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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The contribution of effectiveness & efficiency to value within digitalization : - A qualitative study within Business to Business

Ståhl, Felicia, Jakobsson, Nellie January 2019 (has links)
Background: As digitalization has arisen and further developed the way companies execute marketing strategies, new ways of creating value by effectiveness and efficiency as a foundation has emerged during the recent years. Two crucial marketing tools within digitalization are Marketing Automation and Inbound Marketing.    Problem:Striving to become more effective and efficient with digitalization and the new technology requires that companies can deal with new changes. Although, there is a gap in the research and how effectiveness and efficiency is perceived and how it further creates value for companies.    Purpose: This thesis aims to achieve a greater understanding of in what essence companies can become more effective and efficient in order to create greater value. RQ1: How does effectiveness and efficiency create value for companies regarding marketing automation and inbound marketing, and what is value for them?    Method: A multiple case study based on a qualitative research method has been executed with interviews of six companies. The companies interviewed is divided under three different levels of implementation of digitalization, non-user, in process, and user.  Conclusion: The results showed that depending on how much digitalization a company has implemented; the level of effectiveness and efficiency varies. The higher level of digitalization the higher level of effectiveness and value. Further, more value is created when the level of effectiveness and efficiency is higher. Good CRM systems together with long-term relationships and good communication enhances the development of digitalization within companies to further create more value.


Williams, Arlington Walton January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

A qualitative examination of lead scoring in B2B marketing automation, with a recommendation for its practice.

Lindahl, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Digital marketing has become an important part for companies in the process of attracting new customers. The digitalisation has led to substantial changes in the ways consumers and businesses search for information and do their research before making a purchase. A major shift has been observed regarding how digital communication influences the purchasing decision within the B2B sector. The purpose of this research project was to examine lead scoring in the perspective of B2B marketing automation, and to investigate how lead scoring can contribute to a more efficient and effective marketing process for Visma Advantage. The aim was to develop a recommendation for an optimal lead scoring model for Visma Advantage and which marketing actions that are suitable for the different lead score values. The result shows that there can be several ways of an optimal use of a lead scoring model for Visma Advantage. The result also presents a completed lead engagement scorecard and lead profile scorecard, together with a lead score matrix that specifies the thresholds for each lead score value. In addition to that, relevant marketing actions for each lead score value in the model is presented in the result. / Den digitala marknadsföringen har kommit till att bli en viktig del för företag, i processen avatt attrahera nya kunder. Digitaliseringen har lett till betydande förändringar av hurkonsumenter och företag söker information och gör sin efterforskning innan de slutför ettköp. Ett stort skifte har observerats, gällande hur digital kommunikation påverkarinköpsbeslutet, inom B2B-sektorn. Syftet med detta projekt var att undersöka lead scoring i perspektivet av automatisering avB2B marknadsföring, och att undersöka hur lead scoring kan bidra till en mer effektiv ochverkningsfull marknadsföring för Visma Advantage. Syftet var att ta fram en rekommendationför en optimal lead scoring-modell för Visma Advantage och vilka marknadsföringsåtgärdersom är passande för respektive lead score-värde. Resultatet visar att det kan finnas flera sätt för en optimal användning av en leadscoring-modell för Visma Advantage. Resultatet presenterar också ett färdigt poängkort förbåde profil-aspekten och för engagemangs-aspekten, tillsammans med en lead score-matrissom anger tröskelvärdena för varje lead score-värde. I tillägg till poäng-korten presenterasrelevanta marknadsföringsåtgärder för varje lead score-värde i modellen, i resultatet.

