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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A strategy to facilitate transition from masters degree nursing studies to PhD/doctoral thesis proposal writing

Zvandasara, Lynette 06 1900 (has links)
Background: Challenges in thesis proposal writing have resulted in doctoral students dropping from research studies resulting in the shortage of doctoral prepared nurses. Impediments include lack of human and non-human resources. Benner’s theory of novice to expert formed the basis for the development of the strategic intervention and action plan to address the challenges and strengths experienced by master’s prepared doctoral students during thesis proposal writing Purpose: The purpose of this research was to develop a strategic intervention and action plan that can be used to assist doctoral students to succeed in thesis proposal writing. Methods: An exploratory mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis in four phases was used. In Phase 1 qualitative data from two open-ended questions were used to gather data, combined with literature to develop a questionnaire for Phase 2. A questionnaire was developed from data obtained from Phase 2 as well as a thorough literature review to develop the strategic intervention and Action plan. In Phase 4 the strategic intervention and action plan was validated using the Delphi technique and experts acted as panellists for the validation. Framework: Benner’s novice to expert theoretical framework was adopted for the study because of the assumption that doctoral students need a change of perception and assistance in order to develop critical thinking skills that will enhance the development of research competencies. This framework was used because of its relevance to the study. Research Findings: Competence in doctoral thesis proposal writing is affected by human resources as well as non-human resources. The identified strategic interventions that were included in the action plan were: recruitment of competent supervisors, training and mentoring of new supervisors, achieving of a realistic student/supervisor ratio for supervision of students, timely allocation of supervisors, recruiting of subject librarians and employment of adequate library support, provision of peer support programmes, implementation of a student recruitment and selection plan, provision of student support programmes to enhance research skills and competencies, binding contracts to stipulate students responsibility, provision of adequate research resources, and implementation of a bursary system among others. Conclusion: The strategic intervention and action plan was developed using the input of doctoral nursing students who were in the process of completing their thesis proposal and a thorough literature review. The inclusion of the deans of nursing of universities and universities of technology of South Africa (FUNDISA) will enhance the possibility for the implementation of the strategic intervention and action plan which can contribute to assisting the master’s prepared doctoral students to successfully transition from novice students with little or no research knowledge to competent thesis proposal writers. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Интеграция новой модели инженерного бакалавриата в программы магистратуры Передовой инженерной школы УрФУ : магистерская диссертация / Integration of a new model of engineering bachelor’s degree in the master’s degree programs of the Advanced Engineering School of UrFU

Марченко, Ю. Г., Marchenko, Yu. G. January 2023 (has links)
Актуальность темы связана с изменениями, происходящими в мире инженерии, современными трендами и тенденциями в образовании, что приводит к необходимости трансформации классических образовательных моделей. На первое место выходит исследовательская деятельность, расширенный набор сложных, разносторонних и высокопрофессиональных компетенций, которые возможно получить в магистратуре в рамках передовых инженерных школ. Цель – разработать комплекс мероприятий для обеспечения интеграции новой модели инженерного бакалавриата и магистратуры Передовой инженерной школы УрФУ. Объект – образовательные программы передовой инженерной школы УрФУ. Новизна исследования: разработка комплекса мероприятий для интеграции нового инженерного бакалавриата в программы магистратуры ПИШ, особенность которых состоит в обеспечении преемственности учебных целей и задач, знаний и навыков, а также технологий обучения на каждой образовательной ступени. Практическая значимость: разработанные мероприятия, могут применяться в разных учебных заведениях в рамках реализации программ ПИШ. Основным достигаемым эффектом станет увеличение численности контингента обучающихся магистратуры очной формы обучения до 30% от количества выпускников бакалавриата. При этом ожидается увеличение объёма поступлений от НИОКР на 21,7%. / The relevance of the topic is related to the changes taking place in the world of engineering, modern trends and trends in education, which leads to the need to transform classical educational models. Research activity, an expanded set of complex, versatile and highly professional competencies that can be obtained in the master’s program within the framework of advanced engineering schools come out on top. The aim is to develop a set of measures to ensure the integration of a new model of engineering bachelor’s degree and master’s degree of the Advanced Engineering School of UrFU. The object is the educational programs of the Advanced Engineering School of UrFU. The novelty of the research: the development of a set of measures for the integration of a new engineering bachelor’s degree in the master’s degree programs of the Advanced Engineering School; the peculiarity of which is to ensure the continuity of educational goals and objectives, knowledge and skills, as well as learning technologies at each educational stage. Practical significance: the developed measures can be applied in different educational institutions within the framework of the implementation of Advanced Engineering School programs. The main effect achieved will be an increase in the number of full-time master’s degree students to 30% of the number of bachelor’s graduates. At the same time, it is expected to increase the volume of R&D revenues by 21.7%.

