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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

« 世界時裝之苑 »中的都會女性形象: 21世紀中國與法國的女性表述 / Images of the Urban Feminine In ELLE: Women’s Representation in 21st Century’s France and China

劉黎明, Leleu, Oriane Unknown Date (has links)
無 / A close relationship exists between media and the construction of women’s image, even more so in contemporary society when individuals rely on the written press so much to construct themselves. However, many media are still presenting stereotypical images of women as cute nurturers and housewives. Through content and semiotic analysis, the thesis examines the changes in the representation of women as shown on the covers of ELLE magazine at the beginning of the 21st century. The findings show that while the French edition of the magazine is portraying more and more realistic feminine and casually clothed ordinary women who have an extraordinary destiny and are concerned with human rights, ELLE China is walking a thin line between presenting inspirational images of trendy liberated working women and more traditional ones, and trying to mix them together to develop a more local image of the modern Chinese woman, whose Confucian values are still important. On the cover of ELLE China at least, women can acquire a higher status and develop a modern femininity with distinctive Chinese characteristics (although those characteristics are still in evolution) through consumption while the subjects on ELLE France covers are more substantial and varied and the image of the French women on the covers of ELLE magazine appears more stable. Therefore, we can conclude that ELLE serves as a venue for weaving local and global values together and create an image of the French and Chinese modern women in its respective French and Chinese issues.

PR před kamerou: Mediální obraz Public ralations jako profese v české a britské televizní produkci / PR goes on air: The media portrayal of Public Relations on Czech and British television scene

Kopová, Daniella January 2017 (has links)
This paper aims to contribute to knowledge of stereotypization mechanisms, bringing in the case of PR consultants. Using lenses of the key cultural form - film and television series - the project analyses a way of representing PR profession, as depicted on TV screen both in Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, during 2000-2017 time period. Theoretical frame is drawing on key ideas on stereotype, narrowed by film usage, as seen in the work of Walter Lippmann and others. Main hypothesis is based on assumption that negative media portrayal might interfere with professional reputation. Analytical part employs qualitative, thematical analysis that focuses on interpretation of personal features, behavioral characteristics and depiction of reocurring key themes. The final outcome then presents a professional portrayal of Public Relations on Czech and British television scene, builded up on prominent steretypes, accompanied by relevant quotes to illustrate the point. Key findings show undestanding communication as means of persuasion, leading to egoism, a lack of ethical values and dominant attitude in relation to clients and journalists. To prove the contribution argument that these negative attributes will further affect the future professional status of PR, the final insight illustrates such impact by...

Krajně pravicové strany v českých médiích před parlamentními volbami 2017 / Far-right Parties in Czech Media before 2017 Parliament Elections

Bajtler, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Topic of the thesis is the image of Czech far-right parties in Czech media prior to Elections to Chamber of Deputies in 2017. Aim of the thesis is to investigate how media displays far-right parties prior to the Elections in 2017, what the topics of media coverage are in regards of far- right and how the topics changed in the Elections in 2017 comparing with Elections in 2013. Using quantitative content analysis and theory of agenda-setting the thesis monitors texts with far-right topics in national daily newspapers Mladá fronta DNES, Lidové noviny, Právo and Hospodářské noviny in the periods prior to the Elections to Chamber of Deputies in 2017 and 2013. Author also uses qualitative analysis of opinion texts based on theory of framing. The parties followed in thesis are chosen based on definition of far-right by Cas Mudde and definition of right wing populism by Hans-Georg Betz. In the period prior to the Elections in 2017 the followed parties are: Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti; ROZUMNÍ - stop migraci a diktátu EU - peníze našim občanům, důchodcům, dětem, zdravotně postiženým; Svoboda a přímá demokracie - Tomio Okamura; Blok proti islamizaci - Obrana domova; Sdružení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Československa Miroslava Sládka and Řád národa - Vlastenecká unie. In the period prior...

An Ode to Powercoats : En kvalitativ studie av mediernas porträttering av framstående kvinnor och män inom amerikansk politik / An Ode to Powercoats : A qualitative study of media portrayal of prominent women and men in American politics

Lundh, Ida, Andersson, Tilda January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to increase awareness of the media’s portrayal of American female and male politicians. When Kamala Harris became the first female vice-president in the United States a discussion about how men and women should be portrayed in the media began. This discussion sparked an idea for us as writers to investigate gender roles in American politics. The United States is a large, influential country that receives a lot of media attention. This leads to global interest and it is therefore relevant to investigate the media's portrayal of these politicians. To reach a conclusion on the issue, articles from Vogue and The Washington Post were reviewed. The portrayal of men and women in text and image were analyzed within these articles. The articles were analyzed with gender theories from Gunilla Jarlbro and Yvonne Hirdman. Erving Goffman’s theory about gender portrayal was also applied. With methods in semiotics and Fairclough's critical discourse analysis power structures in text and images were made visible. The analysis identified three main discourses: age, clothing and persona. An ethnicity discourse could also be identified in Harris articles. The main conclusion this study has shown is that women and men were portrayed differently. Studies show that the media tends to focus on women’s appearance rather than their political standpoints. This is still the case. However, this study has shown when mentioning clothing it has a purpose and is being used as a tool to strengthen women’s legitimacy.

