Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nen anda women"" "subject:"nen anda nomen""
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Characteristics and Risk Behaviors of Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women Compared to Men Who Have Sex with Men – 20 U.S. Cities, 2011 and 2014Shadaker, Shaun 09 August 2016 (has links)
Background: Men who have sex with men (MSM) are heterogeneous with respect to sexual behavior. We examined differences in sexual risk behaviors and HIV protective behaviors between men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) and men who have sex with men only (MSMO). Among MSMW, we also examined associations between partner gender and disclosure of same-sex attraction to sexual risk behaviors.
Methods: Data for this analysis were from MSM who participated in National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) in 2011 and 2014. Prevalence differences comparing MSMW and MSMO were calculated for demographics and behaviors. Adjusted prevalence ratios comparing MSMW to MSMO were calculated for the outcomes condomless sex, exchange sex, testing for HIV, and disclosure of same-sex behavior.
Results: MSMW were less likely than MSMO to have condomless sex with male partners (aPR 0.77; 95%CI 0.73-0.80), to have been diagnosed with another STD (aPR 0.83; 95%CI 0.73-0.95), and to disclose their same-sex behavior to healthcare providers (aPR 0.72; 95%CI 0.69-0.76). However, MSMW were more likely than MSMO to engage in exchange sex (aPR 2.43; 95%CI 2.17-2.72) and to have ever injected drugs (aPR 2.00; 95%CI 1.76-2.28)
Conclusions: MSMW have distinctive sexual risk behaviors and could benefit from tailored interventions to reduce the prevalence of HIV in this population.
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Rovné zacházení a zákaz diskriminace v pracovním právu / Equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination in employment lawKuklíková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Resumé " The equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination in Labour law" This thesis deals with the principles of equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination, which belong to the most substantial principles of European and international law as well as in todays Czech law. These principles are dealt with in many international treaties, in the legislation of the European Union and also in the so called Czech Antidiscrimination Act 2009. Special emphasis is placed particularly on equal treatment between men and women and on the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of gender. The thesis is composed of introduction and seven chapters, each of them deals with different aspects of prohibition of discrimination and equal treatment. Chapter One and Two is introduction into the Czech Labour law and basic principles of Labour law. Chapter Three defines basic terminology used in the thesis: discrimination (direct and indirect discrimination, positive and negative discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, instruction to discriminate, etc.). Chapter Four tries to analyze international treaties which deal with the prohibition of discrimination and equal treatment. The Chapter is divided into three parts, which reflects three main international organizations: the United Nations, Organization, the...
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Diskriminace z důvodu pohlaví a její zákaz / Discrimination on the grounds of sex and its prohibitionBartoňová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
77 Summary The topic of this thesis is discrimination on the grounds of sex and its prohibition. The purpose of my thesis is to analyse and evaluate historical and present level of legal enactment of the equality between men and women and prohibition of discrimination. I focused on the law of EU, relevant documents of International law and on the legal order of the Czech republic. The thesis is composed of five chapters, Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis like equality and types of discrimation. The chapter Two examines relevant international agreements and other documents, chapter Three focuses on legal enactment of equal treatment and prohibition of discrimination in the primary and secindary law of EU, together with the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the EU. The chapter Four is dedicated to the relevant Czech legislation, followed by chapter Five which provides an outline of relevant Czech case law, and level of legal protection against discrimination in effect.