Marketing Automation – en studie om ett modernt marknadsföringsverktyg i en svensk kontext

Hendén, Stefan, Dahlgren, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
I takt med att digitala medier har utvecklats under de senaste åren har köpresan för-ändrats till att kunder idag i ett mycket senare skede släpper in leverantörer i dialogen. Marketing Automation adresserar den problembilden och har växt fram som en brygga mellan sälj- och marknadsprocessen. Systemet ger möjlighet att effektivt och automatiserat utveckla leads (potentiell kund). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Marketing Automation påverkar sälj- och marknadsprocesserna. Vilka förutsättningar krävs för en implementation? Ökar lönsamheten? Vi har därför valt att i det teoretiska ramverket beskriva Marketing Automation och bland annat undersöka om ett införande av Marketing Automation medför att sälj- och marknadsorganisationerna slås samman till en organisatorisk enhet. I studien har vi dessutom kartlagt och beskrivit den moderna köpresan och det som ibland kallas intäktsorganisationen. Vi har funnit att Marketing Automation är relativt outforskat i en svensk kontext. För att utröna om teorin, som i stor utsträckning bygger på internationell litteratur och internationella undersökningar, går att överföra till en svensk kontext har vi valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie i form av en fallstudie av leverantörer av produkter och tjänster inom området samt företag, med den gemensamma nämnaren att de re-presenterar ett kunskapsintensivt erbjudande och har implementerat lösningar för Marketing Automation. I vår analys finns en samsyn mellan leverantörer och kunder i förutsättningar för ett införande, men vi kan även se hur resultaten divergerar och pekar på implikationer, inte minst avseende måluppfyllnad och samverkan mellan sälj- och marknadsorgani-sationerna. Vår slutsats visar bland annat att Marketing Automation kan leda till uppfyllnad av mjuka värden i företaget men har inte bevisats leda till ökad lönsamhet per automatik. Vi ser lönsamhet och Return on Investment (ROI) som ett område som bör utforskas vidare. / Parallel to the evolution of digital media in recent years, the buyer’s journey has changed. B2B-customers today let suppliers in at the end of the process rather than from the beginning. Marketing Automation addresses that problem and has emerged as a bridge between the sales and marketing processes as it support efficient and au-tomated lead development. The purpose of this study is to examine how marketing automation affects the sales and marketing processes. What conditions are needed for an implementation? Will it increase profitability? We have therefore chosen to describe Marketing Automation, and in particular con-sider whether the introduction of marketing automation means that sales and market-ing organizations merges into one organizational unit? In the study, we have identi-fied and described the modern buyer’s journey and what sometimes is called the rev-enue department. We have found that Marketing Automation is relatively unexplored in a Swedish con-text. To explore if the theory, which is largely based on international literature and research, can be transferred to a Swedish context, we have chosen to conduct a quali-tative study and case study of suppliers of products and services in the area as well as companies, representing a knowledge based offering, which has implemented solu-tions for marketing automation. In our analysis, there is a general consensus between suppliers and customers of the conditions for implementation, but we can also see how the results diverge, not least regarding aspects such as increase of revenue, ROI and collaboration between sales and marketing organizations. Our conclusion shows that marketing automation can lead to fulfillment of the core values of the company but has not been proven to lead to increased profitability au-tomatically. We see profitability and ROI as potential areas of further exploration.

The Effect of Marketing Automation on the Buying Decisions : A quantitative study on SMEs explored through brand awareness and external branding in a B2B context

Nilsson, Benjamin, Tsakmaki, Paraskevi January 2019 (has links)
As digitalization has evolved over the years, the need for automating procedures for faster results has become stronger. Marketing automation is a software that automates an organization’s marketing activities. Its purpose is to deliver a firm’s personalized messages to the existing and potential customers. Consequently, marketing automation is closely related to content marketing which’s main attribute is to raise brand awareness, and having a higher brand awareness can ultimately affect the buying decision. It has been discovered that there is a lack of research in the existing literature about marketing automation and more specifically in how marketing automation can affect the buying decision by raising brand awareness. Therefore, this thesis aims to examine how marketing automation affects the buying decision through brand awareness and external branding. The theory was outlined by six concepts which were marketing automation, external branding, brand communication, brand awareness, and buying decisions. These concepts led the authors to create six different hypotheses in order to find a link between them.  The data were collected through a self-completion questionnaire, therefore a quantitative study with an exploratory purpose was conducted. The results from the 118 respondents of the questionnaire suggest that marketing automation influences the organizational buying decision by enhancing brand awareness. Moreover, marketing automation has a positive impact on external branding which also has a positive effect on the buying decision. Concludingly, this suggests that marketing automation does positively affect the B2B buying decision through brand awareness and external branding.