Obraz Gabriely Koukalové v tištěných médiích v období leden 2017 - červen 2019 / Portrayal of Gabriela Koukalová in the press from January 2017 to June 2019

Sedláčková, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of Gabriela Koukalová's media portrayal in selected print media in the period January 2017 - June 2019. This period was determined due to changes in Gabriela Koukalová's professional focus, as early 2017 she was a successful biathlete who has many victories from international competitions. She stopped racing in autumn of 2017 and due to the controversial biography she published in 2018, she announced retirement from her biathlon career in 2019. ​The aim is to find out whether the media image of Gabriela Koukalová at a time when she was a top biathlete differs from the media image that she had when she stopped competing. ​The theoretical part presents the role of the media in society and the theoretical definition of the construction of the media image. This section also includes mediasport, and media portrayal of biathlon and women in sports. The methodological part of the work describes the chosen analysis methods and the process of data recording. The analytical part of the work is devoted to the interpretation of the obtained results.

Den gode, den onde, den fulle : En narrativ analys av journalister på vita duken

Svensson, Gustav, Jerner, August January 2015 (has links)
This study highlights the stereotypical depictions of journalists in film using a narrative analysis of four major Hollywood productions, starting with All the President’s Men from 1976 through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2011. Its purpose is to highlight traits given to journalists in the movies and re-occuring themes in the portrayal of the media and the journalistic occupation. Differences and commonalities between the films are concluded in a discussion of ethics, personalities and the media’s self image. The paper can be seen as a contribution to the paradigm in which journalism in the movies is perceived at the moment. It offers a wide explanation to how the image of the journalist is conveyed to the public, an image that differs from how real life journalists go about in daily work life. This is essential, since most people never get to experience journalistic work in reality – but solely from popular culture – which distorts the perception of the media as the fourth estate.

"När ni går bort, tro inte att det är slut." : En analys av den samiska artisten Maxida Märaks medverkan i Jills veranda. / “When you pass away, don’t think that’s the end.” : An analysis of the image of the Sami artist Maxida Märaks participation in Jills veranda.

Lord Torvfelt, Lovisa January 2018 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte har varit att skina ljus på porträttering och urval. Närmare bestämt inom området för den samiska musikkulturen och via mediaframställningen av en samisk artist i Jills veranda. Genom ett utvalt program ur serien där den samiska artisten Maxida Märak medverkar genomförs detta. Sett utifrån sin omnämning som samisk artist i-och i anslutning till programmet står Märak och den förmedlade bilden av henne i fokus för undersökningen av hur det samiska framhävs. Genom att undersöka både det klingande och hur man pratar om musiken förs urvalen fram. Dessa utgör innehållet för hur den samiska artisten representeras. Undersökningen har vidare genomförts utifrån teorin om immateriella kulturarv. I den immateriella kulturarvsprocessens faser beskrivs hur uppmärksammade ”företeelser väljs ut och ges särskild status som symboler för en kultur”.[1] Teorin innehåller ett stort fokus på värdetillskrivning utifrån rådande sociala normer och vad som tillskrivs symboliskt värde värderas människor emellan. Undersökningen visade att Märak i Jills veranda porträtterades på ett sätt som till viss del bekräftade tidigare normbaserade stereotyper som framkom i undersökningen, så som jojkens stora roll och den etniska sammankopplingen till musiken. Därtill påverkade artisten både genom att bekräfta såväl som motarbeta normerna genom hur hon framställde sin musik i både utövande och i dialog. Motarbetandet av normer framgick som en röd tråd i artistens intention bakom musiken. Musiken framkom också ha ett funktionellt syfte, då musiken i avsnittet tycks användas för att motarbeta och i tillägg också återta makten över definitionen av vad som är samiskt. Utifrån detta framkom den politiska kampen som ett essentiellt innehåll i hur artisten i programmet framställer sin musik. Slutligen präglades hela produktionen av olika urfolksgrupper som sammanlänkades genom sin musik vilket ytterligare framhöll musiken som en gemensam symbol över landsgränser.

Bitcoin: Mediální obraz kryptoměny / Bitcoin: Media Portrayal of a Cryptocurrency

Keprtová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to find out how the Czech printed media face relatively new and complex phenomenon that emerged in the monetary sphere - virtual currency bitcoin. Through the means of quantitative content analysis, all printed titles showing relevant references to bitcoin between the years 2009 and 2016 were examined. The thesis is divided into several chapters. The theoretical part contains different media concepts dealing with the agenda-setting, the creation of a media portrayal and the construction of social reality through mass media. From a theoretical point of view, the cryptocurrency bitcoin was also subject for detailed analysis. The following methodological part of the thesis introduces the main objective of research, research questions and research design. The analytical part provides a clear overview of the results obtained, then interpreted and compared with predetermined hypothesis. The overview of collected findings about the media image of the virtual currency bitcoin in the Czech press are summarized in the conclusion. The thesis is the first paper to deal with the issues of the virtual currency bitcoin from the point of view of media discourse in the Czech Republic, and its ambition was to gather completely new information on this topic.

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