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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ženy v řídících strukturách českého sportu se zaměřením na sportovní svazy České unie sportu / Women in decision making bodies in Czech sport (focus on sport federations of Czech Sport Union)

Vacková, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
Title: Women in decision making bodies in Czech sport (focus on federations of Czech Sport Union) Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis based on existing theoretical knowledge is find out what is the representation of women in management positions of sports associations is, to reveal the reasons or fears of women to become sports officials and to assess the possibilities or interest in becoming part of management structures. Methods: The main method is the questionnaire survey method. Women in the management structures of sports associations were asked to answer particular set of questions. Contacts for the interviewed women were obtained by analyzing secondary data from the websites of individual sports associations. Results: Due to the secondary data analysis the numerical representation of women and men as sports officials was determined. However, the numbers are rough regarding the lack of union numerical data. Both, the analysis and the questionnaire survey confirmed the numerical superiority of men in almost all unions. In most cases, women also state they work voluntarily within the union and are most represented between the ages of 36 and 60.They find reasons for low interest in becoming a sports officials mainly because the activity takes too much time and the main obstacles include...

Ta min smärta på allvar; Att leva med långvarig smärta ur ett köns-och genusperspektiv. / Take my pain seriously; Living with chronic pain from a sex- and gender perspective.

Odsander, Linda, Emelie, Brorsson January 2024 (has links)
Ta min smärta på allvar; Att leva med långvarig smärta ur ett köns-och genusperspektiv  En litteraturstudie Bakgrund: Cirka 20–30% av världens befolkning lever med långvarig smärta. Könstillhörighet och genusaspekter, som tidigare studier har visat, påverkar människors välbefinnande och erfarenheter av smärta inom vården och samhället. Därför är det viktigt att undersöka vilken betydelse genus har vid långvarig smärta.  Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att beskriva vuxna patienters erfarenheter av att leva med långvarig smärta sett ur ett köns- och genusperspektiv.  Metod: Litteraturstudien inspirererades av Fribergs modell. Artikelsökning i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed har gett resultat på nio empiriskt kvalitativa studier. Majoriteten av de sökningar som gjorts är fritextssökningar för att inkludera en större mängd artiklar. De utvalda studierna kvalitetsgranskades och graderades. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier; svårigheter i vardagen, smärtbehandling och bemötande inom sjukvården, med nio tillhörande underkategorier. Resultatet visade att den sensoriska upplevelsen av långvarig smärta inte skiljer sig mellan män och kvinnor. Däremot fanns skillnader kring erfarenheter i kontakt med sjukvården samt existerande samhällsnormer som påverkar hur patienten hanterar smärtsyndromet beroende på könsidentitet.   Konklusion: Samhällsnormerna ger påverkan på hur människor med långvarig smärta hanterade vardagen utifrån könsidentiteten och skapar svårigheter i det sociala livet.   Nyckelord: Genus, Kvinnor, Långvarig smärta, Män och Erfarenheter. / Abstract Take my pain seriously; Living with chronic pain from a sex- and gender perspectiveA literature review Background: Chronic pain affects around 20-30% of the world’s population and peoples’ lives long term. Peoples’ well-being has much to do with their contact and treatment in health care. Gender is, as earlier studies have shown, one of the variables that heavily contributes to how a person is perceived, by themselves and by society. It is therefore important to examine how aspects of gender impact those suffering from chronic pain.  Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe adult patients’ experiences of living with chronic pain from a sex- and gender perspective.   Methods: The literature study was inspired by Friberg’s model. Article searches in the databases PubMed and Cinahl yielded nine qualitative studies. Majority of searches are free-text searches to include a wider amount of articles. The selected studies were quality reviewed and graded.  Results: The analysis resulted in three categories; Difficulties in daily life, pain management and treatment from the healthcare system, composed of nine subcategories. Results showed that the sensory sensation of long-term pain does not differ between men and women. There were differences regarding experiences in contact with healthcare and social norms that affect how the patient handles the pain syndrome relating to their gender identity. Conclusion: Societal norms affect how patients handle living with chronic pain based on their gender identity. Both male and female patients experience difficulties in their social life related to chronic pain. Keywords: Chronic pain, Experiences, Gender, Men & Women

