Spelling suggestions: "subject:"meatquality."" "subject:"coatingquality.""
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Milho grão seco, úmido e sais de cálcio de ácidos graxos em dietas para novilhos Nelore em confinamento: desempenho, características de carcaça e perfil de ácidos graxos / Dry and high moisture corn and calcium salts of fatty acids in diets for feedlot Nellore steers: performance, carcass traits and fatty acid profileSaulo da Luz e Silva 28 April 2005 (has links)
A maioria dos bovinos criados sob condições brasileiras normalmente sofre alguma restrição alimentar, que exerce efeitos negativos sobre o sistema de produção, implicando em perdas econômicas e de qualidade. Com o objetivo de reduzir esses problemas o confinamento de bovinos com dietas com alta percentagem de grãos é uma alternativa. No entanto, especialmente em relação a raça Nelore, maioria do rebanho brasileiro, a resposta a dietas com alta percentagem de grãos (amido) apresenta resultados variados. Diferentes formas de processamento dos grãos, bem como o aumento da densidade energética da dieta através da adição de gordura também têm sido estudadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do fornecimento de dietas contendo milho grão seco, milho grão úmido e sais de cálcio de ácidos graxos (SCAG) sobre o desempenho características de carcaça e perfil de ácidos graxos do músculo Longissimus dorsi de novilhos Nelore em fase de terminação, bem como utilizar medidas de ultra-sonografia para estimar rendimento da porção comestível após o abate. O fornecimento de milho grão úmido não alterou o ganho médio diário, reduziu a ingestão de matéria seca e tendeu a diminuir a conversão alimentar. A concentração de ácidos graxos polinsaturados, a relação polinsaturado:saturado, ácidos graxos n-6 e a relação n-6:n-3 foi maior nos animais que receberam as dietas contendo milho úmido. Os SCAG não influenciaram o ganho médio diário, aumentaram a ingestão de alimento, sem efeito sobre a conversão alimentar. Os SCAG aumentaram a percentagem de ácidos graxos n-6, bem como a relação n-6:n-3. As equações para estimativa do peso dos cortes comerciais utilizando medidas de ultra-som apresentaram acurácia semelhante àquelas utilizando as medidas obtidas diretamente na carcaça após o abate / The majority of the beef cattle raised under Brazilian conditions is periodically submitted to feed restrictions, which have negative effects to the production system, causing economic and qualitative losses. Feedlot finishing beef cattle is one alternative to avoid these losses. However, the Brazilian herd is composed mostly of cattle from the Nellore breed, which frequently do not have a good performance with diets with a high proportion of grains (starch). Several grain processing ways or increasing energy density through the inclusion of fat have been studied to improve animal performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of diets with dry corn grain, high moisture corn grain and calcium salts of fatty acids (SCAG) on the performance, carcass characteristics and fatty acids profile of the Longissimus dorsi muscle of feed lot finished Nellore steers, as well as to utilize ultrasound measurements to evaluate the edible portion after slaughter. Feeding high moisture corn had no effect on weight gain, but decreased dry matter intake and showed a tendency to decrease feed conversion. High moisture corn diets increased polyunsaturated fatty acids and the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids and also had greater proportion o n-6 and n-6 to n-3 ratio. Feeding SCAG did not affect average daily gain, increased feed intake without effect on feed conversion. The SCAG increased n-6 percentage and the n6 to n3 ratio. The equations to estimate the weight of the retail products using ultrasound measurements showed accuracy similar to those equations using measurements obtained in the carcass after slaughter
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Avaliação das condições microbiológicas de carnes de animais silvestres no município de São Paulo. / Evaluation of microbiological conditions of wild meats in São Paulo city.Sarkis, Flávia 02 September 2002 (has links)
O interesse por espécies animais não convencionais, para a suplementação de proteína animal, é crescente, particularmente nos países africanos e asiáticos, porém, a utilização dessas fontes de alimento ainda é pouco documentada e quase não se sabe sobre as condições microbiológicas das carnes disponíveis para consumo. Este estudo avaliou as condições microbiológicas das carnes de capivara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), cateto (Tayassu tajacu) e javali (Sus scrofa scrofa) in natura comercializadas no Brasil, município de São Paulo. Um total de vinte e sete amostras de carne de capivara, cateto e javali foram analisadas em laboratório e verificado o grau de contaminação por mesófilos aeróbios totais, psicrotróficos, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium sulfito-redutores, coliformes totais e fecais e Salmonella. 22% das amostras de carne de cateto apresentaram-se impróprias para o consumo humano devido à presença de Salmonella. 11% das amostras das carnes de capivara e javali e 22% das amostras de cateto apresentaram contagens elevadas de S. aureus, maiores que o limite máximo estabelecido pela resolução RDC nº12 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) de 02 de janeiro de 2001, para produtos cárneos crus, resfriados ou congelados, uma vez que a resolução não cita tais padrões para carne in natura. Por apresentarem contagem de S. aureus superiores aos padrões estabelecidos, tais amostras são consideradas em condições higiênico-sanitárias insatisfatórias. A análise estatística descritiva apresentou um elevado coeficiente de variação entre as 9 amostras analisadas para cada tipo de carne. Esse alto grau de variação mostra que as condições microbiológicas das amostras não apresentaram uniformidade no decorrer das análises. / The interest for non-conventional animal species, for the supplementation of animal protein is growing, although this food source is little documented. This study has evaluated the microbiological conditions of capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris), collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) and wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) raw meat sold in São Paulo city. A total of twenty-seven samples were evaluated in a laboratory to find out the contamination value by: mesophiles aerobic, psychrotrophs, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium sulfito-redutores, coliforms group and Salmonella. 22% of collared peccary meat samples were improper to human consumption due to the Salmonella presence. 11% of the samples of the capybara meats and boar and 22% of the collared peccary samples presented high counting of S. aureus, larger than the maximum limit established by the resolution RDC nº12 of the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA) of January 02, 2001, for raw meat products, colds or frozen, once the resolution doesn't mention such patterns for raw meat. These samples showed unsatisfactory hygenic-sanitary conditions by presenting S. aureus counting higher than the maximum limit.
