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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des structures de coordination entre soins et recherche : le cas des essais précoces en cancérologie / Study of coordination’s structure between health and research : The case of early phase clinical trial in oncology

Besle, Sylvain 08 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, la recherche clinique s’est imposée comme un outil de la lutte contre le cancer à part entière, allant dans certaines situations jusqu’à se positionner comme une alternative aux soins. En cancérologie les essais précoces, qui correspondent à la première phase de recherche clinique, soulèvent des questions particulières quant à la manière dont ils se coordonnent avec les soins standards. C’est donc au niveau de cette interface entre soins et recherche que cette thèse se positionne pour étudier le fonctionnement des essais précoces. La question de l’accès aux essais est ainsi centrale dans la mesure où c’est elle qui va structurer les différentes formes de coordination. Pour traiter cette problématique, nous proposons un modèle d’analyse structurale des trajectoires de soins autour de la notion de configuration qui permet de croiser les dynamiques propres aux patients, aux médecins et aux institutions de santé. A partir de cela, nous avons pu distinguer trois mécanismes d’inclusion mobilisés par les unités investigatrices et sur lesquels repose la sélection des patients susceptibles de participer à un essai : l’accès, l’engagement et les appariements. Ceci nous a permis d’analyser la réorganisation de l’accès aux essais, confrontée à l’évolution de la recherche clinique en cancérologie et des changements institutionnels qui l’accompagnent.Cette thèse s’appuie sur un travail de terrain alliant données quantitatives (questionnaires, analyse de bases de données) et qualitatives (entretiens, observations) qui a été mené dans deux des principales unités réalisant des essais précoces en France. / For some years, clinical research has been perceived as an ally to fight against cancer. In drug development process, early phase trials are the first test on human of a new therapeutics’ agent. Because in oncology those early phases enroll patient with therapeutic failure – without any treatment or option left –, they brings specific issues on how care pathway links to clinical research. We focus on how patient join such trials and frame it as a coordination problem to determine how early phase trial works between medical and research activities. The concept of configuration steers to a structural analysis of care pathways considering all at one dynamics of patients, physicians and health institutions. It especially focuses on three inclusion’s mechanisms connecting research units to patients: access, commitment and matching. Each of them is described and formalized as a specific model. Separating those mechanisms help to highlights changes over time. Lately, this configuration has evolved with the introduction of genomic trials and institutional changes.This thesis combines quantitative (survey, data analysis) and qualitative (interviews, observations) data collected in two main French early phase unit.

Integração semântica via enterprise service bus em ambientes de criação de organizações virtuais / Semantic integration via enterprise service bus in virtual organization breeding environments

Schratzenstaller, Wilcilene Maria Kowal 28 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:22:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wilcilene Maria K Schratzenstaller.pdf: 1929821 bytes, checksum: 3ec3776f9e1f9931f0836220596c52a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In order to attend demands faster and at lower cost, small and medium enterprises (SME) are joined in virtual organizations breeding environments (VBEs) where they can share resources to work collaboratively. The work in these environments is facilitated by using of serviceoriented architectures (SOA) and enterprise service buses (ESBs). Although SOA and ESBs help the process of systems integration, it still remaining a complex task due to the heterogeneity of existing data. To solve this problem ESBs could be improved with a semantic support to mediate differences between the data provided by SME. But, how to add semantic support to ESBs to facilitate data mapping for SMEs to integrate them into the VBEs? This work proposes the creation of an ontology and a method that adds semantics to the data in order to solve semantic incompatibilities. To validate the proposal, metrics were applied to evaluate the ontology according to its coverage of searched terms, the wealth of knowledge represented and the level detail. Besides that, tests were performed on the developed semantic mapper prototype. / Com intuito de atenderem demandas de forma mais rápida e com menor custo, pequenas e médias empresas (PME) se unem em ambientes de criação de organizações virtuais (ACVs) onde compartilham recursos para atuarem de forma colaborativa. O trabalho nestes ambientes é facilitado pelo uso de arquiteturas orientadas a serviços. Mais especificamente, com o uso de barramentos de serviços empresariais (ESBs). ESBs possibilitam que os sistemas das PME envolvidas sejam integrados e mensagens sejam trocadas. A tarefa de integrar os sistemas é complexa devido à heterogeneidade de dados existente. Para resolver este problema, os ESBs poderiam ser munidos de um suporte semântico que mediasse as divergências existentes entre os dados fornecidos pelas PME. Mas, como adicionar suporte semântico aos ESBs para facilitar a identificação dos dados das PME a fim de integrá-las ao ACV? Este trabalho propõe a criação de uma ontologia e um método que adiciona semântica aos dados no intuito de resolver as incompatibilidades semânticas. Para validar a proposta foram aplicadas métricas que avaliam a cobertura dos termos buscados, a riqueza de representação do conhecimento e o detalhamento de nível da ontologia, bem como foram realizados testes no protótipo de mapeador semântico desenvolvido.

