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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mediace jako metoda alternativního řešení sporů / Mediation as a method of alternative dispute resolution

Sixtová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the mediation as one of the methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The main reason for choosing this topic was topicality of issues because in the last years the mediation has been developing in our country. A relatively recent adoption of The Mediation Act No. 202/2012 Sb., which is effective since 1st September 2012, contributed to this development. The thesis involves seven chapters that are further subdivided. In the Chapter One, basic information relating to an alternative dispute resolution are summarized. Characteristic features are shown there and there are more details of each method of ADR. Chapter Two examines basic characteristic of the mediation as a method of ADR. This chapter consists of four subchapters that analyze in more detail historical development of the mediation, basic characteristic features of the mediation, basic principles of the mediation and finally also advantages and disadvantages of the mediation. The status of the mediator is discussed in the Chapter Three of this thesis. The main focus is on the question of impartiality and independence of the mediator, as well as its duty of confidentiality. Chapter Four includes basic information about the status of parties to the conflict because they are the ones who have...

Angiopoietin-like protein 4 in bovine physiology

Li, Shihhui January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Barry Bradford / Angiopoietin-like protein 4 (ANGPTL4) is a 55-kDa secreted glycoprotein which is an important factor for regulation of energy and lipid metabolism. Plasma ANGPTL4 has the ability to inhibit lipoprotein lipase (LPL) function by preventing it from catalyzing hydrolysis of lipoprotein triglyceride, which contributes to ANGPTL4’s ability to decrease fat storage. Furthermore, research in mice suggests that gut microbes suppress gastrointestinal ANGPTL4 production, and that decreased plasma ANGPTL4 concentrations promote fat storage. In our previous work, we found that bovine ruminal epithelial cells expressed ANGPTL4 to a greater extent than liver hepatocytes, which are usually considered the predominant source of circulating ANGPTL4. Therefore, 3 studies were conducted to evaluate the hypothesis that ruminal expression and plasma concentrations of ANGPTL4 could be influenced by alterations in ruminal fermentation. The first and second studies utilized dietary treatments intended to alter ruminal fermentability. Diets with relatively low or high forage content were fed to 12 non-lactating dairy cows (study 1) and 8 beef cattle (study 2) prior to collection of ruminal fluid and ruminal tissue samples. The results suggested that increasing the dietary concentrate decreased ruminal expression of ANGPTL4 but did not significantly alter plasma ANGPTL4 concentrations. The third study was designed to assess whether effects of diet fermentability on ruminal ANGPTL4 synthesis are mediated by changes in volatile fatty acid concentrations. In this study, 6 lactating cows were infused with acetate, propionate, or butyrate in a Latin square design. Results showed that ANGPTL4 expression was not significantly altered by volatile fatty acid infusions, but that expression was correlated with ruminal pH and total volatile fatty acid concentration. The mechanism by which ANGPTL4 regulates intracellular lipid metabolism also remains unclear. Although ANGPTL4 is known to associate with β1 and β5 integrins, it is unknown if these extracellular matrix proteins mediate the effects of ANGPTL4 in adipose tissue or muscle. The objective of the last experiment was to detect the ANGPTL4 receptor or mediator in muscle satellite cells and adipose tissue. We successfully expressed recombinant bovine ANGPTL4 with a cell free glycoprotein synthesis system. However, we did not detect the ANGPTL4–receptor complex following exposure to bovine adipose tissue explants or cultured bovine muscle satellite cells. Overall, these research projects determined that the ruminal ANGPTL4 production is influenced by fermentation, but it remains unclear whether fermentation products or direct host/microbe interactions are responsible. Finally, it will be important to identify the ANGPTL4 receptor or mediator to better understand the downstream regulatory mechanisms involved in mediating the metabolic effects of ANGPTL4.

O bibliotecário como mediador cultural: concepções e desafios à sua formação / he librarian as a cultural mediator: concepts and challenges to their training