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Утицај примене мешавине етарских уља у исхрани на производне карактеристике и квалитет меса бројлерских пилића / Uticaj primene mešavine etarskih ulja u ishrani na proizvodne karakteristike i kvalitet mesa brojlerskih pilića / The effect of dietary supplementation with essential oils mixture on production characteristics and broiler chicken meat qualityPopović Sanja 09 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Задатак ове докторске дисертације је био да се испита могућност и ефекти примене мешавине етарских уља тимијана (Thymus vulgaris), оригана (Origanum vulgare) и рузмарина (Rosmarinus officinalis), као природног промотера раста, у узгоју бројлерских пилића на производне карактеристике, биохемијске параметре крви, хисто-морфолошке параметре јетре и цревних ресица, сварљивост хранљивих материја, квалитет трупа и меса пилића, као и на економичност саме производње.<br />У циљу реализације постављених задатака изведен је биолошки оглед у којем су коришћени бројлерски пилићи линијског хибрида Ross 308. Биолошки оглед је изведен на укупно 840 једнодневних бројлерских пилића, подељених у три огледна третмана, два експериментална и један контролни. Као природни промотер раста коришћена је мешавина етарских уља тимијана, оригана и рузмарина у концентрацијама од 0,05 и 0,10%.<br />Током огледног периода континуирано су праћене производне карактеристике бројлерских пилића, а на основу анализе добијених резултата закључено је да испитивана мешавина етарских уља тимијана, оригана и рузмарина може веома успешно да се користити у исхрани бројлерских пилића као природни промотер раста. Позитиван утицај овог додатка је најпре исказан кроз пораст прираста бројлерских пилића (4,29-4,61%), као и на конверзију хране код јединки (7,69-8,28%). Посматрано по периодима исхране, најекономичнија производња бројлерских пилића у стартер периоду исхране постигнута применом 0,05% мешавине етарских уља тимијана, оригана и рузмарина у исхрани бројлерских пилића, док се у гровер периоду исхране ефикаснијом показала доза од 0,10%. Најекономичнија производња бројлерских пилића током целокупног периода това остварена је применом 0,05% мешавине етарских уља тимијана, оригана и рузмарина у исхрани, будући да је у овом третману постигнута најмања вредност цене прираста пилића (71,41 din/kg) највећа вредност индекса економске ефикасности, као и најмања вредност индекса цена производње. Анализом резултата добијених испитивањем активности панкреасних ензима у крвеном серуму и панкреасу бројлерских пилића, установљено је да додата мешавина етарских уља утиче позитивно на активност поменутих ензима у панкреасу, при чему је установљена и значајна позитивна корелација између активности протеазе у панкреасу и крвном серуму бројлерских пилића (r =+0,858; p<0,05). Када је реч о специфичном титру антитела у крвном серуму бројлерских пилића утврђено је да је примена мешавине етарских уља тимијана, оригана и рузмарина у исхрани бројлерских пилића у концентрацији од 0,10% допринела благом порасту концентрације IgА антитела у крви што потенцијално представља индикатор јачања имунолошког система, док је статистички значајан (p<0,05) утицај уочен и на секрецију IgG антитела у крвном серуму бројлерских пилића у оба експериментална третмана. Додата мешавина етарских уља није испољила ефекте на одабране показатеље липидног статуса крви бројлерских пилића, међутим утицала је на значајно побољшање сварљивости сирових протеина, сирове масти, сировог пепела, калцијума и фосфора код бројлерских пилића, чиме је повећана искористљивост основних хранљивих материја, а самим тим су побољшане и производне карактеристике. Утврђене појединачне вредности свих испитаних фактора квалитета трупа закланих пилића указују на позитивне ефекте које су фитобиотици испољили у организму бројлерских пилића. Такође, применом наведене мешавине етарских уља у исхрани бројлерских пилића добијено је пилеће месо побољшаних нутритивних, технолошких и сензорских својстава. С обзиром на значај масних киселина у исхрани људи, од велике важности је позитиван учинак који је додата мешавина етарских уља тимијана, оригана и рузмарина испољила на маснокиселински састав меса бројлерских пилића. Смањен је садржај засићених масних киселина, уз истовремено повећање садржаја полинезасићених масних киселина, чиме је постигнут препоручен однос n-6 / n-3 масних киселина у месу пилића.<br />На основу добијених резултата може се закључити да се избалансираном храном за бројлерске пилиће, са оптималним саставом и садржајем природних промотера раста могу добити пилићи побољшаних производних карактеристика, који се одликују ефикасном сварљивошћу хранљивих материја, те имају добре рандмане и више меса на трупу. Додатно, добијено месо je побошљаног нутритивног, технолошког и сензорског квалитета, обогаћено n-3 масним киселинама и одликује се оптималним односом n-6/n-3 масних киселина. Када се на све то додају и позитивни економски параметри производње онда се са сигурношћу може тврдити да је употреба мешавине етарских уља тимијана, оригана и рузмарина у исхрани бројлерских пилића потпуно оправдана.