Data accuracy in bibliometric data sources and its impact on citation matching

Olensky, Marlies 12 January 2015 (has links)
Ist die Zitationsanalyse ein geeignetes Instrument zur Forschungsevaluation? Diese Dissertation untersucht, ob die zugrunde liegenden Zitationsdaten ausreichend fehlerfrei sind, um aussagekräftige Ergebnisse der Analysen zu erzielen, beziehungsweise sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, ob der Prozess, der die zitierenden und zitierten Artikel einander zurordnet, ausreichend robust gegenüber Ungenauigkeiten in den Daten ist. Ungenauigkeiten wurden als Unterschiede in den Datenwerten der bibliographischen Angaben definiert. Die untersuchten Daten setzen sich aus gezielt ausgewählten Publikationen des Web of Science (WoS) zusammen, welche eine geschichtete Stichprobe ergeben. Die bibliographischen Daten von 3.929 Referenzen wurden in einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse bewertet und die bibliographischen Ungenauigkeiten in einer Taxonomie zusammengefasst. Um genau festzulegen, welche von diesen tatsächlich den Zuordnungsprozess von Zitationen beeinflussen, wurde eine spezifische Untergruppe von Zitationen, d.h. Zitationen die von WoS nicht erfolgreich dem jeweilig zitierten Artikel zugeordnet wurden, untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit den Daten zweier weiterer bibliographischen Datenbanken, Scopus und Google Scholar, sowie den Daten dreier angewandter bibliometrischer Forschungsgruppen, CWTS, iFQ und Science-Metrix, trianguliert. Die Zuordnungsalgorithmen von CWTS und iFQ konnten rund zwei Drittel dieser Zitierungen erfolgreich zuordnen. Scopus und Google Scholar konnten ebenso über 60% der fehlenden Zitierungen erfolgreich mit dem entsprechenden zitierten Artikel verbinden, während Science-Metrix nur eine geringe Anzahl an Referenzen (5%) schaffte. Vollkommen falsche erste Seitenzahlen sowie Zahlendreher in Publikationsjahren können in allen Datenquellen nicht richtig zugeordnete Zitierungen verursachen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen wurden Lösungsvorschläge formuliert, die im Stande sind den Zuordnungsprozess von Zitationen in bibliometrischen Datenquellen zu verbessern. / Is citation analysis an adequate tool for research evaluation? This doctoral research investigates whether the underlying citation data is sufficiently accurate to provide meaningful results of the analyses and if not, whether the citation matching process can rectify inaccurate citation data. Inaccuracies are defined as discrepancies in the data values of bibliographic references, since they are the essential part in the citation matching process. A stratified, purposeful data sample was selected to examine typical cases of publications in Web of Science (WoS). The bibliographic data of 3,929 references was assessed in a qualitative content analysis to identify prevailing inaccuracies in bibliographic references that can interfere with the citation matching process. The inaccuracies were categorized into a taxonomy. Their frequency was studied to determine any strata-specific patterns. To pinpoint the types of inaccuracies that influence the citation matching process, a specific subset of citations, i.e. citations not successfully matched by WoS, was investigated. The results were triangulated with five other data sources: with data from two bibliographic databases in their role as citation indexes (Scopus and Google Scholar) and with data from three applied bibliometric research groups (CWTS, iFQ and Science-Metrix). The matching algorithms of CWTS and iFQ were able to match around two thirds of these citations correctly. Scopus and Google Scholar also handled more than 60% successfully in their matching. Science-Metrix only matched a small number of references (5%). Completely incorrect starting page numbers and transposed publication years can cause a citation to be missed in all data sources. However, more often it is a combination of more than one kind of inaccuracy in more than one field that leads to a non-match. Based on these results, proposals are formulated that could improve the citation matching processes of the different data sources.