Lima, Celly de Brito 21 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho interroga a formação do bibliotecário como um mediador cultural, sujeito comprometido com processos de apropriação e de protagonismo cultural no país. A pesquisa parte da hipótese de que a mediação cultural, intrínseca à profissão de bibliotecário, é tratada de forma insuficiente e confusa em normas, diretrizes e orientações para a sua formação. Desenvolve pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para compreender e aprofundar questões em torno dos conceitos estudados. Identifica e analisa documentos orientadores que manifestam representações do profissional bibliotecário - manifestos da International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions e Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, além da lei brasileira que regulamenta a profissão de bibliotecário e de diretrizes do Ministério da Educação. Também desenvolve pesquisa documental em propostas brasileiras e francesas de cursos de mediação cultural - graduação e pós-graduação - no sentido de embasar a ideia do \"bibliotecário mediador cultural\", já que as propostas permitem inferir descrições de mediador cultural. Percebe que nas normas, diretrizes e nos documentos orientadores o bibliotecário não é colocado de forma clara como um mediador cultural, tampouco como negociador cultural, mas como um educador e difusor de cultura, que oferta serviços direcionados à assimilação e ao consumo cultural, deixando de responder à demanda da apropriação e protagonismo cultural. Considera que o desafio que precede todos os outros, para a formação do bibliotecário como mediador cultural, é o de refletir, discutir, teorizar e explicitar os conceitos de formação, superando a visão dualista (tecnicismo x humanismo, técnica x prática, fazer x pensar...) que vem orientando historicamente a Ciência da Informação e a Biblioteconomia. / This work interrogates about the formation of a librarian as a cultural mediator, a person committed to processes of appropriation and cultural protagonist in the country. The research starts from the hypothesis that cultural mediation, intrinsics to the occupation of librarian is treated improperly and confusingly in standards and guidelines for their training. It carries out bibliographical and documentation research to understand and deepen issues around the concepts studied. It identifies and analyzes prescriptive documents showing representations of professional librarian - manifest of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and Unesco, as well as Brazilian law that regulates the occupation of librarian and guidelines Ministry of Education. It also develops documentary research in Brazilian and French proposals of cultural mediation courses - graduate and postgraduate studies -in order to support the idea of \"Librarian cultural mediator\", since the proposals allow us to infer descriptions of cultural mediator. It realizes that the standards, guidelines and policy documents librarian is not placed clearly as a cultural mediator, neither as a negotiator, but as an educator and diffuser of culture, that offer services aimed at assimilation and cultural consumption, failing to respond to the demand of appropriation and cultural protagonism. It considers that the challenge that precedes all others, for the formation of the librarian as a cultural mediator, is to reflect, discuss, theorize and explain the concept of formation, surpassing the dualistic view (technicality x humanism, technical x practice, do x think...) which has historically guiding the Information Science and the Librarianship.

O uso do jogo autódromo alquímico como mediador da aprendizagem no ensino de Química / The use of game alchemical speedway as a mediator of learning in the Chemistry teaching

Eliana Moraes de Santana 29 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar um jogo didático intitulado Autódromo Alquímico e como esse tipo de metodologia pode contribuir para o Ensino de Química. As hipóteses de trabalho a priori são que atividades lúdicas e jogos desse tipo podem (i) favorecer a motivação dos alunos e o interesse dos mesmos em aprender (ii) desenvolver nos educandos habilidades cognitivas através das Funções Psicológicas Superiores (FPS) tais como: Emoção, Imaginação, Percepção, Atenção, Memória, Pensamento, Linguagem, Abstração e Generalização, por fim,(iii) possibilitar a significação e o aprofundamento do conhecimento a respeito da Alquimia e da Química. A pesquisa foi realizada na perspectiva do método de análise qualitativa, sendo desenvolvida nos moldes do estudo de caso. O Referencial Teórico utilizado e em relação à função do jogo é baseado em Vygotsky e seus alunos, Leontiev e Elkonin principalmente. A atividade lúdica trabalhada foi o Jogo Autódromo Alquímico e todas as suas etapas de aplicação inseridas no contexto da Educação em Química. Os colaboradores do trabalho foram 263 estudantes de nove turmas do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola particular da cidade de Itabuna no estado da Bahia. A obtenção dos dados foi realizada através de análises diagnósticas (iniciais, continuadas e finais) com perguntas abertas, além de filmagens digitais e entrevistas com os educandos sendo, posteriormente, tratados com a utilização de ferramentas da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados encontrados corroboraram as três hipóteses (i) (ii) e (iii). Os dados encontrados demonstraram existir uma relação direta entre a aplicação da atividade lúdica e uma maior ressignificação e aprofundamento do conhecimento em Química. Conclui-se que o Jogo foi benéfico para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em Ciências, pois houve aprendizagem e ressignificação do conhecimento da Alquimia e da Química. Também foi perceptível o desenvolvimento de várias habilidades apontadas como importantes para a formação de um cidadão crítico e reflexivo. / The objective of this research was to analyze a didactic game titled Alchemical Speedway and how such a methodology can help to teach chemistry. Working hypotheses are that play activities and games of that type may (i) foster students\' motivation and interest in learning the same (ii) to develop in students the higher psychological functions (FPS) such as: Emotion, Imagination, Perception, Attention, Memory, Thought, Language, Abstraction and Generalization, finally, (iii) enable the significance and deepen the knowledge of alchemy and chemistry. The survey was conducted in view of the method of qualitative analysis, being developed as a case study. The theoretical basis and in relation to the function of the game is based on Vygotsky and his students, Leontiev and Elkonin mainly. Leisure activity was crafted game Alchemical Speedway and all stages of application placed in the context of Education in Chemistry. Employees of the study were 204 students from nine classes in 9th grade of elementary school to a private school in the city of Itabuna in the state of Bahia. Data collection was performed through diagnostic tests (initial, continuing and final) with open questions, in addition to digital footage and interviews with the students and subsequently treated with the use of tools of content analysis. The results corroborate the three hypotheses (i) (ii) and (iii). The data showed a direct relationship exists between the application of leisure activity and a major reframing and deepening of knowledge in chemistry. We conclude that the game was beneficial to the process of teaching and learning in science, because there was learning the knowledge of Alchemy and Chemistry. Also noticeable was the development of various skills identified as important for the formation of a critical and reflective citizen.