Diskriminace žen v pracovním právu / Discrimination against women in labour law

Šilerová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Discrimination of women in the labor law This diploma paper deals with the problem of discrimination of women in the labor law while discrimination being one of the biggest phenomenons of modern society. Its main objective is to provide an overview of current legislation, which deals with prohibition of discrimination based on sex in labor law relations. Furthermore it analyzes the current position of women in the labor market and in our society. In the end of the paper there is also a little research based on a question form for men and women employed by the Police of the Czech republic and it questions their experience and opinion on discrimination based on sex at work. The thesis is divided into six main parts. The first part is dedicated to the historical development of the status of women in the society and it shows how was their role changing within different historical periods, explaining some aspects why men and women are not accepted equally. The second part of the thesis explains the main terms such as equality, discrimination (both direct and indirect), harassment and sexual harassment and others, which are important for the whole concept of this thesis and they are used throughout the whole paper. In the next part the thesis analyzes the status of women in the labor law relations in...

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

Bennarsten, Julia January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another. Therefore, it becomes difficult to know where to draw the line, it is not defined in law and it is a subjective assessment. There are some behaviors that clearly are sexual harassment, but when it's not as clear, a notice is needed to the person performing the harassments. If the behavior continues after the warning it counts as sexual harassments.It is the employer's responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment doesn’t take place in the workplace and to investigate the incidents when it occurs. Only the employer can be held accountable in court for not fulfilling its investigation duty. A worker can’t be sentenced for sexual harassment if it doesn’t involve serious crimes which are regulated in the Penal Code.Sexual harassment is usually carried out by men against women and is therefore an important gender issue. Sexual harassment must be understood from a gender power perspective and it’s a way to maintain gender power relations between the sexes, where men have the power and are superior to women. The creation of gender power relations are both conscious and unconscious and maintained from both men and women, where sexual harassment is only a small part of a larger societal problem. / Syftet med denna studie är att utreda hur det rättsliga skyddet mot sexuella trakasserier ser ut i arbetslivet idag samt var gränsen går. Studien är avgränsad till att endast fokusera på de sexuella trakasserier som riktar sig till kvinnor från män, då detta förekommer i störst utsträckning även om få anmäler. Resultatet diskuteras sedan ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv då detta är ett sätt att förklara företeelsen sexuella trakasserier mellan män och kvinnor.Sexuella trakasserier skyddas idag genom diskrimineringslagen och genom EU-rättens lika-behandlingsprincip. För att ett beteende ska räknas som sexuella trakasserier ska det vara oönskat från den mottagande parten och den som utför trakasserierna ska ha insikt i att beteendet uppfattas som kränkande. Handlingarna ska vara av sexuell natur och bidra till ett missgynnande för den drabbade i form av en kränkning.Det är den utsatta som avgör om handlingarna uppfattas som sexuella trakasserier eller inte, det som en person uppfattar som ett vänskapligt beteende kan uppfattas som kränkande av en annan. Därför blir det svårt att veta var gränsen går, det definieras inte i lagtexten och det är en subjektiv bedömning. Det finns handlingar som uppenbart är sexuella trakasserier, men när det inte är lika enkelt behövs en tillsägelse till den som utför trakasserierna, fortsätter beteendet även efter anmärkningen är det att räkna som sexuella trakasserier.Det är arbetsgivarens ansvar att se till att sexuella trakasserier inte förekommer på arbets-platsen och att utreda händelserna när de ändå uppkommer. Endast arbetsgivaren kan ställas till svars inför domstol för att inte fullgjort sin utredningsplikt, en arbetstagare kan inte dömas för sexuella trakasserier om det inte rör sig om grövre fall som är reglerade i brottsbalken.Sexuella trakasserier sker oftast från män mot kvinnor och är därför en viktig jämställdhets-fråga. Sexuella trakasserier måste förstås ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv och ett sätt att behålla könsmaktsordningen mellan könen, där männen har makten och är överordnade kvinnorna. Skapandet och behållandet av könsmaktsordningen sker både medvetet och omedvetet från båda könen, där sexuella trakasserier bara är en liten del i ett större samhällsproblem.

Research on career development policies and factors related for women officials in administrative organizations --- basing on men and women to work equal.

