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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

<b>Novel mechanisms in regulating neutrophil migration</b>

Tianqi Wang (17549139) 05 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In this dissertation, we utilized the zebrafish model and the human neutrophil model to investigate the novel mechanisms that regulate neutrophil motility and chemotaxis.</p>

Mechanisms and Biological Costs of Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobial Peptides

Lofton Tomenius, Hava January 2016 (has links)
The global increasing problem of antibiotic resistance necessarily drives the pursuit and discovery of new antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) initially seemed like promising new drug candidates. Already members of the innate immune system, it was assumed that they would be bioactive and non-toxic. Their common trait for fundamental, non-specific mode of action also seemed likely to reduce resistance development. In this thesis, we demonstrate the ease with which two species of pathogenic bacteria, the gram-negative Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium), and the gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), can gain increased tolerance and stable resistance to various AMPs. By serially passaging each bacterial species separately under increasing AMP selection pressure we observed increasing AMP tolerance. Resulting in independent bacterial lineages exposed to four different AMPs (including a two-AMP combination) that exhibited 2 to 16-fold increases in MIC. Substantial cross-resistance between the AMPs was observed. Additionally, the S. aureus mutants were found to be cross-resistant to human beta-defensins 1, 2, 3, and 4. The LPS molecule, with mutations in the waaY, pmrB and phoP genes, was the principal target for S. typhimurium resistance development. The main target for S. aureus remained elusive. Reduced membrane potential was a common change for two of the mutants, but not for the others. All sequenced mutants had one or more mutations in various stress response pathways. Fitness of the resistant mutants was assayed by growth rate analysis and in vitro virulence factor testing (e.g. survival response to bile, superoxide, acidic pH). Furthermore an in vivo survival/virulence test involving a mouse competition experiment (S. typhimurium) and sepsis model (S. aureus) was performed. In the absence of AMPs there was often little or no fitness reduction in the mutants. Our results suggest that AMP resistance mechanisms do not irrevocably weaken either species with regard to virulence characteristics or survival within the host. In light of these findings, we suggest that the progression of therapeutic use of AMPs should proceed with great caution since otherwise we might select for AMP resistant mutants that are more resistant to our innate host defenses and thereby potentially more virulent.

Base moléculaire et rôle du courant potassique transitoire I(A) des interneurones de l'hippocampe chez le rongeur

Bourdeau, Mathieu 05 1900 (has links)
Les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui sous-tendent la mémoire et l’apprentissage chez les mammifères sont incomplètement compris. Le rythme thêta de l’hippocampe constitue l’état « en ligne » de cette structure qui est cruciale pour la mémoire déclarative. Dans la région CA1 de l’hippocampe, les interneurones inhibiteurs LM/RAD démontrent des oscillations de potentiel membranaire (OPM) intrinsèques qui pourraient se révéler importantes pour la génération du rythme thêta. Des travaux préliminaires ont suggéré que le courant K+ I(A) pourrait être impliqué dans la génération de ces oscillations. Néanmoins, peu de choses sont connues au sujet de l’identité des sous-unités protéiques principales et auxiliaires qui soutiennent le courant I(A) ainsi que l’ampleur de la contribution fonctionnelle de ce courant K+ dans les interneurones. Ainsi, cette thèse de doctorat démontre que le courant I(A) soutient la génération des OPM dans les interneurones LM/RAD et que des protéines Kv4.3 forment des canaux qui contribuent à ce courant. De plus, elle approfondit les connaissances sur les mécanismes qui régissent les interactions entre les sous-unités principales de canaux Kv4.3 et les protéines accessoires KChIP1. Finalement, elle révèle que la protéine KChIP1 module le courant I(A)-Kv4.3 natif et la fréquence de décharge des potentiels d’action dans les interneurones. Nos travaux contribuent à l’avancement des connaissances dans le domaine de la modulation de l’excitabilité des interneurones inhibiteurs de l’hippocampe et permettent ainsi de mieux saisir les mécanismes qui soutiennent la fonction de l’hippocampe et possiblement la mémoire chez les mammifères. / Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying learning and memory in mammals are incompletely understood. The theta rhythm in the hippocampus constitutes the « on-line » state of this structure which is crucial for declarative memory. In the CA1 hippocampal area, LM/RAD inhibitory interneurons exhibit intrinsic membrane potential oscillations (MPOs) that could be important for the generation of theta rhythm. Preliminary work suggested that K+ current I(A) could be involved in the generation of these oscillations. Nevertheless, little is known about the identity of the principal and auxiliary protein subunits underlying I(A) current and the extent of the functional contribution of this K+ current in hippocampal interneurons. Thus, this Ph.D. thesis shows that I(A) current underlies MPO generation in LM/RAD interneurons and that Kv4.3 proteins form channels that contribute to this current. Also, it deepens the knowledge on the mechanism controlling the interactions between Kv4.3 channel-forming principal subunits and KChIP1 auxiliary proteins. Finally, it reveals that KChIP1 modulates native I(A)-Kv4.3 current and the action potential discharge frequency in interneurons. Our work takes part in advancing the knowledge on the field of modulation of excitability in hippocampal inhibitory interneurons and allows a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the function of the hippocampus and possibly memory in mammals.