Mediator and NER factors in transcription initiation / Médiateur et facteurs NER lors de l'initiation de la transcription

Bidon, Baptiste 03 November 2017 (has links)
La synthèse d’ARN messagers résulte d’une cascade d’évènements temporellement et spatialement orchestrée. Au moment de l’initiation de la transcription, divers facteurs tels que les facteurs généraux de transcription, le complexe Médiateur, des co-activateurs, des facteurs de remodelage de la chromatine ainsi que l’ARN polymérase II sont recrutés au niveau de la région promotrice du gène. Certains facteurs de la voie NER de réparation de l’ADN sont également recrutés. En utilisant des cellules de patients porteurs de mutations dans les gènes MED12 (sous-unité du Médiateur) ou XPC (facteur initiant la voie NER), nous avons pu étudier le rôle de ces protéines dans la transcription. Les patients MED12 sont notamment caractérisés par une lourde déficience intellectuelle et des malformations congénitales. Nous avons montré que MED12 est impliqué dans le contrôle de certains gènes de réponse immédiate comme JUN, qui contribue notamment au développent et à la plasticité cérébrale. L’expression de ce dernier est affectée par les mutations de MED12, mais différemment en fonction de la position de la mutation, apportant une possible indication sur l’origine des variations phénotypiques observées chez les patients. En parallèle, les patients XPC se caractérisent par une forte photosensibilité. Nous avons montré que la protéine XPC, en collaboration avec le facteur E2F1, est impliquée dans le recrutement de l’histone acetyl-transférase GCN5 au niveau du promoteur d’un certain nombre de gènes. Cette dernière permet notamment l’a modification de l’environnement chromatinien, en coopération avec le facteur général de transcription TFIIH et participe ainsi à l’initiation de la transcription. En plus d’approfondir la compréhension des mécanismes régissant la transcription, ces résultats ont permis de mieux comprendre l’étiologie des maladies associées aux mutations. / The synthesis of messenger RNA is a highly regulated process. During transcription initiation, a large number of proteins are recruited to gene promoter, including the RNA polymerase II, general transcription factors, co-activators, chromatin remodellers and the Mediator complex. Some DNA repair factors from the NER pathway are also recruited. Using cells derived from patients bearing mutations in either MED12 gene or XPC gene, we studied the roles of such proteins in transcription. MED12 patients are mostly characterised by intellectual disability and developmental delay. We showed that MED12 is implicated in the transcription regulation of immediate early genes like JUN, known for its role in neurological development and neuronal plasticity. JUN expression is markedly altered by MED12 mutations. We also showed that the position of the mutation influences this alteration, bringing possible explanation for inter-patients symptom variability. Meanwhile, XPC patients are mostly characterized by photosensitivity. We showed that XPC protein, which engages one of the NER pathways, is implicated in chromatin post-translational modification. Together with E2F1, it helps the recruitment of GCN5 acetyl-transferase to promoter of a certain set of genes. On the promoter, GCN5 notably cooperates with TFIIH to modify the chromatin environment during transcription initiation. In addition to help the comprehension of the transcription mechanisms, these results bring knew insight into the aetiology of mutations associated diseases.