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Symptoms, prehospital delay and long-term survival in men vs. women with myocardial infarction : a combined register and qualitative studyIsaksson, Rose-Marie January 2011 (has links)
The general aim of this thesis was to study symptoms, prehospital delay and time trends in long-term survival in men and women with myocardial infarction (MI). The study was based on quantitative and qualitative data collections. Study I was based on The Northern Sweden MONICA Myocardial Infarction Registry, 1989-2003, including 5072 men and 1470 women with a confirmed MI. Symptoms and prehospital delay were described and trends over time according to sex and age were studied. Typical pain was present in 86% of the men and 81% of the women and typical symptoms were more common among younger persons than older persons. Up to the age of 65 no gender differences were seen in the prehospital delay. In the oldest age group (65–74 years) time to hospital was longer than among the younger group, especially among women. Study II was based on individual interviews with 20 men with a first confirmed MI, representing the age range 65-80 years, about their experiences during the prehospital phase. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The interviewed older men described how the symptoms developed from diffuse ill-being, to a cluster of severe symptoms. The men had difficulties to relate to the experienced symptoms, which did not correspond to their expectations about an MI, and about whether they should seek medical care. By using different strategies the participants initially tried to understand, reduce, or treat the symptoms by themselves, with a desire to maintain an ordinary life. As the symptoms evolved to a persistent and alarming chest pain, the men realized the seriousness in the perceived symptoms, that all strategies were inefficacious and they came to the decision to seek medical care. Study III was based on individual interviews with 20 women with a first confirmed MI, representing the age range 65-80 years, about their experiences during the prehospital phase. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The interviewed older women described how the symptoms were perceived as a stepwise evolvement from intangible and bodily sensations to a more distinct, persistent and finally overwhelming chest pain. The women struggled against the symptoms and used different strategies, by downplaying and neglecting the symptoms in order to maintain control over their ordinary lives and maintain the social responsibilities. As the symptoms evolved to a persistent and overwhelming chest pain the women realized the seriousness in the perceived symptoms, they were not able to struggle against them anymore and they came to the decision to seek medical care. Study IV was based on The Northern Sweden MONICA Myocardial Infarction Registry which was linked to The Swedish National Cause of Death Registry for 6762 men and 1868 women, 25 to 64 years of age, with a first MI during 1985-2006. Also deaths before admission to hospital were included. Follow-up ended on August 30, 2008. Between 1985 and 2006 long-term survival after a first MI increased in both men and women. Over the whole 23-year period women showed a 9 percent higher survival then men. This slight difference was due to lower risk for women to die before reaching hospital, and during the last period similar rates of long time survival were noted in men and women. In conclusion there were no major differences between men and women in symptoms, prehospital delay or long-term survival. However, older patients had fewer typical symptoms and longer prehospital delay, especially among women. The prehospital phase was found to be multifaceted with experiences difficult to interpret in both men and women, with a dynamic development of symptoms, conceptions and expectations while the participants strove to maintain the ordinary and familiar life. The symptoms experienced presented a more heterogeneous and complex picture in both men and women than is usually described in the literature. Women under the age of 65 have a slightly higher age-adjusted long-term survival than men. Over a 23-year period long-term survival has improved similarly in both men and women. / Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att beskriva symtom, prehospital fördröjning och långtidsöverlevnad hos män och kvinnor med hjärtinfarkt. Studien baserades på kvantitativa och kvalitativa datainsamlingar. Delstudie I baserades på data från hjärtinfarktregistret vid The Northern Sweden MONICA Study under åren 1989-2003, inkluderande 5072 män och 1470 kvinnor, med fastställd hjärtinfarkt. Symtom och tid från symtomstart till medicinsk vård beskrevs och tidstrender relaterades till kön och ålder. Resultatet visade att typisk smärta förelåg hos 86% av männen och 81% av kvinnorna och att typiska symtom var mer förekommande hos de yngre. Upp till 65 års ålder fanns inga könsskillnader mellan symtomstart och tid till medicinsk vård. I den äldsta åldersgruppen (65-74 år) var tiden till sjukvård längre, främst hos kvinnor. Delstudie II baserades på individuella intervjuer med 20 män, mellan 65 och 80 år som drabbats av sin första hjärtinfarkt, om hur de upplevde den prehospitala fasen. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Männen beskrev hur symtomen utvecklades från ett diffust illabefinnande, till ett kluster av svåra symtom. De hade svårt att relatera till de upplevda symtomen som inte motsvarade deras föreställningar om hur symtom på hjärtinfarkt tar sig uttryck, och hade svårt att veta om de skulle söka vård. Deltagarna vidtog olika strategier för att försöka förstå, minska eller behandla symtomen på egen hand, i en strävan att få livet att fortgå som vanligt. När symtomen utvecklats till en alarmerande och ihållande bröstsmärta insåg männen allvarlighetsgraden i symtombilden och att strategierna för att hantera symtomen var verkningslösa och beslutade att söka vård. Delstudie III baserades på individuella intervjuer med 20 kvinnor, med sin första hjärtinfarkt i åldern 65-80 år, för att få en djupare förståelse för hur de upplevde den prehospitala fasen. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. De äldre kvinnorna beskrev hur symtomen stegvis utvecklades från ogripbara och kroppsliga förnimmelser, mot en mer distinkt, ihållande och slutligen överväldigande bröstsmärta. Kvinnorna kämpade mot symtomen och använde olika strategier, som att tona ner och negligera symtomen för att behålla kontrollen över livssituationen och upprätthålla det sociala ansvarstagandet. När symtomen utvecklades till en ihållande och överväldigande bröstsmärta insåg kvinnorna allvarlighetsgraden i symtombilden, att de inte kunde kämpa mot symtomen längre och beslutade att söka vård. Delstudie IV inkluderade patienter med en första hjärtinfarkt mellan åren 1985 och 2006 validerade i hjärtinfarktregistret vid The Northern Sweden MONICA Study i Norr- och Västerbotten som följdes upp i dödsorsaksregistret tom 30 augusti, 2008. Totalt 6762 män och 1868 kvinnor i åldern 25-64 studerades. Även patienter som avled före sjukhusvård inkluderades. Resultatet visade att mellan 1985 och 2006 förbättrades långtidsöverlevnaden efter en första hjärtinfarkt hos både män och kvinnor. Över hela 23-års perioden hade kvinnor 9 procents högre åldersjusterad överlevnad jämfört med män. Denna skillnad berodde på lägre risk för kvinnor att avlida innan de nådde sjukhuset. Under den sista tidsperioden var långtidsöverlevnad lika hos både män och kvinnor. Sammanfattningsvis visar denna studie inga stora skillnader mellan män och kvinnors symtom, prehospitala fördröjning eller långtidsöverlevnad. Dock hade äldre patienter färre typiska symtom och längre prehospital fördröjning, särskilt hos kvinnor. Den prehospitala fasen var en mångfasetterad och svårtolkad upplevelse hos både män och kvinnor, med en dynamisk utveckling av symtom, föreställningar och förväntningar, samtidigt som deltagarna strävade efter att upprätthålla det vardagliga och välbekanta livet. Symtomen vid hjärtinfarkten var en mer heterogen och komplex upplevelse hos både män och kvinnor än vad som vanligtvis beskrivs i litteraturen. Över en 23-års period har långtidsöverlevnaden efter en första hjärtinfarkt förbättrats hos både män och kvinnor. Kvinnor under 65 år har en något högre långtidsöverlevnad jämfört med män.
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Vyrų ir moterų kalba lietuviškuose publicistikos tekstuose / The language of men and women in media textsKlimienė, Kristina 26 June 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe, remiantis iš šešių interneto svetainių surinktais žurnalistų ir žurnalisčių straipsniais, analizuojama vyrų ir moterų kalba. Dviejų sukurtų tekstynų duomenys apima tekstus nuo 2002 m. iki 2009 m., o jų bendra apimtis – 3 177 706 žodžiai. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti žurnalistų vyrų ir moterų kalbos ypatybes publicistikos tekstuose. Tikslui pasiekti, buvo keliami šie uždaviniai: surinkti žurnalistų ir žurnalisčių straipsnių tekstynus; išsiaiškinti, kokios ypatybės būdingos sakytinei ir rašytinei vyrų bei moterų kalbai; išanalizuoti vyrų ir moterų kalbai būdingas ypatybes; ištirti lyčių kalbos skirtumus remiantis sukurto tekstyno duomenimis; išsiaiškinti, ar galima iš teksto bruožų įvardinti autoriaus lytį.