Rythme lent du bulbe olfactif : étude des oscillations du potentiel de membrane des cellules mitrales/à panache et de leurs relations avec l’activité de décharge et l’activité du réseau / Slow rhythm of the olfactory bulb : study of membrane potential oscillations of mitral/tufted cells and their relationships with discharge and network activities

Briffaud, Virginie 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le rythme lent lié à la respiration est une caractéristique proéminente de l’activité du bulbe olfactif de rat. Il se définit par des oscillations de grande amplitude du potentiel de champ local, une activité de décharge des cellules mitrales/ à panache (M/P) synchronisée à la respiration et des oscillations lentes de leur potentiel de membrane (OPLM). Des relations spécifiques entre ces activités détermineraient la participation d’une cellule M/P au traitement de l’information olfactive. Jusqu’à présent, il n'existait que très peu de données sur ces relations. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de caractériser les OLPM des cellules M/P et d’étudier les relations qu’elles entretiennent avec l’activité de décharge et l’activité du réseau bulbaire. Pour répondre à cet objectif, nous avons mis au point une technique d’enregistrements simultanés de l’activité intracellulaire des cellules M/P et du potentiel de champ local du bulbe olfactif chez l’animal anesthésié et libre de respirer. Nous montrons que plusieurs types d’OLPM existent. Des relations spécifiques s’établissent entre ces OLPM et la synchronisation de l’activité de décharge à la respiration. Nous observons également l’existence de relations complexes entre les OLPM et les oscillations du réseau bulbaire. L’ensemble de ces résultats nous permet d’intégrer la dynamique lente, et plus particulièrement celle du potentiel de membrane, à un schéma général du traitement de l’information olfactive et de proposer son implication dans la formation d’assemblée de neurones. / The respiration-related slow rhythm strongly shapes the activity of the olfactory bulb. This rhythm is characterized by high amplitude oscillations in the local field potential, respiration synchronization of mitral/tufted (M/T) cell discharge and slow oscillation of M/T cell membrane potential (OLPM). Specific relationships between these activities could determine the M/T cell participation to olfactory processing. However, little is known on these relationships. The aim of my thesis has been to characterize M/T cell OLPM and to study the relationships between OLPM and both discharge and bulbar network activities. In this way, we recorded simultaneously intracellular activity of M/T cell and local field potential of olfactory bulb in anesthetized freely breathing rat. We showed that several types of OLPM can be distinguished and exhibited specific relationship with the respirations ynchronization of M/T cell discharge activity. We observed also specific and complex relationships between OLPM and local field potential oscillation. Taken together, our results allowed us to integrate slow rhythm, and more particularly OLPM, in the more general scheme of olfactory processing.

