Spelling suggestions: "subject:"meatquality."" "subject:"coatingquality.""
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Inosine 5’- monophosphate derived umami flavor intensity of beef determination by electrochemistry and chromatographyTo, Kezia Virellia 09 August 2022 (has links) (PDF)
The umami sensation contributes to beef flavor and acceptability. Inosine 5’- monophosphate (IMP) was the most abundant nucleotide in meat known to impart umami taste which thus far had been overlooked in meat flavor studies. The objectives of this study were to determine the umami taste threshold of inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP), the effects of spiking IMP on the sensory descriptive attributes of various USDA graded beef strip steaks, and to differentiate beef by IMP content using electrochemistry. USDA Prime, Choice, and Select steaks were spiked with 0.3 and 0.6 mM IMP and analyzed chemically and organoleptically. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and descriptive sensory analysis showed no changes in IMP content and the perceived sensory attributes of steaks. The electrochemical approach successfully differentiated IMP concentrations in aqueous solutions when present at 0.5 mM or above and was able to recognize the presence of nucleotides in the meat extract.
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Study of novel carbohydrate sources on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) dietsPinedo Gil, Julia 10 September 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / En la presente Tesis Doctoral se utilizaron cebada y remolacha como fuentes alternativas de carbohidratos en dietas para trucha arcoíris con el objetivo de evaluar su efecto sobre parámetros productivos, histología hepática e intestinal, estrés y calidad de la carne.
Los marcadores estudiados fueron los mismo tanto para los experimentos de cebada como de remolacha. En las pruebas de la cebada se utilizaron concentraciones crecientes de este ingrediente (0-32%) en la dieta, se inició con un peso medio de 127.72 ± 5.65 g y se finalizó cuando alcanzaron el peso comercial al cabo de 84 días. En las pruebas de remolacha se utilizaron dos niveles de remolacha (14% y 28%) y dos de betaína (0.9% y 1.63%), se inició con un peso medio de 69 ± 2.2 g y se finalizó cuando los peces alcanzaron el peso comercial al cabo de 105 días.
La inclusión de cebada en dietas de trucha arcoíris no mostró diferencias significativas en los parámetros de crecimiento ni biométricos. La inclusión de 14% remolacha y 0.9% betaína no afectó al crecimiento, parámetros nutritivos, biométricos y retenciones de nutrientes en comparación con el control, concentraciones mayores de remolacha y betaína tuvieron un efecto negativo.
Cuando se estudiaron los parámetros histológicos y morfométricos en hígado e intestino, los resultados mostraron que los peces alimentados con concentraciones crecientes de cebada mostraron hepatocitos más pequeños, mientras que los peces alimentados con remolacha y betaína presentaban hepatocitos más grandes, en ambos casos el hígado mostró un menor nivel de vacuolización. La concentración de cebada de un 8% produjo un efecto negativo a nivel morfológico del intestino, sin embargo, la inclusión de remolacha no produjo ningún efecto.
Los peces fueron sometidos a estrés por ausencia de oxígeno y aumento de densidad durante 10 minutos. Cuando el estrés fue analizado a nivel bioquímico los resultados mostraron que a niveles basales, la inclusión de cebada y remolacha no causó ningún cambio en los niveles de cortisol, glucosa y MDA, aunque los valores basales de lactato fueron significativamente más bajos en los peces alimentados con remolacha y betaína. Treinta minutos después del estrés la concentración de cortisol, glucosa y lactato aumentó significativamente en los peces de todos los grupos y la concentración de MDA disminuyó. La inclusión de cebada mostró valores más bajos de cortisol, glucosa y lactato que la dieta control.
Cuando los peces alcanzaron el peso comercial se analizó la calidad de los filetes y las propiedades antioxidantes. En ambas pruebas los peces alimentados con los ingredientes objeto de estudio mostraron valores de actividad de agua más bajos y una mejora en la textura y el color de los filetes comparado con los peces alimentados con la dieta control. La inclusión de remolacha y betaína no tuvo ningún efecto sobre los parámetros oxidativos del filete, mientras que la inclusión de cebada inhibió su oxidación lipídica. Concentraciones de cebada por encima del 8% mejoraron la actividad antioxidante de los filetes y aumentaron el contenido en alpha-tocoferol, sin embargo, los peces alimentados con remolacha y betaína mostraron un mayor contenido en flavonoides y fenólico pero no se observó ningún efecto sobre las propiedades antioxidantes del filete.
Por último, cuando se llevó a cabo el análisis sensorial se observó que los peces alimentados con dietas con más de un 8% de cebada mostraron unas agallas más rojas y mejor textura, además de un color rojo del filete más intenso, parámetros que se correlacionan con una mejora de la frescura del pescado. Sin embargo, la inclusión de cebada o remolacha en dietas de trucha arco iris no tuvo ningún efecto sobre la aceptabilidad de los filetes. / The current Doctoral Thesis used barley and red beet as alternative carbohydrate sources in rainbow trout diets. The aim was to evaluate their effect on productive, histological and morphometric parameters, their effect on biochemical indexes after an acute stress and their effect on the quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
The different markers studied were the same in the barley and red beet experiments. In the barley experiment, increasing concentrations of barley (0-32%) were used in the diet, starting with an average weight of 127.72 ± 5.65 g and ending when they reached commercial weight after 84 days. In the red beet experiment, two red beet levels (14% and 28%) and two betaine levels (0.9% and 1.63%) were used, starting with an average weight of 69 ± 2.2 g and finishing when they reached commercial weight at the end of 105 days.
The inclusion of barley in rainbow trout diets did not show significant differences in growth and biometric parameters. While the inclusion of 14% of red beet and 0.9% betaine did not affect growth, nutritive or biometric parameters and nutrient retentions compared to control, higher red beet and betaine concentrations showed a negative effect.
When the histological and morphometric parameters were studied in liver and intestine, the results showed that fish fed at high barley concentrations showed smaller hepatocytes than control, while hepatocytes were larger in fish fed with red beet and betaine than control, however, in both cases, the liver had a lower level of vacuolization. Barley inclusion at 8% produced a negative effect at intestine morphological level; however, no effects were observed with the inclusion of red beet.