Marketers are Watching You : An exploration of AI in relation to marketing, existential threats, and opportunities

Lindström, Sofia, Edemalm, Sebastian, Reinholdsson, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Background: As of today, it is apparent that with the ever-changing demands and needs of customers, companies are facing enormous pressure to deliver the right value, on time, in the right way, and proper manner. To realize the full potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a careful plan and method need to be established in the development and deployment when incorporating the technology with marketing. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be found in a variety of applications. AI in marketing can provide valuable data clusterization and insights for personalized recommendations, customer segmentation, or even advertising optimization.  Problem:  To date, a few studies have been made due to the rapid development of AI which has shown an opportunity for marketers. From this hype, companies are looking into speedy implementation where one can forget that this technology comes with risks and threats. “The problem is that everybody has unconscious biases and people embed their own biases into technology” (Kantayya, 2021). Although machines can deliver personalized numerical information, it cannot deliver new solutions such as products and services, nor classify different outputs with a cognitive mindset which could result in biased results. The objective of this research is to utilize the information and insights gathered from experts in the field of engineering and marketing to gain a holistic view of the current and future capabilities of AI in marketing.  Purpose: The focus of this bachelor thesis is to provide additional insights in regards to Artificial Intelligence in relation to marketing, taking into consideration bias, personalization, the black box, along with other possible implications of AI systems, also referred to as the dark side. To fulfill the researchers’ objective, qualitative interviews with practitioners and employees with different roles within the field of AI and Marketing were conducted. The paper will be focusing on concepts, theories, secondary data, and interviews which will be further discussed and give opportunities for future research.   Method: To perform this research, a qualitative research design was applied, and 12 structured interviews were conducted with those who have knowledge and experience with AI, marketing, or both.  Results: The study elucidates the potentials and fallbacks of Artificial Intelligence in marketing. Where the findings suggest a mixture of human intervention and technology is needed to work against the perceptions, bias, and manipulation the technology can possess. The aims then guide towards the conclusion presenting the important cognitive and emotional skills that humans obtain that are currently lacking in AI.  This study finds several key areas both in terms of opportunities and risks. Such key areas involve the possibility of delivering new, unique personalized content to a mass audience at lightning-quick speed and at the same time presenting a handful of risks by giving machines the permission to make human decisions. Risks found in this study presented as the dark side include the bubble, bias, manipulation, fear of losing jobs, lack of transparency creating the black-box phenomena. Therefore, this research is interesting especially for marketing managers in how AI could be used both from an opportunity perspective and possible risks to consider.

Understanding how automatized personalization with AI can drive value in B2B marketing : A case study of a Swedish industrial equipment manufacturer / Hur automatiserad personalisering med AI kan driva värdeskapande i B2Bmarknadsföring

Anzén, Elizabeth, Ekberg, Lukas January 2020 (has links)
In the last decade, marketing automation, a tool for automatic personalization, has been gaining significant traction among marketing professionals. In parallel with the growing adoption trend, many marketing automation platform providers have been extending their offers to include AI features. However, there is a lack of research regarding how AI can enhance the process of marketing automation in a way that creates value, which is the studied topic in this thesis. A qualitative and exploratory case study has been conducted in collaboration with the global B2B company Atlas Copco, a manufacturer of industrial equipment. Digital marketing practitioners were presented with two use cases of AI, segmentation and cross-selling, for personalization and asked about the marketing automation process and the expected impact on value. The findings reveal what would be required in the marketing automation process for the use cases in terms of data needs, learning about customer insights, marketing output and evaluation. In our findings value creation strongly revolve around the value types: ‘excellence’, ‘efficiency’ and ‘privacy’. To conclude, AI will enable more advanced personalization and value creation can be substantial if customer sacrifices are addressed in an appropriate way. Depending on relevance, tone of voice, time and use of channel, different feelings of value are perceived, which are factors that AI can help to determine / Under det senaste årtiondet har verktyg för automatisk marknadsföring blivit populära bland marknadsförare. Automatiska marknadsföringsplattformar fungerar som ett verktyg för att automtiskt leverera personaliserade marknadsföring. Många leverantörer av automatiska marknadsföringsplattformar har utökat sina erbjudanden till att innefatta AI-tjänster. Den befintliga forskningen kring hur sådana AItjänster ska utnyttjas på ett sätt som skapar värde är begränsad och därav behandlas ämnet i den här uppsatsen. En explorativ och kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts i samarbete med Atlas Copco som är ett globalt b2b-företag. Vid varje intervju presenterades antingen merförsäljning eller kundsegmentering sedan ställdes frågor om den automatiska marknadsföringsprocess och värde. Resultaten indikerar vad som skulle krävas för de undersökta användningsfallen i den automatiska marknadsföringsprocessen samt att värdeskapande är starkt kopplat till värdetyperna excellens, effektivitet, privatliv och datasäkerhet. Slutsatserna indikerar att AI kommer göra den personalisering som uppstår till följd av automatisk marknadsföring mer avancerad. Värdeskapandet från nya AI lösningar kan vara signifikant om implementeringen tar hänsyn och adresserar uppoffringar kunder behöver göra.