Подготовка преподавателей магистратуры нового поколения для Института экономики и управления УрФУ : магистерская диссертация / Training of new generation master’s degree teachers for the Institute of Economics and Management, UrFU

Печенкина, Т. Е., Pechenkina, T. E. January 2024 (has links)
Сегодня образовательные программы магистратуры должны быть гибкими, ориентированными на современные требования, способствовать развитию цифровых и междисциплинарных навыков студентов, а также обеспечивать им возможности для личностного и профессионального роста, стимулировать развитие критического мышления, творческого подхода к решению проблем, а также умение работать в команде и адаптироваться к изменениям. Для успешного обучения студентов в подобной магистратуре нового поколения преподавателям требуется умение не только передавать знания, но и осуществлять наставничество, быть гибкими и адаптироваться к изменениям. Цель работы состоит в разработке эффективного инструмента адаптации преподавателей вузов к актуальным запросам магистратуры нового поколения. Основным объектом является Институт экономики и управления Уральского федерального университета. Апробация предлагаемого проекта проведена на примере образовательной программы магистратуры по направлению «Менеджмент». Научная новизна: предложено авторское определение магистратуры нового поколения, предложен новый инструмент адаптации преподавателей к требованиям магистратуры нового поколения, что позволит повысить качества образовательного процесса и достичь целевых показателей реализации магистерских программ. Практическая значимость состоит в том, что данный проект может быть использован и для других направлений подготовки Института экономики и управления. В последующем возможно масштабирование проекта на других направлениях подготовки магистратуры других институтов УрФУ. / Today, master’s degree programs should be flexible, focused on modern requirements, promote the development of students' digital and interdisciplinary skills, as well as provide them with opportunities for personal and professional growth, stimulate the development of critical thinking, creative approach to problem solving, as well as the ability to work in a team and adapt to changes. To successfully train students in such a new generation master’s degree, teachers need the ability not only to transfer knowledge, but also to mentor, be flexible and adapt to changes. The purpose of the work is to develop an effective tool for adapting university teachers to the current needs of a new generation of graduate students. The main object is the Institute of Economics and Management of the Ural Federal University. The approbation of the proposed project was carried out using the example of the Master's degree program in the field of Management. Scientific novelty: the author's definition of a new generation of master's degree is proposed, a new tool for adapting teachers to the requirements of a new generation of master's degree is proposed, which will improve the quality of the educational process and achieve the targets for the implementation of master's programs. The practical significance lies in the fact that this project can be used for other areas of training of the Institute of Economics and Management. In the future, it is possible to scale the project in other areas of master's degree training at other UrFU institutes.

Les représentations sociales du métier chez des futurs professeurs des écoles en formation initiale : étude de cas auprès d’étudiants en 1ère et 2ème années de Master MEEF à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille (Site IUFM d’Aix-en-Provence, novembre 2011 - novembre 2012) / Social representations of their job by future primary school teachers during their initial formation : case study involving students registered in 1st and 2nd year of a MEEF Master’s degree at the Aix-Marseille University (On the IUFM site - from November 2011 to November 2012)

Rekassa, Cécile 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à analyser et à comprendre le rapport qu’entretient le professeur des écoles en formation initiale avec son futur métier. En prenant appui sur la théorie structurale des représentations sociales l’objectif principal de cette recherche consiste à étudier des populations d’étudiants inscrits en 1ère année de Master MEEF (début de la formation initiale) d’une part et en 2ème année (fin de la formation initiale) d’autre part quant à leurs représentations sociales du métier auquel ils se destinent. Il convient de penser que les connaissances produites par l’analyse de ces représentations et de leur évolution au cours de la formation initiale peuvent permettre de comprendre les fondements des systèmes de pensée et d’action des professeurs des écoles qui entrent dans le métier. Cette recherche prend appui sur une pluri-méthodologie qui fait appel à deux principaux outils de recueil de données : l’entretien et le questionnaire. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il existe bien une représentation sociale de l’objet « métier de professeur des écoles » chez les étudiants en début de formation initiale d’une part et chez les étudiants en fin de parcours d’autre part. Ces RS font apparaître, entre les deux populations concernées, des points communs et des différences quant à leurs contenus et leurs structures. La mise en évidence d’un véritable processus de transformation de la représentation sociale du métier au cours de la formation initiale chez les sujets tend à affirmer l’existence d’une évolution de la conception du métier en termes de professionnalisation. / This study aims at analysing and understanding the relationship which the primary school teacher in initial formation, maintains with their future job. Taking support on the structural theory of the social representations, the main objective of this study consists in studying groups of students registered in 1st year of a MEEF Master’s degree (at the beginning of their initial formation) on one hand, and in 2nd year (at the end of their initial formation) on the other hand, as for their social representations of the job for which they intend themselves. It is advisable to think that the knowledge produced by the analysis of these representations and their evolution during the initial formation can allow to understand the foundations of the systems of thought and action of primary school teachers who enter the job.This study relies on a multi-methodology which exploits two main tools of data collection : the interview and the questionnaire. The results show there certainly is a social representation of the object “primary school teacher job” for students at the beginning of their initial formation on one hand and for students at the end of the formation on the other hand. These social representations show, for the two study groups, common points and differences as for their contents and their structures. The highlighting of a real transformation process of the social representation of the job during the initial formation, for the study population, tends to assert the existence of an evolution of the conception of the job in terms of professionalization.

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