especially entrepreneurship and its forms, the person of entrepreneur, business planning activities and in particular the content of the business plan which will be crucial for the practical part. Application part analyzes a particular company, to begin with activities before starting business, continues with market research, marketing analysis and concludes with financial plan. This thesis is intended to serve as a basis for business woman who shortly intends to implement this business.

Marketingová strategie / Marketing strategy

Machová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused to a marketing strategy for the introduction of the new product of the confectionary shop "Tak to upec". The new product is baking lessons. The basis for developing an appropriate marketing strategy is the theoretical knowledge and data obtained from selected analyzes and the use of selected marketing methods. The output of the diploma thesis is the suggestion of a specific marketing strategy in the form of expanded marketing mix.

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