Nustačius sakytinei ir rašytinei vyrų bei moterų kalbai būdingas ypatybes, publicistiniai tekstai tirti pagal 10 formaliosios kalbos, gramatinių ir leksinių ypatybių: žodingumą ir ilgumą, dažniausiai vartojamus žodžius ir kalbos dalis, tematiką, netikrumo ir abejonių, jausmų raišką, spalvų aprašymą, neiginių, deminutyvų vartoseną ir kitų žmonių citavimą.
Atlikus žurnalistų ir žurnalisčių straipsnių analizę nustatyta, kad žurnalistų straipsniuose žodžių vidutinis ilgis yra šiek tiek didesnis, todėl tekstyno kūrimo metu jų straipsnių prireikė mažiau, o tai reiškia, kad vyrai rašo ilgesnius tekstus. Nors vidutinis žodžių ilgis moterų straipsniuose yra mažesnis, tačiau labai ilgų leksemų (19−25 raidžių) jos vartoja daugiau. Taigi trumpesnės apimties tekste jos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The language of men and women in media texts is analysed in this master thesis. The two created corpora include texts since 2002 to 2009 and they have 3 177 706 words. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the language of men and women in media texts. The following tasks were raised to achieve this aim: to collect men and women articles and create corpora, to find out what specific features of both spoken and written language of men and women are, to analyze the specific features of men and women language, to examine gender differences in language developed on the basis of corpus data and find out whether it is possible to understand the author's gender from the identified text features.
Men and women media texts were investigated under 10 features of formal language, grammatical and lexical attributes: vocabulary and words longitude, commonly used words and part of speech, themes, uncertainty and doubts expression, feelings of resolution, colors expression, negatives, usage of diminutives and citations of other people.
After analysis of men and women articles, it was identified that men use slightly longer words and men‘s articles are longer texts. Although the average length of words in articles by women is lower, they use more very long tokens (19−25 characters). Thus they use more complex structure of words in shorter texts. Women also use richer vocabulary as their type-token ratio index is higher.
Women write more emotional articles and they use more interjections... [to full text]
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Aging and emotion : ratings of cartoons and the Survey of the quality of life of adult men and womenBarrick, Ann Louise J. January 1986 (has links)
This study was designed to measure differences between elderly and young adults in terms of their expression of positive and negative emotion. It was hypothesized that that there would be a difference between young and aged subjects in intensity of positive and negative emotional experience as measured by response to cartoons and the Survey of the Quality of Life of Adult Men and Women (SQLAMW, Malatesta & Kalnok, 1984). Sex differences as well as the effect of the sequence of cartoons were also tested.Emotions have been widely studied, yet researchers have rarely focused on the elderly population and those studies that do exist have methodological problems. Early research suggests a drift towards negative emotion with age, whereas more recent studies challenge this position.Volunteer subjects were 61 noninstitutionalized adults (24 males, 37 females) age 60 and over and 93 college undergraduates (36 males, 57 females) age 18-25. They met in groups of 2 to 10 to complete the research instruments.Positive and negative emotional reactions were obtained from ten point Likert scale ratings of 38 cartoons for funniness, pain, and hostility. Cartoons were presented in two sequences. Additional measurements of emotion were obtained from the SQLAMW.Four mean scores were calculated for each subject and served as dependent variables. Positive and negative affect on the SQLAMW generated two mean scores. A mean score for positive emotion on cartoons was calculated from ratings of funniness and for negative affect by combining ratings of pain and hostility. A 2 X 2 X 2 (Age x Sex x Cartoon Sequence) multivariate analysis of variance was conducted.Analysis for negative emotion resulted in a significant main effect for age on the SQLAMW and an age by sex interaction on cartoons. The young reported higher levels of negative emotion on the SQLAMW. However, cartoon ratings showed aged males higher than young males on negative emotion. For positive emotion, males scored higher than females on cartoons. All other effects were nonsignificant.