Evaluating Marketing Initiatives using Explainable Machine Learning : An Alternative to Attribution Models / Utvärdera Marknadsföringsinitiativ med hjälp av definierad maskininlärning : Alternativ till Attributionsmodeller

Ferreira, João January 2023 (has links)
Since its inception, Marketing has always needed more clearly defined incrementality, i.e., a measurement of advertisement effectiveness. Nowadays, Marketing is an evergrowing business; within it, Digital Marketing is taking the spotlight. Digital Marketing brings multiple benefits, such as a global reach and a lower cost associated with customer communication. However, more importantly, customer interaction and engagement can be clearly tracked, which can help measure Marketing impact. Nowadays, this problem is tackled in two ways, A/B testing and attribution models. Even though statistically solid and proven, A/B testing, a form of hypothesis testing, faces implementation issues and other practical aspects, leading to only sometimes being used in real-world applications. On the other hand, Attribution models are not comparable, thus not quantifiable, and good attribution models are hard to develop, leaving companies relying on third-party providers. In short, this paper suggests that the impact of each marketing campaign can be measured in a two-step process: (1) Training a model to predict a customer's conversion, given their previous advertisement interactions; (2) Applying explainable machine learning methods to said model to infer the importance of each advertisement interaction in a user journey. The main methods used are permutation feature importance and Shapley values. The dataset is designed such that each type of advertisement interaction is a model's feature; thus, an importance value can be calculated for each interaction. On top of that, a local method - counterfactual explanations - and a possible implementation of a hyper-personal application are discussed. The proposed solution is shown to provide more accurate attributions than most common attribution models, with the possibility of augmenting the accuracy by changing the underlying model. It is also suggested that it could benefit significantly from more data on customer demographics, generating insights into how campaigns affect different customer segments. / Marknadsföring har sedan dess begynnelse alltid behövt en tydligare definition av inkrementalitet, det vill säga, mätningen av annonsens effektivitet. Marknadsföring är numera en ständigt växande verksamhet och inom den är det den digitala marknadsföringen som står i fokus. Digital marknadsföring ger flera fördelar t.ex. global räckvidd och lägre kostnader för kundkommunikation. Viktigare är dock att kundernas interaktion och engagemang kan spåras tydligt, detta bidrar i sig till att mäta marknadsföringens effektivitet. Det här problemet hanteras på två sätt: AB-testning och tilldelningsmodeller. Även om AB-testning är statistiskt sett både gedigen och beprövad leder oftast problem med genomförandet och andra praktiska aspekter till att det endast ibland används i korrekta tillämpningar. Å andra sidan är tillskrivningsmodeller inte jämförbara - de saknar mätbarhet - och det är svårt att utveckla bra tillskrivningsmodeller vilket gör att företagen förlitar sig på tredjepartsleverantörer. I korthet föreslår denna artikel att effekten av varje marknadsföringskampanj kan mätas i en tvåstegsprocess. (1) Träning av en modell för att förutsäga en kunds konvertering baserad på deras tidigare annonsinteraktioner. (2) Tillämpning av difinierade maskininlärningsmetoder på nämnda modeller för att härleda betydelsen av varje annonsinteraktion i en användares resa. De viktigaste metoderna som användes var permutation feature importance och Shapley-värden. Datamängden utformad så att varje typ av annonsinteraktion blir en modells funktion; på så sätt kan ett betydelsevärde beräknas för varje interaktion. Dessutom diskuteras en lokal metod - kontrafaktiska förklaringar - och ett möjligt genomförande av en hyperpersonlig applikation. Den föreslagna lösningen visade sig ge mer exakta tillskrivningar än de flesta vanliga tillskrivningsmodeller, med möjlighet att öka noggrannheten genom att ändra den underliggande modellen. Det föreslås också att den skulle kunna dra stor nytta av mer data om kundernas demografi, vilket skulle generera insikter om hur kampanjer påverkar olika kundsegment.