</p> / <p>Zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita mogućnost i efekti primene mešavine etarskih ulja timijana (Thymus vulgaris), origana (Origanum vulgare) i ruzmarina (Rosmarinus officinalis), kao prirodnog promotera rasta, u uzgoju brojlerskih pilića na proizvodne karakteristike, biohemijske parametre krvi, histo-morfološke parametre jetre i crevnih resica, svarljivost hranljivih materija, kvalitet trupa i mesa pilića, kao i na ekonomičnost same proizvodnje.<br />U cilju realizacije postavljenih zadataka izveden je biološki ogled u kojem su korišćeni brojlerski pilići linijskog hibrida Ross 308. Biološki ogled je izveden na ukupno 840 jednodnevnih brojlerskih pilića, podeljenih u tri ogledna tretmana, dva eksperimentalna i jedan kontrolni. Kao prirodni promoter rasta korišćena je mešavina etarskih ulja timijana, origana i ruzmarina u koncentracijama od 0,05 i 0,10%.<br />Tokom oglednog perioda kontinuirano su praćene proizvodne karakteristike brojlerskih pilića, a na osnovu analize dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da ispitivana mešavina etarskih ulja timijana, origana i ruzmarina može veoma uspešno da se koristiti u ishrani brojlerskih pilića kao prirodni promoter rasta. Pozitivan uticaj ovog dodatka je najpre iskazan kroz porast prirasta brojlerskih pilića (4,29-4,61%), kao i na konverziju hrane kod jedinki (7,69-8,28%). Posmatrano po periodima ishrane, najekonomičnija proizvodnja brojlerskih pilića u starter periodu ishrane postignuta primenom 0,05% mešavine etarskih ulja timijana, origana i ruzmarina u ishrani brojlerskih pilića, dok se u grover periodu ishrane efikasnijom pokazala doza od 0,10%. Najekonomičnija proizvodnja brojlerskih pilića tokom celokupnog perioda tova ostvarena je primenom 0,05% mešavine etarskih ulja timijana, origana i ruzmarina u ishrani, budući da je u ovom tretmanu postignuta najmanja vrednost cene prirasta pilića (71,41 din/kg) najveća vrednost indeksa ekonomske efikasnosti, kao i najmanja vrednost indeksa cena proizvodnje. Analizom rezultata dobijenih ispitivanjem aktivnosti pankreasnih enzima u krvenom serumu i pankreasu brojlerskih pilića, ustanovljeno je da dodata mešavina etarskih ulja utiče pozitivno na aktivnost pomenutih enzima u pankreasu, pri čemu je ustanovljena i značajna pozitivna korelacija između aktivnosti proteaze u pankreasu i krvnom serumu brojlerskih pilića (r =+0,858; p<0,05). Kada je reč o specifičnom titru antitela u krvnom serumu brojlerskih pilića utvrđeno je da je primena mešavine etarskih ulja timijana, origana i ruzmarina u ishrani brojlerskih pilića u koncentraciji od 0,10% doprinela blagom porastu koncentracije IgA antitela u krvi što potencijalno predstavlja indikator jačanja imunološkog sistema, dok je statistički značajan (p<0,05) uticaj uočen i na sekreciju IgG antitela u krvnom serumu brojlerskih pilića u oba eksperimentalna tretmana. Dodata mešavina etarskih ulja nije ispoljila efekte na odabrane pokazatelje lipidnog statusa krvi brojlerskih pilića, međutim uticala je na značajno poboljšanje svarljivosti sirovih proteina, sirove masti, sirovog pepela, kalcijuma i fosfora kod brojlerskih pilića, čime je povećana iskoristljivost osnovnih hranljivih materija, a samim tim su poboljšane i proizvodne karakteristike. Utvrđene pojedinačne vrednosti svih ispitanih faktora kvaliteta trupa zaklanih pilića ukazuju na pozitivne efekte koje su fitobiotici ispoljili u organizmu brojlerskih pilića. Takođe, primenom navedene mešavine etarskih ulja u ishrani brojlerskih pilića dobijeno je pileće meso poboljšanih nutritivnih, tehnoloških i senzorskih svojstava. S obzirom na značaj masnih kiselina u ishrani ljudi, od velike važnosti je pozitivan učinak koji je dodata mešavina etarskih ulja timijana, origana i ruzmarina ispoljila na masnokiselinski sastav mesa brojlerskih pilića. Smanjen je sadržaj zasićenih masnih kiselina, uz istovremeno povećanje sadržaja polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, čime je postignut preporučen odnos n-6 / n-3 masnih kiselina u mesu pilića.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se izbalansiranom hranom za brojlerske piliće, sa optimalnim sastavom i sadržajem prirodnih promotera rasta mogu dobiti pilići poboljšanih proizvodnih karakteristika, koji se odlikuju efikasnom svarljivošću hranljivih materija, te imaju dobre randmane i više mesa na trupu. Dodatno, dobijeno meso je pobošljanog nutritivnog, tehnološkog i senzorskog kvaliteta, obogaćeno n-3 masnim kiselinama i odlikuje se optimalnim odnosom n-6/n-3 masnih kiselina. Kada se na sve to dodaju i pozitivni ekonomski parametri proizvodnje onda se sa sigurnošću može tvrditi da je upotreba mešavine etarskih ulja timijana, origana i ruzmarina u ishrani brojlerskih pilića potpuno opravdana.