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Representations of men's violence against women : audio-visual texts and their receptionWeaver, C. Kay January 1995 (has links)
Portrayals of sexual and/or domestic violence committed by men against women appear in the television schedules and in movie theatres on almost a daily basis. There is a long established tradition of concern about how depictions of violence in the audiovisual media can impact on audiences. However, minimal consideration has been given to what kind of discursive 'messages' such portrayals might contain and how audiences engage with these. This research explores to what extent audio-visual portrayals of violence against women might offer certain ways of reading and understanding that violence, and how women audiences interpret these. It investigates this through both textual and reception analyses, with the framework through which reception is examined being directly related to the textual material itself. The study assesses to what degree audio-visual texts are capable of structuring audience interpretation, and whether there is any direct relationship between this and how women viewers actually read the texts. Four audio-visual products are examined: the Hollywood film The Accused; an episode of the soap opera EastEnders; the television play Closing Ranks; and an edition of Crimewatch UK. Ninety one women, formed into 14 focus groups, participated in the reception research. Half of these women had experienced violence of a domestic and/or sexual nature, whilst the other half had no experience of such violence. Groups further varied in terms of nationality (Scottish and English), class (working-class and middle-class) and ethnic background (white, Asian and Afro-Caribbean). The research demonstrates that neither audio-visual texts nor their reception can be considered outwith an appreciation of how social and cultural factors influence both. The media are involved in the circulation of cultural meanings about acts of violence against women and in mediating this cannot help but draw on existing discourses which surround such violence. As audiences, women also draw on their socialised conceptions of such violence, though how they engage with and read its representation is affected by their social and cultural positionings and their own lived experiences.
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Les représentations télévisuelles du couple homme-femme : une approche par le genre / TV representations of men and women relationships : a gender approachBiscarrat, Laetitia 25 June 2012 (has links)
Les mouvements d’émancipation et de libération de la femme au XX° siècle ont contribué à une redéfinition des statuts sociaux et politiques des hommes et des femmes. La scène médiatique participe du brouillage des frontières entre sphère privée et sphère publique et des nouvelles déterminations des rôles féminins et masculins. Cette recherche en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication interroge les représentations télévisuelles des rapports hommes-femmes dans un corpus de télévision française.Entendu que le genre est un rapport social fondé sur un principe de bipartition qui génère une catégorisation hiérarchisée entre les sexes et les valeurs qui leur sont associées, l’analyse des contenus de la télévision permet de mettre à jour les assignations de genre qui traversent le champ des représentations. La télévision est à ce titre un poste d’observation privilégié, puisqu’elle est à la fois constituée et constitutive des représentations de genre.Quels sont les modèles relationnels représentés dans les contenus télévisuels du corpus ? Au moyen d’une double grille d’analyse qualitative, il s’agit d’identifier les régimes de monstration télévisuelle du couple homme-femme et les rôles qui leur sont respectivement attribués. La modélisation obtenue met en exergue les normes télévisuelles du rapport homme-femme dans une société post-patriarcale où les inégalités perdurent. Les apories de la différence des sexes, les dystopies amoureuses et les réassignations de genre sous conditions véhiculées par les contenus de la télévision soulignent la précarité du couple contemporain. Des normes relationnelles aux figures-sanctions, les couples du corpus nous amènent ainsi à une réflexion sur les liens entre normes et vulnérabilité. L’analyse des représentations télévisuelles au prisme du genre confirme donc la productivité de cette approche pour le champ des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication. / During the 20th century, women get increasingly emancipated and freed, hence redefining social and political statuses of men and women. The media contributed to blur the frontiers between the private and public spheres and new roles were determined for men and women. This investigation in the field of Media Studies deals with TV representations of men and women’s love relationships. It focuses on a corpus taken from the French television.Gender is a social relation based on a binary structure that triggers a hierarchical categorization of sexes and their associated values. Analyzing TV contents allows us to unveil gender norms in the field on representations. Indeed, television is a relevant observation place because it is both built by gender representations and contributing to their construction.Which are relationships’ models that appear in our corpus? By means of a double qualitative analysis grid, we aim at identifying the various ways of representing men and women love relationships, but also masculine and feminine roles. Theses role models underscore TV norms for couples in a post-patriarchal society where inequalities did not come to an end. The aporia of sex differences, love dystopias and gender reassignments on conditions conveyed by TV contents lay the emphasis on the insecurity of contemporary love relationships. From relational norms to punishing patterns, the corpus’ couples lead us to reflect on the links between norms and vulnerability. Thus, analyzing TV representations in a gender perspective confirms the productivity of this approach in the field of Media Studies.