Somatosensory cortical processing in the mouse forepaw system

Zhao, Wen-Jie 14 September 2016 (has links)
Der primäre somatosensorische Kortex (S1) besteht aus sechs Schichten (L1L6).Die koordinierte Aktivität dieser sechs Schichten kortikaler Neurone ist entscheidend für die sensorische Wahrnehmung und die Steuerung willkürlichen Verhaltens. Es ist jedoch noch wenig über die synaptischen Mechanismen bekannt, die die Verarbeitung zwischen den kortikalen Schichten bei sich aktiv verhaltenden Tieren bestimmen. Ich habe einfache und doppelte in vivoGanzzellableitungen im VorderpfotenAreal von S1 in der Maus gemacht, und gezeigt, dass Pyramidalzellen in L2/3 und L5 während einer Bewegung der Vorderpfote Unterschiede in ihren intrinsischen Eigenschaften und der Dynamik ihrer Membranpotenziale zeigen. Doppelableitungen haben gezeigt, dass sensorisch und motorisch ausgelöste synaptische Eingänge zwischen den Zellschichten weitgehend korreliert waren, niederfrequente unterschwellige Potenzialschwankungen und spontane Aktionspotenziale jedoch einen schichtspezifischen Zeitverlauf zeigten. Auf einer längeren Zeitskala beobachteten wir, dass spontane Bewegungen der Vorderpfote eine Dekorrelation unterschwelliger Aktivität zwischen den Schichten auslösten. Des Weiteren zeigten L5Pyramidalzellen durch ihre Aktivität sensorisch ausgelöste und spontane Bewegungen der Vorderpfote stärker an, als L2/3Neurone. Insgesamt deuten meine Daten darauf hin, dass Unterschiede zwischen den Zellschichten beim Timing von Aktionspotenzialen, bei der unterschwelligen Synchronisierung und bei den mittleren Feuerraten sowohl von der Quelle des zu Grunde liegenden synaptischen Eingangs als auch vom resultierenden Verhalten abhängen. Außerdem konnte ich zeigen, dass Neurone im VorderpfotenAreal von S1 auf leichte Kältereizung der Vorderpfote antworten, und dass diese Antwort vom Ionenkanal transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8 (TRPM8) in primären sensorischen afferenten Neuronen vermittelt wird. / The primary somatosensory cortex (SI) is composed of six layers (L1L6). The coordination of neural activities across six layers of cortical neurons is essential for reliable sensory perception and the control of voluntary behavior. However, the synaptic neural mechanisms governing translaminar cortical processing in behaving animals are still unknown. I made in vivo single and dual whole cell recordings in mouse forepaw SI, my work revealed that L2/3 and L5 pyramidal neurons have distinct intrinsic properties and membrane potential dynamics during forepaw behavior. Dual recordings showed that sensory and movement evoked synaptic inputs were closely correlated across layers, but low frequency subthreshold fluctuations and spontaneous action potentials exhibited a laminar specific temporal profile. At longer time scales, my data showed that spontaneous forepaw movement evoked a decorrelation of subthreshold activity across layers. Furthermore, L5 pyramidal neurons signaled sensory evoked and spontaneous forepaw movements more strangely than L2/3 neurons. Overall, my work suggests that laminar differences in the timing of action potential firing, subthreshold synchrony and mean firing rates are dependent both on the origin of the underlying synaptic input and the behavioral outcome of the event. In addition, I identified that forepaw SI neurons respond to mild cooling stimulation of the forepaw and that this response is mediated by the Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8 (TRPM8) in primary sensory afferent neurons.

Resonanzverhalten und Netzwerkoszillationen in der hippokampalen Formation der Ratte in vitro