</p> / <p>The main objective of this research was to investigate the possibility and effects of dietary essential oils mixtures of thyme (Thymus vulgaris), oregano (Origanum vulgare) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), as a natural growth promoter, in broiler chicken nutrition on productive performances, blood biochemical parameters, morphological parameters of liver and villus, ileal nutrient digestibility, carcass characteristics and broiler meat quality, as well on the economic efficiency coasts of broiler chicken production. In order to realize the tasks set, biological trial was carried out on which Ross 308 strain broiler chickens. A totall of 840 one-day-old broiler chickens were equally distributed into three dietary treatments, two experimental and one control. As a natural growth promoter dietary thyme, oregano and rosemary essential oils mixture in concentrations 0.05 i 0.10% was used.<br />During the experimental period, the production characteristics of broiler chickens were continuously monitored. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, it was concluded that the dietary thyme, oregano and rosemary essential oils mixture can be used very successfully in the nutrition of broiler chickens as a natural growth promoter. The positive effect of this supplement was first expressed through the increase in broiler chickens body weight gain (4.29-4.61%), as well through the feed conversion ratio (7.69-8.28%). Observed by the nutrition periods, the most economical production of broiler chickens in the starter period was achieved using 0.05% of the dietary thyme, oregano and rosemary essential oils mixture, while in a grover period a 0.10% dose proved to be more effective. The most economical production of broiler chickens during the entire fattening period was achieved using 0.05% of the dietary thyme, oregano and rosemary essential oils mixture in nutrition, since in this treatment the lowest value of body weight gain price (71.41 din/kg) was achieved, as well as the highest value of the economic efficiency index, and the smallest value of the price index. Regarding the activity of pancreatic enzymes in blood serum and pancreas of broiler chickens, it was found that the added mixture of essential oils had positive influence on the enzymes activity in pancreas, with a significant positive correlation between the protease activity in the pancreas and the blood serum of broiler chickens (r=+0.858; p<0.05). When it comes to the specific antibody titer in the blood serum of broiler chickens, it has been found that the use of a dietary thyme, oregano and rosemary essential oils mixture in broiler chickens nutrition at a concentration of 0.10% contributed to a mild increase in the IgA antibody concentration in the blood, which potentially represents an indicator of the strengthening of the broiler chickens immune system, while statistically significant (p<0.05) influence was observed on the IgG antibodies secretion in blood serum of broiler chickens in both experimental treatments. The added mixture of essential oils did not influence lipid profile status of broiler chickens blood, however, had positive effect on the digestibility of raw proteins, raw fats, raw ash, calcium and phosphorus in broiler chickens, which increased the utilization of basic nutrients, and therefore production characteristics of broiler chickens were improved. Improved carcass characteristics in experimental treatments indicate positive effects that phytobiotic exhibited in broiler chickens. Moreover, using the mixture of essential oils, nutritional, technological and sensory properties of chicken meat has been improved. Considering the importance of fatty acids in human nutrition, the positive effect of dietary thyme, oregano and rosemary essential oils mixture on the fatty acid composition of broiler chicken meat has a great significance. The saturated fatty acids content was reduced, while the polyunsaturated fatty acids content was increased, thus achieving the recommended ratio of n-6/n-3 fatty acids in chicken meat.<br />Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that with well-balanced feed, which contains optimal composition and content of natural growth promoters, can produce broiler chickens with improved production characteristics, which are characterized by an effective nutrients digestibility, and have good carcass yield and more meat. In addition, the obtained meat will have improved nutritive, technological and sensory quality, enriched with n-3 fatty acids and with optimal ratio of n-6/n-3 fatty acids. When all of this is added to the positive economic parameters of production then it can be safely claimed that the use of a dietary thyme, oregano and rosemary essential oils mixture in broiler chickens nutirition is completely justified.</p>
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Kiaulienos cheminių, fizinių ir technologinių savybių kitimas giluminio užšaldymo ir laikymo metu / Meat freezing and storage influence on its physical and chemical propertiesKorsukovas, Audrius 28 February 2006 (has links)
Introduction. At low temperature the preservation of foodstuffs is one of the best ways of their storage and therefore this method is widely used in meat industry. The low temperature suppresses the activity of microorganisms and tissue ferments. Therefore the meat preserved by freezing keeps for a long time its initial properties and there are only minimal changes of food value and taste. At low temperature the activity of ferments slows down but does not stop.