Fish were submitted to stress, a lack of oxygen and increased of fish density, during 10 minutes. The results showed that at basal levels, the inclusion of barley and red beet did not cause any change in cortisol, glucose and MDA levels, although basal lactate values were significantly lower in the fish fed with red beet and betaine. Thirty minutes after stress the concentration of cortisol, glucose and lactate increased significantly in the fish of all groups and the concentration of MDA decreased. The inclusion of barley showed lower cortisol, glucose and lactate values than control.
When fish reached commercial weight, the quality of the fillets and antioxidant properties were analysed. In both trials, fish fed with the experimental ingredients showed lower water activity values and textural and colour properties were enhanced. Red beet and betaine inclusion did not show any effect on the oxidative parameters of the fillets, while the inclusion of barley showed an inhibitory effect on fillets lipid oxidation. Concentrations of barley above 8% improved the antioxidant activity of the fillets and increased the content of alpha-tocopherol, however, fish fed with red beet and betaine showed a higher content of flavonoids and phenolics but no effect on the antioxidant properties of the fillet.
Finally, when the sensory analysis was carried out, it was observed that fish fed diets with more than 8% barley showed redder gills and better texture than control, in addition to a more intense red colour of the fillet, these characteristics are correlated with an improvement of fish freshness. However, the inclusion of barley or red beet in rainbow trout diets had no effect on the acceptability of fillets. / En la present tesi doctoral es van utilitzar ordi i remolatxa com a fonts alternatives de carbohidrats en dietes per a truita amb l'objectiu d'avaluar el seu efecte sobre paràmetres productius, histologia hepàtica i intestinal, estrès i qualitat de la carn.
Els marcadors estudiants fòren els mateixos en els experiments d`ordi I remolatxa. En les proves de l'ordi es van utilitzar concentracions creixents d'aquest ingredient (0-32%), es va iniciar amb un pes mitjà de 127.72 ± 5.65 g i es va finalitzar quan van arribar al pes comercial al cap de 84 dies. En les proves de remolatxa es van utilitzar dos nivells de remolatxa (14% i 28%) i dos de betaïna (0.9% i 1.63%), es va iniciar amb un pes mitjà de 69 ± 2.2 g i es va finalitzar quan els peixos van aconseguir el pes comercial al cap de 105 dies.
La inclusió d'ordi en dietes de truita no va mostrar diferències significatives en els paràmetres de creixement i biomètrics. La inclusió de 14% remolatxa i 0,9% betaïna no va afectar el creixement, paràmetres nutritius, biomètrics i retencions de nutrients en comparació amb el control, concentracions majors de remolatxa i betaïna van tenir un efecte negatiu.
Quan es van estudiar els paràmetres histològics i morfomètrics en fetge i intestí, els resultats van mostrar que els peixos alimentats amb concentracions creixents d'ordi tenien hepatòcits més petits, mentres que els peixos alimentats amb remolatxa i betaïna presentaven hepatòcits més grans, i en ambdós casos el fetge va mostrar un menor nivell de vacuolització. La concentracion d'ordi d'un 8% va produir un efecte negatiu a nivell morfològic de l'intestí, mentres que la inclusió de remolatxa no va produir cap efecte a nivell d'intestí.
Els peixos van ser sotmesos a estrès per absència d'oxigen i augment de densitat durant 10 minuts. Quan l'estrès va ser analitzat a nivell bioquímic els resultats van mostrar que a nivells basals, la inclusió d'ordi i remolatxa no va causar cap canvi en els nivells de cortisol, glucosa i MDA, encara que els valors basals de lactat van ser significativament més baixos en els peixos alimentats amb remolatxa i betaïna. 30 minuts després de l'estrès la concentració de cortisol, glucosa i lactat va augmentar significativament en els peixos de tots els grups i la concentració de MDA va disminuir. La inclusió d`ordi va mostrar valors més baixos de cortisol, glucosa i lactat que la dieta control.
Quan els peixos van aconseguir el pes comercial es va analitzar la qualitat dels filets i propietats antioxidants. En ambdues proves els peixos alimentats amb els ingredients objecte d'estudi van mostrar valors d'activitat d'aigua més baixos i una millora en la textura i el color dels filets comparat amb els peixos alimentats amb la dieta control. La inclusió de remolatxa i betaïna no va tenir cap efecte sobre els paràmetres oxidatius del filet, mentre que la inclusió d'ordi va inhibir l'oxidació lipídica dels filets. Concentracions d'ordi per sobre del 8% van millorar l'activitat antioxidant dels filets i van augmentar el contingut en alpha-tocoferol, però, els peixos alimentats amb remolatxa i betaïna van mostrar un major contingut en flavonoides i fenòlic però no es va observar cap efecte sobre les propietats antioxidants del filet.
Finalment, quan es va dur a terme l'anàlisi sensorial es va observar que els peixos alimentats amb dietes amb més d'un 8% d'ordi van mostrar unes ganyes més vermelles i millor textura, a més d'un color vermell del filet més intens, paràmetres que es correlacionen amb una millora de la frescor del peix. No obstant això, la inclusió d'ordi o remolatxa en dietes de truita no va tenir cap efecte sobre l'acceptabilitat dels filets. / Pinedo Gil, J. (2018). Study of novel carbohydrate sources on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/107364 / Compendio
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Intramuscular Fat Deposition in Rabbits: Insights into Host-Microbiome Biological MechanismsZubiri Gaitán, Agostina 30 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de la Tesis fue investigar los mecanismos genéticamente determinados involucrados en la deposición de grasa intramuscular (GIM) usando 2 líneas divergentes de GIM (A y B) en el músculo Longissimus thoracis et Lumborum (LTL) de conejos. Consta de cinco estudios que evalúan el rol del huésped y el microbioma usando análisis metabolómicos y metagenómicos.
La respuesta a la selección en la 10ma generación fue 0,49g GIM/100g LTL, equivalente a 3,8 desviaciones estándar (DE). Se obtuvo una respuesta correlacionada positiva en la grasa de la canal y cambios en los ácidos grasos (AG) del LTL, con mayor contenido de saturados (A-B= 5,05g/100g GIM) y monoinsaturados (A-B= 5,04g/100g GIM) en la línea A. No hubo diferencia en la grasa del hígado, pero sí en sus AG, como el menor C15:0 (A-B= -0,04g/100g lípidos) y C17:0 (A-B= -0,09g/100g lípidos) en la línea A, que podría deberse a diferente digestión microbiana.