Automatiserad marknadsföring - mer än bara ett knapptryck? : En kvalitativ studie om automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM inom B2B-verksamheter / Marketing Automation - More than just a Push of a Button? : A qualitative study about marketing automation and CRM in B2B-organizations

Lindsjöö, Emilia, Pithyou, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Dagens digitala landskap skapar en hög konkurrens om kunder, vilket gör att verksamheter letar efter nya sätt att utveckla och hantera kundrelationer. Arbete med CRM och automatiserad marknadsföring användbart för att få en bättre förståelse för kundens behov och leverera relevant kommunikation. Automatiserad marknadsföring är en datadriven marknadsföringsteknik som används inom digital marknadsföring för att automatisera aktiviteter. Automatiserad marknadsföring inom B2B-verksamheter är ett outforskat ämne inom informatik. Därmed var syftet med studien att undersöka automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM ur ett informatikperspektiv. Syftet var även att bidra med kunskap om hur verksamheter använder data i arbetet med automatiserad marknadsföring och vilka förmågor för dataanalys som är centrala. I denna studie har en kvalitativ undersökning med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts, där sex respondenter som arbetar med automatiserad marknadsföring inom B2B-verksamheter intervjuats. Studiens resultat och slutsats visar att arbete med automatiserad marknadsföring är ett IT- beroende arbetssystem, där teknik är en central resurs för arbetet. Elementen deltagare, information och teknik bör samverka med arbetsprocesser och aktiviteter för att dra nytta av automatiserad marknadsföring. Dessutom är kunddata betydelsefull information för arbete med automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM. Således bör verksamheter besitta förmågor inom verksamhetsområdena ledning, kultur, teknik och människor för analys av data. Studiens resultat och slutsatser visar att de undersökta verksamheterna besitter relevanta förmågor för dataanalys, vilket möjliggör arbetet med automatiserad marknadsföring och CRM. Eftersom automatiserad marknadsföring handlar om att generera och bibehålla befintliga kunder med hjälp av relevant innehåll, är CRM centralt i detta arbete. / Today's digital landscape creates high competition for customers and organizations are looking for new ways to develop and manage customer relationships. Working with CRM and marketing automation is useful to gain a better understanding of customer needs and deliver relevant communication. Marketing automation is a data-driven marketing technique used in digital marketing to automate tasks. Marketing automation in B2B-organizations is an unexplored topic in information systems. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine marketing automation and CRM through a perspective of information systems. As well as contribute with knowledge of how organizations use data in marketing automation and the data analytics capabilities needed. A qualitative study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with six respondents, who work with marketing automation in B2B-organizations. The results and conclusions of the study shows that working with marketing automation is an IT-reliant work system, where technology is a crucial resource. The elements participants, information and technology should be aligned with processes and activities to benefit from marketing automation. In addition, customer data is meaningful information for working with marketing automation and CRM. Thus, organizations should possess organizational capabilities in governance, culture, technology, and people for analyzing data. The results and conclusions of the study also show the studied organizations possess the data analytics capabilities needed for marketing automation and CRM. CRM becomes pertinent in marketing automation since marketing automation is about generating and retaining customers with relevant content.

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