Work object. The work object is the determination of the change of physical-chemical properties of meat during freezing and keeping in - 180 C and - 860 C temperature.
Work methodics. The research as fulfilled at the laboratory of the evaluation of the cattle meat properties and the meat quality. For the rersearch taken 14 Lithuanian white pig meat samples the mean weight of which was 500 g. were taken. They were put into special freezing bags and were frozen at temperature -180 C, and -860 C. Before freezing it the physical-chemical properties of the meat were determined. Two examples from each meat samples were researched. The determination of the physical-chemical properties of the meat was fulfilled every month.
Also were was taken 6 Lithuanian white pig meat samples the mean weight of which was 500 g. Before freezing it the physical-chemical properties of the meat were determined. After that was made green tea extract, 500 ml. Water ant 50 g tea. All extract was inject in to the meat samples. They were put... [to full text]
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Effects of hydric stress on the growth, blood chemistry and meat quality characteristics of indigenous chickens.Chikumba, Nation. 10 October 2014 (has links)
The broad objective of the study was to determine the effects of restricted water intake on the growth, blood chemistry and meat quality characteristics of indigenous chickens in semi arid environments. A total of 15 flocks in communal villages and 12 flocks in resettlement schemes of Msinga District in South Africa were monitored for 30 months to determine the effects of production system and season on flock size, dynamics and constraints faced by indigenous chicken producers. As a follow up, 281 and 233 chicks hatched in November 2011 from 18 and 9 households in communal villages and resettlement schemes, respectively were monitored using a structured checklist to determine survival and causes of mortality from hatching up to 12 weeks of age. Kaplan-Meier survival distributions and the odds ratios for effects of potential risk factors were determined using survival analysis and logistic regression models, respectively.
Flock composition and structure were significantly affected by production system and month. Farmers in resettlement schemes had approximately one cock and three hens more (P < 0.05) than those in communal villages. The number of growers and chicks were similar (P > 0.05) between the two production systems but chicks were the predominant age group (38 %) of each flock. The cock to hen ratio in households in communal villages was 1:3.5, while that in resettlement schemes was 1:3.7, suggesting that inbreeding might have been reducing flock productivity. Flock sizes in communal villages peaked in March (45.1 ± 3.02) during the post
rainy season and declined steadily to a low of 34.7 ± 3.63 in September during the hot-dry season. The largest flock sizes in resettlement schemes were observed in January (52.4 ± 5.09) during the hot-wet season and the smallest in August (36.1 ± 5.98) during the cold- dry season. Households in communal villages had more chicks (P < 0.05) than cocks, hens and growers throughout the year except in June when the number of growers was equal to that of chicks. In resettlement schemes, the number of chicks was lower (P < 0.05) than the number of hens and growers, except in June and July when it was equal to that of growers. Total entries were not affected (P > 0.05) by production system. Hatched chicks were the major mode of entry, accounting for more than 97 % of entries into flocks. The contribution of purchases, gifts and exchanges was negligible. Mortality was the main cause of exits from flocks, accounting for 70 and 63 % of total exits among households in communal villages and resettlement schemes, respectively. The major causes of mortality were aerial predators, sub-optimalnutrition and inclement weather conditions, which were similar between production systems. The number of birds that exited flocks through slaughter for household consumption was higher (P < 0.05) among households in resettlement (34% of total exits) than communal villages (21 % of total exits). The proportion of chickens exiting flocks through sales was higher in communal (9 %) than resettlement (4.3 %) households.
Chick survival from hatching to 12 weeks was higher (P < 0.05) in communal villages (55 ± 3.14 %) than in resettlement schemes (41 ± 4.19 %). Mean chick survival time did not differ (P > 0.05) between communal (56 ± 3.30 days) and resettlement (49 ± 3.23 days) flocks. Provision of water ad libitum and treatment of sick birds were important covariates in prolonging the survival time of chicks.