Media??o de conflitos familiares e criatividade: um estudo a partir do perfil do mediador / Family conflict mediation practice and creativity: a study of mediator profile

Pligher, Simone de Andrade 14 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Simone Pligher.pdf: 339507 bytes, checksum: 82774678243ceb3268f979460f352781 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / This work intends, through the theoretical concept of mediation, family and creativity, the delineation of the mediator profile and his influence in family mediation practice close to Courts. The research focused the mediator personal characteristics, and the development of the mediation process, besides the relation with creativity. The sample was composed by 16 mediators, of both sexes, by the age of 32 to 64, of many professional origins. The instruments were: questionnaire and three problem situations that described parent s conflict about support obligation. The results indicated that mediators had qualification course that varied from 20 to 104 hours, are volunteers, had a little experience with mediation and did on average one mediation, from 30 to 60 minutes of duration. Through the problem situations, the results demonstrated that mediators usually define the problem situation like psychological and inter personal, adoption of informational strategies and frequent use of closed questions. Consequently, they most used evaluation positions. The research also evaluated the fluency, flexibility and originality of mediators ideas relating with creativity, concluding that the mediators creative process is limited. The questionnaire answers were submitted to content analysis and qualitative evaluation. The research pointing that the way utilized by mediators can t facilitate the development of personal creativity and social creativity in this kind of conflict. / O trabalho apresentado pretende, a partir de conceitos te?ricos sobre media??o, fam?lia e criatividade, tra?ar o perfil dos mediadores e sua influ?ncia na pr?tica de media??o familiar junto aos Tribunais. A pesquisa enfocou as caracter?sticas pessoais do mediador, assim como do processo de media??o por ele realizado e sua rela??o com a criatividade. A amostra foi composta por 16 mediadores, de ambos os sexos, na faixa et?ria de 32 a 64 anos, de v?rias origens profissionais. Os instrumentos foram: question?rio e tr?s situa??es problema que versavam sobre conflito entre pais a respeito de pens?o aliment?cia. Os resultados apontaram que os mediadores se capacitaram atrav?s de curso com dura??o m?dia de 40 horas, s?o volunt?rios, t?m pouca experi?ncia pr?tica em media??o e realizam em m?dia uma sess?o de media??o por caso, com dura??o de 30 a 60 minutos. A partir das situa??es problema, os resultados demonstraram maior tend?ncia para defini??o dos problemas sob o ponto de vista psicol?gico e interrelacional, ado??o de estrat?gias informativas e realiza??o de perguntas fechadas. Constatou-se maior utiliza??o de posturas avaliadoras, em detrimento das facilitadoras. Tamb?m se verificou ser limitado o processo criativo dos mediadores pela an?lise do n?vel de flu?ncia, flexibilidade e originalidade das respostas. As respostas ao question?rio foram submetidas ? an?lise de conte?do e avalia??o qualitativa, passando ao crivo de tr?s ju?zes especialistas na ?rea para verifica??o do ?ndice de concord?ncia. Concluiu-se que a media??o, na forma como vem sendo aplicada, n?o facilita o desenvolvimento da criatividade pessoal e social nesse tipo de conflito.

Promotion de l'activité physique et prévention de l'excès de poids chez l'adolescent par une approche socioécologique : résultats à distance de l'intervention de l'étude ICAPS / Adolescent’s physical activity promotion and overweight prevention using a socioecological approach : long term results of the ICAPS intervention study