Repenser le droit de la reproduction au prisme du projet parental / Reconsidering the legal framework of reproduction through the lense of the "parental project"

Mesnil, Marie 11 December 2015 (has links)
À partir de la notion de projet parental, nous souhaitons déconstruire, en droit, l'assignation des femmes aux questions reproductives. En effet, le corpus juridique relatif à la reproduction participe à la perpétuation des stéréotypes de genre et en particulier, ceux liés à la division sexuée du travail. Le projet parental est une notion qui a émergé avec les techniques reproductives. Pour autant, l'analyse du cadre relatif aux techniques de PMA montre de quelle manière celui-ci renforce les stéréotypes de genre. Les conditions d'accès aux méthodes de PMA sont empreintes de naturalisme et une comparaison entre le droit français et le droit suisse montre le caractère construit de ces références constantes à la nature. L'établissement du lien de la filiation renforce le cadre naturaliste : d'un côté, la filiation est établie pour les projets parentaux réalisés dans le cadre légal selon les règles du droit commun et renforce la différenciation des fondements à la filiation selon le sexe du parent ; de l'autre, les projets parentaux qui s'écartent du cadre naturaliste sont relégués aux marges du droit de la filiation, même s'ils doivent aujourd'hui être reconnus sous la pression du législateur en matière de PMA et de la CEDH concernant la GPA. En dépit de l'état actuel du droit, la notion de projet parental pourrait promouvoir au sein du droit de la reproduction l'égalité entre les sexes et la liberté reproductive. En prenant appui sur le principe d'égalité entre les sexes et la liberté reproductive nous proposons de faire évoluer le droit de la reproduction, afin qu'il y ait davantage d'autonomie et d'égalité, tant en matière de filiation que d'accès aux actes médicaux non thérapeutiques en matière de reproduction que sont l'IVG, la contraception, la stérilisation et la PMA. Nous préconisons en particulier de modifier le droit commun de la filiation en y intégrant les techniques de PMA et en faisant de la volonté le fondement principal de l'établissement de la filiation. La promotion de l'autonomie reproductive lors de la mise en œuvre des droits reproductifs se traduit par un renforcement des droits des usagers du système de santé en matière de reproduction. À travers l'exemple du droit de la reproduction, nous montrons in fine de quelle manière le droit peut contribuer à favoriser au sein de la société l'autonomie des individus et l'égalité entre les sexes. / Starting from the concept of "parental project", we aim to deconstruct the traditional roles of women in reproductive matters from a legal standpoint. Gender stereotypes, especially those related to gendered division of labour, are indeed sustained by the current reproductive legal framework. The parental project is a concept introduced by law regulating the new reproductive technologies and yet, the analysis of legal aspects of medically assisted reproduction (MAR) stresses how gender stereotypes are in fact strengthened. The legal criteria to access MAR methods are defined based on Nature and comparing French and Swiss legal frameworks shows there are no fixed rules and thus, that references to Nature are not unbiased. Moreover, when it comes to rules of filiation, the naturalistic framework is further reinforced: on the one hand, when the parental project is carried out within the legal framework, filiation is established based on general law, corroborating the gendered legal basis of filiation; on the other hand, parental projects outside of the naturalistic framework are marginalized, and if nowadays filiation should also be recognized for children born in such conditions, it is only because of legal and jurisprudential developments. In spite of this, we think that the concept of "parental project" should promote, within the legal framework of reproduction, both gender equality and reproductive autonomy. Based on the principle of sex-equality and reproductive autonomy, our proposals aim to change dispositions regarding filiation and reproductive medical acts so that they could improve gender equality and reproductive autonomy. In particular, MAR should be addressed by the general law of filiation in order to make of will the main basis of parentage. Likewise, promoting autonomy in reproductive medical acts cannot proceed without rights of the health care users. Finally this research in reproductive law could be seen as a striking example of how law could foster gender equality and individual autonomy in society.

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