Lai, Candy 22 July 2002 (has links)
Abstract Men and women are born in equal according to our constitution. The right of work for people shall be protected, and basic human rights for men and women are equal according to International Labor Code. However, basing on varied factors, currently the work relationship between men and women is not ideal. Subject to the data statistical records from Directorate-General of Budgets, Account & Statistics, Executive Yuan, the rate share for women manager and administrator in private organizations is only 13.6%. Even in the governmental organization, chief director selected by people and recommended women officials is also only 11.89%. The wage for women in Taiwan is always shared 73% of the men¡¦s. In the environment of practical situation, women are often restricted and affected by social structure, traditional culture value, and dull role-playing. On the other hand, they are often restrained and interfered by acting for different family roles. Those factors bring much pressure for women and their careers are greatly influenced. The researcher of this study is to serve in the governmental organization now. In so many years of working experience, she realizes deeply about the difficulties, obstacle, and decision for women unable to self-implement for achievement in the process of development under old social culture value. As viewing that women play important role gradually for national labor application in the future, and following the upgrade educational standard for women, the rate share for officials in governmental organization is increased year by year. Therefore, through pioneer model of female officials in the administrative organization, who are unable to reach for an equal treatment, this study is to research on personal disposition, sex role-playing, and pressure on role-playing, etc. factors. The successful result of personal presentation on how to overcome the obstacles and which kind of career policies adopted in the process of development are studied. In this study adopts individual interview, and the objects under this visiting are to serve in the administrative organization, including 4 higher/intermediate division women qualified by our national high-class examination, and aged from 35 to 50 years old to have more than 4 years of service span. The information collected is written by words, and after text classification and management, we build a title specified with explanation. Under comparison and analysis, the words told by the object will be directly narrated to prove our points of this study. Finally, the results are concluded below: ¤@¡BIn the aspect on sex role-playing ¡]¤@¡^Traditional social value affected to attitude for sex role-playing: in the traditional social value, women must take most of the duties to the household affairs and child raising. Even the modern women who have career feel guilty on care less for family members resulting from over devoted themselves to the work. ¡]¤G¡^Choosing stable work for themselves under assessment: except being affected by school domain, colleague, or models, etc. women look for stable work to let them can take care of family members and work simultaneously. ¡]¤T¡^Dull sex role-playing affected to their career development: for the factors of family role-playing, discrimination on sex for career and promotion, and not suitable for management, etc., women are restricted for career development. ¡]¥|¡^Sex role-playing and personal disposition affected to their career development: Most of the female officials in the administrative organization are trend to have personal disposition on both men and women with flexible space to meet the demand of actual condition. Women who have such kind of disposition are successful on career development. ¤G¡BIn the aspect of role conflicts ¡]¤@¡^Traditional social value affected to their role conflicts and career progress. ¡]¤G¡^Lower the role conflict, positive influence on career development. ¤T¡BIn the aspect of personal disposition ¡]¤@¡^Women with disposition of inner self-control get higher successful on career: As women who have inner self-control dare to receive challenge and take responsibility for better achievement. Therefore, they have high rate for successful on career. ¡]¤G¡^Smaller influenced by traditional culture value, they have higher motive to achieve the successful. Besides, the rate is higher to act as senior officials in the intermediate and higher division. ¥|¡BSuccessful policy factors for women career ¡]¤@¡^Looking for support and assistance from their family members: Looking for effective support system to cope with pressure, their career will be successful without burdens. ¡]¤G¡^Creating opportunity for competition priority: like to use the policies with ¡§organizational level and structure opportunity¡¨ ¡§increasing on training opportunity¡¨, ¡§striving for professional enrichment and in-service study opportunity¡¨, ¡§assessment on situation priority¡¨, and ¡§letting resistance turn into assistance¡¨, etc. to breakthrough for greater progress on career. ¡]¤T¡^Devoted themselves to the work with great efforts: being fully devoted to the work with progressive attitude and good faith, and this is the basic policy to win for a success. ¡]¥|¡^Having the opinion same as senior officers: Good coordination with senior officers, and appropriate application of the policy to avoid creating negative influence. ¡]¤­¡^Self-selling at appropriate time: self recommendation policy. ¡]¤»¡^Seeking for instruction from good instructor: A good instructor can appreciate your talent and will give instruction to you at appropriate time, and a timing recommendation as well as promotion helps greatly to the development of career without obstacles. ¡]¤C¡^Establishing the human network relations: Participating progressively and actively to expand human relations and set-up good information network. By means of the operation on human network, the development of career will be successful more easily. Key words: Sex role-playing, role conflict, personal disposition, career development, career development policy, men and women to work equal

Exploring intimate partner violence through the lens of modern attachment theory a project based upon an independent investigation /

Smeltzer, Lisa Marie. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, Mass., 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 53-55).