Boehlen, Anne 06 September 2010 (has links)
Rhythmische neuronale Aktivität spielt vermutlich eine wichtige Rolle in der Informationsverarbeitung im zentralen Nervensystem. Oszillationen neuronaler Netze sind heterogen, von der Hirnregion und ihrer Funktion abhängig und werden entsprechend ihrer Frequenz eingeteilt. Für ihre Entstehung sind über die Verschaltung der Neuronen und der synaptischen Übertragung hinaus insbesondere die Erregbarkeit und Oszillationseigenschaften einzelner Neurone von Bedeutung. Bestimmte Zellen der hippokampalen Formation wie zum Beispiel Sternzellen (SC) der Schicht II des Entorhinalkortex zeigen oszillatorische Aktivität und antworten verstärkt auf Stimuli einer bestimmten Frequenz – sie sind resonant. Beide Phänomene werden auf spezifische spannungsabhängige Leitfähigkeiten in der Membran zurückgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Resonanzfrequenz von SCs durch das Muster der vorhandenen Leitfähigkeiten bestimmt wird und von der Position der Zelle entlang der dorso-ventralen Achse abhängt. Dieser Gradient ist bereits in frühen Entwicklungsstadien nachweisbar. Im Zuge der weiteren Entwicklung werden SCs weniger erregbar und der Bereich der Resonanzfrequenz dehnt sich nach dorsal aus. Pharmakologische Experimente ergaben, dass die Resonanz von SCs von HCN-Kanälen abhängt und von Kv7-Kanälen moduliert wird. Außerdem konnten zwei, bisher unbekannte Klassen von oszillatorischen Interneuronen beschrieben werden, deren Resonanz ebenfalls im Theta-Bereich liegt und auf ähnliche Leitfähigkeiten zurückgeführt werden kann. Weitere, auch CA1-Pyramidenzellen einschließende Experimente ergaben, dass HCN-Kanäle die allgemeine Voraussetzung für Resonanz zu sein scheinen während Kv7-Kanäle potente Modulatoren darstellen. Die pharmakologische Blockade dieser Kanäle unterbrach Netzwerkoszillation im Hippokampus. Dies unterstützt die These, dass bestimmte Leitfähigkeiten Neuronen Resonanzeigeschaften verleihen und somit wiederum Netzwerkoszillationen unterstützen. / Rhythmic neuronal activity is thought to be crucial for information processing in the brain. Neuronal network oscillations are heterogeneous, vary with brain region and type of information processed. They are classified according to their frequency content. Their generation relies on network circuitry, synaptic transmission and neuronal properties. Oscillatory behavior of individual cells has been particularly implicated. Different cell types within the hippocampal formation such as layer II stellate cells (SC) of the medial entorhinal cortex display oscillatory activity and are resonant, i.e., respond preferentially to stimuli of a given frequency. Voltage dependent ionic conductances have been suggested to give rise to these phenomena. It was found that resonance of SCs is defined by the composition of voltage-dependent channels embedded in their membrane and changes with their position along the dorsal-ventral axis. This gradient of SC properties develops during early postnatal life. During the transition to adulthood cells become less excitable and the range of resonance frequencies expands in the dorsal direction. Pharmacological experiments reveal the resonance of SCs to depend strongly on HCN-channels and to be modulated by Kv7-channels. Also, two previously unknown classes of oscillating interneurons were identified in the stratum radiatum of the CA1 region. These are targeted by neurons from the dentate gyrus, display frequency preferences in the theta range which relies on similar membrane conductances. Further experiments including CA1 pyramidal cells suggested HCN-channels to be the primary global requirement for resonance whereas Kv7-channels appear to be effective modulators. Pharmacological blockade of these channels disrupted ongoing network oscillations in the hippocampus. This supports the notion that specific ion channels support rhythmic activity of individual cells and in turn of entire networks.

Recherche et études de marqueurs précoces permettant de déterminer l'état de fraicheur de filets de poissons / Research and early marker studies to determine the state of fish fillet freshness