El análisis metabolómico del plasma encontró 393 metabolitos diferenciales con 95% precisión clasificatoria y 383 metabolitos con ajuste linear a GIM con 65% capacidad predictiva, de los cuales 322 coincidían con diferencias entre -6,04 y +1,97 DE. Los lípidos fueron mayores en la línea B (ej. triglicéridos, ácidos biliares secundarios (AB-2º), AG) y la carnitina fue menor, sugiriendo mayor absorción intestinal y menor captación y almacenamiento, posiblemente relacionada con menor ß-oxidación de AG. Entre los aminoácidos, destacaron los de cadena ramificada (BCAA) y aromáticos (AAA) indicando menor degradación intestinal de BCAA en la línea A seguida de mayor catabolismo del huésped, y una compleja interacción huésped-microbioma en el metabolismo de los AAA.
El análisis metagenómico del ciego confirmó la relevancia del microbioma en la deposición de GIM, con cambios en composición y funcionalidad. El análisis de la composición definió 2 enterotipos con 51 géneros microbianos y 91% precisión clasificatoria: el enterotipo A enriquecido en Hungateiclostridium, Limosilactobacillus, Legionella, Lysinibacillus, Phorphyromonas, Methanosphaera y Desulfovibrio y el enterotipo B en Escherichia, Fonticella, Candidatus Amulumruptor, Methanobrevicater, Exiguobacterium, Flintibacter y Coprococcus. Un balance composicional se propuso como biomarcador para predecir la predisposición genética a la deposición de GIM, compuesto por 26 géneros microbianos con 93% precisión clasificatoria y 69% capacidad predictiva.
El análisis de funcionalidad encontró 240 genes microbianos (GM) diferenciales con 95% precisión clasificatoria y 230 GM con ajuste linear a GIM con 79% capacidad predictiva, de los cuales 122 GM coincidían con diferencias entre -0,75 y +0,73 DE. Mayor biosíntesis de lipopolisacáridos y peptidoglicanos, asociado al desarrollo de masa grasa, biosíntesis de AAA, asociado a trastornos relacionados a la deposición grasa, y conversión de propionato a acetato, relacionado con mayor lipogénesis en el hígado y menor síntesis de C15:0 y C17:0, se encontró en la línea A. Además, se encontró mayor degradación de BCAA en la línea B, asociado con menor síntesis de triglicéridos en el hígado.
El análisis metabolómico del ciego encontró 142 metabolitos diferenciales con 99% precisión clasificatoria y diferencias entre -1,03 y +1,19 DE; 156 relacionados con GIM en la línea A con 61% capacidad predictiva; y 107 relacionados con GIM en la línea B con 57% capacidad predictiva. Diferencias en el metabolismo de las purinas podrían sugerir mayor eficiencia energética y en la utilización del nitrógeno en la línea B, y diferencias en AB-2º, AAA y BCAA fueron consistentes con los resultados anteriores. Un balance composicional se propuso como biomarcador compuesto por 2 AB-2º y 2 subproductos de las proteínas, con 88% de precisión clasificatoria, sugiriendo que la interacción entre absorción lipídica y metabolismo de proteínas de la dieta influyen en la GIM. De validarse, podría usarse para predecir la predisposición genética a la deposición de GIM. / [CA] L'objectiu de la Tesi va ser investigar els mecanismes genèticament determinats involucrats en la deposició de greix intramuscular (GIM) usant 2 línies divergents de GIM (A i B) en el múscul Longissimus thoracis et Lumborum (LTL) de conills. Consta de cinc estudis que avaluen el rol de l'hoste i el microbioma usant anàlisi metabolòmicos i metagenòmicos.
La resposta a la selecció en la 10ma generació va ser 0,49g GIM/100g LTL, equivalent a 3,8 desviacions estàndard (DE) . Es va obtindre una resposta correlacionada positiva en el greix de la canal i canvis en els àcids grassos (AG) del LTL, amb major contingut de saturats (A-B = 5,05g/100g GIM) i monoinsaturats (A-B = 5,04g/100g GIM) en la línia A. No va haver-hi diferència en el greix del fetge, però sí en els seus AG, com el menor C15:0 (A-B = -0,04g/100g lípids) i C17:0 (A-B = -0,09g/100g lípids) en la línia A, que podria deure's a diferent digestió microbiana.
L'anàlisi metabolómico del plasma va trobar 393 metabòlits diferencials amb 95% precisió classificatòria i 383 metabòlits amb ajust linear a GIM amb 65% capacitat predictiva, dels quals 322 coincidien amb diferències entre -6,04 i 1,97 DE. Els lípids van ser majors en la línia B (ex. triglicèrids, àcids biliars secundaris (AB- 2º), AG) i la carnitina va ser menor, suggerint major absorció intestinal i menor captació i emmagatzematge, possiblement relacionada amb menor ß-oxidació d'AG. Entre els aminoàcids, van destacar els de cadena ramificada (BCAA) i aromàtics (AAA) indicant menor degradació intestinal de BCAA en la línia A seguida de major catabolisme de l'hoste, i una complexa interacció hoste-microbioma en el metabolisme dels AAA.