Ledarskap hos män och kvinnor : Har ledarskap ett genus? / Men and women in leadership : Does leadership have a gender?

Al-Hasbani, Sally, Noura, Melissa January 2017 (has links)
I den här studien har vi studerat ledarskap med koppling till genus, genom att studera tidigare forskning och sedan jämföra med det empiriska materialet genom intervjuer hos ledare. Intresset för det valda ämnesområdet uppmärksammades när vi genom statistik jämförde antalet manliga ledare med kvinnliga. Detta påvisade att det råder ojämställdhet mellan könen i antalet ledarskapsbefattningar. Därför valde vi att undersöka ämnesområdet ur flera aspekter för att skapa oss en uppfattning till den bakomliggande anledningen där manliga ledare besitter fler ledarskapspositioner än kvinnliga. Det finns mängder med forskning kring skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap, det som skiljer denna studie från resterande är att vi utgår ifrån ledarskap hos män och kvinnor för att undersöka om ledarskap har ett bakomliggande genus. Detta genom att studera ledarskap med hänsyn till genusperspektivet där vi framhäver jämställdhet, ledarskap, egenskaper, föreställningar, maktpositioner samt kvinnliga och manliga ledarroller. I denna studie använder vi oss av en kvalitativ metod, nämligen djupintervjuer. För att denna metod anser vi vara relevant för rapporten då vi strävar efter djup och innehållsrik data. Vidare presenterar vi under vår teoretiska referensram tidigare forskning och teorier i form av vetenskapliga artiklar och avhandlingar. Teman som framhävs under den teoretiska referensramen är ledarskap, ledarskapsstilar, manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap, genusperspektivet på ledarskap samt stereotyper. Därefter presenterar vi i det empiriska avsnittet vår insamlade data i form av utförda intervjuer på sex olika ledare, varav tre manliga och tre kvinnliga. Där delar respondenterna med sig av sina tidigare erfarenheter samt uppfattningar kring ämnet. Efter att studerat tidigare forskning och intervjuat ledare inom olika ledarskapsbefattningar diskuterar vi under analys och tolkning, teori och empiri där vi jämför, tolkar och framhäver egna åsikter kring det valda ämnesområdet. Detta för att redogöra för en slutsats och besvara forskningsfrågan. Efter genomförd undersökning där vi tagit del av ledares erfarenheter och föreställningar och jämfört med tidigare forskning drar vi slutsatsen om att ledarskap inte direkt har ett bakomliggande genus. Det visar sig att ledarskap är personlighetsbaserat där det skiljer i egenskaper, värderingar och attityder. Detta för att vi är olika som individer och värderar olika. Samtidigt använder sig både manliga och kvinnliga ledare av egenskaper som klassas maskulint respektive feminint. Vi kan dock inte förneka att män av biologiska skäl har ett kroppsspråk och egenskaper som ger en bild av manlig dominans inom ledarskap till skillnad från kvinnor. / In this study, we have chosen to study leadership in reference to the gender perspective, by studying earlier made researches on this subject and comparing it to the empirical part through interviews with leaders. The underlying interest in the chosen subject was highlighted when we compared the number of male leaders with women, through statistics. This showed that there is gender imbalance in the number of leadership positions. Therefore, we chose to investigate in this subject area from several aspects in order to create a vision of the underlying reason why male leaders possess more leadership positions than women. There are numbers of research on differences between male and female leadership, what distinguishes this report from the rest is that our main focus is on leadership in men and women to examine whether leadership has an underlying gender or not. This by studying leadership with regard to the gender perspective, where we emphasize gender equality, leadership, characteristics, power positions but also female and male leadership roles. In this study, we are using a qualitative method through interviews. This is due to the fact that we consider this method as relevant for the report as we strive for deep and comprehensive data. Furthermore, we present previous research and theories in the form of scientific articles and dissertations under our theoretical frame of references. Themes that are highlighted in the theoretical part are leadership, leadership styles, male and female leadership, gender perspective on leadership and stereotypes. In addition to that we also present in the empirical part our collected data from the interviews that are conducted on six different managers, whereas three are men and three are women. There the respondents share their previous experiences and perceptions about the subject. After studying previous research and the responses from the interviewed leaders, we discuss in the analysis and interpretation part the theory and the empirical data. Through this, we compare, interpret and emphasise our own opinions about the chosen subject area. This will lead us to a result that can answer our research question. After examining leaders' experiences and perceptions in relation to previous research, we conclude that leadership does not directly have an underlying gender. It turns out that leadership is based on personalities rather than gender, because it differs in characteristics, values and attitudes. This because we are different as individuals and we value differently. Furthermore, to strengthen this conclusion it has been presented that both male and female leaders use qualities that are classified as either masculine or feminine, with that said they use each other'squalities. However, we cannot deny that men for biological reasons have a body language and characteristics that creates the picture of male dominance in leadership, unlike females.