Cléach, Jérôme 17 December 2018 (has links)
La fraîcheur est un paramètre clé de la qualité du poisson. Les méthodes actuelles appliquées en routine pour déterminer la fraîcheur du poisson ne sont pas applicables à toutes les espèces et reflètent davantage un début d'altération du produit. Ainsi, la recherche d'indicateurs précoces de fraîcheur du poisson représente encore un défi majeur et d'actualité dans l'industrie de la pêche. Le but de ces travaux de thèse était de démontrer que les fonctions et l'intégrité mitochondriales étaient susceptibles de constituer des indicateurs précoces de la fraîcheur de filets de poisson. En effet, la mitochondrie est la "centrale" énergétique de la cellule eucaryote et joue un rôle clef dans les mécanismes de mort cellulaire tels que l'apoptose et la nécrose. Les fonctions et l'intégrité mitochondriales de cellules musculaires de filets de poisson ont été étudiées à différents temps de conservation post mortem à 4°C. Le modèle d'étude était la daurade royale (Sparus aurata) (lignée cellulaire de fibroblastes (SAF-1) et muscles de poisson). Dans un premier temps, la structure des mitochondries de poisson a été étudiée par microscopie électronique à transmission. De nombreuses dégradations de la structure des mitochondries ont été observées dans les filets à partir de 72 heures (J3) de conservation à 4°C. Ces altérations se sont accentuées à J4 et J6. La fonctionnalité des mitochondries a ensuite été évaluée selon deux approches : la respiration mitochondriale (oxygraphie) et le potentiel membranaire mitochondrial (ΔΨₘ) estimé avec la sonde fluorescente Rhodamine 123. A partir de 96 heures de conservation à 4°C (J4), ces deux paramètres ont été significativement impactés témoignant d'une altération des fonctions et de l'intégrité mitochondriales.Ces résultats sont ainsi en corrélation avec l'altération structurale observée par microscopie. En parallèle, une méthode d'évaluation du potentiel membranaire a été développée avec un fluorimètre à microvolume à partir d'un modèle bactérien puis de mitochondries isolées. Ces travaux de thèse ont démontré que l'étude des fonctionnalités mitochondriales constitue un marqueur fiable et précoce de la fraîcheur des filets de poisson. Des connaissances supplémentaires sur les mécanismes cellulaires post mortem ont également été apportées. Ces résultats constituent ainsi le point de départ pour le développement d'un kit d'évaluation de la fraîcheur et ouvrent la voie pour la recherche de marqueurs de fraîcheur et de congélation/décongélation basés sur les fonctionnalités et intégrité mitochondriales. / Freshness is a key parameter of fish quality. Current routine techniques to determine fish freshness are not applicable to all species and reflect a late stage of alteration. Thus, research on early indicators of fish freshness still represents a major and topical challenge in fishing industry. This PhD research project aimed to demonstrate that mitochondrial functions and integrity constitute early indicators of fish fillet freshness. Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell and play a central role in cell death mecanisms such as apoptosis and necrosis. Mitochondrial function and integrity in fish filet muscle cells were studied at different times of storage post mortem at 4°C. The species studied as a model was the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) (gilthead seabream fibroblast cell line (SAF-1) and fish fillets). Firstly, the structure of fish mitochondria was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Numerous mitochondrial structural alterations have been observed in fish fillet from 72 hours (D3) of storage at 4°C. These alterations were more pronounced at D4 and D6. Then, mitochondrial functionality was assessed with two approaches: mitochondrial respiration (oxygraphy) and mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨₘ) estimated with the fluorescent probe Rh123. From 96 hours of storage at 4°C (D4), these two parameters were significantly disrupted demonstrating the alteration of mitochondrial function and integrity. The results are in correlation with the mitochondrial structural alterations described by microscopy. In parallel, a method of mitochondrial membrane potential evaluation has been developed with a micro-volume fluorimeter, first using bacteria and then isolated mitochondria. This work demonstrated that the mitochondrial functionality study constitutes a reliable and early fish filet freshness indicator. Additional knowledge on cell mechanisms in post mortem condition has been brought. These results constitute the starting point for the development of a fish freshness assay kit and pave the way to research on others freshness and freeze-thawing indicators based on mitochondrial integrity and functionality.