The effects of restricted water intake on growth performance, blood chemistry, physicochemical properties, and sensory characteristics of meat from Naked Neck (NNK) and Ovambo (OVB) chickens were also assessed. In the experiment, 54 pullets of each strain with an average weight of 641± 10g per bird were randomly assigned to three water restriction levels for 60 days in a completely randomized design. The treatments were ad libitum, 70% of ad libitum and 40% of ad libitum water intake. Each treatment group was replicated three times. The pectoralis (breast) muscle was sampled for meat quality, fatty acid composition and sensory quality analyses. Ovambo chickens had superior body-weight at 16 weeks of age, average daily gains (ADG) and average daily water intake (ADWI) than NNK chickens. Body weight of birds at 16 weeks of age, ADG, average daily feed intake (ADFI), ADWI and water to feed ratio (WFR) declined progressively (P < 0.05) with increasing severity of water restriction, while food conversion ratio (FCR) values increased (P < 0.05) as the severity of water restriction increased. Naked Neck chickens had better FCR at the 40 % of ad libitum water intake level than OVB chickens. The dressing percentage per bird was higher (P<0.05) in water-restricted birds than those on ad libitum water consumption, irrespective of strain. Heart weight was significantly lower in birds on 40% of ad libitum water intake than those on ad libitum and 70% of ad libitum water intake, respectively. Packed cell volume was higher (P < 0.05) in NNK than OVB chickens offered waterad libitum, but similar in birds offered 70 and 40 % of ad libitum. There were no differences in erythrocyte count (RBC) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) values between strains, but MCV was higher in birds on 40 than 70 % of ad libitum water intake, irrespective of strain. Naked neck chickens had higher (P < 0.05) white blood cell count (WBC) values than OVB chickens at 40 % restriction level, but lower WBC than OVB at 70 % water restriction level. Uric acid, creatinine, triacylglycerides, total cholesterol, low density lipid cholesterol, total protein and globulin increased (P < 0.05) with each increment in water restriction, but the increase in creatinine and total cholesterol was more pronounced in OVB than NNK chickens. The opposite was observed for uric acid. Alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and aspartate transaminase activities were not influenced by strain and water restriction. It was concluded that the two strains could withstand up to 40 % of ad libitum water restriction, but NNK chickens tolerated water stress better than OVB chickens.
Water intake levels of 40% of ad libitum produced meat with significantly lower (P < 0.05) cooking loss, and higher (P < 0.05) redness (a*) values in NNK chickens compared with OVB chickens. Water intake level had no effect (P > 0.05) on lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) values, shear force, moisture and protein contents in both strains. The fat content of NNK meat was 41 % lower (P < 0.05) than that of OVB meat at 70 % of ad libitum, but 31 % higher at 40 % of ad libitum water intake. The ash content was significantly elevated (P < 0.05) in birds on 70 % of ad libitum compared to those on ad libitum and 40 % of ad libitum water intake, which had similar (P > 0.05) ash contents. Birds on 40 % of ad libitum water intake had significantly higher (P < 0.05) proportions of octadecanoic acid (C18:0), cis, cis-9,12-octadecadienoic acid (C18:2 ῳ-6), cis-8,11,14,17-eicosatetraenoic acid (C20:4 ῳ-6), cis-7,10,13,16-docosatetraenoic acid (C22:4 ῳ-6), cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6 ῳ-3), total polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), total omega-3 PUFA and total omega-6 PUFA proportions, but lower (P < 0.05) cis-7-hexadecenoic (C16:1c7), cis-9-octadecenoic (C18:1c9), cis-11-octadecenoic acid (C18:1c11), cis-13-docosenoic acid (C22:1c13), total monounsaturated fatty acids than those on the 70% of ad libitum and ad libitum water intake, respectively. The proportion of trans-9-octadenoic acid (C18:1t9) was higher (P < 0.05) in NNK chickens on 40 % of ad libitum water intake than OVB chickens. It was concluded that water restriction at 40 % of ad libitum water intake resulted in favourable cooking loss values and meat redness (a*) values, omega-3 and 6 PUFA proportions and a high ῳ-6/ῳ-3 ratio. The high fat content of NNK chickens at 40 % of ad libitum water intake compared to OVB chickens suggests a superior adaptation to hydric stress.
Naked Neck breast meat had higher initial impression of juiciness scores than that from OVB chickens, but only in birds on ad libitum and 70 % of ad libitum water intake. Sensory scores for first bite, connective tissue and tenderness decreased with increasing severity of water restriction (P < 0.05). Aroma, flavour and atypical flavour were not affected by strain or water restriction level (P > 0.05). There were significant strain differences for sustained impression of juiciness and tenderness, with the highest scores occurring in NNK chickens (P < 0.05). Aroma had a significant influence on the flavour of breast meat (P < 0.05). Fat content was significantly correlated with initial impression of juiciness, first bite and sustained impression of juiciness of breast meat. It was concluded that water restriction up to 40 % of ad libitum had a significant and adverse impact on juiciness and first bite scores of meat. / Ph.D. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2013.
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Skirtingų ksilanazių, betagliukanazių ir celiulazių koncentracijų įtaka viščiukų broilerių linijų derinio Ross-308 produktyvumui bei mėsos kokybei / The influence of different concentrations of xylanase, beta-glucanase and cellulase on productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens cross line Ross-308Šatkauskienė, Austėja 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimas atliktas 2012-2014 metų laikotarpiu Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete, Veterinarijos akademijoje, GTF Paukščių lesalų ir paukštininkystės laboratorijoje, prie Gyvulininkystės katedros, AB „Vilniaus paukštynas“ ir KTU maisto instituto juslinių tyrimų laboratorijoje. Darbas turi 46 puslapius, 18 lentelių, 6 paveikslus.