Právo na spravedlivou odměnu v pracovněprávních vztazích / The right fair remuneration in labor relations

Kavková, Jana January 2021 (has links)
The right to fair remuneration in labor relations Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the right to fair remuneration in labor relations. The topic was chosen mainly thanks to its still high topicality, which is confirmed, among other things, by the submitted proposal for a new directive of the European Commission. Fair remuneration is part of many strategies and initiatives, based primarily on the activities of the European Union, where the Czech Republic is significantly affected by those activities. The aim of this work is to analyze and evaluate the Czech legislation in the context of international sources, especially in comparison with European law. The thesis is divided into an introduction, five parts and a conclusion. The first part is an introduction to the basic concepts related to fair remuneration and to the functions of remuneration. The second part is devoted to selected international conventions, which enshrined the right to fair remuneration and thus significantly contributed to the development of social rights in individual Member States. The greatest attention is focused on the law of the European Union, and the development of future legislation is also outlined. The following third part analyzes and evaluates the Czech legislation. The differences between wages and salaries are...

An Inquiry Into Discourse Choices As Indicators Of Gender Attitudes In A Non-profit Conservative Christian Business

Kruger, Dawn Marie 01 January 2005 (has links)
This paper is an inquiry into the discourse styles of men and women who work together in a conservative Protestant Christian business. Many conservative Protestant Christian churches teach that the Bible forbids women from holding positions of authority over men. Yet in the communications department of this particular business, women fill the top three management positions, supervising a mixed-gender staff of 15. Research has shown that men and women subconsciously use language markers that indicate personal attitudes toward the same and the opposite genders. This research project draws on that information while it analyzes the oral and electronic discourse of the communications staff. The purpose of this study is to observe whether or not the traditional teachings of conservative Protestant Christian churches has influenced the attitudes of these men and women with regard to women in positions of authority over men in a Christian business. Two staff meetings and a lunchroom conversation were audio taped and transcribed to note oral discourse patterns. One hundred and eleven emails were examined to mark patterns of written discourse. This data was then evaluated against published research in the area of gendered discourse markers. The results indicate that two of the three women in leadership positions over men were comfortable with their positions of authority, but the third woman's discourse patterns showed signs of insecurity. Furthermore, the men in the department did not indicate signs that they seek to exercise power over women, nor did they show signs of difficulty in submitting to the authority of the women. The women staff members, however, showed definite indications of being insecure in a mixed group, and of being meekly subordinate to anyone in authority over them. These results, while helpful, are not definitive in that they do not account for the possibility of other influencing factors, such as personality types, job roles and expectations, age differences, or church teachings on meekness and submission to authority. However, the results of this research indicate that some conservative Christian men are ready for and able to embrace the concept of having women in positions of authority over them, even in a Christian environment, and a few conservative, Christian women are ready to step into those positions. Also from this research it could be concluded that, on the average, conservative women struggle more with the shift of authority than men do. More research would need to be done to address that question fully.

Studie genderových postojů žáků a žákyní devátých ročníků vybraných základních škol / Study of gender stereotypes of students (both girls and boys) of the selected basic schools

Zemková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at finding if the ninth-year students (both girls and boys) of selected basic schools have been affected by gender stereotypes, and if the gender stereotypes approach their ideas, perception and decision making. Besides gender concept, the theoretical part also includes chapters related to gender theories, attitudes, gender stereotypes, equal opportunities for men and women in occupation, and the role of men and women in a family. The central chapter deals with topics of gender and education. The practical part of the thesis is focused on determining students'attitudes towards gender area. Using questionnaire inquiry, the author has got data from 204 students (both girls and boys). The obtained data were faced with finding from the relevant literature.

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