L'anàlisi metagenòmico del cec va confirmar la rellevància del microbioma en la deposició de GIM, amb canvis en composició i funcionalitat. L'anàlisi de la composició va definir 2 enterotipos amb 51 gèneres microbians i 91% precisió classificatòria: el enterotipo A enriquit en Hungateiclostridium, Limosilactobacillus, Legionel·la, Lysinibacillus, Phorphyromonas, Methanosphaera i Desulfovibrio i el enterotipo B en Escherichia, Fonticella, Candidatus Amulumruptor, Methanobrevicater, Exiguobacterium, Flintibacter i Coprococcus. Un balanç composicional es va proposar com biomarcador per a predir la predisposició genètica a la deposició de GIM, compost per 26 gèneres microbians amb 93% precisió classificatòria i 69% capacitat predictiva. L'anàlisi de funcionalitat va trobar 240 gens microbians (GM) diferencials amb 95% precisió classificatòria i 230 GM amb ajust linear a GIM amb 79% capacitat predictiva, dels quals 122 GM coincidien amb diferències entre -0,75 i 0,73 DE. Major biosíntesi de lipopolisacàrids i peptidoglicans, associat al desenvolupament de massa grassa, biosíntesi de AAA, associat a trastorns relacionats a la deposició grassa, i conversió de propionat a acetat, relacionat amb major lipogènesis en el fetge i menor síntesi de C15:0 i C17:0, es va trobar en la línia A. A més, es va trobar major degradació de BCAA en la línia B, associat amb menor síntesi de triglicèrids en el fetge. L'anàlisi metabolòmico del cec va trobar 142 metabòlits diferencials amb 99% precisió classificatòria i diferències entre -1,03 i 1,19 DE; 156 relacionats amb GIM en la línia A amb 61% capacitat predictiva; i 107 relacionats amb GIM en la línia B amb 57% capacitat predictiva. Diferències en el metabolisme de les purins podrien suggerir major eficiència energètica i en la utilització del nitrogen en la línia B, i diferències en AB-2º, AAA i BCAA van ser consistents amb els resultats anteriors. Un balanç composicional es va proposar com biomarcador compost per 2 AB-2º i 2 subproductes de les proteïnes, amb 88% de precisió classificatòria, suggerint que la interacció entre absorció lipídica i metabolisme de proteïnes de la dieta influeixen en la GIM. De validar-se, podria usar-se per a predir la predisposició genètica a la deposició de GIM. / [EN] The Thesis aimed to study the genetically determined mechanisms involved in intramuscular fat (IMF) deposition, using two lines divergently selected for IMF in Longissimus thoracis et Lumborum (LTL) muscle of rabbits (H and L lines). It comprises five studies focused on studying the host and microbiome roles using metabolomics and metagenomics approaches.
The response to selection in the 10th generation was 0.49g IMF/100g LTL, equivalent to 3.8 standard deviations (SD). Selection led to a positive correlated response in carcass adiposity, and to changes in the fatty acids (FA) of LTL, showing greater saturated (H-L= 5.05g/100g IMF) and monounsaturated FA (H-L= 5.04g/100g IMF) in the H line. No differences were found in liver fat, but they were found in its FA profile, being the most notorious the lower C15:0 (H-L= -0.04g/100g lipids) and C17:0 (H-L= -0.09g/100g lipids) in the H line, which could be due to different microbial digestion.
The plasma metabolomics analysis identified 393 differential metabolites with 95% classification accuracy, and 383 metabolites with linear adjustment to IMF and 65% prediction ability, from which 322 overlapped with differences ranging from -6.04 to +1.97 SD. Lipids were greater in the L line (e.g., triglycerides, secondary bile acids, FA) while carnitine was lower, suggesting greater intestinal lipids absorption in the L line, followed by their lower uptake and storage, possibly related to lower FA ß oxidation. Among amino acids, branched-chain (BCAA) and aromatic (AAA) stood out, indicating lower BCAA gut degradation in the H line followed by greater host catabolism, and a complex host-microbiome AAA metabolism.
The caecum metagenomics analysis confirmed the microbial relevance in IMF development, identifying changes in its composition and functionality. The microbial composition analysis defined two enterotypes with 51 microbial genera and 91% classification accuracy. The H-enterotype was enriched in Hungateiclostridium, Limosilactobacillus, Legionella, Lysinibacillus, Phorphyromonas, Methanosphaera and Desulfovibrio, and the L-enterotype in Escherichia, Fonticella, Candidatus Amulumruptor, Methanobrevicater, Exiguobacterium, Flintibacter and Coprococcus. A compositional balance was proposed as biomarker to predict the genetic predisposition to IMF deposition, composed of 26 microbial genera, with 93% classification accuracy and 69% prediction ability.
The microbial functionality analysis identified 240 differential microbial genes (MG) with 95% classification accuracy, and 230 MG with linear adjustment to IMF and 79% prediction ability, from which 122 overlapped with differences ranging from -0.75 to +0.73 SD and related to numerous metabolisms. In the H line, greater lipopolysaccharides and peptidoglycans biosynthesis, related to fat-mass development, AAA biosynthesis, related to associated disorders of increased fat deposition, and propionate to acetate conversion, related to greater liver lipogenesis and lower C15:0 and C17:0 synthesis, were found. Additionally, greater BCAA degradation was found in the L line, related to lower triglycerides synthesis in the liver.
The caecum metabolomics analysis identified 142 differential metabolites with 99% classification accuracy and differences ranging from -1.03 to +1.19 SD; 156 related to IMF in the H line with 61% prediction ability; and 107 related to IMF in the L line with 57% prediction ability. Differences found in purine metabolism could suggest greater energy and nitrogen utilization efficiencies in the L line, while those in secondary bile acids, AAA and BCAA were consistent with the previous results. A compositional balance composed of two secondary bile acids and two proteins by-products with 88% classification accuracy was proposed as biomarker, suggesting that the interaction between lipids absorption and dietary proteins metabolism influences IMF. If validated, it could be used to predict the genetic predisposition to IMF deposition. / Zubiri Gaitán, A. (2024). Intramuscular Fat Deposition in Rabbits: Insights into Host-Microbiome Biological Mechanisms [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202875
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Fleischleistung und Fleischqualität bei Weidenkälbern unter Berücksichtigung des mit Videobildanalyse bestimmten Fettanteils im M. longissimus dorsiSanaa, Djamel 14 February 2010 (has links)
Um Leistungsniveau, systematische Effekte und phänotypische Korrelationen zu schätzen, wurden bei 276 Weidekälbern verschiedener Genotypen aus der Mutterkuhhaltung (Material I) Merkmale der Fleischleistung und der Fleisch¬qualität erfasst und ausgewertet. Neben den Identitäts- und Lebensdaten der Tiere wurden die folgenden Merkmale der Fleischleistung einbezogen: Alter beim Schlachten, Lebendgewicht, Lebenstagszunahme, Schlachtkörper¬gewicht, Nettozunahme sowie die Komponenten der Handelsklasse, also Fleischigkeitsklasse und Fettgewebeklasse. / In order to estimate performance level, systematic effects and phenotypic correlations, characteristics of meat performance and meat quality were recorded and analysed in 276 weaning calves of different genotypes from cow-calf operations (material I). In addition to identity and basic life data, the following characteristics of meat performance were included: age at slaughter, live weight, daily gain, carcass weight, net gain as well as the components of the carcass grade, grade for meatiness and grade for fat¬ness. The following characteristics of meat quality were measured on the meat probes 48 hours and 14 days resp. after slaughter: pH-value (pH1, pH2), meat colour with lightness L* (L*1, L*2) redness a* (a*1, a*2) and yellowness b* (b*1, b*2), Warner-Bratzler shearforce raw (WBS1, WBS2) and cooked (WBS3) as well as intramuscular fat content (IMF).