Kellou, Nadir 05 November 2013 (has links)
Promouvoir l'activité physique durablement à l'adolescence est un enjeu majeur de santé publique. À ce jour, les programmes susceptibles d'être efficients restent discutés. ICAPS, une étude randomisée de quatre ans, a montré l'intérêt d'une approche socioécologique pour promouvoir l'activité physique, limiter la sédentarité et prévenir le surpoids chez l'adolescent. Cependant, le maintien à long terme, l'équité et les mécanismes expliquant l'efficacité de cette intervention restaient à démontrer. Dans ce travail, nous avons montré que les effets d'ICAPS se maintenaient à distance de l'intervention de manière équitable. Les effets étaient similaires quels que soient le genre et le poids initial et tendaient à être plus élevés chez les adolescents les moins socialement favorisés, les plus sédentaires et ne bénéficiant pas de support parental à la pratique d'activité physique. Grâce à l'utilisation de modèles d'équations structurelles, nous avons pu démontrer que l'efficacité de l'intervention reposait bien sur les mécanismes envisagés dans le modèle théorique initial. Les déterminants personnels (perception de l'activité, norme sociale, sentiment d'accomplissement personnel et intention de pratiquer), le support social et l'offre d'activité ont été identifiés comme des médiateurs significatifs. Nous avons de plus montré que le programme avait favorisé des interactions synergiques entre ces facteurs. Autrement dit, grâce à son action sur le support social et l'environnement, ICAPS a permis aux adolescents de mettre en pratique les compétences acquises grâce aux actions ciblant l'individu, renforçant l'efficacité de l'intervention et son maintien à long terme / Promoting long term physical activity practice during adolescence is one of the public health priorities. Nowadays, the question about the program’s efficiency aiming at reaching this objective is still on course. ICAPS, a four year randomized controlled trial, highlighted the benefits of a socioecological approach in the physical activity promotion and the sedentary behavior and overweight preventions in adolescence. However, the sustainability, the equity and the understanding efficacy mechanisms of such a program have still not been studied. In this report, long term effects of the ICAPS program have been established as its efficient equity. ICAPS effects were similar whatever the adolescent’s gender and initial weight status and were stronger among the adolescent’s from a low socioeconomic status, with a higher sedentary behavior and among those considered as having a low parental support towards physical activity practice. Using structural equation modeling, our results confirmed the efficiency mechanisms of the socioecological approach. Individual determinants (physical activity perception, social norm, self efficacy and intention to practice), adolescent’s social support and physical activity offer were identified as significant mediators. Moreover, we have highlighted that the program has promoted synergistic interactions between them. Finally, with its action over the social support and the environment, the ICAPS program allowed the adolescent’s to put into practice the competences they have acquired with the individual centered actions, reinforcing the program efficacy and its long term sustainability

Aktuálne otázky pôsobenia poisťovacích sprostredkovateľov na českom poistnom trhu / Actual questions of functioning mediators in the insurance market of the Czech Republic

Krotká, Katarína January 2012 (has links)
This paper is focused on the conditions under which insurance agents (mediators) can operate in the insurance market of the Czech Republic. The main aim of this paper is to outline the current legislation regulating the activities of insurance agents and evaluate the weaknesses identified in this legislation. The first chapter is focused on the specifications of individual insurance products offered and the ways in which these characteristics influence their distribution. Second chapter discusses the different distribution channels available. The third chapter is focused on current legislation in this area and the amendment recently submitted for approval. The general public opinion on the activities of insurance agents in the Czech Republic is evaluated in the last chapter.

O bibliotecário como mediador cultural: concepções e desafios à sua formação / he librarian as a cultural mediator: concepts and challenges to their training

Celly de Brito Lima 21 March 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho interroga a formação do bibliotecário como um mediador cultural, sujeito comprometido com processos de apropriação e de protagonismo cultural no país. A pesquisa parte da hipótese de que a mediação cultural, intrínseca à profissão de bibliotecário, é tratada de forma insuficiente e confusa em normas, diretrizes e orientações para a sua formação. Desenvolve pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para compreender e aprofundar questões em torno dos conceitos estudados. Identifica e analisa documentos orientadores que manifestam representações do profissional bibliotecário - manifestos da International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions e Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, além da lei brasileira que regulamenta a profissão de bibliotecário e de diretrizes do Ministério da Educação. Também desenvolve pesquisa documental em propostas brasileiras e francesas de cursos de mediação cultural - graduação e pós-graduação - no sentido de embasar a ideia do \"bibliotecário mediador cultural\", já que as propostas permitem inferir descrições de mediador cultural. Percebe que nas normas, diretrizes e nos documentos orientadores o bibliotecário não é colocado de forma clara como um mediador cultural, tampouco como negociador cultural, mas como um educador e difusor de cultura, que oferta serviços direcionados à assimilação e ao consumo cultural, deixando de responder à demanda da apropriação e protagonismo cultural. Considera que o desafio que precede todos os outros, para a formação do bibliotecário como mediador cultural, é o de refletir, discutir, teorizar e explicitar os conceitos de formação, superando a visão dualista (tecnicismo x humanismo, técnica x prática, fazer x pensar...) que vem orientando historicamente a Ciência da Informação e a Biblioteconomia. / This work interrogates about the formation of a librarian as a cultural mediator, a person committed to processes of appropriation and cultural protagonist in the country. The research starts from the hypothesis that cultural mediation, intrinsics to the occupation of librarian is treated improperly and confusingly in standards and guidelines for their training. It carries out bibliographical and documentation research to understand and deepen issues around the concepts studied. It identifies and analyzes prescriptive documents showing representations of professional librarian - manifest of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions and Unesco, as well as Brazilian law that regulates the occupation of librarian and guidelines Ministry of Education. It also develops documentary research in Brazilian and French proposals of cultural mediation courses - graduate and postgraduate studies -in order to support the idea of \"Librarian cultural mediator\", since the proposals allow us to infer descriptions of cultural mediator. It realizes that the standards, guidelines and policy documents librarian is not placed clearly as a cultural mediator, neither as a negotiator, but as an educator and diffuser of culture, that offer services aimed at assimilation and cultural consumption, failing to respond to the demand of appropriation and cultural protagonism. It considers that the challenge that precedes all others, for the formation of the librarian as a cultural mediator, is to reflect, discuss, theorize and explain the concept of formation, surpassing the dualistic view (technicality x humanism, technical x practice, do x think...) which has historically guiding the Information Science and the Librarianship.