Social and sexual representation in the primary somatosensory cortex

Lenschow, Constanze 27 March 2017 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Neurophysiologie von zwei relevanten Berührungen: Die Vibrissenberührung von Artgenossen und die Berührung der Genitalien. Im ersten Teil, habe ich durch in vivo Ganzzellableitungen vom Barrel Kortex in kopf-fixierten Ratten untersucht, wie die Membranpotentialaktivität durch das Berühren einer Ratte aussieht. Während der Berührung von Artgenossen waren die Vibrissenbewegungen mit starken Membranpotentialänderungen assoziiert. Bei der spontanen Vibrissenbewegung wurden die Korrelationen nicht beobachtet. Weiterhin traten die Membranpotenzialfluktuationen bereits auf, bevor die Tiere sich berührten. Dies wurde allerdings nicht in anesthetisierten Ratten beobachtet. Zusätzlich waren die mit der Vibrissenberührung korrelierten Membranpotenzialfluktuationen größer, wenn die Tiere einen Artgenossen berührten verglichen zu Nichtartgenossen. Zusammenfassend, löst eine Berührung durch einen Artgenossen, sehr unterschiedlichere neuronale Antworten im Barrel Kortex aus, als konventionelle taktile Stimuli. Der zweite Teil untersucht den Genital Kortex. Die Charakterisierung der rezeptiven Felder demonstrierte eine robuste Repräsentation der Genitalien im sensorischen Kortex. Neuronale Antworten waren häufiger im Genital Kortex von Männchen als von Weibchen zu finden. Neurone zeigten diskontinuierliche und sexuell dimorphe rezeptive Felder. In Männchen, waren Neurone durch die taktile Stimulation des Vorderarms co-aktiviert, die Neurone in Weibchen eher durch die taktile Stimulation des Rumpfs. Diese mit den Genitalien ko-repräsentierten Körperteile, kommen während der Kopulation von Männchen und Weibchen in Berührung. Cytochrom Oxidase Färbungen von Schicht 4 zeigen einen Monomorphismus von kortikaler Penis und Klitoris Repräsentation. Dies ist in Hinsicht auf den Dimorphismus der externen Genitalien ein überraschendes Ergebnis. Zusätzlich wurde ein massives Wachstum des Genital Kortex während der Pubertät gefunden. / This thesis explores the neurophysiology of two forms of relevant touch: facial touch and genital touch. In the first part, I investigated, how subthreshold activity is altered during whisking in a social context using in vivo whole-cell recordings in the barrel cortex of head-restrained rats. Whisking was associated with strong membrane potential (Vm) fluctuations during facial touch, but not during free whisking. Strong whisking related Vm fluctuations could be seen even prior to contact and differed from those observed in free whisking episodes. Remarkably, such a pre-depolarization prior to touch was not observed in anaesthetized animals. The Vm fluctuations locked to the rat’s whisking observed in interactions with awake conspecifics were larger than those seen for whisking onto different objects and a stuffed rat. In summary, social facial touch induces responses in the barrel cortex that are remarkably different from responses evoked with conventional tactile stimuli. The second part of the thesis characterized the anatomy and physiology of the rat genital cortex. Mapping experiments revealed a robust representation of the genitals in rat primary somatosensory cortex. Genital responses were more frequent in males than in females. Neurons showed discontinuous and sexually dimorphic receptive fields. In males, genital neurons were mostly co-activated by tactile stimulation of the forearm; female genital neurons were co-activated by tactile stimulation of the trunk area. Hence, body parts co-represented with genitalia are those parts contacted in males and females during mounting. In contrast to the physiological sexual dimorphism, cytochrome oxidase staining of layer 4 revealed a monomorphism of the cortical penis and clitoris representation. This is a surprising finding given the pronounced dimorphism of external genitals. We also found a massive size increase of genital cortex during puberty.

Bloqueio da fosforilação oxidativa no cultivo de embriões bovinos / Oxidative phosphorylation blockage of bovine culture embryos