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Prostituce z pohledu poptávky (analýza webových stránek klientů prostitutek) / Prostitution from the viewpoint of demand (analysis of web pages of prostitutes' clients)ČECHOVÁ, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
This submitted thesis with the title Prostitution from the viewpoint of demand (analysis of web pages of prostitutes' clients) is focused on the reflection of women working in the sexual business by their clients - "norniks" - men, who are using commercial sexual services, and who also participates in the discussion at the website www.nornik.net. The thesis is divided in two parts: theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part defines the concept of prostitution, and is further dedicated to the types of female prostitution. It briefly describes the history of prostitution, as well as the prostitution in the territory of the Czech Republic, and also reflects the change of the czech sexual scene. In the following chapters of the theoretical part I defined the typology of prostitutes, the typology of prostitution, and specified the typology of female prostitution in detail. I also looked into men as actors in the sexual business, depicted them as prostitutes' clients and customers. In the last chapter of the theoretical part the thesis describes the website forum www.nornik.net. The research section deals with a description of the methodology of the research itself, interpreting and presenting research results. With regard to an objective of this thesis and specificity of the research sample I have chosen a strategy of qualitative research. As a research method, I have used a qualitative-interpretative secondary analysis of documents. When examining the reflection of women's language means by men-?norniks?, elements of discourse analysis were used. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the reflection of women working in the sexual business by their clients who at the same time discuss their experiences on the website www.nornik.net. Out of the above objective I have determined the following question: How are women working in the sex industry reflected by clients? The fundamental target file is created by contributions of users from website www.nornik.net. This group is highly specific, especially because it is closed to the mainstream society and puts a high emphasis on anonymity. The research for this thesis was carried out from January to April 2013. The data extracted from the analysis of individual discussions has been processed by the method of making clumps. As has emerged from the analysis of the website when making a research, men - ?norniks? consider sex as a merchandise and commodify female body, which is evident from the evaluation and appellation of women working in the sexual business. Experienced ?norniks? appreciate such women who make their living by providing sexual services mainly for being skilled, likeable and for having good manners. At repeated meetings, such qualities trumps the physical attractiveness, which is of course important and also decisive at the first date. Rating and naming of women working in the sexual business varies depending on where the women work. An interesting discovery was that some ?norniks? consider sexual services as the easiest and cheapest way to satisfy their sexual needs. This finding is also closely related to the description of motivation for immersion. For ?norniks?, commercial sex becomes a certain kind of addictive behaviour, they have higher sexual appetite or seek for something new and uncommon or want to realize their sexual imagination. In this thesis should be a reflection of women working in the sexual business via their clients. At the same time it should be understood that also men as customers are participants of the sexual business. With regard to the fact that the issue was not further examined at the target file, it can be a source of information to the professional public. This thesis can also be an important source of information to the non-professional public and last but not least it can become a basis for further research.
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Marketingový význam diferencí ženských a mužských rolí / Marketing sense of difference of male and female rolesChvilíčková, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
Main goal of this diploma work is to analyze marketing meaning of the difference between male and female role, namely by the help of marketing research - partly sighting differences in purchase behaviour of men and women at supermarkets and hypermarkets and also by the help of the questionnaire intent on main different line of that behaviour.
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