O uso do jogo autódromo alquímico como mediador da aprendizagem no ensino de Química / The use of game alchemical speedway as a mediator of learning in the Chemistry teaching

Santana, Eliana Moraes de 29 February 2012 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar um jogo didático intitulado Autódromo Alquímico e como esse tipo de metodologia pode contribuir para o Ensino de Química. As hipóteses de trabalho a priori são que atividades lúdicas e jogos desse tipo podem (i) favorecer a motivação dos alunos e o interesse dos mesmos em aprender (ii) desenvolver nos educandos habilidades cognitivas através das Funções Psicológicas Superiores (FPS) tais como: Emoção, Imaginação, Percepção, Atenção, Memória, Pensamento, Linguagem, Abstração e Generalização, por fim,(iii) possibilitar a significação e o aprofundamento do conhecimento a respeito da Alquimia e da Química. A pesquisa foi realizada na perspectiva do método de análise qualitativa, sendo desenvolvida nos moldes do estudo de caso. O Referencial Teórico utilizado e em relação à função do jogo é baseado em Vygotsky e seus alunos, Leontiev e Elkonin principalmente. A atividade lúdica trabalhada foi o Jogo Autódromo Alquímico e todas as suas etapas de aplicação inseridas no contexto da Educação em Química. Os colaboradores do trabalho foram 263 estudantes de nove turmas do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola particular da cidade de Itabuna no estado da Bahia. A obtenção dos dados foi realizada através de análises diagnósticas (iniciais, continuadas e finais) com perguntas abertas, além de filmagens digitais e entrevistas com os educandos sendo, posteriormente, tratados com a utilização de ferramentas da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados encontrados corroboraram as três hipóteses (i) (ii) e (iii). Os dados encontrados demonstraram existir uma relação direta entre a aplicação da atividade lúdica e uma maior ressignificação e aprofundamento do conhecimento em Química. Conclui-se que o Jogo foi benéfico para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em Ciências, pois houve aprendizagem e ressignificação do conhecimento da Alquimia e da Química. Também foi perceptível o desenvolvimento de várias habilidades apontadas como importantes para a formação de um cidadão crítico e reflexivo. / The objective of this research was to analyze a didactic game titled Alchemical Speedway and how such a methodology can help to teach chemistry. Working hypotheses are that play activities and games of that type may (i) foster students\' motivation and interest in learning the same (ii) to develop in students the higher psychological functions (FPS) such as: Emotion, Imagination, Perception, Attention, Memory, Thought, Language, Abstraction and Generalization, finally, (iii) enable the significance and deepen the knowledge of alchemy and chemistry. The survey was conducted in view of the method of qualitative analysis, being developed as a case study. The theoretical basis and in relation to the function of the game is based on Vygotsky and his students, Leontiev and Elkonin mainly. Leisure activity was crafted game Alchemical Speedway and all stages of application placed in the context of Education in Chemistry. Employees of the study were 204 students from nine classes in 9th grade of elementary school to a private school in the city of Itabuna in the state of Bahia. Data collection was performed through diagnostic tests (initial, continuing and final) with open questions, in addition to digital footage and interviews with the students and subsequently treated with the use of tools of content analysis. The results corroborate the three hypotheses (i) (ii) and (iii). The data showed a direct relationship exists between the application of leisure activity and a major reframing and deepening of knowledge in chemistry. We conclude that the game was beneficial to the process of teaching and learning in science, because there was learning the knowledge of Alchemy and Chemistry. Also noticeable was the development of various skills identified as important for the formation of a critical and reflective citizen.

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