Mesquita, Lígia Garcia 19 January 2006 (has links)
Apesar da melhoria no sistema de produção e cultivo dos embriões in vitro, cerca de 60% dos oócitos que entram no sistema, não atingem o estágio de blastocisto e a qualidade dos embriões obtidos é bastante variável quando comparadas com embriões produzidos in vivo. Este bloqueio pode ser afetado por íons inorgânicos, tampões, aminoácidos e composição da atmosfera gasosa. Partindo-se da premissa que há influência da mitocôndria sobre a ativação da morte celular programada levou-nos a formular a hipótese que ausência de fragmentação nuclear nos embriões antes das 72 hpi está relacionada com a ausência do potencial de membrana mitocondrial e a inibição da OXPHOS pela utilização de bloqueadores leva a manutenção de baixos níveis de potencial de membrana mitocondrial e baixas taxas de fragmentação nuclear nos embriões. Embriões foram produzidos in vitro mediante maturação durante 22 horas, fecundação e cultivo 18 horas após a inseminação (hpi). Decorridas 24hpi realizou-se o cultivo com 0% de oxigênio, a fim de bloquear o processo de OXPHOS. Após 48 hpi realizou-se o feeding do meio de cultivo (SOF) com inibidores da OXPHOS (antimicina A e/ou oligomicina, cianeto de potássio) em diferentes doses. O número de embriões 8 células foi determinado às 80 hpi, mesmo momento em que foram realizadas as técnicas de JC-1 e TUNEL. Verificou-se as 168 hpi o efeito dos tratamentos no desenvolvimento embrionário. Os resultados obtidos com a inibição da OXPHOS após 48 hpi com oligomicina e/ou antimicina A nas doses utilizadas não alterou a capacidade do embrião atingir o estádio de 8 células. Entretanto, esta inibição inviabilizou o desenvolvimento até o estádio de blastocisto. O tratamento com KCN permitiu o desenvolvimento até o estádio de 8 células e a blastocisto em taxas semelhantes ao controle. A inibição do cultivo na ausência do O2 inviabilizou o processo de cultivo. Já os resultados obtidos quanto ao &#936;mm e TUNEL evidenciam que os tratamentos dos embriões antimicina e/ou oligomicina levaram a um aumento do &#936;mm e fragmentação nuclear na maioria dos embriões testados. Portanto, não foi possível testar a hipótese de que o &#936;mm é necessário para o estabelecimento da MCP, todavia, foi observada uma correlação positiva entre &#936;mm e fragmentação nuclear. / Although in vitro embryo production has been improved in the last 2 decades, about 60% of the oocytes do not reach the blastocyst stage and embryo quality is very variable when compared with in vivo produced embryo. This developmental block can be affected by inorganic ions, buffers, aminoacids and gaseous atmosphere composition. The knowledge that there influence of mitochondria on the activation of the programmed cellular death led to formulate the hypothesis that nuclear fragmentation absence in embryos before 72 post insemination is related with absence of mitochondrial membrane potential and OXPHOS blockage by inhibiting agents, would cause the maintenance of low levels of mitochondrial membrane potential and low rates of embryo nuclear fragmentation. Embryos were cultured in vitro for 18 hours post insemination (hpi) and after 24 hpi, they were submitted to 0% oxygen culture, in order to block the OXPHOS process. At 48 hpi, feeding was performed with SOF medium containing OXPHOS inhibitors (antimycin A and/or oligomycin, potassium cyanide) in different concetrations. The numbers of 8 cell embryos were estimated at 80 hpi, the same moment that they were submitted to JC-1 probes and TUNEL for mitochondrial membrane potential and DNA damages evaluation, respectively. At 168 hpi the effect of the treatments was verified on embryonic development. The results obtained with the OXPHOS inhibition after 48 after hpi using oligomycin and/or antimycin A did not modify embryo capacity to reach 8 cell stage. However, this inhibition prevented development to the blastocyst stage. KCN treatment allowed development up to the 8 cell stage and blastocyst similar to controls. The absence of O2 prevented embryo development. The &#936;mm and TUNEL results showed that antimycin and/or oligomycin treatment increased &#936;mm and nuclear fragmentation in the majority of the embryos tested. In conclusion, it was not possible to test the hypothesis that &#936;mm is necessary to the establishment of MCP, but a positive correlation between &#936;mm and nuclear fragmentation was observed.

Developing an induced pluripotent stem cell model of pulmonary arterial hypertension to understand the contribution of BMPR2 mutations to disease-associated phenotypes in smooth muscle cells

Kiskin, Fedir January 2019 (has links)
Mutations in the gene encoding the bone morphogenetic protein type 2 receptor (BMPR2) are the most common genetic cause of heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). However, given the reduced penetrance of BMPR2 mutations in affected families, a major outstanding question is the identity of additional factors or pathways that are responsible for the manifestation of clinical disease. Furthermore, limited human tissue is available for study and usually only from patients with end-stage disease, making it difficult to understand how PAH is established and progresses. Alternative human models of PAH are therefore required. This thesis describes the characterisation of the first human iPSC-derived smooth muscle cell (iPSC-SMC) model of PAH and elucidates the role of BMPR2 deficiency in establishing PAH-associated phenotypes in iPSC-derived SMCs. To achieve this, I used CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to generate wild-type and BMPR2+/- iPSC lines with isogenic backgrounds which were subsequently differentiated into lineage-specific iPSC-SMCs that displayed a gene expression profile and responses to BMP signalling akin to those present in distal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs). Using these cells, I found that the introduction of a single BMPR2 mutation in iPSC-SMCs was sufficient to recapitulate the pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic phenotype of patient-derived BMPR2+/- PASMCs. However, acquisition of the mitochondrial hyperpolarisation phenotype was enhanced by inflammatory signalling and required an interaction between BMPR2 mutations and environmental stimuli provided by exposure to serum over time. Furthermore, I showed that BMPR2+/- iPSC-SMCs had an altered differentiation state and were less contractile compared to wild-type iPSC-SMCs, phenotypes which have not been observed previously in PAH-derived PASMCs. Finally, RNA sequencing analysis identified genes that were differentially expressed between wild-type and BMPR2+/- iPSC-SMCs and may hence provide further insights into PAH pathobiology. The iPSC-SMC model described in this study will be useful for identifying additional factors involved in disease penetrance and for validating therapeutic approaches that target BMPR2.

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