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Game meat production in the Xhariep district of the Free State province : evaluating and optimising resourcesDerbyshire, Walter January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (D. Tech. Environmental health) -- Central University of technology, Free State, 2011 / In addition to one national park and six nature reserves, the Free State Province boasts several privately owned game reserves, as well as game farmers and commercial stock farmers who keep game. A survey conducted in 1985 showed that the majority of game could be found in the Xhariep District situated in the southern and south-western parts of the province. Game export abattoirs and processing facilities are situated in provinces other than the Free State, which results not only in an outflow of game carcasses for export purposes, but also a loss of employment opportunities and opportunities for the generation of foreign currency from a district (Xhariep) which, from a socio-economic perspective, is seen as deprived. There are 21 non-export highthroughput red meat abattoirs in the province, posing the question as to whether these could be used for the slaughtering of game. This study aimed firstly to compile guidelines for the wild game meat industry regarding the production of wild game meat for the international market and to assess wild game production and utilisation in the Xhariep District through a comprehensive survey of game farming practices, game numbers and species, as well as the utilisation of game through various consumptive and non-consumptive methods. A further aim was to investigate practices at existing slaughter facilities in order to determine their potential to be adapted into wild game meat export facilities and assess such potential via a standardised protocol. The research commenced with an investigation into processing and export requirements for wild game meat in South Africa through a literature study of all EU legislation, directives and other relevant literature on the subject, and provides comprehensive reference material for entrepreneurs and developers in the wild game meat industry. Methodologies utilised included audits to determine the extent to which abattoirs conform to the structural, operational and documentation meat hygiene requirements followed by the development of a novel assessment matrix for measuring the level of compliance of existing abattoirs and their potential to be developed into European Union (EU) export facilities. The survey of the Xhariep area concluded that a significant potential exists for the expansion of the game industry, as several respondents indicated that they were interested in expanding their game production and that they had land available for this purpose. A further indication was that the game would be highly marketable because it was free ranging and could be regarded as organic due to the absence or controlled use of additives and pesticides that could result in chemical residues in the meat. The establishment of a wild game export facility was favoured by nearly 70% of the respondents. The hygiene evaluation of existing slaughter facilities in the Free State Province resulted in six slaughtering facilities being rated as good or excellent, demonstrating the potential to successfully process game meat for the export market. This was tested by utilising the proposed evaluation matrix, which rated the abattoirs most suited to be adapted into game meat processing facilities for export purposes. The value of this approach lies in the fact that it is not only restricted to local markets, but can be utilised internationally by the abattoir industry, as well as the fact that it is not species specific. It should, however, be applied objectively by knowledgeable operators in the industry. It is concluded that institutions in the Free State Province possess the knowledge and ability to not only produce wild game meat, but also to successfully process this commodity through the optimal utilisation of existing high-throughput red meat abattoirs. By utilising existing management skills and affecting relatively minimal adjustments to existing structures, these resources should be utilised to successfully enter the wild game meat export market which should, in turn contribute towards the prosperity of the Xhariep District.
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Efeito das variações térmicas na perda de umidade em carcaças de frango / Effect of thermal variation on the moisture loss in broiler carcassesFranco, Fábio de Oliveira 24 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o impacto das variações térmicas durante o armazenamento de carcaças de frango sobre as propriedades funcionais, especialmente a perda de umidade no descongelamento (Drip Loss). Para avaliação destas condições, foram simuladas duas situações: uma comercial, onde um lote de aves abatidas, evisceradas e resfriadas em chiller foram congeladas até -15 (±2)°C e sofreram variações térmicas em ciclos de 8 horas com retirada das mesmas da câmara de estocagem, passando de -15 (±2)°C a -3(±2)°C, momento em que eram novamente devolvidas a câmara de congelamento (situação crítica) e outro lote mantido congelado a -15(±2)°C (situação ideal). Outra condição, chamada de ensaio modelo, foram simuladas 7 faixas de temperatura de armazenamento (0°C, -3°C, -6°C, -9°C, -12°C, -15°C e -18°C) visando definir faixas críticas, baseadas em valores de Drip Loss. Foram definidas 2 faixas: -3°C e -6°C, baseadas em sua proximidade a faixa mais crítica e com valores maiores de Drip Loss (0°C). Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio comercial, amostra (n=120) de carcaças, divididas em situação ideal (n=60) e situação crítica (n=60) foram descongeladas e submetidas às análises de pH, cor e perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test). Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma tendência (p<0,05) de aumento do Drip Loss com o aumento do tempo de armazenamento na situação crítica, com valores de 4,77(±1,24)% para 3 dias e 10,28(±0,87)% para 120 dias. A situação ideal não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os resultados encontrados, que foram de 5,19(±1,13)% para 3 dias e 4,86(±0,84)% para 120 dias. Para estudo das propriedades funcionais no ensaio modelo, amostras (n=70), em triplicata, de carcaças foram descongeladas e, após a definição das faixas críticas, submetidas às análises de perda umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), capacidade de retenção de água, análise de perda de umidade no cozimento, quantificação do gel protéico, análise do teor de proteínas no exsudato, análise do perfil protéico do exsudato e análise histológica. Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferenças estatísticas (p<0,05) entre as faixas críticas estudadas (-3°C e -6°C) em relação às propriedades funcionais, com exceção das análises de perda de umidade por descongelamento (Drip Test), onde a mesma tendência de aumento do Drip Loss em relação ao tempo de armazenamento foi encontrada, com valores de 5,85 (±1,16)% para 0 dia e 12,33 (±1,12)% para 70 dias na faixa -3°C e 5,83 (±1,93)% para 0 dia e 10,15 (±0,15)% para 70 dias na faixa -6°C. Concluindo, existem evidências de que as variações térmicas promovem o aumento do Drip Loss em relação a um maior tempo de armazenamento. A constatação deste fato serve como base para estudos mais aprofundados sobre o impacto das condições de armazenamento sobre as propriedades funcionais da carne de frango, bem como para padronizar os processos de congelamento, transporte, distribuição e venda de carne de frango congelada. / The objective of this work was to study the impact of thermal variations during the storage of broiler carcasses on its functional properties, especially the moisture loss during thawing (Drip Loss). In order to evaluate these conditions, two situations were simulated: one called commercial, where a batch of slaughtered, eviscerated and chilled on water system broilers were frozen to -15(±2)°C and divided in two equal batches: one of these batches was called Critical Condition and was maintained in a 8 hour cycle of thermal variation ranging from -15(±2)°C to -3(±2)°C while the other, called Ideal Condition was maintained at -15(±2)°C during all the storage time. In another situation, named Model, seven ranges of storage temperature (0±2°C, -3±2°C, -6±2°C, -9±2°C, -12±2°C, -15±2°C , -18±2°C) were simulated in order to obtain the critical ranges based on the Drip Loss values. Two ranges were found based on its proximity to the most critical range and bigger Drip Loss values: -3±2°C and -6±2°C. For the functional properties studies on the commercial situation, a sample (n=120) of broiler carcasses, equally divided in Critical and Ideal were unfrozen and pH, color and Drip Loss analyzed. The results showed a statistical trend (p<0,05) of increase of Drip Loss values as time of storage increases in the critical condition, with values of 4,77±1,24% for 3 days of storage and 10,28±0,87% for 120 days of storage. The ideal condition didnt showed significant differences among the obtained results that were from 5,19±1,13% for 3 days of storage to 4,86±0,84% for 120 days. For the functional properties studies on the model situation, a sample (n=70), in triplicate, of broiler carcasses was thawed and, after the definition of the critical ranges, it was analyzed for Drip Loss, water holding capacity, moisture loss during cooking, Exudative cooking gel quantification, protein quantification on the exsudate, protein profile on the exudate and histological evaluation. The results showed that there were no statistical differences (p<0,05) between the studied critical ranges (-3±2°C and -6±2°C) in relation to its functional properties, except for Drip Loss values, where a trend of increase in Drip Loss as the time of storage increases was found, with values from 5,85±1,16% for 0 days to 12,33±1,12% for 70 days in range -3±2°C and from 5,83±1,93% for 0 days to 10,15±0,15% for 70 days in range -6±2°C. In conclusion, theres some evidence that the thermal variation can cause the increase of Drip Loss values in relation to an increase of the storage time. All these data can be useful as basis for new studies on functional properties of broiler meat regard to thermal variation during storage, as well as, to standard the processes of freezing, transport, distribution, and retail of frozen broiler meat.
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Svetlosni program, gustina naseljenosti i sastav obroka u funkciji proizvodnih parametara,kvaliteta mesa i dobrobiti brojlerskih pilića / Lightening program, stocking density and diet composition in the function of production parameters, meat quality and welfare of broiler chickensVeljić Miljan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraţivanja bio je da se ispita uticaj svetlosnog programa (konstantnog – KS i opadajuĆe- rastuĆeg - ORS), gustine obroka i gustine naseljenosti i njihove interakcije na proizvodne i klaniČne osobine brojlerskih piliĆa, kvalitet mesa i ošteĆenje tabanskih jastuČiĆa.<br />Istraţivanja su sprovedena na farmi piliĆa Donji Crnci nadomak Podgorice u tri ogleda: u prvom su ispitivani efekti svetlosnog programa i gustine obroka, u drugom programi svetla i gustina naseljenosti piliĆa, a u treĆem program svetla i gustina obroka (smeše sa standardnim i poveĆanim sadrţajem energije i proteina, pri Čemu je odnos energija : protein bio konstantan). U svakom ogledu bilo je 320 piliĆa linijskog hibrida Cobb 500, mešanih po polu, a ogledi su trajali 42 dana. U sva tri ogleda formirane su po Četiri grupe sa Četiri ponavljanja i u svakoj grupi bilo je 80 jednodnevnih piliĆa.<br />Proizvodni parametri (telesna masa, utrošak hrane i uginuĆa) praĆeni su u svim ogledima, a izraČunati su konverzija hrane i proizvodni indeks. Telesne mase su merene u uzrastu od 1; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 i 42 dana. Utrošak hrane utvrčivan je na kraju perioda primene pojedinih smeša, i to: 14. dana koliČina konzumirane starter smeše, 35. dana grovera i 42. dana finišer smeše. Mortalitet je odrečivan beleţenjem broja uginulih piliĆa u toku trajanja ogleda. Na osnovu telesnih masa, konverzije hrane i mortaliteta izraČunati su proizvodni indeksi.<br />Na kraju svakog ogleda, sa 6 nedelja starosti, piliĆi su izmereni pojedinaČno, izraČunati su proseci tretmana, a zatim je od svakog tretmana izdvojeno 20 piliĆa (10 muških i 10 ţenskih) radi ispitivanja klaniČnih karakteristika. Pre klanja piliĆi su gladovali 12 sati. Nakon klanja i ČišĆenja trupovi su ohlačeni na 40C u toku 24 sata, a potom obračeni kao: „klasiČna obrada” „spremno za peČenje” i „spremno za roštilj”.<br />Pri konfekcioniranju trupova izdvojena je abdominalna mast, izmerene mase obračenih trupova i dobijeni randmani. Radi utvrčivanja prinosa i udela osnovnih i sporednih delova trupa izvršeno je rasecanje ohlačenih trupova. Ocena konformacije trupova izvršena je na osnovu utvrčenih apsolutnih mera: duţine piska, duţina kobilice, dubina grudi i obim bataka. KorišĆen je indeks koji predstavlja odnos ţive mase pre klanja i posmatrane mere (g/mm).<br />U ogledu II izvršeno je i fiziČko ispitivanje kostiju, na femuru nakon izdvajanja od skeleta brojlera, a u ogledu III odrečeni su sadrţaj vlage, sadrţaj ukupne masti, ukupnog pepela i ukupnih proteina belog i crvenog mesa, na uzorcima mišiĆnog tkiva grudi i karabataka od 5 muških i 5 ţenskih trupova u svakom tretmanu (ukupno 20).</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Rezultati ukazuju da svetlosni program nije statistiČki znaČajno uticao na završne telesne mase u ogledima I i II, dok su u ogledu III veĆe mase utvrčene kod piliĆa tovljenih pri KS. Primena ORS uticala je na usporavanje stope rasta u prvom periodu tova, a kao rezultat kompenzacionog porasta bez uticaja na završne mase, sem u treĆem ogledu. Bolju konverziju hrane u periodu ishrane finišerom postigli su piliĆi u ogledu I pri ORS nego pri KS, kao i u ishrani starterom u ogledu III. Svetlosni programi u ogledu II nisu uticali na konverziju hrane i mortalitet piliĆa.<br />Gustina obroka nije uticala na završne mase, konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks. Kod piliĆa hranjenih obrocima sa višim sadrţajem proteina i energije utvrčene su veĆe telesne mase na kraju tova (P<0.01). Gustina obroka u ogledima I i III nije imala uticaj na konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks. Znatno je veĆa završna masa piliĆa tovljenih pri gustini naseljenosti od 12 grla/m2 (2667,08 g) nego pri 17 grla/m2 (2435,76 g) i razlike su bile statistiČki visoko znaČajne. Nije utvrčen uticaj gustine naseljenosti na konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks.<br />Ispitivani faktori (svetlo, gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti) nisu uticali na randmane, ali jesu interakcije nekih od njih. U svim ogledima utvrčen je manji udeo abdominalne masti pri ORS nego pri KS, ali bez statistiČke znaČajnosti. Gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticali na sadrţaj abdominalne masti. VeĆi je sadrţaj abdominalne masti u svim ogledima bio kod ţenskih nego muških piliĆa. Udeo grudi veĆi je pri KS nego pri ORS, ali su razlike statistiČki znaČajne samo u treĆem ogledu. Gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticale na udeo grudi. Udeo bataka bio je veĆi kod piliĆa tovljenih pri ORS nego pri KS, ali su razlike statistiČki znaČajne samo u prvom ogledu. Udeo karabataka u prvom i drugom ogledu nije se znaČajno razlikovao izmeču svetlosnih programa, dok je u treĆem bio veĆi pri ORS nego pri KS (P<0.01). Nije utvrčen uticaj gustine naseljenosti i gustine obroka na udeo bataka i karabataka. Kod muških piliĆa utvrčen je veĆi udeo bataka, a kod ţenskih karabataka.<br />Relativne vrednosti mera konformacije nisu bile pod uticajem svetlosnih programa i gustine obroka, osim što je pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti relativna vrednost dubine grudi bila veĆa (P<0.05). Na ošteĆenje tabanskih jastuČiĆa nije utvrčen uticaj svetla i gustine obroka, ali su piliĆi pri veĆim gustinama naseljenosti, poČev od 28. dana, imali znatno veĆa ošteĆenja tabanskih jastuČiĆa nego pri manjoj gustini.<br />Svetlosni program i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticali na fiziČke osobine femura: površinu preseka, silu loma i specifiČnu silu loma. Muški piliĆi imali su veĆi površinu preseka i silu loma femura, razlike za površinu preseka su statistiČki znaČajne, ali ne i za silu loma.<br />Procenat masti u tamnom mesu bio je veĆi, a proteina niţi pri ORS nego pri KS. Ostali parametri hemijske analize tamnog i belog mesa nisu bili pod uticajem svetlosnih programa. Gustina obroka nije imala uticaj na hemijski sastav mesa grudi i karabataka.<br />Na osnovu svega iznesenog moţe se zakljuČiti da su sva tri faktora (svetlosni program, gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti), kao i njihove interakcije, uticali na brojne proizvodne parametre i kvalitet mesa brojlera, pa i na njihovu dobrobit u razliČitim fazama tova. ImajuĆi u vidu ogromne razlike u efektima koji se mogu postiĆi pri razliČitim kombinacijama ovih Činilaca, rezultati ovih i sliČnih istraţivanja treba da olakšaju izbor tehnologije koja Će davati najbolje ekonomske efekte u tovu piliĆa. Takoče, tamo gde su rezultati nejasni ili kontradiktorni, treba nastaviti istraţivanja na veĆem broju jedinki i fokusirati se na ekonomski vaţnije proizvodne i klaniČne osobine piliĆa.</p> / <p>The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of the lighting program (constant – KS and intermittent – ORS), feed density and stocking density and their interaction with production and slaughterhouse characteristics of broiler chicken, meat quality and feet pad damage.<br />The research was conducted on a chicken farm Donji Crnci in the vicinity of Podgorica, in three trials: the first trial focused on effects of the lighting program and feed density, the second on the lighting program and stocking density and the third on the lighting program and the feed density (mixes with standard and increased content of energy and protein, with a constant energy:protein ratio). Each of the trials included 320 chicken of the Cobb 500 hybrid line, mixed sexes; trials lasted for 42 days. In all three trials, four groups were formed with four repetitions and each group included 80 one-day chickens.<br />Production parameters (weight, feed consumption and deaths) were monitored in all trials and feed conversion ratio and production index were calculated. Weight was measured when broilers were 1; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 and 42 days old. Feed consumption was determined at the end of the use of specific mixes, as follows: 14th day the quantity of starter mix consumed, 35th day the quantity of grower mix consumed and 42nd day quantity of the finisher mix. Mortality rate was determined by recording the number of chicken that died during the trial. Production indices were calculated based on weight, food conversion ratio and mortality.<br />At the end of all trials, at 6 weeks of age, the chickens were measured individually, group averages were calculated and then by random sampling, 20 chicken were taken from each group (10 males and 10 females) in order to analyse slaughter characteristics. Pre-slaughter fasting lasted for 12 hours. After slaughter and cleaning, the carcasses were cooled to 40C over 24 hours and then processed as: “classical processing”, “ready to grill” and “barbecue ready”.<br />In carcass processing, abdominal fat was taken out, weight of processed carcases measured and carcass yield values were obtained. In order to determine the yield and share of the main and secondary parts of the carcass, cooled carcasses were cut out. Evaluation of carcass conformation was done on the basis of absolute measures of the following: metatarsus length, keel length, breast depth and drumsticks circumference. Index representing the ratio of live weight before slaughter and measure observed was used (g/mm).<br />In Trial II, physical examination of bones was done, on femur, upon separation from the broiler skeleton, and in Trial III moisture content, total fat content, total ash content and total protein of white and red meat was determined on samples of muscle tissue of breasts and thighs of 5 male and 5 female carcasses in each of the treatments (20 in total).<br />The results show that lighting program had no statistically significant effect on final body weight in Trials I and II, while in Trial III, higher weights were recorded in chicken fattened under KS. ORS resulted in slowing down of the growth rate in the first fattening period, and as a result of compensatory growth it had no effect on final weights, except in the third trial. Better food conversion ratio in the period of finisher mix diet was achieved by chicken in Trial I under ORS than those under KS, as well as in starter mix diet in Trial III. Lighting program in Trial II had no effect on food conversion ratio and mortality of chicken. Feed density did not have an effect on final weights, feed conversion, mortality and production index. In chicken fed with meals with higher protein and energy content, higher weight was recorded at the end of the fattening period (P<0.01). Feed density in Trials I and III did not have an effect on feed conversion ratio, mortality and production index. Significantly higher weight was recorded in chicken fattened at the stocking density of 12 animals/m2 (2667.08 g) than at the density of 17 animals/m2 (2435.76<br />8<br />g) and differences had statistically high significance. No effect of stocking density was identified in terms of feed conversion, mortality and production index.