Darbo tikslas yra ištirti lesalų, papildytų skirtingų koncentracijų fermentinio priedo, įtaką viščiukų broilerių linijos Ross-308 produktyvumui bei mėsos kokybei.
Darbo uždaviniai yra ištirti fermentinio priedo įtaka viščiukų broilerių produktyvumui, išgyvenimui, virškinamojo trakto turinio sausųjų medžiagų kiekiui, krūtinės ir kojų raumenų pH, vidinių organų, žarnyno svoriui ir ilgiui, viščiukų skerdenos rodikliams ir viščiukų mėsos juslinėms savybėms.
Gauti rezultatai:
Skirtingi fermentinio preparato kiekiai viščiukų broilerių augimo intensyvumui esminės įtakos neturėjo, tačiau juos naudojant lesalų konversija pagerėjo 1-2 proc. Tiriamosiose grupėse buvo nustatytas didesnis broilerių išsaugojimas 1,5-2 proc., palyginus su kontroline grupe.
Analizuojant sausųjų medžiagų ir vandenilio jonų koncentracijas viščiukų broilerių virškinamajame trakte statistiškai patikimų skirtumų tarp kontrolinės ir tiriamųjų paukščių grupių nenustatyta.
Tiriamųjų viščiukų broilerių žarnyno ir aklosios žarnos bendras ilgis padidėjo 4-5 proc., liaukinio skrandžio išsivystymas 5-43 proc., vidaus organų, kaip širdies ir kepenų, svoriai didėjo 8-27 proc., tačiau kasos ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Name of work: “The influence of different concentrations of xylanase, beta-glucanase and cellulase on productivity and meat quality of broilers chickens cross line Ross-308”. The work was performed in year 2012-2014 at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, in Poultry Feed and Poultry Products Laboratory, JSC „Vilniaus paukšynas“ and Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology, in Sensory Analysis Laboratory. The work has 46 pages, 18 tables and 6 images.
The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of NSP enzymes on Productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens.
The tasks of the work were to investigate the effect of different concentrations of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) enzymes for productivity of broiler chickens; effect on broiler chickens mortality, intestinal dry mass, intestinal pH value, breast muscle and leg muscle pH, internal organ weight, intestinal length, broiler carcass results and meat sensory and textual properties.
Different enzyme concentrations did not influence broiler chicken growth performance in general. Though feed conversion was better by 1-2 percent than in the control group. In enzyme treatment groups Broiler chicken mortality was lower by 1,5-2 percent compared to the control group.
During the analysis of dry mass and hydrogen ion concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract of Broiler chickens, results showed that statistically significant differences could not... [to full text]
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Fatty acids and antioxidants in reindeer and red deer : emphasis on animal nutrition and consequent meat quality /Sampels, Sabine, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Beef cattle on semi-natural grasslands : production of meat and nature conservation /Hessle, Anna, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Skara : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Meat quality characteristics of three South African game species : black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou), blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula)Van Schalkwyk, Sunet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Consumer Science)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
Please see fulltext for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Sien asb volteks vir opsomming
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Características da carcaça e da carne de cordeiros Santa Inês alimentados com farelo de mamona destoxificado / Characteristics of carcass and meat of Santa Ines lambs fed with detoxified castor mealPereira, Mônica Synthia Cirino January 2011 (has links)
PEREIRA, Mônica Synthia Cirino. Características da carcaça e da carne de cordeiros Santa Inês alimentados com farelo de mamona destoxificado. 2011. 110 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Zootecnia, Fortaleza-CE, 2011 / Submitted by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T13:51:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2011 / The objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of carcass and meat of Santa Inês lambs submitted to four experimental treatments with increasing concentrations of detoxified castor meal (0%, 33%, 66% and 100%) with dry matter basis. The bulk used consisted of mixed silage of elephant grass, sorghum and sugar cane. Thirty-two non-castrated male lambs were used and slaughtered with average body weight of 30 kg. Experimental tests were conducted in a completely randomized design with four treatments and eight replications (lambs). Data were submitted ANOVA and means compared by Tukey test at 5%. The animals were fasted of food and water for 24 hours and bleeding was performed with section of carotid artery and jugular vein, followed by evisceration. After slaughter, the carcasses were chilled for 24 hours at 4°C and pH was measured on the semimembranosus muscle at 45 minutes and 24 hours after slaughter, also determining weight, hot and cold carcass yield and morphometric measurements. The carcass was longitudinally sectioned into half carcasses, and retail cuts such as leg, loin, rib, rear, neck and shoulder on the right half carcass were obtained, followed by weighing and freezing of shoulder and leg for further evaluation of tissue composition. The longissimus dorsi muscle was used for the qualitative assessments of meat, weight loss due to cooking, shear force, fat