<br />Factors analysed (light, feed density and stocking population) did not have an effect on carcass yield, but interactions of some of them did. In all the trials, a smaller share of abdominal fat was established under ORS than under KS, but it was not statistically significant. Feed density and stocking density had no effect on abdominal fat content. Higher abdominal fat content in all trials was found in female than in male chicken. The share of breasts is larger under KS than under ORS, but differences are statistically significant only in the Trial III. Feed density and stocking density had no effect on the share of breasts in the carcass. The share of drumsticks was higher in chicken fattened under ORS than those under KS, but differences were statistically significant only in the Trial I. The share of thighs in Trials I and II did not differ significantly between lighting programs, while in the Trial III it was higher under ORS than under KS (P<0.01). Effect of stocking density and feed density on the share of drumsticks and thighs was not determined. Higher share of drumsticks was determined in male chicken while in female, the share of thighs was higher.<br />Relative values of conformation measures were not influenced by the light programs and feed density, except that in lower stocking density the relative value of the breast depth was higher (P<0.05). Effect of light and feed density on feet pads damage was not determined, but chicken in higher stocking density, as of 28th day, had significantly higher feet pad damage than those in lower stocking density.<br />Light program and stocking density did not have an effect on physical properties of femur: cross-sectional area, breaking force and specific breaking force. Male chicken had larger cross-sectional area and femur breaking force, differences in cross-sectional area were statistically significant, but this was not the case with the breaking force.<br />Percentage of fat in dark meat was higher and that of proteins lower under ORS than under KS. Other parameters of the chemical analysis of dark and white meat were not under the influence of the light programs. Feed density had no effect on chemical composition of breasts and thighs meat.<br />Based on all stated above, it can be concluded that all three factors (light program, feed density and stocking density) as well as their interactions had effect on numerous production parameters and quality of broiler meat, including on their welfare in different fattening phases. Taking into account enormous differences in effects that may be achieved in different combinations of these factors, the results of these and similar researches should make easier the selection of the technology that would yield the best economic effects in chicken fattening. Furthermore, where results are unclear or contradictory, further research should be conducted on a larger number of animals and focus on economically more significant production and slaughterhouse characteristics of chicken.</p>
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Management of stock effluent spillage from trucks in New ZealandThull, Jean-Paul January 1999 (has links)
The key objective of this multi-disciplinary research was to seek for feasible solutions to avoid effluent from livestock trucks spilling onto roads. Stock effluent spillage mainly poses road safety hazards and environmental damage, and also causes offence to road users and tourists. This task required reviewing previous institutional actions, assessing the power of the existing legislation, and evaluating the interests and attitudes of the stakeholder groups involved in the overall livestock supply chain. It was also necessary to consider politics, administration, public policy and economics, gaining the willing cooperation and confidence of the stakeholder groups through application of 'Soft Systems Methodology' (SSM). A key component was the creation of a 13 minute video and its associated brochure as a primary tool for a stakeholder educational awareness programme. It was necessary to analyse the complex relationships between livestock preparation prior to transport; effluent produced in-transit; and end product quality factors. Detailed information pertaining to the nature of livestock shipments by truck in the South Island of New Zealand had to be collected and verified. All the above information were fed into the calculation of an ideal network of in-transit effluent discharge sites on State Highways in the South Island of New Zealand. Assuming the adoption of best practice throughout the supply chain, it was possible to recommend sustainable solutions. The problem is amenable to solution. Adoption of a strong Industry Code of Practice, coupled with the construction of a strategic network of dump sites will enable the industry to avoid the heavy-handed legal consequences of allowing the status quo to continue.
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Características de la canal y calidad de la carne, composición mineral y lipídica del cerdo Chato Murciano y su cruce con Ibérico. Efecto del sistema de manejoGalián Jiménez, Miguel 06 July 2007 (has links)
El cerdo Chato Murciano (CH) es una raza en peligro de extinción. Se estudiaron parámetros de calidad de la canal y de la carne de esta raza autóctona de la Región de Murcia, cerdo CH, y sus cruces con cerdo Ibérico, bajo los sistemas de explotación intensivo y al aire libre. Para ello se diseñaron dos experiencias. Sobre los animales vivos y sus canales fueron tomadas las siguientes medidas: peso vivo, peso de la canal caliente y fría, rendimientos de canal, pérdidas por oreo, medidas morfométricas, pesos de piezas nobles y espesores de tocino dorsal. Adicionalmente, se realizaron una serie de determinaciones sobre parámetros de calidad de carne (sobre el músculo longísimo lumbar): pH y color, porcentaje de grasa intramuscular, pérdidas por goteo, pérdidas por cocción, resistencia al corte, composición mineral, y perfil de ácidos grasos en tocino y músculo. / The Chato Murciano pig is an autochthonous pig breed from the Region of Murcia which is in danger of extinction. The objective of this thesis was the study of the quality parameters for the carcass and the meat of the Chato Murciano, and its cross with the Iberian pig, in both indoor and outdoor farming. Two studies were designed for this purpose. The methods used were those necessary to take the following measurements in live animals and carcasses: live weight, hot and cold carcass weight, carcass yields, storage weight losses, morphometric parameters, weight of most valuable meat cuts and dorsal fat thicknesses. In addition, taking the Longissimus lumbar muscle as our reference, we tested for the following meat quality parameters: pH and colour, intramuscular fat percentage, drip losses, cooking losses, shear force, mineral composition and fatty acid profile in muscle and backfat.
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Einfluss von Herkunft und Alter auf Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualitätsmerkmale von Puten / Effect of line and age on carcass- and meat-quality-traits in turkeysRiegel, Joachim 01 February 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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