content, fatty acid profile, protein content, ash, moisture and sensory analysis. Diet with 100% of castor meal showed the lowest cold carcass yield, leg circumference and chest depth. No statistical difference between treatments was observed for weight and cut yields; however, the diet influenced the rib yield, which showed the lowest value for treatment with 66% of castor meal. Carcass muscularity was affected by the diet, and in the muscle: bone ratio of the leg, a lower average for those fed with 100% of castor meal was observed. There were differences between tissue constituents of leg, muscle, bone and other tissues, and in the palette, bone and other tissues differed. The rib eye area was similar between treatments. There was a significant effect (p <0.05) between treatments for the centesimal composition, with lower percentage of fat, protein and moisture at substitution levels of 66, 100 and 33% respectively. The substitution of castor meal provided an interesting fatty acids profile for consumer health, featuring the best ratios for the evaluated relations between fatty acids. There was no statistical difference between treatments for parameters pH and shear force; however, there was an effect of the substitution in weight loss due to cooking, showing lower percentage 24.42% (p <0.05) in 33% of substitution. The sensory characteristics were evaluated considering attributes such as hardness, juiciness, flavor, color, aroma and overall acceptability. It was shown that diet with 33% of substitution provided meat with higher hardness but without compromising its acceptance. There was no change in the other meat sensory attributes. It could be concluded that the use of diets containing detoxified castor meal as partial substitution for soybean meal does not affect the carcass characteristics of Santa Inês lambs, weight and yield of retail cuts and tissue composition, maintaining its physicochemical and sensory quality. / Objetivou-se determinar as características de carcaças e da carne de cordeiros Santa Inês em confinamento, submetidos a quatro tratamentos experimentais com uso crescente de farelo de mamona destoxificado (0%, 33%, 66% e 100%) com base na matéria seca. O volumoso utilizado foi silagem mista de capim elefante, sorgo e cana-de-açúcar. Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros machos não castrados, abatidos com peso corporal médio de 30 Kg. Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados num delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições (ovinos). Os dados foram submetidos ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Os animais foram submetidos a jejum hídrico e alimentar de 24 horas, a sangria foi feita com secção da artéria carótida e veia jugular, seguida da evisceração. Após o abate as carcaças foram resfriadas por 24 horas a 4º C e realizadas as leituras de pH no músculo semimembranosus aos 45 minutos e 24 horas pós abate, e determinados o peso, rendimento da carcaça quente e fria e efetuado as medições morfométricas. A carcaça foi seccionada longitudinalmente em meias carcaças, sendo obtidos os cortes comerciais de perna, lombo, costilhar, serrote, pescoço e paleta na meia carcaça direita, seguidos de pesagem e congelamento da paleta e da perna para posterior avaliação da composição tecidual. Utilizou-se o músculo longissimus dorsi para as avaliações qualitativas da carne, perda de peso por cocção, força de cisalhamento, teor de lipídios, perfil de ácidos graxos, teor de proteínas, cinzas e umidade além da análise sensorial. A dieta com 100% de farelo de mamona apresentou menor valor em rendimento de carcaça fria, perímetro de perna e profundidade de tórax. Não foi observada diferença estatística entre os tratamentos testados, para o peso e rendimento dos cortes, no entanto a dieta influenciou o rendimento do costilhar que apresentou menor valor para o tratamento com 66% de substituição de farelo de mamona. A estimativa de musculosidade da carcaça sofreu efeito da dieta, na relação músculo:osso da perna, verificou-se menor média para aqueles alimentados com 100% de farelo de mamona. Houve diferença entre os tecidos constituintes da perna, tecido muscular, ósseo e outros tecidos, na paleta diferiram os tecidos ósseos e outros tecidos. A área de olho de lombo foi similar entre os tratamentos. Verificou-se efeito significativo (p<0,05) entre os tratamentos para a composição centesimal, com menor percentual de gordura, proteína e umidade nos níveis de substituição 66, 100 e 33%, respectivamente. A substituição do farelo de mamona proporcionou um perfil de ácidos graxos interessantes à saúde do consumidor, apresentando os melhores índices para as relações avaliadas entre os ácidos graxos. Não foi observada diferença estatística entre os tratamentos para os parâmetros pH e força de cisalhamento no entanto verificou-se efeito dos níveis de substituição na perda de peso por cocção apresentando menor percentual 24,42% (p<0,05) em 33% de substituição. Avaliaram-se as características sensoriais considerando os atributos dureza, suculência, sabor, cor, aroma e aceitação global. Foi evidenciado que a dieta com 33% de substituição proporciona uma carne com maior dureza, sem, contudo, comprometer a sua aceitação. Não se observou variação dos demais atributos sensoriais da carne. Pode-se concluir que a utilização de dietas contendo farelo de mamona destoxificado em substituição parcial ao farelo de soja não interfere nas características de carcaça de ovinos Santa Inês, bem como nos pesos e rendimentos dos cortes comerciais e composição tecidual, mantendo a qualidade físico-química e sensorial.
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